KED: A Deontic Theorem Prover

1994, ICLP Workshop: Legal Application of Logic Programming

Deontic logic (DL) is increasingly recognized as an indispensable tool in such application areas as formal representation of legal knowledge and reasoning, formal specification of computer systems and formal analysis of database integrity constraints. Despite this acknowledgement, there have been few attempts to provide computationally tractable inference mechanisms for DL. In this paper we shall be concerned with providing a computationally oriented proof method for standard DL (SDL), i.e., normal systems of modal logic with the usual possible-worlds semantics. Because of the natural and easily implementable style of proof construction it uses, this method seems particularly well-suited for applications in the AI and Law field, and though in the present version it works for SDL only, it forms an appropriate basis for developing efficient proof methods for more expressive and sophisticated extensions of SDL.

KED: A Deontic Theorem Prover Alberto Artosi*, Paola Cattabriga**, Guido Governatori** *Dipartimento di Filosofia, Università di Bologna, via Zamboni,38, 40126 Bologna (Italy), Fax:051-258326. **CIRFID, Università di Bologna, via Galliera, 3, 40126 Bologna (Italy), Fax:051-260782, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]. 1 Introduction Deontic logic (DL) is increasingly recognized as an indispensable tool in such application areas as formal representation of legal knowledge and reasoning, formal specification of computer systems and formal analysis of database integrity constraints. Despite this acknowledgement, there have been few attempts to provide computationally tractable inference mechanisms for DL (most notably [Bel87], [McC83], [McC86], [Sus87]). In this paper we shall be concerned with providing a computationally oriented proof method for standard DL (SDL), i.e., normal systems of modal logic with the usual possible-worlds semantics ([Aq87], [Ch80], [Han65]). Because of the natural and easily implementable style of proof construction it uses, this method seems particularly well-suited for applications in the AI and Law field, and though in the present version it works for SDL only, it forms an appropriate basis for developing efficient proof methods for more expressive and sophisticated extensions of SDL. The content of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, we briefly introduce SDL together with the logical notation being used. In Section 3, we describe the theorem proving system KED. In Sections 4 and 5, we present KED method of proof search. In the last section, we provide a sample of the KED Prolog implementation and give an example output of the program. 2 Preliminaries A system of SDL is a logic (set of axioms scheme and inference rules) based on a standard modal language consisting of a denumerable set of propositional variables and the primitive logical connectives ¬, ∧, ∨, →, P, O for negation, conjunction, disjunction, conditionality, permission and obligation, respectively. We shall use the letters A, B, C,... to denote arbitrary formulas of this language. A system of SDL will be denoted by L. We define an L-model to be a triple <W, R, v> where W is a non-empty set (the set of "possible worlds"), R is a binary relation on W (the "accessibility relation" between the "actual" world and its deontically ideal versions), and v is a mapping from W × S to {T,F} where S is the set of all formulas of our present language. As usual, the notion of L-model appropriate for the logic L can be obtained by restricting R to satisfy the conditions associated with L. The following table gives a complete picture of the systems of SLD we shall consider. KED: A Deontic Theorem Prover L OK D D4 DB D5 D45 Definition PC ∪ {O(A→B) → (OA→OB)} OK ∪ {OA→PA} D ∪ {OA→OOA} D ∪ {A→OPA} D ∪ {PA→OPA} D4 ∪ {PA→OPA} Condition on R no condition idealisation idealisation, transitive idealisation, symmetric idealisation, euclidean idealisation, transitive, euclidean Table 1: Systems of SDL and their associated conditions. To complete the definition, all these logics include modus ponens and the rule of Onecessitation (if we have already proved A, then we can infer OA). The "idealisation" condition corresponds to the obvious requirement that every world in W has at least an ideal version. By a signed formula (S-formula) we shall mean an expression of the form SA where A is a formula and S ∈ {T,F}. Thus TA if v(x,A) = V and FA if v(x,A) = F for some L-model <W,R,v> and x ∈ W. We shall denote by X, Y, Z arbitrary signed formulas. By the conjugate XC of a signed formula X we shall mean the result of changing S to its opposite (thus TA is the conjugate of FA and FA is the conjugate of TA). Two S-formulas X, Z such that Z = XC will be called complementary. For ease of exposition we shall use Smullyan-Fitting's "α,β,ν,π" unifying notation that classifies S-formulas as shown in the following table. α TA∧B FA∨B FA→B T¬A α1 TA FA TA FA ν TOA FPA α2 TB FB FB FA β FA∧B TA∨B TA→B F¬A ν0 TA FA π TPA FOA β1 FA TA FA TA β2 FB TB TB TA π0 TA FA Table 2: Classification of signed formulas according to Smullyan-Fitting's unifying notation. 3 The system KED In this section we describe the proof system KED. The key features of KED are outlined as follows. 3.1 Label formalism Let ΦC = {w1, w2, w3,...} and ΦV = {W1, W2, W3,...} be two (non empty) sets of "world" symbols, respectively constant and variables. We define the set ℑ of "world" labels in the following way: KED: A Deontic Theorem Prover ℑ = U ℑi where ℑi is: 1≤ n ℑ1 = Φ C ∪ Φ V ℑ2 = ℑ1 × Φ C ℑn +1 = ℑ1 × ℑn . That is a label i is either a constant "world" symbol, or a "world" variable, or a "path" term (k',k) where (a) k' ∈ ΦC ∪ ΦV and (b) k ∈ ΦC or k = (m',m) where (m',m) is a label. Intuitively, we may think of a label i ∈ ΦC as denoting a world, and a label i ∈ ΦV as denoting a set of worlds in some L-model. A label i = (k',k) may be viewed as representing a path from k to a (set of) world(s) k' accessible from k. For example, the label (W1,w1) represents a path which takes us to a set W1 (the set of worlds accessible from the initial world w1); (w2,(W1,w1))) represents a path which takes us to a world w2 accessible by any world accessible from w1, (i.e., accessible by the subpath (W1,w1)) and so on (notice that the labels are read from right to left). For any label i = (k',k) we shall call k' the head of i, k the body of i, and denote them by h(i) and b(i) respectively. Notice that these notions are recursive: if b(i) denotes the body of i, then b(b(i)) will denote the body of b(i), b(b(b(i))) will denote the body of b(b(i)), and so on. For example, if i is (w4,(W3,(w3,(W2,w1)))), then b(i) = (W3,(w3,(W2,w1))), b(b(i)) = (w3,(W2,w1)), b(b(b(i))) = (W2,w1), b(b(b(b(i)))) = w1. We call each of b(i), b(b(i)), etc., a segment of i. Let s(i) denote any segment of i (obviously, by definition every segment s(i) of a label i is a label); then h(s(i)) will denote the head of s(i). For any label i, we shall denote the length of i by l(i), where l(i) = n ⇔ i ∈ ℑn.We shall call a label i restricted if h(i) ∈ ΦC, otherwise we shall call it unrestricted. 3.2 Basic unifications We define a substitution in the usual way as a function σ: ΦV → ℑ− where ℑ− = ℑ − ΦV. Following convention we denote by iσ, kσ the result of applying σ to labels i and k. If iσ = kσ we shall say that σ unifies i and k. Two labels i, k will be said σ-unifiable if there is a substitution σ that unifies i and k. In the following we shall use (i,k)σ to denote both that i and k are σ-unifiable and the result of their unification. On this basis we define several specialised, logic-dependent notions of σ-unification. In particular, we define the notion of two labels i, k being σOK-, σD-, σD4- and σD5-unifiable in the following way: (i,k)σOK = (i,k)σ ⇔ (i) at least one of i and k is restricted, and (ii) for every s(i), s(k) such that l(s(i)) = l(s(k)), (s(i),s(k))σOK (i,k)σD = (i,k)σ (i,k)σD4 = h(k) × (h(b(k)) × (...× (t*(k) × (i,s(k))σD)...)) ⇔ l(i)≤l(k), h(i) ∈ ΦV and (i,s(k))σD, or (i,k)σD4 = h(i) × (h(b(i)) × (...× (t*(i) × (s(i),k)σD)...)) ⇔ l(k)≤l(i), h(k) ∈ ΦV and (s(i),k)σD KED: A Deontic Theorem Prover where t*(k) (resp. t*(i)) denotes the element of k (resp. i) which immediately follows s(k) (resp. s(i)). (i,k)σD5 = (h(i),h(k))σ × (b(b(i)),b(k))σL)) ⇔ (h(i),h(k))σ and (b(b(i)),b(k))σL for l(k)≤l(i) or h(b(k)) ∈ ΦC, or (i,k)σD5 = (h(i),h(k))σ × (b(i),b(b(k))σL)) ⇔ (h(i),h(k))σ and (b(i),b(b(k))σL for l(i)≤l(k)or h(b(i)) ∈ ΦC, where σ D or σ D 5 if l (i) = l (k ) σ = D5 σ if l (i ) ≠ l (k ) L The above notions are meant to mirror the conditions on R in the various L-models. Thus the notions of σOK-and σD-unification are related to the idealisation condition. For example, (w2,(W1,w1)), (W3,(W2,w1)) are σD-unifiable but not σOK-unifiable (since the segments (W1,w1), (W2,w1) are not σOK-unifiable by condition (i) of the above definition). The reason is that in the "non idealisable" logic OK the "denotations" of W1 and W2 may be empty (i.e., there can be no worlds accessible from w1), while in the "idealisable" logic D they are not empty, which makes them to be unifiable "on" any constant. For the notion of σD4-unification take for example i = (W3,(w2,w1)) and k = (w5,(w4,(w3,(W2,w1)))). Here s(k) = (w3,(W2,w1)). Then i and k σD4-unify to (w5,(w4,(w3,(w2,w1)))) since ((W3,(w2,w1)),(w3,(W2,w1)))σD. This intuitively means that all the worlds accessible from a subpath s(k) of k are accessible from any path i which turns out to be identical with s(k). Similar intuitive motivations hold for the notion of σD5-unification. 3.3 Reductions For X = 4, B we define the X-reduction, rX(i), of a label i to be a function rX: ℑ → ℑ determined as follows: r (i ) = h(i ), b(b(i )) i, i unrestricted and l (i ) ≤  rB (i ) = b(b(i )), i unrestricted and l (i ) ≥  (h(i ), rB (b(i ))), i restricted The notion of X-reduction holds for the logics whose associated conditions are transitivity and symmetry. As an intuitive explanation, we may think of the X-reduction of a label i as the deletion of "irrelevant" steps from the path represented by i. Thus for example the 4-reduction (w2,w1) of the label (w2,(W1,w1)) amounts to deleting the step to an arbitrary world (in the set) W1 in the path from w1 to a world w2 accessible from all worlds accessible from w1 since if R is constrained to satifsy transitivity, then this step turns out to be irrelevant (w2 is accessible from w1 for all W1 accessible from w1). 3.4 General unification We are now able to define what it means for two labels i, k to be σL-unifiable for L = OK, D, D4, DB, D5, D45: KED: A Deontic Theorem Prover (i) (i,k)σL = (i,k)σ*, where for l(i) = l(k) σ* = σOK, σ* = σD, σ* = σD5, if L = OK if L = D, D4, DB, D5, D45 if L = D5, D45; for l(i) ≠ l(k) σ* = σD4, σ* = σD5, if L = D4 if L = D5, D45. (ii) (i,k)σL = (i,rX(k))σ*, or (rX(i),k)σ*, or (rX(i),rX(k))σ*, where X = 4, X = B, if L = D4, D45 if L = DB. σ* = σD, σ* = σD5, if L = D4, DB, D5, D45 if L = D5, D45. and Notice that in this way all the obvious inclusions among the logics considered are preserved. 3.5 Rules of inference The rules of KED will be defined for pairs X,i where X is a signed formula and i is label. We shall call any pair X,i a labelled signed formula (LS-formula). Two LS-formulas X,i, Z,k such that Z = XC and (i,k)σL are called σL-complementary. The following inference rules hold for all the logics we are considering (i, i', k stand for arbitrary labels). α,i  α1,i ν,i  ν0,(i',i) α,i  α2,i [(i',i) unrestricted and i' new] β,i βC1,k  β2,(i,k)σL β,i βC2,k  β1,(i,k)σL π,i  [(i',i) restricted and i' new] π0,(i',i) [(i,k)σL] KED: A Deontic Theorem Prover PB [i restricted] X,i XC,i X,i XC,k [(i,k)σL] PNC × (i,k)σL Here the α-rules are just the usual linear branch-expansion rules of the tableau method, while the β-rules correspond to such common natural inference patterns as modus ponens, modus tollens, etc. The rules for the modal operators bear a not unexpected resemblance to the familiar quantifier rules of the tableau method. "i' new" in the proviso for the ν- and πrule obviously means: i' must not have occurred in any label yet used. Notice that in all inferences via an α-rule the label of the premise carries over unchanged to the conclusion, and in all inferences via a β-rule the labels of the premises must be σL-unifiable, so that the conclusion inherits their unification. (The underlying intuitive motivation is that LSformulas whose labels are σL-unifiable turns out to be true (false) at the same world(s) relative to the associated conditions on R). PB (the "Principle of Bivalence") and PNC (the "Principle of Non-Contradiction") are "structural" rules. PB represents the (LS-version of the) semantic counterpart of the cut rule of the sequent calculus (intuitive meaning: a formula A is either true or false in any given world, whence the requirement that i be restricted). PNC corresponds to the familiar branch-closure rule of the tableau method, saying that from a contradiction of the form (occurrence of a pair of σL-complementary LS-formulas) X,i, XC,k on a branch we may infer the closure ("×") of the branch. The (i,k) σL in the "conclusion" of PNC means that the contradiction holds "in the same world". It can be proved ([AG93],[AG94]) that the above rules give a sound and complete system for a wide variety of normal modal logics. 4 Proof search As usual with refutation methods, a proof of a formula A of L consists of attempting to construct a countermodel for A by assuming that A is false in some arbitrary L-model. Every successful proof discovers a contradiction in the putative countermodel. In this section we describe an algorithm which does this job and that can be easily implemented in Prolog (see Section 7 below). The following definitions are extensions to the modal case of those given for the classical case in [DM94]. By a KED-tree we mean a tree generated by the inference rules of KED. A branch τ of a KED-tree will be said to be σL-closed if it ends with an application of PNC. A KED-tree will be said to be σL-closed if all its branches are σL-closed. A L-proof of a formula A is a σL-closed KED-tree starting with FA,i. Given a branch τ of a KED-tree, we shall call a LSformula X,i E-analysed in τ if either (i) X is of type α and both α1,i and α2,i occur in τ; or (ii) X is of type β and one of the following conditions is satisfied: (a) if βC1,k occurs in τ and (i,k)σL, then also β2,(i,k)σL occurs in τ, (b) if βC2,k occurs in τ and (i,k)σL, then also β1,(i,k)σL occurs in τ; or (iii) X is of type ν and ν0,(i',i) occurs in τ for some i' ∈ ΦV not previously occurring in τ, or (iv) X is of type π and π0,(i',i) occurs in τ for some i' ∈ ΦC not previously occurring in τ. We shall call a branch τ of a KED-tree E-completed if every LSformula in it is E-analysed and there are no complementary formulas which are not σLcomplementary. Finally, we shall call a LS-formula X,i of type β fulfilled in a branch τ if KED: A Deontic Theorem Prover either β1,i' or β2,i' occur in τ, where either (i) i' = i, or (ii) i' is obtained from i by instantiating h(i) to a constant not occurring in i, or (iii) i' = (i,k)σL for some βCi,k (i = 1,2) such that (i,k)σL. We shall say that a branch τ of a KED-tree is completed if it is both Ecompleted and all the LS-formulas of type β in it are fulfilled. We shall call a KED-tree completed if every branch is completed. Let us denote by Λ (Lambda) the set of LSformulas which occur non analysed, by ∆ (Delta) any branch, and by ഡ the set of labels. The KED algorithm runs as follows (the quotations in brackets refer to the Prolog implementation in Section 7). To prove a formula A of L STEP 0. Assign to A an arbitrary constant label i, and put SA,i in ∆ and i in ഡ . STEP 1 (cke 1). If a pair of σL-complementary LS-formulas occurs in ∆, then the tree is σLclosed and A is a theorem of L. STEP 2 (cke 3). Delete all literals from ∆. If ∆ is empty, then the tree is completed. STEPS 3, 4 (cke 5,6). For each formula π,i (ν,i) in ∆ (i) generate a new restricted (unrestricted) label (i',i) and add it to ഡ ; (ii) add π0,(i',i) (ν0,(i',i)) to Λ; and (iii) delete π,i (ν,i) from ∆. STEP 5 (cke 7). For each formula α,i in ∆, (i) add α1,i, α2,i to ∆; (ii) delete α,i from ∆; and (iii) add α,i to Λ. STEP 6 (cke 8). For each formula β,i in ∆, such that either β1,k or β2,k is in ∆ ∪ Λ and (i,k)σL, (i) delete β,i from ∆, and (ii) add β,i to Λ. STEP 7 (cke 9,10). For each formula β,i in ∆ such that either βC1,k or βC2,k is in ∆ ∪ Λ and (i,k)σL for some label k, (i) add β2(i,k)σL or β1(i,k)σL to ∆; (ii) delete β,i from ∆; (iii) add the labels resulting from the σL-unification to ഡ ; and (iv) add β,i to Λ. STEP 8.1 (cke 11). For each formula β,i in ∆, if ∆∪ Λ does not contain formulas βC1,k such that i, k are not σL-unifiable, then form sets ∆1 = ∆∪β1,m and ∆2 = ∆∪βC1,m (where (i,m)σL, and m is a given restricted label). STEP 8.2 (cked 12). For each formula β,i in ∆, if ∆∪ Λ does not contain formulas βC2,k such that i, k are not σL-unifiable, then form sets ∆1 = ∆∪β2,m, and ∆2 = ∆∪βC2,m (where (i,m)σL, and m is a given restricted label). Remark 1: The steps 8.1 and 8.2 are logic and label dependent. This mean that if the label of X is restricted, its immediate signed subformulas have the same label as X, otherwise we have to deal with two cases: a) search whether ഡ contains restricted labels which σLunify with the label of X; if so the rule is applied to all such labels; b) if L is an idealisable logic then, if the search fails, h(i) is instantiated to a new constant label not previously occurring. KED: A Deontic Theorem Prover STEP 9 (cke14). If Λ contains two complementary but not σL-complementary formulas, search in ഡ for restricted labels which σL-unify with both the labels of the complementary formulas; if we find such labels then the tree is closed and A is a theorem of L. STEP 10 (cke15). If Λ contains two complementary but not σL-complementary formulas , search in ഡ for restricted labels which σL-unify with both the labels of the complementary formulas; if we do not find such labels then the tree is completed and A is not a theorem of L. This procedure is based on the procedure for canonical KED-trees. A KED-tree is said to be canonical iff the applications of 1-premise rule come before the applications of 2premise rules, which preceed the applications of the 0-premise rule. The following theorems state some interessing properties of canonical KED-trees: THEOREM 1. A canonical KED-tree always terminates. THEOREM 2. A KED-tree for a formula A of L is closed iff the canonical KED-tree for A is closed. Theorem 1 follows from the fact that at each step there are at most a finite number of new LS-formulas of less complexity, and that the number of labels which can occur in the KED-tree for a formula A (of L) is limited by the number of modal operators in A. Theorem 2 follows from the fact that a canonical KED-tree is a KED-tree and that a KEDtree explores all the possibile alternatives that can imply closure (for detail see [ACG94a]). Remark 2: It should be noticed that in the above procedure PB is applied only to immediate signed subformulas of LS-formulas of type β which occur (unfulfilled) in the chosen branch, and only when the branch has been E-completed, i.e., when the E-rules are no further applicable. Such a restricted use of the cut rule removes from the search space the redundancy generated by the standard tableau branching rules. Indeed it is easy to see that the given procedure makes all choices in such a way that at each step of proof search the search space is as small as possible, while preserving the subformula property of proofs (see [DM94]). 5 An example We illustrate the KED-based search procedure with the help of an example. The following is a D-proof of the formula (PA∨OB)→P(A∨B). (1) F(PA∨OB)→P(A∨B), w1 (2) TPA∨OB, w1 (3) FP(A∨B), w1 (4) FA∨B, (W1,w1) (5) FA, (W1,w1) (6) FB, (W1,w1) (7) TPA, w1 (8) FPA, w1 (9) TA, (w2,w1) (10) TOB, w1 × (w2,w1) (11) TB, (W2,w1) × (w2,w1) KED: A Deontic Theorem Prover The steps leading to the nodes (1)-(6) are straightforward. At this stage, to complete the branch we pick out the only LS-formula of type β which is not yet fulfilled in it, i.e., (2), and apply PB so that the resulting LS-formulas are (7) and (8). At this point an application of π-rule σD-closes the left branch ((5) and (9) are obviously σD-complementary by condition (i) of the above definition). To make the right branch E-completed, we choose the only LS-formula of type β which is not yet analysed in it, i.e., (2), and try to σD-unify its label with the label of βC1,k (i.e., (8)). Since this unification succeeds we are allowed to derive β2,(i,k)σD at the node (10). Now an application of ν-rule σD-closes the branch. The resulting KED-tree is thus σD-closed. Notice that (6) and (11), are σD- but not σOKcomplementary (their labels are obviously not σOK-unifiable, and thus not σOK-unifiable). Then this KED-tree constitutes a D- (and, of course, a D4-, DB-) proof, but not a OK-proof of the given formula. 6 Final remarks Let us conclude with some comments on KED and related systems. In our opinion KED has several advantages over most automated theorem proving systems for non-classical logics currently available. Here we mention only a few. In contrast with both clausal and non clausal resolution methods ([AEH90], [AM86], [Cia86], [EF89], [Far85], [Far86], [Cha87]), and in general "translation-based" methods ([AE92], [Ohl87], [Ohl89], [Ohl91]), KED requires no preprocessing of the input formulas and provides a simple and uniform treatment of a wide class of normal modal logics ([AG94], [ACG94b]). From this perspective it is similar to sequent or tableau proof methods ([Fit88], [GD88], [JR89], [Wol85]), which avoid ad hoc manipulation of the modal formulas and can be easily extended to a wide variety of non-classical logics. Nevertheless, it is well-known that sequent/tableau inference techniques are affected by considerable redundancies which prevent the development of computationally efficient proof search methods. KED is based on Mondadori's ([Mon88]) classical proof system KE which, though being tableau-like, has been proved ([DM94]) to offer many computational advantages over standard tableau method, including considerable gain in efficiency and conciseness. The critical feature of KED is that it developed as a labelled system, similar in spirit to D'Agostino and Gabbay [DG93]) tableau extensionwith labels. The idea of using a label scheme to bookkeep "world" paths in modal theorem proving is not new, going back at least to [Fi66]. Similar, or related, ideas are found in [Fit72], [Fit83], [Tap87] and [Wri85] and, more recently, in [Cat91], [JR89], [Wal90] and also in the "translation" tradition of [Ae92], [Ohl89], [Ohl91], [Ohl93]. As in Wallen's ([Wal90], [Gen93]) matrix proof method, KED's label scheme allows the modal operators to be dealt with using a specialized, logic-dependent unification algorithm to overcome the non-permutability of the usual tableau (and resolution) modal rules. However, unlike the Wallen's method (a generalization of Bibel's classical connection method) KED implements directly familiar, natural inference patterns, and so it appears to provide an adequate basis for combining both efficiency and naturalness. In effect, we believe that KED lends itself well to both interactive and AI applications. As its Prolog implementation (see Section 7 below) has shown, KED method of proof is simple and easy to implement - but simple enough to be used without a machine. These are not, however, the only advantages of KED's label unification scheme. For example, the index formalism of Jackson and Reichgelt's ([JR89]) sequent-resolution based proof system is almost identical, but the unification algorithm used to resolve KED: A Deontic Theorem Prover complementary formulas in the various modal logics does not work for the non-idealisable K logics. Further advantages of KED label formalism are that (i) it avoids loop-checking and reduplication (see Section 4 above); (ii) it supports a deduction method closely related to the semantics of modal operators; and (iii) it works for modal logics whose characteristic semantic properties have no first-order characterization, such as the GödelLöb logic of provability [Boo79]. In this paper we have been concerned with SDL. This may be seen as a major limitation, since it is currently held that SDL fails to provide a framework suited for applications in the AI and Law field, its use being limited to very general and unproblematic features of normative language and reasoning. Nervertheless, the method for automated deduction in SDL we presented in this paper is sufficiently generic and flexible to provide an appropriate algorithmic proof framework for deontic logics of greater richness and complexity. For example, it can be easily extended to multi modal logics (e.g., to the deontic logic of the Jones-Pörn type [JP85]), by simply introducing several sorts of "worlds", both constants and variables, or by building indexed labels where an index tells us what kind of world is denoted by a label, and the way you get there. Moreover several specialised substitutions have to be defined in order to conform to the constraints of the logic to be dealt with (of course, these tecniques can be combined). 7 A sample of a KED Prolog program The following Prolog implementation of KED is based on that of the classical proof system KE by Pitt and D'Agostino (see [DP94]). KED selects a deontic logic L and it runs the KED rules for that logic. If the input formula is a theorem of L the program will output the entire reserch path with the final answer "closed" "theorem of L", and KED stops to run. If the input formula is not L-satisfiable, KED selects another logic and try to find the solution. The complete Prolog version of KEM ("M" for "modal") can prove formulas of the following logics K, D, T, K4, D4, S4, K5, D5, KB, DB, B, K4B, K45, D45, and S5 (see [ACG94a]). The ":" operator attaches labels to formulas and "labeltree()" records the labels. In this way the labels have a semantical control concurrent function over the syntactical inference rules. In what follows, ->, +, &, ˜, $, @ denotes →, ∨, ∧, ¬, P, O respectively. Quintus implementations on SparcStation 10. /* KED - Deontic Theorem Proving - by Alberto Artosi, Paola Cattabriga,and Guido Governatori.*/ :- ensure_loaded(library(basics)). :- ensure_loaded(library(occurs)). :- ensure_loaded(library(term_depth)). :- op(800,xfx,:). :- op(600,xfy,->). :- op(550,xfy,+). :- op(450,xfy,&). :- op(300,fy, ~). :- op(240,fy,$). :- op(240,fy,@). all_log(SetOfFormula):findall(SetOfFormula,pr(SetOfFormula),_). pr(SetOfFormula):- logic(L), pr1(SetOfFormula), retract(log(L)). pr(L,SetOfFormula):- logic(L), pr1(SetOfFormula), retractall(log(LL)). pr1(SetOfFormula):- statistics(runtime,[T1|_]), log(L), assert(labeltree([i(w(1),w(1))])), label(SetOfFormula,SLF), cke(SLF,[],Result), !, statistics(runtime,[T2|_]), T is T2 - T1, write(Result), write(' in '), write(L), nl, write(' in '), write(T), write(' msecs.'), nl,nl, KED: A Deontic Theorem Prover retract(labeltree(_)). cke(_,Lambda,unsatisfiable):member(I: ~A,Lambda), member(K: A,Lambda), log(L), unifylow(L,I,K,_), write(I: ~A), write(', '), write(K: A), write(' unify in '), write(L), nl, write(Lambda), write('***closed'), nl, !. cke([],Lambda,satisfiable):write(Lambda), write('***completed'), nl, !. cke(Delta,Lambda,Result):append(H,[F|T],Delta), literal(F), append(H,T,Delta1), write(Delta), write( <---> ), write(Lambda), nl, write('literal'), nl, cke(Delta1,[F|Lambda],Result). cke(Delta,Lambda,Result):append(H,[I: ~(~A)|T],Delta), append(H,[I:A|T],Delta1), write('double negation elimination'), nl, cke(Delta1,[I: ~(~A)|Lambda],Result). cke(Delta,Lambda,Result):append(H,[I: F|T],Delta), type_ni(I: F,K: A), genv(I,K), labeltree(K,V), append(H,[K: A|T],Delta1), write(Delta), write( <---> ), write(Lambda), nl, write('ni elimination'), nl, cke(Delta1,[I: F|Lambda],Result). cke(Delta,Lambda,Result):append(H,[I: F|T],Delta), type_pi(I: F,K : A), genc(I,K), labeltree(K,V), append(H,[K: A|T],Delta1), write(Delta), write( <---> ), write(Lambda), nl, write('pi elimination'), nl, cke(Delta1,[I: F|Lambda],Result). cke(Delta,Lambda,Result):append(H,[F|T],Delta), type_alpha(F,A1,A2), append(H,[A1,A2|T],Delta1), write(Delta), write( <---> ), write(Lambda), nl, write('alpha elimination'), nl, cke(Delta1,[F|Lambda],Result). cke(Delta,Lambda,Result):- append(H,[I: F|T],Delta), type_beta(I: F,K: B1,R:B2), append(Delta,Lambda,DuL), log(L), ((member(K: B1,DuL), unifylow(L,I,K,_), write(I: F), write(', '),write(K: B1), write(' unify in '), write(L), nl); (member(R: B2,DuL), unifylow(L,I,R,_), write(I: F), write(', '),write(R: B2), write(' unify in '), write(L), nl)), append(H,T,Delta1), write(Delta), write( <---> ), write(Lambda), nl, write('beta semplification 1'), nl, cke(Delta1,[I: F|Lambda],Result). cke(Delta,Lambda,Result):append(H,[X: F|T],Delta), type_beta(X: F,B1,Q: B2), append(Delta,Lambda,DuL), complement(B1,Y: B1c), member(Y: B1c,DuL), log(L), unifylow(L,X,Y,R), labeltree(R,V), append(H,[R: B2|T],Delta1), write(X: F), write(', '),write(Y: B1c), write(' unify in '), write(L), nl, write(Delta), write( <---> ), write(Lambda), nl, write('beta elimination 1'), nl, cke(Delta1,[F|Lambda],Result). cke(Delta,Lambda,Result):append(H,[X: F|T],Delta), type_beta(X: F,Q: B1,B2), append(Delta,Lambda,DuL), complement(B2,Y: B2c), member(Y: B2c,DuL), log(L), unifylow(L,X,Y,R),labeltree(R,V), append(H,[R:B1|T],Delta1), write(X: F), write(', '),write(Y: B2c), write(' unify in '), write(L), nl, write(Delta), write( <---> ), write(Lambda), nl, write('beta elimination 2'), nl, cke(Delta1,[F|Lambda],Result). cke(Delta,Lambda,Result):append(H,[I: F|T],Delta), type_beta(I: F,K: B1,_), labeltree(V), log(L), ((member(i(w(Y),X),V), unifylow(L,I,i(w(Y),X),_),i(w(Y),X)= K); ((log(d); log(d4); log(d5); log(d45); log(db)), memb(i(vw(Z),X1),V), genc(X1,K), unifylow(L,I,K,_))), write(I: F), write(', '),write(K: B1), write(' unify in '), write(L), nl, complement(K: B1,K: B1c), append(H,[K: B1,I: F|T],Delta1), KED: A Deontic Theorem Prover append(H,[K: B1c,I: F|T],Delta2), write('pb1'), nl, write('branch 1'), nl, cke(Delta1,Lambda,R1), write('branch 2'), nl, cke(Delta2,Lambda,R2), eval(R1,R2,Result). cke(Delta,Lambda,Result):append(H,[I: F|T],Delta), type_beta(I: F,_,K: B2), labeltree(V), log(L), ((member(i(w(Y),X),V), unifylow(L,I,i(w(Y),X),_),i(w(Y),X)= K); ((log(d); log(d4); log(d5); log(d45); log(db)), memb(i(vw(Z),X1),V), genc(X1,K), unifylow(L,I,K,_))), write(I: F), write(', '),write(K: B2), write(' unify in '), write(L), nl, complement(K: B2,K: B2c), append(H,[K: B2,I: F|T],Delta1), append(H,[K: B2c,I: F|T],Delta2), write('pb2'), nl, write('branch 1'), nl, cke(Delta1,Lambda,R1), write('branch 2'), nl, cke(Delta2,Lambda,R2), eval(R1,R2,Result). cke(_,Lambda,unsatifiable):member(I: ~A,Lambda), member(K: A,Lambda), labeltree(H), member(i(w(Y),X),H), R = i(w(Y),X), log(L), unifylow(L,K,R,R1), unifylow(L,I,R,R1), write(I: ~A), write(', '), write(K: A), write(' unify in '), write(L), nl, write(Lambda), write('***closed pb mod'), nl, !. cke([],Lambda,satisfiable):member(I: ~A,Lambda), member(K: A,Lambda), labeltree(H), member(i(w(Y),X),H), R = i(w(Y),X), log(L), \+ unifylow(L,K,R,R1), \+ unifylow(L,I,R,R1), write(Lambda), write('***completed pb mod'), nl, !. eval(satisfiable,_,satisfiable). eval(_,satisfiable,satisfiable). eval(_,_,unsatisfiable). literal(I:A):- atom(A). literal(I: ~A):- atom(A). complement(I: ~A,K: A). complement(I: A,K: ~A). type_alpha(I: ~(A+B),I: ~A,I: ~B). type_alpha(I: A&B,I: A,I: B). type_alpha(I: ~(A->B),I: A,I: ~B). type_beta(I: A+B,J: A,K: B). type_beta(I: ~(A&B),J: ~A,K: ~B). type_beta(I: A->B,J: ~A,K: B). type_ni(I : $ A,K : A). type_pi(I : @ A,K : A). type_ni(I : ~ @ A,K : ~A). type_pi(I : ~ $ A,K : ~A). label([],[]). label([T|C],[Y: T|C1]):- labeltree(X), member(Y,X),label(C,C1). labeltree(K,V):- labeltree(V), retract(labeltree(V)), assert(labeltree([K|V])). costants(w(1)). costants(w(N1)):- costants(w(N)), N1 is N+ 1. variables(vw(1)). variables(vw(N1)):- variables(vw(N)), N1 is N+ 1. genc(_,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1)))):- labeltree([i(w(1),w(1))]). genc(I,i(w(N),I)):- labeltree(T), costants(w(N)), append([A|_],C,T), \+ (sub_term(w(N),A)), !. genv(_,i(vw(1),i(w(1),w(1)))):- labeltree([i(w(1),w(1))]). genv(I,i(vw(N),I)):- labeltree(T), variables(vw(N)), append([A|_],C,T), \+ (sub_term(vw(N),A)), !. logic(L):- selectlogic(L), assert(log(L)). selectlogic(k). selectlogic(d). selectlogic(d4). selectlogic(d5). selectlogic(d45). selectlogic(db). /* unification theory over labels */ unifylow(L,X,Y,Z):- log(L), low(L,X,Y,Z). low(k,X,Y,Z):- lowunifyk(X,Y,Z). low(d,X,Y,Z):- unifyd(X,Y,Z). low(d4,X,Y,Z):- lowunifyd4(X,Y,Z). low(d5,X,Y,Z):- lowunifyd5(X,Y,Z). low(d45,X,Y,Z):- lowunifyd45(X,Y,Z). low(db,X,Y,Z):- lowunifydb(X,Y,Z). unifyd(vw(N),vw(N1),vw(N2)):- (N >= N1, N2 = N); N1 =N2. unifyd(w(N),vw(N1),w(N)). unifyd(vw(N1),w(N),w(N)). KED: A Deontic Theorem Prover unifyd(w(N),w(N),w(N)). unifyd(i(A,B),i(C,D),i(E,G)):- functor(i(A,B),F,N), functor(i(C,D),F,N), unifyargs(N,i(A,B),i(C,D),i(E,G)). unifyargs(N,X,Y,T):- N>0, unifyarg(N,X,Y,AT), N1 is N - 1, functor(T,i,2), arg(N,T,AT), unifyargs(N1,X,Y,T). unifyargs(0,X,Y,T). unifyarg(N,X,Y,AT):- arg(N,X,AX), arg(N,Y,AY), unifyd(AX,AY,AT). /* reductions and low unifications*/ /*low unification for K, D are equal to high unification.*/ reduct4(i(w(N),w(N1)),i(w(N),w(N1))):- !. reduct4(i(vw(N),w(N1)),i(vw(N),w(N1))):- !. reduct4(i(vw(N),i(vw(N1),w(N2))),i(vw(N),i(vw(N1),w(N2)))):- !. reduct4(i(vw(N),i(w(N1),w(N2))),i(vw(N),i(w(N1),w(N2)))):- !. reduct4(T1,T2):- compound(T1), arg(1,T1,H1), arg(2,T1,B1), arg(2,B1,BB1), functor(T2,i,2), arg(1,T2,H1), arg(2,T2,BB1). reductb(i(w(N),w(N1)),i(w(N),w(N1))):- !. reductb(i(vw(N),w(N1)),i(vw(N),w(N1))):- !. reductb(i(vw(N),i(vw(N1),w(N2))),i(vw(N),i(vw(N1),w(N2)))):- !. reductb(i(vw(N),i(w(N1),w(N2))),i(vw(N),i(w(N1),w(N2)))):- !. reductb(T1,T2):- compound(T1), H = i(vw(N),S), sub_term(H,T1), arg(2,S,B1), subs(H,T1,B1,T2). reduct5(i(w(1),w(1)),i(w(1),w(1))):- !. reduct5(i(vw(N),w(N1)),i(vw(N),w(N1))):- !. reduct5(T1,T2):- compound(T1), H = i(w(N), S), sub_term(H,T1), arg(2,S,B1), subs(H,T1,B1,T2). lowunifyd4(R1,T2,T3). lowunifyd4(T1,T2,T3):- reduct4(T2,R2), T2 \== R2, lowunifyd4(T1,R2,T3). lowunifyd4(T1,T2,T3):- reduct4(T1,R1), reduct4(T2,R2), T1 \== R1, T2 \== R2, lowunifyd4(R1,R2,T3). lowunifydb(T1,T2,T3):- arg(1,T1,w(Y)), arg(1,T2,w(X)), X \== Y, !, fail. lowunifydb(T1,T2,T3):- unifyd(T1,T2,T3). lowunifydb(T1,T2,T3):- reductb(T1,R1), T1 \== R1, lowunifydb(R1,T2,T3). lowunifydb(T1,T2,T3):- reductb(T2,R2), T2 \== R2, lowunifydb(T1,R2,T3). lowunifydb(T1,T2,T3):- reductb(T1,R1), reductb(T2,R2), T1 \== R1, T2 \== R2, lowunifydb(R1,R2,T3). lowunifyd5(T1,T2,T3):- unifyd(T1,T2,T3). lowunifyd5(T1,T2,T3):- unifyd5(T1,T2,T3). lowunifyd5(T1,T2,T3):- reduct5(T1,R1), T1 \== R1, lowunifyd5(R1,T2,T3). lowunifyd5(T1,T2,T3):- reduct5(T2,R2), T2 \== R2, lowunifyd5(T1,R2,T3). lowunifyd5(T1,T2,T3):- reduct5(T1,R1), reduct5(T2,R2), T1 \== R1, T2 \== R2, lowunifyd5(R1,R2,T3). lowunifyd45(T1,T2,T3):- arg(1,T1,w(Y)), arg(1,T2,w(X)), X \== Y, !, fail. lowunifyd45(T1,T2,T3):- lowunifyd5(T1,T2,T3). lowunifyd45(T1,T2,T3):- reduct4(T1,R1), T1 \== R1, lowunifyd45(R1,T2,T3). lowunifyd45(T1,T2,T3):- reduct4(T2,R2), T2 \== R2, lowunifyd45(T1,R2,T3). lowunifyd45(T1,T2,T3):- reduct4(T1,R1), reduct4(T2,R2), T1 \== R1, T2 \== R2, lowunifyd45(R1,R2,T3). /* high unification */ reduct5(T1,T2):- compound(T1), arg(1,T1,H1), arg(2,T1,B1), arg(2,B1,BB1), functor(T2,i,2), arg(1,T2,H1), arg(2,T2,BB1). subs(T,T,T1,T1):- !. subs(_,T,_,T):- atom(T), !. subs(S,T,S1,T1):- T =..[F|Arg], subslist(S,Arg, S1,Arg1), T1 =.. [F|Arg1]. subslist(_,[],_,[]). subslist(S,[T|Ts], S1,[T1|T1s]):- subs(S,T,S1,T1), subslist(S,Ts,S1,T1s). lowunifyk(T1,T2,T3):- unifyk(T1,T2,T3). lowunifyd4(T1,T2,T3):- arg(1,T1,w(Y)), arg(1,T2,w(X)), X \== Y, !, fail. lowunifyd4(T1,T2,T3):- unifyd(T1,T2,T3); unifyd4(T1,T2,T3). lowunifyd4(T1,T2,T3):- reduct4(T1,R1), T1 \== R1, unifyk(T1,T2,T3):- arg(1,T1,H1), arg(1,T2,H2), (H1 = w(N); H2 = w(N)), unifyd(T1,T2,T3). unifyd4(T1,T2,T3):- mycompare(>,T1,T2), arg(1,T2,vw(N)), arg(2,T1,B1), arg(1,T1,H1), unifyd(H1,vw(N),H3), functor(T3,i,2), arg(1,T3,H3), arg(2,T3,B3), (unifyd(B1,T2,B3); unifyd4(B1,T2,B3)). unifyd4(T1,T2,T3):- mycompare(<,T1,T2), arg(1,T1,vw(N)), arg(2,T2,B2), arg(1,T2,H2), unifyd(H2,vw(N),H3), functor(T3,i,2), arg(1,T3,H3), arg(2,T3,B3), (unifyd(T1,B2,B3); unifyd4(T1,B2,B3)). unifyd5(T1,T2,T3):- (arg(1,T1,w(N)); mycompare(=,T1,T2)), arg(1,T2,H2), KED: A Deontic Theorem Prover unifyd(w(N),H2,H3), arg(2,T1,B1), arg(2,B1,BB1), arg(2,T2,B2), (unifyd(BB1,B2,B3); unifyd5(BB1,B2,B3)), functor(T3,i,2), arg(1,T3,H3), arg(2,T3,B3). unifyd5(T1,T2,T3):- (arg(1,T2,w(N)); mycompare(=,T1,T2)) , arg(1,T1,H1), unifyd(H1,w(N),H3), arg(2,T2,B2), arg(2,B2,BB2), arg(2,T1,B1), (unifyd(B1,BB2,B3); unifyd5(B1,BB2,B3)), functor(T3,i,2), arg(1,T3,H3), arg(2,T3,B3). unifyd5(T1,T2,T3):- (arg(1,T1,w(N)); mycompare(>,T1,T2)) , arg(1,T2,H2), unifyd(w(N),H2,H3), arg(2,T1,B1), arg(2,B1,BB1), arg(2,T2,B2), unifyd5(BB1,B2,B3), functor(T3,i,2), arg(1,T3,H3), arg(2,T3,B3). unifyd5(T1,T2,T3):- (arg(1,T2,w(N)); mycompare(<,T1,T2)) , arg(1,T1,H1), unifyd(H1,w(N),H3), arg(2,T2,B2), arg(2,B2,BB2), arg(2,T1,B1), unifyd5(B1,BB2,B3), functor(T3,i,2), arg(1,T3,H3), arg(2,T3,B3). mycompare(Rel,T1,T2):- term_depth(T1,N1), term_depth(T2,N2), compare(Rel,N1,N2). Example | ?- pr(d,[~((@a + $b) -> $(a+b))]). [i(w(1),w(1)): ~ (@a+ $b-> $ (a+b))]<--->[] alpha elimination [i(w(1),w(1)): @a+ $b,i(w(1),w(1)): ~ $ (a+b)]<--->[i(w(1),w(1)): ~ (@a+ $b-> $(a+b))] pi elimination [i(w(1),w(1)): @a+ $b,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~ (a+b)]<--->[i(w(1),w(1)): ~ $ (a+b),i(w(1),w(1)): ~ (@a+ $b-> $ (a+b))] alpha elimination [i(w(1),w(1)): @a+ $b,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~a,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~b]<--->[i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~ (a+b),i(w(1),w(1)): ~ $ (a+b), i(w(1),w(1)): ~ (@a+ $b-> $(a+b))] literal [i(w(1),w(1)): @a+ $b,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~b]<--->[i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~a,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~ (a+b),i(w(1),w(1)): ~ $ (a+b), i(w(1),w(1)): ~ (@a+ $b-> $(a+b))] literal i(w(1),w(1)): @a+ $b, i(w(1),w(1)): @a unify in d pb1 branch 1 [i(w(1),w(1)): @a,i(w(1),w(1)): @a+ $b]<--->[i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~b,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~a,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~ (a+b), i(w(1),w(1)): ~ $ (a+b),i(w(1),w(1)): ~ (@a+ $b-> $ (a+b))] pi elimination [i(w(3),i(w(1),w(1))):a,i(w(1),w(1)): @a+ $b]<--->[i(w(1),w(1)): @a,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~b,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~a ,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~ (a+b),i(w(1),w(1)): ~ $ (a+b),i(w(1),w(1)): ~ (@a+ $b-> $ (a+b))] literal i(w(1),w(1)): @a+ $b, i(w(1),w(1)): @a unify in d [i(w(1),w(1)): @a+ $b]<--->[i(w(3),i(w(1),w(1))):a,i(w(1),w(1)): @a,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~b,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~a ,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~ (a+b),i(w(1),w(1)): ~ $ (a+b),i(w(1),w(1)): ~ (@a+ $b-> $ (a+b))] beta semplification 1 [i(w(1),w(1)): @a+ $b,i(w(3),i(w(1),w(1))):a,i(w(1),w(1)): @a,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~b,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~a, (w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~ (a+b),i(w(1),w(1)): ~ $(a+b),i(w(1),w(1)): ~ (@a+ $b-> $ (a+b))]***completed branch 2 [i(w(1),w(1)): ~ @a,i(w(1),w(1)): @a+ $b]<--->[i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~b,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~a,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~ (a+b), (w(1),w(1)): ~ $ (a+b),i(w(1),w(1)): ~ (@a+ $b-> $ (a+b))] ni elimination [i(vw(1),i(w(1),w(1))): ~a,i(w(1),w(1)): @a+ $b]<--->[i(w(1),w(1)): ~ @a,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~b,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~a, (w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~ (a+b),i(w(1),w(1)): ~ $ (a+b),i(w(1),w(1)): ~ (@a+ $b-> $ (a+b))] literal i(w(1),w(1)): @a+ $b, i(w(1),w(1)): ~ @a unify in d [i(w(1),w(1)): @a+ $b]<--->[i(vw(1),i(w(1),w(1))): ~a,i(w(1),w(1)): ~ @a,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~b,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~a, (w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~ (a+b),i(w(1),w(1)): ~ $ (a+b),i(w(1),w(1)): ~ (@a+ $b-> $ (a+b))] beta elimination 1 KED: A Deontic Theorem Prover [i(w(1),w(1)): $b]<--->[@a+ $b,i(vw(1),i(w(1),w(1))): ~a,i(w(1),w(1)): ~ @a,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~b,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~a, (w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~ (a+b),i(w(1),w(1)): ~ $ (a+b),i(w(1),w(1)): ~ (@a+ $b-> $ (a+b))] ni elimination [i(vw(1),i(w(1),w(1))):b]<--->[i(w(1),w(1)): $b,@a+ $b,i(vw(1),i(w(1),w(1))): ~a,i(w(1),w(1)): ~ @a,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~b, (w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~a,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~ (a+b),i(w(1),w(1)): ~ $ (a+b),i(w(1),w(1)): ~ (@a+ $b-> $ (a+b))] literal i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~b, i(vw(1),i(w(1),w(1))):b unify in d [i(vw(1),i(w(1),w(1))):b,i(w(1),w(1)): $b,@a+ $b,i(vw(1),i(w(1),w(1))): ~a,i(w(1),w(1)): ~ @a,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~b, (w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~a,i(w(2),i(w(1),w(1))): ~ (a+b),i(w(1),w(1)): ~ $ (a+b),i(w(1),w(1)): ~ (@a+ $b-> $ (a+b))] ***closed satisfiable in d in 267 msecs. 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