MHD Flow Control for Plasma Technology Applications
G. Herdrich *,**),M. Auweter-Kurtz *,**),M. Fertig*), A. Nawaz*), D. Petkow *)
*)Institut fur Raumfahrtsysteme (IRS), UniversiHit Stuttgart
Stuttgart, D-70550, Germany
**)steinbeis Transfer Centre Plasma and Space Technology (STC PRT)
Stuttgart, D-70550, Germany
MHD effects ansmg in plasma sources such as short-pulsed magnetoplasmadynamic
generators and inductively heated plasma generators are analyzed with both algebraic models
and measured data. Functional principles of the sources based on their MHD behavior are
explained. Moreover, Stewart number is calculated for the systems and- based on this
experience- the concept of a plasma probe to magnetically influence I control weakly ionized
plasma flows is presented.
MHD (magnetohydrodynamic), Magnetoplasmadynamic
Inductively Heated Plasma Source, Magnetic Probe
1. Introduction
A variety of plasma sources has been developed at IRS for space applications (e.g. atmospheric entry
simulation facilities and electrical thrusters) and plasma technology purposes. These sources differ in
design and function depending on their application [ 1-4].
MHD effects can be used to improve the operational behavior of plasma generators, where magnetic
forces can be used to rotate plasma arcs in order to prevent hot spots on the plasma generator's electrodes
[ 1, 2], to protect plasma containments from thermal overload [4, 5] or to increase the total pressure and/or
temperature ofthe plasma jet (magnetic acceleration of the plasma) either for space applications (e.g. the
increase of thrust of an MPD propulsion system) [6] or for applications in plasma technology [3, 7, 8].
In addition, plasma magnetic systems are designed to control plasma free stream flows. Among these
control purposes are plasma focusing e.g. using electromagnetic nozzles [9] and the interaction between
charged particles and magnetic fields e.g. in order to increase the impinging velocities of these particles
onto a substrate. Additionally, there is the potential to use magnetic pinch effects for the increase of local
heat loads or to focus the plasma onto zones of defined geometry. An application for the latter purpose is
that substrates are often to be treated only in specified areas such that magnetic pinch may supersede the
need of protection measures (e.g. joints) for the remaining areas of the component.
At IRS, short-pulsed coaxial magnetoplasmadynamic plasma accelerators capable of delivering power
densities up to 2 GW!cm onto material surfaces are under investigation for improving resistance against
fatigue and for coating removaL In addition, a product family of inductively heated plasma sources
initially developed for reentry simulation [4] is available, each of them capable of being operated up to
180 kW plate power at high efficiencies and specific enthalpies with different working gases. These
sources are equipped with highly efficient water cooling systems and sophisticated gas supplies. The main
fields of application for the inductively heated devices are coating and waste disposal [10]. For the source
development and process control numerous diagnostic systems are in operation at IRS [11].
A first analysis of the influence of a magnetic field to plasma can be performed considering the Steward
number St (sometimes also named N). This number is defined as ratio of magnetic force density to the gas
dynamic momentum (static pressure neglected) (12]:
avB 2
Here, a is the electric conductivity of the plasma, v the plasma velocity, B the magnetic field strength, p
the density of the plasma and L is a characteristic length, often related to an appropriate geometry
parameter of the plasma system. Correspondingly, St gives an engineering type information on the
influence of magnetic forces to the plasma, e.g. when the Lorentz force density is in the same order of
magnitude as the gas dynamic force (-7 O(St)=lO<) or one order less (-7 O(St)=l0. ). However, St often
does not allow for the identification of the manner of interaction due to the complexity of the considered
plasma sources and systems. Another dimensionless parameter to characterize the effect of a magnetic
field applied to plasmas is the magnetic Reynolds number Rm· Consider f.lo as magnetic permeability.
With the product f.lo<J as a measure to characterize the penetration of the plasma by a magnetic field a time
scale for the diffusion of magnetic field can be deduced by the product L f.1 0<J. The term Llv, however, is
the time scale of turbulence provided that v is considered as root mean square of the fluctuating velocity
(12] or at least the dynamic time scale ifv is considered as plasma flow velocity:
f1 0 aLl
- = u avL.
R =' o
Typically, values of Rm can be divided into two classes: Rm << 1 means that magnetic field and plasma
flow do not affect each other while the larger values for Rm signify that there is a connection between
magnetic field and plasma flow, i.e. that the condition must be calculated using models in which both
magnetic field and flow are coupled. The combination of both equations yields
B2 / flo
= Rm
j3 '
where 13 is the ratio of the magnetic pressure B /(2f.lo) to the (gas) dynamic pressure pv /2, a parameter of
which the reciprocal 1113 can be considered as virtually synonymic to St. The size 13 is preferably used
within the field of plasma fusion technology (5]. Here, however, 13 is mostly used for static systems (Ptot
instead of pv2/2). It becomes evident that large Rm may result in large St; small Rm, however, do not
necessarily come along with small St (mind 13 !).
2. Inductively heated Plasma Generators (IPG)
IPG3, IPG4 and IPG5 were developed enabling the generation of plasmas at plate power related
efficiencies of more than 50 % achieving
maximum plasma powers of more than
Tube cooling system
50 kW while different working gases such
Water·coolec tube
as oxygen, nitrogen, air, carbon dioxide or
cOOling system ftange
hydrogen can be applied [4]. They have
been used at IRS mainly for atmospheric
entry simulation. The application of these
production, chemical synthesis under
plasma conditions, waste disposal proGセ@
and hospital waste disposal is prescedures
Optical Window
Tube cooling
ently under investigation ( 10, 13].
system ftange
Fig. 1 shows the plasma generator IPG3.
Fi2. 1: IPG3
With RF-sources such as IPG3 the
induction coil is closer to the plasma than it is with other designs reducing the electromagnetic field loss.
An advanced water cooling system surrounds both the induction coil and the plasma tube. With this
transparent tube cooling system, e.g., the position of the "plasma flame" within the tube can be observed
with regard to different operating parameters such as pressure, gas, mass flow and anode power. The
length of the coil is 1 = 0.12 m [4].
The plasma current amplitude and the Ohmic Heating depend on the electrical conductivity of the plasma
and the resonant frequency of the electric circuit. The power system used in the investigation is a triode
driven generator with variable frequencies as both the IPG coil and the resonant circuit capacitors can be
changed. Both the seven capacitors, which have a capacity of 6 nF ± 20% each, and the induction coil are
cooled using regular water [4].
For the characterization of the operational behavior, measurements with a cavity calorimeter were
performed [4 ]. To support the development of the IPGs and to adapt them to the required working conditions, suitable measurement techniques enabling a characterization of the plasma and the sources were
developed and qualified. Besides the calorimeter, coil current measurement systems were qualified and
developed to characterize the electrodynamic behavior of the IPGs [14].
Plasma stabilization effects were observed when the tube cooling power decreased suddenly despite the
simultaneous increase of the plasma power. Within this investigation an imaging spectrometer has been
used to measure the radial intensity of the plasma within the IPG [ 15]. These investigations confirmed the
existence of stabilization effects. Specifying the Stewart number for an IPG analyzing the ratio of the
radially directed Lorentz force in the tube to the total pressure leads to [5]
= ;
= ;
wherein d is the diameter of the plasma tube and 8 is the skin depth (8 = 1/(nf.lo<Y£) · ), see also refs. 4, 5
and 15. This equation shows that the stronger the damping the greater the Stew art number. It follows from
this equation, that stronger damping leads to higher Stewart number.
Measurements of the plasma power depending on operational frequency f and the plate power of the
facility were performed [4]. Using an electrodynamic model for the IPG in combination with models for
the electrical conductivity cr and the mass specific enthalpy h enabled the statement of a boundary value
problem for the skin depth 8. Correspondingly, values for d/8 = 3 ..4 were determined. The corresponding
pressures in the tube were 14 hPa, the magnetic pressure Pm was 2 hPa calculated one-dimensionally
using the results of the coil current measurements (-7 j3 :::: 7). This coarse estimation leads to St :::: 1.
Therefore, the strength of the magnetic force density is in the order of magnitude as the gas dynamic
momentum. This analysis confirms the existence ofMHD effects within IPG operation [5].
A theoretical analysis of the problem using the Maxwell equations allows for the statement of the wellknown Helrnholtz equations. Introducing an infinitely long solenoid resulting in an axial-symmetric
situation in the IPG's tube motivates the introduction of a cylindric coordinate system. Using the
corresponding Laplace operator delivers a set of differential equations of Bessel type which are the basis
for the calculation of all plasma parameters such as the radial distributions of magnetic field H, electric
field E and current density j [4, 5]. The induced plasma power P can be derived from the integral of
/lcr over the volume. The resulting power has a maximum for d/8 :::: 3.6 proving that the power
optimization for the above mentioned condition was succeeded. The corresponding power curves are
presented in [4].
The one-dimensional formulation of momentum equation is
= JlolaH=.
Both the current density j"' and the magnetic field Hz are functions of the radial position r in the tube.
Integrating leads to
R '
where R = d/2, Hcoil is the external magnetic field of the coil and f 1(8/R) is a help function consisting of
complex Bessel functions depending on 8/R.
In order to quantify the theoretical results coil current measurements using the current sensor HOKA [14]
were performed. In ref. [4] a corresponding plasma condition using oxygen at a mass flow rate of 3 gis,
an operating frequency of 640kHz using a 5.5-tum coil and 4 capacitors, minimum pressure (40 Pa) in
the plasma chamber and a plate voltage of 6.3 kV was characterized with respect to the IPG3 conditions
and the plasma flow conditions (Mach number, Pitot pressure etc.). Within this investigation an effective
coil current of 0.4 kA was measured for this condition. Fig. 2 shows the magnetic pressure depending on
8/R. Two facts can be derived from this Figure:
• Both the maximum of the induced power reported in [4] and the maximum of the magnetic pressure
in fig. 2 are identical.
• The existence of a maximum shows that there is in principle the possibility to maximize plasma
stabilization effects (MHD) over 8/R e.g. to reduce the thermal load to the plasma tube by a pinch
effect, see also [4, 5].
For this condition d/8 z 3.6 (--4- 8/Rz 0.57) was
determined in ref. [4], a value which conforms to the
maximum of the induced power and which is
identical to the maximum of magnetic pressure in
fig. 2 such that a value of 2.75 hPa is derived from
"this one-dimensional model.
In addition, previously performed analysis using a
simplified model where d >>bled to
------ /
where Fr is the radially directed Lorentz force. This
result can also be derived using a transitivity. With j
iiRiexpressible by the coil current IcoiJ using a modified
equation and H expressible by the coil
force Fr can be expressed using
pressure dependin2:
the Lorentz force must be
the factor Icoi. The power, however, can be expressed using
that the plasma
proportional to the induced plasma power. This fact in combination
power can be maximized with respect to d/8 led to the presumption that the Lorentz force could have a
similar maximum, too. An analysis based on the results of the Bessel differential equations leads to
, dfz (0)
R ,
where l is the length of the coil and fl8/R) is a
help function consisting of complex Bessel
functions depending on 8/R.
The already mentioned value d/8:::::: 3.6 [4] is very
close to the Lorentz force maximum as well, see -;. lLッKM⦅N[GセQ@
fig. 3. Therefore, for this condition a Lorentz force セ@
of roughly 4.3 N is obtained. This value and thus
the results in fig. 3 are in the same order of
magnitude as axial magnetic thrusts reported for
.. l t - - - - - - - - r - - - - - - - 1
self-field MPD-thrusters [16]. Additionally, a
maximum can be seen at 8/R : : : 0.5.
maximum at 8/R --4- 0 is of an academic nature
Fig. 3: Quantitative distribution of the Lorentz
and is not reached in reality within the context of
force depending on 8/R, Icoil.cff = 400 A
partially ionized plasmas. Moreover, Fr is linear in
R for constant attenuation factors 8/R.
ZセQ@ ]MAZイ[セBGL@
' .
3. Short Pulsed Plasma Accelerator Activities
A high power short pulsed plasma
accelerator system is being
applications [8]. This activity for
non space application is focused
on the design, realization and
experimental investigation of a
compact and efficient pulsed selffield coaxial plasma accelerator
the demonstration and early
Fig. 4: Accelerator Assembly
commercial evaluation of plasma
impulse peening and plasma impulse de-coating methods as well as other industrial processes [8]. The
design phase resulted in a plasma gun capable of delivering an incident power density of up to 2 GW/cm
in less than 1 )lS on a target surface. The plasma gun is currently in the process of be ing assembled. The
overall system as seen in fig. 4 consists of a capacitor bank holding 22 capacitors of 1 )lF chargeable to
40 kV, the accelerator nozzle unit and the vacuum chamber with a diameter of 0.9 m and a length of
2.6 m, see fig . 4 .
The plasma accelerator nozzle as shown in fig . 5 has an overall length of 255 mm and consists of two
coaxial stainless steel electrodes. The central electrode (cathode) has an outer diameter of 20 mm, the
inner diameter of the outer electrode (anode) is 70 mm. The gas inlets near the head of the hollow anode
require a fast acting valve currently under
construction. Before breakdown, the density is in the
order of 10·5 kg/m 3 [8]. 22 General Atomics 31158
capacitors are arranged parallel within the circuit
and are placed at equal distances from the
accelerator as seen in fig. 4. The capacitors are
charged through a high voltage power supply,
i \セ ᄋセ G ⦅I ^@ セ
providing up to 40 kV. A more detailed description
of appropriate peening and de-coating processes
Fig. 6: Electrical Circuit assumed for Plas ma
using pulsed plasma accelerator systems is given in
[8]. In principle, a gas fed pulsed plasma accelerator
consists oftwo electrodes, a gas inlet connected to a valve and a capacitor bank. After the capacitor bank
is charged up to its initial voltage, the fast electromagnetic gas valve opens and a short pulse of working
gas is released into the gap between the two electrodes. Breakdown occurs at z = 0 (least inductance, see
fig. 6) after the gas density reaches its critical value according to Paschen's law. A washerlike planar
current sheet of ionized gas is propagated in axial direction due to Lorentz force . The snowplow model as
found in [17] describes this discharge process. The current flow within the circuit produces an azimuthal
B-field between the electrodes. This magnetic field interacts with the current flowing through the plasma
resulting in an axial Lorentz force . According to the model all the gas between the electrodes is swept up
and compressed by the traversing plasma sheet. Due to the skin effect, the current conducting layer is
very thin. The circuit is assumed to be an RLC-circuit as shown in fig. 6. The capacitor C 0 discharges
causing a current i(t) to flow through the circuit components of resistance Ro and inductivity L 0 as well as
across the plasma sheet which has a changing inductivity Lp(t) over time due to its movement along the
electrodes. The following two equations describe the snow plow model [ 17]:
_Q+R i+L .:!..!: _ d (( L0 + L p) i) =O
(t ) = t_ d (LP) dt .
dt dz
The first equation describes the electric circuit model and was derived according to Kirchhoff' s Mesh
Law. The current as well as the inductivity of the plasma and the charge Q of the capacitor depend on
time. The second equation contains Newton's second law and is the dynamic model. Here m is the time
dependent mass of the plasma sheet and FL is the Lorentz force.
The magnetic field B(r) between the two electrodes can be derived from Ampere's law. Using cylindrical
coordinates a point P(r0,<p0) between the electrodes is considered. Every infinitesimally small wire in the
electrode located at an angle <p carries the currentj*==i/(2rrra) causes a magnetic field in P according to
B=-2n:r' '
where r' is the distance from the wire in the electrode to the point P considered. By integrating the
contribution of all infinitesimally small wires along the circumference of cathode as well as anode, the
overall magnetic field at point P is found. The term cos(8) accounts for the fact that only the angular
component of the magnetic field has an effect on the acceleration.
B = Bcathode + Banode
·cos(B)ds ]i{セZLJᄋ@
eo{ arcsin(;:, · sin(qJ- qJ0 )) JlijdqJ
· sin(qJ- qJ0 ))
Fig. 7 shows the distribution of the magnetic field inside the
accelerator nozzle over the radius r0 according to the
equation above after numerical integration assuming a lower
limit for the expected current of 180 kA [8] through the
electrodes. This results in a magnetic field of -2 Tesla at
r 0 ==50 mm. In order to approximate the current density j(r)
inside the plasma, the thickness 8 of the plasma sheet is
needed. However, since no values for 8 could be obtained,
J the order of ma!!Ilitude is < 1 mm and is assumed to be
. . I 0.1 mm resulting セッ@ a current density of 1.2 · 106 Alcm2 . The
same thickness 8 is assumed in order to approximate the
density inside the plasma before leaving the electrodes.
Assuming that the complete mass is compressed into the
Fig. 7: Magnetic Field Distribution
plasma sheet yields a density of 0.24 kg/m . The exhaust velocity of the plasma sheet was approximated
in [8] to be in the order of 100 km/s. The reference length Lis the diameter da==0.07 m of the anode. This
leads to the Steward number:
Magnet1c F1eld
U1stntutwr, between Electrodes
ovB 2
St == -,-,- == -,-.- "" 0.67 .
pv"jL pv" /L
This means that the Lorentz force density is in the same order of magnitude than the total pressure of the
4. Magnetic Probe
A concept for a magnetic probe to experimentally study the influence of magnetic fields to weakly
ionized plasmas in the IRS plasma wind tunnels has been developed for a program of the European Space
Agency (ESA) in cooperation with the German Aeropace Research Center in Braunschweig, Gertman
(DLR). The primary purpose of this concept is the investigation of potential in-flight experiments aiming
for the reduction of thermal loads to the thermal protection system of a vehicle during the re-entry into the
earth's atmosphere. However, it is evident that such investigations combined with validated numerical
investigations are of great importance to other technical applications such as in the field of plasma
technology (see section 1).
lower Than 100 mm
Figure 9: Scheme of the magnetic probe in the plasma flow
The axis of the coil will be aligned with
the axis of the plasma flow as depicted in
Fig. 9 [15]. Pressure and heat flux will be
measured in the probe's stagnation point.
The magnetic flux density wi ll be
measured with a Teslameter. In order to
determine composition and temperature,
the IRS optical measurement techniques
will be used [11] .
In the program, a typical peak heating
condition during re-entry is characterized
by a velocity of カ セ B@ 6.5 km/s at
complying with a total
enthalpy of ha "" 21.1 MJ/kg and a total pressure
of about Pa"" 6.3 kPa. In Fig. 10 the approximate
dependence between magnetic field strength,
plasma enthalpy of air in equilibrium at p = 10
Pa and magnetic forces is shown. Obviously, for 115 10"' - 10,
a significant influencing of a weakly ionised
10 ) 1T
plasma with ha"" 20 MJ/kg a magnetic field
strength of about 1 T is necessary. Due to the
resistance of copper, a rough approximation of a
10 "
coil with a sufficiently high current leads to
10"' - - - - - - - - 10
losses of about 40 kW, which does not permit the
hI MJ/kg
use of a copper coil for stationary operation. Figure 10: Stuart Number versus enthalpy for air at
Therefore, the development of a cryogenically p = 10 5 Pain equilibrium depending on magnetic field
cooled coil made of a superconducting material strength
is foreseen within the program.
5. Conclusions
Potential applications for magnetically controlled plasmas in both fields space technology as well as in
plasma technology have been identified. An analysis of existing plasma generator systems, high power
inductively heated plasma generator and short-pulsed plasma accelerator, was performed which
confirmed the appearance of MHD effects essentially for the functionality of both plasma generator
systems. Here, the authors emphazise that additional investigations in Refs. 4-6, 8 and 15 proved this
analysis e.g. by the investigation of magnetic pinch effects related to the operation of the inductively
heated plasma generator system.
Finally, a concept of a magnetic plasma probe, developed in cooperation with DLR Braunschweig,
Germany, was presented. This probe will deliver essential information on the influence of magnetic fields
weakly ionized plasmas.
6. Acknowledgement
The authors thank the research students D. Kammerlocher and S. Krauss for their support. Thanks to the
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) that partially supported this work under contract Au 85 I 15-1.
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