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en San Isidoro doctor de las Españas, Sevilla, Fundación El Monte y otras, 2003, pp. 75-93.
21 pages
1 file
Wisigothica. After Manuel C. Díaz y Díaz, edited by C. Codoñer and P. Farmhouse Alberto, 2014
The reception of Isidore’s Etymologiae has mostly been studied in the context of editorial work, in order to differentiate textual recensions and find out their ways of diffusion. But also many individual manuscripts of different sorts have already been studied in different contexts. This article aims to summarise the results of these individual investigations, typifying the textual witnesses and trying to shed some light on individual readers’ habits when using Isidore’s encyclopedia. Excerpts were particularly important for the Carolingian reception. They can appear in different types of compendia, as introduction to other works or even as annexes to the complete work, reflecting thus individual interests and contexts of utilization. Epitomai concentrate on particular subjects, as do some manuscripts, in which the Etymologiae were partly or totally re-structured. The work’s rich lexicographic information was employed in different types of glossaries, from short ones that helped to understand a particular text, to the great work of re-arrangement in the Liber glossarum. These observations are based mostly on manuscripts dating from the 8th to the 11th ct., whereas the Late Medieval and Renaissance reception has only been very partially studied. The article ends with some considerations on the utilisation of the Etymologiae for teaching purposes and as a real “quarry” for authors who cultivated an obscure style.
espanolEstudio de los poetas clasicos cuyos versos utiliza San Isidoro de Sevilla en su obras divulgativas, especialmente las Etimologias. Tipologia y traduccion. EnglishStudy of the classic poets whose texts uses St. Isidore of Seville in his divulging works, especially the Etymologies. Typology and translation.
en La rebelión de 'Umar b. Hafsun. Tema monográfico, Jábega. Revista de la Diputación Provincial de Málaga, 105 (segundo cuatrimestre 2014), pp. 59-73
Revista de Filología Española, 1981
Aemilianense, 2004
AEMILIANENSE I (2004) 601-663 16. Así Oroz Reta-Marcos Casquero 1982, 66, aunque presentan en la edición mauron, traducen suponiendo el nominativo mauros: "El mauros es el caballo de color negro, pues "negro" en griego se dice maûros".
Así, el mundo deviene "la conveniencia universal de las cosas" (4), y por esta conveniencia se pueden establecer ligazones, ajustamientos, paralelismos, correspondencias, coherencias, parentescos, equivalencias, comunicaciones, conexiones, influencias, nexos, vínculos, intercarn-(2) lbid .. p. 33. (3) Idetn.
Analysis and interpretation of the passage of the Etymologies and of the treated words, including the correction of a few readings, and the revised text. We note its literary sources, and explain the author’s methodology and linguistic conception regarding the etymology and meaning of words. According to the underlying structure and scientific frame in which the text is supported, Isidore distinguishes wild asses and wild horses (onagri and equiferi) from the domestic ones (asini and equi). He divides asses into smaller working donkeys (aselli) and big asses (asini Arcadici), and horses into a vulgar class for pulling carts (ueredus), including a variety of minor size (mannus), and another class of noble saddle-horses, of which he mentions eight races according to their geographical origin. Among the crossbreeds he mentions the mule (mulus), the hinny (burdo) and the cross of a wild ass and a jenny.
in G. Santana & L.M. Pino, Paideia kai Zetesis. Homenaje a Marcos Martínez, Madrid, Ediciones Clásicas, 2017, pp. 179-186.
This paper explores the treatment of "ystoria" and "ethimología" in Isidore of Seville´s Etymologies in Romance Language.
el planteamiento general de ete trabajo consiste en analizar el documento como fuente para recuperar noticias relativas a inscripciones, sobretodo desaparecidas
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