United States Patent [191
Saad M. Saad, Willowbrook, Ill.
Andrew Corportion, Orland Park, Ill.
Jun. 12, 1989
Krank et a1. ...................... .. 333/241
3,659,234 4/1972 Schuttloffel et al.
. . .. .. . .. .. . ... ..
Evered and Company (Metals) Limited, Advertise
ment, “Azdar Double Ridged Waveguide”.
Primary Examiner—Paul Gensler
A semi-flexible double-ridge waveguide comprises a
corrugated tube formed into a special dumbbell-shaped
niently optimized to realize improved power-handling
cross-section de?ned by parameters which are conve
References Cited
Litton Airtron, Advertisement, “Double Ridge Flexibl
Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Kareem M. Irfan
Int. Cl.5 ....................... .. H01P 3/14;HO1P 3/123
U.S. c1. .............................. .. 333/241; 29/600
Field of Search ...................... .. 333/239, 241, 242
Dec. 18, 1990
[21] Appl. No.: 365,598
[22] Filed:
ment, “Lets Get Flexible with Continental Flex Wave~
[75] Inventor:
[73] Assignee:
Patent Number:
Date of Patent:
. . . ..
Tobita et a]. ..................... .. 228/ 17.5
Collado, “An Inside Look at Double-Ridge Guide”,
Microwaves & Rf, Jul. 1986, pp. 77-79.
Findakly et al., “Attenuation and Cut-off Frequencies
of Double-Ridged Waveguides”, The Microwave
Journal, pp. 49-50.
Raymond Bulley, “Analysis of the Arbitrarily shaped
Waveguide by Polynomial Approximation”, IEEE
Transactions vol. MTT 18, No. 12, Dec., 1970, pp.
Gabriel Microwave Ltd., Advertisement, “Seamless
Flexible & Flexible Twistable Waveguides”.
Gabriel Microwave System Ltd., Advertisement, “Ga
briel Double Ridge Flexible and Twistable Wave
capability as well as improved attenuation and VSWR
factors across extended dominant-mode operational
bandwidths. The dumbbell-shaped cross-section effi
ciently removes the problems typically associated with
the use of conventional rigid waveguide, including dif?
culty of installation as well as the need for precise align
ment of components, by combining ?exibility and ease
of manufacture, even for long lengths of waveguide,
through use of a continuous, uncomplicated and rela
tively inexpensive process.
The dumbbell-shaped cross-section is totally devoid of
corners and other abrupt protrusions and is de?ned by a
geometric equation in which speci?c parameters can be
correlatively optiminzed to improve desired electrical
properties of the waveguide. The waveguide is ren
dered “semi-?exible” by the provision of helical corru
gations having a staggered disposition of opposing cor
rugation crests and troughs, whereby the breakdown air
gap and, consequently, the maximum power rating is
Continental Microwave & Tool Co., Inc., Advertise
11 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets
US. Patent
Dec. 18,1990
Sheet 1 of 10
5Q 1
US. Patent
Dec. 18, 1990
Sheet 3 0f 10
8.0 :2:x
(HON! ) A
US. Patent
Dec. 18, 1990
Sheet 4 0f 10
US. Patent
Dec. 18, 1990
Sheet 5 0f 10
(HON!) A
Il I
I| F
US. Patent
Dec. 18,1990
Sheet 8 0f 10
US. Patent
Dec. 18, 1990
Sheet 9 of 10
US. Patent
Dec. 18,1990
Sheet 10 0f 10
52 /5O .
FIG. 11A
ble and, accordingly, ?exible double-ridge waveguide is
commonly available in short lengths only.
Although the presence of ridges yields increased
bandwidth, the other electrical characteristics of ridged
waveguide are degraded in comparison with rigid non
1. Field of the Invention
This invention relates generally to waveguide used
for transmission of broadband electromagnetic signals.
More particularly, this invention relates to corrugated
ridged waveguide of the ?exible kind which can be
processed in long lengths by a continuous process and
ridged waveguide of comparable length.
The attenuation factor is increased and voltage-stand
ing-wave-ratios (VSWRs) are degraded to the point
where satisfactory performance can be achieved only in
very short lengths. Inherent with the use of short
lengths are problems associated with the need for cou
has improved power-handling capability.
pling ?anges and the associated dry air/gas leakage,
potential for intermodulation, resultant VSWR degra
2. Description of the Prior Art
The use of smooth-walled waveguide is extremely
dation, and need for providing mechanical access to the
common in microwave transmission systems. Wave
coupled lengths for alignment purposes.
guide of rectangular cross-section, in particular, is most
often employed because it provides satisfactory electri
cal performance for a number of waveguide applica
tions. Rigid and smooth waveguide, however, is subject
Consequently, there exists a need for ?exible wave
guide having acceptable electrical characteristics, par
ticularly high power-handling capability, suited for use
in broadband dominant-mode microwave transmission
applications and which can be economically manufac
to severe restraints, both economic and utility-based,
because the non-?exible nature of such waveguide en
tured in long lengths by a continuous process.
tails manufacturing in relatively short lengths and re
quires use of customized lengths, bends and twist sec
tions to suit the equipment layout at each site. In many
It is a primary object of this invention to provide a
waveguide of the ?exible kind which is capable of
dominant-mode operation across extended frequency
applications, therefore, waveguide which is rendered
?exible by provision of corrugations is used. Such
waveguide is commercially fabricated by ?rst forming a
bandwidths with relatively low signal attenuation.
smooth-walled tube from a tube of conductive metal
It is a related object of this invention to provide a
waveguide of the above kind which can be economi
cally manufactured in long lengths according to a con
tinuous process.
Another object of this invention is to provide a ?exi
and thereafter corrugating the tube.
In applications needing bandwidths greater than can
be obtained from rectangular waveguide, some form of
ridged waveguide, typically double-ridge waveguide, is
used. In such ridged waveguide, ridges realize a pertur
ble waveguide of the above type which provides both
bation of the cross-section which provides broader
relatively high peak~power-handling capability and
bandwidth between the cut-off frequency of the domi 35 lower signal attenuation characteristics.
nant-mode and the ?rst higher-order mode. However,
It is a further object of this invention to provide an
there are certain disadvantages inherent with the use of
improved ?exible waveguide of the type described
double-ridge waveguide. For instance, rectangular dou
ble-ridge waveguide, is problematic because the pres
above for which desired electrical transmission charac:
teristics may conveniently be optimized for different
ence of a plurality of corners leads to substantial signal
broadband applications.
attenuation and the peak-power-handling capability of
the waveguide is generally lowered. The sharp corners
Other objects and advantages of the invention will be
apparent from the following detailed description when
taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.
are also a source of problems in certain manufacturing
processes such as electroplating.
Double-ridge waveguide of the rigid type is also
disadvantageous in that it requires precise alignment
Brie?y, in accordance with the present invention,
with the system components in order to function effec
there is provided a semi-?exible double-ridge wave
tively. The lack of ?exibility of rigid waveguide also
poses signi?cant dif?culties in handling, storage, and
shipping. Rigid waveguide is particularly dif?cult to
install and requires accessory coupling components
guide comprising a unitary metallic strip formed and
even if the system sections to be linked by the wave
provide the waveguide with improved signal handling
guide are slightly displaced axially. More signi?cantly,
characteristics as compared to conventional rigid as
it is difficult to economically manufacture rigid double
well as ?exible, double-ridge waveguide and yet per
mits dominant-mode operation across comparable fre
quency bandwidths. The present invention ef?ciently
removes the problems associated with dif?culty of in
stallation and the bothersome requirement for precise
alignment of components that is inherent to conven
60 tional rigid waveguide. As compared to ?exible double
ridge waveguide in long lengths through continuous
processing techniques.
In applications where both ?exibility and broadband
operation are essential, such as in many defense-related
applications like airborne cabling operations, radar jam
ming aboard military aircraft, etc., ?exible double-ridge
waveguide, typically of rectangular cross-section, is
welded into a tube and subsequently corrugated and
formed into a special cross-sectional shape de?ned by
controllable parameters which can be optimized to_
used. Flexibility is provided by means of successively
formed corrugations of the desired double-ridge cross
sectional shape. The manufacturing process involved in
fabricating such waveguide is expensive and time con 65
suming because the corrugations are generally non-con
tinuous and have to be formed individually. A major
disadvantage is that continuous processing is not possi
ridge waveguide, the present invention provides the
much desired combination of ?exibility, increased
power rating, reduced attenuation and ease of manufac
ture of long lengths of waveguide by a continuous and
relatively uncomplicated and inexpensive process.
The semi-?exible double-ridge waveguide of this
invention has a special cross-section which is designed
to be devoid of corners and conforms substantially to a
dumbbell-shaped contour de?ned by a geometric equa
tion in which speci?c parameters can be correlatively
optimized to substantially enhance desired electrical
properties of the waveguide. The semi-?exible wave
guide of this type can be optimized to display electrical
characteristics comparable to or better than those avail
able with rigid double-ridge waveguide and retains the
characteristics for much longer continuously formed
lengths. The specially designed waveguide contour
results in increased power-handling capability and im
proved attenuation and VSWR factors for comparable
FIG. 11B is an illustration of the staggered dispo
sition of corrugation crests and troughs, according to a
preferred embodiment of this invention.
While the invention will be described in connection
with certain preferred embodiments, it will be under
stood that it is not intended to limit the invention to
these particular embodiments. On the contrary, it is
intended to cover all alternatives, modi?cations and
equivalent arrangements as may be included within the
waveguide lengths.
The effects of the special waveguide shape are fur
spirit and scope of this invention as de?ned by the ap
ther enhanced, according to an embodiment of this
invention, by the use of non-annular corrugations hav
ing a selected pitch which staggers the disposition of
corrugation crests and troughs on opposing sides of the
FIG. 1A a cross-sectional view of conventional rectan
pended claims.
Referring now to the drawings, there is shown at
gular double-ridge waveguide 10 having a wide dimen
sion generally designated as “a” and a narrow dimen
waveguide to such an extent as to maximize the distance
sion designated as “b”._As is well known, electromag
netic energy in the rectangular waveguide travels in the
fundamental mode with the ?eld intensity being uni
formly distributed about the width of the waveguide,
with impedance and power-handling being on the “b”
between immediately opposing corrugation troughs,
thereby increasing the air gap and, consequently, the
power-handling capacity of the waveguide. The combi
nation of the special dumbbell-shape having optimizable
parameters with the selectively staggered corrugations
effectively combines the mechanically advantageous
?exibility provided by standard ?exible double-ridge
waveguide with the superior electrical characteristics
of rigid double-ridge waveguide and increased power
tending lengthwise along the waveguide. The reduction
handling capacity relative to conventional ?exible an
nularly corrugated waveguide or rigid double-ridge
FIG. 1(a) is a cross-sectional view of conventional
double-ridge waveguide having a rectangular cross-sec
The double-ridge rectangular waveguide 10 is pro
vided with a pair of ridges de?ned by oppositely dis
posed substantially rectangular constrictions 12, 14 ex
at the center of the “b” dimension decreases the charac
teristic impedance and the power-handling capability of
the ridge guide but substantially extends the dominant
mode operational bandwidth. With such a con?gura
tion, the electromagnetic energy is highly concentrated
near the center of the cross-section.
Double-ridge waveguide of this type is commonly
used with broadband transmission equipment and other
FIG. 1(b) is a side view of the waveguide shown in
FIG. 1 illustrating its smooth-walled nature;
applications where extended operational bandwidth and
having annular corrugations;
tion and lower peak-power-handling capability, due to
freedom from moding conditions are mandatory. How
ever, rectangular double-ridge waveguide suffers from
FIG. 2 is a side view of conventional waveguide
having the same cross section shown in FIG. 1 but 40 certain inherent disadvantages, such as higher attenua
FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view of a semi-?exible
the presence of the several corners and added surface
dumbbell-shaped double-ridge waveguide according to
area resulting from the rectangular cross-section and
this invention;
the opposing constrictions which de?ne the ridges.
guide contour in correspondence with variation in the
turing process, such as electroplating, problematic.
FIG. 4 is a representation of the variation in wave 45 These corners also make certain aspects of the manufac
parameter “p”;
FIG. 5 is a graphical representation of the bandwidth
variation of the waveguide of FIG. 3 relative to the
parameter “p”;
FIG. 6 is a graphical comparison of the waveguide of
the type shown in FIG. 3 to conventional rectangular
double-ridge waveguide;
As shown in FIG. 1(1)), which is a side view of the
ridged waveguide of FIG. 1(a), double-ridge wave
guide is typically smooth walled and includes a protec
tive jacket 16 over the metallic conductor constituting
the guide. A major problem with smooth-walled rectan
gular double-ridge waveguide is that the inherent in
?exibility makes routing and installation dif?cult and
also renders the use of ?eld-attachable ?anges impracti
FIG. 7 is a graphical illustration of the correlation 55
cal due to the necessity for precise alignment between
between the cut-off frequency of the ?rst higher-order
mode and the parameters “u” and “v”;
FIG. 8 is a graphical illustration showing the correla
tion between the cut-off frequency of the dominant
mode and the parameters “u” and “v”;
FIG. 9 is a graphical illustration of the attenuation
associated with the semi-?exible waveguide of this in
FIG. 10 is a sectional side view of a shaping wheel
arrangement used to generate the dumbbell-shaped
cross-sectional contour shown in FIG. 3;
FIG. 11A is a cross-sectional view of conventional
annularly corrugated ridged waveguide; and
the components being linked.
In applications where ?exibility is essential, double
ridge waveguide is rendered ?exible by making the
waveguide corrugated along its length while retaining
the standard rectangular double-ridge cross-section. As
shown in FIG. 2, ?exible ridged waveguide is typically
formed of annular corrugations 18 with the direction of
corrugation being wholly perpendicular to the axis of
the waveguide 10. The corrugations are formed by
65 successively clamping the smooth-walled waveguide at
one end and crimping the guide inwardly along its lon
gitudinal direction to de?ne the corrugations one at a
Because the annular corrugations must be individu
ally formed, a continuous forming process cannot be
will be apparent that a similar variation in shape also
applies to the remaining three quadrants.
used, thereby making the ?exible waveguide of the type
Referring now to FIG. 5, there is shown a graphical
illustration of the increase in bandwidth realized by the
shown in FIG. 2 difficult and expensive to manufacture
and also making formation of long lengths impractical.
dumbbell-shaped waveguide of FIGS. 3 and 4. Shown
therein is a pair of graphs representing the variation in
bandwidth of the waveguide with increasing values of
the parameter “p” for different ratios of the length of
the major and minor axes “u”, “v”, respectively. In
Further, the fully ?exible nature of the waveguide ac
cruing from the annular nature of the grooves dramati
cally increases the attenuation factor of the waveguide
in use. Another problem is that the VSWR remains
plotting the curves shown in FIG. 5, the waveguide
bandwidth is de?ned as the ratio of the cutoff frequency
(F82) of the modi?ed TEZO mode to the cut-off fre
quency (F61) of the modified TE10 mode. As evident
from the curves, any increase in the value of the param
eter “p” brings about an increase in bandwidth de?ned
within acceptable limits only for restricted lengths of
Referring now to FIG. 3, there is shown a cross-sec
tional view of an improved semi-?exible double-ridge
waveguide according to a preferred embodiment of the
present invention. The waveguide 20 is formed of a
of any sharp corners and has a dumbbell-like contour
by the ratio Fez/F61, with the range of bandwidth being
inversely proportional to the selected aspect ratio (v/u)
de?ned by the polar equation:
for the contour.
special cross-sectional shape which is distinctly devoid
where “r” is the radical distance between any given
point on the contour and the point of origin, and “9” is
the angle between the major axis and the radial line
along which that point is de?ned on the contour.
In equation (1), the constants “a” and “b” are de?ned
in terms of the major and minor axes “u”, “v”, respec
In order for the desired dumbbell-shaped waveguide
contour to be adequately de?ned, equation (1) must be
subject to two constraints:
(i) the constant “b” must be greater than the constant
“a”-otherwise the cross-section will be split into two
parts which are symmetric about the y-axis; and
(ii) the parameter “p” must have a value greater than
two (2) in order to achieve the above-described increase
in bandwidth.
Provided the above conditions are met, it is possible
for the waveguide contour to be optimized conve
tively, of the contour as below:
niently by considering the change in electrical charac
teristics produced by variations in the parameters “11”,
“v” and “p” and determining, preferably through some
form of computer-based approximately technique, the
range of values for these parameters which provides the
where “u”, “v”, and p are selectable variables. The
dumbbell shape essentially corresponds to that of a
rectangular waveguide having oppositely disposed
largest possible dominant-mode operational bandwidth
and the least amount of signal attenuation. This determi—
nation can be supplemented by actually measuring the
desired electrical characteristics to determine the opti
ridges 22, 24 which are not of the rectangular cross-sec
mum value or range of values of the parameters re
tional shape shown in FIGS. 1A, 1B and 2 but instead 40 quired to de?ne a waveguide contour which is opti
are of a substantially bell-shaped cross-section which
mized for the desired bandwidth of dominant-mode
extends to generally convex ends 26, 28 of the wave
operation, selected attenuation characteristics, etc.
guide cross-section de?ned about the major axis.
The calculation of the cutoff frequencies of the ?rst
In the waveguide cross-section shown in FIG. 3, it
should be noted that the polar equation (1) de?nes the
contour in such a way that the upturned ends of the
two modes, namely the modi?ed TE“) and TEgO modes,
for de?ning the operational bandwidth and the accom
panying attenuation can be performed conveniently by
bell-shaped ridges smoothly merge with the cross-sec
tional ends of the waveguide, thereby avoiding the
employing one of several computer techniques, such as
presence of any corners or abrupt protrusions. The
which are known in the industry for analyzing wave
contour of FIG. 3 represents the cross-sectional shape
of the waveguide 20 according to a preferred embodi
guide shapes of arbitrary cross-sections. One exemplary
polynomial approximation or ?nite element analysis,
technique is described by R. M. Bulley in a paper enti
ment where the parameters “u”, “v” and “p” are se
tled “Analysis of the arbitrarily shaped waveguide by
lected to be 0.702” , 0.128”, and 3.40, respectively,
polynomial approximation", as published in IEEE
based on a dominant-mode operational bandwidth of
Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques Vol.
7.5-18.0 GI-lz.
55 MTT-18, pp. 1022-1028, Dec. 1970.
A family of curves of the type shown in FIG. 3 can be
According to a preferred embodiment of this inven
generated by maintaining the parameters “u” and “v”
constant, while varying the parameter “p”. Such a fam
ily of curves, all having identical major and minor axes,
tion, a dumbbell-shaped waveguide was optimized for
the 7.5-l8.0 GHz frequency bandwidth commonly used
nowadays for defense-related tele-communication pur
is shown in FIG. 4, which is an illustration of how a
poses. Such an optimized waveguide is illustrated at
FIG. 6, which shows a graphical comparison between
the dumbbell-shaped contour based on equation (1) for
variation in the parameter “p”, while keeping “u” and
“v” constant (at 0.702" and O. 128", respectively), affects
the cross-sectional shape of the waveguide contour.
More speci?cally, increasing values of “p” increase the
the case where “p”=3.4 and de?ned for a 7.5—l8.0 GHz
dominant-mode bandwidth using the polynomial ap
extent to which the waveguide contour strays away 65 proximation technique, and the corresponding ?rst
from the minor axis before merging with the cross-sec
tional ends. FIG. 4 shows the variation only along the
?rst quadrant of the overall contour cross-section; it
quadrant contour (represented by a dashed line) of a
conventional double-ridge waveguide having a rectan
gular cross-section.
mercially available rigid and ?exible double-ridge
FIG. 7 is a graphical illustration of the correlation
between the length of the major and minor axes “u” and
waveguide, respectively.
“v”, respectively, and the cut-off frequency of the ?rst
higher-order mode. As shown therein, the cut~off fre
quency F62 gradually decreases with increasing values
Referring now to FIG. 10, there is shown a cross-sec
tional view of a preferred arrangement for imparting
the special dumbbell-shaped contour to form the semi
?exible waveguide of the shape shown in FIG. 3. As
shown therein, the cross-section of the waveguide 30 is
of “u” when the parameter “v” is maintained constant.
Two such correlation graphs are shown for incremental
differences in the parameter “u” being equal to 0.0 and
FIG. 8 is a similar graphical illustration showing the
correlation between the dominant mode cut-off fre
quency and incremental differences in the length of the
de?ned by the oppositely disposed bell-shaped ridge
sections 32, 34 and the generally convex end sections 42
and 44 which effectively link the ridges to form the
overall dumbbell-shaped contour de?ned by polar equa
tion (1) using selected values for parameters “u”, “v”
and “p”. As described above, the choice of these param
major axis, i.e., the parameter “u”, while maintaining
the length of the minor axis, i.e., the parameter “v”, at
eters is based upon the desired dominant-mode band
width and minimized attenuation, as most advanta
a predetermined constant value. Three such correlation
curves are shown in FIG. 8 for predetermined constant
geously determined by computer-based polynomial
values of 0.0, +0.04 and —0.04 of the parameter “v”.
It will be obvious from the foregoing that the primary
approximation, ?nite element analysis or other like
parameters of the polar equation de?ning the dumbbell
such techniques to calculation of waveguide parame
Once the optimum values of the parameters “u”, “v”
and “p” have been determined, the waveguide contour
is formed from a continuous length of corrugated circu
lar tube by means of a pair of ridge wheels 36, 38 which
have driving faces 36A, 36B possessing a shape substan
ters, as well as the correlation between the major and
tially corresponding, according to a converse relation
minor axes and waveguide performance characteristics
ship, to the bell-shaped contour of the waveguide ridges
32, 34. The ridge wheels are simultaneously brought
into rotating contact on diametrically opposite external
shaped contour shown in FIGS. 3 and 4 can be conve
_ niently optimized to achieve desired electrical perfor
mance characteristics. Relevant details on applying
such as dominant-mode bandwidth and attenuation, are
well known to those skilled in the art and, accordingly,
will not be described in detail herein.
For purposes of this description, it suf?ces to state
that the parameters “u”, “v” and “p” of the semi-?exi
faces of the tubular waveguide as the waveguide is
continuously moved across the rotating ridge wheels in
a transverse direction. At the same time, a pair of dia
ble waveguide de?ned by equation (1) can, according to
this invention, be controllably varied to realize signi?
metrically opposed support surfaces 40, 41 having con
cave faces generally corresponding, according to a
converse relationship, to the shape of the convex end
sections 42, 44 are brought into supporting contact with
cantly improved dominantmode operational frequency
bandwidth and reduced attenuation factor compared to
that of standard rectangular or circular waveguide. In
fact, it has experimentally been con?rmed that such a
waveguide can be optimized to provide operational
the end sections. The simultaneous positive driving
impact of the ridge wheels 36, 38 on diametrically oppo
site surfaces of the waveguide forms the two bell
dominant-mode bandwidths comparable to or better
shaped ridges 32, 34, and the support provided by the
than that of standard ridge waveguide while, at the
same time, having an attenuation factor signi?cantly
lower than that of any commercially available double
concave surfaces 40, 41 on the remaining opposite sur
ridge waveguide.
wheels. Thus, the ridge wheels and the support sur
FIG. 9 shows graphical representations of curves
based on theoretical and experimental data re?ecting
faces of the waveguide prevents any uneven expansion
of the waveguide under the driving impact of the ridge
faces, in conjunction with each other, generate the
overall dumbbell-shaped contour de?ned by the opti
the attenuation associated with the semi-?exible wave
mized polar equation (1).
guide of this invention and the variation in attenuation
In order to increase the power handling capability of
the waveguide as well as to provide ?exibility, the
waveguide of FIG. 3 is rendered semi-?exible by the
use of continuously linked corrugations which allow a
across the desired frequency bandwidth. The wave
guide used for these measurements was optimized for
operation across a frequency bandwidth extending be
tween 6.0—14.4 6112. In FIG. 9, the curve A represents
the theoretically calculated attenuation versus fre
quency response for the semi-?exible waveguide, as
determined on the basis of polynomial approximation or
certain degree of ?exibility without rendering the
waveguide completely ?exible like conventional ?exi
ble waveguide having discrete annular corrugations.
the ranges of 4.0-5.0 5.0 dBs/ 100 ft. and 4.0-6.0
ble double-ridge waveguide.
According to a preferred embodiment of this invention,
like techniques. The theoretical attenuation remains 55 the waveguide of the desired cross-sectional shape is
substantially within the range of 4.0-5.5 dBs/ 100 ft.
formed with helical corrugations which provide only a
across the frequency band of interest. As compared to
restricted amount of ?exibility. In effect, such a wave
this, the experimentally measured attenuation, as repre
guide is truly “semi-?exible” and has distinct advan
sented by curves B and C, remains substantially within
tages over both rigid double-ridge waveguide and ?exi~
dBs/ 100 ft., respectively, at the lower and upper ends of
the measurement scale.
Theoretical calculations based on the waveguide of
FIGS. 3 and 9, as optimized for the frequency range of
7.5—l8.0 GI-Iz, con?rmed an attenuation of less than 7
dBs/ 100 ft. which is a signi?cant improvement over the
attenuation factors of 10.0-12.0 dBs/ 100 ft. and
20.0—30.0 dBs/ 100 ft. presently associated with com
More speci?cally, the semi-?exible waveguide is sig
ni?cantly easier to be routed and installed in con?ned
areas and ?exible enough to be adapted to minor length
adjustments which are essential to accommodate dimen
sional tolerances both in the waveguide itself and in the
area where the waveguide is to be installed. At the same
time, the restricted ?exibility also keeps signal attenua
tion down and makes practical the use of waveguide
lengths substantially longer than would be possible with
completely ?exible waveguide.
Flexibility of double-ridge waveguide has conven
tionally been achieved by using annular corrugations
which are discrete and non-continuous. Such wave
guide is typically manufactured by forming a tube from
a strip of conductive metal (typically copper or alumi
num), welding the tube and shaping it to approximate
rectangularity, and forming annular corrugations there
wall of the waveguide relative to those on the opposing
wall. The result is that, in the waveguide of FIG. 11B,
the air gap distance “Y” is de?ned between helical
corrugation troughs 65 on the top wall of the wave
guide 60 and the corresponding troughs 67 on the bot
tom wall and is larger than the distance “X” that would
exist if the corrugations were to be annular. This in
crease in air gap distance is signi?cant in the case of
In order to make the waveguide completely ?exible,
the annular corrugations are relatively deep and close
double-ridge waveguide of the type shown in FIG. 3
because the constrictions de?ned by the bell-shaped
ridges intrinsically reduce the air gap substantially to
the point where the air gap becomes comparable to the
pitch of the corrugations. Under such conditions, even
a small increase in air gap resulting from the expansion
of the distance between opposing corrugation troughs
spaced. A cross-sectional view of conventional annu
and crests can produce a noticeable increase in the max
larly corrugated ridged waveguide is illustrated at FIG.
imum power rating of the waveguide.
upon by clamping the smooth-walled waveguide at one
end and successively crimping the waveguide inwardly
along its longitudinal direction toward the clamped end
to de?ne the corrugations one at a time.
11A. As shown therein, the waveguide 50 has annular
It should be noted that FIG. 11B represents the case
corrugations 52 spaced apart by a distance “S” (the
pitch) and extending to a depth “d” de?ned by the
where the relative staggering of opposing corrugations
is by the maximum extent possible between the opposite
distance between successive crests 54 and troughs 55 of
the corrugations. Because the corrugations are annu
larly formed, the corrugation crests 54 on one wall of
walls of the waveguide. More speci?cally, in FIG. 11B,
the staggering is such that the corrugation troughs 65
on the top wall of the waveguide 60 are disposed imme
the waveguide are disposed diametrically opposite the . diately opposite the corrugation crests 66 on the bottom
corrugation crests 56 on the other wall of the wave 25 wall. However, the breakdown air gap is increased
guide and vice versa. The result is that the breakdown
even if the corrugations are staggered to a lesser extent
air gap, which de?nes the power-handling capability of
than that shown in FIG. 11B so that corrugations crests
the waveguide and which is a function of the minimum
distance between opposing internal surfaces of the
waveguide, is restricted for a given internal waveguide
diameter. In FIG. 11A, for instance, the annular corru
gations are spaced apart by a pitch distance of “S”
which is comparable to the corrugation depth “d” and
the ratio of corrugation depth to pitch is typically 0.8 or
more. The air gap distance, as de?ned by the space
on one wall do not directly face the corrugation troughs
on the opposite wall, but are merely displaced relative
to each other. It will be apparent that any staggering of
corrugations relative to the disposition illustrated in
FIG. 11A realizes a distance “y” which is greater than
the distance “x”, thereby increasing the waveguide air
gap and power-handling capability.
Thus, the combined use of an decreased ratio of cor
between opposing corrugation troughs 55 and 57 is
rugation depth to corrugation pitch and the helical
designated as “X” in FIG. 11A. Even if the annular
corrugations were to be provided in the form of spaced
apart groups in order to restrict ?exibility, the break
down air gap and, hence, the maximum power rating of
staggering of corrugation crests and troughs in a wave
guide having the optimizable dumbbell-shaped cross
section realizes the much desired combination of ?exi
bility and improved electrical characteristics, including
In accordance with a feature of this invention, the
increased power-handling capability.
The helically corrugated waveguide having the
power-handling capability of waveguide having the
dumbbell-shaped cross-section, according to the present
the waveguide remains restricted by the distance “x”.
dumbbell-shaped contour of FIG. 3 is increased by
invention, is conveniently manufactured in long lengths
using continuous non-annular corrugations which are 45 by the use of a continuous process wherein the helically
relatively widely spaced compared to the corrugation
corrugated waveguide is ?rst formed by the use of
depth, as shown in FIG. 11B. It will be apparent that
continuous rotating contact between an appropriately
the dumbbell-shaped contour generated on the basis of
shaped corrugating die or tool and the external surface
polar equation 1 is devoid of the sharp edges character
of waveguide formed by folding and longitudinally
istic of conventional rectangular double-ridge wave 50 welding a strip of metal into a substantially circular
guide; the rounded edges (see FIG. 3) avoid the exces
tube. The tube is continuously advanced and the corru
sive power loss resulting from obstructions presented
gating tool is moved wholly transversely in proper
by sharp corners in the waveguide cavity. The power
synchronism with the advancing motion of the tube.
rating of the waveguide is further increased by the use
The helically corrugated waveguide is then provided
of corrugations which are helically con?gured in such a
with the dumbbell-shaped cross-section using the proce
way that the corrugation crests and trouqhs on one wall
dure described above for using the shaping wheel ar
. of the waveguide are staggered relative to those on the
rangement of FIG. 10 to impart the shape de?ned by
opposite wall. As shown in FIG. 11B, the waveguide 60
equation (1).
is formed of helical corrugations 62 which are spaced
What is claimed is:
apart at a pitch distance “S1”, which is substantially
1. A semi-flexible, double-ridge waveguide having
larger than the corrugation depth “d1”. According to a
reduced attenuation and increased power-handling ca
preferred embodiment, for a waveguide optimized for
pability for a given bandwidth, said waveguide com
operation within a band width of 7.5—l8.0 GHZ, the
prising a continuous length of corrugated tube having a
pitch “S1” was selected to be about 0.18” and the depth
substantially dumbbell-shaped cross-sectional contour
“d1” was selected to be about 0.04” so that the depth-to 65 de?ned about major and minor axes “u” and “v”, re
pitch ratio was about 0.22.
spectively, by a polar equation relating variables ‘r’ and
The helical nature of the corrugations effectively
staggers the corrugation crests 64 and troughs 65 on one
‘9’ according to the relationship
r21’ — ZarP cos 29 +1:2 =b2,
6. The waveguide as set forth in claim 4 further com
wherein parameter
prising a continuous length of corrugated tube having
helical corrugations with a pitch 5 and depth d, said
corrugations having crests and troughs disposed in a
staggered con?guration such that corrugation crests
and troughs on one wall of the waveguide are shifted
relative to corresponding corrugation crests and
troughs on the opposing wall of the waveguide, thereby
increasing the air gap between opposing walls of the
and parameter
..b,. : (Mail!) 1
7. The waveguide as set forth in claim 6 wherein the
corrugations are characterized by a depth-to-pitch ratio
(d/ S) of less than 0.5.
8. A method of increasing the power-handling capa
bility of a double-ridge waveguide for a given band
width or increasing the Waveguide bandwidth for a
said parameter “b” being greater than said parameter
“a”; said exponent “p” has a value greater than two; “r”
and “9” are variables, “r” being the radial distance
between any given point on said contour and the point
of origin and “9” being the-angle between the major
axis and the radial line along which said given point is
given power-handling capacity by shaping the wave
guide to have a substantially dumbbell-shaped cross
de?ned on said contour, and wherein said corrugated
sectional contour de?ned about major and minor axes u
tube includes helical corrugations having a pitch “S”
and depth - “d”, said corrugations having crests and
troughs disposed in a staggered con?guration such that
and v, respectively, by the polar equation
r2P—2arP cos 29+a2=b2
corrugation crests and troughs on one wall of the wave
where r and 9 are variables, r being the radial distance
guide are shifted relative to corresponding corrugation
between any given point on said contour and the point
crests and troughs on the opposing wall of the wave 25 of origin and 9 being the angle between the major axis
guide, thereby increasing the air gap between opposing
walls of the waveguide.
and the radial line along which said given point is de
?ned on said contour, a and b are constants de?ned in
terms of said major and minor axes u and v as
2. The waveguide as de?ned in claim 1 wherein the
corrugations are characterized by a depth-to-pitch ratio
(d/S) of less than 0.5
3. The waveguide a de?ned in claim 1 wherein said
parameters “u”, “v” and “p” are selected in such a
manner as to optimize the bandwidth and attenuation of
and the exponent p has a value greater than two, said
said waveguide for a given length, and wherein said
parameters u, v and p being selected such as to optimize
parameter “p” is selected to be within the range of 35 the bandwidth and attenuation of said waveguide for a
4. A double-ridge waveguide having a cross-sectional
given length.
9. The method as set forth in claim 8 wherein the
exponent p has a value within the range from about 2.6
to about 4.0.
10. The method as set forth in claim 8 wherein the
contour de?ned about major and minor axes u and v,
respectively, by the polar equation
r2P—2arP cos 29+aZ=b2
power-handling capability of said waveguide is further
increased by forming said waveguide of a corrugated
where r and 9 are variables, r being the radial distance
between any given point on said contour and the point
of origin and 9 being the angle between the major axis
and the radial line along which said given point is de
tube having helical corrugations with a pitch S and
depth d, said corrugations having crests and troughs
?ned on said contour, a and b are constants de?ned in
terms of said major and minor axes u and v as
disposed in a staggered con?guration such that corruga
tion crests and troughs on one wall of the waveguide
are shifted relative to corresponding corrugation crests
and troughs on the opposing wall of the waveguide,
thereby increasing the air gap between opposing walls
50 of the waveguide.
11. The method as set forth in claim 10 wherein the
and the exponent p has a value greater than two.
corrugations are characterized by a depth-to-pitch ratio
(d/S) of less than 0.5.
5. The waveguide of claim 4 wherein the exponent p
has a value within the range from about 2.6 to about 4.0.