17, 97–123 (1998)
Nabta Playa and Its Role in Northeastern African Prehistory
Fred Wendorf
Department of Anthropology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas 75275
Romuald Schild
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Received October 1, 1997; revision received November 1, 1997; accepted January 10, 1998
Nabta Playa basin offers an unprecedented longitudinal view on the emergence, consolidation and complexification on human–livestock relationships, from the early stage of the Early
Holocene (c. 11,000 cal. B.P.) to 6000 B.P. The problem of cattle domestication in Northeastern
Africa is considered and hopefully ‘‘solved’’ in the light of new mtDNA evidence which suggest
an early late Pleistocene split between African, Asian, and Eurasian wild Bos populations. The
paper presents a contextualized analysis of almost all the components of archaeological investigation, including climatic change, culture history of Early to Mid-Holocene Nabta-Playans, the
development of social differentiation, and probably ranking with ‘‘labor-consuming’’ megalithic
features with the emergence of characteristic features of pastoral ideology and religions. As far
as the emergence and adoption of new foodways are concerned, the cultural development
outlined with the Nabta Playa archaeological record is important for the understanding of the
Holocene prehistory of Africa as a whole. © 1998 Academic Press
The Western Desert has a long history
of human use beginning at least as early
as the early Middle Pleistocene and offers
a rare opportunity to study past human
adaptation to a hyperarid environment.
For example, during the early Holocene
among the more interesting developments is the appearance of presumably
domestic cattle perhaps as early as 11,000
cal B.P.; the accompanying presence of sophisticated and well-made pottery in the
Early Khartoum tradition (Banks 1980;
Close 1995); the introduction of caprovids
from Southwest Asia between ca. 8400 and
8000 cal B.P. (Gautier 1980); technological
innovations such as deep wells which
made it possible for groups to live in the
desert throughout the year (Wendorf et al.
1984); the emergence of a regional ceremonial center with megalithic alignments,
When traveling through the area, the
Western Desert of Egypt does not appear
to be very promising for the study of prehistoric archaeology. On closer examination, however, even the untrained eye can
see numerous scatters of lithic artifacts
and other evidence of human occupation
in this area which today is unoccupied
and seemingly devoid of all life. The fact
that it is a complete desert, with less than
1 mm of precipitation per year and is lacking in grasses, bushes, and trees (except in
a very few places where ground water
comes near the surface), makes the archaeology more visible and permits detailed archaeological surveys that are
rarely possible in areas covered with vegetation (see Wendorf et al. 1987a).
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FIG. 1. Map of Egypt showing location of Nabta Playa.
stone circles, cattle burials, and other
large-scale constructions the functions of
which are not yet well understood; and
indications of social control and perhaps a
ranked social system by around 7500 cal
B.P., several hundred years before there is
evidence of similar complexity in the Nile
Valley. This puzzling proximity of cultural
innovation and environmental stress in
the Western Desert deserves serious consideration by those who have interests in
the relationship between environment
and cultural processes.
Many of these interesting developments in the Western Desert are best seen
in a large internally drained basin known
as Nabta Playa, and located near the
southeastern edge of the Western Desert,
about 100 km west of Abu Simbel and 30
km north of the Sudanese border (Fig. 1).
Because of the size of the drainage area for
the basin, Nabta Playa appears to have
been an unusually attractive locality for
early and middle Holocene groups, and it
and the surrounding basins are one of the
most important archaeological areas in
the Western Desert. Numerous archaeological sites occur here, often imbedded
within sediments of the ephemeral ponds
and lakes (playas) that filled the basins.
The Nabta basin also is of particular interest because it has one of the longest and
most complete sequences of Holocene occupations known in the Sahara. These
sites and their stratigraphic settings are
the focus of this paper.
The Combined Prehistoric Expedition
began studying the Holocene archaeology
at Nabta in 1974 –1975 and 1977 (Wendorf
and Schild 1980: 82–165) and, more recently, in 1990 –1992, 1994, and 1996. The
work since 1990 has not been published
in detail; however, several short papers
have appeared discussing some of the
more interesting features found at Nabta
(Dahlberg et al. 1995; Gautier et al. 1994;
Kubiak-Martens and Wasylikowa 1994;
Wasylikowa and Kubiak-Martens 1995;
Wasylikowa et al. 1993, 1995, in press;
Wendorf et al. 1991, 1992, 1993, in press;
Wendorf and Schild 1994, 1995/ 1996, in
press a). A final report on the prehistory of
Nabta Playa is in the final stages of preparation and should appear shortly.
Although the Western Desert is today a
rainless desert, it was not always so arid.
There is good evidence that at several
times in the past this area received as
much as 500 mm of precipitation per year,
at which times there were permanent
lakes, large springs and at least seasonal
streams. The most recent of these wet periods occurred during the Last Interglacial
and is dated between 130,000 and 70,000
years ago by several radiometric techniques. During this time the area was a
thornbush savanna and supported numerous large animals such as extinct buffalo and camels, large giraffes, and several
varieties of antelopes and gazelles. Numerous Middle Paleolithic sites are asso-
ciated with the lake and spring sediments
of this period (Caton-Thompson 1952;
Wendorf et al. 1993). Still earlier Middle
Paleolithic and Final and Late Acheulean,
and perhaps Middle Acheulean, artifacts
are associated with playa, lake, and
stream deposits of wet periods that preceded those of the Last Interglacial (Schild
and Wendorf 1977; Wendorf and Schild
1980; Wendorf et al. 1985a; McHugh et al.
1988a, b, 1989). Insofar as is known, only
occasional finds of heavily eroded artifacts
of these earlier periods occur in the Nabta
The Western Desert was hyperarid
from shortly after 70,000 years ago until
around 12,500 to 13,000 cal B.P. During
this arid period the water table fell to a
level as low as or lower than that of today,
and wind erosion scoured out numerous
deep depressions in the bedrock. One of
those wind deflated basins was Nabta. Before 12,000 years ago the summer monsoon system of tropical Africa moved
northward as far as southern Egypt, and
during the more moist phases brought
rainfall variously estimated on the identifications of wood charcoal to have been
between 50 and 100 mm/ year (Neumann
1989; Barakat 1995), and on the basis of
associated fauna between 100 and 200
mm/ year (Wendorf and Schild 1980: 236).
Some interpretations based on sediments
place the rainfall much lower, around 30
mm/ year (Kropelin 1993). Whatever the
amount, the precipitation was limited and
highly seasonal; both plants and animals
indicate that most of the rain fell during
the summer months. The rainfall was also
unpredictable, droughts, were frequent,
and some areas may have received no rain
at all for long periods (Wendorf et al.
1984). These limited rains during the early
Holocene caused seasonal lakes and
ponds to develop in the depressions previously hollowed out by the wind. The
Western Desert was still a dry and unpredictable environment, with no permanent
surface water and few resources. Only
small animals could live there, the largest
of which were two varieties of gazelles,
together with hares, jackals, lizards, rodents, and desert foxes, all of which could
exist on dew or moisture from vegetation.
Cattle, regarded as domestic, were also
present. Limited as it was, the Holocene
moist period in the Western Desert lasted
about 5000 years, until around 5900 cal
B.P., and at several intervals it supported
reasonably large, but highly mobile human populations who existed by large and
small animal pastoralism, hunting, and intensive gathering of a wide variety of wild
The Early Neolithic (10,800 – 8900 cal B.P.)
The earliest excavated sites at Nabta are
dated by radiocarbon to around 10,300 cal
B.P. and usually are located on fossil
dunes that accumulated on the floors of
the basins during the preceeding interval
of hyperaridity. These sites consist of
small scatters of lithic artifacts and fossil
bones; there is no evidence of houses,
storage pits, or wells, although most have
small hearth areas. One of these sites
yielded charred seeds of wild millet and
two varieties of legumes (Wasylikowa, report to F. Wendorf 1996). The locations of
the sites in the lower part of the basins
and the absence of wells indicate that
these sites were occupied when the playas
were almost dry, probably in early fall,
and abandoned in the spring, the driest
time of the year when surface water would
not have been available.
El Adam type settlements (10,800 –9800 cal
B.P.). These earliest sites are assigned to
the El Adam variety of Early Neolithic
(Wendorf et al. 1984: 409 – 411) characterized by well-made bladelet-based lithic
assemblages with straight-backed pointed
bladelets, perforators, and large end-
scrapers made on reused Middle Paleolithic artifacts. The preferred raw material
was Egyptian flint, the nearest source for
which was along the Eocene Plateau,
about 75 km to the north of Nabta playa.
Chert, agate, and chalcedony were also
used, but less frequently. A few grinding
stones and rare shards of pottery also occur. The pottery is well-made and decorated over the entire exterior with deep
impressions in a nested chevron made
with a comb or wand. Another common
design has closely spaced lines of comb
impressions, some parallel to the rim and
others at right angles. All of the decorations are in the ‘‘Early Khartoum style,’’
but the characteristic ‘‘dotted wavy line’’
motif of that style is missing in these earliest ceramics but it does appear in sites of
a later variety of Early Neolithic. A puzzling feature of this early pottery is its
rarity; it is usually limited to only a few
shards in a site, a situation which has cautioned us that it might be intrusive; however, the shards occur in most of the excavated El Adam sites and the designs are
unique and limited to this period. The
function of this pottery is far from clear,
but its rarity suggests that it was not in
general use as containers; they may have
been luxury or status items (Close 1995).
The lithic artifacts in these El Adam
sites, except for the pottery and the reused
Middle Paleolithic artifacts, are closely
similar to those found in the Arkinian in
the Nile Valley that is about the same age
or slightly older (Schild et al. 1968). Besides rare sherds of pottery, almost all El
Adam sites, which elsewhere in the Western Desert have been dated between
10,800 and 9800 cal B.P., have yielded a
few bones and teeth of a large bovid, identified as Bos, as well as numerous bones of
gazelle and hare, plus a few bones of
jackal, turtle, small rodents, and birds,
which suggests a rather poor environment, comparable to the northernmost
Sahel today.
Our interpretation of their food economy is an important aspect of understanding how these early Holocene groups utilized the W estern Desert. Following
Gautier (1980, 1984) we have suggested
that these early Holocene groups were
cattle pastoralists who brought their herds
into the desert for grazing after the summer rains, coming into the desert from
some as yet unidentified area where wild
cattle were present and where the initial
steps toward domestication first occurred
(Wendorf et al. 1984: 420 – 422; Wendorf
and Schild 1994). This may have been the
Nile Valley, between the First and Second
Cataracts, because wild cattle had been
present in that area (and a major prey
animal since the Middle Paleolithic; Gautier 1968), as were people with lithic industries closely similar to those in the earliest Holocene sites in the Western Desert.
We have suggested that cattle may have
facilitated human use of the desert by providing a mobile, dependable, and renewable food resource in the form of milk and
blood. The use of cattle as a renewable
resource rather than meat may be a possible explanation for the paucity of cattle
remains in these Saharan sites. This use of
cattle may have been closely similar to
that of modern African pastoralists, who
use the by-products from their herds, but
rarely kill them for meat, and then only at
important ceremonial occasions. Among
these groups cattle are an important
source of wealth and prestige. The African
pattern of cattle pastoralism may well
have developed in this or a closely similar
Our interpretation of the cattle remains
in the Western Desert has been highly
contraversial (Smith 1984, 1992; CluttonBrock 1989, 1993; Muzzolini 1989, but also
see Wendorf et al. 1987b). The objections
to the hypothesis of an early and separate
center of cattle domestication have been
considerably weakened, however, by recent mtDNA studies of African, Eurasian,
and Indian cattle which indicate that modern African and Eurasian cattle have been
genetically separate populations for over
25,000 years and that Indian cattle have
been separate from the other two even
longer (Bradley et al. 1996). This is strong
evidence that there were three separate
centers of cattle domestication, one of
which was in Africa.
Other evidence favoring the hypothesis
that the Saharan cattle were domestic is
seen in the restricted environment of the
Western Desert during the early Holocene, particularly the absence of permanent water. Without permanent water it is
highly unlikely that Bos could exist there
except under human control. Cattle need
to drink almost every day and would not
have been able to move from basin to
basin as the water in those basins dried
up, and as the dry season intensified, they
would not have been able to return to the
Nile Valley, or to move farther south
where permanent water was present.
That the cattle were brought to the
desert under human control is also
strongly supported by the composition of
the other fauna that occurs with them. A
faunal assemblage consisting only of
small, desert adapted animals and large
cows does not occur in nature. A normal
population would also include intermediate-sized animals, such as hartebeest.
Hartebeest and wild cattle were the predominant game in the Nile Valley, and
they appear to have overlapping requirements, with hartebeest being the ‘‘drier’’
of the two (Kingdon 1982; Gautier 1987;
Gautier and Van Neer 1989). The absence
of hartebeest in the Western desert Holocene faunal assemblages is difficult to explain if the cattle were wild.
El Ghorab type settlements (9600 –9200 cal
B.P.). There was a brief period of aridity
around 9800 cal B.P., when the desert appears to have been abandoned. In earlier
reports we proposed that when the rains
returned the desert was reoccupied by
groups we named the El Kortein variety of
Early Neolithic who used bifacial points
resembling the Ounan and Harif points of
Algeria and the Negev (Wendorf et al.
1984). A preliminary restudy of the El
Kortein sites, however, indicates that this
complex may in fact date somewhat later,
perhaps the early Middle Neolithic.
The evidence now available suggests that
when the rains returned Nabta Playa and
other basins in the Western Desert were
reoccupied by groups with a lithic tool-kit
that emphasized elongated scalene triangles and microburin technology. Other artifacts include grinding stones, perforators,
backed bladelets, endscrapers, and a few
shards of pottery similar to that found in the
El Adam sites. This lithic industry characterizes the El Ghorab type of Early Neolithic, dated between 9600 and 9200 cal B.P.
(Wendorf et al. 1984: 113–147). The associated fauna are again mostly gazelle and
hare, but there are a few bones of wildcat,
porcupine, desert hedgehog, birds, and cattle. All but the cattle are desert adapted and
do not require surface water. Plant remains
were not recovered from any of these sites,
but this probably is because all of the El
Ghorab sites were excavated before we developed proper recovery techniques. No
houses are known for this period at Nabta
Playa, but in the Dyke area located some 200
km northwest of Nabta, there are several
oval, slab-lined houses associated with lithics of the El Ghorab type (Schild and Wendorf 1977: 113–147). Again there are no
known storage pits or water wells, so it is
believed that the desert continued to be
used only after the summer rains and was
abandoned during the driest season of the
Another brief period of hyperaridity,
between 9200 and 9100 cal B.P., coincides
with the end of the El Ghorab Neolithic in
the desert (groups with similar lithic assemblages apparently continued to live in
the Nile Valley after this date; Vermeersch
1978). With the return of greater rainfall
around 9100 cal B.P., a new variety of
Early Neolithic, the El Nabta type, appeared in the Western Desert, and they
brought with them new technologies and
possibly a new social system that enhanced their ability to use the desert.
El Nabta type settlements (9100 – 8900 cal
B.P.). El Nabta settlements are usually
larger than the previous Early Neolithic
sites, and some of them had both large
oval huts and smaller round huts, as well
as numerous bell-shaped storage pits and
large deep wells, sometimes with adjacent
shallow basins that might have been used
to water stock (Wendorf and Schild 1980:
128 –140; Wendorf et al. 1984: 413– 414).
These El Nabta groups evidently had developed the technology and social organization needed to live in the desert
throughout the year. The lithic artifacts in
these El Nabta sites include numerous
perforators, burins, backed bladelets
(some of which are straight-backed and
pointed), retouched pieces, notches, and
denticulates. Simple bone points also occur, as well as pottery, the latter with several varieties of impressed designs, including ‘‘dotted wavy line.’’ Most of the
vessels are small globular jars with simple, constricted rims. Pottery is still rare,
but more abundant than in previous
phases, possibly because the settlements
were occupied by larger groups for longer
periods (but still seasonally, most known
sites are located in the lower parts of the
basins and were flooded during the summer rains). The associated fauna is similar
to that found in earlier Holocene sites,
mostly gazelle and hare, and a few other
small desert animals, together with an occasional Bos. A large series of radiocarbon
dates place the El Nabta phase between
9100 and 8900 cal B.P.
The largest known El Nabta site (identified as E-75-6) is located on a fossil dune
in the lower part of Nabta Playa (Fig. 2).
The site had been reoccupied many times,
the first was by an El Adam group. The El
FIG. 2. Plan of Site E-75-6, El Nabta phase harvesting site at Nabta Playa. 1, Edge of playa
sediments; 2, limits of unexcavated features; 3, test trenches; 4, walls of features; 5, small pits and
postholes; 6, hearths; 7, later pits; 8, identification arrows; 9, possible structure.
Nabta phase settlement has not been
completely excavated, but it has at least 15
houses or huts, not all occupied simultaneously but each used several times. The
houses are arranged in two, probably
three parallel lines, and there are three
water wells, one of which was 2.5 m deep
(Wendorf and Schild 1980: 131). Adjoining
each house are one or more large, bellshaped storage pits. We have previously
suggested that the arrangement of the
houses in rows indicates the presence of a
social system with sufficient authority to
control the placement of houses in the
village; however, recent excavations have
disclosed that the houses are aligned
along the edge of a deep basin, and arrangement of the houses may have been
strongly influenced by this local topography. This may be clarified by further
work, but regardless, it is clear that there
was sufficient control over labor for the
excavation of the deep water well. There
are, however, no indications of differences
in wealth, or even community storage facilities. The site has two kinds of houses:
long ovals more than 6 m long and 2.5 m
wide and round structures from 3 to 4 m
in diameter. Stratigraphic evidence suggests that some of the long oval houses are
earlier than some of the round houses, but
multiple radiocarbon determinations on
charcoal from both kinds of houses indicates that they are about the same age. All
of them appear to have been simple brush
or mat covered huts, with several shallow,
saucer-like floors separated by thin lenses
of silt. There were from one to three
hearths or burned areas on these floors,
and several (sometimes several dozen)
small, hemispherical ‘‘potholes’’ that were
filled with ash, charcoal, and charred edible plant remains.
Since Site E-75-6 is located in the bottom of a large basin that was flooded each
year with the summer rains, it is not surprising that the site was abandoned during these rains and then reoccupied when
the basin became dry. It is surprising,
however, that when the people returned
to the site they were able to find the precise positions of the houses even though
they were covered by silt. The answer to
this mystery may be the structure of the
huts. A few postholes around the periphery of the houses apparently held upright
posts that formed the frame to hold the
mats, skins, or brush that presumably
formed the walls and roof of the shelter.
This frame may have been left in place
when the site was abandoned each year,
and when the floodwaters in the basin
had receded, these still-standing frames
would have marked the exact positions of
the houses.
Site E-75-6 was obviously occupied
during the dry season when many
grasses and other plants mature, and the
site seems to have been a plant collecting and processing locality (Wendorf et
al. 1992). The house floors have yielded
over 20,000 seeds of grasses and legumes
as well as tubers and fruits representing
80 different morphological types, twothirds of which have been identified as
to taxonomic units of various ranks. All
of the plants are morphologically wild
and grow today in the Sahelian zone of
North Africa. Among the more frequent
of these are sorghum and several varieties of millets, the annual herb Schouwia, seeds of the shrub Capparis, fruit
stones of Ziziphus, and several kinds of
edible tubers (Wasylikowa et al. 1995:
143–147). There are some tentative indications that the sorghum may have been
cultivated. Preliminary chemical analyses by infrared spectroscopy of the
lepids in the archaeological sorghum
show closer resemblance to some modern domestic sorghum than to wild varieties (Wasylikowa et al. 1993). Along
this same line it is interesting to note
that the distribution of the sorghum in
the houses suggest that sorghum was
treated differently from the other seeds.
The significance, however, is not in
whether or not the sorghum was wild or
domestic, but that the sorghum and
other plants were being intensively harvested and stored for future use. One
may conclude that plant foods comprised a significant portion of the El
Nabta diet.
The numerous storage facilities associated with the huts at several sites of this
phase are further testimony to the importance of plants in the El Nabta economy
and indicate that these communities may
represent a new level of adaptation to the
Saharan environment where the mobility
demands of cattle pastoralism were somehow merged with intensive collecting of
plant foods that were harvested in significant quantities, stored, eaten, and those
remaining moved elsewhere before the
summer rains. This new adaptation may
anticipate the emergence of cultivation in
the Sahara, if it was not already underway.
In this context it is undoubtedly significant that there are no traces of wheat,
barley, or any other Southwest Asian domesticate. The barley recovered from this
site during the 1977 excavations (Hadidi in
Wendorf and Schild 1980: 347) is regarded
as intrusive.
Previously we believed that a brief period of aridity coincided with the end of
the El Nabta phase and the Early Neolithic. There is, however, strong evidence
that occupations with typical Middle Neolithic-styled ceramics and dated only 100
years later, around 8800 to 8700 cal B.P.,
occur immediately above the El Nabta
levels and without any evidence of an intervening episode of aridity. In the earliest
of these ‘‘Middle Neolithic’’ sites they
continued to prefer Egyptian flint for
many of their lithic artifacts and there was
continuity with the Early Neolithic in typology. Scalene triangles (some very
small, less than 15 mm in length), backed
bladelets, perforators, scrapers, stemmed
points with pointed and retouched bases,
notches, and denticulates are characteristic tools. We now assign these sites to a
later phase of the El Nabta type Neolithic.
In the succeeding later Middle Neolithic
there is a shift to local rocks for lithic
artifacts, with a greater use of quartz and
quartzite (few of which are retouched); in
addition, bladelet technology sharply declines; and among the retouched tools,
there are few scalene triangles or backed
bladelets, while points with retouched
bases disappear and are replaced by
points made on small flakes, with convex,
concave, or straight retouched bases and
lightly retouched pointed tips or lateral
The Middle Neolithic (8300 –7600 cal B.P.)
Radiocarbon dates place the beginning
of the Middle Neolithic around 8300 cal
B.P. The environment during this period
was similar to that in the Early Neolithic,
or slightly drier; the identification of wood
charcoal indicates fewer species of wood
(Barakat 1995), and in the fauna there is an
increase in the frequency of hare relative
to gazelle (Gautier 1984). However, both
of these changes may be reflections of
greater human presence. The missing
species of trees may have been preferred
for firewood and were the first to be depleted near the settlements. A similar explanation may be offered for the reduced
frequency of gazelle. These shy animals
will move away from an area where they
are repeatedly hunted, while hares are
less inclined to do so. The faunal assemblages in the Middle Neolithic sites are
larger and richer than those in the Early
Neolithic and comprise all of the species
of animals previously noted, including
cattle, as well as several kinds of lizards,
ground squirrels, field rats, hyena, sand
fox, and one example of either oryx or
Around 8000 cal B.P. there was an important new addition to the food economy
of the Middle Neolithic. Domestic caprovids, either sheep or goat, or both,
were introduced from Southwest Asia,
probably by way of the Nile Valley (although the oldest radiocarbon dates now
available for the Neolithic along the Nile
are about 500 years later). Cattle and caprovids have different herding requirements, and in a limited environment such
as the Western Desert, the management
of the two herds must have posed a challenge, but they were obviously successful.
Unlike the bones of cattle which continue
to be rare in most sites, once introduced,
sheep became increasingly more frequent
and in later periods replaced gazelle as
the major source of meat.
Despite an intensive search at several
sites in the Nabta area, edible plant remains have not been recovered from Middle Neolithic contexts. The absence of
plant remains is almost certainly due to
preservation and makes us appreciate
how fortunate we were to find Site E-75-6.
Thus far, we have not been able to find a
Middle Neolithic site in a setting that duplicates Site E-75-6. Nevertheless, most
Middle Neolithic sites have numerous,
large, bell-shaped storage pits and abundant grinding stones, both of which suggest that plant foods, most likely the same
ones found at E-75-6, were an important
component of their diet.
There are often houses in Middle Neolithic sites. These houses are usually
round in outline, semi-subterranean, between 30 and 40 cm deep, often with slablined walls and sloping lateral entryways.
In some sites the houses are jacal-like
structures with wattle and daub walls.
Hearths are usually in the center of the
floors. Middle Neolithic sites occur in a
variety of sizes and settings (Wendorf et
al. 1985). Some of them are small, with
only one or two houses, and these are
usually located in smaller basins. There
are also several somewhat larger sites
with half dozen or more houses in larger
basins; other sites are located on dunes
overlookng these basins. On the sandsheets and plateaus there are numerous
small clusters of Middle Neolithic artifacts, often poorly made, with a hearth
and not much else. Finally, there is one
very large site with unusually deep trash
accumulation (2 m) on a dune along a high
beachline of Nabta Playa (Site E-75-8; Fig.
3). This variation in settlement sizes and
their positions in the landscape has been
interpreted as reflecting a seasonally re-
sponsive regional settlement system in
which the population was dispersed into
small- and medium-sized villages located
in the lower parts of the basins during
most of the year, particularly the dry season. During the wet season they apparently gathered into a large community for
social and ceremonial purposes along the
beach of Nabta Playa, the largest basin in
the area. Houses are not known at Site
E-75-8 (Fig. 3), the supposed ‘‘aggregation’’ locality, but there are numerous
stone-filled hearths, and the site has
yielded the highest frequency of cattle
bones of any locality in the Nubian
Desert. In this connection it is useful to
note that among many African pastoralists today, cattle are frequently sacrificed
and consumed at important ceremonial
occasions to celebrate the birth or death of
an important personage and at betrothals
and marriages. The suggestion that Site
E-75-8 was where people gathered for ceremonial purposes in the late Middle Neolithic anticipates the slightly later emergence of Nabta Playa as a regional
ceremonial center similar to the regional
centers that occur even today in Sub-Saharan Africa, where they serve to bind
together groups that are often widely separated in space.
The other elements in the Middle Neolithic settlement system include the sites
on the dunes, which are believed to record
brief occupations by Middle Neolithic
people after they had left the ‘‘aggregation’’ site and while they waited for their
basin to dry sufficiently for them to move
down onto the playa floors, and the small
sites on the sandsheets, seen as temporary
camps by herders, possibly young boys
who were not yet skilled in stone working.
These herding camps could have been
used at any time of the year, but most
usefully after the summer rains when
grazing in those areas would have been at
its best.
FIG. 3. Plan of the large ‘‘aggregation’’ locality, Site E-75-8, on the north beach of Nabta Playa.
1, Sandstone bedrock; 2, windblown sand; 3, playa deposits; 4, wadi channels; 5, limits of cultural
debris; 6, Early Neolithic artifact cluster; 7, Middle Neolithic hearth mounds; 8, Late Neolithic
hearth mound areas; 9, ‘‘calendar circle’’; 10, megalithic alignment; 11, tumuli with cattle burials; 12,
excavation trenches.
The Late Neolithic (7500 – 6200 cal B.P.)
The Middle Neolithic came to an abrupt
end with a major period of aridity that
began around 7600 cal B.P. and lasted for
perhaps 100 years. During this arid episode the water table fell several meters,
the basins were reshaped, and their floors
deflated, in some instances by more than
3 m. Insofar as we can tell, the Nubian
Desert was not occupied during this dry
period. When the area was reoccupied a
few years later, around 7500 cal B.P., the
sites are larger (except for the many small
herding camps on the plateaus) and often
reoccupied several times, but evidently
not for extended periods. These Late Neolithic sites contain numerous shallow,
oval, stone-lined and stone-filled hearths,
but there are no traces of houses.
Stemmed and concave based, bifacially
flaked projectile points are common in
these sites, which may indicate increased
regional instability. There is also a new
lithic technology that made extensive use
of short, wide (‘‘side-blow’’) flakes, often
used as blanks for scrapers, complex
notches, and denticulates, and a new kind
of sand or fiber tempered pottery with
burnished exteriors and smudged interiors. Impressed or incised designs are rare
and limited to the rims (Banks 1980: 306 –
307). This new pottery is very similar to
that found in the early Baderian and Abkan Neolithic along the Nile, where they
are dated between 7200 and 6200 cal B.P.
(Nordstrom 1972: 250 –251; Hassan 1985).
The source of the Abkan and Baderian
Neolithic is unknown, but it was probably
derived ultimately from Southwest Asia,
possibly by way of Sinai, where prepottery and pottery Neolithic sites have been
dated between 11,000 and 9000 cal B.P.
(Bar-Yosef 1985). It is interesting to note
that Terminal Paleolithic fishing and
hunting groups were living in the Nile
Valley as recently as 8100 cal B.P., apparently with very limited contact with the
Neolithic groups living in the nearby
desert (Wendt 1966; Vermersch 1978;
Wendorf and Schild 1976: 163–182). This
changed with the Late Neolithic.
The same Middle Neolithic ‘‘aggregation’’ locality at Nabta (Site E-75-8) was
also occupied during the Late Neolithic,
again presumably during the wet season,
because the occupational horizons continue to interfinger with playa sediments
along the edge of the beach. Apparently
activities here during the Late Neolithic
were similar to those that occurred during
the Middle Neolithic. In addition to extensive and repeated occupations along the
high beach line of the playa that resulted
in numerous bones of both large and
small livestock left in the trash deposits,
our interest in this locality as a ceremonial
center during the Late Neolithic was
greatly enhanced by the discovery of a
north–south oriented alignment of nine
large sandstone blocks, set about 100 m
apart, and partially imbedded in playa
sediments near Site E-75-8 (Wendorf et al.
1994). Also, beyond the north end of the
alignment there was a ‘‘calendar circle’’ of
smaller sandstone slabs, which may have
had astronomical functions (Malville et al.
The potential importance of this locality
as a ceremonial center was further emphasized by the discovery of several small
stone-covered tumuli containing the remains of cattle, seven of which have been
excavated (Fig. 4). One contained a complete young adult cow buried in a claylined and roofed chamber below the
mound (Fig. 5); six others have yielded the
partially disarticularled remains of cattle
scattered among the rocks, with probably
more than one animal in each tumulus.
All of these small tumuli are located along
the western edge of the largest wadi entering Nabta Playa from the north, which
with a bit of tongue in cheek we have
named the ‘‘Wadi of Sacrifices.’’ These
cattle burials and offerings appear to indicate the presence of a cattle cult. Both
the stratigraphic and radiocarbon evidence place these cattle tumuli at the beginning of the Late Neolithic wet interval,
around 7500 –7400 cal B.P.
The discovery of the cattle burials led us
to reconsider how these Saharan cattle
pastoralists may have functioned in the
Sahara. Cattle require water at least every
third day and ample grass for food. For
this reason modern cattle pastoralists living in areas that receive such limited rainfall as even the most optimistic estimates
for Nabta rarely aggregate into large
groups, and when they do, they gather in
the driest time of the year near the few
FIG. 4. View of small rock-covered tumulus before excavation. Below the rocks was an oval,
clay-lined chamber containing the burial of a complete young cow.
wells with permanent water. It is during
this period that group ceremonies are performed (and thus different from the indicated season of ceremonial activities at
In areas of such limited and highly seasonal rainfall, cattle pastoralists require
an extensive range to ensure adequate
grazing and access to water for their
herds. In the Sahelian and Saharan zones
of North Africa, this generally means a
north–south pattern of movement. There
is more rainfall in the southern parts of
most areas, and these pastoralists move to
these wetter areas during the driest time
of the year and send their herds northward at the onset of the summer rains.
The pastoralists at Nabta had another option: they could move to the Nile Valley
during the dry season. The earliest Neolithic groups, who do not seem to have
dug wells, may well have gone to the Nile
during the driest period of the year (Wendorf et al. 1984). However, during the final
phase of the Early Neolithic and the Middle Neolithic, both of which have distinc-
tive ceramics, there is no evidence of such
pottery or sites that might be Saharan
Neolithic in the Nile Valley between the
First and Second Cataracts. Thus, despite
our logical expectations, the Nile Valley
may not have been a regular part of the
seasonal round during the Middle Neolithic. This does not rule out the possibility
that the Valley might have been used during periods of extreme drought, when the
Nile was the only available water. Such
refuge sites, if they exist, could be very
difficult to detect.
In the Late Neolithic there are many
similarities in the ceramics between the
Sahara and contemporary or perhaps
slightly later sites along the Nile. Therefore, it is highly likely that settlements of
Saharan groups might not be identified in
a preliminary survey, and for this reason
an east–west seasonal round during this
period cannot be ruled out. On the other
hand, the deep wells dug in the lowest
part of the Saharan playas also suggest
that groups occupied this part of the
desert during at least part of the dry sea-
son. Even so, there must have been significant seasonal movement, because cattle
will rapidly exhaust the nearby grazing in
such an environment, even when water is
available in wells. The settlements of the
Middle and Late Neolithic cattle pastoralists at Nabta must have been brief.
The potential significance of Nabta as
an early regional ceremonial center was
further strengthened by the discovery of
three groups of megalithic structures located on an extensive and relatively high
remnant of Middle Neolithic playa sediments along the western edge of the
Nabta basin. There are approximately 30
of these ‘‘structures’’ in the largest group
in an area 200 m wide and 500 m long
(because some have been disarranged and
others resemble bedrock outcrops, the exact number cannot be determined without
excavation). Each of the ‘‘structures’’ consist of several large, roughly shaped sandstone blocks set on edge to frame an oval
area about 5 to 6 m long and 4 to 5 m wide,
in the center of which is a large, north–
south oriented, rectangular slab (ca. 2 3
1.5 3 0.4 m). An interesting feature of all
three ‘‘megalithic structure localities’’ is
the complete absence of other associated
cultural debris, which is highly unusual
for the Nabta Basin, because most other
similar areas are littered with deflated
hearths and lithic artifacts. While generally similar, there are also interesting differences. One of the structures is larger
than the others and is set apart. Others are
relatively small and occur in tight interlocking groups of up to eight units. Most
of the structures occur in loose groups of
three or four units placed from 2 to 3 m
apart and never touching. Some of this
last group are large, approaching the size
of the isolated largest structure.
Test excavations at three of these structures yielded evidence of elaborate work
in stone far beyond that which was expected. One of them, the largest, is of particular interest. It had two large flat, hori-
FIG. 5. The young cow buried in the chamber below the small rock-covered tumulus.
zontal central stones with a third large
pyramid-shaped boulder resting on them.
All had their long axes aligned slightly
west of north–south. The central element
was surrounded by large boulders set upright on edge. Some of the stones had
been carefully shaped with wedges and
weighed up to one and half tons. We expected to find a burial pit below the central stones; instead there was only a lens
of finely laminated sand and silt, resting
on disturbed Middle Neolithic playa sediments, strongly modified by repeated
submergence and drying, which destroyed
all traces of bedding in the original playa
deposits. However, it was evident that a
large pit had been dug into the earlier playa
sediments and then refilled before the surface architecture was erected. In time the fill
in this pit began to settle, leaving a shallow
basin which was filled by thin lenses of laminated sand and silt.
At a depth of slightly more than 1 m
below the surface and off-set slightly from
the center of the surface architecture was
a large, carefully shaped stone that at first
was thought to resemble the keel of an
upside-down boat (Fig. 6), but when
placed upright, it looks vaguely like an
animal, possibly a cow. The long axis of
the sculpture was oriented north–south,
and at the north end was a rough fan-like
projection, like the head of an animal or
person. It is slightly more than 2 m long,
1.25 m wide, and 0.5 m thick, and it weighs
about 2.5 tons. One side of the stone is
convex, the other is flat; both of the upper
sides are carefully smoothed, but the two
under sides are rough and unshaped.
Centered under the ‘‘sculpture,’’ and
the surface architecture, at a depth of
3.5 m below the surface, was a large bedrock mushroom-shaped table rock (Fig. 7).
The table rock also had been carefully
shaped and worked into a circular outline
with smoothed, recurved sides and a flat,
smooth surface on top (Fig. 8). It has two
projections about 40 cm wide, one to the
north, and the other to the southwest. It
was expected that a tomb might be associated with the table rock, particularly beyond the north projection where there
were large elongated stones standing upright in the fill; however, excavation
showed no trace of pit or tomb (Fig. 9).
Two other megalithic structures have
been excavated, and two others tested by
drilling. All are basically similar in their
general characteristics; all built over table
rocks but only the large isolated one contained a sculpture. How they managed to
determine the presence of the table rocks
buried from 2 to 3 m deep in heavy playa
clays and silts is unknown. They may have
been found by digging pits or by probing
with long sticks while the clay was soft
after rains. The function of the structures
is not clear. It is possible that they are
shrines, but we suggest that they are
‘‘proxy tombs,’’ erected to honor elite
members of the group who died elsewhere during their seasonal movements
‘‘on the trail.’’ If so, these structures may
indicate differences in social rank, with an
elite ‘‘family,’’ or kin group represented
by the clustered structures, a class of
higher ranking individuals by the groups
of larger structures, and a yet higher
ranked individual by the isolated structure.
These limited excavations at these
megalithic structures indicate the presence of elaborate and previously unsuspected Late Neolithic ceremonialism. Although the degree of social control
involved is not as yet established, the
planning of the structures, the work required to quarry and transport the stone
sculpture, the effort used to dig the 5 to
6 m in diameter pits, and the time demanded to shape the sculpture and the
underlying table rocks, represent efforts
and social expenditures far beyond that
expected from the seemingly simple cattle
pastoralists represented in the living sites.
FIG. 6. Carefully shaped ‘‘stone sculpture’’ found under the Late Neolithic megalithic surface
architecture. The longitudinal axis of the sculpture is oriented north–south and has an unshaped
projection at the north end.
The gradual development of technologies and social systems that facilitated
use of the Sahara by Neolithic groups in
the early and Middle Holocene has been
outlined in the preceeding pages. The
presence of social systems that permitted control of the labor needed to excavate the deep wells needed to exist in
the area in the driest season and possibly to determine that settlement arrangement was present as early as 9000
cal B.P. in the final phase of the Early
Neolithic. Regional ceremonial and (possibly political) systems are indicated for the
Middle Neolithic as early as 8000 cal B.P.,
with the large settlement of E-75-8 and
its more frequent remains of cattle. This
trend toward social complexity reaches
FIG. 7. Worked mushroom-shaped ‘‘table rock’’ found under the stone sculpture at a dept of
4 m. The upper figure is at the north projection. The north end of the sculpture was held in position
by the slab to the right of the figure.
its zenith with the emergence of Nabta
as a regional ceremonial center in the
Late Neolithic. These developments are
significant for African prehistory in two
areas: first, the emergence of the African
Cattle Complex (Herskovits 1926) where
cattle serve to symbolize status and
power, and in which regional ceremonial
centers are an important component;
and second, the role of African cattle
pastoralists in the rise of Egyptian Civilization.
The source or sources of social complexity in Egypt has long been a topic of
discussion. Initially it was believed that
Egypt might have been the first to have a
complex society, but radiocarbon dates
have shown that Mesopotamia was earlier. It was then assumed that Egypt was
the great borrower and that the concepts
of complexity spread from Mesopotamia
to Egypt. However, it is no longer as-
sumed that social complexity can be borrowed or diffused from one area to another, instead social complexity is more
often seen as developing from local
causes. Social complexity is frequently
regarded as an expression of the degree
of structural differentiation and functional specialization evident in a society;
a development can occur within the society when craft and other specialists
emerge (because when division of labor
increases, the need for control also increases), or from external forces where
there are two radically different economic systems in close physical proximity, as is often found where agriculturists
with a centralized political system have
close relationships with pastoralists.
These two processes of structural differentiation are not mutually exclusive, but
mutually supportive. The pastoralists
usually live in tense harmony with their
FIG. 8. Worked mushroom-shaped table-rock, showing carefully shaped sides. View is looking
southeast. The area below the mushroom stone has yet to be excavated.
village neighbors, but from time to time
they will take advantage of a weakness
and take control. It is in this setting that
the Late Neolithic cattle pastoralists and
their regional ceremonial center at
Nabta is of particular interest, because it
may well be that the Saharan pastoralists may have provided the basis for the
external differentiation that stimulated
the emergence of social complexity in
Ceremonialism in Predynastic and Old
Kingdom Egypt
One of the interesting aspects of the
Nabta center is its possible role as a contact point between the early Nilotic Neolithic groups with their agricultural economy and the cattle pastoralists in the
Egyptian Sahara. The functional separation of these two different economies may
have played a significant part in the emer-
FIG. 9. View of worked mushroom-shaped table-rock looking west. Note one of two large
losenge-shaped stones standing near vertical behind and to right of workmen. The positions of
these stones suggest the possibility of a shaft.
gence of complexity among both groups.
The evidence for Nilotic Egyptian influence on Saharan pastoralists is not extensive and is presently limited to Late Neolithic ceramic technology, occasional shells
of Nile species, and rare stones from the
Nile gravels. Another way of exploring
this is by examining those aspects of political and ceremonial life in the Predynastic and Old Kingdom that might reflect
impact from the Saharan cattle pastoralists. In this we have been preceeded by
Frankfort (1978: 3–12) who, in his major
study of Egyptian and Mesopotamian re-
ligions and political systems, argued that
the Egyptian belief system arose from an
East African substratum and was not introduced from Mesopotamia. To support
his position Frankfort pointed to the similarities in religious beliefs the early Egyptians shared with Nilotic cattle pastoralists. During the Old Kingdom, cattle were
a central focus of their belief system. They
were deified and regarded as earthly representatives of the gods. A cow was also
seen as the mother of the sun, who is
sometimes referred to as the ‘‘Bull of
Heaven.’’ The Egyptian pharaoh was a
god (similar to the Shillok king, and not an
intermediary to the gods as in Mesopotamia). He was the embodiment of two
gods, Horus, for Upper Egypt, and Seth,
for Lower Egypt, but he was primarily Horus, son of Hathor, who was a cow. Horus
is often depicted as a strong bull, and images of cattle are prominent in Predynastic and Old Kingdom art; in some instances the images of bulls occur with
depictions of stars, a concept that goes
back to the Predynastic (Frankfort 1978:
172). Dead pharaohs were sometimes described as the Bull in Heaven. Another
important Old Kingdom concept was Min,
the god of rain, who is associated with a
white bull, and to whom the annual harvest festival was dedicated.
It is interesting to note that the emphasis on cattle in the belief system of the Old
Kingdom is not reflected in the economy.
While cattle were known and were the
major measure of wealth, the economy
was based primarily on agriculture and
small livestock—sheep and goats. Frankfort saw this emphasis on cattle as an indication that the Old Kingdom beliefs
were part of an older stratum of East African concepts. It seems likely, however,
that had Frankfort known that cattle pastoralists were in the adjacent Sahara several thousands years before the Predynastic, he would have seen the Western
Desert cattle pastoralists as the more
likely source for the Old Kingdom religious beliefs than the East African pastoralists. Moreover, that cattle were not important among the preceding Neolithic in
the Nile Valley suggests that the Old
Kingdom belief system was imposed from
outside, perhaps in the traditional fashion,
a conquest by pastoralists who periodically come in from their ‘‘lands of insolence’’ to conquer farmers (Coon 1958:
295–323; Khazanov 1994). It is tempting to
suggest that the impressive cattle burials
at the A-Group site of Qustul (Williams
1986), in Egypt south of Abu Simbel, may
relate to just such an event.
Ethnographic Data Relating to Regional
Ceremonial Centers
The Nabta cattle pastoralists and the
proposed regional ceremonial center also
may contribute to a better understanding
of the origins of the African Cattle Complex. One of the aspects of the modern
African Cattle Complex is the regional
ceremonial center for groups that are divided into sections or lineages. These centers serve as foci of religious, political, and
social functions for the entire group. Similar regional ceremonial ceremonial centers occur widely in Sahelian and Subsaharan Africa, but they are usually
assigned to the Iron Age or later. The evidence from Nabta suggests that regional
ceremonial centers probably have a much
greater antiquity in Africa than has previously believed and suggests that we
should reconsider such a late date for the
beginning of this phenomena. The megalithic alignments, cattle tumuli, and cattle
consumption at Site E-75-8 all indicate
that the Nabta Basin was a ceremonial
center, but it has not been confirmed that
this center served to integrate separate
groups, sections, or lineages.
Many African cattle pastoralists, such as
the Habana and Beni Helba Baggara
tribes, who live in the hyperarid area of
northern Darfur, and the Gura’an in adjacent Chad have economies in which hunting and gathering are significant; or they
supplement their cattle resources and
gathering activities with a symbiotic relationship with a group of hunters who provide meat (Nicolaisen 1968). Another solution is found among the Baggara tribes
in northern Kordofan, who not only
gather plant foods, but also use droughttolerant camels as well as cattle (Asad
1970; Lampen 1933; Seligman and Seligman 1918). A few pastoralists also culti-
vate gardens (Cunnison 1966). The cattle
pastoralists at Nabta also must have had
some dependence on hunting and gathering, and perhaps even gardens, as the associated faunal and floral remains indicate.
Unfortunately for our purposes, the
modern cattle pastoralists living 500 to
800 km south of the Egyptian border, in
northern Darfur and Kordofan, such as
the Gura’an, Kababish, and Baggara, who
might be expected to share many burial
and religious features with the Nabta
group, are Moslems, and traces of their
earlier beliefs are scant (Asad 1970;
Lampen 1933; Seligman and Seligman
1918). Nevertheless, the tribes living in
northern Darfur use cattle for bride payments, to settle blood debts, and to determine wealth and prestige; they never kill
cattle for their meat except on ceremonial
occasions. Although most groups live in
the desert throughout the year, the Baggara who live in northern Kordofan have
strong ties with the Nubians living along
the Nile near Dongola, and during periods
of extreme drought they move to the river.
The political structures of the northern
Darfur tribes usually include an overall
tribal leader whose position is inherited in
the male line, and who has final authority
over all disputes and issues regarding the
well-being of the tribe, but the authority
of these leaders is limited, largely because
the tribe is divided into territorial lineages
which can function independently. Strong
leaders seem to have emerged only at
times of special need, such as warfare or
other crisis, and do not seem to have been
able to maintain that authority after that
emergency had passed. Each lineage has a
leader who is responsible to the tribal
leader and whose position is also inherited. Probably because of their Moslem
beliefs, the ceremonial life of these northern Sudanese tribes does not appear to
emphasize rain-making, although lineage
and tribal leaders sometimes conduct
simple ceremonies seeking rain. There are
shrines or sacred places, but very little is
known about them.
Almost all of the animastic tribes living
farther south, along the Upper Nile, are
cattle pastoralists. Cattle dominate their
lives: they are their primary wealth; they
are used to pay bride-payments and blood
fines, and they are the basis for prestige.
Among most of these groups the rainmakers are the most common religious
figures. These rain-makers derive their
power from ancestral spirits and may be
either the embodiment of their high god
or, more frequently, serve as an intermediary with that god to bring rain, so the
grass will grow and their cattle will flourish. The rain-maker is usually the most
important person in the tribe; he resolves
disputes as the final authority, and he is
responsible for all public life. Most are
also wealthy, and there is a documented
case where an unusually powerful Nuer
ruler sacrificed numerous cattle and covered them with an earthen mound to
demonstrate his importance and wealth
(Herskovits 1926: 28). The power of these
rain-makers is limited and they also live
precarious lives; they are often killed
when rain fails to come, and they are also
killed when they become ill or grow old
before they lose their power. On the other
hand, some of the East African cattle pastoralists, such as the Shilluk, who lack
rain- makers (Seligman and Seligman
1932), are led by a king who is regarded as
the embodiment of their god. These kings
have much greater power and they usually control larger groups than the rainmakers.
Many of these tribes in the Upper Nile
build earthen tumuli, some of which are
still in use. They serve as deliberately constructed regional centers for groups that
are divided into sections or lineages. Because they are the foci of religious, political, and social functions for those groups,
these regional centers serve to bond the
lineages together. These centers are also
associated with themes of sacrifice, death,
and burial (Johnson 1990). In some instances they become the focal point of
royal rites and the royal capital itself
(Howell and Thompson 1946), although
most of them seem not to be connected to
a particular settlement. In some instances
the shrines include mounds built over
sacrificed cattle, while other mounds
cover burials of prominent leaders (Bedri
1939: 131; Howell 1948: 53). There are historic records that retainers were sometimes buried with these leaders (Johnson
1990: 49). Myths associated with these regional centers also serve to define the territorial claims of the groups identified
with the shrine and to legitimize the authority of those with spiritual power
(Leinhardt 1961: 98).
An excellent example of the role
played by these mound-shrines today is
provided by a modern Dinka shrine,
built on the border between several
tribal groups, that has become a focal
point and national symbol for the Southern Sudanese Liberation Movement
(Johnson 1990: 53). Another example
built in the early part of this century,
was erected when an unusually powerful Nuer prophet stimulated the construction of a huge conical earthen
mound, 100 m in diameter and 15 m
high, and surrounded around the base
with numerous elephant tusks (EvansPritchard 1956: 305–306; Seligman and
Seligman 1932: 231). Evidently this was
done by volunteers over a period of
many years without conscripted labor.
There are many other kinds of shrines
used in this area, most of them simple
decorated poles, referred to as ‘‘mobile
shrines,’’ but among the Bari and the Lotuko the rain-maker shrines consist of a
circle of large upright stones with a mosaic of smaller flat stones in the center
(Seligman and Seligman 1932: 288; 330).
The Nuba also have circles of large up-
right stones with smaller flat stones in the
center that are used by the men when they
perform the new fire ceremony (Seligman
and Seligman 1932: 343–344), while among
the Kalenjin in Kenya, tribal elders sometimes sit against upright stones set in a
circle (Posnansky 1966).
Most of the modern Nilotic cattle pastoralists bury their dead in simple, shallow graves with a small decorated stick or
pole shrine nearby. Cattle are sometimes
sacrificed as part of the ceremony, particularly for their leaders and the wealthy.
Burial among the Nuba and the Moro,
however, is in chambers from 2 to 3 m
below the surface and about 2.5 m in diameter that are reached by shafts dug
from the surface (Seligman and Seligman
1932: 404 and 486).
Some Archaeological Ceremonial Centers
The archaeological literature for Sahelian and Sub-saharan Africa record numerous presumed regional ceremonial
centers with megalithic alignments, burial
mounds, and stone circles similar to, but
not identical with, those at Nabta. These
ceremonial centers occur from Ethiopia to
Senegal and north to the Maghreb
(Camps 1953; Connah 1987; Desplagnes
1951; Fergusson 1872; Joussaume 1974,
1985; Milburn 1988; Tilner 1981). They are
particularly abundant in West Africa
where there are literally thousands of tumuli and megaliths (Martin and Becker
1974, 1984). Only a few of these tumuli and
megaliths have been dated, but they are
usually assigned to the Iron Age or later.
There are two older, but rejected radiocarbon dates of 7440 and 6700 B.P. associated
with megaliths in the Central African Republic (Vidal 1969, Bayle des Hermens
1975: 260 –261).
The archaeology of the Sahara in
northern Sudan is little known (Kuper
1986; Richter 1989; Schuck 1989), but
near Malha Crater in northern Darfur
there are numerous earthen mounds,
some of which are very large, indicating
that a rich ceremonial and burial complex existed there in the past. Many of
these mounds occur near large, late prehistoric ‘‘cities’’ that are segmented into
distinct units and special precincts. The
arrangements of the towns suggest multiple sections or lineages. Very little
work has been done at these sites, but
they are tentatively dated between 3000
and 4000 B.P., when the lake sediments
in the crater indicate an interval of
greater precipitation (Dumont et al.
1993). Of interest here is the erection of
burial mounds in special precincts away
from the settlements, which resembles
the situation of the megalithic structures
at Nabta. These Malha sites could well
have served as regional ceremonial centers. It is also useful to note that these
settlements indicate, at the very least,
that large and complex groups could
function successfully in areas of very
limited rainfall, but we do not know if
they were farmers or mixed farmers and
A Final Comment
Around 6200 cal B.P. the modern
phase of hyperaridity began in the Eastern Sahara and the area was abandoned.
It has been suggested that the movement of these perhaps better organized
Late Neolithic cattle pastoralists to the
Nile Valley, and the resulting turmoil,
was a critical factor in the rise of social
complexity and the subsequent emergence of the Egyptian state in Upper
Egypt (Hoffman 1979; Hassan 1988). If
so, Egypt owes a major debt to those
early pastoral groups in the Sahara; they
may have provided Egypt with many of
those features that still distinguish it
from its neighbors to the east. While
tempting, this hypothesis must be
viewed with caution. Many features
which characterize the ceremonial aspects of the regional center at Nabta are
as yet unknown in the Nile Valley. These
include the megalithic alignments, the
megalithic structures and worked table
rocks, cattle burials in chambers built in
stone-covered tumuli, and calendar circles. One of the fascinating aspects of
the evidence for the working of large
stones is that it seems to anticipate later
Egyptian developments. If the Saharan
people contributed significantly to the
rise of complexity in the Predynastic, the
precise nature of those contribution has
yet to be defined.
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