Dennis L.Oberg, Member. IEEE, Jerry L.Wert, Eugene Nonnand,
Joseph D.Ness, peter P.Majewski, and Richard A. Kennemd
Boeing Defense & Space Group
Seattle, WA 98124-2499
This lessens the relative impact of register upsets, which
Koga stated may "overestimatethe device upset rate by as
much as an order of magnitode". Here, the predominance of
RAM over registers allowed for useful &vice upset
This reportpresents the results of Single Event Effect (SEE)
cham%htion testing of the Intel 87C51FC microcontroller
for use in Space Station Freedom (SSF). The 87C51FC
exhibited4 types of SEE:RAM upset and three types of
system errors, i.e., reset, latchup, and power cycle (a
condition not correctable by the onboard watchdog timer).
these single event effects were determined.
Rehinary testing of the 87C51FC was carried using the
University of Washiogton Tandem Van de Graaff. (Reference
[101gives a brief description of the Eacility and procedures
used there.) mere,upset and latchup were observed as well
as several new effects descrii in this report.
I. Introduction
Further testing was conducted at three separate facilities: a)
the 88-inch cyclotron at the L a m c e Berkeley Laboratory
(LEiL) for the heavy-ion tests,b) the Harvard Cyclotron
Laboratary (Ha
)protons with energies of up to 148
MeV,c) the Tri-University Meson Facility 0
protons with eneqies of 200 MeV and 500 MeV.
Space Station Freedom had intended to use the 87C51FC
"controller extensively in the Data Management System
and other subsystems. In view of the demonstrated
susceptibility of similar Intel "pmessors, (e.g., the
80386 [l] and the 8OC186 [2]) the 87C5lFC was identified
early as a prime candidate for SEE testing.
As a part of Boeing's overall task,we conducted single event
effects tests on the 87C51FC microcontroller to determine the
cross section and response rate for SEE,such as upset and
latchup. The same basic experimental apparatus was used for
all tests and the tested parts were exposed to heavy-ion beams
and beams of energetic protons. The response rates of the
microcontroller were calculated using the galactic cosmic ray
(GCR) and trapped proton environments defined for SSF [3].
Data were also taken for the 87C51FB microcontroller.
These SEE data are not presented here but are available in
the fullreport [4].
The Intel 87C51FC is a highly integrated 8-bit CHMOS III-E
microcontroller based on the Intel MCS-51 architecture and
is optimized for control applications. The FC version has
32K-bytes of onchip EPROM. It has 256 bytes of onchip
RAM. The upper 128bytes occupy aparalleladdress space
to the SpecialFunction Registers. Additional featms of the
microcontroller, common to both versions, include: a) four 8bit bidirectional parallel ports, b) three 16-bit timer/counters,
c) programmable counter array, d) fullduplexprogrammable
serial port, e) intermpt structure, and f) power-saving modes.
2. Test Environmentsand Dosimetry
SEE testing of microprocessorshas been carried out
extensively over the yeam [5-9]. Koga [71 dehed seveml
scenarios for microprocessortests. This research described in
this paper used a technique that may be roughly classified as
the "Self-testing Single Computer Method". One of the
relevant diBerences between the 87C51 and a microprocessor
is the large amount of on-board RAM in the microcontroller.
Tests at the LBL 88-inch cyclotron used the "Aerospace
Cocldail" [7,11]. This CO1lSiSted of four different heavy ions
(Kr, Ne, AI,N), all with an energy per nucleon of 4.5
MeV/amu (atomicmass unit). In addition, the cyclotron was
retuned to provide nitrogen ions at a higher energy (7.9
Mev/amu)for a lower LET (linear energy transfer).
The Boeing SEE test chambex was attached directly to the
beamline and contained the device under test @UT) mounted
on atest circuit cad. 'Ihe card and DUT were installed on an
apparatus that allowed rotation of the card and DUT with
respect to the beam line. Tests were conducted at multiple
angles to obtain bez adjustment of LET. To a 6rst
approximation, effective W increases with increasing angle
as given in equation 1. (Exposure a! angle also modifies the
effective incident flueace).
. .
n-Uniy&y Meson
Tests at TRIUMF used proton beams of 200 MeV and 500
MeV. The microcontrollers were exposed to fluences ranging
between lElO to 5E10 p/cm2during the runs. The beam was
collimated using a series of collimators arranged to provide a
2.5 x 5.0 cm aperture. This allowed beam illumination of the
DUT and not the supporting devices on the test circuit card.
A small scintillator was used to scan the beam and determine
beam unifodty (down less than 20% at the edge).
3. Test Approach
The ion exposure environments and the corresponding linear
energy transfer values are listed in table 1.
rvkval%ng R(si)cLm Ioaslan*/sec
Table 1Heavy Ion Beam
a and ranges l l ~ for
The temperature of the DUT within the test chamber was
controlled and monitored using a Boeing designed system
including electrical heating elements and temperature sensors
that wexe attached to the DUT using thermal grease.
On-line dosimetry for each run was based on the reading of a
PIN diode located just upstream of the DUT location. The
use of a PIN diode for on-line flux monitoring of heavy-ion
beams is a common technique, previously described in
refmnce [121. The beam flux was adjusted with attenuators
to achieve one or two upsets per time frame (see section 4.A
for a description of time frames). Heavy-ion fluxes were
variable, typical values being given in table 1.
Testsat the W a r d cyclotron used proton beams of five
Werent energies: 20,40,70,110,and 148 MeV. The
m i m n t r o l l m were exposed to fluences ranging between
lElO to E10 p/cm2during the runs. The cyclotron produces
protons of 160MeV. Protons of lower energy were obtained
by means of Lucite and lead degraders that also served to
spread the beam. The HCL has developed an absolute
dosimeter for its proton radiation therapy work [13,14]and
this was used for t h m tests. Beam size and uniformity were
determined with exposures of Polaroid film and were
observed to vary no more than 10% across the exposure area
as definedby a collimator.
Microcontroller upsets are expected to fall under two general
categories: data upsets and functional upsets. Data upsets are
upsets that occur in RAM, counters, or shift registers, and
certain SFR’s, which can be detected by the mimontroller
executing a test program and which are reset under test
program control. Functional upsets are upsets of internal
nodes, such as the program counter 0,
special function
registers (SFR’s),program status register (PSR),or the
program stack, which may affectprogram sequence.
Functional upsets wexe usually more deleterious and required
an extemal reset of the microcontroller to restm operation.
?he intent of the test program was to exercise and check for
the proper operation of the majority of the chip functions in
such a manner as to measure the sensitivityof the devices to
SEE. The test program was designed to initialize the test
sample upon start-up or reset, and to continuously test the
contents of intemal storage registers and RAM. The p g r a m
provided status signals to extemal instrumentation, which
indicated device status and general failuremodes. The
intemal storage structures, which wexe tested for data upsets,
included: direct RAM,64 bytes; indirect RAM, 128 bytes;
serial-port shiftregisters, 16 bytes; and special function
registers, 150bits.
Since the microcontroller is in essence a complex state
machine, certain internal storage nodes could not be tested
explicitly. An upset in these areas could only be inferred
from extemally observable anomalous behavior, such as
halting the program execution, program “run-away”,or other
behavior inconsistent with proper program execution. These
conditions are described as latchup, power cycle or m e t
(lockup or runaway) depending on their effect and how
proper microcontroller recoveay was achieved. Detection of
these conditions is d e s c r i i below. Data upsets were
disregarded when reset or latchup conditions were detected.
The test program was constructed as a continuously repting
loop. On each pass the following chip areas and functions
were examined:
a) directly addressableRAM (DRAM),
b) indirectly addressableRAM 0,
and power cycling Circuitry), which monitored the supply
current ( I d drawn by the "controller and cycled power
to the circuit when latchup was &tected. This testaid had
been designed and developed to compare the supply current
(nominally 20 mA) witb a preselected trip level (50 mA),
generate a signal to be recoded as a count in the latchup
scalar when Im exceeds the trip level, and cycle power to the
circuit so that proper operationis ltmned.
c) UART operation,
d) the maprity of the SFR's, which control the
hardware operational states.
Port 1on the mirocontroller was used as the interfkce with
external instrumentation to provide status and e m
information. The port lines wexe defined as follows:
System-Boot (which was pulsed once as the device was
reset); Loop_Start (which was pulsed at the start of each loop
iteration, indicating proper operation); Direct-RAM-Error,
Indirectm-Error, and SFR-Emr (these w<re pulsed
once for each failing byte in the tested areaof the
corresponding areas). RAM upset data,such as address and
register contents, were also captured using a logic analyzer.
4. TesrResults
Single event effect testing of random access memories is
usually straight forwad. A preselected pattern is recorded
into the RAM that is periodicauy compared with the initial
pattem as the device is exposed to abeam of ions to detect
any upsets. Upsets may be counted with no regard for
spurious events other than latchup so that the data resulting
from these tests can be directly intexpreted.
RAM, Serial port registers, and SFR were each tested with
individual procedures. In this test approach all unused,
contiguous memory blocks were filled with NOP's ending in a
jump-to-self instruction. Ifa device upset were to occur
which resulted in the program counter entering this unused
space, control would eventually come to the jump-to-self
instruction. After a maximum of 20 ms the external watch
dog timer would initiate a reset, starting the program over.
The procedm for taking upset data with the 87C51FC
mirocontrolleris very Merent from such simple RAM'S.
Fit,the "controller has many different upset
mechanisms, all of which must be taken into considemtion
and counted. Second, the microwntroller may generate a
large number of spurious upsets caused by internal system
upsets and these must not be counted with RAM upsets.
Third, the microcontroller may stop functioning and require
rebooting by a watchdog timer. During system reboot,
spurious upsets were disegarded.
Control and monitoring of the microcontroller during test
was accomplished with circuits on a test card, a latchup
aid/power supply, and external test instrumentation. An Intel
87C51 evaluation board [15] was also used.
During nonnal microcontroller execution, the test program
operated as a continuous loop, testing RAM and various
internal nodes, and issuing a re-initialization signal to the
"watchdog timer" (WD"') once every loop. (Koga, et al, [7]
also used a WDT in their testing.) If no upsets were detected,
a WDT re-initialization signal was generated by the test
program before the program loop execution timer @LET)
timed out (approximately 20 ms). Time-out of this timer was
indicative of anomalous program operation.
Additional failure modes were also discovered during the
course of testing. It was determined that the watchdog timer
&uit was not always able to reset the microcontroller. To
alleviate this,occmnce of a second, consecutive, watchdog
time-out caused the power to the microcontroller to be cycled.
These events were accumulated in a scalar as "power cycle"
Single event latchup events were detected by the increase in
power supply current that they induced. The DUT power was
cycled to " x t the latchup condition and the number of
these events was couoted separately.
The WDT circuit consisted of threetimers and a DUT power
control circuit. The timers were: 1) the PLET, 2)a reset
pulsewidth timer, and 3) a powerdown interval timer.
When the PLET timed out, a signal was sent to the reset
pulse-width timer and the microcontroller was reset (warm
boot). ThisoperationalsoreinitializedthePLFJT. Ifthe
microcontroller did not respond appropriately to the reset
signal within a second time-out period, a power cycling
sequence was initiated (cold boot). The power cycling
circuitry removed power from the test device for
approximately 10 ms. External scalars totaled the number of
resetsand the number of power cycling occurrences.
Upsets in the IRAM and DRAM segments of the
microcontroller memory were detected by the running
program and indicated by toggling discrete lines b m the
microcontroller. These were accumulated by scalarsalong
with other signals b m the system, described elsewhere.
Diagnostic information (time and beam fluence) was recorded
on other scalars.
The data acquired in the scalars was read by a
computer at fixed time intervals. The scalars were then
automatically reset and restarted. The advantage of this
approach was that confined spurious counts to one "frame" of
The mimntroller is also susceptible to single event
induced latchup. Latchup conditions were detected with the
Boeing designed latchup test aid (power supply, comparator,
. .
variability was seen. Such data was then summed for such
subsets to reduce the Statistical e".
d a t a a n d a V 0 i d e d " m t q the entire data set. At LBL,
the datarates weae high enough that data was taken every
StXOlUL *at
ffequedy, sothe data frame was 10 seconds long.
The results of heavy-ion testing are discussed for each
observed effect in the following sections.
The accumnlateddata sets are quik voluminous. Each of the
u)oaamoreruns consistedof up to 2oodataframesof 10
bit cross sections for single event upset are essentially
scalar valutsof 7 digits each. Each frame of data was
identical, so only IRAM data is presented in figure 1. This
analyzedby a set of automated qmakhef macros and
summed as desctibedbelow for eachdif€mnteffect.
was not unexpected since the IRAM and DRAM are
composed of the same kind of RAM cell.
Latchnn: W E latchup events were detected by a current
monitor after which DUT power was cycled to remove the
latch condition. All data frameswere counted toward the
latchup total. The cross section was then just the total
number of latchup events divided by the total fluence
(corrected for angle and calibration factor). As expected, a
latchup condition caused all of the other systems to generate
spnrious counts.
power Ch&
A power cycle was defined as a condition not
reset by a watchdog timer reset. It was detected by two
sequentid WDT time-outs. This situation was recovered by
cycling the power to the DUT. All data frames that do not
include latchup events were summed for power cycle data and
Power cycle also caused the remaining signals to
generate spurious counts.
System reset was defmed as a condition
causing the watchdog timer to time-out and generate a
resetheboot signal. All data framesthat do not include power
cycle or latchup events were summed for system reset and
fluence. System reset caused the remaining (RAM) signals to
generate spurious counts.
All data frames that do not include system
reset, power cycle or latchup were summedfor IRAM and
DRAM data and fluence. (In some instances, a large number
of RAM upsets occurred in a single "valid" frame, these were
presumed to be caused by "spill-ovef from adjacent frame
resets,latchup or other cause, and were not counted.) IRAM
data was taken from upsets in 128 bytes (10% bits). DRAM
data was taken from upsets in 64bytes (512bits). The RAM
bit upset cross sections (number of upsets divided by effective
total fluence) were obtained by dividing the cross section by
the number of bits.
plsure 1 Average IRAM C"Sectbn. Bit-
QOU rectimfar
87CSlEC "IRAM" YQUU LET. Data ~ I C sbownfor2voltager (4V & 6V).
It can be seen that the RAM upset cross section for the 4 volt
bias condition is usually worst case, as expected. At low LET
values, the diffemce between 4 and 6 volts can be more than
an order of magnitude. At higher LETSthe difference is less.
The device upset cross section is application dependent and is
here defined as worst case, where all bits of IRAM,DRAM,
SFR's. and other internal registers add up to approximately
2300 bits.
A logic analyzer was used to record data to investigate the
distribution of
over RAM address space, the
occurrencesof multiple bit errors, and the characteristics of
m r transitions. Histograms of memory mrs showed no
apparent trend, the ernlr distribution seemed to be random
over the address mnge. Error data was also analyzed to
determine the number of multiple bit errors within a single
word and to determine a pieference of low-high or high-low
transitions. Fbr the logic analyzer errors that were processed,
the percentage of multiple bit e m was seen to be
approximately 2%. High-to-low error transitions showed a
pronounced preference (accountingfor 75% of the RAM
Data:The plotted data was obtained by summing
subsetsof data. Many independent valiables were tested for
effect ie., bias voltage, DUT tempemure, device type (FB or
Ec), and device serial number. Some variables were seen to
be important for some effects: voltage and temperaane on
latchup [lll, and voltage on upset, for instance. However
little variation was seen far &er variables and effects, such
as temperature on upset. In addition, little device-todevice
Limited data was taken far the
special functionregisters (SFR's). The data is similar to the
RAM data and so is not presented
lock@ext" is shown in figure 2. It can be seen that the
shape of the cnws-section CIWe is similar to chat for RAM
upset. Theratiooft
o *
m is plotted in
figm 3. It can be seen that the ratio is nearly independent of
leadsus to p " e that the cause of system Itset is a subset
0fRAMupsets. plossibleddatesforinducingresetare
upsets ofthe programmunter mother qism(SFR's) or
calculation ofthe number of such bits was done and seen to
be close to what was o;twervad.It is expcctedthatthisvalueis
veryapplicationdependent. Apgramthatusesalarge
amount of "stack",for instance, would likely have a higher
reset ratio.
at 50 mA, a threshold of 30 mA. Tbe detection threshold is
indicated in the fqure andit canbe seen that we detect
variability). The ranaining 10%of s u b - M l & undetected
npsesS were rprobably the high LEI'"power cycle" events
The single event latchup data is shown in figure 4.
It can be seen that the &volt data at high temperature is wurst
case,as was expected [l11.
1 7
The dewice current was monitored during irradiation to
ions and collected fur successive latchup events.
Latchup current was recorded each time there was a change.
Two diffemt tests were conducted. In figure5, the
individual current increasesm depicted in histogramfashion
(as was also done by LaBel, et al[9]). The normal operating
current was 20 mA and our latchup detection circuit triggered
The cross section for "power cycle" events is
shown in figure 6. In this figurethe caption "No Events"
indicates the detection limit for the fluenceof the run (i.e.,
l/fluence). The high cross section for the 6-V high-LET data
power Cy&
suggests a latchup related effect. Indeed,the cross section is
appmximately what one would expect from undetezted
]atchap (seediscussionof latchup above).
figure 7 also showsa curve that is fit to 4.5-volt data points.
The 2-parameter Bendel model [20] has been suggested for
proton SEU cross sections and is given by:
The low LE;T threshold seen in heavy-ion tests indicated that
the 87C51FC would atso be upset by trapped protons [16,171.
proton SEU tests were thus conducted on the 87C51FC
microcontroller at both HCL and TRIUMF.
Upsets were encounted in all of the proton SEU runs but
proton-induced latchup was not. The fact that no latchup was
measured is consistent with the findings of other workers.
Earlier this year researchers at JPL [18] and ESA [191
reportedon proton-induced latchup measurements. In both
c ~ s e sthe susceptible parts had a heavy-ion LET latchup
threshold of approximately 3 MeV-cm2hg. Since our LBL
tests on the 87C51FC microcontroller indicate a LEIT latchup
threshold of greater than 10h4eV-cm2/mgthat is
considerably higher than 3 MeV-cm2/mg,it is not all
surprising that no proton-induced latchup was recorded.
In g a d , we saw little variation in the number of upsets for
the two temperannes (as was also the case for the heavy ion
data). A parameter that was varied and which did cause a
variation in the upset response was the bias voltage. The
nominal bias voltage for the microamtrolleris 5 volts.
During the HCL tests,runs with 148-MeV protons were made
with the bias voltage ai 4 5 volts and 55 volts. As expected,
the upset cross section at the lower voltage was greater, in
this case about 3096,than at the higher voltage. The
TRIUMFtests wefe conducted at 5 volts and 4 volts with the
500MeV beam and only 4 volts with the 200-MeVbeam.
"he combined upset cross section with 500-MeVprotons is
approximately 2.5 times larger at 4 volts than it is at 5 volts.
To utilize all the proton SEU data, we have adjusted the data
up or down to a bias voltage of 4.5 volts as shown in figure 7.
Total dose effects were seen in the HCL andTRIUMF proton
tests. The effects were small and were included in the
where: E = proton energy
A = 1.5
B/A = 0.953
The agreement between the data points and the fit is
adequate. However, while the Bendel model expects the
upset cross section to decrease at low energies, our data
indicates no fall-off. The 20 MeV data point has a large
energy uncertainty,however, since more degraders were used
to achieve this low energy.
Rate predictions for heavy-ion SEE (for the worst case
operation) were made for the failure modes for the 87C51FC
microcontroller. These were performed in accordance with
procedures found in =ferences [3] and [4] and used the
galactic heavy-ion spectrum appropriate for the SSF orbit.
Results are given in table 2.
Mean Time to Failure
Upset (Days)
630 Yq
Table 2. Ratea for upset, me4 pod latchup for the 87c51Fc
'he "reset" or "lockup" failure rate can be obtained by
multiplying the bit upset rate by 100. It must be emphasized
that this is very application dependent. The failure rate due
to "powercycle" was always less than the latchup rateand
may be an artifact of the test technique.
statistically signifbut and relatively few upsets were due to
LETS andenergieswhertthedatais statistically marginal.
The proton upset cross section allows us to calculate the rate
of upset induced in the 87a1 microcmmllerbythe trapped
protons in the Space Station orbit. Using the two-parameter
Bendel fit and the differential proton flux [3], the upset rate is
also given in table 2.
It is of interest to see to what extent our data is "complete" in
LET or proton energy coverage. A sensitivityfunction can
supply this information. The sensitivity function is simply
the cross section times the appropriate spectrum plotted
against LET or energy. (For a logarithmic X-axis, the
sensitivity data is multiplied by the X-value.) This was done
for heavy-ion data and is plotted in figure 8 for SEU and
figure 9 for SEL. Proton RAM upset data is plotted in figure
10. It can be seen that all of the latchups resulted from ions
at an LET where the data is good. The upset sensitivity is
peaked between 2 and 4 MeV-cm2/mg;however, the worst
case error is acceptable.
5. sumntmy
Data upset, lockupheset, and latchup ratepredictions based
on Space Station Freedom radiation envirOnmentsand on test
data for the 87C51FC mimntrollm are summarized in
table 2. The upset rates are seen to be dominated by the
proton environment.
These heavy-ion and proton SEE rates were found to be nonnegligible for use in many SSF systems. Boeing chose to
complete development and initiateproduction of a SEEhardened [21] version of the microcontroller that is expected
to be used inmany of these systems.
1. Scott, TM."SingleEvan Tat Method and T a t Resub for Intel's80386",
Figure 8 SEU Scositlvity. The wonu cane heavy ion bappset cros~ld o n is
ploaedtowith the sensitivity fuactionforthe "Dent at low ecuth
IBMRewa89-PN6-005. 1989.
2 W ~ R I C , S W ~ Q € L R . ~ E ~ ~''SingleEvcatEffedr
R e p o r t f o r t h e h t d M 8 O C 1 8 6 ~ f . J R ~ o d o b e r 1992.
3. "Space Station Ionizing RdLtimh i s i o n md suscqrtibilltyRaphemcats
for Ionizing Radiation Ebvinumd crmaatibility".
o n d " S p a c e S t a t i m F l * ~ h ~ EffCctrTeJtand
Analysis T e c h a i ~ " ,
4. TJ. Baker, R B;rllu4RA.I(anard,J C Lambert.P.Majewski. J. Nas,
E. Normend. DL. Obq. O.A. Pary,JL Wat, "87C51Micnxonlmllcr Siagle
E v u ~ t U p u l T a t R q ~ o r t " , & &october1992.
~ ~
5. Oucnzcr, CS.,Qmpbcll,AB.,md shpiro,P.,"SingleEvmt Upus in
NMOS Micmpmxsron",IEEETrens.Nucl. Sa.. NS-28,3955(1981).
6. S h p h , P.,Cmpbcll, AB.. ptanen.EL.and Myea. LT.,"protonInduced Single EMlt upetr in NMOS Mi-n".
IEEE T m .Nucl.
Sci., NS-29,2072(1982).
7. Koga, R.Kobimki, W.A..Mum, M.T., and Haonq W.A., "iques
MicFoprocesrorTariDg and SEU-Ratcprediction", IEEE T r m . Nucf. Sci., NS-
32,4219 (1985).
'Ihis sensitivity analysis establish good confidence in the
calculation of upset and latchup rates since most of the upsets
and latchups were due to LETS and energies where the data is
8. Nichols, D.K. Cas.J.R., Smith. LS.. Rax,B., H"x,M.,and Wmon,
i c Event Upsetchractauah
h & m p " r Tcdmologi~".IEEETronr.Nucl. Sei., NS-35,1619(1988).
K,"FbU Tempetatrue S
Tbe Boeing team gratefully acknowledges the assistance of
the following individuals and staffs that allowed US to
complete these irradiation studies: Richard McDonald
Cyclotron), David A. Hutcheon m,
and William
Weitlamp (University of Washington). We also wish to
ahowledge the efforts of Joe Suade and Mark Henning