Vol. 5. No. 1. January 2016 pp. 44-50 ISSN: 2254-7399 DOI: 10.7821/naer.2016.1.140
The educational possibilities of Augmented Reality
Julio Cabero1*, Julio Barroso2
Secretariado de Recursos Audiovisuales y Nuevas Tecnologías de la Universidad de Sevilla,
[email protected]}
Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa de la Universidad de Sevilla, Spain {
[email protected]}
Received on 11 July 2015; revised on 15 July 2015; accepted on 26 October 2015; published on 15 January 2016.
DOI: 10.7821/naer.2016.1.140
A large number of emergent technologies have been acquiring a
strong impulse in recent years. One of these emergent technologies is Augmented Reality (RA), which will surely have a high
level of penetration into all our educational centers, including
universities, in the next 3 to 5 years, as a number of different
reports have already highlighted.
The present paper shows various elements which, in our opinion,
play an essential role when it comes to the incorporation of
Augmented Reality into teaching, stressing the fact that this
incorporation should not entail a technological problem but an
educational and didactic issue. A mention is additionally made of
several studies which have been performed with regard to the
didactic exploitation of this emergent technology, as well as to the
potential that it offers us. Our study forms part of an R&D&I
initiative undertaken within the framework of the Plan Estatal de
Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia
2013-2016 [2013-16 State (National) Plan for the Promotion of
Excellence Scientific and Technical Research], with reference
A variety of emergent technologies (semantic web, gamification,
cloud computing, learning analytics, MOOC, Internet of things,
personal learning environments…) have been gaining more and
more strength since the start of this century thanks to various
events, which range from the importance that the web 2.0 has
gradually acquired along with the reduction in equipment costs
to the strong penetration of mobile devices which have had an
undeniable influence on the relocation of technologies. Amongst
these emergent technologies stands out the so-called ‘augmented
reality’ (AR), a technology that, as suggested by different
reports (Durall, Gros, Maina, Johnson, & Adams, 2012; García,
Peña-López, Johnson, Smith, Levine, & Haywood, 2010;
To whom correspondence should be addressed:
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Sevilla
Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa
Universidad de Sevilla
c/ Pirotecnia s/n
41013 - Sevilla, Spain
Johnson, Becker, Gago, Garcia, & Martín, 2013) is bound to
reach a high level of penetration into our educational centers as a
whole, including universities, within a 3-to-5-year horizon.
This significance which AR has been progressively gaining
becomes visible not only in the aforementioned Horizon reports
but also in some other facts such as the following: Time
magazine included it amongst the top ten technological trends of
2010, more specifically placing it in fourth place; and the
Company Gartner Research, one of the world’s leaders as far as
Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) research
and counseling is concerned, identified it as one of the
technologies that would have a stronger impact in the coming
years, with a use forecast in 2014 situated around 30% of users
owning mobile devices. Another three examples of what was
said above are: the Argentinian State educational portal Educar
( published a monograph about this
technology in 2013; the journal Computer and Education has
recently dedicated a monographic issue to it (issue 68, 2013);
and specific sites devoted to it appear in the “content
curatorship” of (
Now then, what can be understood as AR and which could be
the most significant differences with the so-called ‘virtual
reality’ (VR)?
By way of summary, AR can be described as the real-time
combination of digital and physical information through
different technological devices; in other words, it consists in
utilizing a set of technological devices that add virtual
information to the physical one, consequently implying the
addition of a virtual synthetic part to what is real (Fundación
Telefónica, 2011; García et al., 2010; Muñoz, 2013).
In the words of De la Torre Cantero, Martín-Dorta, Saorín
Pérez, Carbonell Carrera, & Contero González (2013, p. 5): “it is
a technology that permit users’ interaction with the physical and
real world around them. AR combines the three dimensions (3D)
of computer-generated objects and text superimposed on real
images and video, it all in real time.”
In short, AR allows the user to see the real world, in which
superimposed or compound objects combine with reality
(González, Vallejo, Albusac, & Castro, 2013). It is therefore a
technology which mixes real elements with other added virtual
ones for the purpose of creating a new a communicative
Di Serio, Ibáñez and Delgado (2013, p. 587) describe AR
systems as being characterized by three properties:
© NAER New Approaches in Educational Research 2016 |
combination of real and virtual objects within a virtual
The educational possibilities of Augmented Reality
mutual alignment between real and virtual objects; and
An element which can capture images of the reality
that users are looking at (a computer screen, a telephone, or a video console);
A device to project the mixture of real images with
synthesized ones (the three aforesaid devices can be
used for this purpose);
One or several processing elements that work jointly
and have as their function to interpret the information
from the real world that is received by the user, to
generate the virtual information that each particular
service requires, and to mix it in a suitable manner
(computers, mobiles, or video consoles);
A specific type of software for the production of the
An activator of augmented reality or markers which
can be QL codes, physical objects, GPS, amongst others; and
A content server which hosts the virtual information
that it is our intention to incorporate into reality.
interactive implementation in real time.
It can be said that the aim sought with AR consists to some
extent in enriching the information which exists in reality with
the information available in technological devices. Expressed
differently, when it comes to augmented reality, information
resides in the real content; and the digital content only augments
and completes it. “The concept of AR refers to combining what
is not there with what does exist in an imperceptible way and
offering users an improved or augmented representation of the
world around them” (Mullen, 2012, p. 13).
As pointed out by Fundación Telefónica (2011, p. 10), its
utilization somehow implies stimulating the physical senses of
sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste with a new technological
sense that makes it possible to enhance and increase the
information coming from the physical world. Based on this
approach, García et al. (2010, p. 28) argue that it seems accurate
to use the adjective ‘augmented,’ insofar as this technology
amplifies human perception abilities, and permits to break down
physical reality into its different dimensions with the aim of
facilitating the capture of specific components which sometimes
cannot be perceived through the senses, thus generating models
which simplify the world’s multidimensional complexity.
The considerations above allow us to establish a clear
difference between AR and VR, since virtual data replace
physical ones in the latter, as a result of which a new reality
arises. Instead, AR shows two realities overlapping on different
information layers in various formats (computer-generated
images, video sequences, animations, etc.) in order to shape a
new reality which is the one that a person truly interacts with.
Anyway, it must be remembered that both ‘realities’ share a
number of common characteristics, namely: immersion;
navigation; and interaction (Dunleavy, Dede, & Mitchell, 2009;
Kye & Kim, 2008).
This combination of real and virtual in AR requires bearing in
mind that both real and virtual aspects play important roles when
it comes to achieving an informative technological environment
(Klopfer, 2008).
In the light of all that has been explained above, it comes as
no surprise to check that AR has been acquiring certain
importance during the last few years with a strong penetration
into a wide range of sectors. Even though, as Fundación
Telefónica (2011) has highlighted, a certain amount of time will
still have to elapse before immersive AR arrives, our present-day
AR can actually be described as simple, because it is accessible
to everyone and allows us to carry out different types of
experiments using easily available as well as user-friendly types
of technological equipment such as laptops or mobile devices
and, in our case, with an additional relatively strong presence
both inside centers and amongst students. As a matter of fact,
mobile devices appear as a kind of technology with a strong
penetration into educational institutions according to the most
recent Horizon reports (Durall et al., 2012; García et al. 2010;
Johnson, Adams, & Cummins, 2012; Johnson, Adams Becker,
Cummins, Estrada, Freeman, & Ludgate, 2013a, 2013b, 2013c).
Following the approaches put forward by various authors
(Fundación Telefónica, 2011; Fombona, Pascual, & Madeira,
2012; Kipper & Rampolla, 2012; Mullen, 2012; García et al.,
2013) different types of technologies are needed to produce AR
environments, more precisely:
Three types of AR presentation can be distinguished
depending on the AR activator used: 1) position markers; 2)
geolocation; and 3) QR codes.
In the first case, the process consists in associating a 3D
image, a video, or an animation with a printed marker by means
of specific software so that, when the marker is passed through
the webcam, the virtual layer contained in that marker will be
activated. As a result of this, if the marker perspective is
changed, virtual objects will change their orientation, and that
will allow us to observe their three-dimensionality. Software
programs such as Aumentaty, BuildAR, and ARSights can be
utilized for its implementation in teaching environments; these
programs do not require owning a large amount of programming
knowledge, and they make it easier for teachers as well as for
students –in some cases– to produce resources.
The second case revolves around geolocation-assisted AR, its
aim being to integrate AR technologies, GPS, visual search
systems (CVS), and mapping (SLAM). Such applications offer
users a framework for interaction with the urban system from
their location at a specific point. Using the camera of their
mobile device, users obtain a physical image of the place and a
superimposition of information virtual layers that show those
users a wide range of real data in real time about nearby
establishments, history of the environment, events, etc. Different
programs and applications such as ayar app, Hoppala, Junaio,
Layar, Metaio, and Wikitude were used to carry out this task.
As for the third and last case, AR by means of QR codes, the
interaction is perceived through two-dimensional square-shaped
codes which permit to store a great variety of alphanumeric
information that can subsequently be visualized using a QR
reader installed on a mobile device; and it is through those codes
that we can present the information.
Different programming languages exist too, including
HITLab’s ARToolKit, which has adaptations for various
platforms, HIT Lab NZ’s BuildAR, with proprietary applications
for Windows, DART, a tool through which AR applications can
be created with the Adobe Director programming environment,
or PTAM.
A description and some technical references to the programs
mentioned above can be found on the following web addresses:
Cabero, J.; Barroso, J. / New Approaches in Educational Research 5(1) 2016. 44-50
aumentada-en-educacion; and;
In addition to these three levels, there is another one: that of
augmented vision (Muñoz, 2013), the best-known referent of
which is ‘Google Glass,’ even though different alternatives are
already available on the market. Examples include: ‘Epiphany
Eyewear,’ ‘Mata,’ ‘Tele-parthy,’, ‘ORA-S,’ or ‘Glassup.’
However, from our point of view, the need for special devices
will make AR incorporation into the educational sector –our
focus of interest here– costly and belated.
After defining it and once its basic characteristic have been
commented upon, the time comes to ask ourselves: what types of
application does AR have? And the answer could be that the
different AR applications only have our creativity as a limit.
According to various authors (Fundación Telefónica, 2011;
Kipper & Rampolla, 2012), it is possible to use AR in a wide
variety of fields: advertising, navigation and city guides,
industry, art, language learning, travel and tourist guides,
medicine, marketing and sales, entertainment and games, social
networks, education, and translation.
As far as education is concerned, the first thing which needs to
be highlighted is that different experiences and research
initiatives related to AR utilization have recently been
undertaken at various educational levels: primary education
education/vocational training (Avendaño, Chao, & Mercado,
2012; Bressler & Bodzin, 2013; De la Torre et al., 2013; De
Pedro Carracedo, & Méndez, 2012; Di Serio, Ibáñez, &
Delgado, 2013; Kamarainen, Metcalf, Grotzer, Browne,
Mazzuca, Tutwiler, & Dede, 2013; Liu, 2009; Pasaréti, Hajdin,
Matusaka, Jámbori, Molnár, & Tucsányi-Szabó, 2011); and
university teaching (LinT, Been-Lirn, Li, Wang, & Tsai, 2013;
Pei-Hsun & Ming-Kuan, 2013; Redondo, Sánchez, & Moya,
2012; Rodríguez, 2013). Applications have been implemented in
many different curricular areas such as: engineering (De la Torre
et al., 2013); architecture (Carozza et al., 2012; De la Torre et
al., 2013; Redondo et al., 2012); town-planning (Carozza,
Tingdahl, & Gool, 2014), mathematics-geometry (Avendaño et
al., 2012; Bujak, Radu, Catrambone, MacIntyre, Zheng, &
Golubski, 2013; De Pedro Carracedo & Méndez, 2012); art and
history (Ruiz, 2011); language learning (Emma, Liu, Tsai, PeiHsun, & Ming-Kuan Tsai, 2013; Liu, 2009); technology
(Rodríguez, 2013); design (Ko, Chang, Chen, & Hua, 2011);
chemistry (Núñez et al., 2008; Pasaréti et al., 2011); física (LinT
et al., 2013); or geography (Klopfer & Squire, 2008; Tsai, Liu,
& Yau, 2013).
Experiences have also been carried out with the aim of
promoting students’ positive attitudes towards science (Bressler
& Bodzin, 2013; Ibáñez et al., 2014; Kamarainen et al., 2013), in
training oriented to the acquisition of healthy habits (Acosta,
Catalá, Esteve, Mocholí, & Jaén, 2006), as well as in the
development of games meant to favor school coexistence (PérezFuentes, Álvarez- Bermejo, Molero, Gázquez, & López, 2011).
Further examples of AR applications in educational
environments are available at the monograph that Scopeo
dedicated to Augmented Reality (Muñoz, 2013), or in the
Horizon project reports (Durall et al., 2012; García et al., 2010;
Johnson et al., 2013).
Within our context, the Subdirección General de
Coordinación Bibliotecaria del Ministerio de Cultura del
Gobierno de España [Vice-Directorate General for Library
Coordination of the Spanish Government’s Ministry of Culture]
has incorporated AR technology into its libraries
da-y-educacion-la-experiencia-de-un-nuevo-servicio-en-biblio1). And an experience has equally been undertaken in the
creation of the “Libro Interactivo de Monumentos Andaluces
[Interactive Book of Andalusian Monuments],” where AR was
applied at exhibitions and museums (Ruiz, 2011). Or the
Estarteco project ( developed by the
Technological Institute of the Castile and Leon Autonomous
Region (ITCL for its Spanish initials) with the collaboration of
Fundación Biodiversidad [Biodiversity Foundation], in which an
AR-based was developed which permits to appreciate the value
of ecosystems, along with the complexity involved in ensuring
their balance.
Likewise, a number of AR experiences have been performed
with regard to the preparation of school books, including the
‘Magic Book’ project of New Zealand’s HIT group
education books of the Spanish publishing house Santillana
within the series Bicentenario 2011 of Argentina
This increasingly strong presence of AR during the last few
years has largely influenced the formation of different work
teams focused on analyzing its technological development as
well as the educational possibilities that AR can offer, both
nationally and internationally. Amongst these groups and
institutions stand out CREATE (“Constructivist Mixed
Reality for Design, Education, and Cultural Heritage
ARiSE. (“Augmented Reality in School Environments” on a European level.
At a national level, there are quite a few experiences,
institutions and research groups, such as the RASMAP
(“Plataforma de Realidad Aumentada sin Marcadores en
Entornos Móviles para el Desarrollo de Asistentes Personales
[Augmented Reality Platform without Markers in Mobile
Environments for the Development of Personal Assistants]”)
program, financed by the Spanish Education and Science
Ministry through the Programa Plan Nacional de Investigación
Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2004-2007
[2004-2007 National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and
Technological Innovation Program]; the ‘Dehaes’ research group
from the University of La Laguna [Tenerife - Canary Islands]; the
Castile and León Technological Institute. “Realidad virtual [Virtual
Reality]”. (; the EspiRA
Project (http://ciberespiral. org/es/noticias/22-categoria-3-denoticies/190-projecte-espira) which seeks to facilitate the
incorporation of AR into the teaching world; the group known as
“Gráficos y Multimedia del Instituto de Automática e
Informática Industrial [Graphics and Multimedia of the
Industrial Automation and Computer Science Institute] (ai2)” at
the Polytechnic University of Valencia; the COMARFAREM
work team that, amongst its aims, pursues to provide primary
education teachers with AR-based educational platforms which
can make easier their didactic tasks related to mathematics
teaching (De Pedro Carracedo & Méndez, 2012); the
MULTIMEDIA-EHU research group at the Higher Engineering
of the
Basque Country
The educational possibilities of Augmented Reality; or the “Secretariado de Recursos Audiovisuales
y Nuevas Tecnologías de la Universidad de Sevilla [Secretariat
for Audiovisual Resources and New Technologies of the
University of Seville], which is carrying out experiences
oriented towards aspects such as: information enhancement;
information enrichment; information integration into students’
notes, 3D models of objects or real living beings, etc. which can
be observed on the portal specifically designed for this purpose
As for Latin America, several experiences deserve to be
highlighted too, including the one performed by the “Centro de
Tecnología y Docencia de la Universidad de Concepción”
[Technology and Teaching Center of the University of Concepción]
in Uruguay (CTED -; the
“Laboratorio de Investigación en Realidad Virtual [Laboratory of
Research into Virtual Reality]” of the EAFIT University in
Colombia (; or the developments
which are being carried out at the Open and Distance University
of Mexico with the aim of optimizing the time invested in
physical laboratories (García et al.; 2010, p. 28).
Nevertheless, prior to showing some of the results reached
which can justify AR incorporation into teaching, it is worth
bearing in mind that many of these experiences have taken place
in laboratory contexts rather than in real and formal education
contexts, that they are specific experiences, that a stronger
emphasis has been laid on technological and instrumental
approaches than on research initiatives focused on analyzing its
educational possibilities, and that they have paid more attention
to informal training contexts than to formal ones (Cheng & Tsai,
2013; Cuendet, Bonnard, Do-Lenh, & Dillenbourg, 2013; Di
Serio et al., 2013; LinT et al., 2013; Wojciechowski & Cellary,
2013). To put it in another way, there is a clear lack of scientific
research works and studies about the potential which AR can
supply to training and the roles that teachers as well as students
can play in that process.
After the considerations made above, the time has come for us
to highlight some of the aspects which support the utilization of
AR in educational contexts, with the aim of improving formative
actions and making it possible for students to increase their
learning levels through the creation of such technological
scenarios. And, in this respect, one of the outstanding aspects is
the fact that AR facilitates the understanding of complex
phenomena and concepts. This is so because, on the one hand, it
favors the breakdown of a phenomenon and/or object into its
different phases, stages or parts and, on the other hand, it allows
a perception of the object or phenomenon from various points of
view (García et al., 2010). This combination of virtual and real
aspects fosters its utilization as a means to replace the physical
models which become so necessary in some artistic and
scientific disciplines (De la Torre et al., 2013).
It is also worth stressing that AR scenarios contribute to make
it easier for students to contextualize information, and
simultaneously to enrich it with additional information in a
variety of formats and symbolic systems, thus permitting to
individualize training and to adapt it to the different types of
intelligences and symbolic preferences existing amongst
students (Fabregat, 2012).
Wojciechowski & Cellary (2013) refer to another of the
possibilities that AR offers us for its use in formative contexts:
thanks to it, students can directly and naturally interact with
virtual objects through the manipulation of real objects –and
without needing to utilize sophisticated, costly devices. As
shown by some research works, students interact with AR
objects during the sessions, they show a high participation level,
and also achieve a high degree of satisfaction with regard to the
materials used, the chance to receive information in different
formats, and the feeling that they have control over the activity,
insofar as they could explore the topics in the order that they
choose and may review the materials whenever they deem it
necessary (Di Serio et al., 2013).
What has been said so far allows us to point out that AR can
provide out-of-the-classroom learning experiences, and
consequently favor the contextualization of learning, building
links between reality and the learning situation in which students
are taking part, thus helping to develop learning in real contexts
(Bujak et al., 2012). In other words, any physical space can
become a stimulating academic scenario from this perspective.
For instance, Archeology, History, or Anthropology students
could have at their disposal applications that reconstruct specific
historical sites or three-dimensional maps and graphs that would
recreate various historical moments. For this reason, it can be
stated that AR favors ubiquitous and contextualized learning
through the transformation of any environment into a learning
environment (Fombona, Pascual, & Madeira, 2012).
Being able to count on different objects to enlarge the same
real content encourages the connection and integration of
various views about a single concept or object. This leads to
create richer environments for learning, since the student is
introduced into an immersive, enveloping context for training
where no discrimination is made between the authentic and the
real, and more information becomes available (Chen & Tsai,
2012; Dalgarno & Lee, 2010; Dunleavy, Dede, & Mitchell,
2009; Squire & Klopfer, 2007).
From our point of view, this contextualization allows students
not only to acquire experiences but also to learn –through
understanding– how the concepts acquired in the classroom can
be applied to solve problems in real world situations. Within
such contexts, AR helps students obtain a deeper appreciation of
learning by relating the different learning contents to their own
AR-assisted educational practices favor active teaching on the
part of the student, insofar as it is the latter that controls the
learning process by making a decision about when that student
needs to enlarge the information and to combine real and virtual
aspects (Fombona et al., 2012). It can be said from this approach
that AR makes it easier to develop a constructivist teachinglearning methodology, since every student becomes an active
person, making their own discoveries through the establishment
of a connection between the information that is presented to
them by means of different channels and drawing their own
inferences and conclusions; it all supported on specific teaching
methodologies, of course. As pointed out by Wojciechowski &
Cellary (2013), AR favors the implementation of a constructivist
methodology, since the latter requires using interactive as well
as dynamic learning environments where students can develop
their ability to modify the right elements, to generate ideas for
tests, and to carry out experiments; and all of this can be favored
by AR incorporation.
At the same time, the physical movements performed by a
student for object rotation and orientation change purposes
facilitates the perception of spatial contents and objects in 3D, a
fact that fosters the development of graphic competences
amongst students (Redondo et al., 2012) and boosts the
Cabero, J.; Barroso, J. / New Approaches in Educational Research 5(1) 2016. 44-50
mobilization of brain structures other than those developed by
reading and writing.
Moreover, Schank, Berman, & Macperson (1999) –cited by
Wojciechowski & Cellary (2013)– concluded in their research
study that learning based on carrying out experiments and
reflecting on their outcomes constitutes the foundation of
practice-based learning. This paradigm suggests that the best and
most natural way of learning to do something is by doing it –as
stated in the theory of experiential learning. A strategy which
increases understanding as well as the retention of learned
material in comparison with those methods which exclusively
imply listening, reading or even seeing, and it helps students
have a greater motivation for learning because they actively
participate in the learning process.
As far as the motivation aspect is concerned, it deserves to be
stressed that all the research into AR which has envisaged it as a
variable has proved that students who take part in these
experiences increase their motivation, consequently enhancing
their learning too (Di Serio et al., 2013). The same thing
happened in those research studies which measured the level of
satisfaction shown by students after participating in AR-assisted
training actions, and presented their assessment of such actions.
High satisfaction levels and extremely positive assessments were
found in all of them (Chin-Ming & Yen Nung, 2011; De la Torre
et al., 2013; Kamarainen et al., 2013; Ko et al., 2011; Neven,
Hala, & Mohamed, 2011; Wojciechowski & Cellary, 2013).
Likewise, it must be highlighted that several studies have
reached the conclusion that the immersion of students in ARbased training experiences led to an improvement in their
learning outcomes (Bongiovani, 2013; Chang, Wu, & Hsu,
2013; Kamarainen et al., 2013; Ko et al., 2011; Liu, 2009;
Pasaréti et al., 2011; Pei-Hsun & Ming-Kuan, 2013; Redondo et
al., 2012).
Some of the comments made above allow us to insist on one
of its possibilities –more precisely, flexibility– since it is our
conviction that AR can be used on a wide range of educational
levels, in different disciplines, with the possibility to implement
it through a variety of levels, and using a wide range of
technologies (Fundación Telefónica, 2011; Fombona et al.,
2012). It must additionally be remembered that this technology
favors different action levels, insofar as its design permits to
create AR scenarios where the student exclusively acts as an
information recipient, until they are designed in such a way that
students can interact with it. This interactive potential appears as
one of the great advantages that several authors have seen in AR
(Bongiovani, 2013; Bressler & Bodzin, 2013; Dalgarno & Lee,
2010; Dunleavy et al., 2009).
One of the didactic methodologies which has been gaining
significance in recent times is the so-called ‘game-based
learning’ or gamification, because of the potential that it has
shown when it comes to supporting immersive and experiential
learning, as well as cognitive development, and the acquisition
of aptitudes by students (Durall et al., 2012; Johnson et al.,
2013c; Marín, 2012; Whitton, 2010). In this regard, AR is
arising as a relevant technology for game creation, thus
providing support for learning based on those games along with
discovery-assisted learning (Fundación Telefónica, 2011;
Bressler & Bodzin, 2013; Pérez-Fuentes et al., 2011).
Another educational possibility offered by AR is the creation
of interactive multimedia contents, either through the
construction of books especially designed under this technology
(Fundación Telefónica, 2011) or through markers and object
recognition (Mullen, 2012; Muñoz, 2013). Although the problem
that concerns us in this case is the low number of training
experiences which have been developed –and therefore the
shortage of scientific studies referring to how these materials
should be designed in order to be incorporated into the
educational practice.
Fabregat (2012) pointed out that the creation of AR-based
interactive contents supports the learning process in various
ways, amongst them helping in the acquisition of procedural
knowledge which becomes essential so as to relate and
understand the concepts learned by means of interaction with the
resources which surround the individual –i.e. which makes the
student form part of the real environment.
Another of the educational aspects which should be
highlighted concerning AR is the association that various
authors have been mentioning with the possibility of using it in
distance training and e-learning contexts (Edel & Guerra, 2010;
García et al., 2010). Thus, the Open and Distance University of
Mexico has developed an AR project aimed at optimizing the
time invested in physical laboratories dedicated to technological
development plans which require certain cognitive skills. Or, as
suggested by Fabregat (2012), the utilization of emergent
technologies such as AR or mobile computing in e-learning
environments so that a more personalized learning becomes
possible and each student can progress at the pace marked by
their own capabilities and interests. Furthermore, the
aforementioned author points out that they turn out to be ideal
for those students who require a higher level of exploration both
about information and about objects.
The aspects that have been dealt with so far refer to situations
in which students use AR materials produced either by lecturers
or by technical teams; however, students can also become
producers and designers of such media, the construction process
allowing them to use those media as instruments to analyze the
world around them, as well as to express themselves by means
of all these resources. Media production by students, whether it
is videos, multimedia materials, blogs or web pages, in
accordance with the different research works already carried out
(Chirinos, Vera, & Luque, 2013; Martínez & Hermosilla, 2011)
has a number of advantages, namely: its highly motivating level,
the contextualization of every message produced, the need to
work collaboratively because this process implies undertaking
various actions (drawing-up of a script, voiceover, software
management, utilization of recording devices…) which require a
coordinated distribution, an increased digital competence, an
improved classroom atmosphere and environment, and a change
in the teacher-student interaction. For us, the conception of ICTs
as knowledge tools placed in students’ hands will come from
assuming it as a group-class working element through which it is
pursued that the student can stop being a mere recipient of
verbal-iconic codes to become an emitter of didactic messages.
This type of use favors passing from a student-centered
teaching model to a student-centered one which, as highlighted
by Fundación Telefónica (2012, 13-14) in a report entitled
“Aprender con tecnología. Investigación internacional sobre
modelos educativos futuros [Learning with technology.
International research into future educational models]”:
“…implies considering that learning takes place through
activities and questions generated from the student, and not from
the teacher.”
Nevertheless, a number of precautions need to be taken during
its incorporation into educational action; after all, as Durall et al.
(2012, p. 16) point out: “The main challenges for AR adoption
in the teaching context lie in training and in the development of
The educational possibilities of Augmented Reality
methodologies which can help to make visible the potential that
this technology holds for teaching and learning.”
It must be highlighted that teacher training in ICTs has been
recently based on the TPACK (“Technological Pedagogical
Content Knowledge”) model (Mishra & Koehler, 2006),
according to which training teachers to use these curricular
instruments requires the acquisition of knowledge in three broad
dimensions: technology; contents; and pedagogical knowledge;
though not in an isolated manner, as it has traditionally
happened, but in interaction. This will allow us to suggest
different training patters not only based on technology but also
on the contents that the latter transmits.
From our point of view, the incorporation of AR into teaching
situations makes it necessary to envisage several principles, such
as: designing environments which are flexible enough to ensure
that AR incorporation does not become a technological problem
but an educational and didactic issue; assuming the limitations
posed by the context; working with curricular contents for the
purpose of achieving a penetration level that goes beyond
merely marginal aspects, and enabling teachers as well as
students to have sufficiently developed digital competences;
doing research into the methodologies which can be mobilized
within AR; producing multi-platform materials which can be
used in various formats; and training the teaching staff in
didactic competence so that they can incorporate AR into
educational practices and use it to create scenographies that
prove enriching in educational terms, and not merely beautiful
from an esthetic and technological perspective. These are the
aspects around which our research project will revolve.
The present paper is going to conclude with the remarks made
by García et al. (2010, p. 29) about AR and its incorporation into
education: “The possibilities that this technology can offer in
higher education still remain to be discovered and depend on
what we are able to imagine and devise as pedagogical
applications rather than on the possibilities provided by the
technology itself.”
However, in our view, this must necessarily include doing
research into the behavior of AR in teaching situations, and
assuming that these are educational resources –unlike what
previously happened with other technologies, which were
presented as the ‘panacea’ that could solve each and every
educational problem.
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Funded by: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain.
Funder Identifier:
Award: EDU2014-57446-P
How to cite this article:
Cabero, J. & Barroso, J. (2016). The educational possibilities of
Augmented Reality. Journal of New Approaches in Educational
Research, 5(1), 44-50. doi: 10.7821/naer.2016.1.140