International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242
Volume 3, Issue 10 October, 2014 Page No. 8920-8925
Design Recovery of Student Information Legacy
Bello AlhajiBuhari, 2Abba Almu
Usmanu Danfodiyo University/Department of Mathematics, Sokoto, 234, Nigeria
[email protected]
Usmanu Danfodiyo University/Department of Mathematics, Sokoto, 234, Nigeria
[email protected]
Abstract: Reverse engineering for software is the process of analyzing a program in an effort to create a representation of the program at a
higher level of abstraction than source code. Reverse engineering is a process of design recovery. Reverse engineering tools extract data,
architectural, and procedural design information from an existing program. This paper explores the application of reverse engineering in
recovering the design of a legacy student information system developed using Dbase V atUsmanuDanfodiyo University Sokoto using UML
based approach. Use case model is used in recovering the design specifications (i.e., functionalities)of the student information system. In
addition,object oriented design model for the system is proposed using class diagramso that the system can be implemented using object
oriented programming.
Keywords:reverse engineering, software engineering, design recovery, use case diagram, class diagram, student information system, legacy
“Reverse engineering” has its origins in the analysis of
hardware for commercial or militaryadvantage [1].A
company takes to pieces a competitive hardware product in
an effort to recognize its competitor's design and
manufacturing "secrets." These secrets could be easily
understood if the competitor's design and manufacturing
specifications were found. But these documents are exclusive
and unavailable to the company doing the reverse
engineering. In essence, successful reverse engineering
develops one or more design and manufacturing
specifications for a product by examining actual specimens
of the product.
Reverse engineering for software is quite similar. In
most cases, however, the program to be reverse engineered is
not a competitor's. Rather, it is the company's possess work
(often done many years earlier). The "secrets" to be
understood are unclear because no specification was ever
Therefore, reverse engineering for software is the
process of analyzing a program in an effort to create a
representation of the program at a higher level of abstraction
than source code. Reverse engineering is a process of design
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) [2]
describingsoftware models. UML-based software design
process relying on two subprocesses: reverse engineering
and model analysis.
Reverse engineering combines a top-down reverse
engineeringtechnique with traditional bottom-up reverse
In this paper, a reverse engineering method called
design recovery is employed to recover the design
specification of Student Information legacy system of
UsmanuDanfodiyo University, Sokoto. UML based approach
is used as the basis for the recovery of the design. Use case
model is the UML model used to represents the design
graphically. After the use case model also a class diagram
model is also used to represent the design using object
oriented paradigm. Hence, the class diagram can be used to
implement the system using object oriented programming.
Related Works
Reverse engineering should produce, first in an
automatic way, documents that help software engineers in
understanding the system. Over the last ten years, reverse
engineering research has produced a number of abilities for
analyzing code, including subsystem decomposition[3],
concept synthesis [4], design, program and change pattern
matching [5][6], analysis of static and dynamic dependencies
[7], object-oriented metrics [8], documentation, maintenance,
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and re-engineering [9], analysis (not modification) of an
existing (software) system [10]and others. In general, these
methodologies have been successful in treating the software
at the syntactic level to address specific information needs
and to span relatively narrow information gaps.
Reverse engineering is the process of identifying software
components, their interrelationships,and representing these
entities at a higher level of abstraction. Reverseengineering
by itself involves only analysis, not change [10]. Program
comprehension and program understanding are terms often
used interchangeably with reverse engineering. Four
specializations of reverse engineering are offered, in
increasing level of impact [11]:
Redocumentation: Perhaps the weakest form of reverse
engineering, this involves merely the creation (if none
existed) or revision of system documentation at the same
level of abstraction.
Design Rediscovery: Redocuments, but uses domain
knowledge and other externalinformation where possible
to create a model of the system at a higher level
Restructuring: Lateral transformation of the system
within the same level ofabstraction. Also maintains same
level of functionality and semantics.
Reengineering: The most radical and far reaching
extension. Generallyinvolves a combination of reverse
engineering for comprehension, and areapplication of
forward engineering to reexamine which functionalities
needto be retained, deleted or added.
This paper is using design rediscovery which both
recover the design and redocments the system.
A variety of approaches for automated assistance are
available for the reverse engineer in programcomprehension.
A full list of reverse engineering approaches is available in
[12]. Some of the more prominent approaches include:
Textual, lexical and syntactic analysis - these
approaches focus on the source code itself and its
representations. These include the use of UNIX’s lex,
lexical metrics (counting assignments, identifiers, etc.)
outlined in [13], and even automated parsing of the code
searching for cliches [14]. Cliches are standard
approaches to problem solving that can extracted from
the source code to give hints about design decisions. The
unit of examination is the program source itself.
Graphing methods - there are many graphing approaches
for programunderstanding. These include, in increasing
order of complexity and richness: graphingthe control
flow of the program [15], the data flow of the program
[15], and programdependence graphs [16]. The unit of
examination is a graphical representation of theprogram
Execution and testing - there are a variety of methods for
profiling, testing, andobserving program behavior,
walkthroughs.Dynamic testing and debugging is well
known and there are several tools availablefor this
function. For large systems, a technique called “partial
evaluation” is availableto identify and test isolate
components of a system [17]. “Abstract interpretation”
isa method for using denotational semantics to perform
static testing through simulatingthe behavior of the
actual system [18]. The unit of examination is a full,
partial, orsimulated execution of the program.
In this paper graphical method is used in form of UML.
The UML used are use case diagram and class diagram.
Recovering the System Design
The first real reverse engineering activity begins with
an attempt to understand and then extract procedural
abstractions represented by the source code. To understand
procedural abstractions, the code is analyzed at varying
levels of abstraction: system, program, component, pattern,
and statement
The overall functionality of the entire application
system must be understood before more detailed reverse
engineering work occurs. This establishes a context for
further analysis and provides insight into interoperability
issues among applications within the system. Each of the
programs that make up the application system represents a
functional abstraction at a high level of detail.
Creating Use Case Diagram
A use case, a concept invented by IvarJocbson[19], is
asequence of transactions performed by a system that yields
an outwardly visible, measurable result of value for a
particular actor. A use case typically represents a major piece
of functionality that is complete from beginning to end [20].
In UML, a use case is represented as an ellipse, as
shown in Figure 4.1. In a student information system, some
use cases are: Register Student, Register Course, add exam
result, Create Course Report, Create Grade Sheet, Create
Senate Format Report, Create Transcript, etc.
An actor represents whoever or whatever (person,
machine, or other) interacts with thesystem. The actor is not
part of the system itself and represents anyone or anything
that must interact with the system.
The total set of actors in a use case model reflects
everything that needs to exchangeinformation with the
system [21]. In UML, an actor isrepresented as a stickman,
shown below in Figure 4.1. In the student information
system, actorsare the admin and staff.
There are several different kinds of relationships
between actors and use cases. The default relationship is the
relationship indicates that one of these entities initiated
invoked a request of the other. An actor communicates with
use cases because actors want measurable results.
There are two other kinds of relationships between use
cases (not between actors and usecases) that you might find
useful. These are «include» and «extend». You use the
«include» relationship when a chunk of behavior is similar
across more than one use case, and you don’t want to keep
copying the description of that behavior [21]. This is similar
to breaking out re-used functionality in a program into its
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own methods that other methods invoke for the functionality.
For example, since many actions of a system require the user
to login to the system before the functionalitycan be
performed. These use cases would include the login use case.
The admin use case diagram is shown in figure 4.1 and the
staff use case diagram is shown in figure 4.2.
Sys tem
<<inc lude>>
Add Staff
Edit Staff
Manage Staff
Delete Staff
<<inc lude>>
Create Staff reports
<<inc lude>>
Add Cours e
<<inc lude>>
<<inc lude>>
Manage Cours es
Edit Cours e
<<inc lude>>
<<inc lude>>
Delete Cours e
<<inc lude>>
Create Cours es Reports
Figure 4.1: Use case diagram (admin actor) for the student information system.
Sys tem
Regis ter Student
Edit Student
Manage Student
Delete Student
Create Student Report
Regis ter Stud. Cours e
Manage Cours e Reg.
Edit Student Cours e
Delete Stud. Cours e
Create Stud. Cours e Report
Add xam res ult
Edit Exam Res ukt
Manage Exam
Delete Exam Res ult
Create Grade Sheet Report
Create Senate Format
Create Trans cript
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Page 8922
Figure 4.2: Use case diagram (staffactor) for the student information system.
The admin here is the Director MIS or Deputy
Director MIS. He/she creates staff to use the system. Each
staff is going to handle one faculty. In addition, admin is in
charge of adding the entire courses in each department. This
involves course code, course title, course unit, semester, etc.
Staffs are the MIS staff. Each staff manage students
from his/her faculty, register course offered by each student
per session, and enter and process their results.
Proposed Design
In addition to recovering the design of the legacy
system, object oriented design specification is also proposed
so that the system can be implemented using object oriented
programming. Class diagram is used in the new design.
Creating Class Diagram
Class diagrams are used in both the analysis and the
design phases. During the analysisphase, a very high-level
conceptual design is created. At this time, a class diagram
might be created with only the class names shown or
possibly some pseudo code-like phrases may be added to
describe the responsibilities of the class. The class diagram
created during the analysis phase is used to describe the
classes and relationships in the problem domain, but it does
not suggest how the system is implemented. By the end of
the design phase, class diagrams that describe how the
system to be implemented should be developed. The class
diagram created after the design phase has detailed
implementation information, including the class names, the
methods and attributes of the classes, and the relationships
among classes.
The class diagram describes the types of objects in a
system and the various kinds ofstatic relationships that exist
among them [20]. In UML, a class is represented by a
rectangle with one or more horizontal compartments. The
upper compartment holds the name of the class. The name of
the class is the only required field in a class diagram. By
convention, the class name starts with a capital letter. The
(optional) center compartment of the class rectangle holds
the list of the class attributes/data members, and the
(optional) lower compartment holds the list of
There are two principle types of static relationships
relationships between classes are drawn on class diagram by
various lines and arrows.
Inheritance (termed “generalization” for class
diagrams) is represented with an emptyarrow, pointing from
the subclass to the superclass, as shown in Figure 4.3. In this
figure, StudCourse inherits from Cell (i.eStudCourse “is-a”
specialized version of a Student). The subclass (StudCourse)
inherits all the methods and attributes of the superclass
(Student) and may override inherited methods.
An association represents a relationship between
two instances of classes. An associationbetween two classes
is shown by a line joining the two classes. Association
indicates that one class utilizes an attribute or methods of
another class. If there is no arrow on the line, the association
is taken to be bi-directional, that is, both classes hold
information about the other class. A unidirectional
association is indicated by an arrow pointing from theobject
which holds to the object that is held. There are two different
specialized types ofassociation relationships: aggregation,
and composition.
If the association conveys the information that one
object is part of another object, buttheir lifetimes are
independent (they could exist independently), this
relationship is called aggregation. For example, we may say
that “a Course contains a set of ExamResult.” Where
generalization can be though of as an “is-a” relationship,
aggregation is often thought of as a “has-a” relationship – “a
Course ’has-a’ ExamResult.” Aggregation is implemented by
means of one class having an attribute whose type is in
included class (the ExamResult class has an attribute whose
type is Course).
Aggregation is stronger than association due to the
special nature of the “has-a”relationship. Aggregation is
unidirectional: there is a container and one or more contained
objects. An aggregation relationship is indicated by placing a
white diamond at the end of the association next to the
aggregate class, as shown between StudCourse and
ExamResult in Figure 4.3.
Even stronger than aggregation is composition.
There is composition when an object is contained in another
object, and it can exist only as long as the container exists
and it only exists for the benefit of the container. Examples
of composition are the relationship StudCourse, and
ExamResult. An exam result can exist only for student
course. Any deletion of the whole (student course) is
considered to cascade to all the parts (the exam results are
deleted). Composition is shown by a black diamond on the
end of association next to the composite class, as shown
between Student and ExamResultin Figure 4.3.
Associations have a cardinality that indicates how
manyobjects of each class can legitimately be involved in a
given relationship. Cardinality is expressed by the “n..m”
symbol put near to the association line, close to the class
whose cardinality in the association we want to show. Here
“n” refers to the minimum number of class instances that
may be involved in the association, and “m” to the maximum
number of such instances. If n = m, only an “n” is shown. An
optional relationship is expressed by writing “0” as the
minimum number.
Conclusion and Future Work
Reverse engineering for software is the process of
analyzing a program in an effort to create a representation of
the program at a higher level of abstraction than source code.
Reverse engineering is a process of design recovery.
Reverse engineering method called design recovery was
employed to recover the design specification of Student
Information legacy system of UsmanuDanfodiyo University,
Sokoto using UML based approach. Use case model is the
UML model used to represents the design graphically. In
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Page 8923
addition to design recovery an objected object oriented
design was proposed using class diagram. Hence, the class
diagram can be used to implement the system using object
oriented programming.
We also intended to model this student information
systemusingother UML models like sequence diagram,
Cours e
+admno: Integer
+s urname: S tring
+otherNames : S tring
+s ex: S tring
+dateOfBirth: S tring
+plac eOfBirth: S tring
+nationality: S tring
+s tate: S tring
+loc alGovt: S tring
+fac ulty: S tring
+dept: S tring
+c ours eOfS tudy: S tring
+homeA ddres s : S tring
+c orrA ddres s : S tring
+phoneNumber: Integer
+email: S tring
+c ours eCode: S tring
+c ours eTitle: S tring
+c ours eUnit: Integer
+s emes ter: S tring
-addCours e()
-editCours e()
-deleteCours e()
+getCours eInfo()
-addS tudent()
-editS tudent()
-deleteS tudent()
+getS tudInfo()
StudCours e
+admno: Integer
+c ours eCode: S tring
+s es s ion: S tring
+level: S tring
+c arryOverS tatus : S tring
+c ours e
-addS tudCours e()
-editS tudCours e()
-deleteS tudCours e()
+getS tudCours eInfo()
ExamRes ult
+admno: Integer
+c ours eCode: S tring
+s es s ion: S tring
+grade: c har
-addExamRes ult()
-editExamRes ult()
-deleteExamRes ult()
+getS tudRes ult()
+getGradeS heetReport()
+getS enateFormatRes ult()
+getTrans c ript()
Figure 4.2: Class diagram for the proposed student information system design.
activity diagram, state chart diagram, etc to recover the
design in order to have in-depth documentation of the
system. Also in this system the students does not directly
interact with system so another design can be made such that
student did both student registration and course registration
them selves. That the system to be an online system.
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