Mehmet Durnalı (Assoc. Prof. Dr.)
Associate Professor of Educational Administration, an experienced educator, quantitative researcher resorting to (SPSS, AMOS, MPlus, LISREL, and STATA), project developer/executer/advisor/supervisor with a demonstrated history of working in the education industry. Skilled in Idea/Theory Development, Analyzing and Reporting Data, Analytical Skills, Writing Skills, C# Programming Language, SQL ( SELECT * FROM Literature WHERE author_name = ‘MEHMET’ AND author_surname = ‘DURNALI’ :) ), Lecturing, and + Supervising Nonprofit Organizations and Arboriculture. Published papers regarding higher education, organizational goals, organizational behaviors, and the use of ICT in education, knowledge management, technological leadership, lifelong learning, and project management. His current research focuses on the sustainable education and sustainability topics in education, im/migrants education, the internationalization of higher education, the professionalization of higher education, the relationship between Turkey’s economic growth and international students, sustainable higher education, and inclusion diversity equity & access (IDEA) in higher education. Well-rounded, hardworking, resilient, and disciplined professional with a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) focused on Educational Leadership and Administration from Hacettepe University.
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Papers by Mehmet Durnalı (Assoc. Prof. Dr.)
merkezinin amaçlarının çözümlemesidir. Bu çalışma ile uzaktan eğitim örgütlerinin
amaçlarını belirleme, yenileme ve düzenleme noktasında ölçeklenebilir standartlar
oluşturmaya katkı sağlamak amaçlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda, literatürde ulaşılan örgütsel
amaç kavramına ilişkin açıklamalar, sınıflandırma yaklaşımları, özellikleri, amaçlara göre
yönetim ve örgütsel amaçlar ile örgütsel etkililik kavramları, bu çalışmadaki özgün ve sentez
örgütsel amaç paradigmasının temel çerçevesini oluşturmuştur. Araştırma kapsamında
Türkiye’de bir devlet üniversitesinin uzaktan eğitim uygulama ve araştırma merkezi yer
almaktadır. Bu merkezin Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanan bir belgesi doküman analizi yöntemi
kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, örgütün örgütsel amaç ifadeleri; örgütsel
amaç sınıflandırma yaklaşımları kapsamında ortaya konulan; tekrarlı, problem çözebilen,
yenilikçi, yüksek değerde, resmi, bireysel ve örgütsel, nitel ve nicel, geçişli ve yansımalı,
toplumsal, çıktı, ürün, sistem, doğal ve temel, türetilmiş, stratejik, taktiksel, operasyonel ve
açık ve kapalı sınıflandırma yaklaşımları temelinde çözümlenmiştir. Ayrıca, örgütsel amaç
özellikleri temelinde gerçekleştirilen analize göre; yazılı ve gerçekçilik özelliği açısından
üst düzeyde değere sahip olduğu, ama hiyerarşik bir yapı, doğru algılanma, detaylı,
atanabilir, ölçülebilir, zaman, sınırlılık ve bireysel amaçlara uygunluk özellikleri açısından
örgütün örgütsel amaçlarının çok az düzeyde bu değerlere sahip olduğu sonucuna
ulaşılmıştır. Örgütsel amaçların etkililiği temelinde gerçekleştirilen analizine göre; örgütün
amaçlarında nicelik, miktar, süre veya zaman gibi ifadeler bulunmadığı için iş başarımı
değerlendirmesine dayanak olabilme ve amaç gerçekleştirme yaklaşımı açısından örgütün
örgütsel amaç özelliklerinin daha da güçlendirilmesi gerektiği ileri sürülmüştür.
views on job satisfaction and their perceptions of organizational politics
but also the relationship between their job satisfaction and perceptions of
organizational politics. The study intended to examine how well faculty
members’ job satisfaction can predict the perceptions of organizational
politics as well. The descriptive relational survey model dominated the
research. The study group consisted of 240 faculty members who work
for 7 state and 7 private universities located in Ankara city. Data were
collected using the Job Satisfaction Scale for Academicians (JSSA), and
Perceptions of Organizational Politics Scale (POPS) Questionnaire along
with a demographic information form developed by the researchers. Data
were collected in September and October in 2019. Descriptive statistic
(mean, standard deviation), reliability (Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient),
correlation (Pearson coefficient) and Multiple Linear Regression were
used to analyze the data. SPSS v. 23 was referred to in doing so. The
main findings indicated that the faculty members’ job satisfaction total
and nature of the job sub-dimension scores were at a very high level
while organizational policy sub-dimension scores were high. Faculty
members’ scores on “Go along to get ahead” were the highest and they
appeared uncertain about “General political behavior” and “Honesty /
Work ethics”. The JSSA subscales were moderately and positively
correlated with the POPS subscales. The regression result demonstrated
that the JSSA’s intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction dimensions
significantly and positively predicted the POPS subscales.
teknoloji kullanımında okul müdürlerinin sergilediği teknolojik liderlik davranışlarını
ve okulda bilgi yönetiminin gerçekleşme düzeylerini; teknolojik liderlik
davranışları ve bilgi yönetiminin gerçekleşme düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki ve
düzeyi; teknolojik liderlik davranışlarının bilgi yönetimi gerçekleşme düzeyini
yordamasını tespit etmek amaçlanmıştır. Bu araştırmada, nicel yöntem betimsel
ilişkisel tarama modeline uygun nicel veri toplama ve analizi süreçleri uygulanmıştır.
2017-2018 eğitim öğretim yılı bahar döneminde, Ankara Mamak ilçesindeki
ortaokullarda görevli 442 öğretmen araştırma grubunu oluşturmuştur.
Durnalı (2018) tarafınca geliştirilen “Okul Müdürü Teknolojik Liderlik Davranış
Ölçeği (OMTLD-Ö)” ve Özgözgü (2015) tarafından geliştirilen “Bilgi Yönetimi
Ölçeği (BY-Ö)” aracılığıyla öğretmen görüşleri verilere dönüştürülmüştür. Verilerin
analizinde; aritmetik ortalama gibi betimsel ve t-testi gibi sonuç, anlam ve
çıkarım sağlayıcı istatistik teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Temel sonuçlara göre; öğretmenler,
öğretmenlerin teknoloji kullanımında okul müdürlerinin sergilediği teknolojik
liderlik davranışları toplamı ve boyutlarında “katılıyorum” düzeyinde
görüşe sahiptirler. Öğretmenler, ortaokullarda bilgi yönetiminin gerçekleşmesi
düzeyleri toplamı ve boyutlarında “katılıyorum” düzeyinde görüşe sahiptirler.
Öğretmenlerin teknoloji kullanımında okul müdürlerinin sergilediği teknolojik
liderlik davranışları toplamı ve bazı boyutları ile ortaokullarda bilgi yönetiminin
gerçekleşme düzeyleri toplamı ve bazı boyutları arasında istatistiki açıdan anlamlı,
pozitif yönlü ve ‘çok zayıf’ bir ilişki ve bu ilişkilerin bazılarında yordanma
tespit edilmiştir.
This research aims to examine the level of technological leadership
behaviors exhibited by in teachers’ use of technology and school’s
knowledge management according to secondary school teachers’ views.
It also aims to find out the existence and level of relationship between
technological leadership and knowledge management and to determine
whether these behaviors predict the knowledge management. The
correlational survey model has been used. The study group consisted
of teachers from secondary schools in Mamak district of Ankara in the
2017-2018 academic year. The data was collected through “School Principal
Technological Leadership Behavior Scale (SPTLB-S)” developed
by Durnalı (2018) and “Knowledge Management Scale (KM-S)” developed
by Özgözgü (2015). According to the main result; both teachers’
views on principal’s technological leadership behaviors and school’s
knowledge management is at a “high (4/5)” level for the overall and
all sub-dimensions of both scales. There is a statistically significant,
positive and ‘very weak’ correlation/relationship between the overall
of technological leadership behaviors, and some dimensions of it and
school’s knowledge management overall, and some dimensions of it in
terms of one-to-one comparisons. When the level of the technological
leadership behaviors increases, school’s knowledge management increases
too. The predictive fact was found to be significant in the sixteen of
twenty-six correlation cases.
The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the mobbing and motivation levels of the teachers
working in primary schools. The population of the study consisted of 673 teachers working in 59 primary schools in
Yakutiye district of Erzurum province in 2018-2019 academic year, and 217 teachers were the sample. Personal
information form developed by the researchers, “Mobbing Scale” developed by Tanhan and Çam (2011) and
“Teacher Motivation Scale” developed by Polat (2010) were used as a data collection tools. Mean, standard
deviation, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient were used for statistical analysis of the data. In addition,
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis was performed to determine the predictive levels of independent variables on
dependent variables. As a result of the research; in terms of mobbing dimensions, the highest level was determined as
the prevention of professional practices and the lowest level was determined as direct insult to the person. Taking the
teacher motivation scale into consideration, it was found that the highest level was in intrinsic motivation dimension
while the lowest level was in extrinsic motivation dimension. It was determined that there was a significant
relationship between mobbing and motivation levels of teachers. According to the results of the regression analysis, it
was found that the sub-dimensions of the mobbing significantly predicted the sub-dimensions of the teacher
merkezinin amaçlarının çözümlemesidir. Bu çalışma ile uzaktan eğitim örgütlerinin
amaçlarını belirleme, yenileme ve düzenleme noktasında ölçeklenebilir standartlar
oluşturmaya katkı sağlamak amaçlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda, literatürde ulaşılan örgütsel
amaç kavramına ilişkin açıklamalar, sınıflandırma yaklaşımları, özellikleri, amaçlara göre
yönetim ve örgütsel amaçlar ile örgütsel etkililik kavramları, bu çalışmadaki özgün ve sentez
örgütsel amaç paradigmasının temel çerçevesini oluşturmuştur. Araştırma kapsamında
Türkiye’de bir devlet üniversitesinin uzaktan eğitim uygulama ve araştırma merkezi yer
almaktadır. Bu merkezin Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanan bir belgesi doküman analizi yöntemi
kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, örgütün örgütsel amaç ifadeleri; örgütsel
amaç sınıflandırma yaklaşımları kapsamında ortaya konulan; tekrarlı, problem çözebilen,
yenilikçi, yüksek değerde, resmi, bireysel ve örgütsel, nitel ve nicel, geçişli ve yansımalı,
toplumsal, çıktı, ürün, sistem, doğal ve temel, türetilmiş, stratejik, taktiksel, operasyonel ve
açık ve kapalı sınıflandırma yaklaşımları temelinde çözümlenmiştir. Ayrıca, örgütsel amaç
özellikleri temelinde gerçekleştirilen analize göre; yazılı ve gerçekçilik özelliği açısından
üst düzeyde değere sahip olduğu, ama hiyerarşik bir yapı, doğru algılanma, detaylı,
atanabilir, ölçülebilir, zaman, sınırlılık ve bireysel amaçlara uygunluk özellikleri açısından
örgütün örgütsel amaçlarının çok az düzeyde bu değerlere sahip olduğu sonucuna
ulaşılmıştır. Örgütsel amaçların etkililiği temelinde gerçekleştirilen analizine göre; örgütün
amaçlarında nicelik, miktar, süre veya zaman gibi ifadeler bulunmadığı için iş başarımı
değerlendirmesine dayanak olabilme ve amaç gerçekleştirme yaklaşımı açısından örgütün
örgütsel amaç özelliklerinin daha da güçlendirilmesi gerektiği ileri sürülmüştür.
views on job satisfaction and their perceptions of organizational politics
but also the relationship between their job satisfaction and perceptions of
organizational politics. The study intended to examine how well faculty
members’ job satisfaction can predict the perceptions of organizational
politics as well. The descriptive relational survey model dominated the
research. The study group consisted of 240 faculty members who work
for 7 state and 7 private universities located in Ankara city. Data were
collected using the Job Satisfaction Scale for Academicians (JSSA), and
Perceptions of Organizational Politics Scale (POPS) Questionnaire along
with a demographic information form developed by the researchers. Data
were collected in September and October in 2019. Descriptive statistic
(mean, standard deviation), reliability (Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient),
correlation (Pearson coefficient) and Multiple Linear Regression were
used to analyze the data. SPSS v. 23 was referred to in doing so. The
main findings indicated that the faculty members’ job satisfaction total
and nature of the job sub-dimension scores were at a very high level
while organizational policy sub-dimension scores were high. Faculty
members’ scores on “Go along to get ahead” were the highest and they
appeared uncertain about “General political behavior” and “Honesty /
Work ethics”. The JSSA subscales were moderately and positively
correlated with the POPS subscales. The regression result demonstrated
that the JSSA’s intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction dimensions
significantly and positively predicted the POPS subscales.
teknoloji kullanımında okul müdürlerinin sergilediği teknolojik liderlik davranışlarını
ve okulda bilgi yönetiminin gerçekleşme düzeylerini; teknolojik liderlik
davranışları ve bilgi yönetiminin gerçekleşme düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki ve
düzeyi; teknolojik liderlik davranışlarının bilgi yönetimi gerçekleşme düzeyini
yordamasını tespit etmek amaçlanmıştır. Bu araştırmada, nicel yöntem betimsel
ilişkisel tarama modeline uygun nicel veri toplama ve analizi süreçleri uygulanmıştır.
2017-2018 eğitim öğretim yılı bahar döneminde, Ankara Mamak ilçesindeki
ortaokullarda görevli 442 öğretmen araştırma grubunu oluşturmuştur.
Durnalı (2018) tarafınca geliştirilen “Okul Müdürü Teknolojik Liderlik Davranış
Ölçeği (OMTLD-Ö)” ve Özgözgü (2015) tarafından geliştirilen “Bilgi Yönetimi
Ölçeği (BY-Ö)” aracılığıyla öğretmen görüşleri verilere dönüştürülmüştür. Verilerin
analizinde; aritmetik ortalama gibi betimsel ve t-testi gibi sonuç, anlam ve
çıkarım sağlayıcı istatistik teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Temel sonuçlara göre; öğretmenler,
öğretmenlerin teknoloji kullanımında okul müdürlerinin sergilediği teknolojik
liderlik davranışları toplamı ve boyutlarında “katılıyorum” düzeyinde
görüşe sahiptirler. Öğretmenler, ortaokullarda bilgi yönetiminin gerçekleşmesi
düzeyleri toplamı ve boyutlarında “katılıyorum” düzeyinde görüşe sahiptirler.
Öğretmenlerin teknoloji kullanımında okul müdürlerinin sergilediği teknolojik
liderlik davranışları toplamı ve bazı boyutları ile ortaokullarda bilgi yönetiminin
gerçekleşme düzeyleri toplamı ve bazı boyutları arasında istatistiki açıdan anlamlı,
pozitif yönlü ve ‘çok zayıf’ bir ilişki ve bu ilişkilerin bazılarında yordanma
tespit edilmiştir.
This research aims to examine the level of technological leadership
behaviors exhibited by in teachers’ use of technology and school’s
knowledge management according to secondary school teachers’ views.
It also aims to find out the existence and level of relationship between
technological leadership and knowledge management and to determine
whether these behaviors predict the knowledge management. The
correlational survey model has been used. The study group consisted
of teachers from secondary schools in Mamak district of Ankara in the
2017-2018 academic year. The data was collected through “School Principal
Technological Leadership Behavior Scale (SPTLB-S)” developed
by Durnalı (2018) and “Knowledge Management Scale (KM-S)” developed
by Özgözgü (2015). According to the main result; both teachers’
views on principal’s technological leadership behaviors and school’s
knowledge management is at a “high (4/5)” level for the overall and
all sub-dimensions of both scales. There is a statistically significant,
positive and ‘very weak’ correlation/relationship between the overall
of technological leadership behaviors, and some dimensions of it and
school’s knowledge management overall, and some dimensions of it in
terms of one-to-one comparisons. When the level of the technological
leadership behaviors increases, school’s knowledge management increases
too. The predictive fact was found to be significant in the sixteen of
twenty-six correlation cases.
The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the mobbing and motivation levels of the teachers
working in primary schools. The population of the study consisted of 673 teachers working in 59 primary schools in
Yakutiye district of Erzurum province in 2018-2019 academic year, and 217 teachers were the sample. Personal
information form developed by the researchers, “Mobbing Scale” developed by Tanhan and Çam (2011) and
“Teacher Motivation Scale” developed by Polat (2010) were used as a data collection tools. Mean, standard
deviation, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient were used for statistical analysis of the data. In addition,
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis was performed to determine the predictive levels of independent variables on
dependent variables. As a result of the research; in terms of mobbing dimensions, the highest level was determined as
the prevention of professional practices and the lowest level was determined as direct insult to the person. Taking the
teacher motivation scale into consideration, it was found that the highest level was in intrinsic motivation dimension
while the lowest level was in extrinsic motivation dimension. It was determined that there was a significant
relationship between mobbing and motivation levels of teachers. According to the results of the regression analysis, it
was found that the sub-dimensions of the mobbing significantly predicted the sub-dimensions of the teacher
Educational technologies have revolutionized the learning and teaching environments. Offline/online applications and social media have changed the conventional learning and teaching habits and competencies. In terms of learners, it has been empirically proven that the use of educational technologies in the classroom make learning easier and more enjoyable. On the other hand, it also poses threats to students such as cyberbullying and online addiction. While exploiting the opportunities of technological use in the classroom, educators must also remain vigilant and formulate ways to overcome the challenges and risks brought by technology.
Enriching Teaching and Learning Environments With Contemporary Technologies is an essential research publication that aims to present exemplary practices of technology use and their management in pedagogical purposes in learning and teaching environments. The book also analyzes problems that may arise and develops policies on educational technologies and the exploitation of technology with pedagogical purposes as part of the discussion to solve these challenges. Featuring a wide range of topics such as augmented reality, mass media, and religious education, this book is ideal for educators who want to use technology in class, educational administrators who have responsibilities for developing policies on educational technologies and managing the use of them, and researchers who want to carry out a deep investigation into the subject. Additionally, educational software developers, academicians, instructional designers, curriculum developers, education professionals, and students will also benefit from the research contained within the book.
Topics Covered
The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to:
Augmented Reality
Distance Education
English Language Teachers
Language Learning
Mass Media
Physical Education
Professional Development
Religious Education
Social Studies Education
Sports Education
Student Engagement
Within educational organizations, administration and leadership are relied upon for the allocation of resources as well as the optimization of processes that can include data storage, knowledge management, and decision making. To support these expectations, technologies, knowledge, and smart systems must be put into place that allow administrators and leaders to accomplish these tasks as efficiently as possible.
Utilizing Technology, Knowledge, and Smart Systems in Educational Administration and Leadership is an academic research book that examines knowledge regarding the scholarly exploration of the technologies, information/knowledge, and smart systems in educational administration and leadership. It provides a holistic, systematic, and comprehensive paradigm. Featuring a wide range of topics such as technology leadership in schools, technology integration in educational administration, and professional development, this book is ideal for school administrators, educational leaders, principals, IT consultants, educational software developers, academicians, researchers, professionals, educational policymakers, educators, and students.
The focus of this study will be on the truth lies in identifying one of the background of challenges on comprehensive and precise educational policies required to be developed and executed so that training and educational needs of immigrants in Turkey will be fulfilled very effectively. The background will be examined in terms of organizations playing active roles in immigrant management. The introduction provides an overview of; relation between integration of immigrants into a society and role of education, adaptation of education system for immigrant, immigrant education policy, and immigrant management. In the main part, Turkish national, supranational and international governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society organizations (CSOs) acting on behalf of meeting the needs of refugees and immigrants in Turkey will be determined and discussed in a systematic and holistic way. Their foundation, main mission, roles, practices, some of their projects will be explained as a sample case.