To appear in the Proceedings of the 10th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer Systems, (MASCOTS) Fort Worth, Texas, Oct. 12-16, 2002.
Generation of High Bandwidth Network Traffic Traces
Purushotham Kamath, Kun-chan Lan, John Heidemann, Joe Bannister and Joe Touch
University of Southern California
Information Sciences Institute
Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
{pkamath, kclan, johnh, joseph, touch}
High bandwidth network traffic traces are needed to
understand the behavior of high speed networks (such as
the Internet backbone). However, the implementation of a
mechanism to collect such traces is difficult in practice.
In the absence of real traces, tools to generate high
bandwidth traces would aid the study of high speed network behavior. We describe three methods of generating
high bandwidth network traces: scaling low bandwidth
network traffic traces, merging multiple low bandwidth
traces and generating traces through simulation by scaling a structural model of real world traces. We evaluate
the generated traces and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method. We also discuss some of the
issues involved in generating traces by the structural
model method.
1. Introduction
The behavior of a network depends to a large extent
on the nature of the traffic generated by its users. Network protocols and switching mechanisms behave differently under different traffic patterns. Network protocols
or switching mechanisms themselves may be the cause of
different types of traffic patterns. Understanding network
Purushotham Kamath is supported, and Joe Bannister and
Joe Touch are partially supported as part of the NGI Multicast Applications and Architecture (NMAA-ADDON) project funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency Information Technology Office, DARPA Order No.
H645, Program Code No. 9A20, issued by DARPA/CMD
under Contract No. MDA972-99-C-0022.
Kun-chan Lan and John Heidemann are partially supported
in this work as part of the SAMAN project, funded by
DARPA and the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center
John Heidemann is also partially supported as part of the
CONSER project, funded by NSF as grant number
Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily reflect the views of DARPA,
traffic patterns and their causes is central to network
research on the Internet. This has lead to several efforts
to collect traffic traces on the Internet [16] and to analyze
Most real world network traces that are publicly
available [16,17] are low bandwidth traces from OC3c,
OC12c links or FDDI or Ethernet traces. In contrast to
the wide availability of low bandwidth traces, traces from
high bandwidth links (OC48, OC192 links, such as in the
core of the Internet) are not widely available. The difficulty of implementing a mechanism for collecting traces
at high speeds [11] is one factor that contributes towards
the lack of public availability of such traces. As link
speeds increase in the future, the difficulties involved in
obtaining high bandwidth traces will increase.
In the absence of real high bandwidth traces, one
option is to attempt to generate traces that are likely to
resemble real traces. Applications of such traces include
studies of the behavior of routers, switches and network
protocols on high speed links.
Prior studies [21] have suggested that traffic characteristics differ widely depending on where and when the
data was recorded. Given such differences in traffic characteristics, there is reason to believe that traffic seen in
the core of the Internet (high bandwidth traces) may differ from traffic seen at the edges or on a local area network (low bandwidth traces). Earlier studies have indicated that traffic on an Ethernet network is self similar
[13] in nature. Recent studies [3] indicate that Internet
traffic tends to Poisson and independent as the load
increases, as it does in the core of the Internet. Thus, at
this point of time, the characteristics of high bandwidth
traffic are still under investigation.
In this paper we describe three methods of generating a high bandwidth trace and evaluate the generated
traces. As implied above, the major hurdle that we face
in validating this effort is the lack of a real world high
bandwidth trace to compare our generated traces with.
Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to compare real world low
bandwidth traces with the high bandwidth traces
generated by the three methods to determine how different high bandwidth traffic could be from low bandwidth
traffic. The main contribution of this paper is the comparison of the network traffic traces generated by the
three methods and a discussion of the issues involved in
the generation by the structural model method.
2. Challenges in generating high bandwidth
HTTP client
The trace files that we generate consist of the following fields for each packet:
• Timestamp (time when the packet was received at the
point where it is being traced)
• Source IP address, destination IP address and source
and destination TCP/UDP port numbers
• Packet size (total length field from the IP packet
Generating each of the above fields (for low bandwidth or high bandwidth traces) presents several challenges which we discuss below:
2.1 Timestamp
The timestamp of a packet indicates how busy the
link is. The timestamps can indicate the bursty nature of
traffic on the link. There are several factors that affect
the timestamp of a packet. The factors listed below affect
the timestamp of a packet whether it traverses low or
high bandwidth links or a combination of them. The
challenge in generating timestamps for a high bandwidth
trace is in deciding if these factors will affect the traces
and cause them to differ from traces on a low bandwidth
link. Another challenge is how to incorporate these
effects in the generation method to ensure that the generated traces are accurate.
• Link characteristics: The bandwidth of a link determines the transmission time of the packet. Both the
transmission time and the propagation delay of the
link contribute to the round trip time (RTT) of the connection. With a transport protocol such as TCP, the
RTT determines when the next packet can be sent and
hence its timestamp.
• Switch/router characteristics: The queuing delay at
the network switches contributes to the RTT of the
connection. The drop policy at the switch also influences packet transmissions. With a transport protocol
such as TCP, the congestion control algorithm reacts
to packet drops and hence is dependent on the switch
drop policy.
• Transport protocol characteristics: The transport protocol used (TCP) influences packet transmission times
HTTP server
Round trip time=
Tx. time
+Prop. delay
+Queuing delay
Object 1,
Object 2, 2
Figure 1. Factors affecting the packet timestamps
through the congestion control algorithm.[1]
• Application protocol characteristics: HTTP influences the packet transmission times through the number of web pages requested, the number of objects per
page and the size of each object. The use of persistent
and pipelined connections [10] also affects the timestamp of each packet.
• User characteristics: The user arrival rate and the
user think times also affect the timestamps of the
packets by controlling how often a user sends requests.
Figure 1 shows how the above factors can impact the
timestamp of a packet.
2.2 Addresses
The source address and destination address of a
packet depend on the number of clients and servers, the
user arrival rate at each client and how busy a server is. A
high bandwidth link may see more unique destination
addresses than a low bandwidth link but the increase in
addresses seen may not be proportional to the increase in
bandwidth. E.g. It is known that for inter AS traffic a
small percentage of end host flows contribute to a large
percentage [8] of the traffic.
2.3 Packet size
The packet size distribution depends on the number
of requests and the file sizes requested. With web traffic
the packet sizes usually vary from 40 bytes (connection
setup packets) to 1500 bytes (the path maximum transmission unit (MTU) is the minimum of the maximum
transmission units on the path and Ethernet is usually on
at least one segment of most paths. Hence most data
packets tend to be at most 1500 bytes long). The packet
size distribution should remain the same on low and high
bandwidth links.
3. Evaluating the quality of the traces
Network traffic characteristics may be described by
several metrics. The characteristics that are measured in
this study may be divided into two categories.
Packet characteristics:
• Packet interarrival time distribution
• Packet sizes distribution
• Distribution of the number of unique destination
addresses seen in a time interval
Connection characteristics:
• TCP connection duration distribution
• Distribution of the number of bytes and packets in a
TCP connection
These five metrics reasonably model IP traffic traces
from the perspective of at least one application - that of
studying network switch/router behavior. The packet
interarrival time gives an indication of how fast a router
needs to process packets. The packet size affects the
buffer space and the packet transmission time at the output port. The destination address determines where the
packet needs to be sent and the distribution of the number
of unique addresses seen in an interval affects mechanisms such as routing table caches [9] used in a switch or
router. The connection characteristics can affect how
often a particular routing table entry is used. The TCP
connection duration and the number of bytes and packets
sent determine the temporal locality of addresses seen.
4. Methods of generating high bandwidth
The simplest methods to generate a high bandwidth
trace involve processing a low bandwidth trace. This is
the methodology used in the first two methods that we
describe. Another method of generating high bandwidth
traces is to simulate a high speed link and extract traces
during the simulation. The third method we describe is
based on this methodology. In this section we describe
these three methods and discuss how accurate we can
expect the generated traces to be.
We have used the Auckland II trace set [17] as the
low bandwidth trace set used to generate high bandwidth
traces. The Auckland II traces are from a wide area network link with packet peak rate of 2Mbps in each direction. Bit rates (calculated over 100ms intervals) vary
from 0.4Mbps to 8Mbps. The duration of the trace is
around 11 hours. The trace consists of two trace files for
traffic in each direction.
4.1 Scaling
A simple method to generate a high bandwidth trace
is to scale a real world trace in time by dividing the
timestamps in the trace by a constant, the scaling factor,
s. Most common real world traces are either bidirectional traces such as an Ethernet trace or a pair of unidirectional traces from a wide area link such as the Auckland [17] data set. This method can be applied to either
form of trace files.
If the original traffic trace is from a 10 Mbps link
and we want to generate a 1Gbps trace file, then the scaling factor
s = 1Gbps/10Mbps = 100
Each timestamp in the original trace file Torig is replaced
in the generated trace file by a new timestamp Tnew
Tnew = Torig/s
All other records in the generated trace file (source and
destination addresses, packet sizes) are the same as in the
original trace file.
The strongest justification for applying this method
is that high bandwidth network traffic is a multiplexing of
traffic from several low bandwidth links. If the packet
arrivals of n streams on a low bandwidth link are independent and the packets interarrival times are uniformly
distributed, then the resulting aggregated trace should
have an arrival rate equal to approximately n times the
arrival rate of the low bandwidth links.
There are several flaws in this reasoning. Packets on
a TCP connection will not have uniformly distributed
interarrival times due to structural effects such as the
dependence of packet transmission on RTT and user
think times. The presence of a faster link does not imply
that the propagation delay would change or that a user
would read a web page faster.
In addition, the multiplexing of traffic from several
links may have other effects such as
• Queuing delays at switches/routers
• Packet drops at switches/routers (which depend on
drop policies such as Drop Tail, RED etc.) which in
turn affect the TCP congestion control algorithm
(resulting in window size changes, RTT reestimation
and RTO recalculation).
It is unlikely that these effects will be accurately modeled
by the scaling method.
Another disadvantage of this method is that the low
bandwidth trace used for generation needs to be a long
duration trace (at least s times the duration of the desired
high bandwidth trace). A possible solution to this is to
concatenate several low bandwidth traces and then scale.
However, this results in abrupt changes in traffic patterns
at the points in time where the traces were concatenated.
4.2 Merging
In the merging method several real low bandwidth
traffic traces are merged. The merging is done by simulating the multiplexing that happens at an output queued
switch. The merging is done by a switch simulator. The
switch simulator consists of a single switch using a FIFO
queue with tail drop policy. The traces files are fed as
input to the switch simulator. The timestamps in the input
trace files determine the time when each packet is placed
in the output queue. The switch simulator serves the
queue using a FIFO queuing discipline and send packets
out on the output link. Each packet suffers a queuing
delay that depends on the number of packets in the
queue. Each packet requires a transmission time that
depends on the packet size and the bandwidth of the output link. The trace data (timestamp, source and destination addresses, packet size) for the packet is logged in a
file before it is sent out. The number of files being
merged is called the merging factor, m.
This method attempts to correct the deficiency of the
scaling method by introducing a queuing mechanism
which simulates the queuing delays. Note that it simulates the queuing delays at a single switch and not the
queuing delay that would be seen in a network of
switches. Unlike the scaling method, merging does not
significantly distort structural effects such as user think
times and RTTs.
As with the scaling method, this method does not
take into account the effect of packet drops or the TCP
congestion control algorithm into account. Any effects
due to TCP congestion control that were present in the
original traces are retained in the generated trace. However, the effect of new packet drops at the switch on the
TCP congestion control algorithm are not taken into
The method works with undirectional traces only.
Since it simulates a switch, bidirectional traces cannot be
used as input. To generate bidirectional traffic, each
direction will need to be generated separately. Doing this
means that the traffic in opposite directions (data and
their acks) may not be correlated. Because timestamps
of data and acks are changed independently, it is possible
that the traffic generated in the two directions may be
traffic that could not have been generated in reality.
To generate a trace file of bandwidth m times the
original trace bandwidth, it is necessary to have m low
bandwidth trace files. This may not always be feasible in
practice. A solution to this is to split a long low bandwidth trace file into m shorter trace files and merge them.
This may result in the distortion of TCP connections
which span the points in time where the file was split packets that are sent well into the connection may now
appear at the start of the connection, or even before the
connection was established. A solution to this problem is
renumbering the destination addresses in the split trace
files. This alleviates the problem of the distortion of the
TCP connection statistics - packets on different input
interfaces of the switch simulator all have unique destination addresses and hence belong to different TCP connections. However, this mechanism distorts the destination
address statistics.
4.3 Scaling structural
through simulation.
To generate traffic traces through simulation we
employ a structural modeling approach. [22] Traditional
black box traffic modeling approaches focus on employing complex time-series analysis to model network traffic. These models ignore the underlying network structure and hence provide no or little insight about the
observed characteristics of measured traffic and its
underlying causes. On the other hand, structural modeling proposes that we should explicitly take into account
the complex hierarchical structure of application and
intertwined networking mechanisms in order to accurately reproduce the traffic. Our structural model (based
on a tool called RAMP ) [12] attempts to model user and
application characteristics [20] and network mechanisms
by deriving information from low bandwidth TCP level
network traces. The procedure is described below:
1. Cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) for different parameters are derived from a real world (low
bandwidth) trace. The parameters can be divided into
three categories: user behavior (user interarrival
times), web page characteristics (number of pages per
session, number of objects per page), object characteristics (object size, inter object interval).
2. The structural model for the simulation based on
these parameters is described below:
User behavior:
• User interarrival times for the simulation are chosen
randomly based on the user interarrival CDF.
Web page:
• The number of pages per user session is chosen randomly based on its CDF.
• The sources of the pages are chosen based on a
server popularity CDF.
• The number of objects within one page is chosen
based on an object CDF.
• The size of the objects in a page are chosen based on
an object size CDF.
• A TCP connection is used for multiple
request/response exchange based on the probability of
persistent connections (HTTP1.1) versus non-persistent connections (HTTP1.0) as computed from the
trace. In persistent connection mode, all objects within
the same page are sent via the same TCP connection.[10]
• The TCP window size for both servers and clients
are also randomly chosen from a CDF.
3. This structural model is used to drive a network
simulation from which traces are gathered.
Around 50-70% of traffic on the Internet today [6] is
web traffic. Based on this observation and on the data
obtained from our real world trace files, only user characteristics of web traffic have been modeled. It is known
that web consists of mostly short lived flows. Long lived
flows such as multimedia streams represent a small percentage of the traffic. RAMP is being modified to extract
characteristics from different types of traffic. This will
allow a more accurate representation of traffic characteristics and generation of more realistic traces.
In addition to the structural model of user behavior a
suitable network topology must also be chosen. Simulating a backbone network topology is a difficult task. Simulating the entire topology along with traffic sources at
each node strains [18] the available computing resources.
The topology chosen should be such that it should be
easy to increase the amount of traffic on the link on
which the traffic trace is recorded. Hence, the backbone
topology has been simplified to a dumbbell topology as
shown in Figure 2 with clients and servers on either side
of the bottleneck link. A packet from a client to a server
traverses four router nodes. The traffic traces are collected on the bottleneck link. To assign link latencies,
the round trip times are determined from the low bandwidth traffic trace [12] and a cumulative distribution
function is generated. Link latencies are assigned to
client links from this distribution.
Studies [4] have shown that the host pairs increases
as the square root of the bit rate. Since the scaling factor
of the simulation was 100, the number of servers and
clients was chosen to be approximately 10 times the
number of server and client IP addresses found in the
Auck II trace.
To obtain higher bandwidth traces, the link bandwidths were increased linearly by a factor called the simulation scaling factor and the user interarrival rates were
decreased linearly by the simulation scaling factor.
Bottleneck link
Figure 2. Simulation topology
In contrast to the other two methods, this method
will accurately model the queuing delays of a network
and mechanisms such as the TCP congestion control
behavior. The main disadvantage of this method is that
generating traces of higher bandwidth consumes an
increasing amount of resources. In order to generate
higher bandwidth traces using a simulator such as NS[2]
, the size of the simulation (number of users and traffic)
must be increased, which consumes a large amount of
resources in the form of memory and processor cycles.
The structural model method represents a challenge in
terms of the resources [19] required to run the simulations. Section 6 discusses this issue in greater detail.
5. Evaluation of the generated traces
As described in the introduction, the characteristics
of high bandwidth traces are unknown. Therefore, evaluation of each method to determine which one generates
the most accurate trace is important. The traces generated by each method are evaluated by comparing the
cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of the generated traces with those of the original traces. Figures 3
through 8 compare the traces generated by the three
methods with the original traces. The original (or real)
trace file was from the Auck II trace set (as described in
Section 4). The duration of the original trace used was
around 11 hours. It is difficult to judge the accuracy of
the generated traces since we do not have a real high
bandwidth trace to compare with. The comparison of the
generated traces with the low bandwidth trace is an
attempt to observe how the characteristics of a trace may
change from low to high bandwidths.
The three methods (scaling, merging and structural
modeling) attempt to scale the traces by a factor of 100.
The original trace was from a 10Mbps link and the goal
was to generate traffic on a 1Gbps link. For the scaling
method the scaling factor was 100. Since the original
••• ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆
• ∆∆∆
∆ ∆
∆ ∆∆∆
• •
∆ ∆
Low bandwidth
Structural model
1e-05 0.0001 0.001
Packet interarrival time (seconds)
0.75 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Cumulative distribution function
Cumulative distribution function
Low bandwidth
Structural model
Packet size (bytes)
Figure 3. Packet interarrival time CDF
Figure 4. Packet size CDF
trace file was around 11 hours long, the generated trace
file was around 6 minutes long.
the scaled traces. The shape of the graph is much
smoother than the low bandwidth traces, due to the effect
of queuing delays while merging. The shift in the location of the CDF for the structural model generated traces
is lower than that observed for the scaling and the merging methods which indicates that scaling the user interarrival times has not necessarily scaled the packet interarrival times proportionately. The shape of the graph is
closer to the low bandwidth traces than the traces produced by merging. This indicates that the structural
model method has represented packet interarrivals more
accurately than the merging method when both are compared to the original traces.
The merging method used a merging factor of 100.
Since it was not feasible to acquire 100 trace files of 6
minute duration from different sites, a single trace file of
11 hours was divided into 100 trace files of approximately 6 minutes each. The timestamps in each trace file
were normalized to start at a time of zero seconds. The
destination addresses in each trace file were renumbered
to prevent distortion of the TCP connection statistics.
While this prevented a distorted in statistics such as connection duration, it may have contributed to some distortion in the form of a larger number of destination
addresses than would be normally seen.
In the case of the structural modeling method, the
scaling factor was 100. User characteristics were
extracted from 360 seconds of the trace. Around 1000
seconds of time was simulated (to allow the system to
reach steady state) and 360 seconds of trace was
5.1 Packet interarrival time
Figure 3 shows the CDF of the packet interarrival
time for the four traces. From the graph it can be
observed that the packet interarrival time for the scaled
trace has been reduced by the scaling factor, shifting the
location of the CDF. The shape of the curve is identical
to the low bandwidth trace. The location of the packet
interarrival time for the merged traces has been reduced
by the merging factor. The location of the graph has
been shifted to a location very close to the plot for
5.2 Packet size
Figure 4 shows the CDFs of the packet size for the
four traces. The low bandwidth trace and the scaled
traces have identical CDFs, and are indistinguishable on
the graph. The merging method gives a packet size distribution which very closely matches that of the low bandwidth traces. The structural model method however has a
CDF which is considerably different from the low bandwidth traces. This occurs for several reasons, some relating to abstractions in the simulation model. First, it is
well known that TCP packet size distributions are
strongly bimodal, with a large number of ACK packets
around 40 bytes and data packets around the MTU size,
typically either 540 bytes or 1500 bytes. The simulator’s
default data packet size is 1000 bytes, halfway between
the two MTUs observed in the trace. Second, the simulator does not try to model byte-level details of web traffic,
but instead rounds transfers to an even number of whole
Low bandwidth
• Scaled
∆ Structural model
Unique destination addresses in a 1 second interval
Figure 5. Unique destination addresses in an interval
of 1 second (CDF)
data packets. Thus the traces show some variation in
packet length (showing a curve in the 40-500 bytes range
and slight slope in the 500-1500 bytes range), while the
simulation is completely bimodal (40 or 1000 bytes).
Finally, while the simulation model only supports web
traffic (which accounts for a large percentage of the total
traffic in the trace), the trace contains a variety of protocols with various packet lengths. A large percentage of
small packets (those in 40-500 bytes range) are contributed by UDP traffic and protocols such as telnet, ftp
etc. Each of these differences could be rectified by a
more detailed traffic model in simulation. However, we
found that these differences did not have much effect on
aggregate traffic patterns. RAMP is being modified to
use different packet sizes based on a CDF extracted from
real traces. With that change, we expect that the packet
size distribution in the generated trace will more closely
resemble the real trace.
5.3 Destination addresses
Figure 5 shows the CDF for the number of unique
destination addresses seen in an interval of 1 second.
Studies of traffic locality in the NSFNET backbone [5]
indicate that a large percentage of the traffic is destined
for a small percentage of hosts. Other studies [4] indicate
that the number of host pairs increases as the square root
of the bit rate. These effects should be considered when
evaluating the generated traces.
The diversity of the destination addresses (number of
unique addresses) from the scaled traces has remained
unchanged but the distribution across time (number of
Cumulative distribution function
Cumulative distribution function
∆∆∆ ••
• • •
•• • •
• • •
∆ ∆∆
Low bandwidth
Structural model
• •
Number of bytes in a TCP connection
Figure 6. TCP connection bytes CDF
unique addresses seen in an interval) has changed. As
seen from the graph the scaling of traces does not
increase the number of destination addresses seen in a
interval linearly by the scaling factor. The reason for this
is because a small percentage of destination addresses
account for a large percentage of traffic. Therefore,
although more packets are seen in an interval of time, the
number of unique destination addresses seen does not
increase by the same factor.
In the case of merging, the destination address distribution has scaled linearly. This effect is primarily due to
how the files were merged. The trace was generated by
merging 100 trace files. Since 100 trace files of suitably
long duration (360 seconds) were unavailable, the 100
trace files were generated by splitting a long duration
trace file (around 11 hours). To avoid distorting the TCP
connection statistics, the destination addresses in each of
the 100 trace files were renumbered. As a result, the destination address CDF has scaled linearly by a factor of
From the structural model plot it can be seen that the
destination addresses seen in an interval has been scaled
by a factor of around 10. As described in section 4.3, the
number of destination hosts in the simulation was scaled
by a factor of 10, to accurately model the system. Hence
the address distribution has been scaled by about 10.
5.4 TCP connection packets/bytes
Figures 6 and 7 show the CDF for TCP connection
bytes and packets. The TCP connection packets is the
number of packets sent during a TCP connection (
• ••
• • •
Low bandwidth
∆ Structural model
• •
∆ ∆ ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆
∆ ∆∆
∆ ∆
Cumulative distribution function
Cumulative distribution function
Low bandwidth
∆ Structural model
• •
Number of packets in a TCP connection
Figure 7. TCP connection packets CDF
including the connection setup and teardown packets).
The TCP bytes is the total number of bytes sent during a
TCP connection (including connection setup and teardown packets). For the scaling and merging methods, the
TCP connection bytes and packets closely approximate
the low bandwidth traces. The structural model method
however has a much higher percentage of lower byte connections. This is because the structural model is based on
user characteristics derived from web traffic only. It has
neglected all other types of traffic such as telnet or ftp
traffic which may have higher byte connections. In addition the simulator was run in a mode where it did not
send connection setup and teardown packets.
5.5 TCP connection duration
Figure 8 shows the TCP connection duration. The
TCP connection duration can be influenced by several
factors - the bottleneck bandwidth of the connection, the
propagation delay, protocol characteristics (as in the case
of web sessions with persistent connections (HTTP 1.1)),
by the number of objects in a page or by user characteristics. One of the effects of the scaling is that these characteristics will not be retained. E.g. a telnet session may
last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours while a
persistent web connection may last a few seconds. Scaling the traffic compresses these periods. As seen in the
graph, the connection duration of the traces generated by
scaling has been reduced by the scaling factor. For merging the connection duration should be affected slightly by
the added queuing delay. However, the graph indicates a
close match in the flow duration of the merged trace and
the real trace, indicating that the queuing delay was
Duration of a TCP connection (seconds)
Figure 8. TCP connection duration CDF
The structural model method has generated a large
number of short duration flows. This is typical of web
traffic and is due to extracting characteristics from only
web traffic. In addition, the web traffic extracted from the
real (low bandwidth) trace file had a large percentage of
non persistent connections (80%) resulting in a large
number of short flows.
6. Discussion
There are several issues involved in the three methods that make it difficult to accurately generate traffic on
a backbone network. Some of these issues are discussed
6.1 Choosing the duration of the input and generated traces
The duration of the input traces and the generated
traces plays a large role in determining the accuracy of
the generated traces. Input files that are too short and are
used in the scaling or merging methods will not capture
long tailed behavior. In particular, for the structural
model method, input files that are too short do not allow
the structural model to capture long tailed behavior in the
CDFs that are generated. The duration of the simulation
also affects the characteristics of the trace generated.
Simulations that are too short will not capture long tailed
behavior. On the other hand it may be computationally
infeasible to simulate a long duration.
Our experience was that if a comparison is to be
made between the real and generated traces, then the
Hat Linux 7.2. The 10Gbps simulation took almost 24
hours. The 10 Gbps simulation was stopped after 500s of
simulated time (hence the abruptly terminated curve for
the 10Gbps simulation) due to a limit in the environment
used to run the simulation. As seen from the graph above
it takes approximately 250 seconds of simulation time
before the system reaches steady state and traces can be
s = 1000
s = 100
7. Related work
Time (seconds)
Figure 9. Relationship between the simulation scaling
factor and the generated traffic as a function of simulation time.
simulation should be run for a duration at least equal to
the duration of the real world trace from which the data
to drive the simulation was extracted. E.g. if a generated
trace of 100 seconds is required, then data for the structural model should be extracted from a real world trace of
duration 100 seconds and then 100 seconds of simulation
should be run.
6.2 Increasing the bandwidth and determining
steady state of the simulation
In the structural model method high bandwidth
traces are obtained by varying two quantities:
• User interarrival times
• Link bandwidths
We increased both by the same factor so as to maintain their ratio constant. Thus we have made an implicit
assumption that the number of users increases proportionately to the link bandwidth. Figure 9 indicates the bit
rate (bps) in the real (10Mbps) and generated traces
(1Gbps and 10Gbps) averaged over intervals of 1s for
three different scalings v/s time. The graph indicates that
increasing the link bandwidth and decreasing the user
interarrival time by the simulation scaling factor s results
in an increase in the traffic by an amount in the order of
the simulation scaling factor.
The lowest curve is the original trace file (on a
10Mbps link). The middle curve is the simulation run
with a simulation scaling factor of 100 (i.e a 1Gbps link)
and the top curve has a simulation scaling factor of 1000
(i.e a 10Gbps link). A trace of 1000 seconds of a 1Gbps
simulation took about 3 hours and 50 minutes to run on a
1GHz Pentium IV system with 1GB RAM running Red
SynRGen[7] is a file reference generator that is used
to build test suites for file systems. Like the structural
model method it attempts to model the behavior of real
users by tracing user behavior. A model of user behavior
is built from the trace. Stress testing of the file system is
performed by using this user model to simulate a large
number of users on the system. This system is in many
ways analogous to the structural model which also builds
a user model and attempts to increase the number of
users to generate higher bandwidth traces.
Lucas et al. [14,15] have characterized the nature of
wide area IP traffic and have developed a traffic model
called (M, P, S) to generate traffic for simulation. Their
method of generation of traffic traces consist of three
steps: Generation of aggregate traffic (arrivals per 100 ms
intervals) using a self similar traffic model, partitioning
the generated traffic by assigning destination addresses
according to expected arrival distributions and finally distributing the packet arrivals in arrivals per ms. Unlike the
structural modeling method which attempts to build a
model of user behavior, their method assumes a particular model for the packet arrivals (self similar). However,
it is likely that their model will be able to generate high
bandwidth traces much more efficiently than the structural model method.
8. Conclusions
We have compared three different methods of generating high bandwidth traces. Of these methods scaling
appears to generate the least accurate traces, distorting
flow durations and destination address diversity. Merging with renumbering appears to be a viable method if
the factors of interest are only connection characteristics
and packet characteristics such as packet interarrival
times and packet sizes. However, because of renumbering, it will not accurately model the destination address
The structural model method generates accurate
traces. However the use of only web traffic as a method
of simulating all Internet traffic causes the model to fall
short of accuracy. In particular flow durations have not
been replicated accurately. An extended model based on
different types of Internet traffic would provide more
accurate traces. As a method of generating higher bandwidth traces, scaling user interarrival times gives a fairly
proportional scaling in the offered load on a link. The
simulation should be run for a time equal to the duration
of the real world trace used to extract the statistics for the
simulation. Ultimately the limits of processor speed and
memory limit the ability of the structural method to generate traces that indicate long tailed behavior. However,
this method can generate traces that help understand high
bandwidth network behavior for short durations of time
(seconds rather than hours).
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