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Heart Lung. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 January 1.
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Published in final edited form as:
Heart Lung. 2011 ; 40(1): 41–48. doi:10.1016/j.hrtlng.2010.03.005.
Susan M. Sereika, PhD1,3, Judith A. Tate, MSN, RN1, Dana DiVirgilio-Thomas, MPH1,
Leslie A. Hoffman, PhD, RN, FAAN1, Valerie A. Swigart, PhD, RN1, Lauren Broyles, PhD,
RN5, Tricia Roesch, MSN, CRNP4, and Mary Beth Happ, PhD, RN, FAAN1,2
1 University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing, Pittsburgh, PA
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
University of Pittsburgh Center for Bioethics and Health Law, Pittsburgh, PA
University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, Pittsburgh, PA
Department of Surgery, St. Agnes Hospital, Baltimore, MD
Veteran’s Administration Center for Health Equity Research Programs, Pittsburgh, PA
OBJECTIVE—To describe patterns of bath care for patients who are weaning from prolonged
mechanical ventilation (PMV) and to explore the association between bathing and weaning trial
METHODS—Descriptive correlational study. Clinical records from 439 weaning trial days for 30
patients who required PMV were abstracted for bathing occurrences during weaning trials,
within1-hour before a trial, and nocturnally.
RESULTS—Most baths occurred during weaning trials (30.8%) or at night (35.3%), and less
frequently (16%) within 1-hour before a trial. No significant effects were found on trial duration
for nocturnal bathing or bathing within 1-hour before a trial. Using random coefficient modeling,
weaning duration was shown to be longer when bathing occurred during a weaning trial (p<.05),
even when controlling for age, severity of illness, and days on bedrest.
CONCLUSION—Bathing occurred during nearly one-third of PMV weaning trials. Baths during
PMV weaning trials were associated with longer weaning trial duration.
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baths; prolonged mechanical ventilation; chronic critical illness; critical care; energy conservation;
ventilator weaning; mixed methods
Bathing is a fundamental and socially significant nursing care activity. 1, 2 Nurses are
responsible for planning and implementing daily care activities for patients who are weaning
from prolonged mechanical ventilation (PMV); however there is little research describing
best practices for bathing in relation to ventilator weaning trials. Oxygen consumption and
Corresponding author: Dr. Mary Beth Happ, Professor, University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing, 311 Victoria Building, Pittsburgh,
[email protected], telephone: 412-624-2070, FAX: 412-383-7227.
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energy expenditure during bathing may affect the success or duration a ventilator weaning
trial. Bathing may be delayed to conserve energy for weaning trials or, conversely, as a
ritualized care practice, bathing may be a relatively fixed activity. This aspect of critical care
clinical practice requires systematic investigation to make nursing care of patients who are
weaning from PMV more visible and to provide evidence regarding the effect of bathing on
PMV weaning trial duration.
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Our preceding qualitative investigation of bathing practices during weaning from PMV
confirmed the importance of the bath as a fundamental nursing intervention that is highly
valued by critical care nurses and family members [reference QUAL paper]1, 2. The
qualitative findings showed a general lack of consensus among ICU clinicians about the
preferred timing or impact of baths during weaning trials. Observations of the weaning
process did not show that bathing activity had an obvious positive or negative impact on the
duration of PMV weaning trials; nor could we determine how prevalent the practice of
bathing patients during PMV weaning trials actually was. Other qualitative reports show that
nurse dependency, minimizing breathlessness, pacing or curtailing body care activities are
critical strategies used by nurses and hospitalized patients with severe respiratory disease
during bathing and personal body care3, 4. Both patients and nurses endorse the importance
of reducing or balancing energy demands during weaning from mechanical ventilation5–7.
Nurses interviewed in Jenny and Logan’s5 classic study reported using knowledge of the
patient to tailor their interventions to manage each patient’s energy resources, including
reducing energy demands during weaning and coordinating the patients’ activities. Although
descriptive studies of mechanical ventilator weaning emphasize balancing work and rest,
bathing during ventilator weaning trials or timing of bathing activities for patients who are
weaning have not been specifically addressed.
Balancing work and rest may require nurses to control the timing of bathing activities in
relation to the ventilator weaning trial. Tamburri and colleagues8 observed that a high
proportion (62%) of routine daily baths were performed between 9:00 PM and 6:00 AM in
intensive care units (ICUs). Their finding that more than one-third (56/147; 38%) of daily
baths occurred between 2:00 AM and 5:00 AM suggests that patient sleep is frequently
disrupted for the performance of hygiene care. There are no studies in the literature that
specifically address the outcome of various bathing times (before ventilator weaning trial,
during weaning trial, or nighttime bathing) or the impact of bathing on duration of
mechanical ventilation (MV) weaning trials.
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Past research suggests that most critically ill patients recover fairly quickly from the
physiological effects of bathing and that the energy expenditure during bathing is not
excessive. Bed baths and turning result in a transient decrease in mixed venous oxygen
saturation (SvO2) and variable effects on blood pressure in critically ill patients9–13. Studies
of activity in critically ill patients demonstrate relatively low levels of energy expenditure
during a bed bath14, 15. Decreases in SvO2 of 9 to 13% can be expected after bathing and/or
turning with less of a decrease during the bathing phase9, 16. The greatest decrease in SvO2
was associated with bed baths in mechanically ventilated patients on high inspired oxygen
concentrations (FiO2) and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) settings10. Physiological
recovery from bathing and turning is usually relatively rapid, ranging from 3 to 16
minutes9–11, 13, 17. No benefit was gained from the addition of a 10-minute rest period
between bathing and turning phases of a bed bath in hemodynamically stable coronary artery
bypass graft patients9. Unfortunately, physiological studies of bathing have not been
conducted during ventilator weaning trials or with patients who have experienced prolonged
(> 4 days) critical illness and mechanical ventilation.
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A previous literature review, suggested that age, severity of illness, and prolonged time on
bed rest may be important factors influencing patient response to bathing and position
changes during acute and critical illness18. We were unable to identify any studies that
attempted to determine the impact of the bath on duration of weaning trials in patients who
required PMV.
There has been increasing attention to mobility interventions to improve outcomes in
patients on PMV with evidence that activity and exercise can be feasible, safe, and effective
in improving short term functional outcomes and in achieving earlier discharge for patients
experiencing PMV 19–24. Early activity studies and exercise protocols do include
parameters regarding exercise during spontaneous breathing trials (e.g., not until patients
have achieved 4 hours of spontaneous breathing) and/or guidelines to increase FiO2
concentrations during these activities21, 25. Yet, the research literature provides no such
guidance for “activities of daily living,” such as bathing.
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In summary, qualitative studies identify significant concern about bathing and other energy
expending activities in relation to balancing work and rest during weaning from mechanical
ventilation. However, prior physiological studies suggest that critically ill patients recover
fairly quickly from the physiological effects of bathing and that energy expenditure during
bathing is not excessive. Daily timing of baths during critical illness are variable with
nighttime bathing a frequent practice pattern. Patient demographic and clinical
characteristics (e.g., age, duration of critical illness, severity of illness) may influence
whether nurses bathe patients during the weaning trial.
In follow-up to our qualitative study of bathing practices and beliefs during weaning from
PMV, available clinical record data were quantitatively examined to determine how often
nurses bathed patients during PMV weaning trials and whether bathing patients before,
during the weaning trial, or at night influenced the duration of weaning trials.
The specific aims of this quantitative secondary analysis were to (1) examine the bathing
care patterns in patients weaning from PMV; (2) determine whether the bathing practice
[during a weaning trial; within one hour before the weaning trial; and nocturnal (2:00 AM–
5:00 AM)] is associated with the duration of the weaning trial; and (3) investigate the
association between patient demographic and clinical characteristics for the initiation of
bathing patients during a weaning trial. With respect to the third aim, we hypothesized that
older, more seriously ill, and/or patients with longer periods of bed rest before weaning trials
commenced, would be less likely to receive a bath during weaning trials early in their
ventilator weaning period.
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This is a descriptive correlational study performed as a secondary analysis of quantitative
data from a larger ethnography of the process of weaning patients from prolonged
mechanical ventilation (PMV) 26. PMV was defined as 4 days on full mechanical
ventilation support with at least 2 unsuccessful weaning attempts. Weaning attempts were
unsuccessful if the patient was returned to full ventilatory support. Description of the design
and findings of the parent study have been reported elsewhere 27–30. Consistent with an
exploratory sequential mixed methods approach, the results of the first, qualitative study
describing the practices and beliefs about bathing patients during PMV weaning were used
to inform and shape this follow-up, quantitative study which measured prevalence of a
phenomenon (bathing patterns) described in the qualitative phase 31.
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The study was conducted in the medical intensive care unit (MICU) of an urban, tertiary
care medical center from November, 2001 to July, 2003. The MICU was a 20 bed unit with
an adjacent eight bed step-down unit where most of the weaning trials for PMV patients
occurred. During a 28-month period coinciding with our study period, 70.5% (371/526) of
patients admitted to the step-down unit required mechanical ventilation and 65.0%
(241/371) of those required multiple ventilator weaning trials32. Patients were weaned by
reducing continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) to <12cm H20) and/or by spontaneous
breathing trials using a tracheostomy mask or T-piece; Synchronous intermittent mandatory
ventilation was rarely used in this setting. There were no ambulation or exercise protocols.
Patients received range of motion exercises from physical therapy on an individualized
basis. Enteral nutrition therapy was evaluated and monitored by a nutritionist. There was no
sedation or sedation interruption protocol at the time of this study.
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Thirty adult patients, who were weaning from PMV, were purposively selected for variation
in age, gender, race, neurocognitive status (Glasgow Coma Score), severity of illness, and
primary diagnosis. The sample was obtained in conjunction with and as representative of a
larger study of prolonged mechanical ventilation conducted in the same setting 32. Patients
were included who: (1) were over 18 years of age; (2) understood English; (3) were
ventilated a minimum of 4 days, (4) had failed 2 weaning trials, and (5) an active process of
weaning was initiated.
The key variables of interest in the study were operationalized as follows:
Weaning trial duration is the time recorded in hours that the patient tolerated a period of
less than full ventilatory support during a 24 hour period when mechanical ventilatory
support was required. Weaning trials included attempts by respiratory therapy and nursing
staff to test the patient’s ability to breathe independent of the mechanical ventilator. The
times were extracted from the respiratory therapy log in the computerized clinical record and
entered into a spreadsheet database organized by ventilator day for each subject.
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Bathing refers to complete or partial bed baths supervised or performed by the nurse. Baths
were either prepared in a basin with water or using bath-in-a-bag products. Type of bed bath
was not differentiated in the data available. Data were obtained from nursing documentation
in the computerized clinical records of the time baths were performed and the respiratory
therapy documentation of weaning trial start and end times. Bathing times were collected by
trained data collectors for all days in which ventilator weaning trials occurred and then
categorized as follows: (1) Within 1-hr prior to ventilator weaning trial; (2) Anytime during
the ventilator weaning trial; (3) Nocturnal bathing (anytime between 2 A.M. and 5 A.M.).
Baths in each pattern were tallied by subject and for the sample.
Days in the hospital before weaning trials was selected as a proxy measure for prolonged
bed rest, an indicator of deconditioning cited by Doering18 to influence physiological
response to bathing and other activities during critical illness. Because the number of
hospital days before weaning trials began were nearly identical to the number of ICU days
before weaning trials began in this sample, we chose to use the more comprehensive count
of days of hospitalization.
Severity of illness refers to the acuity of critical illness measured by the Acute Physiology
and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) III scores obtained on the first day of weaning
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trials. 33 The APACHE III is a well-established ICU severity of illness measure in critical
care populations with scores ranging from 0–299; higher admission APACHE III scores
predict greater risk of in-hospital mortality33. Reliability reports for the Acute Physiology
Score component of the APACHE II tool are reported at intraclass correlation coefficient =
0.86 – 0.90 and 0.90 for the total APACHE II score34. The reported predictive validity
(mortality risk prediction) for the APACHE III is high (r2 = 0.90, p<0.0001)33. While the
score is used primarily to predict mortality, it is also commonly used to gauge illness
severity either daily or at milestones during critical illness. In the current study, data
collectors maintained inter-rater agreement at >.90 for all components of the APACHE III
Age was calculated in years by recorded birthdate in the clinical record to admission.
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Patient demographic characteristics (age, gender, diagnoses) and clinical data (e.g., severity
of illness score, days on MV before weaning trials began, days in hospital before weaning
trials began, duration of daily weaning trials (hours), presence or absence of bath during
weaning, nocturnal bath, and bath within one hour prior to weaning) were extracted from the
medical record by retrospective review performed by trained research assistants. The
accuracy of data extraction was checked by dual coding of all data elements and data
collector agreement was maintained above 95%. Clinical data for each weaning day were
recorded on Excel, version 10 (Microsoft Corp., 2002) spreadsheets. These data were
recorded for the period of care during which consistent weaning attempts were implemented.
In this study, the “weaning period” ended at 48 hours off full ventilatory support without
relapse, upon discharge from the step-down ICU, or death, whichever came first.
Data Analysis
Data analysis was performed using SPSS (version 15.0, SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL) and SAS
(version 9.1.3, SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC). Exploratory data analysis was performed for
all variables to compute descriptive statistics and to identify data anomalies. Descriptive
statistics, including frequency distributions and summary statistics (i.e., measures of central
tendency and dispersion), were computed for all time-invariate (fixed) variables. Graphic
representations and group comparative analyses (e.g., scatter plots with correlations, crosstabulations with chi-square analyses of independence, analysis of variance or Kruskal-Wallis
procedure) were conducted to identify potential covariates to be considered for statistical
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Frequency counts and percentages were computed to describe the distribution of particular
bath patterns (Aim 1). Since all but one patient received at least one bath during a weaning
trial, time to first bath during a weaning trial was calculated to provide a consistent
milestone measurement.
The associations between each of the bathing patterns and the duration of daily weaning
trials (Aim 2) were investigated using random coefficient modeling (i.e., hierarchical linear
modeling, multilevel modeling) at apriori significance level of .05. This analytic approach
was used to account for non-independence of weaning trials measured over time within a
participant, to allow for the variable durations of daily monitoring, and to accommodate both
time-varying and time-invariant predictor variables such as the time-varying patient factor of
bathing pattern assessed daily and the time-invariant covariates of age and illness severity
and prolonged bed rest prior to the start of weaning trials. Crude and adjusted estimated
regression coefficients, b, their standard errors (SE), t-values and p-values. Least squares
means were also estimated for each bathing pattern.
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Because the time to first bath during a weaning trial may be censored, event history analysis
methods were used (Aim 3). Kaplan-Meier estimation was used to compute the mean time to
first bath during a weaning trial, yielding a point estimate with 95% confidence interval.
Cox proportional hazards regression was used to explore the bivariate and multivariate
associations between the identified patient factors of age, severity of illness immediately
prior to the start of weaning trials, and prolonged bed rest and the time to the initiation of
bathing during weaning trials at a priori significance level of .05. Additionally, the
proportion of days with weaning trials where baths occurred during the weaning trials was
analyzed using linear regression considering the patient factors of interest.
Patient characteristics are displayed on Table 1. Participants were thirty critically ill patients
receiving PMV, 25 to 87 years of age (Mean= 59.5, SD=17.6 years). Most (87%) were
Caucasian and about half were women.
A total of 655 ICU days were reviewed for the 30 study patients. Because weaning trials did
not occur every day for all patients, 439 days of weaning trial “events” were recorded in the
final dataset for this study. There were 306 bathing events recorded during the time periods
of interest [< 1 hour before the weaning trial, during the weaning trial, and nocturnal (2am–
5am)] (Table 2).
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Bathing Care Patterns (Aim #1)
As reported in Table 2, most study patients (n=29; 96.7%) were bathed at least once during a
weaning trial during the observation period. Baths were performed during 30.8% (n=135) of
all days with weaning trials. Ten patients (33.3%) received at least one bath within 1-hour
before a weaning trial for a total of only 16 bathing occurrences. Twenty-four patients
(80.0%) had at least one nocturnal (2:00 AM – 5:00 AM) bath. More than half of the bathing
events (n=155; 50.7%) were nocturnal.
Association Between Bathing and Daily Weaning Duration (Aim #2)
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Bathing During Weaning Trials—The average (± SE) duration of daily weaning trials
was significantly greater when patients were being bathed during the weaning trial
compared to when no bathing occurred (11.14 ± 0.82 hours vs. 8.40 ± 0.77 hours,
respectively; b=2.74, SE=0.47, t=5.78, p<.0001). This positive association was maintained
after adjusting for the key covariates of age, severity of illness (APACHE III), and days in
the hospital before the first weaning trial (11.50 ± 0.89 hours vs. 8.81 ± 0.86 hours,
respectively; b=2.69, SE=0.47, t=5.70, p < .0001). Of the covariates considered only
severity of illness was associated with duration of daily weaning trials, where longer
durations were associated with lower levels of illness severity (b=−0.07, SE=0.03, t=−2.50,
Other Bathing Patterns—A bath within 1-hour before the weaning trial was not a
significant predictor of the duration of daily weaning trials even after the statistical
adjustment of covariates (b=0.46, SE=1.21, t=0.38, p=.7064). Similarly, nocturnal bathing
was not a significant predictor of daily weaning times even following the adjustment of
covariates (b=0.35, SE=0.49, t=0.71, p=.4805).
Patient Factors Influencing Bathing during a Weaning Trial (Aim #3)
Eight patients (26.7%) were bathed during their first weaning trial. Using Kaplan-Meier
estimation, the first bath during a weaning trial occurred on average 5.5 days [SE = 1.33;
95%CI=(2.89, 8.11)] into the weaning trajectory. None of the patient factors thought to
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predict initiation of bathing during weaning trials--patient age, severity of illness (APACHE
III on the first day of weaning trials), days in the hospital before the first weaning trial--were
significantly associated with the time to the first occurrence of bath during a weaning trial.
After adjusting for the number of days observed, severity of illness (APACHE III) scores on
the first day of weaning trials were not related to the proportion of days where baths
occurred during the weaning trial.
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The major finding of this study was that performing baths during the weaning trial did not
negatively impact the length of the weaning trial for patients on PMV. Contrary to
expectations and conventional clinical wisdom, daily weaning trials were, on average,
almost three hours longer when patients were bathed during the weaning trial (11.14 ± 0.82
hours vs. 8.40 ± 0.77 hours, respectively). There are several explanations for these findings.
First, clinicians may have accurately assessed and predicted individual patients’ abilities to
tolerate baths during weaning trials. Thus, patients weaned longer on those days when baths
occurred because those days represented truly “good days.” Second, this finding may reflect
a positive effect of nurse presence, attention, distraction, and touch during bathing activities
that outweighed potentially negative effects of bathing activity and energy expenditure
during weaning trials35. Finally, consistent with the literature on energy expenditure during
bathing and physiologic recovery after bathing, the bathing activity may simply not produce
enough physiologic change to negatively impact the work of weaning 9–11, 13, 17. Evidence
from a qualitative study of bathing and personal body care among hospitalized patients with
severe pulmonary disease suggests that bed baths may be preferred by patients who
experience breathlessness, not all patients with pulmonary disease experience breathlessness
with bathing, and that pacing or curtailing the activity may be necessary to promote comfort
for patients who experience difficulty breathing3, 4.
Baths during weaning and nocturnal bathing were the dominant bathing patterns identified
in our study. Our data are consistent with Tamburri et al’s 8 observation that more than onethird (38%) of routine daily baths were performed between 2:00 AM and 5:00 AM.
Although seemingly disruptive to sleep, this practice alone did not predict shorter (or longer)
daily wean times in our sample. Nevertheless, critically ill patients may experience other
adverse effects of sleep disruption, such as daytime sleepiness, fatigue, and delirium, not
evaluated in this study.36 Dracup and Bryan-Brown37 recommend clustering nursing care
activities for ICU patients to avoid interruption of restorative nighttime sleep.
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Our analysis did not confirm that baths were often performed just prior to weaning trials.
This bathing pattern, within one-hour before the weaning trial, was in fact an infrequent
occurrence as it was represented in only 3.6% of weaning days (n=16). Weaning trials may,
however, have been delayed for more than one-hour when nurses initiated baths at times
conflicting with respiratory therapists’ intention to initiate a weaning trial.
For the PMV patients in this study, the first bath during a weaning trial occurred, on
average, 5 days from the start of weaning trials. This may reflect a period of clinical
evaluation and progressive activity tolerance; however, there were no predictive variables
such as age, severity of illness, or prolonged bed rest associated with the timing of first bath.
In fact, 8 patients (26.7%) were bathed during the first weaning trial. The average length of
bed rest before weaning trials began (10–11 days) in this sample would likely produce
deconditioning effects18. Future studies of bathing and/or activity tolerance during weaning
from PMV should include objective clinical tests of muscle strength and function to measure
deconditioning 38, 39.
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This quantitative study provides an opportunity to integrate qualitative and quantitative
findings in a single, two-phase mixed methods research project. Our previous qualitative
conclusion regarding the lack of consistent indicators to guide bathing during a PMV
weaning trial was confirmed by findings of this quantitative follow-up study which
identified no patient characteristics that predicted who would receive baths during weaning
trials, when patients would be bathed during weaning trials, or how often patients would be
bathed during weaning trials. Severity of illness (APACHE III score on the first day of
weaning trials) was not related to the proportion of days where baths occurred during the
weaning trial. Moreover, 8 patients, more than one-quarter of the study sample, were bathed
during the first weaning trial. All but one subject received at least one bath during a weaning
trial during the observation period and this individual appeared to have no distinguishing
characteristics that might have led to this outcome. It therefore appears that nurses and
respiratory therapists use other, unarticulated, clinical or workload factors on which to base
their decisions about bathing patients during weaning or make them randomly. Regardless,
there is no evidence in this sample that decisions to bathe patients during a weaning trial had
adverse effects. Rather the effect seemed to be positive in terms of promoting a longer
duration of weaning. This study presents preliminary evidence of the feasibility of and
patient tolerance for conducting baths during PMV weaning trials, findings consistent with
recent studies of activity and exercise in this patient population [15,20–25].
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The study was conducted in a medical ICU located in a tertiary care institution and involved
a relatively small sample of subjects. Findings may not generalize to other types of patients
or institutions. The sample was restricted to patients on PMV who, by nature of their illness
trajectory, may have been better able to tolerate bathing before or during a weaning trial.
This study is primarily limited by the retrospective design and lack of physiological
measures during bathing. The exclusion of other measures of physical activity, such as chair
sitting or physical therapy, or activity tolerance is an additional limitation. Study data were
obtained by retrospective clinical record review and are therefore limited by the accuracy of
documentation of bathing times and weaning trial duration. However, clinicians on this unit
appeared on observation to be conscientious about this documentation as evidenced by daily
(or more frequent) documentation with time notations as hour and minute. Findings may
have differed if the study included additional variables not available in the clinical record,
e.g., energy expenditure, physiological responses to bathing, duration of bath, type of bath
(warm towels or basin). Autonomic reactivity can be an important factor influencing patient
response to bathing and position changes18; however, we were not able to retrospectively
include an appropriate physiological measure of this construct other than severity of illness
(APACHE III). Because the study did not involve random assignment, it is possible that
unrecognized factors related to recovery influenced patient response and masked adverse
effects of bathing on the duration of weaning trials. Finally, we were unable to differentiate
nocturnal bathing that may have been an appropriate nursing response to an episode of
incontinence from a deliberate wakening of a sleeping patient to complete a routine care
In conclusion, bathing during weaning trials may have a positive effect for selected PMV
patients. Further research is needed to more comprehensively investigate the physiological
and psychological effects of bathing activity for patients who are weaning from PMV, to
understand the relationship between bathing and weaning trial duration, and to determine
evidence-based guidelines (e.g., increase in FiO2 support, progressive tolerance, etc.) for this
activity during weaning from PMV.
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Our thanks to P.J. Tate, B.S. for data management assistance and Bridget Coyne, MSN, CRNP for assistance with
data collection.
Work performed at the University of Pittsburgh and supported by the National Institute for Nursing Research, NIH,
U.S. Public Health Service (Grant No. R01 NR007973; M. Happ, PI)
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Table 1
Patient Characteristics
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Mean + SD
Trimmed Mean + SD
Age (years)
59.5 + 17.64
25 – 87
58.5 + 19.58
Hospital LOS (days)
76.5 + 163.0
38.2 + 24.1a
7 – 876
ICU LOS (days)
47.5 + 63.0
34.0 + 21.8a
7 – 350
Duration of MV (days)
67.8 + 164.6
28.9 + 21.2a
5 – 875
36.1 + 135.9
11.4 + 12.4b
0 – 753
Duration of Hospital Stay Prior to First Weaning Trial (days)#
n (%)
Female Gender:
16 (53)
4 (13)
26 (87)
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Oral Endotracheal Tube
11 (37)
19 (63)
Primary Medical Diagnosis:
17 (57)
Surgical complication
5 (17)
3 (10)
5 (17)
Neurocognitive Status (Glasgow Coma Score):**
Severe ( 8)
4 (13)
Moderate (9–12)
9 (30)
High (13–15)
17 (57)
APACHE III scores were measured on first day of weaning trajectory.
Glasgow Coma Score measured on first day in step-down ICU.
Two outliers were excluded from the computation of the trimmed mean and standard deviation.
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
One outlier was omitted from the computation of the trimmed mean and standard deviation.
Weaning trials occurred on the first day of mechanical ventilation/hospitalization for three patients.
LOS = Length of Stay, LTC = long term care, LTAC= long term acute care, rehab = rehabilitation hospital
Adapted with permission [requested] from Elsevier, Mosby, Inc. Heart and Lung, 2007; 36 (1): 49.
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Table 2
Frequency of Bathing Pattern (n=306 baths recorded)
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Bathing Pattern
During Wean Trial
Patients Observed (n=30) n (%)
29 (96.7)
Total Number of Baths (n=306) n (%)
135 (44.1)
< 1-hour Before Trial
10 (33.3)
16 (5.3)
Nocturnal (2AM–5AM)
24 (80.0)
155 (50.7)
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Heart Lung. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 January 1.