Sustainable Development Goals:
Why do We Need Them?
Olga Mironenko
Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
Paul L. Lucas
PBL Netherlands Environment Assessment Agency
Natalia Tarasova
Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
Janos Zlinszky
REC Sustainable Development Academy for Central and
Eastern Europe
At the turn of the millennium, the human development on the Earth
called for a structured approach. That is when 189 states agreed
upon key areas of global cooperation to ensure well-being for all.
These key areas then translated into eight Millennium Development Goals, each split into several targets, dealing with poverty,
education, gender equality, health and environmental sustainability. For 15 years these have been the ultimate goals of the United
Nations member states. There has been progress on many targets,
but the environmental conditions have been consistently deteriorating. In response to this, the MDGs and the outcome of the Rio+20
UN Conference on Sustainable Development have merged into
Sustainable Development Goals, which will become the new guideline for the humanity until 2030. This article tries to answer what
are the differences between these two sets of goals and what factors make the SDGs a more promising choice than the MDGs used
to be.
Social Evolution & History, Vol. 14 No. 2, September 2015 176–190
2015 ‘Uchitel’ Publishing House
Mironenko et al. / Sustainable Development Goals
At the 2000 Millennium Summit the heads of states accepted that
they needed to cooperate to assist the world's poorest people. They
set out their shared views in United Nations Millennium Declaration,
adopted in 2000 by all 189 member states of the UN General Assembly, listing the key challenges for the humanity and formulating
fundamental values essential to international relations and development in the twenty-first century. These values included freedom,
equality, tolerance, solidarity, respect for nature, and shared responsibility. They were then translated into eight priority areas of action
and relevant targets. In 2001, these targets were organized into eight
time-bound, quantified and measurable Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs): to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; to achieve
universal primary education; to promote gender equality and empower women; to reduce child mortality; to improve maternal
health; to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases; to ensure
environmental sustainability; and to develop a global partnership for
development. Each goal was further split into specific targets.
In practical terms, the MDGs were actually launched in 2002, at
the UN International Conference on Financing for Development in
Monterrey, Mexico. The attendees, heads of state, finance ministers,
and foreign ministers among them, all agreed that developed countries should step in with support mechanisms and adequate financial
aid to help poor countries committed to good governance meet the
MDG targets. Thus, since their endorsement by the UN General Assembly in 2001 and the financial cooperation agreement in 2002, the
MDGs have risen to the top of the development agenda, and have
become the common focus of priorities as far as the development of
each country within international community is concerned.
The official UN statistics shows that the targets of reducing poverty, increasing access to safe drinking water and achieving gender
parity in primary school are within reach by their 2015 target date.
The Millennium Development Goals Report 2014 forecasts the
world surpassing MDG targets on malaria, tuberculosis and access to
HIV treatment. Over the past 20 years the likelihood of a child dying
before the age of five is estimated to have been nearly cut in half,
meaning about 17,000 children saved every day. Globally, the maternal mortality ratio dropped by 45 per cent between 1990 and 2013.
Antiretroviral therapy for HIV-infected people has saved 6.6 mil-
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lion lives since 1995, and expanding its coverage could save many
more. Between 2000 and 2012, an estimated 3.3 million deaths from
malaria were averted due to substantial expansion of malaria interventions. Since 1995, the efforts to fight tuberculosis saved an estimated 22 million lives (United Nations 2014).
And yet, although the MDGs have not yet expired, it is already
obvious that despite this progress by far not all of the targets set
within the eight goals will be met. It is also worth noting that, although the goals and targets were set on the global scale, the progress towards the goals has been uneven. Some countries achieved
many goals, while others are not on track to realize any, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. While there is significant progress in
China, on the global scale the number of people suffering from
hunger has remained practically constant since 1992. While some
progress has been made to reduce hunger up to the mid-2000s,
the increasing food prices have led to more people without sufficient access to food, especially in sub-Saharan Africa and South
Asia. Biodiversity, as measured in mean species abundance (MSA),
has continuously declined since 1992, mostly due to habitat loss, but
also to increasing environmental pressures and disturbance (Van
Vuuren et al. 2015). The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, released in 2005, a 2,500-page report that took four years and 1,300
researchers from 95 countries to make, highlighted a substantial and
largely irreversible loss in the diversity of life on Earth, with some
20–50 per cent of 9 out of 14 biomes having been transformed to
croplands and the species extinction rate increased by as much as
three orders of magnitude (World Resources Institute 2005: 79).
Granted, the MDGs were nothing more than goals, agreed upon by the world leaders to rid the future of the most topical problems regarding human well-being. They did their job of involving
public, private and non-profit actors, getting them to work together
and independently to achieve the targets set. Ultimately, before the
MDGs were crafted, there was no common framework for promoting global development and well-being, and this fact alone makes
MDGs a notable landmark in the history of humanity as a global
society. Nevertheless, in the light of the unachieved targets and
most pressing issues of both environmental and social nature, the
global community has to now take a further step. The MDGs are
recognized to have been ‘a bold, sharp set of goals, but not a system’ (Kőrösi and Zlinszky 2014: 22), focusing on individual goals
while missing out the system these goals exist in.
Mironenko et al. / Sustainable Development Goals
There were a number of things about the MDGs that have been
criticized. Lack of participation, for one thing, has been mentioned
as a considerable drawback. Since the MDGs emerged from a closeddoor UN process and did not involve any wide consultation with the
civil society groups and other stakeholders in the countries whose
policies were decided upon, the feedback from civil society and
local governments resulted weaker than it could have been, had they
been called upon during the MDG formulation process. Another
weak point is that the MDGs were more of a statement of what was
desired to be achieved rather than a step-by-step plan of how to
achieve that.
Besides that, priority was given to tackling the symptoms rather than its causes. For instance, the target of halving the proportion of people whose income is less than $1.25 a day between 1990
and 2015 does not deal directly with the country-specific factors
that have led to this situation, or the failed target of reducing biodiversity loss by 2010, with no specific measures mentioned.
Other issues, like a transition to renewable and accessible energy sources, were not included as goals, whereas as an expected
three billion people in developing and emerging economies will lift
themselves out of poverty and enter middle-income, they will also
require energy services at much higher levels than today. The energy demand is projected to grow globally by a factor of three over
the twenty-first century, a challenge that must be met in ways that
do not deplete our resource base, destroy the climate, or cause political tension (Nilsson et al. 2013).
It is important to note, that the MDGs regard poverty eradication as a target that has no connection to environmental sustainability, while healthy ecosystems provide the resources needed for material welfare and livelihoods, apart from providing health and cultural benefits to people. Sustainable use of natural capital and the
preservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services are vital for
sustainable poverty eradication, because if biodiversity loss and
natural resource degradation continue or accelerate without additional policies, the poor will be disproportionally affected; hence,
the aggravation of poverty (Lucas et al. 2013).
Sustainable development per se comprises three areas, namely,
social, economic and environmental. Among the barriers that hindered the achievement of some targets, which also included debata-
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ble accuracy of statistics gathered or focus on external financing rather than an emphasis on the interaction between local governments
and community initiatives, the MDGs were distorted towards several
aspects of the first two areas, completely disregarding the importance of tackling increasing environmental issues. The 7th Goal,
ensuring environmental sustainability, made scarce mention of the
environmental issues themselves. The targets included improving the
lives of slum dwellers and providing access to safe drinking water
and sanitation, whereas most pressing issues like transition to renewable sources of energy, tackling deforestation and habitat destruction, climate change and ocean acidification, waste and pollution management were completely left out of the picture as secondary ones. In the meantime, these factors play a key role in providing
healthy drinking water and improving people's lives in general. The
point is, in the world of interconnection and precautionary principle
it is no longer possible to simply leave such an inalienable part of the
system behind. Lack of understanding of complex links between
environment and human well-being results in trying to treat the
symptoms of a disease rather than getting to the root cause.
The inextricable intertwinement between the environmental
and human well-being requires an integrated approach to the issues
within the three given areas and abounds with examples of how
inappropriate solutions might be detrimental to both parties.
The forecast for the market demand for food is that it will continue to grow, along with the projected growth of the world's population by 2.3 billion people by 2050. For instance, demand for cereals, for both food and animal feed uses, is projected to reach some
3 billion tons by 2050, up from today's nearly 2.1 billion tons. Feeding a world population of 9.1 billion people in 2050 would require
raising overall food production by some 70 per cent between 2005
and 2050. Production in the developing countries would need to
almost double. This implies significant increases in the production
of several key commodities. Annual cereal production, for instance, would have to grow by almost one billion tons, meat production by over 200 million tons to a total of 470 million tons in
2050, 72 per cent of which in the developing countries, up from the
58 per cent today (Alexandratos and Bruinsma 2012: 7). In the absence of an integrated approach, should sustainable development
be considered as a mere social factor, it might well be assumed that
the most obvious way to meet this demand will be further deforestation. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of
Mironenko et al. / Sustainable Development Goals
the United Nations, by 2050 the arable land would expand by about
120 million ha (Alexandratos and Bruinsma 2012: 17). And yet
while planning the cropland expansion, there are significant environmental consequences to keep in mind. This expansion is planned
mostly for Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America and in the case
with tropical deforestation, after tropical rains fall on cleared forest
lands, the run-off carries soil into local creeks and rivers and this
results in a whole series of issues that go on to turn into social ones.
Hydroelectric projects and irrigation infrastructure lose productivity
from siltation, it also has the effect of raising river beds, hence, increasing the severity of floods. The increased sediment load of rivers
smothers fish eggs, causing lower hatch rates, hence, reduced fish
crops. And as the suspended particles reach the ocean, the water becomes cloudy, causing regional declines in coral reefs, and affecting
coastal fisheries. This illustrates how a target-oriented solution,
without regard to the complexity of the problem, might not only
prove inefficient but worsen the situation by causing more problems.
Another example of the damage short-term thinking does to the
very issue that is being tackled is the industrial fishing techniques
currently used. The goal to give the growing humanity access to sufficient food results in an attempt to capture as much bioresource as
possible with available technologies. Consistent overfishing combined with environmentally unsound fishing techniques, such as
driftnets or trawling, which result in very high levels of by-catch and
often damage the seabed, have resulted in the fact that currently
most industrial fisheries are either fully or overexploited (World…
2005: 98). World fish landings run at 70 million megatons and approximately half the crop is consumed directly by humans, the rest
being used as livestock feed (Mejstrik 1991: 243). In 2006, the journal Science published a four-year study which predicted that, at current trends, the world would run out of wild-caught seafood by 2048,
the decline being a result of overfishing, pollution and other environmental factors that are reducing the population of fisheries at the
same time as their ecosystems are being annihilated (Worm et al.
2006). What we essentially have as a society aimed at development,
rather than mere growth, is a vicious circle – in an attempt to provide
the growing consumption with more food, without a careful analysis
of consequences in a multitude of interrelated areas, we not only
destroy ecosystems, but also pose a threat to our own food supply.
In the past, major changes to the world's biota have been caused
largely by the processes intrinsic to life itself, such as climate change
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and tectonic movements. While these processes remain important,
current changes in biodiversity stem predominantly from human activities. These anthropogenic drivers include rapid climate change,
pollution, land conversion, species overexploitation, biological invasions and diseases (Nelson et al. 2006: 24–26). Their consequences
are as vast and far-reaching as biome transformation, accelerated
species extinction, or even the appearance of a new ‘stone’ formed
through intermingling of melted plastic, beach sediment, basaltic
lava fragments, and organic debris from Kamilo Beach on the island
of Hawaii, plastiglomerate (Corcoran et al. 2013).
The Red Queen hypothesis in evolutionary biology by L. Van
Valen proposes that organisms within a community coevolve, pitted against ever-evolving opposing organisms in an ever-changing
environment (Van Valen 1973). They must be in a constant process
of evolution to avoid extinction, which will occur if their adaptive
mechanisms fail to be the best. This also means that they must develop at the same pace to keep up with one other, and if someone
develops faster than everybody else, the consequences for some of
the parties involved will be fatal. Hence, the incessant evolutionary
process embraces the entire community. Extrapolating this hypothesis to the planetary community with anthropogenic drivers on the
one hand and the five Earth systems and their nine boundaries on the
other, the systems, which took billions of years to develop and
reached stability by Holocene, do not seem to catch up with the pace
of anthropogenic transformation they are undergoing. The prospects
this arrhythmy brings us are rather gloomy. Human activities ‘push
the Earth system outside the stable environmental state of the Holocene, with consequences that are detrimental or even catastrophic for
large parts of the world’ (Rockström et al. 2009).
A concept of planetary boundaries was introduced in 2009 by
J. Rockström in Nature (Rockström et al. 2009), which defines
nine planetary systems and the status of human disturbance within
them. Thresholds have been identified that should not be transgressed if we want to maintain the stability of the Holocene state in
which human civilizations have developed. If crossed, these
thresholds can generate unacceptable environmental change.
The nine processes, for which such thresholds were defined, are
climate change, biodiversity loss, nitrogen and phosphorus load,
stratospheric ozone depletion, ocean acidification, change in land
use, chemical pollution and atmospheric aerosol loading. The
boundaries in three of the systems (rate of biodiversity loss, cli-
Mironenko et al. / Sustainable Development Goals
mate change and human interference with the nitrogen cycle) have
already been exceeded and are to bring consequences.
K. Raworth goes on to add a social dimension to this picture
and describes humanity's twenty-first century challenge as a doughnut of planetary and social boundaries (Raworth 2012). The environmental ceiling consists of the nine planetary boundaries set out
by Rockström et al., beyond which lie environmental degradation
and crises in Earth systems. The social foundation, introduced by
K. Raworth, consists of eleven top social priorities identified by the
world's governments in the run-up to Rio+20 – and below this
foundation lies unacceptable human deprivation such as hunger,
poor health and poverty (Fig. 1). Our quest, therefore, is to recognize
the interconnection between these two layers and to find a way to
live inside this so-called doughnut.
The realization of the need to learn from past mistakes and take
an integrated approach towards global problems of humanity development is what has triggered the discussion and subsequent
formulation of Sustainable Development Goals within the post2015 Development Agenda.
Fig. 1. The doughnut of social and planetary boundaries
by K. Raworth
Source: www.
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The UN Summit in 2010 in its outcome document requested the
Secretary-General to initiate thinking on the global development
agenda beyond 2015, when the MDGs expire. Two years later, at
the 2012 Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development, the outcome document of which, The Future We Want, initiated a process
to develop a set of sustainable development goals. Countries then
agreed that both processes need to come together to result in a single framework and an intergovernmental 30-member Open Working Group was established to develop a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for consideration and discussion at the General Assembly 69th session in September 2014. The objective was
basically to produce by the end of 2015 a set of universally applicable goals that balance the three dimensions of sustainable development – the environmental, social, and economic, – and are consistent
with both the MDGs and the principles of sustainable development
formulated by the Rio+20 outcome document. When approved and
adopted at the end of 2015, the SDGs will constitute the framework
of international development until their expiration in 2030.
Within the framework of the global consultation, via the
‘World we want 2015’ web platform, the post-2015 agenda was
opened for thematic consultation in relation to eleven topics.
The post-2015 website carried out a global survey of citizens' most
important life priorities. By the end of March 2013, over 150,000
respondents from 190 countries had filled out the survey and had
indicated good education, better healthcare, good governance, access to safe water and protection against crime and violence as
their top priorities. Topics included conflict and fragility, education, energy, environmental sustainability, governance, growth and
employment, health, inequalities, nutrition and food security, population dynamics, and water. The Open Working Group went on to
formulate the proposal, which will be the main basis for integrating
SDGs into the post-2015 development agenda and was discussed
and adopted at the UN GA 69th, that took place in September 2014.
This proposal describes 17 SDGs with about 10 targets each, including Means of Implementation.
SDGs are consistent with MDGs, but at the same time reveal
changes in approach. They deal with poverty and hunger, but set
sustainable agriculture as a goal, whereas agriculture as an issue,
being as pressing as it is today, was not mentioned in MDGs. They
Mironenko et al. / Sustainable Development Goals
speak about equitable quality education, but this time it is not only
about parity in primary school, but universal adult literacy and free
secondary education and promoting life-long learning opportunities
for all. Like MDGs they include fostering global partnership for sustainable development, empowering women and promoting economic
growth and decent work for all, and yet they are much more measurable, containing a multitude of indicators to be achieved and have
about 10 specific targets each. There is one more thing about the
SDGs that is a stark contrast from the MDG approach. Seven goals
out of seventeen are devoted to tackling environmental issues: water
management, access to modern and sustainable energy, sustainable
cities, sustainable consumption and production patterns, urgent action to combat climate change, sustainable management of marine
and terrestrial resources and ecosystems. No wonder, at a point
where, the United Nations forecast has it, ocean acidification alone
might result in $1 trillion annual losses for the global economy by
the end of the century (Secretariat of the Convention on Biological
Diversity 2014: 84). It is high time for the global community to think
how we can reduce the consequences that is now threatening us.
Now that SDGs have been formulated and are undergoing the process to be launched within the framework of post-2015 development agenda at the end of 2015 (Fig. 2), a question arises as to
what steps should be taken to achieve the targets.
PBL Netherlands Environmental Agency has analyzed possible
pathways to achieve sustainable development goals. The paper
‘Pathways to achieve a set of ambitious global sustainability objectives by 2050. Explorations using the IMAGE integrated assessment
model. Technological Forecasting and Social Change’ explores how
environmental and development objectives could be reconciled in
actual practice and highlights synergies, trade-offs, and possible directions for policy-making (Van Vuuren et al. 2015).
The authors considered the challenge of simultaneous achieving a
set of goals instead of addressing each goal separately, taking into
account the linkages between achieving individual goals. For this
purpose, they used the PBL integrated assessment model framework IMAGE, that includes models for assessing biodiversity,
health and climate policy (GLOBIO, GISMO and FAIR; Stehfest
et al. 2014).
Social Evolution & History / September 2015
Fig. 2. From planning to launching the post-2015 development
Source: Kőrösi and Zlinszky 2014.
Two key sustainable goal clusters were identified: eradicate hunger
and maintain a stable and sufficient food production while conserving biodiversity and ecosystems and ensure a modern energy access
to everybody while limiting global climate impact and air pollution.
The paper analyses three Challenge pathways, designed to
achieve these goals, and compares them to the Trend Scenario.
The three proposed pathways to achieve the goals are Global
Technology pathway, focusing on large-scale technologically optimal solutions, such as intensive agriculture and a high level of
international coordination; Decentralised Solutions pathway with
an emphasis on local energy production and agriculture interwoven
with national corridors and policies that regulate equitable access
to food; and Consumption Change pathway which consists in
changing consumption patterns, mostly by limiting meat intake per
capita, coupled with ambitious efforts to reduce waste and a less
energy-intensive lifestyle (Van Vuuren et al. 2015).
Each of the three pathways in question would allow achieving
both goal clusters, for instance, prevent over half of the biodiversity loss projected under the Trend scenario, but would differ fundamentally in their approach, utilizing different combinations of
measures. To illustrate the point, applied to Goal 15, which is halting biodiversity loss, the three pathways would each propose their
own set of measures, which would contribute to the end result. Un-
Mironenko et al. / Sustainable Development Goals
der the Global Technology pathway the most important contribution by far comes from increasing agricultural productivity on
highly productive lands. Under the Consumption Change pathway,
significant reduction in the consumption of meat and eggs as well
as reduced wastage means that less agricultural production would
be required, thus, reducing the associated biodiversity loss. Under
the Decentralised Solutions pathway, a major contribution would
come from avoided fragmentation, more ecological farming and
reduced infrastructure expansion. And yet under all scenarios, climate change mitigation, the expansion of protected areas and the
recovery of abandoned lands also significantly contribute to reducing biodiversity loss (Van Vuuren et al. 2015).
What is important, the analysis underlines the benefits of an integrated approach. According to the authors, combining certain
elements of these three pathways towards achieving SDGs may be
a much more effective and robust strategy, given that each pathway
faces specific trade-offs. For instance, consumption changes and
technological changes focused on large-scale supply-side change
and more decentralised solutions. The additional advantage of such
an integrated approach would be that different options appeal to
different actors and since the society is a complex community with
a multitude of interests and agendas at play, such pluriformity
would increase the efficiency of the strategy implemented.
The interrelated nature of global issues is reflected in the attention of the authors of the study to synergies and trade-offs that each
pathway and measure presents. For instance, mitigating climate
change might lead to important synergies for reducing air pollution, improving access to food and protecting biodiversity. Sustainable access to enough food, safe drinking water, improved sanitation and modern energy sources would improve health, significantly – especially for small children. It would also create wealth, both
directly and indirectly. In much the same way, sound ecosystem
management and restoration of degraded ecosystems may result in
cleaner and more reliable water sources, higher carbon uptakes by
natural areas, and improved soils that would sustain a higher agricultural production (Van Vuuren et al. 2015).
Apart from research into approaches and methods to tackle
SDGs there are certain practical steps already being undertaken towards them. One of these steps, that has a very perceptible effect on
the condition of the environment and, consequently, the entire
‘doughnut’ we strive to live in, is the assessment of chemical foot-
Social Evolution & History / September 2015
print , which has obtained an increasing interest by both scientific
and political communities and the very field of knowledge called the
green chemistry. The green chemistry's task is basically to assess the
intensity of a chemical's pressure when released into the environment and the potential harm it does in a life cycle perspective. Even
though the standards and methodology in this field, and, what is also
important, incentives – offered to the industry, are yet to be developed, the very emergence of this area of knowledge is indicative of
the journey of transformation we as a society have embarked on.
In the present article we have studied the Millennium Development
Goals, agreed upon by the world leaders back in 2001, and tried to
answer the question as to why they have required both deepening
and expansion. Granted, the full answer is beyond the scope of this
article, but we have outlined the crucial factor that was lacking in
MDGs and that contributed in the failure to achieve the bold targets set. The factor in question is the absence of a systemic and
integrated approach towards global problems and certain distortion
of the vision of the world's current issues towards social and economic spheres, leaving the third field of sustainable development –
the environment – out of the picture.
So why do we need the SDGs? Why not write the post-2015
development agenda restating the MDGs and giving them another
15 years to work?
First of all, the very nature of the new Sustainable Goals is
much more correspondent to the nature and complexity of the
global issues that our society is facing today. Being the result of a
merger between the post-2015 development agenda and the sustainable development efforts undertaken by the global community
for decades, these goals embrace a much broader picture of wellbeing. They address the topics of outmost importance either for the
first time, compared to the MDGs, or from a broader perspective.
The former issues are, among others, sustainable agriculture, sustainable consumption and production patterns, reduction of environmental impact of cities and substantial increase in the share of
renewable energy in the global energy mix. These most pressing
issues must be put high on the priorities list in both global and local decision making process and having them outlined as a global
development goal will reinforce that.
Mironenko et al. / Sustainable Development Goals
Bringing together the social, economic and environmental aspects of sustainability and welfare, the SDGs lay a foundation for a
gradual progress towards the safe space for human development.
Recognition of the important interconnections between eliminating
hunger and promoting and investing in sustainable agriculture, ensuring healthy lives and reducing air, water and soil pollution,
promoting economic growth while improving resource efficiency
and decoupling this growth from environmental degradation, is
vital. The more so since it reflects the true nature of global issues
per se, which do require multifaceted solutions. As far as the link
between the environment and human well-being is concerned, it is
beyond question that the society is inseparable from the environment it inhabits. Therefore, environmental degradation is a direct
threat to the society itself, and once it recognizes it and sets out to
deal with it on the global scale, it is on the right path.
Furthermore, the SDGs, as laid out in the Open Working
Group proposal, are split into about 10 specific targets each, which
increases their efficiency as goals and makes progress on them
more tangible and measurable.
Now that the United Nations General Assembly adopted the
Open Working Groups' proposed list of SDGs, there are 17 sustainable development goals and 169 targets that will be incorporated into the post-2015 development agenda. And at this very
stage, once a breadth of economic, social and environmental issues
has been brought together in a single set of goals and is expected to
be adopted by the UN Member States at a summit in September
2015, with the amount of scientific knowledge and research carried
out to date, solutions need to be introduced. At a point when the
major issues have been identified and agreed upon, the only way
towards achieving the Goals is a country-specific solutions based
framework, which not only points out to these issues but offers
solutions for every kind of economy, reinforcing them with financial assistance towards less developed countries and the support of
the global scientific community.
This work has been supported by the project task No. 5.2598.2014/K
with support from the Ministry of Education and Science of the
Russian Federation.
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