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Developments in Environmental Science, Volume 8
A. Bytnerowicz, M. Arbaugh, A. Riebau and C. Andersen (Editors)
Copyright r 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 1474-8177/DOI:10.1016/S1474-8177(08)00022-3
Chapter 22
Regional Real-Time Smoke Prediction Systems
Susan M. O’Neill, Narasimhan (Sim) K. Larkin, Jeanne Hoadley,
Graham Mills, Joseph K. Vaughan, Roland R. Draxler, Glenn Rolph,
Mark Ruminski and Sue A. Ferguson
Several real-time smoke prediction systems have been developed
worldwide to help land managers, farmers, and air quality regulators
balance land management needs against smoke impacts. Profiled
here are four systems that are currently operational for regional
domains for North America and Australia, providing forecasts to a
well-developed user community. The systems link fire activity data,
fuels information, and consumption and emissions models, with
weather forecasts and dispersion models to produce a prediction of
smoke concentrations from prescribed fires, wildfires, or agricultural
fires across a region. The USDA Forest Service’s BlueSky system is
operational for regional domains across the United States and
obtains prescribed burn information and wildfire information from
databases compiled by various agencies along with satellite fire
detections. The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) smoke prediction system is initialized with satellite
fire detections and is operational across North America. Washington
State University’s ClearSky agricultural smoke prediction system is
operational in the states of Idaho and Washington, and burn
location information is input via a secure Web site by regulators in
those states. The Australian Bureau of Meteorology smoke
prediction system is operational for regional domains across
Australia for wildfires and prescribed burning. Operational uses of
these systems are emphasized as well as the approaches to evaluate
their performance given the uncertainties associated with each
system’s subcomponents. These real-time smoke prediction systems
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[email protected]
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Susan M. O’Neill et al.
are providing a point of interagency understanding between land
managers and air regulators from which to negotiate the conflicting
needs of ecological fire use while minimizing air quality health impacts.
22.1. Introduction
Smoke from fire is a local, regional, national, and often international
issue. Large wildfires cause air quality impacts that are detectable on
continental scales and beyond. Because fire is a natural and often
integral part of many ecosystems, it is necessary for continued ecosystem
health and maintenance. In the United States, prescribed fire use is
increasing in order to counteract a history of fire suppression that has left
many forests susceptible to catastrophic wildfires. Meanwhile wheat
stubble burning and grass seed burning are typical practices in many
farming communities. Many of these burning activities occur at rural/
urban interfaces and can impact sensitive populations such as children,
asthmatics, and the elderly. In order to maximize the ability of land
managers and farmers to utilize planned burning activities for ecological
and crop productivity, while at the same time avoiding adverse air quality
impacts, tools for predicting the impacts of burning are necessary to
balance conflicting goals (Sandberg et al., 1999) and effectively manage
In many parts of the world fire is seasonally a large component of the
atmospheric chemistry and atmospheric burden of pollutants, contributing significantly to ozone formation, PM2.5 emission and formation, and
emissions of other trace gases into the atmosphere. Therefore, global air
quality prediction systems have begun incorporating fire emissions.
Examples include Goddard Earth Observing System global chemical
transport model (GEOS-Chem; Bey et al., 2001), Fire Locating and
Modeling of Burning Emissions (FLAMBE; Reid et al., 2001), and the
Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System (NAAPS, http://, which are run in real-time or near realtime.
Unlike these global systems, most regional air quality prediction
systems do not yet routinely include fire emission estimates in their
emission inventories and output products. However, four air quality
dispersion systems not only include fire emission data but also provide
smoke predictions from fire. These systems all have well-defined user
bases and produce real-time predictions available via the Web, by
integrating with burn information systems (both land-based and
satellite-based). The USDA Forest Service’s (USFS) BlueSky system
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Regional Real-Time Smoke Prediction Systems
serves the smoke management community and operates regionally
across the United States, using both prescribed and wildfire burn
information. The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) smoke prediction system is designed to support the air
quality community needs and operates nationally using satellite fire
detections. Washington State University’s ClearSky prediction system
focuses on agricultural burning in the U.S. Pacific Northwest and
contains user input burn information. The Australian Bureau of
Meteorology smoke prediction system is operational for regional
domains across Australia covering both wildfires and prescribed
Smoke forecasts link together, either explicitly or implicitly, a number
of steps including the amount of fuel available, the fuel consumed, the
speciated emissions and when they are released, how high the plume rises,
and the resulting smoke transport. Each of these steps can be modeled
explicitly or simplified with bulk formula calculations that combine steps.
Thus, smoke forecasts rely on a number of models and assumptions that
make smoke predictions inherently uncertain. Before these regional realtime smoke prediction systems existed, the burden was on the land
manager to gather the various inputs and run them with smoke prediction
programs installed on their personal computer (PC), as discussed in
Breyfogle and Ferguson (1996). Only single fires or a set of fires known by
the user could be processed with these PC-based systems. The
Department of Forestry in Florida, USA, developed the first online tool
that integrates meteorological forecasts, GIS data, and smoke dispersion
models to give a smoke prediction based on user-entered burn
information ( With the advent of
regional real-time smoke prediction systems that integrate the necessary
data, despite the uncertainties associated with each smoke prediction, the
systems profiled here are providing a point of interagency understanding
between land managers and air regulators from which to negotiate the
conflicting needs of ecological fire use while minimizing air quality health
This chapter compares and contrasts the four systems, their
methodology, and user needs for each, in order to examine the common
components and differences inherent in each approach to smoke
forecasting. We first examine the components that make up a smoke
prediction system in Section 22.2, before detailing the specifics of the four
systems in Section 22.3. System evaluation issues are discussed in Section
22.4 and operational uses, both current and potential, are discussed in
Section 22.5. Finally, we discuss the future of real-time smoke prediction
systems in Section 22.6.
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22.2. Components of a smoke prediction system
In order to model smoke from fire, a smoke prediction system links
together a series of logical steps, as shown in the schematic in Fig. 22.1.
Dispersion models require knowledge of fire emissions distributed over
time, which in turn rely on knowledge of the amount of fuel consumed.
This process begins with the primary inputs: fire activity data such as fire
size and location, and atmospheric model data describing the full threedimensional state of the atmosphere as it evolves over time. It ends with
smoke concentrations, typically in terms of particulate matter (PM) with
an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 2.5 mm (PM2.5), estimates
of plume extents, and trajectories showing where a neutrally buoyant
parcel of air will travel over the course of the next several hours. Some
real-time smoke prediction systems also include information about other
trace gases and aerosols emitted from fires, such as carbon dioxide (CO2),
carbon monoxide (CO), methane (CH4), hydrocarbons (HC), oxides of
nitrogen (NOX), ammonia (NH3), and particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 10 mm (PM10).
By linking together the latest information in fire tracking, meteorological forecasts, fuels, consumption/emissions, dispersion, and trajectories,
smoke prediction systems integrate the current state of knowledge in all of
these areas. Each modeling step is discussed in detail below.
Figure 22.1. Modeling and data components of smoke prediction systems.
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Regional Real-Time Smoke Prediction Systems
22.2.1. Meteorological data inputs
The availability and quality of the meteorological predictions are a key
factor controlling the accuracy of the smoke predictions. Meteorological
inputs are supplied by real-time weather prediction models such as the
Pennsylvania State University/National Center for Atmospheric
Research 5th generation Mesoscale Meteorological (MM5) model (Grell
et al., 1994), the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model
(Skamarock et al., 2005), the North America Model (NAM, Janjic, 2003,
formerly known as the Eta model, Mesinger et al., 1988), the Global
Forecast System (GFS, Kalnay et al., 1990), or the Australian Limited
Area Prediction System (LAPS; Puri et al., 1998). The accuracy of the
meteorological forecasts, particularly the wind speed and direction and
planetary boundary layer height, directly control the resulting accuracy of
the smoke prediction.
22.2.2. Fire activity data inputs
To create a smoke prediction, fire information—minimally location and
some measure of area burned—is needed. This can be obtained from
ground-based reporting systems or remotely sensed from satellites. The
information available varies widely, particularly from ground-based
systems, which are usually driven by regulatory requirements. Some
systems only record a wide range of potential dates for a permitted burn
and not actual ignitions; some report only total fire size even for multiday burns such as wildfires; some have significant (multi-day) lags before
information becomes available. In each case care must be taken to
appropriately use the recorded information. Consistency in the reported
data (e.g., types of burns reported) is also problematic as databases
maintained by regulatory agencies vary from region to region.
Detecting fires by satellite can provide a complete and relatively
homogenous picture of where fires are currently occurring. A variety of
satellite products are available, with perhaps the most popular platforms
being the polar satellites (NASA’s MODerate Resolution Imaging
Spectroradiometer-MODIS, and NOAA-15/17/18) due to their higher
spatial resolution (1 km). Depending on the product used, reports can be
obtained within 15 min to 3 h of detection, and coverage can be
continuous from geostationary satellites (e.g., the Geostational Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)), or daily swathes from polar
orbiting satellites (e.g., MODIS). Combined reports are also available. In
all cases, however, satellite detections suffer from coverage issues, as
clouds and thick smoke obscure fire detection. Polar orbiting satellites
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also have issues of variable swath timing for a given location, thus
potentially missing (not detecting) short duration fires such as prescribed
fires, agricultural burns and other small fires. However, the satellite
sensor can detect fires as small as 0.5 ha under optimal conditions.
22.2.3. Fuel loadings
Quantification of the fuels that are burning is necessary in order to
estimate emissions. Fuel-loading information can be provided as part of
the fire activity data, obtained from regional maps of fuel load
estimations, or set at some best estimate for a region or burn type. In
the United States there are two national maps of fuel loadings, both on
1-km grids: the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS; Cohen &
Deeming, 1985) and the Fuel Characteristic Classification System (FCCS;
McKenzie et al., 2007). In the future, mapped fuel loadings that extend
beyond national borders will be necessary to provide consistent fuelloading estimates for systems operating at an international and global
22.2.4. Fire growth
To create a smoke prediction, fire growth must also be estimated over the
future period of interest. In the case of prescribed fire and agricultural
burns, this growth is known and can be utilized. For wildfires, growth
must be calculated. Most real-time smoke prediction systems assume
simple growth equations such as persistence (fire growth tomorrow ¼ fire
growth today).
22.2.5. Consumption and emissions
After determining the fire growth, fuel consumption and emissions can be
modeled. Fuel consumption and emissions are a function of the efficiency
of combustion, which is a function of the fire lighting technique, fuel
moisture, and atmospheric conditions. Consumption models estimate the
quantity of fuel consumed by a fire, utilizing meteorological and fuel
moisture conditions. Emissions models then apply emission factors to the
consumed material for various gases and aerosols, including CO, CO2,
CH4, HC, NOX, NH3, PM2.5, and PM10. Consumption and emissions
models are sometimes combined, such as in the commonly used
Emissions Production Model (EPM)/CONSUME model (Sandberg &
Peterson, 1984). Most consumption and emissions models (such as EPM/
CONSUME) rely on emission factors based on empirical data measured
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Regional Real-Time Smoke Prediction Systems
from burns conducted under a variety of atmospheric conditions and fuel
types (Andreae & Merlet, 2001; Battye & Battye, 2002). The Fire
Emissions Production System (FEPS; Anderson et al., 2004) uses
combustion efficiency to calculate fuel consumption and emissions, and
efforts are underway to incorporate FEPS into real-time smoke
prediction systems. For uniform fuels (such as wheat stubble and seed
crop residue) fire emissions can be estimated from the fire spread rate and
fuel loading.
22.2.6. Dispersion and trajectory models
Smoke transport can be simulated using either Lagrangian trajectory or
dispersion models, or Eulerian air quality modeling systems. Trajectory
models provide information on the location of the plume, while
dispersion models also provide plume concentration values. Typically
smoke prediction systems focus on Lagrangian particle or puff models,
while air quality modeling systems that extend beyond fire smoke utilize
more complex Eulerian chemistry models. Two U.S. air quality
dispersion models currently used in real-time smoke predictions systems
are the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model
(HYSPLIT; Draxler & Hess, 1997, 1998) and the CALifornia Lagrangian
PUFF (CALPUFF) model (Scire et al., 2000).
HYSPLIT was developed and is maintained by NOAA’s Air Resources
Laboratory (ARL) and is designed to support a wide range of simulations
related to the transport, dispersion, and deposition of pollutants,
including ash from volcanic eruptions, smoke from wildfires, and
emissions of anthropogenic pollutants. HYSPLIT can compute both
trajectories and particulate concentration fields from a pollutant source.
The HYSPLIT computation is composed of three components: particle
transport by the mean wind, a turbulent transport component, and the
computation of air concentration. Recent revisions to the model to
support the smoke forecasting include a plume rise component and links
with fire emission models. At a minimum, HYSPLIT requires threedimensional fields of the vector wind components and temperature.
CALPUFF was developed by Sigma Research Corporation (now part
of Earth Tech, Inc.) and is a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) recommended guideline model for regulatory applications
estimating air quality impacts (40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
51 Appendix W). CALPUFF is a Gaussian puff dispersion model that
simulates nonsteady point, volume, line, and area source emissions, and
the resulting downwind concentrations by assuming that plume dispersion occurs in a Gaussian pattern. For buoyant area sources (such as
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fires), CALPUFF estimates plume rise, accounting for differences
between the plume and ambient air temperatures and providing for
mixing between the two as the plume advects downwind. Puffs are
released at flame height, which is calculated from Cetegen et al. (1982)
using the heat-released estimates from EPM. CALPUFF requires threedimensional fields of the vector wind components and temperature, and
two-dimensional fields describing atmospheric stability and mixing
Table 22.1 summarizes the source of fire activity, fuel-loading
information, and the consumption, emission, meteorological, and air
quality data/models used in each of the real-time smoke prediction
22.3. Real-time smoke prediction systems
Several real-time smoke prediction systems are currently operational
around the globe, providing predictions of smoke concentrations from
fire to a clientele of land managers, farmers, and air quality regulators.
Profiled below are four systems currently operational for regions of
North America and Australia that provide forecasts to well-developed
user communities.
22.3.1. BlueSky: Predicting smoke from prescribed and wildland fires regionally
across the United States
The concept of the BlueSky smoke modeling framework was developed in
the U.S. Pacific Northwest by a group of land managers, fire researchers,
and air quality regulators seeking to link existing information about fire,
fuels, meteorology, and air quality into a system that could aid in smoke
management. BlueSky’s original goal was to help burners understand
where the smoke from a burn will go before it is ignited; however,
BlueSky’s use has expanded to include wildfire incident command teams
and air quality regulators (O’Neill et al., 2005).
BlueSky is a modular framework of fire activity, fuels information,
consumption, emissions, meteorological, and air quality modeling
systems that produces daily predictions of PM2.5 concentrations across
the region. The USFS Atmosphere and Fire Interaction Research and
Engineering (AirFIRE) Team ( leads the
development efforts of the system. By defining standard interfaces,
BlueSky is able to implement a variety of model choices at each modeling
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Fire activity
Ground-based, satellite
Ground-based, satellite
Fuel loading
Emissions model
Single fixed
emission rate
Dispersion model
Regional Real-Time Smoke Prediction Systems
Table 22.1. Source of fire activity, fuel loading, and the consumption, emission, meteorological and air quality data/models used in each of the
real-time smoke prediction systems
Estimates provided for wheat stubble and Kentucky bluegrass residue burning.
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step (the most common choices are listed in Table 22.1). Additionally,
since the framework can be started and stopped at any interface, BlueSky
can be used to process emissions for other smoke prediction efforts, such
as inputs to Eulerian air quality models or hind-casts of smoke impact
Currently, daily BlueSky predictions of surface PM2.5 concentrations
are available across the U.S. through a collection of regional modeling
efforts run by the USFS Fire Consortia for the Advanced Modeling of
Meteorology and Smoke (FCAMMS;;
Fig. 22.2a). Additionally, BlueSky-processed wildfire emissions are used
in other smoke prediction systems including the ClearSky and NOAA
systems discussed below. In the U.S. Pacific Northwest, wildfire emissions
are processed through BlueSky into a format for input into the
Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ; Byun & Schere, 2006)
modeling system as described in Pouliot et al. (2005) and used in the
AIRPACT-3 (Vaughan et al., 2004, air
quality forecast system operational for the northwestern United States.
This was the first inclusion of daily fire information in a real-time
Eulerian air quality modeling system to predict downwind chemical
concentrations from fires.
BlueSky has been developed to be flexible in how it obtains and
utilizes fire activity data, partially because of the wide variety of
reporting systems implemented regionally in the U.S. At a minimum,
BlueSky requires fire location and daily fire growth, which can be
problematic for wildfires in which typically only fire size and initial
ignition point are reported. If additional fire activity data, such as fuel
loadings, fuel moisture, and fire type, are included in the input,
this information is carried through the framework and used preferentially. If this information is not available, default values or models are
For regional forecasts by the FCAMMS, BlueSky is connected to a
variety of ground-based fire-reporting systems and automatically downloads data from these systems. BlueSky uses a variety of generic
download methods, including a Web form interface to allow outside
users to enter information on their fire, as well as a simple Web or ftp
download. Nationally, BlueSky is connected to the U.S. national wildfire
and wildland fire use reporting system, via the Incident Command System
(ICS)-209 reports. The daily ICS-209 reports contain information, such as
current area burned and ignition location for wildfires typically greater
than 100 acres in size. Regionally, for the U.S. Pacific Northwest,
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Regional Real-Time Smoke Prediction Systems
Figure 22.2. Location of regional BlueSky predictions across the U.S. implemented by the
USDA Forest Service Fire Consortia for the Advanced Modeling of Meteorology and
Smoke (FCAMMS; (a). BlueSkyRAINS output for August
25, 2006, at 8 P.M. PM2.5 concentrations (colored contours in units of mg/m3) and trajectories
(initiated at red squares) predicted from wildfires across the northwestern U.S. and western
Canada are overlaid on gray-shaded topography. Trajectory dots are color-coded with
height (see map legend, b). Acronyms: Northwest Regional Modeling Consortium
(NWRMC), California and Nevada Smoke and Air Committee (CANSAC), Rocky
Mountain Consortium (RMC), Southern High Resolution Modeling Consortium
(SHRMC), Eastern Area Modeling Consortium (EAMC). Forest Service Lab-Remote
Sensing (FSLRS).
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BlueSky is connected to many ground-based prescribed fire-reporting
systems including:
The Fuel Analysis, Smoke Tracking, and Report Access Computer
System (FASTRACS;, which
includes federal prescribed fire data in the states of Oregon and
The Montana/Idaho airshed group prescribed burn reporting system,
which includes private, state, and federal prescribed fire data in the
states of Montana and Idaho.
The Washington State Department of Natural Resources system,
which includes private, state, and federal prescribed fire data in
Washington State.
The Oregon Department of Forestry burn reporting system, which
includes private and state prescribed fire data in Oregon State.
The British Columbia wildfire reporting system.
The ClearSky agricultural burn prediction system, which includes
private and tribal agricultural fire data in the states of Washington and
Also, BlueSky is now connected to a system that reconciles these
ground reports with satellite fire detects from the NOAA Hazard
Mapping System. This system will become the default for FCAMMS
BlueSky predictions across the United States in summer 2008.
With all prescribed burning operations there is a difference between
what is planned for a particular day and what is actually accomplished.
BlueSky also obtains burn accomplishment reports from the above
systems where available to initialize each forecast with carry-over smoke
from the previous day’s burn.
Meteorological data, used to drive the emission estimates and
dispersion and trajectory models can be obtained from several sources,
including the MM5 and/or the WRF mesoscale meteorological models.
The meteorology defines the domain of the BlueSky simulation, another
feature that allows BlueSky’s quick and easy adaptation to domains
nationally and internationally. BlueSky is typically run on 4-km and
12-km grids; however 1-km and 36-km gridded domains have also been
applied over North Carolina and the western United States, respectively
Many different models are available for each calculation step in
BlueSky; here we describe only the most common configuration. If fuelloading information is not provided by the user or the burn reporting
system, then the U.S. 1-km FCCS mapping is used by default.
Consumption and emissions are calculated by the EPM model, which is
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Regional Real-Time Smoke Prediction Systems
integrated with the CONSUME model. For prescribed fires, EPM
provides an emission profile allocating emissions over time, while for
wildfires, the diurnal emissions profile developed by the Western Regional
Air Partnership (WRAP; is applied. PM2.5
concentrations are estimated using the buoyant area source input method
of CALPUFF. The HYSPLIT model is used to calculate trajectories from
each fire. Currently, trajectories are released at a height of 10 m and travel
for 12 h so that a land manager can view not only where smoke from a
particular burn may travel through the day but where the smoke goes into
the evening when it can become trapped in mountain valleys. Efforts are
underway to incorporate plume rise estimates into the trajectory release
Graphics of BlueSky output are produced in two forms: (1) static and
animated images and (2) the RAINS (Rapid Access Information System),
Geographical Information System (GIS)-based Web interface, developed
by the EPA in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Figure 22.2b shows an example
of the BlueSkyRAINS ( display of PM2.5
concentrations and trajectories from wildfires across the northwestern
United States and western Canada. RAINS allows the user to customize
the display by zooming in and out—selecting various data layers, such as
smoke concentrations and trajectories, meteorological forecasts, sensitive
receptors, roads and terrain—and obtaining quantitative results from a
variety of database queries. Features of RAINS include the ability to
query the underlying data to obtain fuel-loading information and total
emissions of PM2.5, CO2, CO, CH4, NOX, HC, SO2, and PM10, and
access data from air quality monitoring networks.
22.3.2. ClearSky: Predicting smoke from agricultural fires in the northwestern
United States
In the arid intermountain region of the northwestern United States,
which includes the eastern part of Washington State, parts of the Idaho
Panhandle, and parts of eastern Oregon, smoke from agricultural
burning, a typical practice in this region, has become a subject of
litigation, legislation, and governmental and scientific interest. In January
2001, the Idaho Division of Environmental Quality proposed creation of
a smoke modeling tool for decision support in the Idaho smoke
management program administered by Idaho’s Department of Agriculture. This led to the development of Washington State University’s
ClearSky smoke prediction system (
Agricultural burning in this area is primarily of two kinds: wheat
stubble and residue after harvest of Kentucky bluegrass (KBG), a
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Figure 22.3. ClearSky domain elevations. The red rectangle indicates the original
application for the Rathdrum Prairie and Coeur d’Alene tribal reservation. The black
rectangle indicates the expansion to Eastern Washington and the Nez Perce Tribal reservation
in Idaho. The pink rectangle indicated the application for boundary county, Idaho.
profitable seed crop. ClearSky was initially formulated for treatment of
smoke for burning on the KBG fields of the Rathdrum Prairie near Coeur
d’Alene (CDA), Idaho, and also for burning on the nearby Coeur d’Alene
tribal reservation (Fig. 22.3, red rectangle). The ClearSky system became
operational in the summer of 2001 for the Rathdrum Prairie and CDA
areas, and was significantly expanded in 2002 to include eastern
Washington and the Nez Perce Tribal (NPT) reservation (Fig. 22.3,
black rectangle).
Operationally, ClearSky uses the 4-km real-time MM5 numerical
meteorological domain prediction from the University of Washington
(Mass et al., 2003), and emission scenarios defined by users, to drive a
CALPUFF simulation producing hourly surface level PM2.5 concentrations. Fundamental to the concept of ClearSky is the user generating a
hypothetical burn scenario for their jurisdiction and reviewing the
ClearSky results for that burn scenario before making decisions to ignite
a burn. Field burning scenarios are defined via a Web-application the day
before, and the simulation runs overnight after the meteorological
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Regional Real-Time Smoke Prediction Systems
forecast becomes available. Typically, about 10 scenario forecasts are run
nightly, including a set of default scenarios. Comprehensive databases of
fields from which the users create scenarios have been created specific to
the Coeur d’Alene Tribe, Rathdrum Prairie, Nez Perce Tribe, and
Washington State Department of Ecology operational regions. Animations of gif images are produced for viewing the PM2.5 concentration
fields on the Web and are used by the local state and tribal agencies in
their burn decision-making process.
In converting acreage and crop type into emissions parameters,
information such as areal burn rates (ha/h), fuel loadings (kg/ha), and
emission factors (g/kg) must be specified. Areal burn rates and fuel loadings
are estimated based on agency expertise and are included in the database of
agricultural fields. Emissions factors are based on values from wheat
stubble and KBG from studies conducted by Air Sciences, Inc. (2003, 2004).
The initial ClearSky treatment of emissions assumed that the plume
from a field of burning stubble should be handled through CALPUFF’s
buoyant area-emissions capability. Observation of field burning suggested
that addition of a line source might better capture the intense buoyancy
associated with the flaming front in a field fire. Particulate production is
most strongly associated with combustion stages that are not flaming,
primarily post-flaming smoldering (Ward, 2001). Field observations show
that the buoyancy from the flame front generates horizontal flows of
replacement air, which entrain much of the smoke produced by nearby
non-flaming combustion that carries the smoke into the flame front.
Therefore, a buoyant line source is used to simulate the flaming front, in
addition to an area source.
Another research effort to improve the ClearSky predictions and provide
a measure of uncertainty explored using an ensemble of 17, 12-km MM5
meteorological simulations to generate an ensemble of CALPUFF PM2.5
predictions, thereby providing probabilistic guidance (Heitkamp, 2006).
ClearSky ensembles were analyzed for 2 days with heavy field burning in
2004, using accomplished burn data (Jain et al., 2007). Ensemble average
hourly PM2.5 results were compared with hourly monitoring results to
calculate normalized mean error in PM2.5 for each day. The 12-km
ensemble system average results were encouraging, showing slightly better
error statistics than the original 4-km ClearSky system.
22.3.3. The NOAA-HYSPLIT smoke forecast system: Predicting smoke from
satellite sensed fires across North America
NOAA’s interest in fires and smoke started in the spring of 1998 during
the massive transport of smoke from fires in Central America across
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Texas, the southeast United States and as far north as the Mid-Atlantic
States. In response, an operational fire and smoke program at NOAA’s
National Environmental Satellite and Data Information Service (NESDIS) was developed primarily to support National Weather Service
(NWS) needs in that region. As part of that program the Hazard
Mapping System (HMS) was developed in 2001 (Ruminski et al., 2006) as
an interactive tool to identify fires and smoke produced over North
America in an operational environment. The NOAA-HYSPLIT ‘‘Interim
Smoke Forecast Tool’’ was then implemented until the fire emissions
could be implemented in the operational air quality modeling (Otte et al.,
The HMS fire detection system uses two geostationary and five polar
orbiting environmental satellites with automated fire detection algorithms
employed for each sensor. The polar satellites (NASA’s MODIS and
NOAA-15/17/18) are the preferred platforms for determining fire size due
to their higher spatial resolution (1 km). Each algorithm utilizes multispectral imagery and applies a form of temperature threshold to evaluate
each hotspot. The HMS analysis domain includes all of North America
but is adjusted seasonally to include each specific region’s prime burning
activity season (i.e., Central America in spring, Alaska in summer).
Human analysts use visual satellite imagery and apply quality control
procedures for the automated fire detections to eliminate hot spots that
are deemed to be false and to add hot spots that the algorithms have not
detected. The addition and deletion of fire locations are based on analyst
experience in satellite image interpretation, consistency of a fire signal
across image times and platforms, and confirmation via the presence
of smoke emissions. (These data are available daily at: http://www.
The NOAA real-time smoke prediction system (http://www.arl.noaa.
gov/smoke/forecast.html) uses the HYSPLIT dispersion model coupled
with the NAM-WRF meteorological data, which is run on a 12-km grid
at intervals of 1-hr over the continental United States; and the 3-h
1-degree grid-spacing GFS data fields for any fire locations that may be
outside of the NAM domain. Therefore, the smoke prediction system can
include fires in Alaska, Canada, and south through Central America,
approximately 7–75 degrees north latitude. Fires identified as producing
smoke in the satellite imagery by the HMS analysts are utilized. These
fires are a subset of all fire hot spots. The number of input points
representing a fire is considered to be proportional to an approximation
of the areal extent of the fire. Dispersion calculations are run once a day
using the 0600 UTC forecast cycle. Hourly average output maps of PM2.5
concentrations are produced using the HMS fire locations for the
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Regional Real-Time Smoke Prediction Systems
previous day. Because of the concern over the effects of fine particulates,
the model simulation is focused on PM2.5 concentrations, although any
species available in the emission inventory could be modeled. The
dispersion simulation consists of a 24-h analysis simulation run for the
previous day, and a 48-h forecast simulation, which assumes that
yesterday’s fires will continue to burn today and tomorrow unless fire
duration information is available for a particular fire. The smoke particle
positions at the end of each analysis period are used to initialize the next
day’s analysis simulation.
PM2.5 emissions and heat released are estimated from the emissions
processing portion of the BlueSky system based on fire size and location.
The system consists of the EPM model integrated with the CONSUME
model and the NFDRS fuel loadings. The fire area is computed from the
sum of the number of fire locations provided by the HMS analysis within
an emission aggregation grid currently set to a 20-km resolution. In the
smoke prediction computation, particles are released at the final plume
rise height from the center of each emission grid cell that contains one or
more fire locations. The heat release rate from EPM/CONSUME, in
conjunction with the forecast meteorology, is used to compute a final
plume rise (Briggs, 1969).
Two PM2.5 concentration grids are defined for each simulation, each
having a grid spacing of 15 km. One grid creates hourly averaged PM2.5
concentrations from the ground to 5 km (Fig. 22.4) for comparison with
satellite smoke plume observations. The second grid defines the layer in
the lowest 100 m as hourly average PM2.5 concentrations for air quality
The official NWS hourly graphical output for each forecast hour over
the continental United States is posted daily as part of the Air Quality
Forecast Guidance from the NWS National Digital Guidance Database
( An archive of data for 30 days as well as
the current forecast maps for various geographic regions or the national
domain are available from NOAA’s Air Resources Laboratory’s web
page (
Although the NOAA-HYSPLIT smoke prediction system features the
incorporation of real-time satellite fire detection data, these data are a
source of uncertainty. The number of fires undetected by the automated
algorithms and added by analysts can represent over 50% the annual
total. Some of this is due to the navigational discrepancies between the
satellites and variation even from image to image for the same satellite
platform. Thus, a single fire may be represented by multiple automated
hot spots clustered around the actual fire location. Another major issue is
predicting which fires will be continuous through the forecast period.
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Figure 22.4. One-hour average (6 am–7 am 9/9/2006) 0–5000 m column integrated PM2.5
concentration calculated by the NOAA-HYSPLIT smoke prediction system at the end of the
24-hour analysis period used for the initialization of the 48-hour forecast.
Some fires, such as large wildfires, are both easily detected and likely to
continue to burn. However, this is not the case for most of the
agricultural and prescribed burns and many of the small wildfires.
The fire area is currently determined by the number of detections in a grid
cell—this can also be problematic for the smaller fires.
The HMS smoke plume analysis is used to evaluate the NOAAHYSPLIT smoke prediction. As part of the HMS, areas of smoke are
outlined by an analyst using animated visible channel imagery. Visible
band imagery is used to detect the HMS smoke plumes, but clouds can
hinder detection during the day, and detection is not possible at night. In
November 2006, a quantitative estimate of the smoke concentration
associated with the HMS plume analysis was implemented. The
estimation is based on output from the GOES Aerosol and Smoke
Product (GASP; Knapp, 2002) and visual inspection of the plume. While
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Regional Real-Time Smoke Prediction Systems
GASP utilizes reduced 4-km visible band imagery, the analyst views the
full 1-km resolution available from GOES. Three categories of smoke
concentration are specified by the analyst: 5 (light), 16 (medium), and 27
(thick) mg/m3. This single value is the midpoint of a range of values that
are being represented: 0.1–10.5 mg/m3 (light), 10.5–21.5 mg/m3 (medium),
and greater than 21.5 mg/m3 (thick).
22.3.4. Predicting smoke from wildfires in Australia
The Australian Smoke Management System (Wain & Mills, 2006) was
developed to assist land managers in planning prescribed burns while
mitigating impacts of smoke from these fires. The climatological window
for prescribed burning in southern Australia occurs in the Australian spring
and autumn, avoiding summer drought and winter rains. Unfortunately,
optimum conditions for prescribed burning coincide with typically anticyclonic weather patterns, providing less then ideal dispersion conditions.
Dispersion forecasts are also issued based on hot spots identified from
MODIS satellite imagery to provide information on smoke from wildfires.
Components of the system are the meteorological fields from the
Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) systems operated by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (the Bureau) and transport and dispersion
calculations from the HYSPLIT model. Specifically, the smoke prediction
system relies on several higher resolution domains (0.05 degree) over the
populated areas of the country as shown in Fig. 22.5. Concentration grids
are output at four vertical levels: 10, 150, 500, and 1500 m. For the initial
system implementation a source concentration of 1 arbitrary unit has
been specified, with the forecast concentrations being relative to this
value. This was done because of large uncertainties in the fuel-loading
information and lack of an emissions model. The outermost contour
interval for the concentration forecasts was selected to coincide with the
edges of the visible smoke plume based on field studies where both
aircraft and ground observations of the smoke plumes from prescribed
burns were made. The plume rise was initially set arbitrarily at 1500 m,
the approximate height of the typical subsidence inversion during ideal
autumn prescribed burning conditions. It has been found that using the
depth of the mixed layer, as diagnosed by the NWP model and input to
the dispersion model, to specify the plume height greatly improves the
predictions (Wain, 2006). This assumes that the fire is a low-intensity
burn as typified by many prescribed burns, rather than a high-intensity
burn where the plume may penetrate the inversion (as in large wildfires).
Product delivery has been designed in close collaboration with land
managers in order to complement their decision-making processes.
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Figure 22.5. The Australian mesoscale domain. Smoke predictions are issued for the higher
resolution 0.051 grid-spacing regions in red. State boundaries are in bold black, state names
in bold black capitals, and the locally used descriptors for the high-resolution model
domains are labeled in red.
The guidance is delivered via a password-protected Web site, with
individual pages for each state. Within each state the land management
agencies have nominated a number of locations representative of their
major forestry operations for the coming season, which forms a set of
fixed source points used throughout each prescribed burning season. The
number of these fixed source points per state ranges from 6 (Tasmania) to
16 (Northern Territory). Dispersion forecasts are prepared based on each
of these potential fire locations, with ignition times each day spanning the
times during which fires would normally be lit. These times have been
chosen by each state to suit their operational practices, with the earliest
ignition time being 1000 local time and the latest 1600 local time, and with
emission intervals of either 2 or 3 h.
Within each state, the dispersion prediction shows only three or four
source points on a single display panel, to reduce the possibility of
overlapping plumes making interpretation difficult—the guidance is
intended to show where smoke from a single potential fire may impact,
not the combined forecast concentrations from a number of actual fires.
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A separate set of dispersion forecasts are issued for the country, based on
hot spots identified in MODIS satellite imagery by Geosciences Australia
using their Sentinel system (
index.shtml). These are used to assist community understanding of the
source of smoke from wildfires.
In Australia, the smoke prediction system is run twice a day based on
the 0000 UTC and 1200 UTC meteorology. The 0000 UTC run completes
early in the afternoon to provide guidance for broad decision making for
the next day’s burning program. Then, the 1200 UTC run executes
overnight, and results are available in the early morning for finalizing
whether to ignite a burn at sites provisionally selected the previous
afternoon. The system also allows the land management agency to
interactively change a standard burn location to one of particular interest
before the 1200 UTC dispersion predictions are initiated.
A typical page from the guidance products is shown for Victoria in
Fig. 22.6. The dispersion panel shows the average concentration between
the surface and 1500 m from 1700 to 1800 EST, following a noon ignition.
Roads, rivers, and townships are shown to assist planning. The
presentation can be animated or stepped manually (‘‘Manual Controls’’),
and the user can select an earlier or a later forecast base time (top left), an
ignition time (upper left), or other station groups (middle left). There is a
range of supplementary information that can be accessed through this
page to assist the decision maker. In the lower left (the gray buttons), the
user can select ‘‘Trajectories’’ (Fig. 22.6). Under this option a larger
number of forward trajectories, representing the mid-line of the dispersion
plumes, can be displayed, or alternatively, backward trajectories from
‘‘high impact’’ sites can be displayed. This latter form of guidance may
indicate areas where fires should NOT be ignited if these sensitive
locations are not to be impacted by smoke. In the upper portion of the
panel there is provision for a forecaster to add interpretive comments to
the guidance, and this facility is usually invoked only if a wind shift is
mistimed by the model. This ensures consistency between these products
and other fire weather meteorological forecasts. In the upper right of the
panel forecast vertical wind, temperature, and humidity profiles at each of
the source locations can be selected, and these include the predicted height
of the mixed layer and the ventilation index at 3-h intervals.
22.4. Evaluation of real-time smoke prediction systems
Evaluation of smoke prediction systems is a complex task, and
methodologies and techniques are continuing to evolve. Analysis of
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Figure 22.6. Predicted smoke concentrations (relative to a unit emission rate) averaged
between the surface and 1500 m for August 3, 2006, from 1700 to 1800 EST for the Victoria,
Australia, domain.
surface smoke concentrations are a primary concern because pollutants at
the surface impact human and ecosystem health. However, limited
ground-based measurements make it difficult to thoroughly evaluate
model output, and model-to-point comparisons are complicated in
complex terrain and confounded by the presence of other pollution
sources. Satellite measures provide greater coverage, but are inherently
limited to integrated measures of the entire atmospheric column.
Additionally, apportioning the sources of error to the component models
(fire activity, fuel loading, consumption, emissions, plume rise, dispersion,
and transport) requires multiple case studies. This section details some of
the techniques and results from a variety of evaluation efforts that have
been performed.
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Satellite imagery has proved very useful in monitoring smoke from the
larger prescribed burns and wildfires, as long as the atmosphere is clear
and the underlying surface and the smoke plume have different radiative
properties. The best results using satellites are frequently obtained when
the smoke plume is transported over the ocean, although there is still
considerable uncertainty between the minimum concentration that a
ground-based observer can discern and the smoke plume as seen in the
imagery. A number of case studies of smoke dispersion from prescribed
and wildfires are presented in Wain and Mills (2006).
Typically, two types of satellite data can be used in evaluation: Aerosol
Optical Depth (AOD) measurements that represent a quantitative
measure of integrated aerosol loading over the entire air column, and
smoke plume extents. Because they integrate the entire air column, AOD
observations require assumptions to allow allocation to specific heights in
the atmosphere or require a vertically integrated result from the smoke
prediction system for comparison, and this has limited its utility to date.
The NOAA-HYSPLIT real-time smoke prediction system uses the
HMS smoke plume extents for evaluation. Figure 22.7 shows NOAAHYSPLIT output alongside the HMS satellite smoke graphic and
illustrates the basic evaluation metric—the ‘‘Figure of Merit in Space’’
(FMS), a fraction representing the ratio of the intersection to the union of
Figure 22.7. The 24-hour prediction for April 13, 2006, by the NOAA-HYSPLIT smoke
prediction system available through the online archive, showing the model predictions
at various concentration levels (blue and cyan) overlayed with the HMS observed smoke
plume (red).
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the analyzed and calculated smoke plume areas (higher is better). Because
of uncertainties in fire detections and the possibility that some of the
detected smoke is not due to the fire locations represented in the model,
only smoke plumes with a non-zero overlap are included in the statistics.
Furthermore, the FMS is computed for several concentration values
(1, 5, 20, and 100 mg/m3) because of uncertainties in the emissions and the
threshold concentrations representing the visible edge of the HMSanalyzed smoke plume. Because it is not possible to assign a fixed
threshold concentration to the HMS plume, the best verification contour
may vary from day to day. Typical FMS values range from 10% to 20%
for the 1 and 5 mg/m3 contours. For instance, the FMS of the calculation
shown in Fig. 22.7 is 15% when averaging all plumes with equal weights
and 30% if the FMS is computed using an area weighting. A limitation of
the FMS approach is that the statistic tends to show poorer performance
than what might be suggested by a qualitative examination of the
graphical smoke plume products. This is due to the fact that all
nonoverlap plume regions result in an FMS of zero. Even for cases where
there is complete overlap, if the measured or calculated plume is much
larger than the other, the FMS will be reduced in magnitude. The NOAAHYSPLIT real-time smoke prediction system regularly calculates both
daily and 30-day running averages for real-time evaluation, allowing
forecasters to judge the applicability of the current forecast based upon
how well the fire locations and model predicted smoke compared with the
actual smoke detection. Objective automated evaluation procedures are
under investigation that use predicted grid point concentrations
compared with satellite-derived aerosol optical depth values.
While satellite data can provide insight into overall performance,
ground-based observations are also needed for predictive skill evaluation.
In-situ monitoring networks of PM and trace gases can provide useful
long-term evaluation data and are being used in several evaluation studies
for the BlueSky, ClearSky, and Australian systems. Although such studies
provide insight into overall predictive skill, they have several issues. Air
Quality monitors are typically located at population centers, whereas
agricultural and prescribed burning may only occur when concerned
agency personnel judge that the approved burning will not significantly
elevate PM2.5 in those population centers (i.e., at the monitors). Thus,
successful use of real-time smoke prediction systems should result in PM
monitors showing no significant elevations in concentrations attributable
to burning. Additionally, because these monitors are typically spaced
hundreds of kilometers apart, many fires do not impact a monitor, and
even when they do, the accuracy of the shape of the predicted plume
cannot be judged. Thus, dedicated field campaigns are needed to obtain
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sufficient data downwind of active fires to characterize and evaluate
system performance. Hess et al. (2006) discuss the use of in-situ monitors
for evaluation of predictions from Australian wildfires.
Recent work (Liu et al., 2006) has shown that integration of basic fire
behavior is necessary to simulate the larger wildfires. Many large wildfires
are not a single convective column, but rather are multiple fire cores that
are grouped together into a wildfire complex. Emissions from single
convective column fires (single core) are released higher in the atmosphere
relative to similar size fires that exhibit multiple convective columns
(multiple core). Evaluation of the Rex Creek wildfire that occurred in
2001 in Washington State showed that simulating the wildfire as multiple
smaller cores dramatically improved the results when comparing BlueSky
model predictions with observations (Fig. 22.8). This fire behavior had
Figure 22.8. PM2.5 concentrations near Twisp, Washington, for the Rex Creek fire for the
period of August 19–26, 2001. Box-whisker plots show observed concentrations (OBS) and
BlueSky concentrations for the one-fire, five-fire, and ten-fire cases. Values below 0.1 are set
to 0.1 for plotting purposes.
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greater impact on improving the prediction than various fuel models and
consumption/emission algorithms (Larkin et al., 2008) and can be
included in the forecasts without significant operational performance
Evaluation of plume rise in ClearSky was undertaken in 2004, when
plume rise measurements were made for four wheat stubble burns in
Washington and five Kentucky bluegrass residue burns in Idaho
(Heitkamp, 2006). Final plume height was measured by aircraft altimeter.
ClearSky simulations were conducted for the nine field burns using plume
rise parameterizations from Jain et al. (2007), based upon review of field
burning studies conducted collaboratively by Air Sciences, Inc. (ASI), the
USFS Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory and Washington State
University (Air Sciences, Inc., 2003, 2004). Figure 22.9 shows how for
seven of the nine experiments, the ClearSky plume height results
compared well to the observed plume heights.
22.5. Operational applications of a real-time smoke prediction system
Real-time smoke predictions have only become available in the last
several years. While these systems were developed to address specific
needs in forestry and agricultural burning, it is becoming clear that they
possess utility far beyond their original purposes.
22.5.1. Prescribed fire and agricultural burning
Perhaps the clearest utility of real-time smoke predictions is in the
decision process surrounding whether to ignite prescribed and agricultural fires. The goal is to provide the burner with information as to
whether smoke from their fire, if ignited, will have impacts on sensitive
receptors downwind or yield excessive concentrations. Past history has
shown that these types of fires can have significant smoke impacts
resulting in negative effects on health, public relations, and the acceptance
of burning as a land management tool. The hope is that real-time smoke
predictions can reduce such impacts and mitigate their negative
The Dutchler prescribed burn, which occurred approximately 20 miles
(32 km) northwest of Salmon, Idaho, in September 2004, is an example of
where a smoke prediction system could have been used to help mitigate
smoke impacts. The plan was to burn over a period of 2 days, with 1000
acres burned on day one, and another 1200 acres on day two. However,
smoke accumulated overnight in Salmon (population 3100), resulting in
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Regional Real-Time Smoke Prediction Systems
Top of Plume Heights for CALPUFF Buoyant Area and Buoyant Line Source with
Updated Emissions Parameters and Maximum Air Observations
Meters (m)
Burn Day
Buoyant Area Source
Buoyant Line Source
Max Air Observation
Figure 22.9. ClearSky plume rise results as calculated by CALPUFF, using updated plume rise parameters, and aircraft observed plume heights.
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health complaints and multiple calls to city and county officials,
prompting the mayor and county commissioner to contact land managers
in charge of the burn. As a result, the second day’s burn was cancelled,
and considerable effort was necessary to repair relations with local
officials and the public. Examination of BlueSky results, and in particular
the trajectories from the burn and the ventilation index, yielded insights
into what occurred. This is a region of very complex topography, and the
burn was located in another valley away from the population center.
The ventilation index was good for the afternoon period in the vicinity of
the burn, but was marginal over Salmon. Afternoon trajectories showed
smoke from the burn moving directly over the town. While mixing
heights during the afternoon were high enough to not cause smoke
problems, by 1700 local time the mixing height lowered and winds
became calm, setting up conditions to trap smoke in the valleys as the
burn continued to smolder into the evening. Analysis of BlueSky
indicates that limiting the size of the burn or postponing to a period
with more favorable ventilation conditions could have mitigated the
impacts on the town and allowed the second day burn to occur. This case
example illustrates that forecasting tools such as BlueSky that combine
trajectories, PM2.5 concentration fields, and meteorological data can be
used to refine burn decisions, allowing land managers to accomplish their
fuels reduction and ecosystem management goals while mitigating the
impacts of smoke on sensitive receptors downwind.
The ClearSky agricultural smoke prediction was created in response to
litigation regarding field burning in the northwestern U.S. Health and
environmental activists brought suit against government and land
owners, contending that smoke harms people both directly and indirectly.
The State of Washington took the approach of banning the burning of
the KBG stubble and operating a permit system for burning of wheat
stubble. Idaho made the legislative finding that burning of KBG stubble
is an economic necessity for KBG growers and thus administers a
program overseeing such burning. Similarly, the Nez Perce Tribe
administers its own smoke management program for field burning.
ClearSky is consulted by these agencies as a key tool in their daily burn
decision process.
22.5.2. Wildfires
Wildfires and wildland fire managed for resource benefits are naturally
occurring or unplanned fires. Although firefighters have limited options
for reducing smoke from wildfires, smoke prediction systems can be
useful in managing fire operations, alerting the public to potential health
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risks and informing a public concerned about scenic vistas, recreation,
road closures, and air operation impacts. Additionally, in the United
States, the need to reintroduce fire into fire-adapted ecosystems after
years of fire suppression along with limited fire fighting resources and
concerns for fire fighter safety, has led to the concept of appropriate
management response (AMR) when managing a wildfire. Under AMR,
wildfires are managed by a suite of response options from full suppression
to allowing it to burn for resource benefits. Smoke impacts to
communities are an important consideration when managing a wildfire
project and are monitored throughout the life of the project. Smoke
prediction systems aid in this monitoring effort, as exemplified by a
wildfire project in 2003 in the California Sierra Nevada. In this case,
smoke management specialists were concerned about smoke from the fire
entering the Sacramento Valley. By using BlueSky, they were able to
ascertain that it was smoke from another fire further north that was
impacting the valley, that smoke from their fire was going east over an
unpopulated region of Nevada, and therefore mitigation strategies were
not needed that particular day on the wildfire project.
Tactical decisions can also be based on smoke predictions. Burnout
operations, which are deliberately ignited fires designed to prevent
wildfire spread by reducing fuels and providing a fire break at a
predetermined location, can be timed to have minimal smoke impacts.
This was the case with the Square Lake fire near Leavenworth,
Washington, in 2003, where a large-scale burnout (thousands of acres)
was delayed because the prevailing winds would have carried the smoke
into this tourist town during a holiday. Other tactical decisions include
where to focus fire suppression efforts, what degree of effort should be
employed, and timing of aircraft operations dependent on visibility.
22.5.3. Regulatory applications of smoke predictions
One application of smoke predictions is to track the source of smoke that
may have caused (or could potentially cause) a negative impact. Some
systems, such as the Australian system, allow calculation of backward
trajectories to show likely source areas for smoke. In Australia, these
backward trajectories are used to indicate which fires should not be
ignited. Other systems require analysis and interpretation to determine
which burns or fires may have contributed to a smoke event. In many
cases it is the regulatory agencies that make the decision to allow or
disallow burning on any given day. Of particular interest to regulatory
agencies is the ability of smoke prediction systems to provide information
about cumulative impacts caused by multiple burns. This provides an
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opportunity to open a dialogue among the various land management
agencies about sharing the airshed and minimizing smoke impacts to
22.5.4. Challenges
Development of these applications requires overcoming two important
challenges: the collection of input data and the ability to produce a
prediction that is timely enough to be useful. We discussed above the
challenges associated with ground-based and satellite-based fire activity
inputs, such as interagency data consistency issues in the ground-based
systems and detection issues with the satellite-based systems. These
challenges are being overcome as the two types of fire activity sources are
merging to complement each other for the purposes of smoke forecasting.
One important application of smoke prediction systems is to make a
go/no-go or tactical decision about a burn based on the potential for
smoke impacts to a community or sensitive receptor. Such decisions are
generally made early in the morning and require that all model processing
be complete and output available to the decision maker by 6–8 A.M. In
some cases decisions must be made the day before burning is scheduled,
requiring a lead time of 48 h for the real-time smoke prediction system to
gather the inputs and provide predictions suitable for decision support.
22.6. The future of real-time smoke prediction systems
The merging of existing fire science and air quality research into these
real-time smoke prediction systems is proving useful to the agricultural,
land, fire, smoke, and air quality management communities who regard
these systems as providing useful guidance based upon the latest available
science. Despite the wide application of these systems to prescribed fires,
agricultural fires, and wildland fires, significant opportunities for future
development remain. Two ways in which the usefulness of real-time
smoke predictions can be improved is through advances in how the
information is presented and by providing more accurate forecasts.
Users play an important role in how the results from the real-time
smoke prediction systems are presented because smoke predictions must
be tailored to a region. Some of these differences can be seen in the
approaches of the four systems profiled here. BlueSky offers surface
PM2.5 concentrations as simple animations, and a variety of other
meteorological, landuse, PM2.5, and trajectory output products are
available through the more complex RAINS GIS interface. The ClearSky
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and Australian systems were developed in close collaboration with a user
community who regarded scenario-based output products as providing
the best guidance. Therefore, these systems provide smoke concentration
data based on where burns are most likely to be ignited and are not
designed to capture exact PM2.5 concentrations from fire across the
region. The NOAA-HYSPLIT and BlueSky systems demonstrate that
real-time smoke prediction systems can serve not only the fire community
concerned with tactical decisions about fire but also the air quality
community concerned about downwind impacts of smoke and all
pollutant sources. The NOAA-HYSPLIT smoke prediction system at its
inception was designed to be an interim tool until daily fire emissions
could be made available to the NOAA national air quality prediction
system (Otte et al., 2005), and daily wildfire emissions from BlueSky are
being incorporated into the U.S. Pacific Northwest’s AIRPACT-3 air
quality prediction system ( BlueSky predictions are also being incorporated into the U.S. EPA’s AirNow (http:// air quality prediction and monitoring portal. These
output products and linkages are continually being updated to reflect the
growing and changing needs of the user communities.
The usefulness of smoke predictions can also be improved by
improving their accuracy, which involves improving the accuracy of the
individual components and integrated field campaigns to obtain
evaluation data. Smoke prediction systems are collections of models
representing different pieces of information needed to generate the
prediction—weather models, fire activity, fuel loading, consumption
models, emissions models, plume rise algorithms, and dispersion/
trajectory/transport models. Uncertainties are associated with each of
the component models, making resulting errors challenging to analyze
and diagnose. Yet determination of the uncertainties associated with a
given prediction and dissemination of that information to the user
community is necessary for these systems to be useful as decision-support
tools. Therefore, understanding these uncertainties and how they relate to
forecast skill needs to be a top priority of future development.
Evaluation of these systems has shown the importance of incorporating
knowledge about fire behavior into the forecasts. Researchers at the
USFS Missoula Forest Fire Laboratory (
beowulf.htm) are working on incorporating the fire area simulator
(FARSITE; Finney, 1998) model into a smoke prediction system utilizing
the WRF model coupled with chemistry (WRF-Chem; Grell et al., 2005).
Fire behavior also affects plume rise which determines the vertical
allocation of the fire emissions in the atmosphere, thereby critically
affecting overall surface concentrations (Larkin et al., 2008; Liu et al.,
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2006). Further research and development of methods of incorporating fire
behavior into these real-time smoke prediction systems is necessary.
Accurate meteorological forecasts are critical because they determine
direction and speed of the pollutant transport. Advances in meteorological forecasts—including ensembling techniques, improved planetary
boundary layer schemes and land-surface models, and greater resolution—will improve the quality of the smoke prediction. The ClearSky
results have shown that ensembling techniques can directly benefit smoke
forecasts and allow for the calculation of the ensemble spread, a measure
of forecast uncertainty.
Large fires can create their own fire weather by changing local wind
patterns and temperature, and furthermore, emissions from fires can alter
the radiative properties of the atmosphere. Clark et al. (2004) describe a
fire-atmosphere model that couples fire dynamics with meteorology, where
local winds are used to predict fire spread, and then the heat and moisture
fluxes from the fire are fed back to the meteorology, allowing the fire to
influence the local winds. Linn and Cunningham (2005) and Mell et al.
(2007) have developed computational fluid dynamic models that explicitly
simulate fuel/flame interactions and plume/atmosphere interactions. In
addition, researchers at the Missoula Forest Fire Laboratory (http:// are working with the WRF-Chem model
(Grell et al., 2005) to fully couple the chemical solver within the
meteorological model in order to account for atmospheric chemistry
effects on the radiation budget and aerosol interactions with cloud
formation. While implementation of many of these developments into realtime smoke predictions systems is further in the future, such work resolving
fire/atmosphere feedback loops advances fundamental fire science and will
eventually be beneficial operationally as computing resources improve.
Additionally, improvements to both ground-based fire tracking systems
and satellite fire detection algorithms are necessary. Satellite detection of
fire can provide a large-scale consistent data record; however, improvement is needed in the detection algorithms to more accurately detect small
fires, remove confounding factors such as clouds, and accurately obtain
an area estimate of fire size. Similarly, ground-based fire-reporting
systems need improvement to augment and correlate with satellite data,
provide the necessary inputs to the smoke prediction systems, and
provide consistency across regions, systems, and agencies.
The quantity and type of emissions from fire are a function of the fuel
combustion, which is largely driven by the method of ignition, the
vegetation type, weather conditions, and fuel moisture. Most emission
models, however, do not rely on combustion physics but rather empirical
emission factors derived from field studies and therefore cannot represent
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all burn scenarios and conditions. Improving emissions models to take
into account combustion physics, such as being empirically estimated by
FEPS (Anderson et al., 2004) and explicitly modeled (Linn & Cunningham, 2005; Mell et al., 2007), is necessary.
Advances in smoke prediction systems will progress faster when more
observational data are available to evaluate the systems and component
models. Integrated field campaigns that measure trace gases and aerosols
from the fire both near-field and far-field, fuel loadings and consumption,
and fire spread, are necessary. Furthermore, ground-based measurements
are not enough; a three-dimensional analysis of the plume as it advects
and undergoes chemical transformation is necessary. Satellite data can
also be used to evaluate smoke prediction models, as demonstrated by
work done with the NOAA-HYSPLIT system. Research into correlating
the column integrated aerosol optical depth satellite measurement with
results from the smoke prediction systems is also needed.
The beauty and benefit of the systems profiled here is that each system
has taken a different approach to meeting the needs of their users.
Fundamentally, however, they all rely on similar fire science and air
quality models. Thus, improvements to individual systems have benefits
for all. Because of the interdisciplinary nature and scale of the challenges
in creating timely, accurate, and usable smoke forecasts, significant
advances will be more easily achieved through continued close
collaboration regarding specialized field work, understanding of component interdependencies and uncertainties, and creation of new modeling
and analysis schemes for plume rise and other critical issues. In this way
smoke prediction is becoming a community-modeling enterprise.
We acknowledge the four reviewers for reviews that greatly enhanced the
quality of this manuscript. We would also like to thank and dedicate this
chapter to Dr. Sue A. Ferguson whose vision and energy helped revolutionize fire/atmosphere research and create the community that supports it.
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