Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
Network conscious design of distributed real-time systems
Jung Woo Park a, Young Shin Kim a, Seongsoo Hong a, Manas Saksena b,
Sam H. Noh c, Wook Hyun Kwon a,*
School of Electrical Engineering and ERC-ACI, Bldg. 133 Autom. Syst. Res. Inst., Seoul National University,
Seoul 151-742, South Korea
Department of Computer Science, Concordia University, Montreal, PQ H3G IM8, Canada
Department of Computer Engineering, Hong-Ik University, Seoul 121-791, South Korea
Received 20 December 1996; received in revised form 10 July 1997; accepted 5 September 1997
In this paper, we present a network conscious approach to designing distributed real-time systems. Given a task
graph design of the system, the end-to-end constraints on the inputs and outputs, and the task allocation on a given
distributed platform, we automatically generate task attributes (e.g., periods and deadlines) such that (i) the task set is
schedulable, and (ii) the end-to-end constraints are satis®ed. The method works by ®rst transforming the end-to-end
constraints into a set of intermediate constraints on task attributes, and then solving the intermediate constraints. The
complexity of constraint solving is tackled by reducing the problem into more tractable parts, and then solving each
subproblem using heuristics to enhance schedulability. The methodology presented in this process can be mostly automated, and provides useful feedback to a designer when it fails to ®nd a solution. We expect that the techniques
presented in this paper will help reduce the laborious process of designing a real-time system, by bringing resource
contention and schedulability aspects early into the design process. Ó 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Distributed real-time systems; Design methodology; Real-time network; Constraint solving; Nonlinear
optimization; Real-time scheduling; Control system
Corresponding author. E-mail:
[email protected]
The work reported in this paper was supported in part by
Engineering Research Center for Advanced Control and
Instrumentation (ERC-ACI) under Grant 96K3-0707-02-06-1,
by KOSEF under Grant 96-2037, and by NSERC Operating
Grant OGP0170345.
1. Introduction
Distributed computing is an eminently important requirement in a large scale industrial computer system where hundreds of heterogeneous
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J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
control computers such as digital signal processors
and process logic controllers are operating with
thousands of custom input and output devices. As
demands for factory automation increase, industrial distributed computer systems are required to
integrate even more diverse computing elements
such as supervisory workstations, database servers, and client stations. As a result, a distributed
system in a factory now needs to provide interoperability among a wide variety of computers
from control processors spread on the factory
¯oor to workstations that operate in factory
Often, such heterogeneous and complex industrial distributed systems are con®gured into a
layered architecture, the layers being called application and ®eld layers. At the application layer,
engineering workstations are connected through
standard communication networks such as the
Ethernet. The computers at this layer are used for
supervising control processes and executing
management applications, and oer a distributed
supervisory and information processing infrastructure. On the other hand, the ®eld layer connects special purpose control processors which
communicate with input and output devices via
industrial real-time networks. Computations at
this layer are subject to a variety of correctness
and performance criteria such as timeliness, responsiveness, and reliability. This is because ®eld
layer applications are time-critical in the sense
that each application has stringent timing constraints, and failure to meet such constraints may
yield catastrophic results. Examples of such constraints are:
1. The pressure of a chemical reaction tank should
be monitored and regulated every 10 ms.
2. Sensor readings of the system must propagate
to the actuator within the sampling period of
35 ms.
Note that violating the ®rst constraint may possibly
cause a tank explosion. A software system which is
subject to timing constraints is called a real-time
While it is possible to take advantage of recent
advances of distributed systems for the design of
the application layer, it is extremely dicult to
design the ®eld layer such that both performance
requirements and software engineering requirements such as design traceability and scalability
are guaranteed. The reason is that a time-critical
distributed real-time system cannot be designed in
a composable fashion since temporal relationships
introduce coupling between structurally irrelevant
components. For example, unpredicted overload
of a component may prevent another from meeting its timing constraints regardless of their
functional relationship. For the lack of design
theory and associated tools, it is thus common
practice to realize a ®eld layer subsystem with ad
hoc engineering approaches which rely on manual
decomposition, tuning, and laborious validation.
However, maintaining design composability is
essential even in the presence of timing constraints.
A plausible solution to this problem is to map
system-level timing constraints onto componentlevel timing constraints based on the functional
structure of the system. With this approach, the
development of a distributed real-time system
involves simply implementing the constituent
components, and then integrating them together.
Of course, the component-level timing constraints collectively must guarantee the systemlevel timing constraints. This is an attractive
methodology as recent advances in real-time
scheduling and analysis techniques have established a sound theoretical basis for real-time
systems, especially for those running in isolation
or in a controlled environment. Thus, while
timing constraints at the system-level may be
dicult to satisfy, satisfying timing constraints at
the component-level may not be a formidable
task. Many industrial systems, especially those in
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
the domain of distributed real-time systems have
been modeled and analyzed using such scheduling theories. However, these techniques have
been applied to industrial systems only in crude
form [1,2].
Thus far, the component-level timing constraints (i.e., task periods, deadlines, etc.) that
have often been handled by most techniques [3,4]
are often artifacts of the way the system is designed where for a given system there may be
many dierent ways to meet the end-user requirements. The choice made is often mandated
by the programmer, and the resource constraints
are rarely taken into account. Unfortunately,
many of today's real-time systems require sharing of resources and data, synchronizing task
executions, and timely ¯ow of data through
multiple data paths on a distributed platform.
As systems become more complex, ad hoc
methods to derive feasible task parameters lead
to wastage of valuable development time and
computer resources. There is also a serious problem in this practice: many of the key synchronization and precedence requirements become
tightly coupled with the derived timing constraints. As a result, real-time programmers often
lose the traceability of the system under development or maintenance, and signi®cant redesign
may be required if the timing constraints are
The approach we take in this paper is, likewise,
to obtain a runnable system design that guarantees
the system-level constraints by satisfying the
component-level constraints. However, unlike
previous approaches, we take a systematic approach to the problem such that changes in timing
or resource constraints do not require a major
redesign of the system. Furthermore, resource
Fig. 1. The structure of the end-to-end design methodology.
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
constraints are taken into account from the start
minimizing resource waste.
Fig. 1 shows the overview of our end-to-end
system design methodology to generate a runnable
system from a task graph design of the system.
This process is composed of three phases. First,
given a task graph design, the end-to-end constraints on the inputs and outputs of the system,
and the task allocation on a given distributed
platform, the task speci®c attributes are derived.
Second, the derived task attributes are used to
schedule the task, and ®nally, the user-provided
task code is merged with the real-time kernel libraries to generate the runnable real-time system.
The focus of this paper is on the ®rst phase of
this process, that is, the derivation of task speci®c
attributes. (This is speci®ed by the shaded box in
Fig. 1.) This problem is modeled as a constraint
solving problem, in which the original end-to-end
timing constraints are expressed as a set of intermediate constraints on task-speci®c attributes. The
intermediate constraints are then solved to derive a
set of schedulable task parameters. The second
and third phases are not addressed here since realtime scheduling and automatic code generation
techniques have been well addressed in the literature [5,6].
The main contribution of our work is in the
development of a systematic methodology to
transform a high-level design into a system that is
schedulable. The methodology presented in this
paper provides substantial bene®ts: (1) It provides
designers with a rapid prototyping tool which will
help in building a running prototype quickly. This,
in turn, will help locate and isolate schedulability
and performance bottlenecks. (2) It helps the designers ®x and optimize a faulty design for both
correctness and performance. This is possible not
only because system traceability is maintained
throughout the approach, but also because the
constraint solver itself generates various performance metrics.
1.1. Related work
Two areas in real-time systems come close to
our approach: (1) real-time software design
methods and (2) real-time scheduling. There are a
number of software design methodologies speci®cally aimed for complex, distributed real-time
programming. In [7], Gomaa presents a method
called DARTS (design method for real-time systems) which models a real-time system as a set of
concurrent, communicating tasks. DARTS shares
the same task model as our task graph, but it
provides a more diverse set of communication and
synchronization primitives such as message
queues, mail boxes, and semaphores. Unlike our
approach, DARTS does not take into account
system scheduling, and it cannot provide any
support for bounding blocking times of communicating tasks. It is thus the programmers' responsibility to guarantee bounded blocking times.
Recently, Selic [8] also presented a design method
called ROOM (real-time object oriented method)
which supports high-level modular decomposition
and interconnection between modules. Although
these methods do not address the problem of
managing end-to-end timing requirements of a
real-time system, they can be used to generate a
task graph design used in our approach.
Real-time scheduling has been a fertile area of
research in the last decade. We refer the readers to
[5,6] for an overview of real-time scheduling.
However, there has been relatively little eort in
the integration of design and scheduling, and
speci®cally, the derivation of task periods and
deadlines from end-to-end constraints. In [9],
similar problems are formulated as a real-time
database consistency problem, but the focus is
more on schedulability analysis and less on the
derivation of task parameters.
In [10], Gerber et al. ®rst address the problem
of systematic translation of end-to-end constraints
into implementation parameters. Their method is
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
con®ned to the single processor design of a realtime system. Later in [11], Manas et al. extend the
approach for the design of a distributed real-time
system, but they make a simplifying assumption
that all messages in the system have a constant
communication delay.
1.2. Organization
The rest of our paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 presents the system design and implementation models, and gives an overview of our
solution approach. Section 3 shows how intermediate constraints are derived. Section 4 presents
the algorithms used to solve the intermediate
constraints derived in Section 3. Finally, in Section 5 we conclude the paper with remarks on our
experience and future research directions.
2. System design model versus implementation
The approach that we present in this paper
has been motivated largely by distributed real-
time control systems, and much of the terminology derives from there [12]. In this section,
we present the system and network model of the
distributed real-time system. Then, we de®ne the
system design model which includes a task graph
and associated end-to-end timing requirements.
We also present the implementation model
which possesses a set of periodic tasks and task
speci®c attributes. Finally, we summarize our
problem and show the overview of the solution
2.1. System and network model
In many distributed real-time control systems,
sensors are polled periodically for external inputs
which is then processed by one or more controller
tasks to generate commands for the actuators.
While simple control systems may consist of a
single such control loop, more and more systems
are being built which consist of many interacting
control loops executing at dierent rates sharing
tasks and data. Furthermore, the tasks execute
concurrently and may be physically distributed
over a number of processing hosts.
Fig. 2. Layered architecture of a distributed control system.
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
Fig. 2 shows a typical con®guration for a distributed real-time control system. The system has
two layers and they are connected through a
gateway station. The eventual goal of this paper is
in the design of the ®eld layer.
The ®eld layer connects sensors and actuators
to processing hosts via the controller area network (CAN) [13] which supports real-time communication. Each processing host at the ®eld
layer is a single CPU controller. The sensors and
actuators are autonomous devices connected to
the CAN. We assume that the hosts are synchronized with respect to a global time base, and
all our analyses are done with respect to this time
Each processing host has a suitable real-time
operating system which can be used to implement
periodic real-time tasks and perform schedulability
analysis on it. Likewise, the CAN has a prioritybased bus arbitration scheme which allows for
schedulability analysis of periodic real-time messages [13].
2.2. Design model
2.2.1. Task graph
While many design models and methods exist in
the literature [7], we use a simple messaging model
to represent a real-time system. Such a model is
described by a task graph which is de®ned as a
directed graph G V ; E such that
· V P [ B is a set of nodes where
P fs1 ; . . . ; sn g is a set of tasks and
B fp1 ; . . . ; pm g is a set of communicating
· E P B [ B P is a set of directed edges between tasks and ports. si ! pj denotes task
si 's write access to port pj and pj ! si is si 's read
access to pj .
Fig. 3 gives an example of a task graph.
The task graph model incorporates many essential features such as task sharing, simple synchronization, software reusability, and network
transparent communication. Several researchers
have proposed similar models for distributed
Fig. 3. Task graph design with task allocation.
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
control systems [14,15]. The properties of the task
graph model are as follows:
1. A real-time system is composed of a set of communicating tasks. Tasks perform the computational activities in the system which consist of
reading data from all its input ports, operating
on the data, and ®nally, writing data to its output ports.
2. Tasks communicate with each other through
ports. Ports provide a network transparent
message passing abstraction. Each port has a
single writer restriction, but may have an arbitrary number of readers. The ports are accessed
by the tasks through generic operations such as
``read'' and ``write''. The code to implement
these operations is instantiated automatically
when the system is con®gured.
3. The writes to a port are always asynchronous
and non-blocking. On the other hand, the reads
are synchronous, that is a process reading from
a port waits for data to be written. Synchronous communication reduces end-to-end latency and jitter. Thus, each communication
establishes a precedence between the writer
and the reader.
4. Sensors and actuators form the external interface of the system with the environment. We assume that each sensor is read by a special task,
which copies the data from the sensor to a port
to be read by computation tasks. In reality, this
is done autonomously by the hardware logic of
a sensor device. Likewise, there is an actuator
task for each actuator which reads data from
an input port and sends them to the actuator.
As a sensor or an actuator is an autonomous
device, it is treated as a special processor with
a single sensor or actuator task.
5. A task is periodically activated at the start of
the period, and for each activation it executes
one iteration loop.
A real-time system designed with this model is
thus represented as a ®nite, directed, acyclic graph
where the tasks and the ports form the nodes in the
graph, and the edges correspond to reads and
writes to the ports. In such a design the path from
a sensor to an actuator forms a chain of producer/
consumer pairs forming an end-to-end computation. Timing constraints are often de®ned on such
end-to-end computations. Thus, we use the term
transaction for end-to-end computations which is
de®ned as a relation between sensors and actuators. Let C SkA represent a transaction that
takes inputs from sensors in set S, and produces
outputs for actuators in set A. The transaction
then consists of all the tasks that fall on the path
from any sensor in S to any actuator in A.
2.2.2. Task allocation
Structurally, a task graph may be viewed as a
set of disjoint subgraphs if we remove the nodes
corresponding to network ports (and all edges incident on those nodes). We call each such disjoint
subgraph a partition. In Fig. 3, hs3 ; s4 i and hs5 ; s6 i
denote two such partitions. Each partition is
mapped to a single host. The mapping of partitions to hosts de®nes the allocation of tasks, and
we assume that this mapping is already de®ned.
Such task allocation is static, and it does not
change at run-time.
2.2.3. End-to-end timing constraints
The following types of timing constraints are
allowed to be established on the transactions.
1. Maximum Allowable Validity Time (MAVT):
This constraint ensures that a data sample is
used before it loses its freshness, and thus, it
bounds the maximum end-to-end delay permissible between the reading of a sensor and the
delivery of the output command to an actuator
based on that reading. We use the notation
M SkA to represent this maximum delay from
sensor S to actuator A.
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
2. Input Data Synchronization: This constraint ensures that when multiple sensors collaborate in
driving an actuator, then the maximum timeskew between the sensor readings is bounded.
We use the notation Sync S1 ; S2 kA to denote
the maximum time-skew between two sensors
S1 and S2 . Let t1 and t2 be the time points when
two sensors S1 and S2 are read to drive A, respectively. Then we have
jt1 ÿ t2 j 6 Sync S1 ; S2 kA:
3. Maximum Transaction Period (MTP): This constraint bounds the maximum period for an endto-end computation. We use the notation
MaxP SkA to denote the maximum period.
2.3. Implementation model
We assume that the real-time system is implemented as a set of periodic tasks. A periodic task si
is represented by a 5-tuple hei ; Ti ; di ; /i ; Pi i, where
ei represents the task's execution delay, Ti its period, di its deadline relative to the start of period,
/i its initial phase (denoting the initial activation
time of the periodic task), and Pi the processor to
which it is allocated. Fig. 4 depicts the timing attributes of a periodic task through a sample execution scenario of its ®rst two activations.
The ports are implemented dierently depending on whether the tasks using the port are on the
same processor or not. When all the tasks using
the port are allocated on the same processor, then
the port is implemented simply as a message buer
to which writes and reads occur. On the other
hand, when the tasks are allocated on dierent
processors, the data must be transferred via the
communication network to remote processors. In
this case, the implementation consists of a set of
message buers, one at the sender's host and one
at each receiver's host. Data is transferred from
the sender's buer to the receiver's buer by a
virtual communication task. On the receiver's side,
the data retrieved from the network is directly
placed into the receiver's buer.
Data transfer over the communication network
generates a set of periodic message streams. We
label the message stream produced by task si as mi .
The message stream mi is treated analogously with
a task with notation hemi ; Tim ; dim ; /mi ; Pmi i denoting
the maximum message transmission time, the
period, the deadline, the initial phase, and the
Fig. 4. Timing attributes of a periodic task.
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
network, respectively. In our analysis, the network
is treated just like a processor.
2.4. A walk-through example
Fig. 3 shows the task graph for a simple realtime system with each task being allocated on a
host. The system consists of two transactions, one
driving actuator A1 and the other driving actuator
A2 . There are two sensors in the system S1 and S2
which are read by sensor tasks s1 and s2 . Likewise,
the actuators are given commands by actuator
tasks s7 and s8 . There are four control tasks allocated on two processors. All communications are
synchronous. This example, which we use throughout the paper, helps us illustrate the key aspects of
our methodology. The end-to-end constraints
postulated on the system are given in Table 1.
Task execution delays are also speci®ed in the
table; we assume the following execution times:
e1 e2 e7 e8 0, i.e., the sensor and actuator
tasks take negligible execution delay since they
only involve simple copy operations performed by
hardware independent of the host processors.
2.5. Problem description and solution overview
For a given task graph design of a system
(Fig. 3), the end-to-end timing requirements
(Table 1), and the task allocation (Fig. 3), our
problem is to derive task speci®c attributes (i.e., the
period, deadline, and phase) for each task and
message stream. We model this problem as a constraint solving problem in which the end-to-end
requirements are ®rst expressed as a set of intermediate constraints on the task attributes. The
intermediate constraints are then solved such that
the results preserve the timing correctness, i.e., if
the ®nal task set (which is a solution of the constraints) is schedulable, then the original end-toend requirements will be satis®ed. Though we do
not address arbitrarily complex schedulability analyses of the ®nal task set, we do incorporate a
utilization-based schedulability analysis into our
constraint solving process, so that the solution
derived is not trivially unschedulable. On the other
hand, we treat network tasks dierently from previous works [2,3] where message communication
delays are considered to be constant and network
utilization is not taken into account. Our approach
is to represent network trac in terms of network
utilization, and decrease message transfer delays
during the network schedulability analysis; hence
we name the approach ``network conscience''.
Generally, however, solving such constraints is
not an easy problem due to several factors. First,
in a distributed system there may be many tasks,
and that may induce many variables. Second, the
intermediate constraints are not always linear, as
Table 1
End-to-end timing constraints of the example system
C S1 ; S2 kA1
C S2 kA2
Input Data Synchronization
Maximum Allowable Validity Time
Maximum Transaction Period
Sync S1 ; S2 kA1 1 ms
M S1 ; S2 kA1 60 ms
MaxP S1 ; S2 kA1 20 ms
M S2 kA2 80 ms
MaxP S2 kA2 50 ms
Maximum Task
Execution Delay
e1 0 ms, e2 0 ms,
e5 9 ms, e6 15 ms,
e3 7 ms, e4 8 ms,
e7 0 ms, e8 0 ms
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
will become clear in Section 3. Third, incorporating schedulability into the constraint solving process signi®cantly complicates the problem.
One way to tackle all this complexity is to use
optimization techniques such as genetic algorithms
or simulated annealing [16]. These approaches,
however, have a major common drawback in that
they do not give any feedback when a solution
cannot be found. Therefore, we take a dierent
approach that is based on decomposing the constraint solving problem into a sequence of subproblems. The motivation behind this approach is
that for each subproblem, we can use specialized
heuristics and performance metrics. This will allow
us to analyze the system more easily, thereby
providing useful feedback upon failure. However,
the success of the overall approach depends critically on whether the constraint solving problem
can be decomposed into well-de®ned subproblems.
For our case, we decompose this problem into the
Period Assignment and the Phase and Deadline
Assignment subproblems which are outlined
1. Period Assignment: The ®rst subproblem is to
assign periods to tasks with an objective of
minimizing the utilization of processors. Since
the utilization depends only on periods and execution times of tasks, it can be computed
without having knowledge of any other task attribute.
2. Phase and Deadline Assignment: Once the periods are determined, we proceed to determine
the phase and deadline of each task. The main
problem here is to determine a set of individual message deadlines such that we can ®nd
some way to schedule each message within
its deadlines. The deadline of a message is
chosen from an interval between its worst-case
transmission delay and its period. The phases
are determined last and any solution consistent with the constraints is acceptable. As
phases are used to maintain precedence among
tasks and input data synchronization, we do
not associate any schedulability measure with
It is essential that the two subproblems are solved
in the given order as it is very dicult to obtain
useful schedulability criteria the other way round.
We defer more precise speci®cations of the subproblems until later after we have shown how the
entire constraint problem is set up.
3. Deriving the intermediate constraints
The ®rst step in our methodology is to transform the end-to-end constraints and synchronization requirements into a set of intermediate
constraints on task attributes. This is a three-step
process which is represented by the following three
3.1. Intermediate
consumer model
The producer/consumer model forms the basic
communication semantics in our transaction
model. In fact, a transaction can be rede®ned as a
series of producer/consumer pairs. A producer/
consumer pair inherently incurs blocking synchronization in that a consumer task must wait for
a producer task to generate the needed data. In the
periodic task model, this also induces dependencies between task periods which may result in unnecessarily high rates of execution for some tasks.
Consider, for example a producer task sp writing
to a port p which is read synchronously by two
consumer tasks sc1 and sc2 . To meet the synchronization requirement of the producer/consumer,
each execution of the consumer must wait for fresh
data to be written. This normally requires that the
activation rate of the consumer be the same as that
of the producer, i.e., Tc1 Tc2 Tp .
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
Consider a situation where sc1 and sc2 have
maximum periods of 100 ms and 350 ms, respectively. Due to the synchronization requirement sc1 ,
sc2 , and sp all would need to execute at a period of
100 ms. However, this high rate is unnecessary for
sc2 which would result in wasted processor capacity. Furthermore, this may result in the system
being unschedulable. A better solution might be to
set Tp Tc1 100 and Tc2 300. With this solution, we have less waste of processor capacity
while still providing the following clean semantics
for synchronization.
Task sc2 synchronizes with every third execution
of sp .
Such synchronization is satis®ed only when the
consumer's period is an integral multiple of the
producer's period, and we refer this relation to be
harmonic. Therefore, to enforce this synchronization, we impose a harmonicity constraint between
any producer/consumer pair. This is represented as
Tp jTc , where the operator j is interpreted as ``exactly divides''. Given a task graph for a system, the
harmonicity constraints can be represented in a
harmonicity graph in which the task periods form
the nodes and the edges represent the harmonicity
constraints. That is, an edge Ti ! Tj represents the
constraint Ti jTj . Fig. 5 shows the harmonic graph
of our walk-through example.
3.2. Intermediate constraints from precedence and
end-to-end delay
One of the end-to-end properties of interest to
us is the end-to-end delay from a sensor reading to
an actuator output. Since data ¯ow through the
tasks on the path from the sensor to the actuator
and delay is incurred at each step computation of
the intermediate delays is required. This ¯ow of
data is a producer/consumer model, and recall that
under producer/consumer synchronization, a precedence relation between the producer and consumer is required. Otherwise, the consumer task
might be blocked until the producer generates the
needed data. This complicates the scheduling of
the consumer task since its execution is controlled
by another task running on a dierent host.
A simple way to enforce this precedence is
through the use of task phase variables. For a
given producer/consumer pair sp ; sc and message
task smp , we have the following constraints:
/mp P /p dp and /c P /mp dpm :
Fig. 5. The harmonicity graph.
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
Fig. 6. Delay and precedence in communication.
Note that such constraints must be added for each
producer/consumer pair.
When Tc kTp , we require the following
precedence relation: the ith iteration of task sc
reads data produced by the kith iteration of task sp
(assuming the iteration numbers start from 0). The
phase dierence between the corresponding iterations is then /c ÿ /p the initial phase dierence.
Fig. 6 illustrates such synchronous data communication when Tc 2Tp , Tp dp and Tc dc . A
data transfer from the producer sp to the consumer
sc using port p is shown on the time lines. The
message task smp is shown on the second time line.
We are interested in ®nding the maximum delay
from the time sp reads data from its input ports to
the time sc writes data to its output ports. The
worst case is when sp reads its input data just as it
is invoked and sc writes to the output ports at the
end of its period. Therefore, the worst-case delay
becomes /c ÿ /p Tc . By extending the same logic
to a chain of producer/consumer tasks, we can
derive the end-to-end delay from a sensor task ss
to an actuator task sa as /a ÿ /s da . Thus, for
each validity time requirement M SkA, we have
the following intermediate constraint:
/a ÿ /s da 6 M SkA:
In summary, for each end-to-end delay constraint between a sensor and an actuator, we have
one constraint to satisfy the delay bound, and a
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
Fig. 7. A synchronized sensor model.
number of precedence constraints for each producer/consumer task pair along the path from the
sensor to the actuator. Fortunately, many of these
constraints may be replaced by equalities, thereby
reducing the number of free variables and constraints to be solved. A notable simpli®cation occurs when a task has a single input port and,
therefore, must wait for only one producer. In this
case, we can set the phase of the consumer to
coincide with the deadline of the message task, i.e.,
/c /mp dpm , thereby eliminating the variable /c
from the constraint set.
3.3. Intermediate constraints from input data
A variety of sensing devices such as switches,
counters, and analog to digital (A/D) converters
are used at the ®eld layer. Each of these devices
usually consists of two functional modules: a
hardware module executing the virtual sensor task
and a network adaptor module executing the virtual message task. Fig. 7 pictorially depicts such a
sensor model using an A/D converter which converts analog signals to digitized values. The sensor
task (producer) produces the sensor readings
which are delivered to the control tasks (consumers) by the message task. Since a sensor always
works as a producer for consumer sc and is attached directly on a network, we have Ts jTsm and
Tsm jTc . As we assume that the execution time of the
sensor task to be es 0, the deadline of the sensor
task can be set ds 0 which means that a sensor
reading is available at the beginning of every period of the sensor task. From the sensor task's
point of view, the only reader of the sensor readings is the message task. Thus, the period of the
sensor task can be set equal to that of the message
task, that is Ts Tsm :
Now, consider an input data synchronization
requirement Sync(S1 ; S2 kC1 ) where the sensor inputs S1 and S2 must be synchronized. Let ss1 and
ss2 be the sensor task reading from S1 and S2 , respectively. Then, the corresponding message tasks
are sm
s1 and ss2 . Fig. 8 depicts an example of the
sensor data synchronization and the communication required between the sensors and the consumers.
Since the activation of the sensor tasks should
be made at the beginning of any transaction, the
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
Fig. 8. Input data synchronization between two sensors.
initial phases of all the sensors should be equally
set to zero. The message tasks of the sensors can
also start at the activation time of the sensors as
shown in Fig. 7. That is,
/s1 /ms1 /s2 /ms2 0:
Refer to the two sensor example in Fig. 8.
Harmonicity constraints are imposed between the
producer and the consumer: Tsm1 jTc1 ; Tsm2 jTc1 ; and
Tsm2 jTc2 : From the harmonicity constraints, Tc1 is the
least common multiple (LCM) of Tsm1 and Tsm2 , and
thus consumer task sc1 uses the sensor readings
which are sampled at every LCM times of Tsm1 and
Tsm2 . This shows that the input data synchronization requirement is satis®ed if the harmonicity
constraints imposed between the producers (sensors) and consumers are satis®ed.
3.4. Deriving the intermediate constraints for the
walk-through example
Let us now return to the walk-through example
and derive the intermediate constraints for the
tasks. We divide the constraints into two sets: one
for periods and one for phases and deadlines.
Constraints on periods: The harmonicity constraints can easily be derived from the harmonicity
graph as shown in Fig. 5. We can replace the
harmonicity constraints of certain producer/consumer pairs with equalities if the consumer reads
input from only one producer and the producer
has only one consumer. We have the following
T1 T1m T3 T3m ;
T5 T5m T7 ;
T2 T2m T4 T4m ;
T6 T6m T8 :
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
The ®nal set of harmonicity constraints are
T3 jT5 ; T4 jT5 and T4 jT6 . We derive the lower and
upper bounds of the task periods from the maximum execution delays of the tasks and the period
requirements MaxP S1 ; S2 kA1 20 and MaxP
S2 kA2 50, respectively. Thus, we have
7 6 T3 6 20;
8 6 T4 6 20;
9 6 T5 6 20;
15 6 T6 6 50:
Constraints on phases and deadlines: From the
phasing and input data synchronization, the initial
phases of the sensor tasks and the message tasks of
sensors are
/1 /m1 /2 /m2 0:
The maximum allowable validity time requirements M S1 ; S2 kA1 60 and M S2 kA2 80 impose the following constraints:
/7 ÿ /1 d7 /7 d7 6 60;
/7 ÿ /2 d7 /7 d7 6 60;
/8 ÿ /2 d8 /8 d8 6 80:
As pointed out earlier many of the phase and
deadline variables can be removed through
equalities. The following steps show the eect of
such simpli®cations on the constraints.
1. Since the actuators as well as the sensors are autonomous devices and the execution times of
the sensor and actuator tasks are negligible,
we can set d1 d2 d7 d8 0:
2. For each task which has a single input port, we
set its phase to match the deadline of its producer task. Thus, we get
/m1 d1m
/m2 d2m
/4 d4 d4m
/5 d5 d5m ;
/6 d6 d6m
d1m ;
d2m ;
d4 d2m d4m ;
d4 d6 d2m d4m d6m :
3. Since task s5 requires data from both s3 and s4 ,
the phase constraints of s5 are
/5 P d3 d1m d3m and /5 P d4 d2m d4m :
4. By substituting the values in the maximum allowable validity time constraints, the following
constraints are obtained:
/5 d5 d5m 6 60 and d4 d6 d2m d4m d6m 6 80:
5. For simplicity, we let di Ti for all control
tasks. This does not seriously restrict our approach since such an assumption is frequently
made in many practical real-time systems for
the purpose of ecient schedulability analysis.
If we were to allow control tasks to have dierent values for the deadlines and periods, we
would ®rst have to determine the task priorities which is another complex problem. On
the other hand, we still allow dierent deadlines and periods for the network tasks (messages) whose priorities can be determined
according to a well-de®ned rule of message importance [13].
In summary, the ®nal set of constraints on
phases and deadlines are
/3 d1m ;
/6 d4 d2m d4m
/8 d4 d6 d2m d4m d6m ;
60 P /5 d5 d5m ;
80 P d4 d6 d2m d4m d6m :
/4 d2m
/7 /5 d5 d5m ;
/5 P d3 d1m d3m ;
/5 P d4 d2m d4m ;
The entire set of the derived intermediate constraints are given in Table 2.
4. Solving the intermediate constraints
Once the intermediate constraints have been
derived, we are left with a set of tasks with constraints on their periods, phases, and deadlines.
These, for the walk-through example, were shown
in Table 2. Using these constraints, we are now in
a position to assign the periods, phases, and
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
Table 2
The whole set of derived intermediate constraints
Harmonicity requirement
T3 jT5 , T4 jT5 , T4 jT6
Equal periods
Period ranges
7 6 T3 6 20, 8 6 T4 6 20, 9 6 T5 6 20, 15 6 T6 6 50
Precedence and delay
/3 d1m
/4 d2m
/6 d4 d2m d4m
/7 /5 d5 d5m
/8 d4 d6 d2m d4m d6m
/5 P d3 d1m d3m
/5 P d4 d2m d4m
60 P /5 d5 d5m
80 P d4 d6 d2m d4m d6m
Partial deadline assignment
d1 d2 d7 d8 0 8i 3 6 i 6 6; di Ti
T3 T3m
T4 T4m
Fig. 9. The intermediate constraint solving procedure.
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
deadlines to the tasks. Fig. 9 depicts the procedure
for assigning these values. As shown in the ®gure,
the whole process is an iterative one, and can be
divided into two components, that is, the period
assignment component and the deadline and phase
assignment component.
The period assignment component accepts the
harmonicity and the range constraints as input and
generates task periods with the objective of minimizing processor utilization. This is not an easy
problem as it involves nonlinear integer programming due to the harmonicity requirements. To
attack this problem, we convert the original optimization problem into a decision problem through
the use of cut-o utilizations which are provided by
the user. Our approach to the period assignment
problem, then, is to perform a branch-and-bound
search after we reduce the search space of the
problem as much as possible. To reduce the search
space, we use three pruning algorithms, namely,
Time Granularity Pruning, Utilization Pruning, and
Harmonicity Pruning which are explained in the
following subsection.
Once the periods have been assigned, the
deadline and phase assignment component takes
these results and the precedence and delay constraints as input to obtain the deadline and phase
values. This component is subsequently composed
of the Phase Variable Elimination, Deadline Assignment for Message Tasks, and Phase Assignment steps. If any of these steps fails, we return to
the period assignment component to obtain a new
period assignment.
We elaborate on each of these two components
and their respective steps in the following two
4.1. Period assignment
As mentioned above, this component consists
of the pruning and search steps. These steps are
illustrated using the walk-through example. Again,
we ignore the sensor and actuator tasks since they
do not involve the host processors, and hence, we
are left with four tasks s3 , s4 , s5 , and s6 allocated
on two processors. From Table 2 the initial feasible range for each period is T3 2 7; 20,
T4 2 8; 20, T5 2 9; 20, and T6 2 15; 50. Starting
from these values the solution proceeds in the
following steps. Each step is depicted in Fig. 10.
1. Time Granularity Pruning: We require that
the period of each task be an integral multiple of a
given time granularity gr . gr has the characteristic
that the larger the value, the smaller the search
space becomes; however, this decreases the
chances of ®nding a feasible solution. In order to
minimize the search space initially, we start out
with a large gr . If this fails to yield a solution, we
restart the process with a smaller value. Selecting a
right initial value for gr is problem speci®c making
its choice dicult to generalize. However, as our
solution ®nding process eventually leads to a selection that yields a feasible solution, if one exists,
the initial choice is really insigni®cant in terms of
correctness. For our example, we choose a time
granularity of 5. This reduces the original period
ranges into the following sets of values:
T3 2 f10; 15; 20g;
T4 2 f10; 15; 20g;
T5 2 f10; 15; 20g;
T6 2 f15; 20; 25; 30; 35; 40; 45; 50g:
2. Utilization Pruning: In this step, we use the
cut-o utilization for each host to tighten the lower
bound of the periods. For a set Tk of tasks allocated on host Pk , the processor utilization U k is
de®ned as
X ei
k i
si 2T
where Tk fs1 ; s2 ; . . . ; sm g and Ti is the period
assigned si . In order for fT1 ; T2 ; . . . ; Tm g to be a
feasible assignment, U k must be no greater than
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
Fig. 10. Period assignment: feasible range reduction.
the cut-o utilization Uck of host Pk . Thus we have
the following relation.
X ei
6 Uck 6 1:
k i
si 2T
To obtain a lower bound for the period of si , we
solve Eq. (1) by plugging in the largest period
values for sj 2 Tk ÿ fsi g. In our example, we use
0.9 as the cut-o utilization for each host. This
implies that
9 15
6 0:9 and Uc2
T3 T4
T5 T6
6 0:9:
From this, to obtain the lower bound of T4 we
substitute T3 with 20, the largest value among the
periods. We get 7=20 8=T4 6 0:9, which gives
T4 P 15, after rounding to the nearest integer.
Similarly, we get T3 P 14, T5 P 15, and T6 P 34.
Then, the feasible sets of values become
T3 2 f15; 20g, T4 2 f15; 20g, T5 2 f15; 20g, and
T6 2 f35; 40; 45; 50g:
3. Harmonicity Pruning: Harmonicity pruning
is performed on the harmonicity graph based on
the harmonicity relationship between the tasks.
Recall that a node ni in a harmonicity graph
contains a set Ti;set of period values. For all nodes
nj which are the immediate predecessors of ni , the
set Tj;set is reduced as below.
Tj;set : Tj;set \ fa 2 Tj;set jb 2 Ti;set and ajbg:
Also, for all nodes nj which are the immediate
successors of ni , the set Tj;set is further reduced as
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
Fig. 11. Three heuristic pruning algorithms.
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
Tj;set : Tj;set \ fa 2 Tj;set jb 2 Ti;set and bjag:
This pruning is repeated until no further reduction
is possible. In our example, we have a harmonicity
constraint T4 jT6 . Thus, for T6 , the values 35 and 50
are eliminated since neither 15 nor 20 evenly divides them. Then, the feasible sets of values for the
periods are
T3 2 f15; 20g; T4 2 f15; 20g; T5 2 f15; 20g;
and T6 2 f40; 45g:
The detailed algorithms for each of the three
pruning steps are shown in Fig. 11
After the three pruning steps, we are left with a
reduced search space on which the search is performed to ®nd a feasible solution. A simple
branch-and-bound heuristic may be used to control the search. In this paper, we make use of the
harmonic period search algorithm which employs
harmonicity and utilization checks as bounding
functions [10]. As a result, we obtained the following period assignment.
T3 T4 T5 T6 U 1
20 20 20 40 0.75
In the case that the search algorithm fails to
®nd a solution, we return to the time granularity
pruning step, this time choosing a smaller time
granularity to enlarge the search space.
(1) Phase Variable Elimination: We begin by
eliminating the phase variables from the precedence and delay constraint set using Fourier
Variable Elimination [17]. Basically, this involves
rewriting the constraints as lower and upper
bound constraints on the variable to be eliminated,
and then combining each lower bound with each
upper bound. For our walk-through example, we
have only one free phase variable, which is eliminated as shown below.
/5 P d3 d1m d3m
/5 P d4 d2m d4m
/5 6 60 ÿ d5 d5m
d4 d6 6 80 ÿ d2m ÿ d4m ÿ d6m
Eliminate /5
d3 d5 d1m d3m d5m 6 60
d4 d5 d2m d4m d5m 6 60
d4 d6 d2m d4m d6m 6 80:
(2) Deadline Assignment: At this stage, we have
a system of linear constraints on the deadlines
obtained from the previous step. We solve these
constraints for the deadlines variables. As mentioned previously, while control tasks have deadlines equal to their periods, message tasks may
have deadlines shorter than their periods. In order
to eectively assign deadlines to message tasks, we
take a network conscious approach and utilize a
real-time communication network. The real-time
communication network that we consider is the
CAN [13]. Detailed descriptions of how deadlines
are assigned to message tasks is deferred to Section 4.3, and for now, we simply state the solution
4.2. Phase and deadline assignment
d1m 3;
d5m 7;
Once the periods have been determined, we
proceed to solve the precedence and delay constraints in Table 2 for the phase and deadline
variables. This process is done in three steps as
outlined below.
(3) Phase Assignment: Finally, once the deadlines have been assigned, we proceed to determine
values for the task phases. This is done by plugging back the computed deadlines into the original
precedence and delay constraints in Table 2. For
d2m 3;
d3m 5;
d4m 6;
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
each phase variable, we assign the smallest value
which satis®es the constraints. In our walkthrough example, we have only one unsolved
phase variable /5 which is assigned the value 29.
The values for the remaining phase and deadline variables are automatically assigned through
the equalities derived in Section 3. The ®nal task
set parameters for the example system are shown
4.3. Deadline assignment for message tasks
In this section, we show how message delivery
deadlines are assigned to message tasks using the
CAN. The reason for choosing this network is that
it provides two bene®ts. First, it provides for a
broadcast bus which is desirable for implementing
multiple readers in a distributed real-time system.
Second, it allows for simple mechanical arbitration
solely relying on a static priority scheme. This, in
turn, enables us to use a relatively simple
schedulability test which allows us to predict the
worst-case message transmission delays for a given
set of priority-ordered, periodic messages. Our
distributed system model is amenable for such
analysis since all real-time messages in the system
are periodic.
Our approach accepts a set of periodic real-time
messages fm1 ; m2 ; . . . ; mk g which are ordered by
the user assigned priorities. (The smaller index
implies higher priority.) We then determine the
lower bounds of message task deadlines using the
fact that a message deadline must be no smaller
than its worst-case message transmission delay.
The mapping of messages onto priorities is essentially a function of the contents and importance of
each message which is problem speci®c. Thus, we
do not address this issue in this paper.
Instead of giving technical details of the CAN,
we illustrate its communication protocol with an
example. Fig. 12 shows the priority-based message
transmission on the CAN. Initially, message m100 is
ready and the CAN bus is idle. Thus, it is immediately transmitted. Before the completion of m100 ,
new messages m70 and m50 arrive. Though m70 arrived earlier than m50 , m50 begins transmitting next
since it has higher priority than m70 . We see that
message m70 is pushed back further since other
higher priority messages m60 and m50 have arrived.
Fig. 12. Message priority and transmission oder.
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
Since message transmission on the CAN is
nonpreemptible and totally priority-driven, it is
easy to determine the worst-case transmission time
of the highest-priority message, which is the sum of
the transmission time of the largest CAN message
and that of the highest-priority message itself. On
the other hand, it is not trivial to generalize the
computation of the worst-case transmission time of
a message with an arbitrary priority. In [13], Burns
et al. present an analytic technique which allows us
to determine the worst-case transmission time of a
message when the system possesses only periodic
messages whose priorities are given. Using their
results, the worst-case transmission time Rmi of
message mi with priority i is written as follows:
Rmi Bm Wi m Cim :
The term Bm represents the time taken to transmit
the largest possible message which is already in
transmission when mi becomes ready. This value is
reported to be 1.3 ms at 100 Kbits/s transmission
speed for a maximum message size of eight bytes
[13]. The term Wi m is the queuing delay due to
higher priority messages delaying the message mi
while it is in the queue. The last term Cim is the time
taken to send the message mi .
Let Rmi be the worst-case transmission time of
mi . Taking into account multiple activations of
higher priority messages during the time Rmi , we
rewrite the worst-case queuing delay as below.
cmj ;
8j2hp m
where hp mi denotes the set of messages which
have higher priority than mi . Then the worst-case
transmission time of mi is given as below.
Rmi Bm
cmj cmi :
8j2hp m
signing it Cim Bmi , and then generating new values
until it converges on a ®xpoint (or fails).
The deadline of message task mi must be no
smaller than the worst-case transmission delay,
and we have the following constraint:
Rmi 6 dim :
Given only the period of each message task, a
reasonable assignment of priority would be to give
those with shorter periods higher priority. We use
this policy for our walk-through example. Returning to our example, the deadlines of the message tasks are determined as follow:
1. We consider a CAN with a bit rate of 100
Kbits/s. The message lengths are assumed to
be four bytes for sensor readings and actuator
commands and eight bytes for interprocessor
communication. From [13], the C m values are
derived as follows: 2
Message task
C m (ms)
2. We have ®ve message tasks which have identical transmission periods. Since a CAN requires
priorities to be unique, ®ve consecutive priorities are assigned to the message tasks. Message
task sm
6 has a longer execution period than the
other ®ve tasks, hence sm
6 has the lowest priority. Then, the worst-case transmission times are
as shown in the table below.
As Eq. (2) is a recurrence equation on Rmi , an iterative algorithm can compute Rmi by initially as-
The frame overhead is included in these values.
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
Task period
We select the deadlines of message tasks to be the
minimum values that satisfy the above constraints
and are no less than the corresponding worst-case
transmission times. This allows us to reduce the
end-to-end latency. This leads to the following:
d1m 3;
d2m 3;
d5m 7;
d6m 7:
d3m 5;
d4m 6;
4.4. A heuristic solution review
3. Recall the set of intermediate constraints derived from the phase variable elimination step
of Section 4.2.
d3 d5 d1m d3m d5m 6 60;
d4 d5 d1m d4m d5m 6 60;
d4 d6 d1m d4m d6m 6 80:
Fig. 13 pictorially shows the tasks and messages scheduled as a result of our methodology for
our walk-through example. The ®rst two time lines
denote the periodic sensor readings, while the next
two time lines show the periodic control task
executions on each host. The periodic updates of
Fig. 13. An example time line: from sensors to actuators.
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
the two actuators are shown on the next two time
lines. Finally, the periodic message trac on the
network is given on the last time line. The scheduling results show that the propagation delay from
the sensors to the actuators satisfy the maximum
allowable validity time constraints. Furthermore,
the other two end-to-end constraints, namely, the
input data synchronization constraint and the
maximum transaction period constraint, are also
shown to be satis®ed.
5. Conclusions
We have presented a network conscious approach to designing a distributed real-time system.
Given a task graph design of the system, the endto-end constraints on the inputs and outputs, and
the task allocation on a given distributed platform,
we proposed a systematic methodology that
transforms a high-level design into a system that is
schedulable. This was achieved by deriving task
speci®c attributes that eventually meet the end-toend constraints. This methodology enables developers to streamline the end-to-end design of a
distributed real-time system by way of an automatic tool-based approach. We believe that a tool
based on our methodology will be helpful for rapid
prototyping of designs and identifying design
There are two directions along which our approach can be extended. First, as a proof-of-concept we would like to implement this methodology
as a full-¯edged software package. We have already implemented a single processor version and
are in the process of extending it into a distributed
version. We are looking to apply the methodology
in a real-life industrial system. This also has been
partially achieved on a single processor system
The other direction we foresee is in extending
our design model to incorporate more elaborate
task structures, communication mechanisms, and
timing constraints. Also, we believe sensitivity
analysis is essential. This is because our method
works at design time making it dicult to estimate
the precise execution times. It is desirable that
small changes in execution times do not interfere
with constraint solving process.
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Jung Woo Park received the B.S. and
M.S. degrees in Control and Instrumentation Engineering from Seoul
National University, Seoul, Korea, in
1989 and 1991, respectively. He is
currently a candidate for Ph.D. degree
in the School of Electrical Engineering
at Seoul National University, Seoul,
Korea. His current research interests
are real-time systems, industrial networks and performance evaluation of
®eld-bus networks.
Young Shin Kim was born in Korea on
January 15, 1971. He received the B.S.
and M.S. degrees in control and instrumentation engineering from Seoul
National University, Seoul, Korea, in
1993 and 1995, respectively. He is
currently a candidate for Ph.D. degree
in the School of Electrical Engineering
at Seoul National University, Seoul,
Korea. His current research interests
are network analysis and application,
discrete event system, hybrid system
and computer application for factory
Seongsoo Hong is currently a faculty
member of School of Electrical Engineering and Automation and Systems
Research Institue of Seoul National
University in Korea. He received the
B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer
engineering from Seoul National University, Korea in 1986 and 1988, respectively. Dr. Hong received the
Ph.D. in computer science from the
University of Maryland, College Park.
From April to August of 1995 he
worked at Silicon Graphics Inc. as a
Member of Technical Sta. From December 1994 to April 1995, he was with the University of
Maryland as a Faculty Research Associate. Prior to his work in
the USA, he was a Technical Sta Member at Electronics and
Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI), Korea (1988±
1989). His current research interests include real-time systems,
operating systems, multimedia systems, distributed computer
control systems and software engineering. He is now undertaking research projects to develop a systematic methodology
for distributed control systems and real-time operating systems.
Manas Saksena is an assistant professor of computer science at Concordia
University, Montreal, Canada. He received his Ph.D. from the University of
Maryland, College Park. Dr. Saksena
has worked in the areas of real-time
scheduling, distributed real-time operating systems, and network bandwidth
allocation. His current research interests include ene-to-end design and
scheduling of real-time systems and
system support for media applications.
J.W. Park et al. / Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 131±156
Sam H. (Hyuk) Noh received the B.S.
degree in computer engineering from
the Seoul National University, Korea
in 1986, and the Ph.D. degree from the
University of Maryland at College
Park in 1993. He held a visiting faculty
position at the George Washington
University from 1993 to 1994 before
joining Hong-Ik University in Seoul,
Korea, where he has been an assistant
professor at the Department of Computer Engineering since 1994. His
current research interests include parallel and distributed systems, I/O issues
in operating systems, and real-time systems. Dr. Noh is a
member of the ACM and IEEE Computer Society.
Wook Hyun Kwon (M'76 - SM'88) was
born in Korea on January 19, 1943. He
received the B.S. and M.S. degrees all
in electrical engineering from Seoul
National University, Seoul, Korea, in
1966 and 1972, respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in control
from Brown University in 1975. From
1975 to 1976 he was a research associate at Brown University, and from
1976 to 1977 he was an adjunct assistant professor at University of Iowa.
Since 1977, he has been with Seoul
National University, now as a professor. From Jan. 1981 to Jan. 1982 he was a visiting assistant
professor at Stanford University. His research interests are
currently multivariable robust and predictive controls, discrete
event systems, network analysis, and computer application for
factory automation. Dr. Kwon is the director of the Engineering Research Center for Advanced Control and Instrumentation established by the Korean Science and Engineering