Papers by Shirish Sathaye
The following statement of assurance is more than a statement required to comply with the federal... more The following statement of assurance is more than a statement required to comply with the federal law This is a sincere Statcrneril , i o;-,;i' I~ yi-iir that all people are included in the diversity which makes Carnegie Mellon an exciting place Carnegie Mellon wi~hos to include people d, '-,J toi S national origin, sex, handicap, religion, creed, ancestry. belief, age. veteran status or sexual orientation Carnegie Mellon University does not discriminate and Carnege Mellon University is required not to discriminate in admissiont_3o-iril.'c11-of race color, national origin, sex or handicap in violation of itle Vi of the Civil Rights tW of t1964, Ttle IX of the Educational Amenitmi'rI :,d r,04 of lre Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or other federal, state, or local laws or executive order.. In addition. Carnegie Mellon does, rnot dscrim rlji and '~~iv employment on the bats of religion, creed, ancestry, belief, age, veteran Statuis or sexual orientationt in violation of any federal. elate, or locai l1rA-c',i' ininutrics concerning appication of this policy should be directed to the Provost.
... BibTeX. @MISC{Sathaye92conventionalearly, author = {Shirish S. Sathaye and Jay K. Strosnider}... more ... BibTeX. @MISC{Sathaye92conventionalearly, author = {Shirish S. Sathaye and Jay K. Strosnider}, title = {Conventional Early Token Release ... 1984. 28, A local area network architecture for communication in distributed real-time systems - ARVIND, AMAMRITHAM, et al. - 1991. ...
Advances in Real Time Systems, Mar 21, 1995
eal-time computing systems are critical to the technological infrastructure of an industrialized ... more eal-time computing systems are critical to the technological infrastructure of an industrialized nation. Modern telecommunication systems, factories, defense systems, aircraft and airports, spacecraft, and highenergy physics experiments cannot operate without them. Indeed, real-time computing systems control the very systems that keep us productive, safeguard our liberty. and enable us to explore new frontiers of science and engineering. In real-time applications, a computation's correctness depends not only on its results but also on when its outputs are generated. The measures of merit in arealtime system include Prediciahly fast response to ur,rent event$. A high degree of cchedulahiliry, that is, the degree of resource utilization at or below which the timing requirements of tasks can be ensured This can be considered a measure of the number of timely transactions per second Siahilii\ iindrr irnnrieni overload When events overload the system and all Distributed system design raises deadlines cannot be met. we must still guarantee the deadlines of selected critical tasks. new theoretical and practical issues, Real-time scheduling is a vibrant field. Stankovic' and van Tilborg and Koob2 summarize several important relevant research efforts. Among them is generalized rate monotonic scheduling (GRMS) theory, a useful tool that lets system developers meet the requirements outlined above by managing system concurrency and timing constraints at the level of tasking and message passing. (The GRMS beyond those in centralized systems* approach is-cited in the "Selected Accompl%hments" siciion of the National Research Council's 1992 report, A Broader Agenda for Computer Science and Engineering. Furthermore, the 1991 Software Technology Strategy Plan of the US Department of Defense (p. 8-15) calls the GRMS approach a "major payoff" and states that "system designers can use this theory to predict whether task deadlines rate monotonic scheduling can be used to address these challenging issues. will be met long before the costly implementation phase of a project begins. It also eases the process of making modifications to application software because changes are made in a well-understood conceptual framework.. .") 68 COMPUTER
Proceedings of 19th Conference on Local Computer Networks, 1994
Abstract We address issues in determining FIFO sizes necessary for high-performance, in an integr... more Abstract We address issues in determining FIFO sizes necessary for high-performance, in an integrated high-speed network interface, using a 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet controller as an example. A detailed analytical model is developed which accounts for system design ...
Proceedings of the IEEE, 1994
Real-time computing systems are used to control telecommunication systems, defense systems, avion... more Real-time computing systems are used to control telecommunication systems, defense systems, avionics, and modern factories. Generalized rate-monotonic scheduling theory is a recent development that has had large impact on the development of real-time systems and open standards. In this paper we provide an upto-date and selfcontained review of generalized rate-monotonic scheduling theory. We show how this theory can be applied in practical system development, where special attention must be given to facilitate concurrent development by geographically distributed programming teams and the reuse of existing hardware and software components. I. INTRODUCTION Real-time computing systems are critical to an industrialized nation's technological infrastructure. Modern telecommunication systems, factories, defense systems, aircraft and airports, space stations, and high-energy physics experiments cannot operate without them. Indeed, real-time computing systems control the very systems that keep us productive, and enable us to explore new frontiers of science and engineering. In real-time applications, the correctness of a computation depends upon not only its results but also the time at which outputs are generated. The measures of merit in a real-time system include: Predictably fast response to urgent events. High degree of schedulability. Schedulability is the degree of resource utilization at or below which the timing requirements of tasks can be ensured. It can be thought as a measure of the number of timely transactions per second.
14th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 1994
This paper develops a unified framework for reasoning about timing correctness of packet-switched... more This paper develops a unified framework for reasoning about timing correctness of packet-switched networks. The unification is in the form of a set of consistent scheduling models for a variety of network architectures and protocols. The unification is important as it allows heterogeneous network types to be analyzed using a consistent methodology and facilitates scheduling over multihop networks where each link is a different type of network. To demonstrate the framework, a scheduling model for a dual-link network, IEEE 802.5 token ring, and FDDI, is presented. The use of this framework to select paths in multi-hop networks is also demonstrated.
[1992] Proceedings Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1992
Ned-generation networks are ezpected to support a wide variety of services. Some services such as... more Ned-generation networks are ezpected to support a wide variety of services. Some services such as video, voice, and plant control trafic have ezplicit timing re-quirements on a per-message basis rather than on the average. In this paper we develop a general model of reservation-...
[1993] Proceedings. The 13th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 1993
Page 1. Responsive Aperiodic Services in High-speed Networks Shirish S. Sathaye' Wil... more Page 1. Responsive Aperiodic Services in High-speed Networks Shirish S. Sathaye' William S. Kish Jay K. Strosnider Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Abstract ...
IEEE Computer - COMPUTER, 1993
Papers by Shirish Sathaye