Radiography (2008) 14, 343 - 348
Evidence-based radiography
Bjorg Hafslund a,*, Judith Clare b, Birgitte Graverholt b,
Monica Wammen Nortvedt b
a Institute of Radiography, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Bergen University College,
P.O. Box 7030, N-5020 Bergen, Norway
b Centre for Evidence Based Practice, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences,
Bergen University College, Bergen, Norway
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +47 55585506; fax: +47 55585580.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (B. Hafslund).
Evidence-based practice (EBP) offers the integration of the best research evidence with
clinical knowledge and expertise and patient values. EBP is a well known term in health care.
This paper discusses the implementation of EBP into radiography and introduces the term
evidence-based radiography. Evidence-based radiography is radiography informed and based
on the combination of clinical expertise and the best available research-based evidence,
patient preferences and resources available.
In Norway, EBP in radiography is being debated and radiographers are discussing the
challenges of implementing EBP in both academic and clinical practice. This discussion paper
explains why EBP needs to be a basis for a radiography curriculum and a part of
radiographers‟ practice. We argue that Norwegian radiographers must increase participation
in research and developing practice within their specific radiographic domain.
Evidence-based practice; Radiography; Systematic; Method; Implementing; Research
Radiographers are taking on greater responsibilities and today perform work that only a few
years ago was exclusively the radiologist‟s. Radiographers need to be able to deal with
advanced technical equipment and be responsive to the continuous technological development
within their field.1 In daily work radiographers in Norway have to care for patients during
more and more time consuming and advanced diagnostic examinations, therapeutic
interventions or in radiation treatment. Radiography requires practitioners who possess both
specialist and generalist knowledge and skills.1-3 Furthermore, Norwegian society expects
health care personnel to meet the challenges they may face at any time in the various aspects
of providing health services.2 To fulfil these demands, in an effective and safe delivery of
practice, there is a need for a debate on the implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP)
in radiography.
The aim of this paper is to discuss the use of EBP in professional radiography focussing on
students‟ learning and on clinical practice. The paper explores evidence-based radiography in
practice, in curriculum framework, and several aspects and challenges linked to its
implementation. The paper will also challenge radiographers to become an active researchbased profession, to develop the practice of radiography, and discuss how evidence-based
radiography can encourage them to engage in research, and support the research of others, to
develop “best” practice.
Evidence-based radiography should become a term familiar to the profession and the health
care system. In this discussion paper, the argument for evidence-based radiography is based
on articles, books and web pages by authors within evidence-based medicine, evidence-based
practice, evidence-based nursing, evidence-based physiotherapy, evidence-based radiology,
and radiography.
Evidence-based radiography
In health care, decisions rely on the clinical problem at hand, research-based and experiencebased knowledge, the clinical context and available resources. The definition of evidence-
based medicine grasps this situation and was first introduced in 1992 by Sackett: “Evidencebased medicine is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in
making decisions about the care of individual patients. The practice of evidence-based
medicine means integrating individual expertise with the best available external evidence
from systematic research”.4 This definition is becoming established and is quoted by others.5-6
Sackett‟s definition has also been amended for the health sciences and allied professions.
Evidence-based practice is used to describe all aspects of the discipline. The“Sicily statement
on evidence-based practice”,7 includes all health care professionals. Allied professions such
as nursing and physiotherapy have developed evidence-based nursing and evidence-based
physiotherapy and databases exists within their professional fields.8,9. A web address for
evidence-based radiology is also available.10
EBP is used in clinical practice in relation to, and together with, the fields of the various
professions. A model of EBP described by the Norwegian Knowledge Centre,11 by Ciliska,12
and by Melnyk13 is shown in Fig.1. The figure illustrates clinical practice based on evidence
from research, but also the knowledge from professional and client sources as described in
Reseach -based
Experience -based
knowledge and
User experience ,
expertice , and
Fig. 1 Sources of knowledge in EBP 11-13
When this knowledge of EBP is translated for radiography, a definition of evidence-based
radiography should be: Evidence-based radiography is radiography informed and based on
the combination of clinical expertise and the best available research-based evidence, patient
preferences and available resources. This statement links EBP into the professional domain
of radiography.
However, searches in our first-choice databases such as Cinahl and Medline illustrated that
evidence-based radiography is not yet a universally established term used as key words and
headings in the literature. Searching in Cinahl for „radiography‟ (profession) and „evidencebased practice‟ gave few hits14-20, but there were no hits in Medline.
Evidence-based radiography in practice
Radiographers most certainly generate and subsequently use evidence in day to day service
delivery, but most radiographers are not routinely using EBP. Traditionally, as a discipline,
radiography has not been perceived by its practitioners to require investigation. A reliance on
tradition and subjective experience has often been the norm for the profession.21-25 This is also
a finding among other health professions.26,27 Health service research findings document a gap
between best practice and actual clinical care.28-30 The use of research-based evidence and
knowledge based on critically assessed evidence is lacking.31-33
Today health care professionals, including radiographers in Norway must fulfil requirements
related to effectiveness, efficiency, cost-effectiveness and practical skills in assessment,
compassion and care. There are increasing demands to document the quality of treatment and
to continuously improve accessibility, organization, and the quality of health services as
experienced by users.2 In radiography this means actively seeking new evidence within the
fields to remain professionally up to date and to be able to provide high quality services for
health care users. On average it takes years to translate research findings into clinical
practice.34 A strategy to reach these requirements in care provision is to increase the use of
EBP,7,35 and this is one of the driving forces behind its development.7
Competency in the critical assessment of research articles or other literature such as
regulations, use of peer reviewed databases and sources available on the Internet, is required
to become a practitioner skilled in evidence-based radiography. It includes competency in
implementing research findings into practice and requires both commitment and a sense of the
value of evidence-based radiographic practice. This practice shows the way to becoming
better prepared for changing procedures and how to prioritise different tasks and choose the
best available evidence in decision making.28,13,36
A systematic method of evidence-based radiography
Evidence-based radiography requires a systematic method for practice. For example, Fig. 2
outlines a six-step procedure for EBP:
Recognize and identify a need for
information or improvement (1)
Implement and
evaluate (6)
Formulate a question (2)
Assess the evidence based on
judgement, values, resources,
organizational culture and
preferences (5)
Carry out literature search for
research -based evidence and
search for other evidence (3)
Critically assess research -based evidence
and critically assess the overall evidence
Fig.2 A structured method to evidence -based practice 11-13
Each of the steps requires a balance of skills to take a student, or a practitioner, from
accepting a lack of information through to application.7 The first steps are recognizing a need
for information and making a researchable clinical question. To ask a clinical question in the
EBP process has been said to be the most important and the most challenging one4 and this
will be further outlined. It might be useful to consider the research questions as being related
to “background” or “foreground” knowledge.4 As Straus4 explains, background questions ask
for general knowledge about a condition or thing and foreground questions ask for specific
knowledge to inform clinical decisions or actions. This is well illustrated through the normal
development of students. Initially their primary interest is to understand normal human
physiology and pathophysiology or the technical factors within imaging techniques and
treatment. As they progress in their education, a shift in their focus will occur involving the
individual problems of a patient or group of patients, or the examination needed to produce
optimum images given the patient‟s condition.
A commonly used framework for asking well constructed and clinically relevant questions is
“PICO”. PICO is a mnemonic for covering the relevant aspects of such questions, namely
Population of interest (P), the Intervention of interest (I), sometimes a Comparison of the
intervention (C), and the Outcome relevant to you (O). An example of a PICO question is: “In
women with BRAC1 gene (P) how can we, by mammography (I) or magnetic resonance (C),
best determine breast cancer (O)”? The PICO-question indicates which study design would
be most appropriate and what kind of evidence to search for answering the question. Without
formulating a searchable and answerable question, the entire EBP process is off to a faulty
start.36 A PICO question that is searchable and answerable requires answers from completed
research, clinical judgment, and patient preferences and the focus is on generating knowledge
that will guide practice.
Further steps are searching for literature and critically assessing the literature that is essential
to maintaining high quality in EBP. The evidence-base should be assessed on scientific and
clinical judgement, values, resources, organizational culture and preferences. The last step is
implementing the end result in clinical practice. The implementation of new knowledge or
new procedures should always be followed by evaluation.37 When evaluating the outcomes of
an evidence implementation it is important to realize that EBP fosters common goals such as
improving patient care and best practice through interdisciplinary collaboration.36
Evidence-based radiography integrated in the curriculum
Students, as well as radiographers, have to take into consideration the duty of being lifelong
learners.38,39,3 It is well known that interactive and clinically integrated teaching activities in
health care education have produced documentary evidence of better learning outcomes than
standalone didactic teaching.40,41 Teaching methods such as Problem-Based Learning and
Evidence-Based Practice support lifelong learning.40-42 Specific learning outcomes within
knowledge, practical skills, attitudes, and behaviour will increase when using the EBP
methodology to classify and solve clinical questions.40,42,43
Implementing EBP has changed the way students use information compared to ordinary
teaching and learning strategies. The students use information in a more systematic manner.
EBP has also been shown to change the way students shift their role from passive acceptance
towards active searching and analysis of available information.7,43 In evidence-based
radiography we incorporate evidence with other knowledge into real-time clinical decisions,
whether for individual or groups of patients. Students learn specifically how to access
research in academic clinical practice and integrate evidence from clinical care research with
knowledge from other sources. They come to see the use of evidence as part of good clinical
learning.4 When implementing EBP in an academic environment the librarians, who are
expert at literature searches, should be actively involved. Electronic resources should be
readily accessible for students, academics and radiographers.44
EBP needs to be grounded in best evidence and this requires a synthesis of best evidence.
Haynes45 outlines the hierarchy of the “5S” model which explains five levels of organisation
of evidence in health care research; studies, synthesis, synopsis, summaries and systems. The
lowest level is studies as for example original journal articles. The next one is synthesis which
is a systematic review, and then the level of synopsis. This is a brief description of original
articles and then reviews such as those that appear in the evidence-based journals. Next to the
top level are summaries which integrate best available evidence from the lower levels. This
might be evidence-based textbooks. Finally at the top of this hierarchy are systems such as
decision-making support services that match information from individual patients with the
best evidence from research and clinical judgement. This hierarchy is for mainly quantitative
research from a medical environment, but qualitative evidence is equally useful particularly
when radiographers want evidence of how users are experiencing phenomena. The strongest
level of qualitative evidence is that which comes from systematic reviews of descriptive and
qualitative studies.36 When research has not been conducted, guidelines for practice may be
drafted from option leaders, authorities, or reports from expert committees. 36
Students familiar with EBP will have the knowledge to ask clinically relevant questions, to
know where to search for knowledge, to recognize where and how to search for evidence and
to assess critically what is found.4 They learn the purpose of critical appraisal and use
appraisal instruments to determine the value of the research to practice, and they view the
research for the contribution it can make to practice.36 These students will, more than ever
before, claim their rightful place in a multidisciplinary team where EBP is the norm.42,46 In
radiography, at least in Norway, these students will become a “new generation” of clinical
radiographic practitioners.
Barriers and strategies in implementing evidence-based
Accepting and implementing evidence-based practice in any organization will usually be a
challenge. All health care professionals within the organization need to understand the
principles of EBP, recognise EBP in action, implement current policies, and have a critical
attitude to their own practice and to evidence. Without these skills, professionals will find it
difficult to provide “best practice”7 and to implement evidence-based practice in radiography.
There are different strategies available to assist in accepting the implementation of evidencebased practice.
Some researchers have focused on barriers to accepting the implementation of EBP.37,47 The
lack of basic skills in critical appraisal and the time factor involved in such are two of the
hindrances identified in the literature. Being unskilled can be hidden behind an outspoken
scepticism towards EBP.37,7,48 Although these findings are from other disciplines, similar
barriers might be recognised among radiographers working in similar clinical settings.
Radiographers may more easily adopt evidence-based radiography when they are able to link
the new knowledge with their own previous knowledge. They then have the ability to identify,
capture, interpret, share, reframe and re-codify new knowledge with their existing knowledge
base for appropriate use.47
Other barriers for implementing EBP are unwritten rules, assumptions and expectations
within the organisation. Where and when decision making is expected to be based on the best
available evidence, key players within the organisation, particularly the leaders, must create
an evidence-based culture.47,13 An important strategy is to convince key players of the benefit
of skills in EBP.36
Radiographers in practice, who are not educated in using evidence-based radiography, need
an introduction to and basic knowledge of the systematic methodology and curriculum
framework of EBP. Academics should be persuaded and use EBP in their teaching and
research.36 It requires educated and skilled staff as well as continuing education to facilitate
the use of EBP when incorporating it into a curriculum.36,49 In clinical or academic practice
advanced EBP users are role models. They are knowledge oriented and use research both as a
product and a process for teaching and managing practice.36
Radiographers and research
An evidence-based clinical practice does not imply that radiographers need to be able to
conduct research, but their key activities will be appraisal of research and the translation of
research into practice.50 EBP focuses on outcomes evaluation either for an application of
research to practice or for an ongoing evaluation of practice parameters.36 EBP principles
should be handled as tools with which radiographers might improve practice and determine
best practice within a complex health care system. EBP should be most useful within
professional practice in the medical radiation sciences as listed in ISRRT.1
Advancing best practice in radiography requires accelerating clinical research to generate
evidence in practice.36 Radiographers are responsible for developing practice within their
profession and should have an obligation for doing research in their specific radiographic
domain. Today more and more radiographers in Norway are joining postgraduate and master
studies, with a Master of EBP starting in Norway in 2008. The radiographic domain is wide
open for radiography researchers to explore areas within the different fields and paradigms of
sciences. The areas for research are identified in Norway and elsewhere with priority given to
aspects of optimization of diagnostic imaging quality and the radiation dose. Other important
areas are related to the extended role of radiographer, human resource issues, introduction of
new imaging techniques, the aspects of technological innovation, investigations and
treatment, and effectiveness of different diagnostic procedures.51,3,25 Radiographers may also
play an active and important role in developing information material relating to radiological
The radiographic knowledge base has for many years been built on research carried out by
radiologists and physicists.53 Radiography research is growing in Norway and
elsewhere,54,55,24,25 but there is still a need for more specific professional evidence being
presented by radiographers.14 Implementing evidence-based radiography in the curriculum
and in clinical practice may advance systematic work (drawing on existing knowledge gained
from research and practical experience56). It will also increase the research knowledge and
expand practice and research activity among radiographers.57
All health care professions must join together with the goal of advancing EBP in their practice
and science.36 Joining the research milieu of radiologists, physicists and nurses as part of the
multidisciplinary team8,10,58 will encourage radiographers to initiate research projects. Being a
team-worker will give greater insight into the complexity of health care provision and
radiographers‟ place within the system. In certain circumstances, where radiographic
knowledge is limited, the radiography professions will need to create new knowledge by
conducting their own research.49 Radiographers have a great deal of expertise to offer.59 Our
challenge is to carry out research relevant to health care needs in the 21st century.
Health care service providers and consumers demand high quality achieved by including
evidence-based practice in both the educational curriculum and in practice. Evidence-based
radiography may ease the process of justifying clinical issues in a structured manner and
sustain practice with research-based evidence. Implementing evidence-based radiography in
the curriculum and in daily professional practice should offer a contribution to the rapid
development of radiography as a discipline. Evidence-based radiography will aid the building
of radiographers‟ own research knowledge base, in Norway and in other countries with
similar health care systems. To achieve this, practical experience and the radiography research
base needs to expand, especially if evaluation of the procedures used is based on best
available and research-based knowledge. Academics, who become experts in teaching from
an evidence-based radiography approach, and radiographers in clinical practice implementing
evidence-based radiography, will surely increase the knowledge of evidence-based
radiography. By this means they will be at the critical cutting edge of the discipline and
professional development.
The authors acknowledge the assistance of our academic staff, Mrs. Julia Fjeld, who read and
edited the English language.
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