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2005, Fusion Engineering and Design
4 pages
1 file, 2024
After a year, the Italian Ministry of Culture has revised the ministerial decree regulating the granting of images of state cultural property. The first decree had been criticised by the entire cultural world for the costs it imposed on publications, including scientific ones. The new decree has improved this aspect by granting broad exemptions, but it has maintained an overly complex system and the 'concession' regime, with a prior 'ethical' control on the use of the images, which is neither acceptable nor practically feasible. Il Ministero della cultura italiano dopo un anno ha rivisto il Decreto Ministeriale che regola la concessione delle immagini dei beni culturali dello stato. Il primo decreto avevo sollevato le critiche di tutto il mondo della cultura per i costi che imponeva alle pubblicazioni, anche a quelle scientifiche. Il nuovo decreto ha migliorato questo aspetto concedendo ampie esenzioni, ma ha mantenuto un impianto troppo complesso e il regime della “concessione”, con un controllo preventivo “etico” sull’uso delle immagini, che non è né ammissibile, né praticamente attuabile.
Historia del arte y estudios de cultura visual. 85 años del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, 2020
El sistema del arte es uno de los componentes principales en la interpretación y organización del mundo por parte de las sociedades y, en tal sentido, en este trabajo se subraya la acepción literal de cosmovisión por cuanto a su visualización tangible en el arte. Con sustento en ello, se avanza en la argumentación de ciertos lazos históricos entre sociedades distanciadas temporalmente: una mesoamericana y otra contemporánea, al vincular de manera inédita vasijas prehispánicas con un mito cosmogónico registrado en el Gran Nayar. El recorrido parte de una maqueta que reproduce un complejo propio de la arquitectura de la antigua cultura tumbas de tiro y hacia el final se establecen relaciones con la configuración y el simbolismo de las más importantes construcciones ceremoniales de los huicholes.
La fontana di Siloe, 2022
In Joseph Ratzinger il mite custode della fede. Tra verità e carità. A cura di Roberto Cutaia e Matteo Albergante, La fontana di Siloe, Torino 2022, pp. 67-70.
Latino Studies, 2008
Holocene glacier fluctuations in College Fjord in south-central Alaska provide an integrated proxy record of climatic and related environmental changes through this critical geologic epoch. During the early Holocene around 10,000 yr BP, ice was receding from lower Port Wells but was still present in College Fjord. With the beginning of the Holocene Climatic Optimum, recession increased and the ice front reached the Golden Moraine site 1 by 7680 cal yr BP, starting its long early to middle Holocene retreat to the head of tidewater. An ice-free fjord existed between 7680 cal yr BP and about 5190 yr BP. A middle Holocene advance started between approximately 5190 and 4470 yr BP with ice arriving at the mouth of the fjord before 2470 cal yr BP. The late Holocene was characterized by various standstills and minor readvance positions as the glacier fell back and by significant Little Ice Age expansions and retreats of individual glaciers present in the fjord. During the late Holocene, the glacier built four large and distinctive moraines all representative of at least four standstill positions of College Fjord Glacier before 2470, 2060, 1330, and approximately 1120 cal yr BP.
Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest, 2008
Science Domain International
Economic performance of using Coppens (commercial fish feed) and locally formulated feeds for Clarias gariepinusculture was studied. Forty juveniles averaging a total length of 9.15 ± 0.17cm and weight of 20.00 ± 2.58g were used and fed twice daily at 3% of their body weight. The weight gain (WG), growth rate (GR) and specific growth rate (SGR) varied significantly (p<0.05), while mean growth rate (MGR) varied insignificantly between treatment groups (p>0.05).Water parameters were at the required level. Cost of experimental feed per kilogram was highest in Coppens (₦733.33 ($2.156853)/kg) but lowest for chicken offal based diet (COBD) (₦267.00 ($0.785294)/kg). Feed consumption was higher for Coppens group (41650.00g ± 315.34) but lowest for COBD group Original ResearchArticle Ajang et al.;AJEE, 8(4): 1-11, 2018; Article no.AJEE.431512(38276.00g ± 432.97). Cost of feeding (FC) was lower for COBD group (₦ 10219.69 ($30.057912) ±115.60) but higher in shrimp based diet (SBD) group (₦ 30,543.19 ($89.832912) ± 231.25). The ICA was higher in fish fedCoppens (₦ 1933.33 ($5.686265) ± 0.00) but lower for COBD group (₦1467.00 ($4.314706) ± 0.00). The NPV was higher in fish fed Coppens (₦ 440998.26 ($1297.053706) ±11636.93), but lower in COBD group (₦ 132916.16 ($390.929882) ± 3297.24). The PI was highestin Coppens group (₦14.44 ($0.042471) ± 0.35) but lowest in COBD group (₦ 13.01 ($0.038265) ± 0.43). The GP was higher in Coppens group (₦439064.93 ($1291.367441) ± 11636.93) but lower in COBD group (₦131449.16 ($386.615176) ± 3297.24). The IC was higher in Coppens group (₦228.10 ($0.670882) ± 6.02) but lower in COBD group (₦90.61 ($0.266500) ± 2.25). The BCR was higher in fish fed coppens (1.78±0.04) but lowest in COBD group (0.71±0.01). Feed consumed, FC, ICA, NPV, PI, GP and IC varied significantly (p<0.05), while BCR varied insignificantly (p>0.05) between treatment group. The SBD and COBD were as effective as Coppens in terms of growth performance and economic benefits. More researches should be carried out on the use of locally formulated feeds in aquaculture
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Divine Wrath and Salvation in Matthew: The Narrative World of the First Gospel, 2016
Novák Ádám, Ölbei Tamás, Visegrádi Renáta, "Magyar zsoldosok címerei Mantovából", TURUL 96/2 (2023), 73–87. , 15 p. , 2023
Anuario de Derechos Humanos de la Escuela Federal de Formación Judicial, 2021
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