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2008, Applied Physics Letters
5 pages
1 file
We present superparamagnetic clusters of structurally highly disordered Co-Zn-O created by high fluence Co ion implantation into ZnO (0001) single crystals at low temperatures. This secondary phase cannot be detected by common x-ray diffraction but is observed by highresolution transmission electron microscopy. In contrast to many other secondary phases in a ZnO matrix, it induces low-field anomalous Hall effect and is thus a candidate for magnetoelectronics applications.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2007
The importance of doping ZnO with magnetic ions is associated with the fact that this oxide is a good candidate for the formation of a magnetic-diluted semiconductor. Most of the studies reported in Co-doped ZnO were carried out in thin films, but the understanding of the modification of the magnetic behaviour due to doping demands the study of single-crystalline samples. In this work, ZnO single crystals were doped at room temperature with Co by ion implantation with fluences ranging between 2 Â 10 16 and 1 Â 10 17 ions cm À2 and implantation energy of 100 keV. As implanted samples show a superparamagnetic behaviour attributed to the formation of Co clusters, room temperature ferromagnetism is attained after annealing at 800 1C, but no magnetoresistance was detected in the temperature range from 10 to 300 K.
Applied Physics Letters, 2009
Magnetic anisotropies of Co-implanted ZnO (0001) films grown on single-crystalline Al2O3 substrates have been studied by ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) technique for different cobalt implantation doses. The FMR data show that the easy and hard axes have a periodicity of 60 • in the film plane, in agreement with the hexagonal structure of the ZnO films. This six-fold in-plane magnetic anisotropy, which is observed for the first time in ZnO-based diluted magnetic semiconductors, is attributed to the substitution of cobalt on Zn sites in the ZnO structure, and a clear indication for long range ferromagnetic ordering between substitutional cobalt ions in the single-crystalline ZnO films. PACS numbers: 85.75.-d, 75.50.Pp, 76.50.+g, 75.30.Gw, 61.72.U-
Journal of Physics D-applied Physics, 2006
With pulsed laser deposition, the Cu 0.04 Zn 0.96 O thin films are grown at 600 • C under three different oxygen pressures, namely PO 2 = 0.00, 0.02, and 1.00 Pa. X-ray diffraction shows single-phase material for the samples grown under PO 2 = 0.00 and 1.00 Pa and CuO secondary phase for the PO 2 = 0.02 Pa grown sample. The observation of satellite structures in the Cu 2p core level X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra suggest the presence of Cu 2+ and CuO secondary phases in the samples grown at PO 2 = 0.02 and 1.00 Pa. The sample grown under vacuum (PO 2 = 0.00 Pa) shows mixed Cu oxidation state of 1+ or 2+. The sample grown without oxygen is n-type and those grown with oxygen are highly insulating. The insulating sample grown at PO 2 = 0.02 Pa shows highest magnetization due to possible collective behavior of Cu 2+ -O v -Cu 2+ network in the form of bound magnetic polaron (BMP) and ferromagnetic superexchange interaction coming from uncompensated surface spins of the Cu ions in the CuO secondary phase. Both delocalized electrons (∼3.32 × 10 18 ) due to oxygen deficient defects and reduced amount of effective Cu 2+ ions discredit the BMP model for this vacuum grown sample, and magnetism is suggested due to O v and presence of possible CuO secondary phase.
The magnetic and structural properties of cobalt-implanted ZnO single crystals are reported. High-quality, (110)-oriented single-crystal Sn-doped ZnO substrates were implanted at ∼ 350 °C with Co to yield transition metal concentrations of 3–5 at. % in the near-surface (∼2000 Å) region. After implantation, the samples were subject to a 5 min rapid thermal annealing at 700 °C. Magnetization measurements indicate ferromagnetic behavior, with hysteresis observed in the M vs H behavior at T = 5 K. Coercive fields were ⩽100 Oe at this measurement temperature. Temperature-dependent magnetization measurements showed evidence for ordering temperatures of >300 K, although hysteresis in the M vs H behavior was not observed at room temperature. Four-circle x-ray diffraction results indicate the presence of (110)-oriented hexagonal phase Co in the ZnO matrix. From the 2θ full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the Co (110) peak, the nanocrystal size is estimated to be ∼3.5 nm, which is below the superparamagnetic limit at room temperature. In-plane x-ray diffraction results show that the nanocrystals are epitaxial with respect to the ZnO host matrix. The magnetic properties are consistent with the presence of Co nanocrystals, but do not preclude the possibility that a component of the magnetism is due to Co substitution on the Zn site in the ZnO matrix.
New Journal of Physics, 2011
We have utilized a comprehensive set of experimental techniques such as transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and synchrotron-based x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and the respective x-ray linear dichroism and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism to characterize the correlation of structural, chemical and magnetic properties of Co-doped ZnO samples. It can be established on a quantitative basis that the superparamagnetic (SPM) behavior observed by integral superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry is not an intrinsic property of the material but stems from precipitations of metallic Co. Their presence is revealed by TEM as well as XAS. Annealing procedures for these SPM samples were also studied, and the observed changes in the magnetic properties found to be due to a chemical reduction or oxidation of the metallic Co species.
Revista Abusões, 2019
Resumen: La novela Sacrilegio, escrita en el año 2009, forma parte de la nueva producción de literatura fantástica que se produce en Colombia. Se trata de una narrativa que dialoga con diferentes tradiciones pues recupera elementos del folklore sobrenatural para enlazarlo con nuevas formas de representación en las que prima lo neofantástico y las nuevas monstruosidades. Así mismo, parte de esta nueva narrativa fantástica plantea, también, la negociación entre géneros pues ya no se desarrolla solamente un relato centrado en un tipo de horror o en una sola ruptura de la realidad, sino que busca la confluencia de formas de lo fantástico. Por ello, Sacrilegio vincula la distopía, el horror (tanto psicológico como cósmico) y elementos del folklore sobrenatural propios de la Amazonía Colombiana. El texto busca analizar la novela desde la propuesta de lo neofantástico y las nuevas formas de monstruosidad, para destacar: los procesos de creación de nuevos seres, la diseminación de voces narrativas, la hibridación corporal y espacial, y así observar la confrontación de subjetividades y de identidad. Esta convergencia de visiones sobre lo fantástico requiere un acercamiento a la obra desde autores como Jaime Alazraki (2001) y David Roas (2000 y 2001) quienes plantean nuevas perspectivas del género. Igualmente, se presenta un acercamiento a las nuevas rupturas del sujeto a partir de la construcción de una monstruosidad de umbral, incluso proteica, que dialoga con las nuevas formas de lo fantástico. Para esta última parte se hará relación a las propuestas de David Roas (2013), Hector Santiesteban (2003), Lucian Boia (1995) y William Turner (1988), quienes abordan desde perspectivas diferentes la evolución de la otredad y con ello, la evolución de la monstruosidad. Palabras clave: Monstruosidad; Neofantástico, Umbral; Distopía.
Conflict in Ancient Greece and Rome: The Definitive Political, Social, and Military Encyclopedia. , 2016
Springer eBooks, 2022
Rassistische und diskriminierende Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen von Polizeibeamt:innen sind auch hierzulande zu Gegenständen politischer, medialer, wissenschaftlicher und gesellschaftlicher Diskussion geworden. National wie international bemühen sich zivilgesellschaftliche Bewegungen und Organisationen, diesen Diskurs ins Licht der Öffentlichkeit zu bringen, ihn im Sinne betroffener Gruppen zu führen, Reformen zu initiieren und mitzugestalten. Sie setzen sich in ihrer alltäglichen Arbeit mit polizeilichem Rassismus und Vorurteilen, diskriminierender Kontrollpraxis und exzessiver, dabei möglicherweise selektiv ausgeübter Polizeigewalt auseinander. Der Beitrag stellt Entwicklung und Arbeitsweisen einschlägiger Initiativen und Organisationen im deutschsprachigen Raum dar und bezieht-auch mit Blick auf grenzüberschreitende Vorbildwirkung von Bewegungen wie Black Lives Matter-vergleichbare Entwicklungen im Ausland, insbesondere in den USA, ein. Der Schwerpunkt der Betrachtung liegt auf der Auseinandersetzung mit diskriminierenden polizeilichen Praktiken, die primär an wahrgenommenen Kategorien ethnischer Zugehörigkeit und Herkunft festgemacht werden.
A partire dal primo Cinquecento prese a diffondersi in tutta Europa un fenomeno editoriale singolarissimo e quasi del tutto ignoto agli studiosi. Si cominciarono a stampare collezioni di indovinelli e di enigmi inaugurando, di fatto, un genere editoriale che si sarebbe dimostrato fortunatissimo ed estremamente duraturo. Inizialmente, furono soprattutto le città italiane a promuovere questi prodotti tipografici, dando vita oltre che a un genere editoriale anche a un mercato di appassionati. Nonostante le caratteristiche dei fascicoli di enigmistica siano giunte sostanzialmente al Novecento senza subire mutamenti significativi, occorre sottolineare che nell’età moderna le funzioni sociali di questi testi erano ben diverse da quelle odierne. Gli indovinelli allora erano testi da leggere in società, che avevano funzioni educative, di svago e di informazione. Nel pieno Cinquecento erano popolarissimi e venivano diffusi, oltre che attraverso la stampa, anche grazie alla pubblica lettura e alla copiatura manoscritta. Per la loro trasversalità questi testi, o in versi o nella forma semplice di domanda-risposta, erano fruiti e prodotti da letterati e da analfabeti, da uomini e da donne, da adulti e bambini. Presto divennero, nonostante i limiti che il contesto controriformistico impose a tutta la letteratura volgare, diffusissime e permisero a editori e tipografi di contare su introiti sicuri. Nel corso di questo contributo intendo presentare i frutti di una ricerca biennale condotta su questi generi editoriali, descrivendo i caratteri delle raccolte di indovinelli stampate nel ‘500, il lavoro di autori ed editori coinvolti.
Z. Beran - A. Kičková - I. Kapustová: Teaching Humanities and Social Sciences Interculturally, 2024
Studies in Fungi, 2021
Viking-age Trade: silver slaves and Gottland, 2021
Archeia Ellenikes Iatrikes, 2021
(UTCMES) The University of Tokyo Centre for Middle Eastern Studies, 2015
2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings
IEEE Access, 2021
Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2022
The European Physical Journal C, 2012
Advances in Applied Sociology, 2019
Journal of cheminformatics, 2010