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2009, Applied Physics Letters
7 pages
1 file
Magnetic anisotropies of Co-implanted ZnO (0001) films grown on single-crystalline Al2O3 substrates have been studied by ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) technique for different cobalt implantation doses. The FMR data show that the easy and hard axes have a periodicity of 60 • in the film plane, in agreement with the hexagonal structure of the ZnO films. This six-fold in-plane magnetic anisotropy, which is observed for the first time in ZnO-based diluted magnetic semiconductors, is attributed to the substitution of cobalt on Zn sites in the ZnO structure, and a clear indication for long range ferromagnetic ordering between substitutional cobalt ions in the single-crystalline ZnO films. PACS numbers: 85.75.-d, 75.50.Pp, 76.50.+g, 75.30.Gw, 61.72.U-
The magnetic and structural properties of cobalt-implanted ZnO single crystals are reported. High-quality, (110)-oriented single-crystal Sn-doped ZnO substrates were implanted at ∼ 350 °C with Co to yield transition metal concentrations of 3–5 at. % in the near-surface (∼2000 Å) region. After implantation, the samples were subject to a 5 min rapid thermal annealing at 700 °C. Magnetization measurements indicate ferromagnetic behavior, with hysteresis observed in the M vs H behavior at T = 5 K. Coercive fields were ⩽100 Oe at this measurement temperature. Temperature-dependent magnetization measurements showed evidence for ordering temperatures of >300 K, although hysteresis in the M vs H behavior was not observed at room temperature. Four-circle x-ray diffraction results indicate the presence of (110)-oriented hexagonal phase Co in the ZnO matrix. From the 2θ full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the Co (110) peak, the nanocrystal size is estimated to be ∼3.5 nm, which is below the superparamagnetic limit at room temperature. In-plane x-ray diffraction results show that the nanocrystals are epitaxial with respect to the ZnO host matrix. The magnetic properties are consistent with the presence of Co nanocrystals, but do not preclude the possibility that a component of the magnetism is due to Co substitution on the Zn site in the ZnO matrix.
Journal of Applied Physics, 2009
We have studied the structural, magnetic, and electronic properties of Co-implanted ZnO͑0001͒ films grown on Al 2 O 3 ͑1120͒ substrates for different implantation doses and over a wide temperature range. Strong room temperature ferromagnetism is observed with magnetic parameters depending on the cobalt implantation dose. A detailed analysis of the structural and magnetic properties indicates that there are two magnetic phases in Co-implanted ZnO films. One is a ferromagnetic phase due to the formation of long range ferromagnetic ordering between implanted magnetic cobalt ions in the ZnO layer and the second one is a superparamagnetic phase, which occurs due to the formation of metallic cobalt clusters in the Al 2 O 3 substrate. Using x-ray resonant magnetic scattering, the element specific magnetization of cobalt, oxygen, and Zn was investigated. Magnetic dichroism was observed at the Co L 2,3 edges as well as at the O K edge. In addition, the anomalous Hall effect is also observed, supporting the intrinsic nature of ferromagnetism in Co-implanted ZnO films.
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports, 2008
... Influence of post-annealing on magnetization 3.7. Effect of co-doping on magnetic properties 3.8. Comparison of ZnO doped with Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Cu 4. Origin of ferromagnetism in TM:ZnO 4.1. Computational work 4.2. ...
Przewidywanie stanów, modelowanie procesów i budowanie decyzji Prediction of states, modelling of processes and building the decision Wprowadzenie W roku 1913, a więc ponad 100 lat temu prof. Ignacy Drexler rozpoczął we Lwowie, na tamtejszej Politechnice wykłady z urbanistyki, a wkrótce założył pierwszą i najstarszą na gruncie polskiego technicznego szkolnictwa wyższego placówkę naukowo-dydaktyczną zajmująca się tą tematyką. W owym czasie liczba ludności na naszym globie wynosiła około 1 750 000 000. Tak więc w ciągu stulecia uległa ona czterokrotnemu zwiększeniu, bo dziś przekracza już 7 miliardów. Co więcej, od kilku lat (od 2007 r.) połowa ludzkości mieszka w miastach. Jeśli zważy się, iż ostatnie podwojenie zaludnienia ziemi zajęło około 44 lat, co przyrównać można do połowy możliwej dziś do osiągnięcia w krajach rozwiniętych długości życia, łatwo można dojść do wniosku, że w naszych czasach nie jest wykluczone, że człowiek w ciągu swego życia może być świadkiem czterokrotnego wzrostu populacji. Pokazuje to, na razie pod względem ilościowym, rozmiary zadań, jakie nieustannie obciążają naszą cywilizację. Przywołanie daty narodzin edukacji urbanistycznej na naszym obszarze nie jest tu przypadkowe. Katedra Planowania Przestrzennego Politechniki Wrocławskiej może uważać się za spadkobiercę w prostej linii tej lwowskiej placówki, gdyż długoletnim następcą prof. Drexlera-kierownikiem tamtej lwowskiej katedry-był do roku 1945 prof. Tadeusz Wróbel-potem pierwszy dziekan Wydziału Budownictwa na Politechnice Wrocławskiej oraz kierownik Katedry Urbanistyki na Wydziale Architektu
Entre los pintores japoneses cultivadores de este género hemos seleccionado a dos muy destacados: Hiroshige y Hokusai.
Archaeomusicological Review of the Ancient Near East (ARANE), 1, 2009
L'articolo può essere liberamente scaricato al sito di "Fold&r. The Journal of Fasti Online" ( Abstract: Archaeological investigations at Dos del Castel in Teglio (SO) started in 2021 with an initial research permit for non-invasive surveys. The project continued between 2022 and 2023 with an archaeological excavation. The site, renowned for its habitation spanning from pre/proto-history to the Middle Ages, underwent initial exploration through a series of tests aimed at assessing its archaeological potential. Subsequently, an extensive archaeological excavation took place, particularly in the area south of the castle tower. In this zone, numerous structures relevant to various phases of medieval occupation of the site were unearthed. The earliest phase, dating back to the 11th-12th century, featured relatively fragile structures, likely constructed from perishable materials, developed around the tower. Later, between the mid-13th century and the beginning of the 14th century, the initial structures were supplanted by a series of buildings, some of which were residential, constructed with stone walls and lime mortar. This period of architectural vitality within the castle is attributed to the armed conflicts that characterised the Valtellina region during this time. The discovered structures were likely intended to house the castle's military garrisons. With minor modifications and changes, these buildings remained in use throughout the 15th century, until the probable abandonment of the site in the course of the 16th century. The military nature of the site is corroborated by the material culture unearthed during the excavations, especially from the earthen floors of the buildings. Numerous iron objects related to weaponry (arrowheads, crossbow points, knives) and elements of military attire (chainmail, plate armor components) were discovered.
Abstract: Every religion offers salvation or liberation. Since<br> the time of Cyprian of Carthage, the Catholic Church held<br> the exclusive Christian claim that there is no salvation<br> outside the Church (Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus). However,<br> at the Vatican II there was a re-visioning and a renewed<br> understanding of salvation that that went beyond absolute<br> exclusivism to a recognition of the role of other religions in<br> the economy of salvation. Based on the teachings of Vatican<br> II, the author shows that in Jesus Christ, the incarnation<br> of God's Communion within the Trinity as well as God's<br> communion with humans and their world all authentic <br> ways of salvation find their uniqueness and legitimate <br> space distinct but not separate from Christ, the Way!<br> <em>Extra communionis nulla salus </em>– Outside Communion no<br> salvation.
Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.), 2024
Revista Jurídica de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2021
Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie, 2017
Sinergie Italian Journal of Management
English LAnguage Study and TEaching
Carbohydrate Polymers, 2016
The Astrophysical Journal, 2006
Evangelium podle Marka: Mk 7,31-37 (podle Sinajského kodexu): Uzdravení hluchého a špatně mluvícího člověka, 2024
Frontiers in Immunology, 2019
Revista trama, 2019
Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, 2008
British Journal of Surgery
Journal of Sleep Research, 2020