A Cluster-Based Security Architecture
for Ad Hoc Networks
M. Bechler∗ , H.-J. Hof† , D. Kraft† , F. Pählke† , L. Wolf∗
∗ Institut
für Betriebssysteme und Rechnerverbund, TU Braunschweig, Germany
[bechler | wolf]@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
† Institut
für Telematik, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
[hof | dkraft | paehlke]@tm.uni-karlsruhe.de
Abstract— Secure communication is very important in computer networks and authentication is one of the most eminent
preconditions. However, common authentication schemes are not
applicable in ad hoc networks because public key infrastructures
with a centralized certification authority are hard to deploy
there. We propose and evaluate a security concept based on a
distributed certification facility. A network is divided into clusters
with one special head node each. These cluster head nodes execute
administrative functions and hold shares of a network key used
for certification. New nodes start to participate in the network
as guests; they can only become full members with a networksigned certificate after their authenticity has been warranted by
some other members. The feasibility of this concept was verified
by simulation. Three different models for node mobility were
used in order to include realistic scenarios as well as make the
results comparable to other work. The simulation results include
an evaluation of the log-on times, availability, and communication
Ad hoc networks are subject to various kinds of attacks.
Wireless communication links can be eavesdropped on without
noticeable effort and communication protocols on all layers
are vulnerable to specific attacks. In contrast to wire-line networks, known attacks like masquerading, man-in-the-middle,
and replaying of messages can easily be carried out. Moreover,
deploying security mechanisms is difficult due to inherent
properties of ad hoc networks, such as the high dynamics of
their topology (due to mobility and joining/leaving devices),
limited resources of end systems, or bandwidth-restricted and
possibly asymmetrical communication links.
A central issue concerning the design of any service in
ad hoc networks is not to rely on any centralized entities,
because such entities would obviously be easy to attack, and
their reachability could not be guaranteed at all times for all
participants of the network. Therefore, it is not possible to
implement a centralized, trusted entity for managing public
keys of the participants as performed in local area networks
or the Internet. Instead, a distributed solution must be found.
In this paper, we propose and evaluate an architecture for
securing communication in mobile ad hoc networks. Our approach divides the network into clusters and implements a decentralized certification authority. Decentralization is achieved
using threshold cryptography and a network secret that is
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distributed over a number of nodes. While this basic idea
has been proposed earlier [1], its application on a clustered
network is a novelty of our work. Our architecture addresses
issues of authorization and access control, and a multi-level
security model helps to adapt the complexity to the capabilities
of mobile end systems. Moreover, an extensive evaluation is
In the following, we first give a brief overview of security
goals, common techniques for authentication and secret sharing, as well as related work for securing ad hoc networks.
In section III, our security concept is described in detail.
An important contribution of our work is the evaluation of
the security architecture in section IV. We simulated ad hoc
networks that use our architecture in order to demonstrate
its feasibility and to measure performance and overhead.
Those measurements are based upon different mobility models, which are described in this section as well. We also discuss
the results and provide information on the configuration of
variable parameters. Finally, section V concludes the paper
and gives an outlook to further research.
In a security concept, typically striving for goals like authenticity, integrity, confidentiality, non-repudiation and availability, authentication of communicating entities is of particular
importance as it forms the basis for achieving the other security goals: e.g., encryption is worthless if the communication
partners have not verified their identities before. Authentication of entities and messages can be realized in different ways
using either symmetric (3DES, AES) or asymmetric (ElGamal,
RSA) cryptographic algorithms (see e.g. [2] for details).
While symmetric algorithms depend on the existence of
a preshared key (which does not exist in the general case),
authentication by asymmetric cryptography requires a secure
mapping of public keys to the owners’ identities which is often
realized by public key infrastructures (PKI). PKIs use digitally
signed certificates to verify a key owner’s identity. Each user
has to prove her identity to a certification authority (CA)
and in turn receives a digitally signed certificate proving the
ownership of her public key.
In contrast to fixed networks, a centralized PKI or even
a centralized certification authority is not feasible in ad hoc
networks, as has been pointed out in the previous section.
Distributing the signing key and the functionality of a CA over
a number of different nodes by the means of secret sharing and
threshold cryptography is a possible solution to this problem,
as we will study here.
A. Secret Sharing
Secret sharing schemes realize confidentiality of a cryptographic secret by spreading it across different entities. As
secret sharing schemes need no central authorities, they are
predestined for ad hoc networks. One secret sharing scheme
is threshold cryptography: A trusted dealer divides a secret
D into n parts so that the knowledge of k parts (k ≤ n)
allows the reconstruction of the secret, which is not possible
with the knowledge of k − 1 or fewer parts. This is called a
(k, n) threshold scheme [3]. In general, a trusted dealer is a
central authority and thus another central target for attacks. To
avoid this, the participants have to construct the secret without
any central authority. The construction algorithm has to ensure
that participants can only transmit correct values and that each
participant can verify both secret and shares, which is called
verifiable secret sharing [4].
In order to protect the secret from attackers that move
around and compromise multiple share holders over a long
period of time, a proactive secret sharing (PSS) scheme should
be used in ad hoc networks. In PSS schemes, secret shares are
changed periodically without changing the secret itself, so an
attacker cannot use a secret’s whole lifetime to compromise
k participants. All information an attacker collected about
the secret becomes worthless after refreshing the shares [5].
Threshold shared secret schemes can be transformed into
PSS schemes using discrete logarithms [5]. Proactive digital
signatures, which are used in our work, are an implementation
of PSS schemes [6], [7].
Due to the movement of mobile nodes, the topology of ad
hoc networks changes frequently, and moreover, nodes can
join or leave the network at any time. Hence, an algorithm
for distributing the same key to a different set of participants
is required. Such a refresh algorithm [8] can be triggered
periodically, event-based, or both.
B. Related Work on Securing Ad hoc Networks
The idea to use a distributed certification authority based
on a shared certification key and threshold cryptography for
securing ad hoc networks was first presented by Zhou and
Haas [1]. It was further developed in the COCA system [9],
a general distributed authentication service.
Our approach is based on the same general idea, but
introduces several new concepts like a cluster-based network
structure, a process for admitting new participants and a
framework for access control within the network.
Luo et al. [10], [11] chose a different way to distribute
the certification process. They use a specially crafted key
sharing algorithm distributing the key amongst all network
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nodes instead of a subset only. Upon this, Luo et al. build an
access control system based on signed tickets issued (using
threshold cryptography) by neighbors of the node seeking
access. Misbehaving nodes are excluded from service after
they have been detected.
Another different solution was proposed by Hubaux et
al. [12]. In order to avoid any distributed certification mechanism, the authors instead rely on every participant to issue
certificates for other nodes in a web-of-trust manner. Each
participant has to store a number of certificates, and two nodes
can only communicate securely when the union of their local
stores contains a certificate path between them.
The security concept described in this section was designed with the main aim of providing a basis for secure
communication and access control in ad hoc networks. Providing for secure authentication without relying on single
centralized entities is the most important issue; methods for
ensuring integrity, confidentiality or non-repudiation for endto-end communication were not considered in detail, as these
can easily be realized using well-known techniques if secure
authentication is possible.
Other requirements for the design of the concept were
that it should support open networks, allowing new nodes to
join without any mutual a-priori knowledge, it should allow
fine-grained access control for services and resources in the
network, and it should be scalable to support hardly predictable
network sizes and react quickly to dynamic changes.
A. Clustering
In order to make our concept scalable, to avoid expensive
long-range traffic, and to enhance availability by providing
service locally, we partition an ad hoc network into a number
of clusters. In each cluster, exactly one distinguished node
– the cluster head (CH) – is responsible for establishing
and organizing the cluster. Gateways (GWs, which need not
necessarily be CHs) manage communication with adjacent
clusters. The CHs are responsible for sending CH beacons
in their clusters, containing administrative information for the
cluster members, e.g., lists of nodes and GWs in the cluster.
Also, GWs periodically transmit GW beacons to inform their
respective clusters about adjacent clusters.
Clustering is also used in some routing protocols for ad hoc
networks. Routing is then typically divided into two parts:
routing within a cluster (intra-cluster) and routing between
different clusters (inter-cluster). One solution for such a scenario is the zone routing protocol, a combination of proactive
intra-cluster and reactive inter-cluster routing; communication
between two clusters is always routed via GWs [13].
If a cluster-based routing protocol is used, the clusters
established by the routing protocol can also be used for our
security concept, and some additional advantages are to be
expected. However, as we do not want to limit the applicability
of the security concept to ad hoc networks with particular
routing protocols, we do not require that clustering is provided
by a routing scheme. In case no clusters are given from outside
the security part, they are formed as needed: Nodes finding no
existing clusters create some themselves, and existing clusters
are merged and split on demand. The techniques used for this
are described in section III-C.
B. Conceptual Building Blocks
In our concept, a network-wide distributed certification
infrastructure forms a basis for securing end-to-end communication by public key cryptography. Additional security of
communication links within single clusters is provided by
symmetric encryption. For controlling access to resources and
services, authorization certificates are used. These building
blocks will be described in more detail now.
1) Network-Wide Certification Infrastructure: The basis for
our security concept is the use of public key cryptography
for ensuring authentication, integrity and confidentiality. Every
node participating in the network holds a self-generated key
pair, which is used for providing end-to-end security between
arbitrary nodes.
Public keys are distributed in the ad hoc network using
certificates issued by a trustworthy CA. In contrast to PKIs
common in fixed networks, the CA is distributed: It is formed
by a subset of all network nodes. For issuing certificates, a
certain share (e.g. a majority) of these nodes must actively
take part. This concept has two advantages: Firstly, availability
is enhanced, because certificates can be issued even if some
certification nodes are not reachable. Secondly, the security
infrastructure becomes more resistant against intruders, as it
can tolerate the compromise of single nodes without the CA
as a whole becoming compromised.
In this work, we assign the role of the distributed CA to
the cluster heads of the network. Regarding the protocols
used for generation, management and usage of the common
certification key and for organizing the whole ad hoc network,
the CHs therefore form a logical network, the so-called CH
network. The private key of the CA is distributed over the
CHs, i.e., every CH holds a fragment of the whole key.
The extent of an ad hoc network in respect to our architecture is determined by the extent of a CH network sharing a
single private key, i.e. forming a single distributed CA; the
shared key is also called the network key. More than one
network, each having a different network key, can be neighbors
in the same area (or even overlap, if clustering is independent
of routing). They may or may not be merged into a single
network (cf. section III-C.6) at a later point in time.
2) Intra-Cluster Security: Independent of end-to-end security measures that can be built upon the asymmetric key of
every node, we use a cluster-wide symmetric key that is known
to the cluster’s nodes. This key can be used, e.g., to protect all
traffic on the links between the nodes. This may be useful for
cluster internal traffic that is not protected by other means, and
also to hide information like source and destination addresses
of transmitted packets from eavesdroppers not belonging to the
cluster. The benefits of such a link-wise encryption are similar
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to those of the encryption in IEEE 802.11 or Bluetooth; it can
replace such mechanisms where they are too weak, or it can
be integrated with them to provide key management functions.
3) Node Status and Authorization: A new node that joins a
cluster has an initial status of a guest with practically no access
rights. Only when its public key is signed by the CH network
(after authentication has completed successfully), it becomes
a full member and can acquire additional access rights by
having authorization certificates issued to it. In contrast to
identity-based key certificates, authorization certificates can be
issued by any network node managing a particular service or
resource, like a printer or Internet access. Such services or
resources can then be used by the subject of the certificate,
who can also transitively grant access to other nodes if the
certificate allows it.
For the initial authentication of new nodes and for judging their trustworthiness when granting them access rights,
additional trust relationships are needed that do not yet exist
for nodes unknown to the network. Therefore, new nodes are
obliged to first acquire a certain number of warranty certificates from other network nodes. Warranting nodes can be, e.g.,
immediate neighbors to the new node, where personal contact
between human users is possible and allows for authentication
on other than technical levels. In this respect, warranting nodes
are similar to registration authorities in conventional PKIs. The
more warranty certificates a node collects the more certain is
its authentication. Considering this, the CH network can give
more or higher level access rights to new nodes holding more
than the minimum number of warranty certificates.
C. Details and Protocols
In the following, some procedures and mechanisms are
elaborated in more detail, and some of the used protocols are
described in an informal manner.
1) Key Distribution and Key Refreshment: The network key,
which is shared amongst the CHs of an ad hoc network, is
created using proactive secret sharing according to the Digital
Signature Scheme [14] (cf. section II-A). As the composition
of the CH network changes dynamically when CHs join or
leave the network, the secret shares also have to be renewed
regularly, because the number of shares needs to be adapted
to the number of CHs. Apart from that, it has to be made
sure that the key shares are renewed after a certain period
of time in order to make it hard for a moving attacker to
compromise a number of k CHs over time. In our approach,
we always combine joining or leaving of CHs with a key
share renewal and only schedule additional renewals if the
CH network remains unchanged for some time.
The public key of the CH network must be known to all
nodes in the ad hoc network. It is propagated via the CH
beacons, which are broadcasted periodically in every cluster.
Besides of the public network key, a CH beacon also contains
the CHs own public key, a list of nodes of the current cluster
including their status, and a list of gateways connecting to
adjacent clusters.
(need more warrants)/
warrant request
“S may warrant”
CH beacon/
log-on request
“S may warrant”
(enough warranty certificates)/
m × certification request
A authenticates to S
log-on reply/
warrant request
“S warrants for A”
cluster key/
(need more CHs)/
CH request
(certificate complete)/
cluster key request
certification reply/
“S may warrant”“S warrants for A”
Guest Node
Fig. 2.
States of a new node during log-on
Full Cluster
Certificate Fragments 1,..., k
Fig. 1.
Authentication process
2) Log-On Procedure: The log-on procedure described in
the following is the means for a new node to join a network
by becoming a guest node first and a full member later.
In order to log on, a new node first has to find a cluster. If it
receives CH beacons, it sends its log-on request to the cluster’s
CH. The new node and the CH negotiate some parameters
(like the number of warranty certificates required and how the
symmetric cluster key is to be used later on), and the new
node becomes a guest. If, instead, a nodes does not receive
any CH beacons, it establishes its own cluster and acts as a
CH of this cluster. For this, it generates a secret symmetric
cluster key and starts to transmit CH beacons.
For authenticating themselves to the network, new nodes
need warranty certificates (WarrantCert). Such certificates can
be acquired from warrants, i.e. from full members that have
been granted the privilege of warranting by the network
because they are believed to be trustworthy. A new node A
may request a signature of the CH network if it possesses
a (previously negotiated) number of WarrantCerts. Each of
these certificates is signed by a warrant S to guarantee its
authenticity, and also includes a period of validity:
WarrantCert(A) := Node(A), PubKey(A), Validity(t),
Fct("S warrants for A"), Sign(S)
A warrant may only vouch for a node if it has verified the
node’s identity. One method of securing the message exchange
necessary for this is to use a location-limited side channel [15],
[16], i.e. a channel where the users can control which devices
are communicating. How this is done in detail depends of the
deployment scenario: In the simplest case – e.g. on conferences where network nodes are personal devices – this could
be visual contact and voice communication between users
and physical contact (wired, or infrared) between devices. In
less “intimate” scenarios – like vehicle communication on
motorways – other methods like directed short-range radio
or number plate recognition are needed. Another possibility,
which may be useful in some cases and has the advantage
of being remotely applicable, is using some certificate of a
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trusted external root CA the public key of which the warrant
happens to know.
When CHs are being asked for certificate shares by a new
node, they first have to make sure that the issuers of the given
WarrantCerts are really authorized to vouch for a guest. This
is verified using warranty authorization certificates (WarrantAutCert). Each warrant S sends a copy of its certificate to A:
WarrantAutCert(S) := Node(S), PubKey(S),
Fct("S may warrant"), Sign(CH-Network)
Both certificates together can be used to request a signature
for A’s public key from the CH network. The CHs check
the WarrantAutCert and the WarrantCert presented by A and
send their shares of an identity certificate if all the certificates
are valid. After A collected enough certificate shares, it can
complete its identity certificate:
IdCert(A) := Node(A), PubKey(A), Validity(t),
Now having its key signed, A is a full member. The CH sends
the symmetric cluster key to A (encrypted with A’s public
Fig. 1 illustrates the message exchange during a successful
log-on: The top fraction shows a WarrantAutCert being issued
to a warrant (at some earlier time), in the middle a new node
asks a warrant for a WarrantCert and receives it together with
the warrant’s WarrantAutCert, and at the bottom the new node
sends WarrantCerts and WarrantAutCerts to a number of CHs
and receives IdCert fragments. Fig. 2 summarizes the states a
new node goes through during this process.
In order to ask for identity certificate shares, A has to know
about at least k CHs in a (k, n) threshold scheme. If A does
not already know enough CHs, it can send a query for further
CHs to its own CH. As the CH is in regular contact to other
CHs in the CH network, it is able to provide a list of the
network’s CHs to the requesting node. Alternatively, A can
extract information on further clusters and their CHs from
received GW beacons.
The procedure of warranting and key certification utilizes
the restricted resources sparingly, as only few messages are
necessary to get a key certificate. If a side channel is used for
authentication, a (k, n) threshold cryptography system needs
2k messages for requesting and receiving certificate shares. If
the requests to and replies from w warrants are transmitted
over the ad hoc network, another 2w messages are needed.
Of course, how easy or difficult it is for a new node to
find some warrants depends of the distribution of the warrants
and the degree of mobility. However, there is no fixed time
limit for the process of finding warrants, and the new node
can already use the network as a guest while searching for
warrants. Besides, it is assumed that most full members are
granted the warranting privilege after some time, so there
should be no lack of potential warrants.
3) Interaction with Routing: In section III-A, we mentioned
the possibility of reusing cluster structures of the underlying
routing protocol of the ad hoc network for the security concept
as well. This also allows to offer “secure routing” in the
sense of restricting the set of nodes that are considered for
forwarding packets.
In general, routing in cluster-based ad hoc networks is
different for intra-cluster and inter-cluster communication. If
proactive routing is used for intra-cluster routing, a sender
may specify (by setting a flag in the routing header) if either
only full members or all nodes in the cluster are allowed
to forward a packet. As a result, each node possibly has to
manage two routing tables, one for routing via full members
only, and one considering all nodes in the cluster. In case of
a reactive intra-cluster routing strategy, the sender has to find
a route before transmitting a packet. As the CH beacons also
propagate the status of the involved nodes along the route,
a sender is able to specify its security requirements in the
route request packet, which limits the route replies to, e.g., full
members. Note that each CH individually defines the cluster’s
security guidelines for intra-cluster routing. Those guidelines
specify, e.g., encryption of link state updates for proactive
Inter-cluster routing must be adapted as well: For both
reactive and proactive routing, a sender has to notify the GWs
about whether each node or only full members may forward
packets. This is necessary because only GWs know the status
of nodes in adjacent clusters.
4) Gateways: Each node N that gets in contact with a
foreign cluster can potentially act as a gateway. Optionally,
the permission to act as a gateway can be controlled using
gateway authorization certificates (GwAutCert) signed by the
CH network:
GwAutCert := Node(N ), PubKey(N ), Fct("Gateway"),
A potential gateway notifies both its CH and the CH in the
discovered cluster about the contact. The address of the new
CH can be requested from the foreign node the gateway first
got in contact to. In turn, both CHs send the information about
the new gateway in their CH beacons, and the new gateway
itself starts to transmit GW beacons containing its public key
and its status in the corresponding clusters (guest node or full
member, possession of a GwAutCert). If the discovered cluster
was not associated with the network previously, the gateway
will initially be a guest node there although it is a full member
in its original network.
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5) Delegation of Cluster Heads: If a node is no longer able
to act as a CH, it delegates this role to another trusted node
within the cluster. This avoids an expensive re-configuration
of the cluster and possibly of the whole network. If a CH is
looking for a successor, it queries for a node that will continue
the CH functionality further on. Once a trustworthy successor
is determined, the old CH securely migrates its state to the
successor and sends a signed broadcast message containing
the new CH’s identity, so all nodes in the cluster are able to
adapt themselves to the new CH and to its CH beacons they
will receive. Nodes that do not receive this broadcast message
will consider the CH beacons they receive after the change as
foreign. However, they are still full members as their network
certificates are still valid.
Apart from the nodes in the cluster, the CH also has to notify
the members of the CH network about the CH delegation; this
is realized by separate encrypted messages to each other CH.
As the old CH transfers his share of the private network key to
the new CH, the sharing of the network key will be unaffected.
During the next refresh of the key shares, the new CH will be
updated instead of the old one.
Without explicit delegation of the CH function, a failing CH
results in the break-up of the cluster. Former cluster members
have to join neighboring clusters or form a new cluster after
a new CH has been found. Because of the changes in the
CH network and in the cluster membership of the abandoned
nodes, this is a rather costly process and should therefore be
6) Merging Networks: The merging of two complete networks into a single network is one of the most difficult
and expensive operations to occur. As the two network keys
cannot be mixed, one of them must be dropped and the other
distributed over the whole network. All the certificates that
had been signed with the dropped key have to be reissued in
the long run, although it is possible to keep the dropped key
for some period of time to facilitate this process. Possibly, it
might become necessary to adapt the (k, n) threshold for the
changed number of nodes and CHs in the new network.
Before merging starts, a decision must be made on which
of the networks is to remain. In the simplest case, one of the
networks consists of just one cluster. Its single CH can then be
integrated into the other network quite simply, or, if the single
cluster has only few members, it can be dissolved, leaving its
members to join the other network on their own. In contrast,
merging two bigger networks is rather difficult. The decision
about the remaining network depends on parameters like the
number of CHs and the number of nodes that would have to
apply for new certificates.
A requirement for the incorporation of a new CH into an
existing network is that a particular number of nodes from the
existing network have expressed their trust into the new CH
by issuing warranty certificates to it. If the CH has collected
enough certificates, it receives its share of the private network
key with a following key share refreshment. Otherwise, it has
to delegate the CH role to another node in its cluster that has
collected enough warranty certificates. The integration will not
User or provider group
all nodes
all full members
secret cluster key or
certified public node key
specific nodes
authorization certificate
directly trusted nodes
any of the above,
or a preshared key
Fig. 3.
be possible if no node in the new cluster possesses enough
certificates. In that case, each node has to join the remaining
ad hoc network separately. For the merging of whole networks,
mutual consent can be found by an explicit decision of a
majority of the CHs of both networks. This is necessary
because the networks in effect have to trust each other. Various
possible decision mechanisms are issues for further study.
7) Access Control: Access to services and resources can
be controlled using authorization certificates. Entities that are
responsible for controlling access to a particular service or
resource, or the service provider or owner of the resource itself,
can give authorization certificates to the users they wish to
admit. These certificates include the public key of the subject
and some authorization information. Nodes may pass those
rights transitively to other nodes if they also hold a permission
for doing so.
Apart from using authorization certificates, simpler methods
of access control can be applied as well. Altogether, for the
providing as well as for the using side, four different levels of
control over the group of admitted users, respectively trusted
providers, can be distinguished; Table I shows them together
with the credentials used for access control.
8) Adaptable complexity: Different types of keys (symmetric cluster key, asymmetric public key) and certificates can be
used for communication. Nodes decide in each case which
security level is needed and use the appropriate encryption. In
order of increasing complexity these levels are:
1) No encryption
2) Secret cluster key (intra-cluster only)
3) Public node keys, directly exchanged
4) Public node keys, certified by the CH network
Allowing an adaptable complexity is an advantage for nodes
with low resources, which can choose a suitable security level.
However, if nodes cannot agree to a common level of security,
communication may be impossible.
In order to evaluate our concept, we developed a simulation
prototype using the OMNeT++ simulation framework [17].
OMNeT++ is an object-oriented, discrete event simulation
system developed at Budapest University. The goals of our
simulation were twofold: One goal was the proof of concept,
i.e. to demonstrate that our security architecture can be deployed in ad hoc networks. The second goal was to determine
the performance of our approach. Our intention was to evaluate
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Mobility pattern for random waypoint
the performance of the security protocols independently of the
communication characteristics. Hence, we assumed an abstract
link layer with a maximum transmission range of 180 m and
a delay of 100 ms per hop, which is similar to the values
published by Compaq, Cisco, and Siemens for their IEEE
802.11b products (see respective web pages of the companies).
Furthermore, we assumed no bandwidth restrictions, no transmission collisions, no packet drops, and no bit errors in our
simulation in order to measure the undisturbed performance
of the security mechanisms.
A. Evaluation Scenarios
The mobility patterns of mobile nodes in an ad hoc network
are a very fundamental factor for its evaluation. Hence, we examined our security architecture with three different scenarios:
random waypoint, a motorway scenario, and a conferencing
scenario. Due to space constraints, we only present the results
of the random waypoint and the motorway scenario in this
1) Random Waypoint: The random waypoint mobility pattern [18] divides a participant’s movement into two phases.
First, a participant waits for a random idle time period. In the
second phase, the participant chooses a random destination
within the simulation area and moves towards this destination
at a randomly chosen speed. If the participant reaches this
destination, the process continues with the first phase. Waiting
time, destination within the simulation area, and speed are chosen with a uniform distribution. Fig. 3 illustrates an exemplary
trace of a mobile node moving according to random waypoint
in a square of 1000 m × 1000 m.
Although random waypoint is a rather unrealistic mobility
model, it is widely used for the performance evaluation of
various ad hoc networking aspects. Hence, we consider this
mobility model in our evaluation as well in order to allow a
comparison of our work with the research of others.
2) Motorway Scenario: Future vehicular communication
scenarios will be a very important application field of ad
hoc networks. In such scenarios, vehicles traveling along
a motorway organize themselves in ad hoc networks for
exchanging local data. Due to the high mobility of vehicles,
the network topology is very dynamic and, thus, challenging
for ad hoc networking protocols. Several research projects
deal with vehicular ad hoc networking, e.g., FleetNet [19] or
CarNet [20].
Fig. 4.
Movement in the motorway scenario
In order to model the motorway scenario, we used a modified city selection mobility pattern [21], [22]. The simulation
area consists of a road network with specific characteristics
of each road (e.g., a speed limit). Each vehicle starts at a
predefined point and seeks for an arbitrary destination. The
mobility algorithm calculates the shortest path to this point
and the vehicle travels along this path to the destination.
Once a vehicle arrives at the destination, it waits a predefined
period of time and repeats the algorithm from the beginning.
Note that vehicles have to follow predefined paths on their
way to the destination. Compared to other mobility patterns,
the movement of a vehicle is possible along the roadway
only. Within these regions, we use speed vectors depicting
the direction of the vehicles’ movements. Their absolute value
simulates road conditions, speed limits etc. According to their
speed v, we modeled three types of vehicles:
trucks with 40 km/h ≤ v ≤ 80 km/h,
slow cars with 60 km/h ≤ v ≤ 120 km/h, and
fast cars with 100 km/h ≤ v ≤ 220 km/h.
We simulated two motorway sections of 2 km length each,
connected by a motorway interchange as illustrated in Fig. 4.
The speed and direction of each vehicle depends on the road
speed vector at the current position and the current vehicle’s
speed. At the motorway interchange, a vehicle leaves the
motorway with a probability of 0.1.
B. Simulation Results
For our evaluations, we implemented a simulation of our
security architecture using OMNeT++. We first measured the
performance with the random waypoint mobility model. The
simulation area spanned a square of 600 m × 600 m in which
15 nodes moved around (if not stated otherwise; there were
also runs with 30 and 60 nodes). As described previously, a
node’s transmission range was 180 m with a delay of 100 ms
per hop. Cluster heads broadcasted their beacons over 2 hops
every 20 s. In order to achieve full membership, a guest node
required three warrants to receive its identity certificate. The
lifetime of this certificate was chosen randomly between 200 s
and 300 s. For the evaluation, we varied some of the parameters to determine their overall performance impact. Each
measurement comprised 50 simulation runs with a simulated
duration of 240 s each. The time for seeking warrants was
ignored because it includes social factors that are impossible to
simulate; warrants answered to warrant requests immediately
and with a positive ratio of 85 %. The consideration of social
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interaction would result in higher log-on times, and the number of unsuccessful log-ons due to timeouts would possibly
increase as well. In order to route the IP packets through the
ad hoc network, we used an OMNeT++ implementation of the
Fish-eye State Routing protocol [23]. Although routing has an
obvious impact on the timing values measured, this influence
has shown to be very small: The differences to some later
experiments with “direct” routing on the shortest path without
any routing protocol overhead were rather marginal.
In order to determine the impact of the scenario chosen,
we compared the random waypoint measurements with the
motorway scenario. For the motorway scenario, we used a
simulation area of 2 km × 2 km with the model described in
section IV-A.2. In this area, 60 vehicles traveled along the
predefined road. For some measurements, we also tried to
examine the impact of different parameters (e.g., the number
of nodes) on the performance. We evaluated the following
performance criteria:
Log-On time: the period of time between the receipt of
a CH beacon and the full membership of a mobile node
(for which a guest node had to find three warrants).
Availability: the percentage of all nodes within the ad hoc
network that are able to communicate securely.
Overhead: the additional network traffic caused by our
security architecture for the different types of mobile
nodes (cluster heads, gateways, and full members).
1) Log-On Time: In order to determine a mobile node’s logon time, we measured the time period between the first receipt
of a CH beacon and the achievement of a full membership.
Within this log-on time, the mobile node has to find three
warrants and collect three shares of the identity-based key
certificate. Finally, it combines the shares and requests the
symmetrical cluster key from the cluster head. Ideally, the logon procedure should be short to guarantee the mobile nodes a
quick admission to participate at the ad hoc network.
A simulation run for the log-on time period was performed
as follows: In the first step, we assigned each of the 15 nodes
a randomly chosen type (cluster head, gateway, or guest node).
Cluster heads transmitted their CH beacons every 20 s via
2 hops. In the second step, all nodes began to move randomly
and the guest nodes tried to obtain a full membership.
Fig. 5 shows the measured distribution of log-on times.
We aggregated the results in 5 s steps; we also aggregated
the probabilities for log-on times larger than 100 s. In this
configuration, the log-on of a guest node requires 24.9 s on
average and approximately 25 % of the guest nodes achieve
full membership within the first 10 s. The distribution has
peaks at all multiples of the CH beacon interval (20 s), i.e.
at 25 s and 45 s respectively. Note that the simulation also
contains unsuccessful log-ons, which are restarted after a
predefined period of 30 s. The log-on procedure of a guest
node can fail for one of the following reasons:
The guest is not able to collect enough warranty certificates within the predefined period of time.
After having received a CH beacon, the guest cannot
Hops = 1
Hops = 2
Hops = 3
Frequency [%]
Frequency [%]
Log-On Time [s]
95 100
Fig. 7.
Log-On Time [s]
Fig. 5.
Log-on (15 nodes, random waypoint)
Log-on times for different cluster sizes
Frequency [%]
Frequency [%]
95 100
95 100
Log-On Time [s]
Fig. 6.
Log-On Time [s]
Fig. 8.
Log-on (60 nodes, motorway)
Log-on (30 nodes, random waypoint)
communicate with the CH because the network topology
has changed in the meantime.
A merge of CH networks occurs during the log-on
Separate examinations showed that the typical log-on time
for successful log-ons only was approximately 2 s, and about
50 % of the guests nodes are able to become full members
within the first second.
In order to determine the effect of the nodes’ density on
the log-on time, we repeated the random waypoint simulation
with 30 mobile nodes. The remaining parameters were not
modified. As illustrated in Fig. 6, the log-on times increased
with the number of nodes; the average log-on time increased
to 28.7 s. Notice again the peaks at 25 s and 45 s, which are
correlated to the CH beacon frequency. The increase of the logon times is caused by the increased probability for the merging
of CH networks in the setup phase since due to the higher
density of nodes, each node has contact to more neighbors.
As described previously, this effect is costly (cf. section IIIC.6) and influences the log-on of the nodes.
Another important configuration parameter is the cluster
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size: The probability of CH network merges increases with
increasing cluster size. In order to determine the effects of
the cluster size, we repeated the measurements from Fig. 5
with different cluster sizes, determined by the number of hops
a CH beacon is forwarded. Fig. 7 shows the results with
cluster sizes of 1, 2, and 3 hops respectively. As expected,
small cluster sizes resulted in very quick log-on times; in this
measurement, the average log-on time was 21.1 s for one hop,
24.5 s for 2 hops, and 27.1 s for 3 hops. Further measurements
(not shown here) approved that the log-on times of successful
log-ons changed only marginally.
A different situation occurs in the motorway scenario, as
illustrated in Fig. 8, for which we used 60 mobile nodes.
The performance was by far lower compared to the previous
scenarios. The average log-on time was 41.5 s, whereas only
11 % of the guest nodes were able to log-on within the first
10 s.
2) Availability: The availability is another important parameter of a security architecture for ad hoc networks. The
following fraction defines the availability:
availability =
number of full members
total number of nodes
CH Interval = 10s
CH Interval = 30s
CH Interval = 10s
CH Interval = 30s
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Time [s]
Fig. 9.
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Time [s]
Availability (15 nodes, random waypoint)
Fig. 10.
Availability (60 nodes, motorway)
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After a successful log-on with the cluster head, secure communication is possible until a mobile node’s certificate expires.
The validity of the certificate was chosen randomly between
200 s and 300 s. The merge of two CH networks plays an
important role for the availability. In this case, the availability
will decrease as a new secret network key must be generated.
Hence, all mobile nodes have to obtain a new certificate, which
must be signed with the new network key.
First, we studied the impact of the CH beacon frequency
on the availability. For our measurements with the random
waypoint mobility model, we used the same parameters as
specified in the previous section, apart from the varied CH
beacon interval. Fig. 9 illustrates the results with CH beacon
intervals of 10 s and 30 s. We can clearly identify two phases:
In the first phase (from the beginning to approximately 55 s),
the structure of the security architecture establishes slowly.
During this phase, approximately 58 % of the nodes are able
to communicate securely. The low average availability results
from several CH networks being merged in the beginning. In
the second phase (starting at 55 s), the cluster topology and the
security infrastructure are well established. About 90 % of the
mobile nodes are able to communicate securely. In general,
our measurements showed that the CH beacon interval does
not affect the availability significantly.
In order to investigate the impact of the mobility scenario on
the availability, we repeated the simulation using the motorway
model. We used the same parameters as described in the
previous section, and varied the frequency of CH beacons.
Fig. 10 shows the results: An interesting observation is that
the availability increased much slower compared to the random
waypoint model; it takes about 125 s until the availability
reaches an average of more than 90 %. These characteristics
result from the relatively high number of cluster merges that
occurred throughout the simulation time. Like in the random
waypoint simulation, the impact of the frequency of CH
beacons was very small.
Finally, we examined the impact of the cluster size on the
availability. For this, we used the random waypoint model with
the cluster sizes of 1, 2, and 3 hops respectively. Fig. 11 shows
the results of the three measurements. The larger the clusters
are, the longer a mobile node is associated to its cluster. As a
Hops = 1
Hops = 2
Hops = 3
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Time [s]
Fig. 11.
Availability depending on the cluster size (random waypoint)
result, it is easier for a guest node to find a sufficient number
of warrants in order to achieve full membership.
3) Communication Overhead: Obviously, security protocols always cause additional overhead, which burdens both
network and end systems. In this section, we consider the
“costs” incurred for the establishment and maintenance of
our security architecture. We therefore measured the number
of packets/s that were transmitted in the simulation using
the same parameters as in the previous measurements. Note
that this measurement is independent of the radio technology;
we also do not consider the overhead caused by the routing
protocol. Fig. 12 shows the overhead (in packets/s) for a
CH beacon interval of 10 s and 30 s using random waypoint.
Especially in the setup phase, the overhead is very high. The
significant increase of overhead after 20 s coincides with the
increase of availability illustrated in Fig. 9. When the security
infrastructure is established (after about 55 s), the overhead
decreases slowly to less than 50 packets/s. As observed
previously, the CH beacon interval seems to have very little
effect on the overhead in the random waypoint scenario. Note
that the overhead refers to the overall ad hoc network, i.e. the
aggregated traffic of all communication links.
A comparison with the motorway scenario illustrates the
influence of different mobility patterns. Fig. 13 illustrates the
results of the measurements using the motorway scenario with
the previous configuration. In contrast to random waypoint, the
CH beacon interval has a significant impact on the overhead.
Comparing a CH interval of 10 s with a CH interval of 30 s, we
Hops = 1
Hops = 2
Hops = 3
Overhead [Packets/s]
Overhead [Packets/s]
CH Interval = 10s
CH Interval = 30s
Time [s]
Fig. 12.
100 120 140 160 180 200 220
Time [s]
Overhead (random waypoint)
Fig. 14.
Overhead depending on the cluster size (random waypoint)
Overhead [Packets/s]
full members caused 18.3 % of the traffic, and
gateways caused 34.2 % of the traffic.
C. Discussion
CH Interval = 10s
CH Interval = 30s
Time [s]
Fig. 13.
Overhead (motorway)
found that starting at about 120 s, the average overhead further
increases for a CH interval of 30 s, whereas it decreases for
a CH interval of 10 s. Moreover, the peaks in the motorway
scenario are by far less significant compared to the random
waypoint model (100 packets/s compared to 250 packets/s).
Notice again the correspondence to Fig. 10: with an increasing
availability, the overhead also increases.
We also studied the influence of the cluster size on the
overhead. In Fig. 14, we examined the overhead for the random
waypoint mobility model with cluster sizes of 1, 2, and 3 hops.
This simulation shows that the overhead remains small if
the CH beacons are only broadcasted across one hop. The
overhead increases with increasing cluster size. The reason
for this effect is that the probability of merging two CH
networks increases with an increasing cluster size, because
separated clusters will discover each other earlier. In this case,
the merging of two cluster head networks requires a new logon of some nodes, which causes additional overhead.
Finally, we examined the distribution of node types and
the overhead caused by each type. We assumed a cluster
radius of 2 hops and considered the overhead caused by the
Fish-eye State Routing. In our measurements of the random
waypoint model with 15 nodes, we had an average of 20.4 %
cluster heads, whereas 61.8 % of the nodes (on average) were
full members, and 17.8 % of the nodes acted as gateways.
A comparison of the overhead traffic caused by the different
types of nodes showed the following results:
• cluster heads caused 47.5 % of the traffic,
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From the evaluation, several interesting performance aspects
of our security architecture can be observed. One important
result is that the mobility patterns of mobile nodes have a
highly significant impact on performance. All measurements
revealed remarkable differences between the random waypoint
and the motorway scenario.
Our measurements also show the impact of different parameters. Whereas the frequency of CH beacons seems to
have little impact (motorway scenario) or almost no impact
at all (random waypoint) on the availability, the overhead
differs noticeably for different CH beacon intervals in the
motorway scenario. The cluster size plays an important role
for the overhead caused by our security architecture. One
drawback is the considerable additional load for cluster heads
and gateways: Together, they generate about 80 % of the
additional network load.
Besides the examined aspects, further parameters are also
relevant for the performance of the described security architecture. One parameter is the time period a mobile node waits for
incoming CH beacons. If this timer expires (without receiving
a CH beacon), the mobile node nominates itself as a cluster
head. This timeout parameter is of interest in the bootstrapping
phase. For our simulations, we set the timer to the CH beacon
interval plus a randomly chosen time (up to 10 s). In other
measurements, this configuration turned out to be suitable for
the scenarios deployed.
Another tuning parameter is the minimum number of required warrants. This value should be chosen carefully, as a
high value results in low availability, whereas a low value
might violate the trustworthiness of our security architecture.
We suggest a value of about 40 % of the number of full
members. This value proved to be a good choice. In this
context, the validity of the received certificate needs to be
configured according to the requirements of the given scenario.
As stated previously, we used a validity between 200 s and
300 s for a mobile node’s identity certificate.
Concerning the security aspects of our protocols, the parameter k of the (k, n) threshold scheme needs to be determined.
If k is configured too low, an attacker might be able to
compromise the security architecture before the network key
is refreshed. In case of a high value for k, a guest node has to
contact more cluster heads. Hence, its log-on time increases,
or it even fails if the guest node cannot find enough cluster
heads. Of course, it must be ensured that k will be always
lower than n, even if the number of cluster heads varies. In
our simulations, a value of about 50 % of the total number of
cluster heads seemed to be a good choice.
Of course, additional fine tuning of those and other protocol
parameters may still result in further optimizations. However,
depending on the actual deployment scenario, optimizations
will always require a tradeoff between required security and
availability, acceptable overhead, and expected performance.
In this article, we introduced a cluster-based architecture for
a distributed public key infrastructure that is highly adapted
to the characteristics of ad hoc networks. In order to adapt to
the highly dynamic topology and varying link qualities in ad
hoc networks, we consequently avoided any central instances
that would form single points of attack and failure. Instead,
the ad hoc network was divided into clusters, and the cluster
heads jointly perform the tasks of a certification authority.
Our concept uses a proactive secret sharing scheme, which
distributes the private network key to the cluster heads in the ad
hoc network. Instead of a registration authority, arbitrary nodes
with respective warranty certificates may warrant for a new
node’s identity. Based upon this authentication infrastructure,
we provide a multi level security model ensuring authentication, integrity, and confidentiality. Authentication itself is
realized in two stages. First, a node gets the status of a guest
node. After sufficient authentication, the node will become a
full member. An additional important feature is the possibility
to delegate the cluster head functionality to another node. We
also pointed out how the security concept can be integrated
with routing protocols in order to achieve routing on secure
In order to evaluate our approach, we used two different
scenarios in our simulations: random waypoint and motorway.
Based upon these mobility models, the evaluation of the
mobile nodes’ log-on times, the availability of the security
infrastructure, and the overhead shows that it is possible to
deploy a security architecture with an acceptable performance
and overhead. We also showed how different parameter variations affect the performance. A very interesting observation
was that the mobility model highly impacts the behavior of
such an security architecture.
Future work should address the impact and limitations of
the communication technology deployed. These investigations
allow an evaluation of our security architecture in a real-world
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scenario. Furthermore, the configuration of further parameters
(e.g., timeouts for the log-on procedure) still needs to be
evaluated. We are also going to evaluate our approach with
additional ad hoc routing protocols and application scenarios.
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