Hasan H. Aksoy
Hasan Huseyin Aksoy is a Professor in the Faculty of Educational Sciences of Ankara University (Department of Educational Administration) in Ankara, Turkey. He took his Bachelor in Educational Administration and Planning in1985, Master Degree in Hacettepe University in 1988, and his Ph.D. also in Educational Administration and Planning in 1995, both at Ankara University. His teaching and research interests are Economics of Education, Politics of Education, Vocational and Technical Education; Critical Pedagogy. He has numerous publications in local and international journals. He has been a Visiting scholar at the University of Cincinnati, OH, USA for two years and the Freie University, Berlin, Germany for one year. He has served as a member of the Editorial Board of such national and international academic journals as International Journal of Educational Policy, Journal of Critical Education Policy Studies, Elestirel Pedagoji (Critical Pedagogy in Turkish), Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences and Journal of Mülkiye.
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Papers by Hasan H. Aksoy
In this volume we show our international interest with the subjects placed in it. The authors are from Turkey and most of them are promising young scholars. I congratulate each of them and thank for their interest and commitment to publishing in IJEP. Publishing in IJEP may not provide a big reward for an institutional competition but it gives us confidence that we are in solidarity with the people who support the science for the people not for profit. We know that there is not one scientific understanding regarding methodologies. But it should go beyond the differences between the methodologies. We expect to see more and to show more that “there is another science” which is for the people of the world not for profit. I can say that this kind of scientific engagement is not contrary to the other species and the nature of which we are a part. This point of view is also valid for the education. Education for all and for free, not for profit.
Hasan Hüseyin Aksoy ile Mektepli Gazetesi Bülteni Tebeşir tarafından yapılan söyleşi.
The International Conference on Critical Education, previously held in Athens (2011, 2012, 2017), Ankara ( 2013), Thessaloniki (2014, 2022), Wroclaw (2015), London (2016, 2018), Naples ( 2019), Valetta, Malta (2023) is a forum for scholars, educators and activists committed to social justice and social emancipation.
This conference, will be hosted by the Ankara University Institute of Educational Sciences with the help of the Faculty of Educational Sciences and its departments. The 12th ICCE will take place at the Cebeci Campus of the University of Ankara.
The Language of the conference will be English and Turkish.
thinkers’ views on vocational training and vocational schools as main venues for division of labor, dehumanisation and exploitation of the youth were presented. In this context, it is discussed, if there is an understanding about the connection between schools and distribution of wealth through vocational education and division of labor as well as emancipatory skills and production skills of the youth.
In this volume we show our international interest with the subjects placed in it. The authors are from Turkey and most of them are promising young scholars. I congratulate each of them and thank for their interest and commitment to publishing in IJEP. Publishing in IJEP may not provide a big reward for an institutional competition but it gives us confidence that we are in solidarity with the people who support the science for the people not for profit. We know that there is not one scientific understanding regarding methodologies. But it should go beyond the differences between the methodologies. We expect to see more and to show more that “there is another science” which is for the people of the world not for profit. I can say that this kind of scientific engagement is not contrary to the other species and the nature of which we are a part. This point of view is also valid for the education. Education for all and for free, not for profit.
Hasan Hüseyin Aksoy ile Mektepli Gazetesi Bülteni Tebeşir tarafından yapılan söyleşi.
The International Conference on Critical Education, previously held in Athens (2011, 2012, 2017), Ankara ( 2013), Thessaloniki (2014, 2022), Wroclaw (2015), London (2016, 2018), Naples ( 2019), Valetta, Malta (2023) is a forum for scholars, educators and activists committed to social justice and social emancipation.
This conference, will be hosted by the Ankara University Institute of Educational Sciences with the help of the Faculty of Educational Sciences and its departments. The 12th ICCE will take place at the Cebeci Campus of the University of Ankara.
The Language of the conference will be English and Turkish.
thinkers’ views on vocational training and vocational schools as main venues for division of labor, dehumanisation and exploitation of the youth were presented. In this context, it is discussed, if there is an understanding about the connection between schools and distribution of wealth through vocational education and division of labor as well as emancipatory skills and production skills of the youth.
Published date: 25.05.2023
Author David Kazamias
Pubblicato il 30/05/2023
Küba, Brezilya, Şili, Meksika, Peru, Uruguay ve Venezüela gibi bazı Latin Amerika ülkeleri, özellikle ilerici, muhalif ve entelektüel çevrelerin ilgisini çeşitli nedenlerle uzun dönemdir çekerken, yakın dönemde Türkiye’nin dış politikası için de önemsenen bir yer edinmeleri söz konusu oldu. Devlet başkanları düzeyindeki ziyaretler, diplomatik ilişkilerin artışı, Ankara Üniversitesi Latin Amerika Çalışmaları Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi gibi akademik kurumların ve bu bölgeyle ilgili lisansüstü programların oluşturulması ve kıta ülkeleriyle yapılan ticari faaliyetlerin artışı bu gelişmelerin örnekleri arasında sayılabilir. Aslında uzun zamandır Türk toplumunun sanat, edebiyat ve eğitime ilişkin kültürünün içinde Latin Amerika kültürünün örneklerini çeşitli temsilcileri yoluyla görüyoruz. Bir süredir Latin Amerikalı şairler (Pablo Neruda), yazarlar (Gabriel Garcia Marquez), ressamlar (Frida Kahlo), eğitimciler (Paulo Freire), yönetmenler (Alejandro Gonzalez Iñárritu), tiyatrocular (Augusto Boal), müzisyenler (Victor Jara) ve devrimciler (Che Guevara) Türkiye’nin de popüler ve entelektüel kültürünün bir parçası oldu.
Kitap, okuyucuya sadece çok sayıda pedagoji konusunu tanıtmakla kalmamakta, aynı zamanda eğitim biliminin anlaşılması için gerekli olan sosyal bilimler alanında ortaya konmuş temel teorik konuları da ana hatlarıyla sunmaktadır.
10-13 August 2016, Middlesex University London, UK
Anahtar Sözcükler: İstihdam,işsizlik, mesleki eğitim, işgücü eğitimi, eğitim-istihdam ilişkileri
taken as a tight/strict/solid economical and social position which is not changeable in a short time, but it works with some other cultural capital issues together in educational setting. Mainly position in the relation of production and income level along with the cultural capital may influence the choice or guiding to the school selection or enrollment depending on the academic success which very much
connected to the family income level of the students. In the study, main class based characteristics regarding vocational schools such as student preferences, enrollment process, studying conditions, and apprenticeship practice. Latest legal and financial interventions by government which make vocational schools as a part of the class based segregation also were reviewed.
Özel mülkiyeti, kendinden menkul ‘kendi kendini düzenleyen piyasayı’, rekabeti kutsayan, toplumu bireylerin toplamından ibaret sayan, insanları ve toplumları sonu olmayan bir yolda yarıştıran, herkesi herkesin rakibi-düşmanı haline getiren, ekonomik büyümeyi, GSMH artışını ilerleme ve kalkınma olarak sunan, sınırsız ekonomik büyümenin mümkün ve gerekli olduğuna dair kör inanca dayanan, teknolojik gelişme sayesinde tüm sorunların çözülebileceği düşüncesini yaygın bilinç kategorisi haline getiren, her şeyi metalaştırıp soysuzlaştıran, bedava olanın parayla alınıp satılmasını bir marifet sayan, doğayla birlikte insanı da kirleten, araçlarla amaçları tersyüz eden, öküzü arabanın arkasına koşan ekonominin emperyalizmiyle hesaplaşmadan, insanlığın ve uygarlığın bir geleceği olması mümkün değil... Bu çalışmanın niteliği hakkında şunlar söylenebilir: İlk olarak, bu tür bir çalışmayı bilindik mânâda bir sözlük ya da ansiklopedik sözlük kabul etmenin doğru olmayacağı kanaatindeyiz. Zira kapsamı açısından dikkate alındığında çalışmanın bir ansiklopedi olduğu söylenemez. Ancak ölçeği ve boyutları açısından bir “kavram seçkisi”, makalelerin niteliği açısından ise bir derleme olarak düşünülebilir. Çalışmanın amacı açısından (“bilimsel” tahakküme karşı koyma) baktığımızda ise bir sözlük olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Sonuç olarak çalışmanın bu üç sıfatla nitelenebileceği düşünülmektedir.
Editör Fikret Başkaya & Aydın Ördek Yayına Hazırlayan İsmet Erdoğan Kapak Tasarım Ali İmren Cilt Bilgisi İplik Dikiş Basım Tarihi Ekim 2008 Sayfa Sayısı 1450 Kitap Boyutları 16x27 ISBN No 978-975-8449-55-2 Barkod No 9789758449552 Etiket Fiyatı 47.00 TL