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Printed March 2009
Complexity Science Challenges in
Robert C. Armstrong, Jackson R. Mayo, Frank Siebenlist
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Printed March 2009
Complexity Science Challenges in Cybersecurity
Robert C. Armstrong
Jackson R. Mayo
Scalable Computing R&D
Visualization & Scientific Computing
Sandia National Laboratories, P.O. Box 969, Livermore, CA 94551
Frank Siebenlist, Mathematics & Computer Science
Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Avenue, Argonne, IL 60439
Computers and the Internet are indispensable to our modern society, but by the standards
of critical infrastructure, they are notably unreliable. Existing analysis and design approaches
have failed to curb the frequency and scope of malicious cyber exploits. A new approach based
on complexity science holds promise for addressing the underlying causes of the cybersecurity problem. The application of complexity science to cybersecurity presents key research
challenges in the areas of network dynamics, fault tolerance, and large-scale modeling and
simulation. We believe that the cybersecurity problem is urgent enough, the limits of traditional reductive analysis are clear enough, and the possible benefits of reducing cyber exploits
are great enough, that the further development of cybersecurity-targeted complexity-science
tools is a major research need.
1 Introduction
Computers and networks of computers are indispensable to our everyday work because they are so
powerful as information processing and communication tools. Partly as a result of this immense
capability to do the things we want, computers will also do many things that we do not want. In
fact, computers are increasingly doing the bidding of attackers, to the detriment of their owners.
Complexity is not an incidental feature of cyber systems but an inextricable necessity due to the
complex things they are required to do. Complexity allows serious vulnerabilities to exist in apparently benign code, and allows those who would exploit them to attack invisibly. To understand
the cybersecurity problem, we must understand cyber complexity and model it with predictive
simulation. To solve the cybersecurity problem, we must figure out ways to live with the inherent
unpredictability of modern cyber systems.
In the face of the essential unpredictability of software and the ability for attackers to remain
unseen, there are three major approaches to mitigation, all of which will benefit from a more
scientific approach:
1. Model checking, formal methods [12], and software analysis [22] detect errors and, in the
case of very simple systems, rigorously verify behavior as long as the foundational assumptions are correct. Most realistic cyber systems are too complex for rigorous verification, but
can benefit from non-exhaustive analysis that will find a few of the straightforward vulnerabilities. Applications are common in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and
medical devices [14], where the systems are less complex and the consequences of faults
more severe.
2. Encapsulation, sandboxing [5], and virtual machines [25] provide a way to “surround”
otherwise unpredictable software, hardware, and networks with software or hardware that is
more trusted. A common but often ineffective example is a network firewall. Other more
effective examples are being developed [17] and this technology holds particular promise for
environments unique to DOE (Section 4).
3. Complexity science [27] drawing on biological [11, 15] and other analogues [8] is the
least exploited but possibly the most promising approach. Biological metaphors are part of
the cyber lexicon: virus, worm, etc. Models of complex cyber systems and their emergent
behavior are needed to understand the cybersecurity problem.
In this paper we will concentrate mainly on item 3, complexity science, and secondarily, item 2,
the encapsulation of complexity. Within the complexity arena, we recommend two basic research
1. Confronting unpredictability in programs, machines, and networks and its impact on the
cybersecurity problem. Whether it is considered a theoretical certainty or a pragmatic heuristic, it is impossible to “formally” ensure [16] that a realistic program or operating system is
vulnerability free. Research is needed to understand how this complexity asymmetrically favors the attacker in current systems, and how it can instead be leveraged against the attacker
to the defender’s advantage. Theories and algorithms are needed that use complexity to increase the effort required of attackers and reduce their likelihood of success. Here existing
work from the fields of fault tolerance and high-reliability systems can be helpful.
2. Modeling the emergent behavior of programs, machines, and networks to understand
what they are doing and predict what they will do, to the extent permitted by the underlying complexity. This type of modeling is largely unfamiliar to scientific computing but
enjoys wide acceptance in systems analysis (e.g., war gaming, social simulation, business
operations). Agent-based and discrete-event simulation methods are commonly used in this
area and have already been applied to network and computer system modeling on a small
scale. Large-scale modeling and simulation relevant to Internet proportions are needed to
understand how the emergent behavior of large numbers of computers, routers, and network
links can either mitigate or exacerbate the cybersecurity problem. Understanding the emergent behavior of cyber systems can also enable a broader approach to reliability and fault
2 Confronting unpredictability in
programs, machines, and networks
Complexity of computers and software is an artifact of the complex things we require them to
do. Their capacity for computation is inextricably connected to the fact that they are also unpredictable, or rather capable of unforeseen emergent behavior. Vulnerabilities1 are one of those
behaviors. A complex system’s emergent behavior cannot be predicted from even a perfect knowledge of the constituent parts from which it is composed, a ramification of undecidability [4] and
Turing Completeness. This means that a sufficiently complex system has emergent behavior that
cannot be predicted ahead of “running” it, or alternatively, simulating that system with sufficient
fidelity (and complexity) to see the emergent behavior [27] (Section 3). Concretely, this is why
cyber systems that are composed of elements like programs, processors, and routers, each of which
we presumably understand, are nonetheless constantly surprising us with the consequences of previously unknown vulnerabilities.
2.1 Origins of the cybersecurity problem in complexity
Even though most realistic applications are too complex, there are programs and systems that are
simple enough to be analyzed by formal methods and other reductive tools. In those cases, boundedness properties of the code can be asserted and proved, making the behavior well-understood
1 By
“vulnerability” we mean some flaw in the system that can be exploited by a malicious actor to cause an effect
not desired by the operator of the system. Note that the malicious actor could actually be a programmer or designer of
the system with the intent of subverting a user.
under a wide variety of circumstances. Formal verification [12] is accomplished by automatically
following all salient execution paths to understand their consequences. However, probably the vast
majority of codes are of the sort that are too complex for this analysis, the number of paths soon
grows beyond the capacity of even the largest machines.
In this section we consider systems that are undecidable and for which vulnerabilities can only
be discovered anecdotally but not thoroughly. Because their containing programs are unanalyzable,
these vulnerabilities cannot be guaranteed to be found by any means. Because the defender cannot
be certain to find all of the vulnerabilities in a system, and because only one vulnerability is needed
for it to be compromised, the cards are asymmetrically stacked in the attacker’s favor.
2.2 Fault tolerance and high-reliability systems
A vital emergent behavior of many real-world complex systems, particularly biological ones, is
robustness to disturbances. The concept of highly optimized tolerance [11] describes highly engineered systems that take on an organic structure after many design cycles promoting robustness
similar to biological evolution. Usually confined to medical devices [14] and aerospace avionics [26], fault-tolerant systems use diverse redundant systems and “vote” the answers to common
input, detecting faults2 as outliers. An example is the set of identical computers on board the
Space Shuttle [26]. If we recognize that a vulnerability is just a fault that is exploited, it is clear
that cybersecurity too has much to gain from employing diversity [24]. To achieve robustness to
such failures through redundancy, the replicated components can employ diverse implementations
of the same functionality. In this way, exploits that trigger deviations from the intended behavior
are unlikely to affect more than a small fraction of components at a time, and can be detected by
voting the outputs [10, 18, 21].
Diversity need not involve complete replication of cyber systems but may be applied creatively,
possibly in analogy to the way RAID encoding [2] allows any one element of a disk array to fail
and still maintains integrity of the data. If a program’s vulnerabilities are unknowable, then some
form of diversity is likely necessary to detect, deter, and otherwise leverage complexity against an
attacker. Research is needed to formulate measures of diversity and model it in cyber systems to
assess its effectiveness.
Key challenges include
• Developing quantifiable models of fault-tolerant and vulnerability-tolerant architectures
– Quantifying the benefits of implementation diversity
– Understanding the scaling of attacker and defender effort in fault-tolerant systems
2 By
fault we mean any anomalous output of the system. All vulnerabilities are faults, but not all faults are vulnerabilities.
• Developing theories and metrics for diversity among variant implementations of the same
software, particularly with respect to vulnerabilities (there is the potential to apply this to
hardware and networks in modified form)
• Using agent-based models to engineer or discover emergent robustness as a topological property of the graph or network of large collections of cyber subsystems
• Using the above to suggest programming models and network/computer architectures that
are inherently more secure
3 Modeling the behavior of
programs, machines, and networks
Complex systems pose challenges for a reductionist approach to modeling, with a system’s global
behavior frequently not being readily deducible from even a detailed understanding of its constituent parts. An additional confounding feature of complex systems is their adaptive nature:
Such systems can evolve, often in a coordinated manner, to accomplish system-level imperatives.
Such behaviors are said to be “emergent” (they emerge as a consequence of the interactions of
the constituents) and being able to reproduce them using appropriate constituent models has often
been a matter of trial and error.
3.1 Complex systems modeling
The connections among computers that constitute the Internet, the interactions among virtual components in software systems, and the wiring of logic circuits in microchips can all be represented
at an abstract level by graphs and networks. Large numbers of entities with discrete interaction
patterns, resulting in unpredictable emergent behavior, form what are known as entity-based complex systems approachable from agent-based or discrete-event algorithms [9, 13]. The emergent
behaviors of such systems can, however, be understood and predicted in certain global aspects.
Specifically, if we are aware of the impact of these networks and graphs on the emergent behavior
of the system, they can be crafted to possibly produce desired emergent behavior like robustness
to attack. Because cybersecurity issues are rooted in complexity, modeling that complexity with
fidelity is paramount.
Key challenges include
• Understanding the global network dynamics of prototypical complex systems
– Investigating the emergent behavior of idealized complexity models, such as cellular
automata [8, 27] and Boolean networks [15]
– Extending the results to classify the emergent behavior of more general agent-based
• Relating realistic software architectures to the results of complexity science, in particular
robustness to attack, resilience after attack, etc.
• Designing more general and efficient fault-tolerant architectures using distributed redundancy with emergent robustness, rather than more resource-intensive replication with a single voter
• Predicting the dynamics and spread of malicious software on physical computer networks
• Developing agent-based monitoring and cyber forensic capabilities to detect intrusions based
on anomalous dynamics
3.2 Large-scale modeling and simulation
The application of complexity science to real-world cyber systems requires the ability to model
and simulate these systems in a rigorous and validated manner. Just as in traditional science and
engineering, coarse-grained models that describe a tractable subset of degrees of freedom are crucial for predictive understanding. But due to the undecidability of complex systems, such reduced
models can in general describe only overall features, rather than details, of emergent behavior. The
validation of such models thus requires particular care. An important avenue for controlled cyber
experiments, enabling exploration of emergent behavior and validation of models, is provided by
large-scale emulation—an especially realistic form of simulation. Emulation allows a physical
computer cluster, through creation of numerous virtual machines and virtual network connections,
to trace efficiently and with high realism the behavior of a much larger network of computers.
In addition, we need virtual machine managers (VMMs) that allow us to monitor ad-hoc the
application’s detailed resource access inside the virtual machines in real time, such as network
connections, message communication, and CPU/disk/network usage [6]. The advantage of this
approach is that the monitoring can be applied transparently to the applications. This monitored
data will be part of the emulation or simulation’s result set and possibly fed back into our emulation
models. Through the same VMMs, we can also enforce fine-grained policies on resource access
by the applications, such that we can change and fine-tune our model parameter values in real time,
again transparently to the applications themselves.
Key challenges include
• Developing techniques to derive coarse-grained models of complex systems
– Using renormalization methods from theoretical physics to construct predictive models
that preserve key emergent behaviors
– Applying coarse-grained models to characterize robustness to attack
• Understanding the relations among different levels of modeling and their ability to predict
emergent behavior
– Quantifying tradeoffs between cost and accuracy of models to achieve effective simulations of complex systems
– Using emergent behavior classifications to guide the choice of appropriate agent-based
• Extending network emulation/simulation capabilities to Internet scale
• Combining insights from modeling and simulation to offer potential improvements to existing software and network protocols
• Enhancing virtual machine manager implementations to accomodate the detailed monitoring
and fine-grained policy enforcements needed for real-time simulation of our models
4 Role of the Department of Energy
The Department of Energy has particular needs not currently being answered by the commercial
or research cybersecurity community, as well as unique capabilities to advance the state of the art
in cybersecurity research.
4.1 Need for securing DOE’s unique open resources
High performance computing (HPC) platforms and attendant software are geared for performance,
and any added controls, such as cybersecurity measures, that inhibit performance are unlikely to
be adopted. In the Office of Science these platforms and their computational results need to be
given the widest possible access to authorized researchers that can be safely achieved. Yet these
platforms and attendant simulations are as complex as any in the commercial world and likely heir
to the same frailties. Couple this with the fact that some percentage of the university researchers
will be using these HPC resources from (unknowingly) compromised platforms and this makes for
a particularly challenging problem. Because neither the outside (university researcher’s platform)
nor the inside (DOE HPC simulation) can be trusted, some sort of virtual machine with sandboxed
proxy for the simulation must be considered. The proxy may take the form of a remote method
invocation system [3] or even a web-based protocol. The virtual machine within which it executes
must enforce a security policy that disallows unsafe operations originating from either side [23].
This policy and attendant enforcement code will benefit from software analysis and formal methods to ensure correctness so that the virtual machine sandbox itself cannot be compromised. More
advanced research that allows more flexible and adaptable allocation of potentially dangerous capabilities should be considered as well. The recent, promising research results on creating more
secure and safer execution environments for JavaScript and Java, using capability-based techniques
and enforced best-practices [17, 19, 20], may be applicable to a virtual machine sandbox environment with fine-grained access control policy enforcement on resource usage and message passing.
A wide range of ideas should be considered that enables the DOE-unique environment where both
openness is permitted and performance is uninhibited.
4.2 Use of DOE’s unique capabilities for cybersecurity research
As discussed previously, large-scale emulation and simulation hold great promise for understanding cybersecurity (Section 3.2). While this is not a new concept [1], DOE is in a unique position to
take advantage of it. Within high-performance clusters and Leadership Class Computing (LCC),
a virtual Internet can be constructed for emulating and simulating routers, web farms, terminal
nodes, etc., and the malefactors that prey on them. Both in scale and speed, LCC machines present
an opportunity not found elsewhere for the emulation and simulation of the Internet at a nationstate scale, enabling computer experiments for phenomena that require a global view to understand,
such as botnets [7].
Key challenges include
• Researching novel architectures for preserving an open computing and collaboration framework while maintaining a secure environment for DOE-held assets
• Investigating simulation and emulation environments that are enabled by current DOE HPC
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