Papers by Johanna Hietamäki
Child Abuse & Neglect
Social Science Research Network, 2022
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
This study aims to estimate direct health-related costs for victims of intimate partner violence ... more This study aims to estimate direct health-related costs for victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) using nationwide linked data based on police reports and two healthcare registers in Finland from 2015 to 2020 ( N = 21,073). We used a unique register dataset to identify IPV victims from the data based on police reports and estimated the attributable costs by applying econometric models to individual-level data. We used exact matching to create a reference group who had not been exposed to IPV. The mean, unadjusted, attributable healthcare cost for victims of IPV was €6,910 per individual over the 5-year period after being first identified as a victim. When adjusting for gender, age, education, occupation, and mental-health- and pregnancy-related diagnoses, the mean attributable health-related cost for the 5 years was €3,280. The annual attributable costs of the victims were consistently higher than those for nonvictims during the entire study period. Thus, our results suggest th...
Tämä väkivaltakäsitteiden sanasto on Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen (THL) väkivalta- ja sana... more Tämä väkivaltakäsitteiden sanasto on Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen (THL) väkivalta- ja sanastoasiantuntijoiden yhteistyössä laatima sanasto, joka sisältää määritelmät suositeltavimmille väkivallan vastaisessa työssä käytettäville käsitteille. Jos väkivaltailmiön käsitteitä ei ole yhteisesti määritelty, emme välttämättä ymmärrä toisiamme, vaikka puhuisimme samasta asiasta. Sanaston tarkoituksena on tukea asiantuntijoita ja ammattilaisia keskustelemaan väkivallasta yhdenmukaisin termein ja jakamaan ymmärryksen siitä, mitä niillä tarkoitetaan
THL, 2020
Johanna Hietamäki, Saana Kaipanen, Terhi Seppälä, Helena Ewalds. Nollalinjan puhelinpalvelu autta... more Johanna Hietamäki, Saana Kaipanen, Terhi Seppälä, Helena Ewalds. Nollalinjan puhelinpalvelu auttaa lähisuhdeväkivaltaa kokevia. Tulokset, arviointi ja suositukset. [Helpline Nollalinja helps those experiencig violence in close relationships. Results, evaluation and recommendations]. National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). Report 10/2020. 97 pages. Helsinki, Finland 2020. ISBN 978-952-343-545-2 (online publication) Nollalinjan toiminta ja kansainväliset sopimukset sen taustalla
Yhteiskuntapolitiikka, 2020
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
Background—Intimate partner violence (IPV) has both direct and longer-term effects on children’s ... more Background—Intimate partner violence (IPV) has both direct and longer-term effects on children’s well-being. Much of the research thus far has relied on caregiver reports of IPV and clinical samples of children. By contrast, minimal research has examined violence between parents from the perspective of children using nationwide samples. Objective—This study explored the frequency of IPV witnessed by children and gender variations regarding the victims, perpetrators, and witnesses. Methods—The data were derived from a sample of 11,364 children from the Finnish Child Victim Survey 2013. The children were between 11 and 17 years old and were enrolled in the Finnish school system. The main methods of analysis included crosstabulation and the chi-square test. Results—The results indicate that children witnessed more IPV against their mother (4.9%) than their father (3.5%). Girls reported having witnessed more violence against both their mother (7.0%) and father (5.1%) than boys did (moth...
Papers by Johanna Hietamäki