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From the time the first archaeologists began excavating at Ramat Raḥel, it seemed evident that the tell was an archaeological and historical "riddle". On the one hand, the palatial compound uncovered at the site was dated to the Iron Age. On the other hand, the presence of hundreds of yhwd stamped jar handles and many other finds from the Persian period were left without apparent architectural context. Stratum IVb, dated by Aharoni to both the Persian and Hellenistic periods, included only segmented and poorly built walls and a few installations that could not explain the many stamped handles. The renewed excavations at the site and the final publication of the architecture and finds from Aharoni's excavations have made it possible to reevaluate the archaeology of the site and its significance vis-a-vis the political history of Judah as a province in the Achaemenid Empire. This paper presents for the first time the architecture and all the associated finds from Persian period (5th-3rd century BCE) Ramat Raḥel. The study demonstrates how Ramat Raḥel reached its zenith during the Persian period, serving as an imperial administrative center, and as the residency of the Persian governor. It also demonstrates that the site declined towards the end of the Persian period only to regain some importance toward the later part of the Hellenistic period.
U n i t e d n a t i o n s C o n f e r e n C e o n t r a d e a n d d e v e l o p m e n t AfricAn continentAl free trAde AreA: Policy and negotiation options for trade in Goods
Pengertian : MERS -CoV merupakan singkatan dari Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus. Penyakit ini adalah penyakit sindrom pernapasan yang disebabkan oleh virus Corona yang menyerang saluran pernapasan mulai dari yg ringan hingga berat. Gejalanya adalah demam, batuk dan sesak nafas, bersifat akut, biasanya pasien memiliki penyakit ko-morbid. Virus ini merupakan jenis baru dari kelompok Corona virus (Novel Corona Virus). Virus ini pertama kali dilaporkan pada bulan September 2012 di Arab Saudi. Virus SARS tahun 2003 juga merupakan kelompok virus Corona dan dapat menimbulkan pneumonia berat akan tetapi berbeda dari virus MERS CoV. Virus ini termasuk baru dan hingga kini belum ditemukan vaksin untuk mencegahnya. Namun, virus ini cepat menghilang di udara. Virus Corona sangat mudah menyebar melalui udara.
مؤسسة أبعاد للدراسات املستقبلية – إسبانيا, 2020
تستعرض الدراسة لأول مرة قصة تأسيس المركز واصداراته ومختلف مساراته العلمية وأزماته على مدار نصف قرن
Jurnal Penjaminan Mutu, 2022
Facilities and infrastructure (Sarpras) in primary to tertiary education have an important role in the learning process. The role and position of Infrastructure and facilities are crucial in attracting the neighborhood's consideration so schools have enthusiasts. This paper aims to determine the management system for schools and the role of infrastructure in raising educational standards. Methods of the research use comparative journals concerning educational facilities and infrastructure. According to the findings of the library, The authors discovered that based on reviews from around the world, (1) to improve educational quality, supporting and efficient facilities and infrastructure were needed, and (2) managing and utilizing the facilities and infrastructure available in schools as a benchmark in improving education quality.
El resurgimiento de la filosofía política durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX se origina, cronológicamente, con la publicación de la Teoría de la justicia [1971] de John Rawls, cuyos planteamientos constituyen un audaz intento por fundamentar una nueva concepción de la moral, la política y el derecho, y de sus relaciones entre sí, con sustanciales connotaciones para el desarrollo institucional de la democracia e inaugurando con ello un proyecto alternativo, similar al de Habermas, que hoy se inscribe en lo que ha dado en llamarse democracia deliberativa.
This is a review paper which summarizes recent achievements in studies of superdeep mantle rocks and diamonds from kimberlite and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic (UHPM) terranes using advanced analytical techniques and instrumentations such as focused ion beam (FIB)-assisted transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and synchrotronassisted infrared spectroscopy. In combination, they allow characterization of geological materials formed at varying pressures, temperatures, and stresses in different chemical environments, which has enabled us to make amazing advances in understanding large-scale processes operating in the Earth through plate tectonics. Mineralogical characterisations of the ultradeep earth materials using novel techniques with high spatial and energy resolution are resulting in unexpected discoveries of new phases, thereby providing better constraints on deep mantle processes. One of such results is that the nanometric fluid inclusions in diamonds from kimberlite and UHPM terranes contain similar elements such as Cl, K, P, and S. Such similarity reflects probably the high solubility of these elements in a diamond-forming C-O-H supercritical fluid at high pressures and temperatures. The paper emphasizes the necessity of further studies of diamonds occurred within geological setting (oceanic islands, foearcs and mantle sections of ophiolites) previously unrecognized as suitable places for high pressure minerals formation.
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PRACE Best Practice Guides, 2019
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Revista Farol de Estudos Organizacionais, 2018
Archaeological Research in Asia, 2019
Revista Universitaria de Historia Militar, 2018
Journal of Medical Entomology, 2020
Forum Mekanika, 2018
First Opinions Second Reactions, 2010
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 2016
Phytopathology, 2017