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Reflexões Interdisciplinares na Educação: estudos e experiências, 2023
A coletânea aborda diversas perspectivas e desafios na educação contemporânea, aborda temas que vão desde a Didática na Química Inorgânica até a interpretação de metáforas em contos africanos. Explorando estratégias de autoria, impacto da arte-educação, conscientização sobre direitos autorais, influência da espiritualidade e reflexões sobre o ensino de música, enriquecimento curricular, entre outros. A obra proporciona uma contribuição diversificada e valiosa para o aprimoramento educacional, destinada a educadores, pesquisadores e profissionais da educação.
Annali n. 30 | Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra, 2022
L’articolo propone un esame delle testimonianze della Prima guerra mondiale presenti in Vallagarina, degli interventi di recupero dei manufatti eseguiti negli ultimi decenni, delle iniziative di valorizzazione promosse e della potenzialità del turismo storico-militare.
El Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos puede ser visto desde varios enfoques: The first international Padua Workshop in the History of Intelligence aims to start a dialogue between historians and other intelligence experts about the uses of intelligence sources for the analysis of phenomena such as modern state formation and development, church-state relations, workforce mobility with regards to security issues.
Interpreting the Past. Heritage, New Technologies, and Local Development. Proceedings of the Conference on Authenticity, Intellectual Integrity and Sustainable Development of the Public Presentation of Archaeological and Historical Sites and Landscapes, Ghent, East-Flanders, 11-13 September 2002, 2007
The first part of this paper presents a friendly critique of a draft of the Ename Charter that concern 3D computer reconstructions and related documentation. Among other things, it distinguishes four kinds of "model" that are relevant to the 3D documentation, restoration, and reconstruction of cultural heritage sites and monuments: original model, state model, restoration model, and reconstruction model. In the second part of the paper, the general observations are applied to two projects of digital modeling: the House of Augustus on the Palatine Hill in ancient Rome; and Cubiculum 16 of the Villa of the Mysteries at Pompeii.
Analysis of the application of the economic slope concept in determining the economically optimum gas injection rate for a gas lift process is presented in this work. The type of gas lift process used for the study is continuous gas lift. The study made use of PROSPER, a production modelling tool patented to Petroleum Experts Limited for the analysis. Well X was taken as a case for the gas lift design analysis. Reservoir, fluid and equipment data were obtained and used for the analysis. PROSPER was used to perform the gas lift equipment design and generate the IPR curve. PROSPER was also used to generate the gas lift design performance curve. Manual computations involving the economic slope concept were made based on the information read from the performance curve for the optimum gas injection rate. From the analysis, it is determined that the optimum gas injection rate for the gas lift process at Well X is 2.47MMscf/d. Keywords: economic slope, gas lift, PROSPER, tangent, injection rate, optimum.
Stefania Roncolato (ed.). Il patrimonio bibliografico e archivistico delle Comunità israelitiche italiane Ovvero, la Relazione di Isaia Sonne. Note a margine, 2020
La Relazione che Isaia Sonne consegnò all’UCII nel 1936 costituisce una fonte unica per lo studio della storia e della cultura ebraica in Italia tra età moderna e contemporanea e, in questa chiave, è alla base di questo articolo. Ancora oggi, il rapporto il rapporto rappresenta l’unica descrizione complessiva delle collezioni bibliotecarie custodite dalle comunità ebraiche italiane (più Rodi e Fiume, all’epoca sottoposte alla giurisdizione del Regno). Si tratta di un documento di chiara importanza e che oggi, alla luce delle tante ricerche recenti, permette di ragionare da prospettive inusuali sulla storia delle comunità della penisola. Il contributo si sofferma sulla ridefinizione della cultura ebraica italiana in età del ghetto che questa Relazione aiuta a proporre.
The primary aim of the book is to present the basic physics of reservoir engineering, using the simplest and most straightforward of mathematical techniques. It is only through having a complete understanding of the physics that the engineer can hope to appreciate and solve complex reservoir engineering problems in a practical manner. Chapters 1 through 4 serve as an introduction to the subject and contain material presented on Shell's basic training courses. They should therefore be of interest to anyone even remotely connected with the business of developing and producing hydrocarbon reserves. Chapters 5 through 8 are more specialised describing the theory and practice of well testing and pressure analysis techniques, which are probably the most important subjects in the whole of reservoir engineering. The approach is entirely general in recognising that the superposition of dimensionless pressure, or pseudo pressure functions, perm its the analysis of any rate-pressure-time record retrieved from a well test, for any type of reservoir fluid. To appreciate this generality, the reader is advised to make a cursory inspection of section 8.13 (page 295), before embarking on a more thorough reading of these chapters. The author hopes that this will serve as a useful introduction to the recently published and, as usual, excellent SPE Monograph (Advances in Well Test Analysis; by Robert C. Earlougher, Jr.), in which a knowledge is assumed of much of the theory presented in these four chapters. Chapter 9 describes the art of aquifer modelling, while Chapter 10, the final chapter, covers the subject of immiscible, incompressible displacement. The message here isthat there is but one displacement theory, that of Buckley and Leverett. Everything else is just a matter of "modifying" the relative permeability curves (known in the business as "scientific adjustment"), to account for the manner in which the fluid saturations are distributed in the dip-normal direction. These curves can then be used in conjunction with the one dimensional Buckley-Leverett equation to calculate the oil recovery. By stating the physics implicit in the generation of averaged (pseudo) relative permeabilities and illustrating their role in numerical simulation, it is hoped that this chapter will help to guide the hand of the scientific adjuster. Of those who have offered technical advice, I should like to acknowledge the
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Plato Journal, Issue 25, pp. 25-43, 2024, available at:, 2024
Vidyasagar University Journal of History, 2017
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019
Classical Sociological Theory SSED 124 Introduction to Social Theory Brief, 2023
Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice, 2010
Dissolution Technologies, 2021
Proceedings of the Int'l ACM Conference on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems
Centro Azúcar, 2010
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Biblioteca di Studi di Filologia Moderna