Comparing VE Locomotion Interfaces
Mary C. Whitton*
Joseph V. Cohn†
Jeff Feasel
Paul Zimmons
University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
U.S. Naval Research
University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Sharif Razzaque
Sarah J. Poulton‡
Brandi McLeod+
Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.
University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Hollins University
Roanoke, VA
University of Maryland at
College Park
University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
To compare and evaluate locomotion interfaces for users who are
(virtually) moving on foot in VEs, we performed a study to
characterize task behavior and task performance with different
visual and locomotion interfaces. In both a computer-generated
environment and a corresponding real environment, study
participants walked to targets on walls and stopped as close to
them as they could without making contact.
In each of five experimental conditions participants used a
combination of one of three locomotion interfaces (really walking,
walking-in-place, and joystick flying), and one of three visual
conditions (head-mounted display, unrestricted natural vision, or
field-of-view-restricted natural vision). We identified metrics and
collected data that captured task performance and the underlying
kinematics of the task.
Our results show: 1) Over 95% of the variance in simple
motion paths is captured in three critical values: peak velocity;
when, in the course of a motion, the peak velocity occurs; and
peak deceleration. 2) Correlations of those critical value data for
the conditions taken pairwise suggest a coarse ordering of
locomotion interfaces by “naturalness.” 3) Task performance
varies with interface condition, but correlations of that value for
conditions taken pairwise do not cluster by naturalness. 4) The
perceptual variable, τ (also known as the time-to-contact)
calculated at the point of peak deceleration has higher correlation
with task performance than τ calculated at peak velocity.
CR Categories: H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]:
User Interfaces; I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional
Graphics and Realism—Virtual reality.
Keywords: Locomotion, velocity profile, tau, time-to-collision,
motor control, vision, perception-action.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Figure 1: The approach wall and stop task
One of the unsolved problems in virtual environment systems
research is building a locomotion interface that enables users on
foot to move through virtual spaces much larger than the real
space enclosing the VE system. We have embarked on a series of
studies to compare and evaluate locomotion interfaces for users
who are on foot. Although there are a number of ingenious
mechanical locomotion interfaces (several are described in [1] and
[2]), we focused on three: really walking (as a standard), simple
walking-in-place, and flying with a joystick (or gamepad).
The goals of the work reported here are to develop metrics for
characterizing and comparing users’ movements under the
different interface conditions, to correlate these metrics with task
performance metrics, and to begin to investigate metrics that
relate interface condition to performance. From this study, and
those that follow, we hope to develop a model and guidelines to
advise system builders on the choice of locomotion interface.
Specifically, our results will be used to advise the development of
to-be-fielded systems for training dismounted warfighters (i.e.,
infantry soldiers and marines). The final evaluation metric for the
interfaces and systems will be the amount that real-world skills
improve as a result of training in an immersive virtual
Most studies on locomotion are restricted to either a virtual or a
real environment. Our facility supports both. Exploiting this, we
developed methods to characterize the output of a locomotion
interface, i.e. the user’s path of motion through the virtual
environment, and we then used those characterizations to compare
different interface conditions to each other and to natural motion
in the real environment. We derived metrics from the motion
paths, measured performance on a simple task (walking up to a
wall and stopping, Figure 1), and explored how motor control of
this simple action, captured in the perceptual variable τ, differs
among interfaces.
New Knowledge. Principal-component analysis of motion path
data revealed that the first three principal components,
respectively, are primarily related to 1) maximum velocity; 2)
when, during the motion, maximum velocity occurs (percent time
elapsed from the start of motion to the time of onset of
deceleration, referred to here as percent time), and 3) maximum
deceleration. Repeated-measures analysis of variance showed that
interface condition had a significant effect (p < 0.05) on variables
peak velocity and peak deceleration, as well as on task
performance and on τ measured at peak velocity and at peak
To further understand the effects of condition, we performed
both comparisons and correlations of data for the 10 possible pairs
of conditions taken two at a time. We’ll refer to these as pairwise
comparisons and pairwise correlations. Pairwise comparisons of
means planned a priori revealed 53 of 60 to be significant; this
data was unilluminating. Rank ordering of the results of the
pairwise correlations of the motion-path-related data (peak
velocity, peak deceleration, and τ computed at those points)
suggests a clustering and ordering of interfaces by how much they
are like locomotion in the real world. User questionnaire data and
task performance data only partially supported this, with the
differences likely attributable to the quality of our walking-inplace interface. Pairwise correlations of the task performance
metric and τ measured at 1) peak deceleration and 2) peak
velocity do not follow the clustering and ordering of the motionpath related variables.
The data show that τ measured at peak deceleration correlates
more strongly with task performance than with τ measured at peak
This suggests the use of τ calculated at peak
deceleration in further work investigating motor control, motion
paths, and performance.
The results, as yet, are insufficient to establish strong design
guidelines; they do, however, provide a framework for further
studies to develop and test models of locomotion interface
Comparing Locomotion Interfaces
Metric: Positional Accuracy. Iwata and Yoshida [3] compared
the ability of users to reproduce paths through a VE comparing
the performance of users of their Torus Treadmill and to those
who used a joystick locomotion interface. In the first study, users
walked a straight path to a target cone. In the second study the
users went to a first target cone, made a turn, and then walked to a
second cone. In both studies the users walked along the path with
the cones visible, and were then asked to walk to the same path
again without cones. Accuracy was measured as how close the
users came to the cone positions as they walked the paths without
seeing the cones. When walking in a straight line the users
overshot the target by nearly equal amounts in both locomotion
conditions. In the two-cone condition, the results showed
significantly larger total error for users of the joystick than of the
Torus Treadmill.
Metric: Cognition. Zanbaka, et al. [4] studied the effect of four
locomotion interfaces on cognition in an immersive virtual
environment. Their four conditions varied in locomotion control,
viewpoint control, and display device. Data collected were the
results of a cognition questionnaire (CQ), sketch maps, and
responses to the Steed-Usoh-Slater (SUS) Presence Questionnaire.
The CQ probed three categories: Knowledge, the recall or
recognition of specific information; Understanding and
Application, comprehension and application of information; and
Higher Mental Processes, information analysis, synthesis, and
Post hoc analysis investigating trends in the Understanding and
Application scores and Higher Mental Processes scores showed
significantly higher performance for the really walking condition
over joystick locomotion. Similar significant differences in
performance on Understanding and Application scores were found
between the between real walking condition and a condition
where the user viewed the environment on a monitor and
controlled motion and viewpoint with a joystick. Overall, the
research results provided evidence that there are cognitive
benefits attributable to physically and naturally walking in a
virtual environment when the application involves problem
solving and interpretation of material.
Metric: Multisensory Realism. There is significant evidence that
the level of realism of sensory immersion, interpreted as the
degree to which one or more sensory modalities are stimulated in
ways corresponding to the real world, plays a role in supporting
the ability to perform complex actions within a Virtual
Environment [5]. Grant & Magee [6] demonstrated a critical
difference in internalizing spatial information when users are
allowed to explore a large-scale VE using either a joystick or a
simple walking interface. Results favor the interface that enabled
the more natural locomotion. Other studies, which have assessed
the utility of VEs to train spatial navigation and wayfinding skills
([7]), have shown that in addition to providing adequate
proprioceptive stimulation, e.g. natural walking, VEs must also
provide adequate visual information.
Metric: Sense of Presence. In [8] , Slater, Usoh, and Steed
proposed that sense of presence is a function of both 1) the match
between the sensory input provided by the VE and the “internal
representation systems…employed by the participant” and 2) the
match between proprioceptive cues and visual feedback, i.e.
realistic visuals and realistic motion cues. Two studies have
compared the efficacy of locomotion techniques by measuring the
level of presence evoked in users of different locomotion
techniques while holding visual condition constant.
Slater, Steed, and Usoh [8] compared walking-in-place and on-off
flying in an environment that evoked a strong reaction in the
users, a visual cliff. Usoh, et al. [9] report on a follow-up study
which included both of the original conditions, walking-in-place
and pushbutton flying, and added the condition of really walking.
Both studies investigated whether users would experience higher
presence in a VE if they moved though the environment using a
locomotion technique that provided proprioceptive stimuli similar
to natural walking.
Post-experience presence questionnaires for the first study showed
that walking-in-place produces higher levels of presence than
moving by pushing a button, provided that users identify with
their avatar. The second study showed that both really walking
and walking-in-place conditions yielded significantly higher
levels of presence than did push-button flying; a strong trend
suggested that really walking produced higher sense of presence
than walking-in-place.
Analysis of Motions from Tracker Logs
A motion path is a sequence of position-time samples of a tracked
point on the user’s body. From such a path it is easy to derive a
velocity profile (velocity vs. time) and measures such as
maximum velocity, peak deceleration, and τ.
We analyzed motions in our study in essentially the same way
as reported in Mason, et al. [10]. Although their research is
focused on reaching movements, their reported data preparation
techniques are particularly relevant. Mason used a 3 DoF tracker
to collect motion paths of reaching hands. The raw tracker data
were interpolated and smoothed with a low pass Butterworth filter
before the velocity profile and other measures were computed.
Their paths were algorithmically truncated to a consistent starting
condition (when velocity reached 5 mm/sec, in their case). We
employed nearly identical techniques.
Τau and Motion Control
Basing their work on the Gibsonian notion of treating visual input
as an optic flow field [11], Lee and Reddish [12] suggest that the
onset of certain motions is controlled by the visual information
individuals receive. They propose that the control mechanism is
based on an optically defined parameter, time-to-collision, τ. In
perceptual terms, τ is the expansion of visual information on the
retina; operationally, it is computed as user’s distance-fromcollision divided by user’s velocity (i.e., x/x') (c.f. [13] for
detailed derivations). Lee and Reddish’s work demonstrates this
relationship between τ (computed as x/x') and motor behavior for
a single system, and Schoner [14] demonstrates that it holds in a
number of other previously described experimental systems.
In practice, τ is typically reported at a critical value within a
motion path, e.g., at peak velocity [15] or at the point in the path
where τ varies least [16]. The value of τ at peak velocity, i.e., the
onset of deceleration for simple motions, has been widely
explored as an element in motor control strategies [15]. Research
has also identified and examined control situations in which τ
remains nearly constant across experimental conditions [15, 16],.
Such cases are important because of the notion that features of
movement that are invariant across conditions reflect the nature of
the neural control of motor actions [17].
In this work, movement control is assumed to depend primarily
on information provided visually. Previous work [12, 16, 18, 19]
suggests that τ, the perceived time-to-contact, may serve as an
environmentally specified (i.e., situation specific) variable for
controlling movements in a dynamic setting. Here, we investigate
the notion that τ captures the relationship between motion path
metrics, task performance, and interface type, providing another
means to quantify the impact of interface design on performance.
Interface Efficacy and Naturalness
Osgood’s notion of identical elements proposes that the closer the
training environment is to the actual one, the more likely it is that
the training environment will prove effective [20]. Prior work
cited in section 2.1 supports the notion that the more natural or
realistic the locomotion interface, the more effective it is as
evaluated on some metric. These ideas suggest that we examine
our data to see if it supports the idea of a “naturalness” ordering of
locomotion interfaces. Using motion-path-derived variables for
real and VR conditions we can examine how much the users’
motions under different conditions are like their motions in the
real environment. We can perform similar comparison for task
performance and we can extend the scope of our comparisons to
motor control mechanisms by comparing values of τ under
different interface conditions.
The Academic Affairs Institutional Review Board at the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill approved the user
study reported here.
User motion in the real world is the standard against which we
compare various locomotion interfaces. Based on our assumption
that the user’s head will be tracked in any future fielded VE-based
training systems, and to maximize the chance that our metrics can
be used in future field studies, we based our metrics on motion
parameters derived from only head-tracking data.
Conditions and Task
Each of the five conditions we studied included one of three
locomotion interfaces and one of three visual interfaces. Of the
three locomotion interfaces, one was natural (really walking), and
two were artificial (joystick flying and walking-in-place).
Similarly, of the three visual interfaces, one was natural
(unobstructed natural vision) and two were artificial (field-ofview-restricted natural vision and a head-mounted display
We collected data for three VE conditions: really walking in
virtual reality (VRW), joystick flying (JS), and walking-in-place
(WIP). We collected data for two conditions where users could
see naturally: really walking with unhindered vision (Real) and
really walking with field-of-view-restricted vision (Cowl). The
field-of-view of the Cowl and the HMD are the same.
Figure 2: The virtual maze viewed from overhead.
The arrows show the approaches to the five
targets used in the study.
Each participant navigated a maze in each condition. The order
of the conditions was determined by a modified Latin Square. As
they moved through the maze, the participants saw targets on the
walls. We instructed participants to walk up to the target and stop
as close to it as they could without touching the wall. When
participants felt they were as close to the target plane as possible,
they signaled by pressing a button and then proceeded to the next
target. Experimenters noted if the participants bumped the wall,
but this information was not used in the analysis presented here.
Equipment and Software
Our environments were modeled using 3D Studio Max™; our
custom virtual environment application was developed using
Visual C++ 6.0 on Windows™ XP, the WildMagic™ game
engine by Magic Software, Inc., and the VRPN library for
communication with peripherals. The study application was run
on a dual-Xeon 1.7GHz PC with 1 GB of RAM and an nVidia
GeForce™4 Ti 4600 graphics card. For the VR conditions, the
participants wore a Virtual Research Systems V8 HMD with
640x480 tri-color pixel resolution in each eye and a horizontal
field-of-view of 47 degrees. The head was tracked with a
3rdTech™ HiBall 6DoF optical tracker with a 22’ x 30’ tracked
area. The tracker sensor was mounted on the HMD for the VRW,
JS, and WIP conditions. For the Cowl condition the tracker was
mounted on a modified V8 HMD shell that restricted FOV. In the
Real condition, the tracker was mounted to a simple headband.
Participants carried a Logitech® Cordless Rumblepad as a
button input device and for locomotion in the joystick flying
condition. Midpoint in the joystick’s 256-level output range was
set to a speed comparable to normal walking. In the JS and WIP
conditions, the Rumblepad vibrated when the user collided with a
wall. A Crossbow™ Solid State 2G accelerometer mounted on
the HMD provided input data for in the walking-in-place
interface. The acceleration was compared to a threshold to
identify footfalls, and the footfalls in turn produced the forward
motion of an average stride. The direction of motion for both the
JS and WIP conditions was the view direction.
Matching Real and Virtual Environments
We refer to the environment as a maze, though it was simply a
corridor with four turns (Figure 2). There were targets on the
walls at several locations. The real maze was constructed from
ReddiForm™ Styrofoam blocks. The walls were 1.8 m (6 ft) tall.
The 45 cm square targets have a vertical stripe to indicate the
center of the target, and an arrow pointing in the direction of the
next target. During a pilot of the study it became apparent that our
stark VE included no familiar objects users could use to judge size
and scale. In response, we added a light switch cover plate to
each target. The virtual maze and targets matched the real maze
and targets (Figure 3).
Figure 3: First-person (left) and third-person views of user
approaching a target
Data Collection and Preprocessing
Motion Paths. We updated frames and logged the 6DoF headpose data at 160 Hz.1 We extracted 3DoF motion paths from the
pose data.
Path Preprocessing. To provide a consistent starting point for
each target approach, we algorithmically truncated each path so
that it began at the same distance from the target plane.
Because the motion paths in each target approach are
essentially perpendicular to the target plane, we projected the
3DoF points onto such a line. This not only reduced the
dimensionality of the data but eliminated positional variations
caused by side-to-side and up-and-down head movements
characteristic of walking.
Filtering with a low-pass Butterworth filter eliminated headbobbing movements from the paths and eliminated any highfrequency motions caused by tracker jitter. The cutoff frequency
was empirically defined to eliminate ripples in the path data that
would become exaggerated in later differentiation steps.
Our system runs with sync-to-vertical-refresh turned off. No
users reported seeing image “tearing”; we attribute this to the
relatively slow switching time of the LCDs in the HMD.
Principal-component analysis. Observations of velocity profiles
for our five conditions in an earlier, exploratory study (Figure 4)
suggested that curve height, skew, and steepness-of-deceleration
differentiate the curves for the different conditions. In the current
study we sought quantitative confirmation of our observations
using principal-component analysis (PCA).
Figure 4: These curves from an exploratory study show the mean
values of the paths for all subjects for each condition for one target.
We observed that peak velocity differs between conditions and that
the peak velocity for joystick and WIP are skewed left. Less
apparent is the change in steepness in deceleration.
Quoting from the Wikipedia web site, “In statistics, principal
components analysis (PCA) is a technique that can be used to
simplify a dataset; more formally it is a linear transformation that
chooses a new coordinate system for the data set such that the
greatest variance by any projection of the data set comes to lie on
the first axis (then called the first principal component), the
second greatest variance on the second axis, and so on. PCA can
be used for reducing dimensionality in a dataset while retaining
those characteristics of the dataset that contribute most to its
variance by eliminating the later principal components (by a more
or less heuristic decision).” We use PCA in exactly this way to
reduce the dimensionality of the path vector data.
The input to the PCA is a set of feature vectors derived from
the path vectors, one feature vector for each path vector. To
generate the feature vectors for the velocity profiles, we first used
finite difference techniques to generate position-velocity data
from the position-time path vectors. The velocity data were then
resampled in distance to produce a 50-element feature vector.
Fifty was chosen empirically as a tradeoff between PCA
computational cost and resolution. We repeated this process for
each path vector, creating a set of 50-element feature vectors that
were the input to the PCA.
We collected data on approaches and stopping at five wallmounted targets, under each of five interface conditions. We
derived six dependent variables to quantify the impact of interface
on performance: three motion path metrics—peak velocity,
percent of time to peak velocity (percent time),2 and peak
We normalized time as the distances between targets differ.
(a) Peak Velocity
(b) Percent Tim e Elapsed to Tim e of
Peak Velocity
Figures 5 (a), (b), and (c) show the means and standard deviations
for these data.
Co wl
(c) Peak Deceleration
Co wl
(d) Final Distance from Target
Task performance: final distance from target
In the present work, task performance is defined as the absolute
value of the distance between the user’s final position and the
plane of the target at which they are stopping. Figure 5 (d) shows
the mean and standard deviation for this metric.
Time-to-collision: τ
Two values of τ, taken at the times of peak velocity and peak
deceleration, were computed from the data. The process used was
nearly identical to that presented in [12]. Figure 6 shows the
means and standard deviations for τ calculated at peak velocity
and peak deceleration.
Tau at Peak Velocity and Peak Deceleration
Co wl
Co wl
Tau: seconds to collision
Figure 5: Mean and +/- 1 ı of four dependent variables
deceleration; task performance—final distance to target; and timeto-collision, τ, at peak velocity and at peak deceleration.
Study participants
Participants were recruited from among students at UNC-Chapel
Hill and were paid for participating in two-hour sessions. All
subjects were able to walk unassisted and passed a screening for
health and susceptibility to motion sickness.
Thirty-two participants (21 male, 11 female) ranged in age from
18 to 42, with a mean age of 24. Video-game-playing experience
was bi-modal, with 11 participants reporting less than one
hour/week and 15 reporting over 10 hours/week. The participants
were generally naïve VE users: only six had been in an immersive
environment more than twice before, and none had experienced a
VE more recently than a month before.
Users signed informed consent forms and filled out
demographic questionnaires before entering the virtual
environment. Post-VE experience questionnaires asked them to
both rate and rank their experiences with the five interfaces.
Open-ended questions elicited additional qualitative data.
Description of Quantitative Metrics
Motion-Path Derived Metrics
Principal components. The first three PCs account for over 95%
of the variance in the data. Our velocity profile feature vectors
have meaning when graphed. Varying each of the first three PCs
of a velocity profile showed them, respectively, to most
noticeably affect the curve shapes as follows: the height of the
curve (peak velocity), the skew of the peak of the curve (the
percent time of peak velocity), and how steeply the curve falls
(peak deceleration). The analysis confirmed what our observation
of earlier data suggested: these three characteristics are the major
factors defining the shape of velocity profiles for different
locomotion conditions. The result of the PCA helped us identify
which discrete values derived from the motion paths we would
use to compare paths, and allowed us to reduce the dimensionality
of the motion path description from (in our work) 500 element
path vectors to 3 values.
Motion Path Variables. Based on the outcome of the PCA, we
examined the data for peak velocity, percent time to peak
velocity, and peak deceleration for each of the five conditions.
Figure 6: Mean and +/- 1 ı for IJ at critical motion path variables.
Statistical Analysis
The overall statistics are based on a 5 x 5 (Targets x InterfaceType) repeated measures analysis-of-variance (ANOVA) run on
each of the six dependent variables: peak velocity, percent time to
peak velocity, peak deceleration, final distance, τ at peak velocity,
and τ at peak deceleration. Since there were missing data,
statistical analyses were performed as six separate within-subjects
ANOVAs3, with corresponding a priori contrasts, rather than
using a single MANOVA procedure. The results of the ANOVAs
were adjusted using the Benjamini-Hochberg method, which
controls for false detection rates resulting from multiple
hypotheses testing [21]. Main effects of Target and Interface Type
were considered, as were planned pairwise comparisons.
Although we report main effects for Targets, we do not discuss
Targets further in this paper.
ANOVA results
Each of our ANOVA procedures compared the means of one of
the dependent variables for three cases: differences in means
across all targets and all conditions (Overall), across five Targets,
and across five Conditions.
Motion Path Metrics. The ANOVA for peak velocity showed
Overall significance (p<0.0001), with a significant main effect for
Our analysis used an ANOVA process that accounted for fact
that each subject did the task in each condition (subjects
repeated). The mathematics for this model are approximate, not
exact, so the probabilities are found using the Chi-Square rather
than the F statistic. This model does not return a measure of the
variance attributable to Target and Condition.
both Targets (p<0.0001) and Interface (p<0.0001). The ANOVA
for percent time showed Overall significance (p<0.002) and a
significant main effect for Targets (p<0. 0057). Percent time did
not show a main effect for Interface (p=0.1583). The ANOVA for
peak deceleration also showed Overall significance (p<0.0003)
and significant main effects for Targets (p<0.005) and Interface
Task Performance. The ANOVA for task performance,
measured as the final stopping distance relative to each target,
showed Overall significance (p<0.002), with a significant main
effect for both Targets (p<0.003) and Interface (p<0.001).
Time-to-collision, τ. The ANOVA for time-to-collision measured
at peak velocity showed Overall significance (p<0.0002), with a
significant main effect for both Targets (p<0.0001) and Interface
(p<0.0001). The ANOVA for time-to-collision measured at peak
deceleration showed overall significance (p<0.002, with a
significant main effect for both Targets (p<0.03) and Interface
Planned pairwise comparisons
A series of ten a priori pairwise comparisons were calculated for
each of the six variables, using the Real condition (really walking
and unobstructed natural vision) as the baseline. We used
Benjamini-Hochberg’s method to control for inflated error rates in
these comparisons. Of the 60 comparisons, only 7 were not
significant. We had to explore further.
Correlation of τ and task performance
To determine which of our two measures of τ might better
describe motion control strategies used for locomotion in the
different interface conditions, we computed correlations between
τ and the task performance measure for both τ calculated at peak
velocity and peak deceleration. Figure 7 shows the correlation
coefficients for τ at these two critical points and final distance.
Correlation of Tau on Final Distance
Tau at Peak Velocity on Final Distance
Tau at Peak Deceleration on Final Distance
Peak Velocity
Peak Deceleration
Real- WIP
Cowl- WIP
Cowl- JS
Real- JS
Tau at Peak Deceleration
Tau at Peak Velocity
Real- WIP
Cowl- WIP
Real- JS
Cowl- JS
Figure 8: Correlations on dependent variables by conditions taken
pairwise. Red horizontal lines denote bins that suggest a coarse
ordering of interfaces.
User Experience
Users rated which interface condition (the combination of
locomotion technique and vision condition) they thought they
performed the task best with, and the one they thought they did
the worst with. Twenty of the 32 participants indicated that their
best performance was in the Real condition; the other participants
were widely spread over the other four conditions, with each
being selected between 2 and 4 times. Users commented:
The headband [Real] seemed easiest because I had full
peripheral vision...
The blinders/cowl [Cowl] and headband [Real] didn't
change my sense of location and sense of body so I
performed best with them.
I don't think the lack of peripheral vision influenced my
performance much. It did, however, influence the way I
moved, I think.
Cow l
Figure 7: Correlation coefficients of IJ on final distance at two
critical points.
Pairwise correlations
To better understand the relationships of the conditions, we
performed pairwise correlations on the five dependent variables
that show a main effect for Interface Type. The ordered results for
the Peak Velocity, Peak Deceleration, and Tau at those points are
shown in Figure 8. The order of the pairs on the Y-axis is nearly
identical on the four charts; the ordering of the pairs that include
the Real condition is consistent: Real-Cowl>Real-VRW>RealWIP>Real-JS. The ordering for the final distance correlations
(not shown) is somewhat different overall, including, for the pairs
including Real, the order is: Real-VRW>Real-Cowl>RealJS>Real-WIP.
Really walking in VR allowed me to choose exactly how
far I want to move; so I could move slowly until I was
just a couple of centimeters away from the target. This
"analog control" made it easier for me. I also thought
that really walking in VR was easier than the gamepad
[JS] because the movements were more natural.
The joystick was rated as worst or next to worst by 20 of the 32
participants. One participant, who also reported game use of 5-10
hours/week during at least part of the previous year, noted its
[The joystick (JS)] was not good, but better than
walking-in-place [WIP]. The joystick allowed far more
sensitive adjustments once I got close, but no
sidestepping ability.
Of the 18 people who reported more than 5 hours/week of
video game usage at some time during the last year, only 3 rated
joystick as the interface with which they performed best.
Twenty-five of 32 participants reported they performed worst in
the walking-in-place condition. The open-ended comments and
experimenter observations support this result. We attribute this to
the quality of our WIP interface. One user commented:
I felt I had the least control here with my speed and
turning. Maybe I wasn't stomping enough, but I felt I
couldn't move myself around the way I wanted.
Participants were also asked to rank the interfaces according to
how well they performed while using them, from best (1) to worst
(5). The modal values for those responses are reported in the
middle row of Table 1. The bottom row is the number of
responses in that mode.
Table 1: Modal values for ranking of conditions by best to worst
performance and instances of that ranking (of the 32 total).
22 of 32
15 of 32
17 of 32
16 of 32
24 of 32
Walking-in-Place Interface
The interpretation of our results is complicated by the quality of
our walking-in-place interface.
The WIP technique as
implemented at the time of this study was difficult to use. Heavy
stomping was required for some participants to trigger a footstep;
turning was difficult. We see the effect of these difficulties in the
relatively large variances for percent time of peak velocity and
final distance. Footsteps, when they were recognized, resulted in
a constant size movement in the direction of gaze. This put an
unnatural constraint on Final Distance in this condition: the users
reached a point from which they could get no closer to the target
without colliding with it.
While our current version of walking-in-place lacks sensitivity,
the version we used previously in Usoh et al. [9] had unnatural
stopping and starting delays. The poor showing of these two
simple WIP locomotion interfaces means that system designers
proposing to use WIP need to (1) engineer them very carefully,
and (2) validate them against real walking. The Gaiter system,
[22], represents a significant effort to develop a WIP system
allowing both natural motion and natural exertion.
Discussion of results
A significant challenge to the development of any type of human computer interface lies in the quantification of performance
increments or decrements when one interface design is chosen
over another. We have chosen to work on an interface for which
design requirements are only beginning to be developed, and have
created a framework within which metrics can be validated using
a task whose complexity can, over time, be amplified.
We developed metrics in three categories: properties of the
motion paths, task performance, and, an exploratory investigation
of time-to-collision, τ, as a measure of interface efficacy. As
suggested by previous work, as we examined our results we
looked for patterns in the ordering of the interfaces.
Motion Path Metrics. The ANOVAs showed that two of the
three motion path metrics, peak velocity and peak deceleration,
show a main effect for Interface Type. If you order results of
pairwise correlations for these data (Figure 8) the order of the
pairs along the Y-axis is nearly identical for each case.
Conservatively, these orderings show similar clusters with
interfaces with real locomotion (walking) interfaces and natural
vision grouped at one end, and conditions with less natural
locomotion interfaces (walking-in-place and joystick) and
computer-generated visual input (HMD) at the other end. The
mixed interface, real walking with HMD visuals, falls in-between.
Task Performance Metric. Our performance metric was Final
Distance to Target and the ANOVA shows a main effect for
Interface. For this variable, smaller is better. Figure 5 shows an
ordering of the interfaces that groups as that described above.
User Experience. User questionnaire responses, Table 1, also
support the three bin ordering.
Time-to-Collision, τ. Whereas exploring performance and
motion metrics provides insight into which interface may be most
effective, it does not explain the mechanism through which
differences in the metrics arise. Such understanding would
provide general principles to help developers make better design
decisions. Arguably, the manner in which visual information is
provided, and the manner in which the interface enables the user
to act upon such information, are critical. Consequently, a model
that captures a relationship between the two might prove useful,
especially if it could be shown to relate to overall performance in
some fashion.
Previous research [23] suggests that the human nervous system
may plan simple braking maneuvers by defining the point at
which braking starts or at the point of maximum deceleration.
Moreover, there is evidence that the time-to-contact variable, τ, an
indirect measure of control strategy, captures this relationship
when calculated at such critical values and correlated to
performance metrics [15, 24]. As Figure 7 suggests, τ calculated
at peak deceleration correlates better—and captures more
variability—than τ calculated at peak velocity and should be used
in future research relating motor control and performance.
However, final distance and τ at peak deceleration did not
correlate particularly well (Figure 7). We speculate that since
humans brake to avoid collisions, exploring number of collisions
as a task performance metric might prove illuminating. We did
not formally collect or analyze collision data in this work.
Table 2: Bin into which each pairwise correlation falls when
correlations are coarsely grouped high (bin A) to low (bin C). Data
are from Peak Deceleration in Figure 8.
The data presented here are not so conclusive as to warrant basing
design guidelines on them. However, a number of interesting
observations can be made from the data in Table 2, which recasts
the data for Peak Velocity from Figure 8 in a way that shows
which pairwise correlations fall into which bin.
We observed the following:
Visual Interface—Field-of-View appears to have no effect in the
task used in this study. Holding locomotion condition constant
(looking at rows), correlations for each visual condition fall into
the same bin. This is believable as this particular task required
only looking straight ahead.
Visual Interface—Real or HMD appears to have no effect.
Again, holding the locomotion interface constant, we observe that
the data for the Cowl (real vision) and HMD (computer generated
visuals) fall into the same bin. Again, this is understandable as
the task was designed so as not to require high visual acuity.
Locomotion Interface.
Holding visual condition constant
(looking at columns), we observed that locomotion interface does
have an effect on size of the correlation values. In each column,
the more “real” locomotion methods are in the A bin (high
correlations) than the less natural ones in bins B and C (lower
correlations. These data indicate that the motions with walkingin-place and joystick locomotion do not correlate well with (i.e.,
are not like) motions when walking naturally. Since we do not yet
understand the potential impact of a locomotion interface
dissimilar too real walking, this observation should serve as a
caution to developers: carefully consider whether there might be
unintended consequences of adopting walking-in-place or joystick
Support for this research is, or has been, provided by the Office of
Naval Research and the NIH National Institute for Biomedical
Imaging and Bioengineering and National Center for Research
This work would not have been completed without the many
significant contributions of Luv Kohli, Matt McCallus,
Christopher Oates, and Christopher VanderKnyff. We also thank
William Becker of Strategic Analysis, Inc. for thoughtful advice
that helped frame this research.
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