letters to nature
within Sector Santa Rosa, Area de Conservacion, Guanacaste (ACG), of northwest Costa
Rica27. In 1976, all stems $3 cm dbh were mapped within a continuous 680 m 3 240 m
(16.32 Ha) area of forest20 by S. P. Hubbell. Using an identical mapping protocol, a second
remap of the San Emilio forest was completed between 1995 and 1996. In total, 46,833
individuals have been surveyed, 26,960 in 1976 and 19,873 in 1996. Together, the two
surveys document 20 yr of growth and population change for about 150 species. The plot
is composed of secondary growth forest and is heterogeneous with respect to age,
topography and degree of deciduousness.
Calculation of individual tree growth
In 1976, most trees greater than 10 cm dbh were tagged with aluminum tree markers and
given a unique identification number. Because few smaller individuals were given
aluminum tags in 1976, tree growth was usually followed only for those trees greater than
10 cm dbh. Growth was calculated by monitoring changes in dbh for each individual. To
ensure an accurate estimate of growth, a species was included only if a minimum
representation of seven individuals had initial stem diameters $10 cm, and the diameter
range of all individuals $20 cm. As the minimum diameter cut off for individuals was
10 cm, this imposed a minimum size range of 30 cm. Only individuals experiencing
positive growth in the 20-year period were used for the calculation of allometric equations.
In some cases, individuals experienced no change or even a decrease in diameter over time.
This was usually due to partial death, loss of the main trunk or measuring errors. The 45
species meeting the above criteria are listed in Table 1. Production equations for each
species were generated by plotting D2/3(0) versus D2/3(20) on linear axes. Because dbh was
measured identically in 1976 and 1996, measurement error is likely to be equally
distributed across the x and y axes. For these reasons, allometric slopes were determined
using Model II RMA regression1,28,29. Equations and statistics for each species are also
reported in Table 1.
Species-specific wood density
The specific wood density, r, is a simple measure of the total dry mass per unit volume of
wood (g cm−3). The specific density of wood is closely related to mechanical properties of
strength, such as elastic moduli, which describe resistance to static and impact bending,
compression and tension28. For 29 of the 45 species reported in this study, values of specific
wood density, r, in g cm−3, were taken from the literature24,26,30. If more than one study
reported a different value for a species, then the average value was used (Table 1).
Received 9 June; accepted 12 August 1999.
1. Charnov, E. L. Life History Invariants: Some Explorations of Symmetry in Evolutionary Ecology (Oxford
Univ. Press, Oxford, 1993).
2. Stearns, S. C. The Evolution of Life Histories (Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 1992).
3. Richards, P. W. The Tropical Rain Forest 2nd edn (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1996).
4. Chambers, J. Q., Higuchi, N. & Schimel, J. P. Ancient trees in Amazonia. Nature 391, 135–136 (1998).
5. Grime, J. P. & Hunt, R. Relative growth-rate: its range and adaptive significance in a local flora. J.
Ecology 63, 393–422 (1975).
6. Tilman, D. Plant Strategies nd the Dynamics and Structure of Plant Communities (Princeton Univ.
Press, Princeton, 1988).
7. Cebran, J. & Duarte, C. M. The dependence of herbivory on growth rate in natural plant communities.
Func. Ecol. 8, 518–525 (1994).
8. Gleeson, S. K. & Tilman, D. Plant allocation, growth rate and successional status. Func. Ecol. 8, 543–
550 (1994).
9. Ricklefs, R. E. Environmental heterogeneity and plant species diversity: an hypothesis. Am. Nat. 111,
376–381 (1977).
10. Grubb, P. J. The maintenance of species diversity in plant communities: the importance of the
regeneration niche. Biol. Rev. 52, 107–145 (1977).
11. Denslow, J. S. Gap partitioning among tropical rain forest trees. Biotropica (Suppl.), 12; 47–55 (1980).
12. Williamson, G. B. Gradients in wood specific gravity of trees. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 111, 51–55 (1996).
13. Hubbell, S. P. et al. Light-gap disturbances, recruitment limitation, and tree diversity in a neotropical
forest. Science 283, 554–557 (1999).
14. West, G. B., Brown, J. H. & Enquist, B. J. A general model for the origin of allometric scaling laws in
biology. Science 276, 122–126 (1997).
15. Enquist, B. J., Brown, J. H. & West, G. B. Allometric scaling of plant energetics and population density.
Nature 395, 163–165 (1998).
16. West, G. B., Brown, J. H. & Enquist, B J. A general model for the structure and allometry of plant
vascular systems. Nature 400, 664–667 (1999).
17. Peters, R. H. et al. The allometry of the weight of fruit on trees and shrubs in Barbados. Oecologia 74,
612–616 (1988).
18. Niklas, K. The allometry of plant reproductive biomass and stem diameter. Am. J. Bot. 80, 461–467
19. Thomas, S. C. Reproductive allometry in Malaysian rain forest trees: biomechanics verses optimal
allocation. Evol. Ecol. 10, 517–530 (1996).
20. Stevens, G. C. Lianas as structural parasites: the Bursera simaruba example. Ecol. 68; 77–81 (1987).
21. Whittaker, R. H. & Woodwell, G. M. Dimension and production relations of trees and shrubs in the
Brookhaven Forest, New York. Ecology 56, 1–25 (1968).
22. Smith, D. W. & Tumey, P. R. Specific density and caloric value of the trunk wood of white birch, black
cherry, and sugar maple and their relationship to forest succession. Can. J. For. Res. 12, 186–190 (1982).
23. Augspurger, C. K. Seed dispersal of the tropical tree Platyposdium elegans and the escape of its
seedlings from fungal pathogens. J. Ecol. 71, 759–771 (1983).
24. Borchert, R. Soil and stem water storage determine phenology and distribution of Dry Tropical forest
trees. Ecology 75, 1437–1449 (1994).
25. Sobrado, M. A. Aspects of tissue water relations of evergreen and seasonal changes in leaf water
potential components of evergreen and deciduous species coexisting in tropical forests. Oecologia 68,
413–416 (1986).
26. Fearnside, P. M. Wood density for estimating forest biomass in Brazilian Amazonia. For. Ecol. Manage.
NATURE | VOL 401 | 28 OCTOBER 1999 | www.nature.com
90, 59–87 (1997).
27. Janzen, D. H. Guanacaste National Park: Tropical Education, and Cultural Restoration (Editorial Univ.
Estatal a Distanca, San Jose, 1986).
28. Niklas, K. J. Plant Allometry: The Scaling of Form and Process (Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago, 1994).
29. Harvey, P. H. & Pagel, M. D. The Comparative Method in Evolutionary Biology (Oxford Univ. Press,
Oxford, 1991).
30. Malavassi, I. C. Maderas de Costa Rica: 150 Especies Forestales (Univ. de Costa Rica, San Jose, 1998).
We thank R. J. Whittaker, G. C. Stevens, D. H. Janzen, J. J. Sullivan, L. Brown, C. A. F.
Enquist, A. Masis and the A.C.G. for comments and help with data collection. B.J.E. was
supported by a NSF postdoctoral fellowship, G.B.W. by the US Department of Energy and
the NSF, E.L.C. by a MacArthur fellowship and J.H.B. by a University of New Mexico
Faculty Research Semester. B.J.E., G.B.W. and J.H.B. were also supported by the Thaw
Charitable Trust.
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to B.J.E.
[email protected]).
Optimizing the success
of random searches
G. M. Viswanathan*†‡, Sergey V. Buldyrev*, Shlomo Havlin*§,
M. G. E. da Luzk¶, E. P. Raposok# & H. Eugene Stanley*
* Center for Polymer Studies and Department of Physics, Boston University,
Boston, Massachusetts 02215, USA
† International Center for Complex Systems and Departamento de Fı́sica Teórica e
Experimental, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, 59072-970,
Natal-RN, Brazil
‡ Departamento de Fı́sica, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, 57072-970,
Maceió-AL, Brazil
§ Gonda-Goldschmied Center and Department of Physics, Bar Ilan University,
Ramat Gan, Israel
k Lyman Laboratory of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge,
Massachusetts 02138, USA
¶ Departamento de Fı́sica, Universidade Federal do Paraná, 81531-970,
Curitiba-PR, Brazil
# Laboratório de Fı́sica Teórica e Computacional, Departamento de Fı́sica,
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 50670-901, Recife-PE, Brazil
.......................................... ......................... ......................... ......................... .........................
We address the general question of what is the best statistical
strategy to adapt in order to search efficiently for randomly
located objects (‘target sites’). It is often assumed in foraging
theory that the flight lengths of a forager have a characteristic
scale: from this assumption gaussian, Rayleigh and other classical
distributions with well-defined variances have arisen. However,
such theories cannot explain the long-tailed power-law
distributions1,2 of flight lengths or flight times3–6 that are observed
experimentally. Here we study how the search efficiency depends
on the probability distribution of flight lengths taken by a forager
that can detect target sites only in its limited vicinity. We show
that, when the target sites are sparse and can be visited any
number of times, an inverse square power-law distribution of
flight lengths, corresponding to Lévy flight motion, is an optimal
strategy. We test the theory by analysing experimental foraging
data on selected insect, mammal and bird species, and find that
they are consistent with the predicted inverse square power-law
Lévy flights are characterized by a distribution function
Pðlj Þ,lj2 m
with 1 , m # 3, where lj is the flight length. The gaussian is the
stable distribution for the special case m $ 3 owing to the centrallimit theorem, while values m # 1 do not correspond to probability
distributions that can be normalized2. This generalization, equation
(1), introduces a natural parameter m such that we essentially have a
© 1999 Macmillan Magazines Ltd
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hli <
dl þ l
where N is the mean number of flights taken by a Lévy forager while
λ=10 2
λ=10 3
λ=10 4
10 3
10 2
10 1
The second term of this ‘mean field’ calculation is approximate
because it assumes that the distances lk between successive sites k
are all equal to l. The probability distribution has a finite cutoff l
and corresponds to a truncated Lévy distribution. An infinite l
leads to divergences for m # 2 (see Fig. 2a). The cutoff causes
convergence to gaussian behaviour only after a very large number
of steps13. A more rigorous treatment that considers a Poisson
distribution of lk does not alter the results significantly (see
simulation results below).
We define the search efficiency function h(m) to be the ratio of the
number of target sites visited to the total distance traversed by the
forager, so that
family of distributions. Our strategy is to find the value of the
parameter—and hence the distribution—that optimizes the search
process. Levandowsky et al.3,4 have suggested why microorganisms
may perform Lévy flights. A Lévy distribution is advantageous when
target sites are sparsely and randomly distributed, irrespective of the
value of m chosen7, because the probability of returning to a
previously visited site is smaller than for a gaussian distribution.
Another explanation, proposed by Shlesinger6, argues that foragers
may perform Lévy flights because the number of new visited sites is
much larger for N Lévy walkers than for N brownian walkers8–11. A
Lévy flight strategy is also a good solution for the related problem of
where to locate N radar stations to optimize the search for M
Here we develop an idealized model which captures some of the
essential dynamics of foraging in the limiting case in which
predator–prey relationships are ignored and learning is minimized.
We assume that target sites are distributed randomly, and that the
forager behaves as follows (see Fig. 1):
(1) If a target site lies within a ‘direct vision’ distance rv , then the
forager moves on a straight line to the nearest target site. A finite
value of rv, no matter how large, models the constraint that no
forager can detect (or ‘remember’) a target site located an arbitrarily
large distance away.
(2) If there is no target site within a distance rv , then the forager
chooses a direction at random and a distance lj from the probability
distribution (equation (1)). It then incrementally moves to the new
point, constantly looking for a target within a radius rv along its way.
If it does not detect a target, it stops after traversing the distance lj
and chooses a new direction and a new distance lj+1; otherwise, it
proceeds to the target as in rule (1).
In the case of non-destructive foraging, the forager can visit the
same target site many times. Non-destructive foraging can occur in
either of two cases: if the target sites become temporarily depleted or
fall below some fixed concentration threshold, and if the forager
becomes satiated and leaves the area. In the case of destructive
foraging, the target site found by the forager becomes undetectable
in subsequent flights.
First, we solve this model analytically. Let l be the mean free path
of the forager between successive target sites (for two dimensions,
l [ ð2r v rÞ 2 1 where r is the target-site area density). The mean
flight distance is
10 0
l 2 m dl
m 2 1 l2 2 m 2 r2v 2 m
l2 2 m
r 1v 2 m
r 1v 2 m
2 rv
Figure 1 Foraging strategy. a, If a target site (solid square) is located within a ‘directvision’ distance rv, then the forager moves on a straight line to it. b, If there is no target site
within a distance rv, then the forager chooses a random direction and a random distance lj
from the Lévy probability distribution P ðl j Þ,l j2 m , and then proceeds as described in the
Figure 2 a, b, The product of the mean free path l and the foraging efficiency h against
the Lévy parameter m in one dimension for different values of l, found from equations (2)
and (3) (r v ¼ 1) for the case of non-destructive foraging (a) and from simulations (b).
c, lh found from simulations in two dimensions, with l ¼ 5;000 (r v ¼ 1). In each case,
mopt < 2 emerges as an optimal value of the Lévy flight exponent. Inset shows hl i as a
function of m for r v ¼ 1 and l ¼ 10 (solid line), l ¼ 102 (dashed), l ¼ 103 (longdashed). The results indicate that flights become too long when m , 2, causing inefficient
foraging (see equation (3)). d, Two-dimensional random walks for m ¼ 2:5, 2.0 and 1.5
with identical total lengths of 103 units.
© 1999 Macmillan Magazines Ltd
NATURE | VOL 401 | 28 OCTOBER 1999 | www.nature.com
letters to nature
travelling between two successive target sites. A low value of h can
result from either a larger N or a large hli, corresponding to large and
small m, respectively. For intermediate values of m it is thus
conceivable that a maximum in h can arise. We first consider the
case of destructive foraging. The mean number of flights Nd taken to
travel an average distance l between two successive target sites
scales14 as
N d < ðl=r v Þm 2 1
for 1 , m # 3. Here m 2 1 is the fractal dimension of the set of sites
High food
visited by a Lévy random walker. (If the number of sites m in a closed
region of a radius r scales as m < r df , then df is the fractal dimension
of the set of sites.) Note that N d < ðl=rv Þ2 for m $ 3 (brownian
motion)2. We also consider the case of non-destructive foraging.
Because previously visited sites can be revisited, equation (4) overestimates the mean number Nn of flights between successive target
sites for the non-destructive case. We show below that N n < N 1=2
d .
Let ro be the small distance between the last visited target site and the
position after the first subsequent flight. For a brownian walker, in
the case of destructive foraging, N d < l2 because the average time
required for a random walker in one dimension who is initially in
the middle of a container of radius l to reach the boundary is
N d ¼ l2 =ð2DÞ, where D is the diffusion constant. However, for the
non-destructive case, N n ¼ ðl 2 r o Þr o =ð2DÞ, because the previous
site (only a small distance ro away) can be revisited—that is, the
scaling is quadratic in the former case and linear in the latter. We
have found this result also to hold for anomalous diffusion and
spatial dimensions higher than 1. It follows that
N n < ðl=r v Þðm 2 1Þ=2
Low food
x (cm)
log10 N(x)
log10 n i
µ =2
log10 t i
µ =2
High food
Low food
µ =3.5
for 1 , m # 3. We have also systematically tested equation (5) using
simulations, and find that the approximation becomes increasingly
better as (l/rv) increases (compare also Fig. 2a, b).
Having found expressions for Nd and Nn, we first consider the
case in which the target sites are plentiful, that is, l # r v . Then
hli < l and N d < N n < 1. Hence, h becomes independent of m. This
behaviour does not correspond to Lévy flight motion because long
flights with lj q r v are practically non-existent. We next study the
more usual case in which the target sites are sparsely distributed,
defined by l q r v. Substituting equations (2) and (4) into equation
(3), we find for destructive foraging that the mean efficiency h has
no maximum, with lower values of m leading to more efficient
foraging. Note that when m ¼ 1 þ e with e → 0þ , the fraction of
flights with lj , l becomes negligible, and effectively the forager
moves along straight lines until it detects a target site. For nondestructive foraging, we note that if l q r v , then N d q N n . Substituting equations (2) and (5) into equation (3), and differentiating with
respect to m, we find that the efficiency h ¼ 1=ðN n hli) is optimum at
mopt ¼ 2 2 d
log10 x
log 10 N(t)
µ =2.0
µ =2.1
log 10 t
Figure 3 Foraging by bumble-bees and deer. a, Flight-length percentage distributions for
foraging bumble-bees. We digitized the data from ref. 15. b, Double-log plot of the same
data; the value m < 2 for low nectar concentration is the same as predicted by the model.
We are interested solely in the long flights, because the power-law exponent m is not
affected by short flights. The value m < 3:5 for higher nectar concentrations (approximately 10 times) in which long flights become very rare (see text) is consistent with the
prediction that h becomes independent of m when l # r v . We smoothed the data using
running averaging. The inset displays a double-log plot of the histograms of flight times (in
1-h intervals) for the wandering albatross6. c, d, Double-log plot of the foraging time (in s)
percentage distributions for deer in wild areas (c) and fenced areas (d). We digitized the
original data from ref. 16. In fenced areas, spatial limitation introduces an artificially larger
number of ‘turnings’.
NATURE | VOL 401 | 28 OCTOBER 1999 | www.nature.com
where d < 1=½lnðl=rv Þÿ2 . So, in the absence of a priori knowledge
about the distribution of target sites, an optimal strategy for nondestructive foraging is to choose mopt ¼ 2 when l/rv is large but not
exactly known.
We test the above theoretical results with numerical simulations,
which have the advantage that no approximations are made.
Specifically, we perform one- and two-dimensional simulations of
the model and study how h varies with m for the case of nondestructive foraging for a random distribution of target sites. Figure
2a shows that the simulation agrees with the analytical results
(Fig. 2b), and approaches mopt ¼ 2 as l → `. The discrepancy in h
near m ¼ 3 is due to the slow convergence of Nn, which approaches
the expected scaling behaviour as l → `. The simulation results for
two dimensional non-destructive foraging also show maxima near
mopt ¼ 2. Figure 2c shows simulated foraging in a system of size
104 3 104 with r v ¼ 1, periodic boundary conditions and
l=r v ¼ 5 3 103 . For destructive foraging with l q r v , simulations
show that m → 1 optimizes the efficiency as predicted. In contrast, if
the target sites are densely distributed such that l < rv , then, as
expected, we find no significant effect of varying m. Our findings
agree with the theoretical predictions and raise the possibility that
Lévy-flight foraging with m , 3 may be confined to instances of low
global target-site concentration, as the advantage of long flights
becomes negligible when there are ample target sites (see also Figs 2b
and 3b). Note that our simulation results do not suffer from the
approximations inherent in equation (2).
We compare our analytical and simulation results with foraging
© 1999 Macmillan Magazines Ltd
letters to nature
data on a variety of animals. The original foraging data on bees
(Fig. 3a) were collected by recording the landing sites of individual
bees15. We find that, when the nectar concentration is low, the flightlength distribution decays as in equation (1), with m < 2 (Fig. 3b).
(The exponent m is not affected by short flights.) We also find the
value m < 2 for the foraging-time distribution of the wandering
albatross6 (Fig. 3b, inset) and deer (Fig. 3c, d) in both wild and
fenced areas16 (foraging times and lengths are assumed to be
proportional). The value 2 # m # 2:5 found for amoebas4 is also
consistent with the predicted Lévy-flight motion.
The above theoretical arguments and numerical simulations
suggest that m < 2 is the optimal value for a search in any dimension. This is analogous to the behaviour of random walks whose
mean-square displacement is proportional to the number of steps in
any dimension17. Furthermore, equations (4) and (5) describe the
correct scaling properties even in the presence of short-range
correlations in the directions and lengths of the flights. Shortrange correlations can alter the width of the distribution P(l), but
cannot change m, so our findings remain unchanged. Hence,
learning, predator–prey relationships and other short-term
memory effects become unimportant in the long-time, long-distance limit. A finite l ensures that the longest flights are not
energetically impossible. Our findings may also be relevant to the
study of population dynamics. Specifically, each value of m is related
to a different type of redistribution kernel18; for example, m $ 3
corresponds to the normal (or similar) distribution, while m ¼ 2
corresponds to a Cauchy distribution (see also ref. 19). Finally, note
that non-destructive foraging is more realistic than destructive
foraging because, in nature, ‘targets’ such as flowers, fish and berries
are often found in patches that regenerate. Organisms are often in
clusters for reproductive purposes, and sometimes such clusters
may have fractal shapes20. Thus, the forager can revisit the same food
patch many times. We simulated destructive foraging in various
patchy and fractal target-site distributions and found results consistent with non-destructive foraging with uniformly distributed
target sites.
Received 10 May; accepted 12 August 1999.
1. Tsallis, C. Lévy distributions. Phys. World 10, 42–45 (1997).
2. Schlesinger, M. F., Zaslavsky, G. M. & Frisch, U. (eds) Lévy Flights and Related Topics in Physics
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3. Levandowsky, M., Klafter, J. & White, B. S. Swimming behavior and chemosensory responses in the
protistan microzooplankton as a function of the hydrodynamic regime. Bull. Mar. Sci. 43, 758–763
4. Schuster, F. L. & Levandowsky, M. Chemosensory responses of Acanthamoeba castellani: Visual analysis
of random movement and responses to chemical signals. J. Eukaryotic Microbiol. 43, 150–158 (1996).
5. Cole, B. J. Fractal time in animal behaviour: The movement activity of Drosophila. Anim. Behav. 50,
1317–1324 (1995).
6. Viswanathan, G. M. et al. Lévy flight search patterns of wandering albatrosses. Nature 381, 413–415
7. Shlesinger, M. F. & Klafter, J. in On Growth and Form (eds Stanley, H. E. & Ostrowsky, N.) 279–283
(Nijhoff, Dordrecht, 1986).
8. Berkolaiko, G., Havlin, S., Larralde, H. & Weiss, G. H. Expected number of distinct sites visited by N
discrete Lévy flights on a one-dimensional lattice. Phys. Rev. E 53, 5774–5778 (1996).
9. Berkolaiko, G. & Havlin, S. Territory covered by N Lévy flights on d-dimensional lattices. Phys. Rev. E
55, 1395–1400 (1997).
10. Larralde, H., Trunfio, P., Havlin, S., Stanley, H. E. & Weiss, G. H. Territory covered by N diffusing
particles. Nature 355, 423–426 (1992).
11. Larralde, H., Trunfio, P., Havlin, S., Stanley, H. E. & Weiss, G. H. Number of distinct sites visited by N
random walkers. Phys. Rev. A 4, 7128–7138 (1992).
12. Szu, H. in Dynamic Patterns in Complex Systems (eds Kelso, J. A. S., Mandell, A. J. & Shlesinger, M. F.)
121–136 (World Scientific, Singapore, 1988).
13. Mantegna, R. N. & Stanley, H. E. Stochastic process with ultra-slow convergence to a gaussian: The
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14. Shlesinger, M. F. & Klafter, J. Comment on ‘‘Accelerated diffusion in Josephson junctions and related
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15. Heinrich, B. Resource heterogeneity and patterns of movement in foraging bumble-bees. Oecologia
40, 235–245 (1979).
16. Focardi, S., Marcellini, P. & Montanaro, P. Do ungulates exhibit a food density threshold—a fieldstudy of optimal foraging and movement patterns. J. Anim. Ecol. 65, 606–620 (1996).
17. Berg, H. C. Random Walks in Biology (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, 1983).
18. Kot, M., Lewis, M. & van der Driessche, P. Dispersal data and the spread of invading organisms.
Ecology 77, 2027–2042 (1996).
19. Schulman, L. S. Time’s Arrows and Quantum Measurement (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1997).
20. Sugihara, G. & May, R. Applications of fractals in ecology. Trends Ecol. Evol. 5, 79–86 (1990).
We thank V. Afanasyev, N. Dokholyan, I. P. Fittipaldi, P. Ch. Ivanov, U. Laino, L. S. Lucena,
E. G. Murphy, P. A. Prince, M. F. Shlesinger, B. D. Stosic and P. Trunfio for discussions, and
CNPq, NSF and NIH for financial support.
Correspondence should be addressed to G.M.V. (e-mail:
[email protected]).
Water stress inhibits plant
photosynthesis by decreasing
coupling factor and ATP
W. Tezara*, V. J. Mitchell†, S. D. Driscoll† & D. W. Lawlor†
* Instituto de Biologia Experimental, Facultad de Ciencias,
Universidad Central de Venezuela, Calla Suapore, Colinas de Bello Monte,
Apartado 47114, Caracas 1041a, Venezuela
† Biochemistry and Physiology Department, IACR-Rothamsted, Harpenden,
Hertfordshire AL5 2JQ, UK
.......................................... ......................... ......................... ......................... .........................
Water stress substantially alters plant metabolism, decreasing
plant growth and photosynthesis1–4 and profoundly affecting
ecosystems and agriculture, and thus human societies5. There is
controversy over the mechanisms by which stress decreases
photosynthetic assimilation of CO2. Two principal effects are
invoked2,4: restricted diffusion of CO2 into the leaf, caused by
stomatal closure6–8, and inhibition of CO2 metabolism9–11. Here
we show, in leaves of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), that stress
decreases CO2 assimilation more than it slows O2 evolution, and
that the effects are not reversed by high concentrations of CO212,13.
Stress decreases the amounts of ATP9,11 and ribulose bisphosphate
found in the leaves, correlating with reduced CO2 assimilation11,
but the amount and activity of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylaseoxygenase (Rubisco) do not correlate. We show that ATP-synthase
(coupling factor) decreases with stress and conclude that photosynthetic assimilation of CO2 by stressed leaves is not limited
by CO2 diffusion but by inhibition of ribulose biphosphate
synthesis, related to lower ATP content resulting from loss of
ATP synthase.
When land plants absorb less water from the environment
through their roots than is transpired (evaporated) from their
leaves, water stress develops. The relative water content (RWC),
water potential (w) and turgor of cells are decreased and the
concentrations of ions and other solutes in the cells are increased,
thereby decreasing the osmotic potential1–4. Stomatal pores in the
leaf surface progressively close2,6,13,14, decreasing the conductance to
water vapour (gH2O) and thus slowing transpiration and the rate at
which water deficits develop1–4,6,11,14. Also, photosynthetic assimilation of CO2 (A) decreases, often concomitant with, and frequently
ascribed to, decreasing conductance to CO2 (gCO2) (refs 2–4, 6, 8).
However, decreased A is also considered to be caused by inhibition
of the photosynthetic carbon reduction (Calvin) cycle1,2,9,11,
although there is uncertainty over which biochemical processes
are most sensitive to stress2,3,6,15,16. We assessed whether A is controlled by gCO2 or by metabolic factors by measuring CO2 and O2
exchange, using large CO2 concentrations (up to 0.1 mol mol−1,
equivalent to 10% volume/volume) to overcome small gCO2 (refs 8,
12–14), and by determining important indicators of photosynthetic
biochemistry (for example, ribulose biphosphate (RuBP) and
Rubisco of the Calvin cycle)9,10,16,17. We considered the role of ATP
in particular2,9,10 because, although inhibition of photophosphorylation has been demonstrated9,10 but is not widely accepted3,4,6,18,19, it
may explain the decrease in RuBP and A (refs 2, 11).
In the chloroplasts of leaf cells, capture of photons causes electron
transport in the thylakoid membranes, evolution of O2 (refs 2–4)
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NATURE | VOL 401 | 28 OCTOBER 1999 | www.nature.com