Deriving Water Content of Chaparral
Vegetation from AVIRIS Data
Lydia Serrano,* Susan L. Ustin,† Dar A. Roberts,‡ John A. Gamon,§
and Josep Peñuelas*
Spectral imaging data acquired with Advanced Visible
Infrared Imaging Spectrometer over Point Dume (Los
Angeles County, CA, USA) were used to assess the ability
of hyperspectral reflectance data to estimate canopy Relative Water Content (RWC) at the landscape level. The
study was performed on 23 vegetation stands comprised
of three characteristic chaparral plant communities, with
contrasting phenological stages and canopy cover. Several estimates of water content based on the near-infrared (NIR; reflectance indices and water thickness derived
from reflectance and radiance data) and shortwave infrared (SWIR) water absorption bands were compared to
measurements of vegetation structure and water content
made on the ground. The Water Index (WI) and Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), reflectance indices
formulated from the NIR water absorption bands, were
the best indicators of canopy RWC estimated from combining leaf relative water content with measures of canopy structure. A stepwise multiple regression revealed
that canopy structure explained 36% and 41% of the
variation in WI and NDWI, respectively. The explained
variance in WI and NDWI increased to 44% and 48%
when leaf relative water content was included in the
model. By contrast, the inclusion of leaf relative water
content did not contribute significantly to the explained
variance in indices formulated using SWIR water absorp-
* Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals, Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
† Department of Land, Air and Water Resources, University of
California, Davis
‡ Department of Geography, University of California, Santa
§ Department of Biology and Microbiology, California State University, Los Angeles
Address correspondence to Lydia Serrano, Universitat Autònoma
de Barcelona, Facultat de Ciències, Centre de Recerca Ecològica
i Aplicacions Forestals, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain. E-mail:
[email protected]
Received 18 November 1999; revised 10 May 2000.
REMOTE SENS. ENVIRON. 74:570–581 (2000)
Elsevier Science Inc., 2000
655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010
tion bands and in those based on water thickness. The
relationship between WI and the canopy RWC significantly improved when only data from plots with green
vegetation cover .70% were considered (r250.88, p,
0.001). All the indices studied had an important structural component (as indicated by the strong correlation
with NDVI), yet only the indices WI and NDWI additionally responded to water content. These results indicate that the WI and NDWI are sensitive to variations
in canopy relative water content at the landscape scale.
Elsevier Science Inc., 2000
Determination of vegetation water status from spectral
reflectance has important applications in the fields of
agriculture and forestry (Gao and Goetz, 1995). Water
stress is one of the most common limitations to photosynthesis and plant primary productivity, and its measurement has importance for irrigation practices and in
the drought assessment of natural communities (Peñuelas et al., 1993). Moreover, the water content of vegetation is a key factor in its susceptibility to fire (Chandler
et al., 1983; Pyne et al., 1996).
Besides the thermal region of the electromagnetic
spectrum (8–14 lm), two spectral regions have been
found to be useful for the detection of plant water content: the near-infrared region (NIR, 700–1,300 nm) and
the shortwave infrared region (SWIR, 1,300–2,500 nm).
Both regions exhibit liquid water absorption features,
and these are evident in the reflectance spectra of a fully
turgid leaf measured in the laboratory (Carter, 1991;
Danson et al., 1992). Several studies have shown relationships between leaf water content and spectral reflectance at the liquid water absorption wavelengths in the
SWIR (Hunt and Rock, 1989; Bowman, 1989; Danson et
al., 1992) and the NIR region (Peñuelas et al., 1993;
Gao, 1996; Peñuelas and Inoue, 1999).
0034-4257/00/$–see front matter
PII S0034-4257(00)00147-4
Deriving Water Content of Chaparral Vegetation
At the canopy level, several narrow-band indices
have been developed to assess water content. Previous
studies have shown linear relationships between leaf Relative Water Content (RWC) and the reflectance ratio
R900/R970 (Water Index, WI) for complete canopies
where Leaf Area Index (LAI) does not vary greatly (Peñuelas et al., 1996). Similar results were found by Shibayama et al. (1993) and Rollin and Milton (1998) using derivative analysis and ratio indices in the NIR region.
Indices based on the SWIR region water absorption
bands (Normalized Difference Infrared Index, NDII)
have also provided good correlations with canopy water
content (Hardisky et al., 1983). Other studies have found
it difficult to estimate water content at the canopy level
due to large reflectance variation among leaves at similar
levels of water stress (Cohen, 1991) and associated with
changes in canopy geometry resulting from turgor loss
(Kimes et al., 1984), as well as due to the small reflectance differences at different levels of water stress (Riggs
and Running, 1991).
At increasingly larger spatial scales, remote sensing
of vegetation water content from liquid water absorption
features is more challenging. A major difficulty when estimating canopy water content from remotely sensed
data comes from the fact that LAI and background area
(soil and nonphotosynthetic components) vary spatially,
temporally, and with sensor view angle. Additionally, remote sensing of vegetation water content using airborne
and satellite sensors is affected by water vapor in the atmosphere, which prevents the measurement of reflectance at the liquid water absorption bands around 1,450
nm and 1,920 nm (Rollin and Milton, 1998). Some signal
remains in the NIR region, where there is a wavelength
separation of about 30 nm between peak absorption of
water in vapor and liquid forms. Over the last decade,
the development of high resolution spectrometers has
permitted the separation of the water vapor in the atmospheric column from the liquid water of the surface
(Green et al., 1989; Green et al., 1993; Gao and Goetz,
1990; Roberts et al., 1997).
In airborne studies, several analytical techniques
have been widely used to interpret water absorption features. Canopy water content has been derived from Advanced Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS)
surface reflectance data by inversion of radiative transfer
models (Jacquemoud et al., 1995; Jacquemoud et al.,
1996) and using spectral matching techniques (Gao and
Goetz, 1995; Zhang et al., 1996; Roberts et al., 1998).
In the latter approach, the absorption spectrum of green
vegetation in the liquid water bands is usually expressed
as the thickness of a sheet of water (or Equivalent Water
Thickness, EWT). Roberts et al. (1997) showed the potential of the retrieved EWT (a product that results from
the atmospheric correction of AVIRIS-measured radiance to apparent surface reflectance) to monitor temporal and spatial variations in water in herbaceous, shrub,
and coniferous vegetation. Pinzon et al. (1998) used the
hierarchical foreground/background analysis, a cascade
method regressing the full spectrum in the singular value
decomposition space, and showed good predictions on
leaves obtained from a wide range of vegetation types.
Ustin et al. (1998b) showed that each of these methods
could be used to estimate canopy water content of chaparral shrubs using the full AVIRIS reflectance spectrum.
Moreover, significant seasonal differences in canopy water content could be detected in AVIRIS images (Ustin
et al., 1998a; Ustin et al., 1998b; Ustin et al., 1999).
However, some satellite sensors (such as Advanced
Spaceborne Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)
do not have contiguous spectral coverage in the 0.4–2.5lm region, thus requiring the use of spectral feature
mapping or ratio techniques (Gao, 1996). As a consequence, the use of narrow-band-based indices to assess
water content at the landscape scale has gained interest.
Based on AVIRIS imagery, Gao (1996) proposed monitoring of vegetation water content by combining reflectances at 860 nm (a reference wavelength) and 1,240 nm
(a liquid water absorption band). The resulting Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) was found to be
sensitive to changes in vegetation water content. WI, also
called the Water Band Index (WBI), has been reported
to be a robust index of water content at the leaf and canopy levels (Peñuelas et al., 1993; Peñuelas et al., 1996;
Peñuelas et al., 1997; Peñuelas et al., 1999). Similar results were obtained when deriving WI values from combined leaf and forest reflectance models (Dawson et al.,
1997; Dawson et al., 1999). Studies with AVIRIS and
field spectrometers indicate that WI can differentiate
changing water content associated with season and vegetation type in southern California scrub vegetation (Gamon et al., 1998; Gamon and Qiu, 1999). However,
quantitative tests of this index against actual, field-measured water content are needed.
We tested the ability of the NIR-based indices WI
and NDWI derived from AVIRIS apparent surface reflectance spectra to determine vegetation water content
at the landscape level for three distinct plant communities , under varying vegetation cover. We compared the
WI and NDWI with surface water estimates (EWT and
water thickness) and other reflectance indices sensing
water content derived from AVIRIS spectral data in the
SWIR region. We also aimed to evaluate the relative
contributions of vegetation structure and water content
to the reflectance signal.
Field Site and Vegetation Description
The study area was located in the Santa Monica Mountains (California, USA), a range trending east–west from
the Los Angeles metropolitan area toward Ventura
County, along the Pacific Coast (34859 N 1188 409 W).
Serrano et al.
This region is characterized by a Mediterranean climate,
having cool, wet winters and hot, dry summers. Three
distinct chaparral communities were considered in this
study: ceanothus chaparral (dominated by Ceanothus
spp.), chamise chaparral (dominated by Adenostoma fasciculatum), and coastal sage scrub (dominated by Salvia
and Eriogonum spp. and Artemisia californica; Hanes,
1988). These chaparral communities exhibit different
patterns of water relations (Miller and Poole, 1979) and
ignition/combustion of fuel (Barro and Conard, 1991).
Ceanothus sp. are classified as drought tolerant and exhibit changes in leaf orientation as a response to seasonal
loss of turgor (Comstock and Mahall, 1985). Adenostoma
fasciculatum (a needle-leafed species) undergoes moderate seasonal senescence, while Salvia sp. is drought deciduous and exhibits pronounced seasonal leaf senescence and changes in canopy water content.
Two sites representative of the previously mentioned
plant communities were selected for canopy measurements: Zuma ridge and Castro Crest. Zuma ridge is located near the Pacific coast and is composed of coastal
sage scrub and mixed chaparral vegetation (the latter not
considered in this study), while Castro Crest has characteristic ceanothus and chamise chaparral vegetation. Five
plots of ceanothus chaparral, eight plots of chamise chaparral, and ten plots with characteristic coastal sage scrub
were studied.
Stands of homogeneous vegetation, with uniform aspect and slope, were chosen in the field as the basic unit
of study and their boundaries were traced on a map
(Harrison, 1996), thus defining a series of polygons. Areas of individual polygons ranged from 4,300 m2 to over
29,000 m2.
Transects were located within homogeneous polygons. The point-intercept transect method (California
Native Plant Society field sampling protocol; Sawyer and
Keeler-Wolf, 1995) was used to assess vegetation composition (and, thus, plant community) and structure. Transects were variable in length, ranging from 22 m to 55
m due to differences in accessibility and size of polygons,
with point measurements every 1 m. At each point intercept, plant species was recorded, and height was measured to the nearest 0.1 m. When no vascular plant was
hit, it was recorded as soil. Measurements of vegetation
composition and structure were taken within weeks of
the AVIRIS flight.
The absolute cover of a plant species was determined as the percentage area of total polygon area it occupied, including nonvegetated areas, and species relative cover was calculated as the percentage of polygon
vegetated area it occupied (Gordon and White, 1994).
water content was determined by sampling five branches
for each species having a relative cover larger than 10%.
Branches were collected from the upper part of the canopy. Leaf water content was determined using leaf disks.
Five replicates of five disks of 0.45 cm2 area each were
punched on different leaves of each branch. Disks were
cut using a cork borer. For needle-leafed species and for
small leaves, the entire leaf was sampled. Disks (or
leaves) were immediately placed on a preweighed vial
filled with water and were perfectly sealed and kept in
an ice chest until carried to the lab. Vials were stored at
58C in the dark for 72 hours to allow disks (or leaves) to
regain full turgor. The weight of the vial with the sample
inside was determined using an analytical balance (Mettler AT261 Delta Range, Mettler Instruments Corporation, Hightstown, NJ, USA) and the difference between
this final weight and the initial weight (vial without sample) was recorded as Fresh Weight (FW). Afterward, disks
were removed from the vial and the excess water was removed using a paper tissue, and full turgor weight (TW)
was determined. Leaf disks were dried at 608C in an oven
until constant weight to determine dry weight (DW).
Leaf water content was expressed as RWC, and was
calculated as shown in Eq. (1):
Canopy Water Content
Samples to determine leaf water content were taken
within 4 days of the AVIRIS flight. Within each polygon,
Vegetation RWC5[ o (RWCi3RCi)]3(C3H)
Assessment of canopy relative water content (i.e., the
water content resulting from the overall species present
in a polygon) was conducted by weighing RWC of each
species by its absolute cover (C) and height (as a surrogate of LAI) and summing the resulting values for all the
species considered in a polygon. Thus [see Eq. (2)],
Canopy RWC5 o (RWCi*Ci*Hi)
where RWCi is the leaf RWC for the species i, and Ci
is the fraction of total area that the species i occupies in
a polygon, and Hi the plant height. Due to time and labor constraints, only those species having an absolute
cover larger than 10% were considered for each polygon.
To evaluate the relative contributions of vegetation
water content and vegetation structure to the AVIRIS
derived indices, the Canopy RWC expression was reformulated (herein referred as Vegetation RWC) to isolate the structural and water components. Vegetation
RWC resulted from combining an expression of RWC
(obtained by weighing RWCi of each species by its relative cover, RCi) and a composite expression of vegetation
structure [that is, the product of vegetation cover (C)
and average canopy height (H) obtained from transect
measurements]. Thus, Vegetation RWC was calculated as
seen in Eq. (3):
The first term in this expression represents weighted
Deriving Water Content of Chaparral Vegetation
leaf RWC of the species, while the second term represents the canopy structure and is related to the volume
of leaves within the canopy. Similar approaches using
LAI values instead of height have been used in other
studies to derive vegetation water content (Dawson et
al., 1999).
Table 1. Spectral Reflectance Indices and the Precise
AVIRIS Bands Used in This Study
AVIRIS data were acquired over the Santa Monica
Mountains on 17 October 1996. AVIRIS collects spectra
in 224 bands from 370 nm to 2500 nm with a sampling
interval of 10 nm (Vane et al., 1993; Green et al., 1998).
It was flown on an ER-2 aircraft at an elevation of approximately 20 km, collecting a cross-track swath of approximately 11 km, with a ground instantaneous field of
view of 20 m. A typical scene consists of 614 samples, and
512 lines covering a 1139-km area. Data presented in this
study were obtained from flight 961017B, run 4, scene 5,
centered over Point Dume, Los Angeles County.
AVIRIS data were radiometrically corrected and
processed to retrieve apparent surface reflectance using
a modified version of the MODTRAN radiative transfer
code (Green et al., 1993). In this code, modeled radiance
is fitted to upwelling measured radiance by using a nonlinear least-squares fitting technique. The fit is performed using 20 bands centered around 940 nm to correct for atmospheric water vapor absorption. In addition
to water vapor, a simple surface reflectance model is
used over the narrow spectral region of the fit. This
model approximates surface reflectance as a function of
liquid water absorption, reflectance intensity, and slope
(dq/dk; see Roberts et al., 1997 for a detailed description). Output images of best-fit estimates of column water vapor and liquid water (herein called EWT and expressed in micrometers of a sheet of water covering a
pixel) are generated in this process, and apparent surface
reflectance is retrieved.
The AVIRIS-retrieved surface reflectance and EWT
scenes were registered by selecting ground control points
using the georeferenced trail map (where the polygons
were traced). Ground control points included road intersections and bends, coast borders, and other clearly defined sites on the image. Image registration was performed with ENVI (Research Systems Inc., Boulder,
CO, USA) using linear equations, and resampling was
based on the nearest neighbor method (to preserve the
spectral values). The root mean square registration error
was less than one pixel size (20320 m). Polygons traced
in the base map were reconciled to the registered
scenes. Averaged EWT values and reflectance spectra
were extracted for each polygon. Then, reflectance indices were calculated from each polygon’s averaged reflectance spectrum. See Table 1 for description of the
indices studied and the precise bands used for their formulation.
Water Index
Peñuelas et al. (1993)
Peñuelas et al. (1993)
Gao (1996)
R867 through R1049
R867 through R1088
Green et al. (1993)
Roberts et al. (1998)
Hunt and Rock (1989)
Hardisky et al. (1983)
In addition, we tested an alternative approach to retrieve liquid water (herein referred as Water Thickness,
WT) from AVIRIS reflectance data. This approach was
proposed by Roberts et al. (1998) and uses a spectral
matching technique similar to that used for retrieving
EWT from AVIRIS radiance data. Briefly, the natural log
of reflectance is modeled as a linear function of the pure
water absorption coefficient over the 867–1,088-nm region, and WT is derived from the slope of this function.
WT estimates are reported in millimeters of a sheet of
water covering a pixel.
Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and linear
regression routines in StatView 4.5 (Abacus Concepts,
Berkeley, CA, USA). To better understand the relative
contributions of foliage water content and canopy structure to the overall signal detected remotely, we employed stepwise multiple regression. The stepwise multiple regressions were run in the forward mode with the
several indices studied as dependent variables and “leaf”
RWC and canopy structure as independent variables.
Stepwise multiple regression and analysis of variance
(ANOVA) were performed with Systat 5.2 (Systat Inc.,
Evanston, IL, USA). Reflectance data were plotted using
Igor (Wavemetrics Inc., OR, USA) and KaleidaGraph
3.08 (Synergy Software, Reading, PA, USA).
Plant Community Spectral Responses
The AVIRIS scene of the Point Dume area is depicted
as a three-band pseudocolor image (1,659 nm, 838 nm,
and 666 nm: RGB) in Fig. 1. Vegetated areas with high
water content appear greener to the eye. Conversely, areas of sparse and senescent vegetation are seen as a
brownish-red color, more abundant nearby the coast, but
also conspicuous at Castro Crest. These patterns are due
to the presence of coastal sage scrub, which grows
mainly nearby the coast and experiences senescence following summer drought, and chamise chaparral, which
forms sparse canopies and grows further inland. Roads
and trails are seen in gray and white. Characteristic spec-
Serrano et al.
Figure 1. A false-color (1659 nm, 836 nm, and 668 nm: RGB) AVIRIS scene over Point Dume area (Los Angeles County, CA,
USA). Sampling sites are labeled (Castro Crest and Zuma Canyon). Image-based characteristic spectral signatures for
the three main plant communities are also depicted.
tral signatures for the three major plant communities are
also depicted in Fig. 1. Reflectance in the visible and
NIR regions showed distinctive patterns among plant
communities according to the degree of development
and canopy greenness. Thus, the spectral signatures of
evergreen shrubs (ceanothus and chamise chaparral)
showed a sharp transition in the red-edge region (i.e.,
the transition between the red and the NIR region),
which is characteristic of green vegetation. This contrast
was more accentuated in ceanothus chaparral than in
chamise chaparral due to higher average canopy height
(and thus larger biomass) and canopy cover. In contrast,
coastal sage scrub, as a result of summer senescence,
showed a steady, almost linear increase in reflectance in
the red-edge region, indicating that there was little green
canopy cover in this fall scene.
Differences in NIR reflectance at the liquid water
absorption wavelengths were also conspicuous (Fig. 1).
The spectral absorption feature at the liquid water absorption bands (relative to the nearby nonabsorbing re-
gions) was larger in ceanothus chaparral than chamise
chaparral, at both liquid water absorbing wavelengths in
the NIR region (i.e., 970 nm and 1,240 nm). On the
other hand, coastal sage scrub showed a minimal development of the absorption feature at these liquid water
absorption bands, due to its extreme seasonal senescence.
EWT values, derived from AVIRIS radiance data,
showed a clear contrast among plant communities. These
changes mainly respond to varying phenological stages.
Coastal sage scrub polygons yielded average EWT
around 800 lm (800634.3 lm, mean6SEM), according
to the pronounced autumn senescence. In contrast, ceanothus and chamise chaparral showed larger EWT values
(1,175653.7 lm and 1,4016135.9 lm, respectively).
EWT values differed significantly among plant communities (ANOVA, p,0.0001) and were within the lower
range of previously reported EWT values for the plant
communities considered (October 1994; Ustin et al.,
1998b) and agreed with those reported by Roberts et al.
Deriving Water Content of Chaparral Vegetation
(1997) for senescent coastal sage scrub and chamise
chaparral vegetation for the autumn season (October
1992). Thus, retrieved EWT effectively discriminated
among plant communities. Similarly, all the reflectancebased indices sensing water content showed significant
differences (ANOVA, p,0.0001) among the plant communities considered (data not shown, but see Fig. 2).
In Table 2 a detailed description of the vegetation
status, soil cover, and NDVI values for each polygon is
provided. As for the indices sensing water status, NDVI
values also showed significant differences among plant
communities (ANOVA, p,0.0001). Average NDVI values
were 0.5560.05 (SEM) in Ceanothus chaparral, 0.4636
0.02 (SEM) in chamise chaparral, and 0.36660.12 (SEM)
in coastal sage scrub.
AVIRIS-Derived Data and Canopy
RWC Relationships
When comparing AVIRIS-derived data with the actual
canopy water content (field measurements), the strongest
correlations with Canopy RWC were found for those indices derived from NIR region water-absorbing bands.
The WI and NDWI showed similar merit in estimating
Canopy RWC: there was a significant correlation between the reflectance-derived WI (r250.38, p,0.05; Fig.
2A) and NDWI (r250.44, p,0.001; Fig. 2B) and the
Canopy RWC. Indices formulated using liquid-absorbing
bands in the SWIR region also showed significant correlations with the Canopy RWC. NDII showed a slightly
higher correlation with the Canopy RWC (r250.40,
p,0.001; Fig. 2C) than the more widely used Moisture
Stress Index (MSI; Hunt and Rock, 1989) (r250.30,
p,0.05; Fig. 2D).
EWT showed significant correlation with the Canopy
RWC (r250.30, p,0.10; data not shown). This correlation improved when considering WT. Thus, WT was also
significantly correlated with Canopy RWC (r250.36,
p,0.05; Fig. 2E). Since both parameters EWT and WT
are derived from the same water absorption feature, using similar approaches, discrepancies might be related to
the robustness of the data. To address this potential effect, we calculated the coefficient of variation (CV) at
each polygon (SD/mean) for retrieved EWT values and
for reflectance data over the spectral range used to derive WT (i.e., across the 865-nm to 1,035-nm region).
Then, we calculated the average CV for all the polygons
studied. Assuming that both water estimates (i.e., EWT
and WT) respond to the same surface properties, we
Figure 2. Relationships of reflectance indices WI (A), NDWI
(B), NDII (C), MSI (D), and WT (E), and the Canopy
RWC. Canopy RWC has arbitrary units (see Material and
Methods for more details). The determination coefficients (and significance) are indicated in each panel (n523).
Serrano et al.
Table 2. Characteristic Attributes (Site, Plant Community Type, Percentage Soil Cover, and Vegetation Status) and Mean
NDVI6SD for the Polygons Studied
Castro Crest
Castro Crest
Castro Crest
Castro Crest
Castro Crest
Castro Crest
Castro Crest
Castro Crest
Castro Crest
Castro Crest
Castro Crest
Castro Crest
Zuma ridge
Zuma ridge
Zuma ridge
Zuma ridge
Zuma ridge
Zuma ridge
Zuma ridge
Zuma ridge
Zuma ridge
Zuma ridge
Zuma ridge
Plant Community
Cover (%)
Ceanothus chaparral
Chamise chaparral
Chamise chaparral
Ceanothus chaparral
Chamise chaparral
Ceanothus chaparral
Chamise chaparral
Ceanothus chaparral
Chamise chaparral
Ceanothus chaparral
Chamise chaparral
Chamise chaparral
Coastal sage scrub
Coastal sage scrub
Coastal sage scrub
Coastal sage scrub
Coastal sage scrub
Coastal sage scrub
Chamise chaparral
Coastal sage scrub
Coastal sage scrub
Coastal sage scrub
Coastal sage scrub
The number of pixels at each polygon ranged from 12 to 72.
would expect similar average CV values. Within the spectral range used for deriving WT, the average CV was
12.34%, while for retrieved EWT average CV was
26.68%. Previous studies have shown that dark objects
on the surface (Gao and Goetz, 1990; Schlapfer et al.,
1998) and errors in wavelength calibration (Green et al.,
1990) could promote large errors in water vapor estimates. Since EWT values are retrieved while simultaneously solving for water vapor (among other parameters),
errors in the water vapor estimates could affect the EWT
estimates. Moreover, errors in water vapor retrieval may
translate into a factor of two error in EWT estimates
(Roberts, unpublished data). Thus, in our study, reflectance data provided more robust estimates of surface
properties when compared to radiance-retrieved EWT.
However, within the context of this study, it is difficult
to accurately assess all of the previously mentioned error sources.
The correlations between the reflectance indices and
the Canopy RWC improved slightly when polygons with
vegetation cover ,70% were removed from analysis
(data not shown). The increase in the correlation coefficients was of similar magnitude for all the reflectance indices considered in this study (r increased <0.10 over
the reported values). Even though soil reflectance does
not show liquid water absorption features centered at
970 nm and 1,240 nm (Bowker et al., 1985; Zhang et al.,
1996), exposed soil may bias or diminish the relationship
to canopy water content (Gao, 1996; Ustin et al., 1998b).
Other sources of error might be due to the contribution
of nonphotosynthetic components to canopy reflectance
(van Leeuwen and Huete, 1996).
Confounding effects due to background contribution
(soil and nongreen canopy components) to the reflectance signal might not be the sole factor that introduced
noise in these relationships. Errors associated with field
sampling and the scaling approach probably contributed
to the scatter. In our study, canopy height and vegetation
cover were combined to obtain an estimator of plant biomass and, hence, as a rough approximation of LAI. Thus,
canopy height was used as a surrogate of LAI. This assumption is fairly appropriate for homogeneous canopies
with random leaf distribution, but might have promoted
bias in canopies not meeting this assumption, particularly
in those polygons with senescing vegetation, corresponding to coastal sage scrub community. In fact, the composite expression height3cover (H3C) was a fairly good
estimator of green biomass, and hence of LAI, as indicated by its correlation with NDVI (r50.56, p,0.05,
n513) in ceanothus and chamise chaparral polygons. In
contrast, for those polygons with senescent vegetation
there was no correlation between H3C and NDVI
(r50.00). Thus, when polygons with green vegetation
cover ,70% were disregarded, all correlations of the reflectance indices with the Canopy RWC significantly improved. The increase in the correlation coefficients was
of greater magnitude for those reflectance indices derived from the NIR region (Figs. 3A and 3B) than for
those derived from the SWIR region (Fig. 3D and 3E;
r2 increased <0.45 for the NIR-based indices and <0.23
Deriving Water Content of Chaparral Vegetation
Figure 3. Relationships of the reflectance indices WI (A), NDWI (B), NDVI (C), NDII (D), MSI (E), WT (F), and
the Canopy RWC. Canopy RWC has arbitrary units (see Material and Methods for more details). The coefficients of
determination (and significance) are indicated in each panel (n59). Data correspond to polygons with ceanothus and
chamise chaparral vegetation cover .70%.
for the SWIR-based indices). Similarly, the correlation
between the reflectance-derived WT and Canopy RWC
slightly increased, although not significantly (Fig. 3F).
Thus, a more robust estimator of LAI in senescent
stands could have improved the relationships of the indices studied with the Canopy RWC across the different
plant communities studied. Despite these potential problems associated with the scaling method, which affected
the accuracy of the Canopy RWC estimates, the results
reported were successful in comparing the relative ability
of several remote measures of water content. An additional source of error could have resulted from the 4-day
difference in time between the field measurements and
the AVIRIS overflight. The lapse of time between actual
leaf water content measurements and reflectance data
acquisition could have introduced some variability in the
relationships between the spectral indices and the canopy water status. However, this effect was presumably
negligible because there was no intervening precipitation
at this late stage in the summer drought.
The reflectance indices for estimating water content
considered in this study were highly intercorrelated. The
correlation coefficients were always higher than 0.93
(p,0.001; data not shown). However, we have seen that
the WI and NDWI showed a closer correlation with the
Canopy RWC than other indices formulated using water
absorption bands either in the NIR or SWIR regions.
The sensitivity of the absorption features at 970 nm and
1,240 nm seems to be due to the weaker water absorption and, therefore, greater penetration of NIR radiation
into the canopy than at longer water absorption wavelengths. Thus, the signal “saturates” less quickly, yielding
reflectance readings that appear to be more linearly related to the total moisture content (Peñuelas et al.,
Distinguishing Structural Signals from
Water Signals
To gain further insight into the relationships between the
AVIRIS-derived indices and the field-measured vari-
Serrano et al.
Table 3. Results of the Stepwise Regression of Several Reflectance Indices Derived from AVIRIS Reflectance and the
Composite Canopy Structural Variable (Canopy Height3Percentage Cover, HxC) and the Foliage Relative Water Content (RWC)
Regression Equation
p (HxC)
p (RWC)
SEE indicates standard error of the estimate (n523). See Table 1 for a description of the reflectance indices. EWT was derived from the atmospheric
correction of AVIRIS radiance data. n.s. indicates not significant.
ables, stepwise multiple regression was performed considering two independent variables: canopy structure and
RWC at each polygon. In this analysis, Canopy RWC was
reformulated as Vegetation RWC (see Material and
Methods section). For EWT and WT estimates, the
model uniquely included the structure as an independent
variable and the explained variance was 29% and 38%,
respectively. Similar results were obtained when considering the indices MSI and NDII formulated using SWIR
bands, and the explained variance was 35% and 40%, respectively. When considering those indices derived from
the NIR region, that is, WI and NDWI, the model also
included RWC as a second independent variable (Table
3). The explained variance in WI increased from 36% to
44%, and from 41% to 48% in NDWI when RWC was
added. Thus, besides indicating canopy structural characteristics, the indices formulated using water absorption
bands in the NIR region provided additional information
related to the foliage water status. These results are consistent with those obtained by Gamon et al. (1998) and
Gamon and Qiu (1999), who found significant changes
in the slope of the WI vs. NDVI relationships between
spring and fall seasons in chaparral vegetation. However,
they disagree with similar studies by Ustin et al. (1998b)
and Roberts et al. (1999), which showed that the rela-
tionship between measures of green vegetation (in this
case the green vegetation fraction) and EWT also
changed seasonally, showing a pattern suggestive of decreasing leaf water in fall relative to spring. The studies
by Ustin et al. (1998b) and Roberts et al. (1999) can be
reconciled with results presented here by considering the
possibility that the sensitivity of EWT to RWC is too low
based on a single date to be significant across plant communities (relative to structural differences). Seasonal
changes in RWC are more striking, and thus produce a
measurable change in EWT independent of structure. In
contrast, the WI and NDWI appear to be sufficiently
sensitive to detect differences in water status across contrasting structural types within a single date.
When considering the relationships between the reflectance indices sensing canopy water status and NDVI,
an indicator of canopy greenness and LAI (Myneni et al.,
1995; Gamon et al., 1995; Verstraete et al., 1996), we
observed contrasting responses according to the spectral
regions considered in their formulation. All these relationships were linear, but differed in the degree of correlation. The WI and NDWI, formulated using NIR liquid
water-absorbing wavelengths, showed correlation coefficients with NDVI<0.77 (p,0.01). The indices formulated using bands in the SWIR were also highly corre-
Figure 4. Images of retrieved EWT (left), NDVI (center), and WI( right). EWT, NDVI, and WI were calculated from
AVIRIS over Point Dume (Los Angeles County, CA, USA).
Deriving Water Content of Chaparral Vegetation
lated with NDVI. The correlation coefficients were
r520.86 (p,0.001) and r50.88 (p,0.001) for MSI and
NDII, respectively. However, all these previously mentioned reflectance-based indices were not as tightly correlated with NDVI as WT (r50.92, p,0.001), in agreement with previous studies that showed the strong
structural regulation of WT expression derived from
AVIRIS data (Roberts et al., 1998).
The relative contribution of the water signal to the
indices studied is also illustrated in Fig. 3, where reflectance indices sensing water content for polygons with
green vegetation cover .70% are depicted vs. Canopy
RWC. For this set of data, this relationship was stronger
for the reflectance indices studied (see r2 values in Fig.
3) than that of NDVI (Fig. 3C; r250.35, p,0.10), indicating that these reflectance indices are directly sensing
water content (relative to the structural contribution).
Further support to the contribution of the water signal
to the indices studied is given by its correlation with the
residuals from the regression between reflectance indices
sensing canopy water status and NDVI (i.e., the correlation between Canopy RWC and the previously mentioned residuals), in agreement with the previous stepwise regression results. The correlation coefficients were
significant for the WI (r50.74, p50.023) and NDWI
(r50.73, p50.027), slightly significant for the SWIRbased indices NDII (r50.64, p50.06) and MSI (r50.60,
p50.09), and not significant for the WT (r50.4,
p50.29). Thus, besides responding to the canopy structure, WI and NDWI were more sensitive to changes in
Canopy RWC than those indices formulated using SWIR
bands and WT. These results are also in agreement with
those reported by Gao (1996), who found that the
NDWI was able to detect variations in the canopy water
content independently of NDVI.
Also in accordance with these results, NDVI and
EWT presented similar spatial patterns of variation in
vegetated areas (Fig. 4, except for the city of Malibu at
the Point Dume area). In contrast, WI did not parallel
so closely the spatial patterns in NDVI, further confirming that WI partially sensed an independent vegetation
condition than NDVI (Fig. 4).
Although a number of leaf and canopy scale studies exist,
few studies have compared ratio techniques and physical
methods to direct water content at the landscape level.
All the indices sensing water status, as well as NDVI,
effectively discriminated among plant communities.
Through statistical techniques (stepwise regressions and
analyses of residuals) we identified the canopy structure
as the main source of signal variation in the reflectance
indices studied. However, WI and NDWI appeared to
respond not only to canopy structure but also to the canopy water content. Furthermore, WI and NDWI were
more independent of conventional vegetation indices
(NDVI) than those formulated using SWIR liquid waterabsorbing bands. We conclude that the WI and NDWI
are reliable indicators of relative water content not only
at the leaf and canopy levels but also at the landscape
scale. These indices could be useful tools to assess vegetation water status, particularly when using spectrometers without contiguous spectral coverage.
The authors are grateful to J. Valeriano from CREAF for assistance in image processing. This research was supported by a National Aeronautics and Space Administration grant. The manuscript was completed under support by Spanish CICYT grants
CLI97-0344 and AMB97-0332. A fellowship to L.S. from Ministerio de Educación y Cultura (Spain) is greatly appreciated.
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