Chlamydia pneumoniae and cardiovascular disease
Mikkel M Larsen, Birgitte Moern, Andrew Fuller, Paul L Andersen and Lars J Ostergaard
disease is not clear. A number of infectious agents have been
implicated, including Helicobacter pylori, cytomegalovirus
and periodontal bacteria, but by far the most studied is
The Medical
Journal ofDuring
18 November
decade, the
role of
2002 177 8 in
this organism
development of atherosclerosis, coronary
Journal and
of Australia
been extensively
associations with other vascular diseases, such
as abdominal aortic aneurysm, have been proposed. Linking
C. pneumoniae with the development or outcome of cardiovascular disease would have a substantial effect on antibiotic
use. Indeed, a 1999 survey found that up to 4% of
physicians in the United States had recommended treating
cardiovascular disease with antibiotics.1 As inappropriate
use of antibiotics will affect the development of antibiotic
resistance, it is crucial to assess the evidence. This review
focuses on the relationship between C. pneumoniae and
vascular disease and the evidence on antibiotic therapy for
cardiovascular conditions.
Serological evidence
In 1988, Saikku and colleagues reported serological evidence of an association between C. pneumoniae infection and
acute myocardial infarction.2 Since then, numerous studies
have examined the relationship between raised C. pneumoniae antibody titres and vascular disease. A review in 1997
identified 18 case–control studies with 2700 cases. Most
studies reported an odds ratio (OR) of 2 or more, suggesting
a real association between serological markers of C. pneumoniae infection and vascular disease.3 More recent metaanalysis of 16 prospective case–control studies reported a
weak association between raised C. pneumoniae IgA titres
and CHD (OR, 1.25; 95% CI, 1.03–1.53), and a nonsignificant association between raised IgG titres and CHD
(OR, 1.15; 95% CI, 0.97–1.36).4,5
However, a major difficulty in interpreting these results is
the lack of a gold standard for diagnosing chronic C.
pneumoniae infection of blood vessels. The gold standard for
acute C. pneumoniae infection is the microimmunofluorescence test — an IgM titre greater than 1:16 or a fourfold rise
in IgG titre is considered diagnostic. While persistently
Research Unit Q, Department of Infectious Diseases,
Aarhus University Hospital, Skejby Sygehus, Denmark.
Mikkel M Larsen, BSc, Research Assistant; Birgitte Moern, MD, PhD,
Consultant; Paul L Andersen, MD, DMSc, Medical Director; Lars J
Ostergaard, PhD, DMSc, Medical Director.
Infectious Disease Unit, Alfred Hospital, Prahran, VIC.
Andrew Fuller, FRACP, Consultant.
Reprints: Mr Mikkel M Larsen, Research Unit Q, Department of Infectious
Diseases, Aarhus University Hospital, Skejby Sygehus, 8200 AARHUS N,
[email protected]
Chlamydia pneumoniae has been detected in
atherosclerotic plaques, while seropositivity to this
organism confers a slightly increased risk of coronary
However, no aetiological link has been established; a
major difficulty when investigating this link is the lack of
a gold standard for diagnosing chronic vessel infection.
The outcomes of case–control studies and prospective
trials of macrolides in treatment and prevention of
cardiovascular disease have been ambiguous but suggest
a short-term preventive effect. Whether this is due to the
antimicrobial or anti-inflammatory activity of the
macrolides is unknown.
Larger and longer prospective trials currently under
way may provide better insight into the association
of C. pneumoniae with cardiovascular disease.
At present, there is no justification for treating
cardiovascular disease with antibiotics.
MJA 2002; 177: 558–562
raised IgG and IgA titres have been proposed as criteria for
chronic infection, there are no uniform cutoff titres to define
seropositivity, and it is unclear whether seropositivity
reflects chronic, or merely past, infection.6 In addition, the
microimmunofluorescence test is technically challenging,
and may be replaced by new enzyme-linked immunosorbent
Furthermore, smoking is an independent risk factor for C.
pneumoniae seropositivity. There may also be a positive
correlation between C. pneumoniae seropositivity and a
serum lipid profile associated with an increased risk of
atherosclerosis, and between seropositivity and essential
The role of seroepidemiology thus remains controversial.
Although seropositivity established a link between C. pneumoniae and atherosclerosis, it seems unlikely that serological
tests alone will identify individuals at high risk for atherosclerosis.
Pathological mechanisms
The pathological mechanisms underlying the proposed
atherogenic effect of C. pneumoniae can be viewed in the
light of atherosclerotic plaque development. Initially, fatty
streaks form in arterial walls through the accumulation of
low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles within the subendothelium. This leads to recruitment of lymphocytes and
monocytes, which differentiate into macrophages and subMJA
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18 November 2002
1: Completed placebo-controlled trials of macrolide antibiotics in patients with vascular disease
Clinical outcome
Change in immunological markers
Cardiovascular events
Gupta et al28
1 or 2 courses of azithromycin Fourfold higher risk of cardiovascular Reduced titres of C. pneumoniae IgG
500 mg once daily for 3 days events in placebo group.
in intervention group.
No difference in incident
Azithromycin 500 mg once
daily for 3 days, then 500 mg cardiovascular disease.
once weekly for 3 months
No effect on C. pneumoniae IgG and
IgA titres.
Reduced levels of C-reactive protein,
interleukin (IL)-1 and IL-6 in intervention
Roxithromycin 150 mg twice
daily for 30 days
No effect on C. pneumoniae IgG titres.
Reduced levels of C-reactive protein
in intervention group.
Reduction in incident cardiovascular
events after 30 days. No effect after
90 or 180 days.
Other inflammatory vascular disease
Vammen et al32
Roxithromycin 300 mg once
daily for 28 days
Protective effect of macrolide treatment Not investigated.
on coronary restenosis in people with
high C. pneumoniae antibody titres;
adverse effect in those with low titres.
Roxithromycin 300 mg once
daily for 28 days
Reduced abdominal aortic aneurysm
expansion rate in intervention group.
sequently develop into foam cells. Later in life, smooth
muscle cells derived from the media of the artery wall
migrate to the subendothelium and form a fibrous cap
around the foam cells. This cap is continuously degraded
and replaced under the influence of the inflammatory cells
within. Plaque rupture and thrombus formation is a very
common underlying cause of CHD and stroke.
Risk factors for atherosclerosis are multiple, and include a
high-fat diet, raised LDL levels, raised blood pressure,
smoking, lack of exercise and hereditary factors.11
The role of C. pneumoniae must be elucidated within this
context. C. pneumoniae causes respiratory disease, and
serological studies reveal that more than half the adult
population worldwide has been infected. Most seroconverters for C. pneumoniae are found at ages five to nine
years, the same age that fatty streaks begin to form.
Chlamydiae are notorious for establishing chronic infections that resist treatment.12 In-vitro studies have shown
that C. pneumoniae can grow in macrophages, endothelial
cells and vascular smooth muscle cells.13 Some investigators have isolated viable chlamydia from atherosclerotic
tissue, but others have not been able to replicate this
finding.14 Furthermore, some studies have detected C.
pneumoniae in atheromatous tissues through techniques
including polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and immunocytochemistry.15 The detection rate was about 50% overall,
varying from zero to 100%. In contrast, detection rates in
normal arterial tissue were about 1%.15 However, PCR
detection does not seem completely reliable. For example,
a study comparing detection rates between laboratories
found that three of 16 control samples negative for C.
pneumoniae were rated positive by PCR analysis, while, at
low C. pneumoniae concentrations, only three of 16 positive
control samples were rated as positive.16 Despite these
problems, the aforementioned studies suggest that C.
pneumoniae may establish infection in vascular tissue. This
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18 November 2002
No effect on C. pneumoniae IgA titres.
infection could, if chronic, provide the antigen for chronic
Detection of C. pneumoniae in atherosclerotic lesions
prompted research on the antigen specificity of lymphocytes
within the lesions. Several studies have found that lymphocytes propagated from atherosclerotic tissue are responsive to C. pneumoniae, but also to other recall antigens such
as tetanus toxoid and purified protein derivative. Interaction
between C. pneumoniae and T lymphocytes and subsequent
production of inflammatory cytokines, such as interferon
gamma, is a proposed mechanism of plaque destabilisation.17,18
Development of foam cells from macrophages is a feature
of atherogenesis. An in-vitro study found that exposure of
human macrophages to a combination of C. pneumoniae and
LDL induced their transformation into foam cells.19
Another suggested pathological mechanism is an autoimmune reaction involving bacterial heat-shock protein (HSP)
with a high sequence homology to human HSP 60. The
latter is an important product of cells in the arterial wall,
protecting them against unfavourable conditions. Presence
of antibodies directed against bacterial HSP (including
chlamydial HSP) has been shown to be independently
associated with prevalence of atherosclerosis, as well as with
seropositivity to C. pneumoniae.20
Animal studies
Some of the more compelling arguments for an aetiological
role for C. pneumoniae in atherosclerosis come from mouse
and rabbit models. In hyperlipidaemic animals (genetically
or diet induced) predisposed to develop atherosclerosis,
experimental infection accelerates inflammatory progression.21 Other studies have found inflammatory vascular
changes in animals that do not normally develop atherosclerosis after single, and particularly repeated, inoculations of
2: Ongoing placebo-controlled trials of macrolide antibiotics in patients with vascular disease
(Azithromycin and Coronary Events Study)
Azithromycin 600 mg once weekly for 1 year
AZACS34 (Azithromycin in Acute Coronary Syndromes)
CLARICOR35 (Intervention with Clarithromycin in
patients with stable coronary heart disease)
Clarithromycin 500 mg once daily for 14 days
CROAATS36 (Effects of azithromycin in Chlamydia
pneumoniae-positive postmyocardial infarction patients)
Azithromycin 500 mg once daily for 3 days; treatment cycles on Days
1, 10 and 20
MARBLE37 (Might Azithromycin Reduce Bypass List
PROVE IT3638 (PRavastatin Or AtorVastatin Evaluation
and Infection Therapy)
Pravastatin 40 mg or atorvastatin 80 mg once daily; plus gatifloxacin
400 mg once daily
STAMINA39 (South Thames trial of Antibiotics in
Myocardial INfarction and unstable Angina)
11-week course of azithromycin 500 mg once daily or amoxycillin
500 mg twice daily; plus metronidazole 400 mg twice daily; plus
omeprazole 20 mg twice daily
WIZARD40 (Weekly Intervention with Zithromax for
Atherosclerosis and its Related Disorders)
Azithromycin 600 mg once daily for 3 days, then 600 mg once
weekly for 11 weeks
C. pneumoniae,22 although it has been suggested that this
effect depends on high serum cholesterol levels. An actual
atherogenic effect in both disease initiation and disease
progression has thus been convincingly proposed in animals.23 Whether this reflects human atherosclerotic development is unclear.
Antibiotic treatment of cardiovascular disease
Although causality has not been established between C.
pneumoniae infection and cardiovascular disease, studies of
the effects of antibiotic treatment on the disease are completed or under way. The optimal treatment regimen for C.
pneumoniae infection has not yet been established, but the
microbe is susceptible to tetracyclines and macrolides,
including azithromycin and roxithromycin.24 These newer
macrolides are the most common agents used in prospective
It is important when evaluating the results of these trials
to consider that macrolides and tetracyclines have considerable anti-inflammatory as well as antimicrobial activity,
which is a potential confounding factor.
Case–control studies
Two case–control studies have examined the relationship
between antibiotic use and myocardial infarction. Jackson
and colleagues found no association between use of erythromycin, tetracycline or doxycycline over a five-year period
and first-time myocardial infarction.25 However, Meier et al
found that patients with myocardial infarction were less
likely to have used tetracyclines or fluoroquinolones in the
previous three years.26 No correlation was seen for macrolides (the macrolide most commonly used was erythromycin). Neither study examined serological status. A more
recent comparative cohort study by Ostergaard and colleagues found that use of macrolides had a protective effect
on incident cardiovascular disease over a three-month
period, compared with penicillin. This effect was non560
significant after six months.27 The results of these studies
thus neither support nor disprove a role for C. pneumoniae in
atherosclerosis, although it seems that the effect of macrolide treatment could be of short duration.
Randomised clinical trials
A number of randomised controlled trials have investigated
the potential of macrolide treatment to prevent cardiovascular disease. Some are completed (Box 1), while others are
ongoing (Box 2).
Completed trials: Gupta et al enrolled 213 patients with
previous myocardial infarction who were stratified on the
basis of C. pneumoniae serology (negative, intermediate or
positive).28 The C. pneumoniae-positive group (n = 60) was
randomised to receive a single or double three-day course of
placebo or azithromycin. The incidence of cardiovascular
events (defined as myocardial infarction, unstable angina or
cardiovascular death) was significantly higher in the group
of C. pneumoniae-positive patients who did not receive
azithromycin than in the C. pneumoniae-negative group
(OR, 4.2; 95% CI, 1.2–15.5). There was no significant
difference between the C. pneumoniae-positive group who
received azithromycin and the C. pneumoniae-negative group
(OR, 0.9; 95% CI, 0.2–4.6). The study concluded that C.
pneumoniae-seropositive individuals are at higher risk of
myocardial infarction, and that this can be reversed by
azithromycin treatment. However, as discussed above, the
value of serological tests alone to predict future cardiovascular events is still questionable.
The subsequent ACADEMIC (Azithromycin in Coronary
Artery Disease: Elimination of Myocardial Infection with
Chlamydia) study enrolled 302 C. pneumoniae-seropositive
patients with previous cardiovascular disease.29 They were
randomised to receive placebo or azithromycin once weekly
for three months after an initial three-day course. There was
no significant reduction in the number of cardiovascular
events (defined as stroke, unstable angina, unplanned coroMJA
Vol 177
18 November 2002
nary intervention or cardiovascular death) in the azithromycin group six months or two years later (the study was
designed to detect a 50% reduction).
The ROXIS (Randomised Trial of Roxithromycin in
Non-Q-Wave Coronary Syndromes) trial enrolled 202
patients with unstable angina, irrespective of C. pneumoniae
serological status.30 Patients were randomised to receive a
30-day course of roxithromycin or placebo. At the end of
treatment, the incidence of cardiovascular events was lower
in the roxithromycin group than in the placebo group, a
difference that seemed to fade after three months.
The ISAR-3 (Intracoronary-stenting-and-antibiotic-regimen) trial examined the effect of roxithromycin treatment
for 28 days on restenosis after coronary stenting in over
1000 patients.31 After a year of follow-up, treatment was
found to protect against restenosis in patients with high C.
pneumoniae titres, but to be associated with more frequent
restenosis in seronegative individuals than in the placebo
Vammen and colleagues investigated the effect of 28 days’
roxithromycin treatment on abdominal aortic aneurysm
expansion.32 After one year of follow-up, the expansion rate
was significantly lower in the treated group than in the
placebo group.
Although these studies establish a link between macrolide
treatment and amelioration of vascular diseases, the underlying mechanisms are not clear. While some studies found
greater benefit in C. pneumoniae-seropositive individuals,
others did not. The lack of a standardised treatment regimen impedes study comparison, but some studies suggest
that the beneficial effect of macrolide treatment on CHD
may be of short duration (ie, three months).
Ongoing clinical trials: A number of large-scale intervention studies are under way, and results are anxiously awaited
(Box 2). In the WIZARD (Weekly Intervention with Zithromax for Atherosclerosis and its Related Disorders) study,
7700 patients with previous myocardial infarction and positive C. pneumoniae serology have been randomised to three
months of treatment or placebo. Preliminary results suggest
a possible early treatment benefit which is not sustained over
time.40 The outcomes of other studies are awaited.
Our knowledge of the relationship between C. pneumoniae
and cardiovascular disease has expanded greatly. Serological evidence of infection confers a moderately increased
risk of atherosclerosis. Identification of the organism and
the consequent lymphocytic response in diseased vascular
tissue is consistent with an infectious aetiology. Animal
studies strongly support an atherogenic link. However,
the clinical impact of the associations remains to be
clarified. Macrolide treatment may have a short-term
effect, particularly in patients with no known history of
cardiovascular disease, but this effect may be due to their
anti-inflammatory rather than antichlamydial activity.
Ongoing trials will not be able to differentiate these
effects, but will show whether antibiotics are beneficial in
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patients who have already had atherosclerotic events. At
present, there is no justification for treating cardiovascular disease with antibiotics.
Competing interests
None identified.
This article was made possible by funds from the Danish Medical Research Council
and the Scandinavian Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.
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(Received 16 Apr, accepted 5 Oct 2002)
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