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I. TANGGAL PRAKTIKUM Jum'at, 15 Mei 2015 II. TUJUAN PRAKTIKUM Untuk mengetahui cara pembuatan injeksi natrium thiosulfat dengan menggunakan dapar phospat. III. DASAR TEORI Injeksi adalah sediaan steril berupa larutan, emulsi, suspensi, atau serbuk yang harus dilarutkan atau disuspensikan terlebih dahulu sebelum digunakan secara parenteral, suntikan dengan cara menembus atau merobek jaringan ke dalam atau melalui kulit atau selaput lendir. Pembuatan sediaan yang akan digunakan untuk injeksi harus hati-hati untuk menghindari kontaminasi mikroba dan bahan asing. Cara pembuatan obat yang baik (CPOB) mensyaratkan pula tiap wadah akhir injeksi harus diamati satu per satu secara fisik. Dalam pembuatan obat suntik, syarat utamanya ialah obat harus steril, tidak terkontaminasi bahan asing, dan disimpan dalam wadah steril. Sediaan steril injeksi dapat berupa ampul, ataupun berupa vial. Injeksi vial adalah salah satu bentuk sediaan steril yang umumnya digunakan pada dosis ganda dan memiliki kapasitas atau volume 0,5 mL -100 mL. Injeksi vial pun dapat berupa takaran tunggal atau ganda dimana digunakan untuk mewadahi serbuk bahan obat, larutan atau suspensi dengan volume sebanyak 5 mL atau pun lebih. (Anonim.Penuntun Praktikum Farmasetika I.2011) Berdasarkan R.VOIGHT (hal 464) menyatakan bahwa, botol injeksi vial ditutup dengan sejenis logam yang dapat dirobek atau ditembus oleh jarum injeksi untuk menghisap cairan injeksi.
Education for a Better World , 2019
Critical thinking is the mental process of actively understanding, analysing, evaluating or synthesizing an issue or information before making a judgement or making a decision or drawing a conclusion or holding onto a belief or engaging in a particular course of action. Put another way, critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally. Thinking refers to conscious mental processes; and rationality refers to reasons or foundations or bases for declaring certain positions or issues to be either true or false; or to be valid or invalid. When a person is thinking critically, she does not simply follow emotion or feeling, she deliberately follows conscious thought patterns, and she seeks evidence before drawing a conclusion. Critical thinking requires knowledge of the structure of arguments and of the sources of ideas or knowledge that sits in our heads.
Musica Theorica, 2024
O presente número da revista Musica Theorica traz ao leitor onze artigos que abordam temáticas variadas na área da Teoria e Análise Musical, dentre elas, a harmonia tonal, a forma sonata, os esquemas galantes, a análise rítmica, a colonialidade em nossas práticas pedagógicas e composicionais, a música de jogos eletrônicos e a performance. É importante destacar que boa parte desses artigos deriva de pesquisas de longo prazo que vêm sendo desenvolvidas por pesquisadores já consolidados na área. Este número da revista Musica Theorica inaugura o Simpósio Teórico-Analítico, um espaço de debate sobre assuntos teóricos específicos. A primeira edição do simpósio intitula-se Harmonia tonal: contexto, comportamento e estrutura e é composta por dois artigos, Teorizando para além do cânone: tonalidade, função harmônica e prolongamento, que assino juntamente com Gabriel Venegas-Carro, e Função, expectativa e contexto na harmonia na música popular, de Carlos Almada. Os
The Fibonacci series as means of organising musical material: A composer's tool or constraint, 2013
This dissertation explores how the mathematical expression known as the Fibonacci series has contributed to the organisation of my own musical compositions. Three distinct aspects of the series are considered in detail: 1. The expansion and contraction of musical intervals as a reflection of the relationship between the constituent integers of the series. 2. The identification of pitches and quantity of bars as a musical expression of the Fibonacci ratios. 3. The overall musical structure as a reflection of the Fibonacci series, and its effect on the perception of music of an integrated, and organic character. The introduction discusses the relationship between my research into the Fibonacci series and its expression in my music. Chapter 1 emphasises the structuring of elements in Un bout de ciel au loin, Chapters 2 and 3 focus on the relationship between number and intervallic contraction and expansion in Trois études for piano solo and Concerto for Violin and Chamber Orchestra respectively. In Chapter 4, I demonstrate how Rêves Obscurs, and Harmonies Étendues, make use of the distribution of a melodic fragment to different instruments, alongside the interruption of the Fibonacci series by a second, discrete series. Chapter 5 questions the usefulness of rigorous maintenance of the series, and the impact of variations from the series on the tonality of a work, with reference to Cadavre Exquis for three voices and mixed ensemble, and Violin Concerto no.2. The last chapter raises different points of reflection on the Fibonacci series as a technique for organising musical material.
Debates em Educação, 2019
O presente texto surge do confronto teórico educacional com a prática docente do autor. Defende-se que estamos diante de uma oportunidade ampla, no âmbito educacional universal, que se mostra propícia para dotar os estudantes de instrumentos e competências cognitivas para uma aprendizagem de conhecimentos socialmente significativos. Tal proposição se espelha no caráter concomitantemente social e objetivo da construção e na necessidade de aplicação do conhecimento, o qual se entende ser de grande anseio na contemporaneidade social. Fica claro que os jovens passam grande parte do seu dia conectados, enviando e trocando mensagens, assistindo vídeos e ouvindo música. Criticam a escola por não verem total sentido entre o que aprendem e o que vivem fora dela. Entendemos que novas formas de ensinar com o potencial que a as tecnologias informáticas possuem pode lhes propiciar injeções de ânimo ao se verem, também na escola, mais próximos de sua práxis cotidiana. Palavras-chave: Educação. Pedagogia. Tecnologias educacionais. ABSTRACT This text comes from the educational theoretical confrontation with the teaching practice of the author. It is argued that we are facing a wide opportunity in universal educational level that shows favorable to equip students with cognitive tools and skills for learning socially meaningful knowledge. This proposal mirrors the concomitant social character and purpose of the the need for application of knowledge, which is meant to be of great longing of social contemporaneity. It is clear that young people spend much of their day online, sending and exchanging messages, watching videos and listening to music. They criticized the school for not seeing full sense of what they learn and what they live off it. We believe that new ways of teaching with the potential that the information technologies can provide them encouragement injections to find themselves also in the school closest to their daily practice.
Paisajes patrimoniales: filosofía, estética y arte, 2024
IECON'01. 27th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (Cat. No.37243), 2001
in L’italiano e i giovani. Come scusa? Non ti followo, a cura di Annalisa Nesi, Accademia della Crusca, goWare, Firenze, 2022
Άγγελος Α. Παληκίδης (επιμ.) Πρακτικά 1ου Επιστημονικού Συνεδρίου «Ο καπνός στην ιστορία: οικονομικές, κοινωνικές και πολιτισμικές προσεγγίσεις» Καβάλα, 7-9 Δεκεμβρίου 2018 , 2020
Rombach Wissenschaft – ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft eBooks, 2008
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 1989
Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology, 2016
Economic Geology, 2004
International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security, 2012
Journal of Plant Resources
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2019
Iranian journal of medical sciences, 2017
Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2021