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2012, Global Journal of Health Science
4 pages
1 file
Background: Incarcerated populations are at particular risk for developing specific health conditions. Prior studies of prisons in developing countries have focused on the threat of communicable diseases, though anecdotal evidence suggests that chronic conditions are of particular concern. This study constitutes the first published investigation of health complaints offered by residents of a prison in the South American nation of Guyana. Method: In 2010, a medical team sent by the Toronto non-governmental organization Ve'ahavta visited the Mazaruni prison in the interior of Guyana. Data on patient encounters was collected as part of the triage activity. Results: Care was given to 108 patients, staff and family members. Contrary to literature expectations, 50% of complaints concerned musculoskeletal issues, while only 11% were genitor-reproductive. Upon examination, 30.6% of patients were experiencing musculoskeletal problems, most commonly back pain. Conclusion: Future medical interventions to this and comparable low-and middle-income country prisons should more vigorously consider physiotherapeutic interventions, in addition to the expected addressing of infectious diseases.
International Archives of Medicine, 2016
Objectives: to identify the main health problems of the prison population, describe the sociodemographic and health of convicts profile; point the main complaints and more frequent pathologies. Method: exploratory, descriptive, quantitative and qualitative, held in a maximum security prison. The study sample was composed of 63 convicts, which answer a semi-structured form. For the analysis, there was the simple descriptive statistics and discourse analysis of the collective subject. Results: the prison population is young, with low educational level and family income, present as the main pathologies skin disorders, respiratory disorders, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and infectious diseases. Conclusions: are numerous health problems presented by the detainees, as well as their complaints ranging from lack of medical care and other health professionals, to the unsanitary conditions in which live, and picture of state failure and the competent bodies.
The Liberian courts inadequate adjudication of cases on the dockets contributes to prison's overcrowdings, which along with other factors contributes to the weak Medical Healthcare for Liberia's Prisons 1. This local evidence-based policy brief is based on 5 years of project intervention by RHRAP with focus on CJS reforms. It provides resourceful and credible information; and essential recommendations to policymakers, likeminded Civil Society Organization (CSOs) and the public for the improvement of prison's healthcare system in Liberia. This document should be seen as an effort in evoking Collaborative Problem-Solving Mechanism that will help various actors to carryout collaborative interventions at various levels. This collaboration may lead to a trickle-down effect on the rule of law and the protection of fundamental human rights in Liberia. It also seeks to contribute to the ruling party (Congress for Democratic Change-CDC)'s policy framework "The Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PADP) 2018-2023-which aims to build a society where justice, rule of law and human rights prevail". 2 Findings and recommendations of this document came out of an extensive work with prisons and police withholdings cells in Gbarnga,
Healthcare is the right of all individuals whether free or incarcerated. This has been clearly echoed in the revised Nigerian Prisons Standing Order (2011), the revised United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Offenders popularly known as the Nelson Mandela Rules for the Treatment of Offenders (2015) and World Health Organization guide for healthcare delivery in prisons which were used as basis of assessment in this study. The study utilized both quantitative and qualitative methods in collecting data from convicted prisoners and awaiting trial inmates, healthcare officials in the prisons and officials of NGOs, FBOs and CBOs involved in healthcare delivery in the prisons. A total of 350 inmates were proportionately selected across convicts and awaiting trial inmates using Stratified Sampling technique as suggested by Wiseman's 1999 table of sample size. The study revealed some shortfalls especially in the area of assessing prisoner's health condition and associated risks before admission into the prison. The findings also show that illnesses such as malaria, diarrhea, high blood pressure and tuberculosis are highly prevalent in Kano central and Goron Dutse prisons.
Saúde em Debate, 2020
RESUMO O objetivo foi realizar um estudo de avaliabilidade da atenção à saúde dos reclusos no Estabelecimento Penitenciário Provincial de Maputo (EPPM) – Moçambique com base na descrição da estrutura e dos processos de atenção à saúde no EPPM e na descrição dos contextos externos e organizacionais que interferem na atenção à saúde. Estudo de caso único com abordagem qualitativa usando as técnicas de análise documental, observação direta e questionário. Verificou-se que o EPPM possui estrutura precária, falta de insumos e profissionais em número insuficiente para a assistência à saúde. Reclusos formados como educadores de pares e ou como chefes de saúde dão apoio às atividades do posto médico, gerando seu empoderamento no Estabelecimento Penitenciário (EP). A atenção à saúde do recluso em Moçambique não é objeto de debate e não está incluída nas políticas do Serviço Nacional de Saúde, o que resulta em atenção inadequada e insuficiente. O estudo sugere a importância e viabilidade de f...
Final Report (EU- …, 2007
Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research, 2015
This work is carried out in a group of inmates from a population deprived of liberty, with the objective of showing the importance of health services for these people, not only focusing on physical health, but as a whole, physical health, mental and social, preparing and making them more confident for an adequate and healthy return to society. Making the health service a very important tool for resocialization.
Wprowadzenie do przekładu książki Anny L. Tsing "Grzyb u kresu świata O możliwości życia na ruinach kapitalizmu" // Introduction to the translation of the book by Anna L. Tsing "The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins".
--Vettersfelde fish med sippi ‘metal craftsman’ & Voronezh narratives on electrum artifacts of कामठा kāmaṭhā 'workshop
This admirable book offers both a wealth of detailed, practical information about lying and lie detection and a penetrating analysis of the ethical implications of these behaviors. It is strongly recommended to physicians, lawyers, diplomats and all those who must concern themselves with detection of deceit."
Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches, 2024
MN2505 - Operations Management - Lectures 1 - 10 Notes, 2021
Pensamiento empresarial latinoamericano en el siglo XXI, 2019
Etruscan News 7, 2006
Romance Quarterly, 2024
El salto cuantico, 2024
Facta Universitatis, Series: Mathematics and Informatics, 2019
R.M Daffa Fadhila , 2021
Revista Latinoamericana de Humanidades y Desarrollo Educativo, 2023
Harm Reduction Journal
Psychological Review, 1998
International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies
Antarctic Science, 2021
Indonesian Historical Studies