One of the most abused and controversial topics in the area of
ritual and ceremonial magick is the art of sex magick. It would
seem that anything having to do with sex is somehow a hot topic,
and if you mix it up with magick and the occult, then it will
automatically produce a heady brew. Right? Well, maybe not so
What I found over the years is that some individuals who talk a lot
about sex magick and pose as sex magicians are fairly
incompetent at both. In my perspective, if a magician is
competent as a magician and also happens to be a competent
lover, then he or she might consider joining the two practices. Of
course, unless the objective is to perform what is known as the
“rites of solitude” ( a form of magickal masturbation), then the
target partner in this work must also be magically and sexually
So it really takes two magically and sexually competent
individuals, who also happen to have a strong relationship bond,
to produce a good, solid, sexual magickal working. Anything below
this standard is either just gratuitous sexual occultism or likely to
go very much awry if consistently practiced. If you want to
experience the worst that this combination has to offer, all you
need to do is to be severely lacking of any of these requirements.
There’s a reason why the Great Rite has often produced something
more akin to the Great Wrong - I leave the rest to your
In a nutshell, the fundamental requirements for sex magick are:
•Magickal competence,
•Sexual competence,
•A good solid relationship.
I know that Crowley boasted that he could work effective sex
magick with any two-bit hooker he happened to meet. Yet I
believe that having a good partner is an important key to truly
experiencing a long lasting, profound, deeply meaningful and
satisfactory sexual magickal practice,. You might disagree with
me, and you are free to experiment however you choose. My own
personal experience is that it is better to engage in such activities
with someone to whom you have a strong relationship, rather than
engaging with an appealing stranger who might know very little
about either magick or even sex. To assume that everyone knows
how to adequately perform sex and be a good lover is highly
naive, to say the least. It’s almost as naive as to assume that
everyone knows how to work magick.
Another important factor in the art of sex magick is to discover
the great lover within oneself. This is a difficult concept to relate,
but we all have within us an aspect or attribute of our own
potential desires and sexual aspirations. There’s an old saying that
if you can’t find something within yourself, then you aren’t likely
to find it outside of yourself either. This is particularly true about
finding and engaging in any kind of spiritually qualified love. It is a
state that is found within the deepest recesses of your being, and
it is the essential “you” as the ultimate lover. That lover within is
a lover first and foremost of one’s self, then other people and
ultimately, of life itself. It is the trigger of personal ecstasy, and in
order for it to be discovered, you have to come to grips with your
own self. In other words, you must love yourself fully and
completely before you are able to really love anyone else. What
this means is that in order to be an effective lover, you must be
whole and also an autonomous individual. Loving for the sake of
filling a void within yourself is one of the weakest reasons for
loving someone. Obviously, self loathing and feelings of being
unloved or being unlovable are extremely counter productive to
discovering the lover within.
I am also not talking about any kind of obsessive self-love, or as it
is called, narcissism. What I am talking about is freely loving who
you are and what you are without rejecting anyone or anything
else from that equation. Discovering the lover within is to learn
that life’s decisions about love should never be discriminating,
exclusive, rejecting or having to choose one person or path over
another. It’s about the concept of inclusion and not exclusivity.
Although that kind of openness is quite difficult to realize in life,
you should always understand that who you are, what you are, and
who you are with are all products of your choices, whether
deliberately made or even coerced by necessity.
Narcissism is excluding everyone from the possibility of affection
except yourself, usually because of some innate fear of rejection
or even paradoxically, low self esteem. This contrasts with selflove, which is the state of being wholly and completely inclusive
of everyone and everything. Self-love, or the lover within, is the
core root of the powerful love instinct brought to its highest level
of spiritual embodiment. Of course, the lover within is also an
attribute of the resident (and often slumbering) higher self, and it
represents the ray of love that permeates all things; from the
Godhead down to the smallest aspect of beingness. Love holds
everything together in a synergistic embrace, and it is the
essential quality that should be emulated when one seeks to
engage in sacral sexuality.
This brings us to the next important consideration in regards to
sex magick, and that is the difference between sacred and
profane sexuality. Sex magick must, by definition, be that kind of
union that occurs within sacred sexuality. I believe this, even
though much of what passes for sex magick would be considered
profane sexuality. In my opinion, there is a difference between
sexually manipulating and using someone (even willingly) to
produce a specific material end through the use of magick than
the joining of two individuals from the level of spirit down to their
very bodies. If perfect union emulates the One, then sexually
using someone is just the opposite. Sexual coercion within a
magickal context is something that I consider to be quite
negative, perhaps even vile, and it could even be labeled as a
form of psychic vampirism.
Sacred sexuality is where the sex act is ritually performed in
sacred space between two freely loving and whole individuals who
have brought out their inner lovers and seek to bond at the
highest level possible. Thus, they have activated their inner
deities, and it is through them that they will perfectly and
ecstatically join together in emulation of the One. During this
profound and powerful union, the operators may engage in
projecting mutual desires into the world of forms, and thus,
through the power of ecstasy, potently impact them.
For a very simple and uncomplicated approach to sex magick,
devoid of all of the eastern and western esoteric methodologies
and intricately detailed mechanisms, there are nine basic
elements involved in a practice of sex magick. Like any other
methodology, once the basics are mastered, then the practice may
evolve, incorporating other techniques, systems and
methodologies as needed. Yet for the aspiring Pagan or Wiccan sex
magician, I will focus on just the most basic elements involving
these techniques.
Sacred Space - This can be a specific room where the operation is
to be performed. It should be private, clean, uncluttered and be
able to accommodate sexual activity, so having some kind of floor
padding (a bed, couch or futon) would be appropriate. Also,
building a simple shrine to the specific godhead of each
participant, as well as equipping it with flowers, incense, soft
lighting, music, beautiful pictures, and whatever else is needed.
Sacral Nudity - The mind-set that is recommended for this activity
is to perceive the act of disrobing and being nude together as
something akin to revealing the body (and the deeper self)
without any obstacles, conditions or impediments to being fully
accessible to one another. It is a state of mutual vulnerability.
Decorating the body (body painting), sensual bathing, massage,
anointing with oils and balms are all important preparatory rites
for sex magick. The idea behind this state is that there should be
no barriers between oneself, the Gods and one’s partner. This
state should be comfortable, and also even a bit awe inspiring by
Spiritual Devotion (surrender) - Another preparation for sex magic
is to become aligned with not only your personal aspect of the
godhead, but also with your partner’s godhead. You should learn
to see your partner as the deity that they aspire to be, thus aiding
them in realizing this ambition. Days should be spent giving
devotion to each of these two elected deities with periodic
offerings, invocations, paeans, hymns, love poetry and even
spiritual service in the community. Not only should you try to
realize your own personal godhead, but you should also realize the
godhead of your partner. In this manner, over time, you will
experience a profound sacralization of your love for yourself and
your partner. In your eyes, your partner should begin to assume an
idealized form, as if they have been physically transformed. While
you are doing these things to your partner, your partner is also
doing the same to you.
Mutual Godhead Assumption - The goal of this practice is to
realize through godhead assumption your own materialization of
the deity, as well as that of your partner. In order to accomplish
this task, you will have to undertake a regular period of
meditation, breath-control, mantra intoning, and staring fixedly
at some object or image. This meditation session is performed
with your partner, and the object of your fixed gaze should be him
or her. Also, focusing on specific points on your body while
performing a mantra intonation, you should be able to activate
that point, and then link it with the same point on your partner’s
body. Thus, erogenous zones are powerfully stimulated and
awakened. Polarization is also an important factor, regardless of
whether the couple performing the work is straight or gay. One of
the couple will assume the more passive and receiving role, and
the other, the more aggressive and sending role. The ultimate
practice should be performing the drawing down rite on your
partner, and then having him or her do the same for you. Basking
in this aura of mutual godhead assumption will establish the
threshold state needed to engage in sacral sexuality.
Sacramentation - The key to this concept is that everything which
is blessed and associated with the Gods is a sacrament. Once
within the state of godhead assumption, then blowing one’s
breath, making signs before it, and touching it with the hands will
bestow on that thing the essence of the Deity. In this manner, all
substances, such as food, drink, perfumed oils and balms, lotions,
elixirs and even drugs, once blessed and imbued with Spirit,
become literally, sacred substances. Once blessed and
transformed, these substances are used or consumed by the
participants, which in this case is the couple performing the work.
Sacred Sexuality - These are the ritualized stages and phases of
sexual and coital union between the properly prepared partners.
While it isn’t necessary to learn all of the variations of love
making, postures and techniques, it is important to approach this
act with the highest degree of reverence possible. Every touch,
every step of seduction, and every act of love and devotion to
one’s partner is a highly charged ritualized act. It should be
approached outwardly in a relaxed and even languorous manner in
the beginning, so that every sense is super stimulated, and that
the lovers experience everything to the fullest measure possible.
Basic postures should vary, of course, based on what one is
capable of doing without injury or excessive physical strain. Once
physical union is established, then the triggers of excitement,
rapture and finally, ecstasy, can be released and fully engaged.
But the whole point of this work is to control the body and mind,
and allow this process to gradually achieve its end while fully
engaging all of the senses as well as the mind and the emotions.
The goal is to accomplish a kind of mutual orgasm.
Mutual Intent - The whole purpose and intent of this work are the
mutual objectives that the couple are seeking to realize in the
material plane. It is projected from the state of mutual orgasm,
which can give it a greater possibility for manifestation than
through any other kind of magick. The desires that make up this
mutual intent must be as heartfelt and energized for each of the
participants. The mutual intent should be something that the
couple focuses on as they undergo this whole process of sex
magick. As an added boost, the mutual intent can be
conceptualized as a sigil, drawn or painted on parchment or some
other appropriate medium, and then charged and blessed as a
sacrament. The sigil can be stared at by both participants as they
achieve orgasm, projecting a powerful vector of force through the
sigil into the material world.
Mutual Orgasm - The ultimate object for sex magick is for the
participating couple to experience some kind of mutual orgasm.
For this reason, the masculine impulse for quick ejaculation is
tempered so that it may occur when the feminine orgasm occurs.
Of course, if the sex magick is performed between same sex
couples, then the equation for mutual orgasm becomes more
easily realized. Orgasm represents the release of energies, the
occurrence of ecstasy, and the ensuing visionary languor that
follows. It is at that moment of mutual orgasm that the couple
project their desires as the mutual intent into the material world
through the waves of ecstasy.
Spiral Vortex and Cone of Power - In previous writings I have
compared the male sexual orgasmic cycle to the energy structure
known as the Cone of Power. I have also compared the feminine
sexual orgasmic cycle to the energy structure of the Spiral Vortex.
In sex magick, both of these energy structures are superimposed
and fused into a single expression, which is the double cone of
power. Where the spiral vortex is magnetic, the cone of power is
electric. I would also assume that the mental state of the
participants would also produce a different polarized kind of
energy field, where the passive receiving role would assume a
magnetic spiral vortex, and the active sending role would assume
an electric cone of power. Therefore, these combined energy
structures would approximate the roles of those engaging in sex
magick, regardless of their actual gender.
These nine topics represent a simple and direct way for a couple
to engage in sex magick. Yet in looking over these nine sections,
you can see that my approach uses a combination of pagan
religious devotion along with simple techniques of ritualized
sexuality and a developed mutual intention. It is the sacralization
of sexuality along with the binding of mutual intentions
(accompanied by mutual orgasm) that characterizes this approach
to sex magick. I found that using what I had already learned and
mastered as a pagan and a witch was the simplest and most
efficient way of performing sex magick. There are many ways to
solve any given human puzzle, and my methods are just one of
many to developing a simple methodology for working sex magick.