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This map summarizes opposition to the proposed "Mounds Lake" economic development project which would dam the White River in East Central Indiana. The map was presented at the 2015 Esri User Conference. For updates on the status of the project, visit
Water International, 2006
This paper analyzes recent developments regarding Missouri River management and water use, and the potential for an emerging inter-basin water dispute involving the Great Lakes. It is suggested that revisions to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' master manual for the Missouri River and increasing efforts to put Missouri River water to beneficial use in support of economic growth present the prospect of low water levels in the Mississippi River. With a history of looking to the Chicago diversion as a source for augmenting flows in the Mississippi River, it may yet again prove to be an irresistible temptation. The institutional capacity for managing such a water dispute seems surprisingly weak. The direction suggested is that mechanisms should be installed to ensure that Great Lakes water remains in its basin, consistent with watershed management practices. The recent efforts by the Great Lakes states and provinces represent an important development in this direction. It is further suggested that demand pressures in the Missouri River should be met through a similar commitment, potentially through a water sharing arrangement on the Missouri River, something which could be encouraged in part by ensuring stricter controls on the Chicago diversion.
This study examines spatial and temporal trends in Texas dams, dam failures, and dam removals. Dams were examined from a state-wide perspective and within 10 major river basins that collectively account for over 80% of all dams in the state. The state-scale and basin-scale analysis revealed similar patterns of dam occurrence, however there was greater variation in the patterns observed in both the purpose of dams and the timing for when most of the storage was created in each basin. Climate factors, mainly precipitation, influenced dam location. Population was not directly measured in this study but was an obvious influence on the spatial distribution of dams and their functions. While new dams are being built in Texas to secure future water supplies, documented dam incidents/failures have occurred in 15 of the 23 major river basins in Texas, with 328 total instances occurring since 1900. As the number of newly constructed dams and dam failures continue to grow across the state, so ...
Environmental Management, 1998
There are tens of thousands of small dams in the United States; many of these aging structures are deteriorating. Governments and dam owners face decisions regarding repair or removal of these structures. Along with the many benefits society derives from dams and their impoundments, numerous recent ecological studies are revealing the extensive alteration and degradation of river ecosystems by dams. Dam removal-a principal restoration strategy-is an infrequent event. The major reasons for removal have been 1 Under the Dam Safety Act of 1972 (P.L. 92-367), the National Inventory data base selection criteria include dams in excess of 6 ft in height with at least 50 acre-feet of water impounding capacity, or at least 25 ft with more than 15 acre-feet maximum storage. The criteria were amended in 1986 to include dams that pose a significant threat to human life or property in the event of failure.
Water Resources Research, 2017
Storage and controlled distribution of water have been key elements of a human strategy to overcome the space and time variability of water, which have been marked by catastrophic droughts and floods throughout the course of civilization. In the United States, the peak of dam building occurred in the mid‐20th century with knowledge limited to the scientific understanding and hydrologic records of the time. Ecological impacts were considered differently than current legislative and regulatory controls would potentially dictate. Additionally, future costs such as maintenance or removal beyond the economic design life were not fully considered. The converging risks associated with aging water storage infrastructure and uncertainty in climate in addition to the continuing need for water storage, flood protection, and hydropower result in a pressing need to address the state of dam infrastructure across the nation. Decisions regarding the future of dams in the United States may, in turn,...
Journal of Contemporary Water Research & …, 2007
Thsir suggsstions and commsnts greatly improved the rsadability of the report. Appreciation is also given to the following individuals who were most helpful in providing technical information.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
X• 1 » • Ip f c t 5 14 Ta prawda o upodobnieniu się Jezusa do człowieka, o Jego zjednoczeniu się z człowiekiem jest wyrażona w obrazie zamieszkania w Nim pełni. Wyraża to np. tekst Listu do Kolosan: Spodobało się [Bogu], aby w Nim zamieszkała cała Pełnia i aby przez Niego pojednać wszystko ze sobą (Kol 1,19n). Warto wskazać na fakt, że w cytowanym tekście nie zostaje sprecyzowane, o jaką pełnię chodzi. Biorąc pod uwagę kontekst, w którym jest mowa o pojednaniu przez krew krzyża, mającym dokonać się w Nim, przez Niego i dla Niego, nie można wykluczyć, że autorowi Listu chodzi o wskazanie właśnie paradoksu zamieszkania w ciele i w historii Jezusa obok pełni Bóstwa także pełni człowieczeństwa, ale tego człowieczeństwa, które odeszło od Boga, które dotknęło braku pełni, czy pełni braku, czego wyrazem było wołanie do Boga Boże mój, Boże mój, czemuś mnie opuścił (Mk 15,34). Naturalnie nie chodzi w tym o aspekt moralny, o grzeszność, lecz o skutki, konsekwencje, których nikt poza Synem Boga nie mógł wziąć na siebie. 15 W tzw. Ewangelii dzieciństwa mamy wiele elementów ukierunkowujących Narodzenie Jezusa na wydarzenie Paschalne (zob. Mt 2,13-18; Łk 2,34n). 16 Należy zwrócić uwagę na to, że Teofania jest związana z postawieniem się Jezusa w kołejce grzeszników oczekujących przebaczenia czy miłosierdzia przez przyjęcie chrztu pokuty z rąk Jana Chrzciciela. Można powiedzieć, że właśnie to pełne i niesłuszne, ale dokonane dla wypełnienia sprawiedliwości, postawienie się Jezusa wśród grzeszników, było tym koniecznym praeambulum, aby Jezus (bez grzechu) mógł na miejscu grzesznika usłyszeć, że jest Synem W zjednoczeniu z grzesznikiem Jezus niejako dotknął owego stanu odwrócenia się od Boga i zakosztował smaku utraconej przyjaźni. Gdy z krzyża wołał: Boże mój, Boże mój, czemuś mnie opuścił (Mk 15,34), doświadczając całkowitego opuszczenia, mimo bolesnego poczucia utraty przyjaźni Boga, wiedział, że Jego głos nie zostanie bez odpowiedzi. On sam jednak pozostał w tym stanie, nie próbując ratować siebie na własną rękę i dotykając-ze swej strony-do końca sytuacji opuszczenia. To, czego Jezus w szczególny sposób doświadczył na krzyżu, było już przygotowane od samego początku Jego ziemskiej historii 15 , a wyrażone jasno na progu Jego publicznej działalności, mianowicie podczas Chrztu w Jordanie. Usłyszał wówczas słowa Boga: Tyś jest mój Syn umiłowany, w Tobie mam upodobanie (Mk 1,11). Słowa te skierowane do Jezusa, który nosi w sobie zarówno pełnię Bóstwa, jak i pełnię braku (por.
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 2024
In this paper we adopt a new perspective on the chronology and settlement strategies of the last Mesolithic societies of the Ebro basin. For this purpose, we applied concepts from population biology (carrying capacity) and redefined the catchment area of the sites using GIS analysis tools. We concluded that the last hunter-gatherer groups lived below their means, so that physical and cultural reproduction was guaranteed. Therefore, the changes that the societies underwent—from Notches and Denticulate Mesolithic to Geometric Mesolithic, and from there to Neolithic—were not motivated by external factors, but rather were social decisions. The chronology suggests a rapid assumption of the new technological norms—in either of the technological transitions, although the process of experimentation with the production economy must have been slower, so that the Mesolithic territorial strategy remained in force during the first three centuries of the Neolithic. Throughout this process, the efficient Mesolithic networks allowed the transmission of objects, ideas and people.
Cuadernos de Estudios del Siglo XVIII, 2017
Veterinary World, 2024
Fabiola Giancotti, 2024
y Agustina Rodríguez Romero (eds.) Materia Americana. The “body”of Spanish American images (16th to mid-19th centuries)”.
The Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles, 2021
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2018
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 2018
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010
Cadernos De Agroecologia, 2011
Frontiers in Earth Science, 2023
The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India, 2016
Journal of Research in Economic Modeling, 2017
… and Factory Automation, …, 2003