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6 pages
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We review a simple model of closed economy, where the economic agents make money transactions and a saving criterion is present. We observe the Gibbs distribution for zero saving propensity, and non-Gibbs distributions otherwise. While the exact solution in the case of zero saving propensity is already known to be given by the Gibbs distribution, here we provide the explicit analytical form of the equilibrium distribution for the general case of nonzero saving propensity. We verify it through comparison with numerical data and show that it can be cast in the form of a Poisson distribution.
We analyze an ideal gas like models of a trading market. We propose a new fit for the money distribution in the fixed or uniform saving market. For the market with quenched random saving factors for its agents we show that the steady state income (m) distribution P (m) in the model has a power law tail with Pareto index ν exactly equal to unity, confirming the earlier numerical studies on this model. We analyze the distribution of mutual money difference and also develop a master equation for the time development of P (m). Precise solutions are then obtained in some special cases.
Physica Scripta, 2003
We consider the ideal-gas models of trading markets, where each agent is identified with a gas molecule and each trading as an elastic or money-conserving (two-body) collision. Unlike in the ideal gas, we introduce saving propensity λ of agents, such that each agent saves a fraction λ of its money and trades with the rest. We show the steady-state money or wealth distribution in a market is Gibbs-like for λ = 0, has got a non-vanishing most-probable value for λ = 0 and Pareto-like when λ is widely distributed among the agents. We compare these results with observations on wealth distributions of various countries.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2005
We study the model of interacting agents proposed by Chatterjee (2003) that allows agents to both save and exchange wealth. Closed equations for the wealth distribution are developed using a mean field approximation. We show that when all agents have the same fixed savings propensity, subject to certain well defined approximations defined in the text, these equations yield the conjecture proposed by Chatterjee (2003) for the form of the stationary agent wealth distribution. If the savings propensity for the equations is chosen according to some random distribution we show further that the wealth distribution for large values of wealth displays a Pareto like power law tail, ie P (w) ∼ w 1+a. However the value of a for the model is exactly 1. Exact numerical simulations for the model illustrate how, as the savings distribution function narrows to zero, the wealth distribution changes from a Pareto form to to an exponential function. Intermediate regions of wealth may be approximately described by a power law with a > 1. However the value never reaches values of ∼ 1.6 − 1.7 that characterise empirical wealth data. This conclusion is not changed if three body agent exchange processes are allowed. We conclude that other mechanisms are required if the model is to agree with empirical wealth data.
We study the model of interacting agents proposed by Chatterjee (2003) that allows agents to both save and exchange wealth. Closed equations for the wealth distribution are developed using a mean field approximation. We show that when all agents have the same fixed savings propensity, subject to certain well defined approximations defined in the text, these equations yield the conjecture proposed by Chatterjee (2003) for the form of the stationary agent wealth distribution. If the savings propensity for the equations is chosen according to some random distribution we show further that the wealth distribution for large values of wealth displays a Pareto like power law tail, ie P (w) ∼ w1+a. However the value of a for the model is exactly 1. Exact numerical simulations for the model illustrate how, as the savings distribution function narrows to zero, the wealth distribution changes from a Pareto form to to an exponential function. Intermediate regions of wealth may be approximately d...
We consider the ideal-gas models of trading markets, where each agent is identified with a gas molecule and each trading as an elastic or money-conserving (two-body) collision. Unlike in the ideal gas, we introduce saving propensity $\lambda$ of agents, such that each agent saves a fraction $\lambda$ of its money and trades with the rest. We show the steady-state money or wealth distribution in a market is Gibbs-like for $\lambda=0$, has got a non-vanishing most-probable value for $\lambda \ne 0$ and Pareto-like when $\lambda$ is widely distributed among the agents. We compare these results with observations on wealth distributions of various countries.
International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2004
We introduce preferential behavior into the study on statistical mechanics of money circulation. The computer simulation results show that the preferential behavior can lead to power laws on distributions over both holding time and amount of money held by agents. However, some constraints are needed in generation mechanism to ensure the robustness of power-law distributions.
Practical Fruits of Econophysics, 2006
The impacts of money creation on the statistical mechanics of money circulation were investigated by focusing on the dependence of monetary wealth distribution and the velocity of money on the required reserve ratio in this paper. In reality, money creation is important to economic system. The process of money creation can be represented by the multiplier model of money in traditional economics. From this model, it can be known that the required reserve ratio set by the central bank is one of the main determinants of the monetary aggregate and under some assumptions the monetary aggregate can be expressed as the product of the monetary base and the required reserve ratio in steady state. Taking the role that the required reserve ratio plays in the monetary system into account, we developed a random transfer model by introducing a fractional reserve banking system and carried out some simulations to observe how the monetary aggregate evolves over time, how monetary wealth is distributed among agents, as well as how fast money is transferred in the transferring process. Monetary wealth is found to follow asymmetric Laplace distribution, and the fact that latency time of money follows exponential distribution indicates that the transferring process is Poisson type. The theoretical formulas of monetary wealth distribution and the velocity of money in terms of the required reserve ratio are given respectively which are in a good agreement with the simulation results.
Physica A-statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2004
We have numerically simulated the ideal-gas models of trading markets, where each agent is identiÿed with a gas molecule and each trading as an elastic or money-conserving two-body collision. Unlike in the ideal gas, we introduce (quenched) saving propensity of the agents, distributed widely between the agents (0 6 ¡ 1). The system remarkably self-organizes to a critical Pareto distribution of money P(m) ∼ m −( +1) with 1. We analyze the robustness (universality) of the distribution in the model. We also argue that although the fractional saving ingredient is a bit unnatural one in the context of gas models, our model is the simplest so far, showing self-organized criticality, and combines two century-old distributions: Gibbs (1901) and Pareto (1897) distributions.
Linköping electronic conference proceedings, 2024
Herders Biblische Studien 96, 2020
European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 2020
Pierre Bourdieu - Loïc Wacquant - Una invitación a la Sociología Reflexiva, 2005
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The Compositionality of Meaning and Content, 2005
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Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, 2024
Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
AGNES MAIDIA PUTRI (C1C019045), 2022
Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, 2020
Endocrinology, 1998
Tejer impacto: metodología para la evaluación ex ante del impacto de proyectos de investigación y desarrollo en el sector agropecuario, 2023
arXiv (Cornell University), 2023
2003 European Control Conference (ECC), 2003
Physical Review A, 2014
Nature Methods, 2015
The Journal of Physiology, 2010