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Provides useful books & journals of Master's in Library & Information Science
This unique annotated bibliography is a complete, up-to-date guide to sources of information on library science, covering recent books, monographs, periodicals and websites, and selected works of historical importance. Far from just compiling a simple list of sources, Bemis digs deeper, examining the strengths and weaknesses of key works. A boon to researchers and practitioners alike, this bibliography *as a profession, the ethics of information science, cataloging, reference work, and library architecture *Encompasses encyclopedias, dictionaries, directories, photographic surveys, statistical publications, and numerous electronic sources, all categorized by subject *Offers appendixes detailing leading professional organizations and publishers of library and information science literature This coimprehensive bibliography of English-language resources on librarianship, the only one of its kind, will prove invaluable to scholars, students, and anyone working in the field.
Taylor & Francis
Philosophy and the information sciences intersect in various ways. Philosophical approaches to the study of information and information-related phenomena focus on metaphysical, epistemological, and ethical questions; philosophical approaches to the study of the information sciences focus on methodological issues. Metaphilosophical questions may also be asked about philosophy of information and about philosophy of the information sciences.
This study aims to examine the use of electronic information sources (EIS) by the teaching faculties. The survey was administrated among the academic community along with the observation and informal interviews at the College of Dry Land Agriculture and Natural Resources, 'Mekelle University' Ethiopia in the year 2014. Pre structured questionnaires were sent to 176 teaching faculties to know how they elaborate the various aspects of EIS use such as frequency and purpose of EIS use, frequently used EIS, method of learning to use EIS, benefits of EIS, constraints faced in the use of EIS and the satisfaction level of faculties in the use of EIS. Suggestions have been given to strengthen the existing electronic information sources and services and to maximize the use of EIS in the college of Dry Land Agriculture and Natural Resources, academic community.
Bulletin of the American Society of Overseas Research , 2024
Taking as a point of departure a foundation figurine of the 3rd-millennium Early Dynastic Lagashite ruler Ur-Nanše, housed in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, Greece, this article presents a revised understanding of the “Maison des Fruits” and Tell K at Tello/Ĝirsu. It is centered on the objects and their inscriptions unearthed in and associated with the Maison, includes relevant parallel structures and objects, and concludes with a discussion of the function of the Maison. It is suggested that this was a sacred building closely related to water and fish and leaves open the discussion regarding to whom this structure was dedicated.
Russia. Rise before fall: The rhetoric of grandeur in Novgorod and Tver in the 15 century (Взлёт перед падением. Риторика величия в Новгороде и Твери в XV в.
Bulletin de la Société Française de Numismatique, 2024
Étudier les collections de monnaies du Cabinet des médailles permet de plonger dans l’histoire pluriséculaire de cette institution, mais aussi dans celle de notre champ d’étude, la numismatique. C’est ce que nous avons entrepris avec Héloïse Aumaître et Thomas Faucher pour la rédaction du catalogue des monnaies ptolémaïques de la BnF. Ce travail a permis de révéler plusieurs groupes de monnaies, des ensembles qui présentent toutes les caractéristiques de trésors monétaires qui ont au moins en partie intégré les collections. Le dossier que je présente ici est sans doute le cas le plus spectaculaire qui ait pu être mis en évidence. Cette publication n’est donc que la première ébauche d’une recherche de bien plus grande ampleur à mener.
Archeologia in Toscana. Ricerca, tutela, gestione e valorizzazione, atti del convegno di studi (Firenze, 7-9 giugno 2023) a cura di S. Valentini, G. Guarducci, SANEM 6, Roma,, 2024, 2024
»Allerunterthänigst unterfertigte Bitte« Bittschriften und Petitionen im langen 19. Jahrhundert, 2024
Les limites du droit international: essais en l'honneur de Joe Verhoeven, 2015
Oxford Middle East Review Vol 7.1, 2023
Diskurs Kindheits Und Jugendforschung, 2013
Journal of Southern African Studies, 2017
Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, 1989
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2017
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development
Arabian journal for science and engineering, 2021
International journal of language and literary studies, 2023