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2015, The Space Review
3 pages
1 file
A memorial to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Dr. Claudia J. Alexander, geophysicist and a planetary research scientist with the United States Geological Survey and with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. She served as the final project manager on the Galileo mission to Jupiter. She was NASA’s project manager and scientist in the triumphant European-led Rosetta mission to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. She passed away on July 11, 2015, at the age of 56.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2017
We present a summary of the campaign of remote observations that supported the European Space Agency's Rosetta mission. Telescopes across the globe (and in space) followed comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko from before Rosetta's arrival until nearly the end of the mission in September 2016. These provided essential data for mission planning, large-scale context information for the coma and tails beyond the spacecraft and a way to directly compare 67P with other comets. The observations revealed 67P to be a relatively ‘well-behaved’ comet, typical of Jupiter family comets and with activity patterns that repeat from orbit to orbit. Comparison between this large collection of telescopic observations and the in situ results from Rosetta will allow us to better understand comet coma chemistry and structure. This work is just beginning as the mission ends—in this paper, we present a summary of the ground-based observations and early results, and point to many questions that will be a...
Europhysics News, 2015
2 European Space Agency (retired) On 6 August 2014, finally the big day had come: ESA's Rosetta mission went into an orbit around comet 67P/ Churyumov-Gerasimenko to start its actual science mission. More than ten years after the launch on 2 March 2004 and more than 6 billion km cruise, the science phase, for which a large number of scientists had worked since the mid-nineties of the last century, did start.
Quest, the History of Spaceflight Quarterly: 21:1 , 2014
An overview of the project history of the first remotely-manned exploration of the Jovian system by scientists and engineers at Pasadena, California's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Special emphasis is given to the redesign of the mission due to damage aboard the spacecraft and to the unexpected appearance of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9.
Quest, the History of Spaceflight Quarterly: 20:4 , 2013
An overview of the project history of the first remotely-manned exploration of the Jovian system by scientists and engineers at Pasadena, California's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Special emphasis is given to the redesign of the mission due to damage aboard the spacecraft and to the unexpected appearance of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9.
Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 2007
Several missions for planetary exploration, including comets and asteroids, are ongoing or planned by the European Space Agencies: Rosetta, Venus Express, Bepi Colombo, Dawn, Aurora and all Mars Programme (in its past and next missions) are good examples. The satisfaction of the scientific request for the mentioned programmes calls for the development of new instruments and facilities devoted to investigate the body (planet, asteroid or comet) both remotely and by in situ measurements. The paper is an overview of some instruments for remote sensing and in situ planetary exploration already developed or under study by Galileo Avionica Space & Electro-Optics B.U. (in the following shortened as Galileo Avionica) for both the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and for the European Space Agency (ESA). Main technologies and specifications are outlined; for more detailed information please refer to Galileo Avionica's web-site at: Keywords deep drilling. drill. electro-optical instruments. Galileo Avionica. in situ analysis. Mars exploration. planetary exploration. remote sensing. spectroscopy. spectrometer The European Programmes for Planetary Exploration Exploration of planets and planetary bodies has always been one of the key topics of space programmes. In the early stage of the space history, all missions were constrained by the difficulty to reach a body, entering and being captured by its gravitational force and perform the desired scientific experiment.
[...] Apesar de boa parte da tradição intelectual brasileira já ter enfrentado e resolvido indagações razoavelmente semelhantes a essas — pois incansavelmente debatera sobre a nossa psique —, convém salientar que em fins dos anos cinqüenta as bases teóricas que poderiam legitimar o nacionalismo e a consciência nacional permaneciam sob suspeição. Considerando-se o movimento editorial da época, percebe-se uma nítida inclinação para publicação de estudos filosóficos, sociológicos ou ensaios históricos acerca do processo de formação do pensamento ou da ideologia nacionalista no Brasil. No entanto, tais estudos não chegaram a contribuir positivamente para a querela da anima brasilis. E, uma vez que examinavam a trajetória de maturação intelectual do nacionalismo brasileiro, ao invés de simplesmente sancionarem o tema do caráter nacional, assumiram uma reflexão indireta e de segunda ordem cujo objetivo crítico resultou justamente na instalação de um topos cognoscente capaz de repensar a brasilidade sob novas bases intelectuais. [...]
Proceedings of the International Management Conference, 2022
Social media is not just about socializing or interpersonal communication, it is about the transmission of information in order to influence public opinion and to shape a particular consumption behavior. Social media can be considered media of the future because companies promote Internet activity to attract the attention of the target audience. Social media platforms are an effective, interactive, and fast means of communication for both individuals and the legal persons. For companies present in the online environment, the connection with customers is direct, the campaign promotion can be monitored through special digital tools and the results of the campaign are easy to be quantified. In online promotion it is necessary to know the target audience because the message must be customized according to the requirements, constantly updated because the online customer is always stirred towards novelty and be attractiveness, original and relevant to the promoted object. Content transmit...
Una de las razones por la que el docente debería poseer ciertas habilidades emocionales tiene un marcado cariz altruista y una finalidad claramente educativa. Para que el alumno aprenda y desarrolle las habilidades emocionales y afectivas relacionadas con el uso inteligente de sus emociones necesita de un "educador emocional". El alumno pasa en las aulas gran parte de su infancia y adolescencia, periodos en los que se produce principalmente el desarrollo emocional del niño, de forma que el entorno escolar se configura como un espacio privilegiado de socialización emocional y el profesor/tutor se convierte en su referente más importante en cuanto actitudes, comportamientos, emociones y sentimientos. El docente, lo quiera o no, es un agente activo de desarrollo afectivo y debería hacer un uso consciente de estas habilidades en su trabajo.
I messaggeri mi hanno sempre affascinato, per l'attualità dei temi che affrontano, per le descrizioni dei campi di battaglia e per la ricchezza stilistica dei loro racconti. 1 Costruiti ricorrendo a un modello d'ispirazione omerica, i racconti dei messaggeri seguono un tipo di rappresentazione (definibile telling 2), che, mediante l'uso della parola, produce delle 'scene tipiche'. 3 Ciò significa che Euripide, così come Omero nelle molte scene di battaglia che narra soprattutto nell'Iliade, 'scrive seguendo un modello', ovvero, facendo ciò che in latino stricto sensu si definirebbe con il verbo describere. La descrizione funziona, quindi, come un luogo di riscrittura, in altri termini, come uno 'strumento intertestuale'. Nello studio che qui propongo, mi occuperò delle scene in cui si riferiscono le morti avvenute sui campi di battaglia. A mio parere, infatti, il discorso del messaggero euripideo come "corrispondente di guerra" è molto simile a quello degli attuali giornalisti. 4 Le scene narrate, vale a dire quelle che si svolgono fuori dalla vista del pubblico (e che potrebbero essere definite 'extra
Revue des études slaves, 1996
Sinología hispánica. China Studies Review, 2021
Research Journal for Societal Issues, 2022
Current Sexual Health Reports, 2005
Discover Health Systems
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arXiv: Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics, 2020
Temu Ilmiah Nasional (TEMILNAS XII), 2021
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 2013
Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 2020
Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones, 2018
fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation, 2017
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2019