DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5195
MOONS: The New Multi-Object Spectrograph for the VLT
Michele Cirasuolo 1, a
Alasdair Fairley 2
Phil Rees 2
Oscar A. Gonzalez 2
William Taylor 2
Roberto Maiolino 3
Jose Afonso 4
Chris Evans 2
Hector Flores 6
Simon Lilly 5
Ernesto Oliva 7
Stephane Paltani 8
Leonardo Vanzi 9
Manuel Abreu 4
Matteo Accardo 1
Nathan Adams 15
Domingo Álvarez Méndez 1
Jean-Philippe Amans 6
Stergios Amarantidis 4
Hakim Atek 6
David Atkinson 2
Manda Banerji 12
Joe Barrett 2
Felipe Barrientos 9
Franz Bauer 9
Steven Beard 2
Clementine Béchet 9
Andrea Belfiore 11
Michele Bellazzini 13
Christophe Benoist 32
Philip Best 10
Katia Biazzo 14
Martin Black 2
David Boettger 9
Piercarlo Bonifacio 6
Rebecca Bowler 15
Angela Bragaglia 13
Saskia Brierley 2
Jarle Brinchmann 16
Martin Brinkmann 1
Veronique Buat 17
Fernando Buitrago 4
Denis Burgarella 17
Ben Burningham 18
David Buscher 3
Alexandre Cabral 4
Elisabetta Caffau 6
Leandro Cardoso 16
Adam Carnall 10
Marcella Carollo 5
Roberto Castillo 1
Gianluca Castignani 19
Marco Catelan 9
Claudia Cicone 20
Andrea Cimatti 21
Maria-Rosa L. Cioni 22
Gisella Clementini 13
William Cochrane 2
João Coelho 4
The Messenger 180 – Quarter 2 | 2020
Miriam Colling 23
Thierry Contini 24
Rodrigo Contreras 9
Ralf Conzelmann 1
Giovanni Cresci 7
Mark Cropper 25
Olga Cucciati 13
Fergus Cullen 10
Claudio Cumani 1
Mirko Curti 3
Antonio Da Silva 4
Emanuele Daddi 26
Emanuele Dalessandro 13
Francesco Dalessio 14
Louise Dauvin 9
George Davidson 2
Patrick de Laverny 32
Françoise Delplancke-Ströbele 1
Gabriella De Lucia 27
Ciro Del Vecchio 7
Miroslava Dessauges-Zavadsky 8
Paola Di Matteo 6
Herve Dole 28
Holger Drass 9
Jim Dunlop10
Rolando Dünner 9
Steve Eales 29
Richard Ellis 30
Bruno Enriques 5
Giles Fasola 6
Annette Ferguson 10
Debora Ferruzzi 7
Martin Fisher 3
Mauricio Flores 9
Adriano Fontana 14
Vincenzo Forchi 1
Patrick Francois 6
Paolo Franzetti 11
Adriana Gargiulo 11
Bianca Garilli 11
Julien Gaudemard 6
Mark Gieles 31
Gerry Gilmore 3
Michele Ginolfi 8
Jean Michel Gomes 16
Isabelle Guinouard 6
Pablo Gutierrez 1
Régis Haigron 6
François Hammer 6
Peter Hammersley 1
Chris Haniff 3
Chris Harrison 1
Misha Haywood 6
Vanessa Hill 32
Norbert Hubin 1
Andrew Humphrey 16
Rodrigo Ibata 33
Leopoldo Infante 9
Derek Ives 1
Rob Ivison 1
Olaf Iwert 1
Pascale Jablonka 19
Gerd Jakob 1
Matt Jarvis 15
David King 3
Jean-Paul Kneib 19
Philippe Laporte 6
Andy Lawrence 10
David Lee 2
Gianluca Li Causi 35
Silvio Lorenzoni 4
Sara Lucatello 34
Yerco Luco 9
Alastair Macleod 2
Manuela Magliocchetti 35
Laura Magrini 7
Vincenzo Mainieri 1
Charles Maire 8
Filippo Mannucci 7
Nicolas Martin 33
Israel Matute 4
Sophie Maurogordato 32
Sean McGee 43
Derek Mcleod 10
Ross McLure 10
Richard McMahon 3
Basile-Thierry Melse 6
Hugo Messias 4
Alessio Mucciarelli 21
Brunella Nisini 14
Johannes Nix 2
Peder Norberg 36
Pascal Oesch 8
António Oliveira 4
Livia Origlia 13
Nelson Padilla 9
Ralf Palsa 1
Elena Pancino 7
Polychronis Papaderos 16
Ciro Pappalardo 4
Ian Parry 3
Luca Pasquini 1
John Peacock 10
Fernando Pedichini 14
Roser Pello 17
Yingjie Peng 42
Laura Pentericci 14
Oliver Pfuhl 1
Roberto Piazzesi 14
Dan Popovic 1
Lucia Pozzetti 13
Mathieu Puech 6
Thomas Puzia 9
Anand Raichoor 19
Sofia Randich 7
Alejandra Recio-Blanco 32
Sandra Reis 4
Florent Reix 6
Alvio Renzini 34
Myriam Rodrigues 6
Felipe Rojas 9
Álvaro Rojas-Arriagada 9
Stefano Rota 11
Frédéric Royer 6
Germano Sacco 7
Ruben Sanchez-Janssen 2
Nicoletta Sanna 7
Pedro Santos 4
Marc Sarzi 44
Daniel Schaerer 8
Ricardo Schiavon 37
Robin Schnell 8
Mathias Schultheis 32
Marco Scodeggio 11
Steve Serjeant 38
Tzu-Chiang Shen 39
Charlotte Simmonds 19
Jonathan Smoker 1
David Sobral 45
Michael Sordet 8
Damien Spérone 19
Jonathan Strachan 2
Xiaowei Sun 3
Mark Swinbank 36
Graham Tait 2
Ismael Tereno 4
Rita Tojeiro 40
Miguel Torres 9
Monica Tosi 13
Andrea Tozzi 7
Ezequiel Tresiter 9
Elena Valenti 1
Álvaro Valenzuela Navarro 9
Eros Vanzella 13
Susanna Vergani 6
Anne Verhamme 19
Joël Vernet 1
Cristian Vignali 13
Jakob Vinther 1
Lauren Von Dran 41
Chris Waring 2
Stephen Watson 2
Vivienne Wild 40
Bart Willesme 2
Brian Woodward 2
Stijn Wuyts 46
Yanbin Yang 6
Gianni Zamorani 13
Manuela Zoccali 9
Asa Bluck 3
James Trussler 3
STFC, UK Astronomy Technology
Centre, Royal Observatory Edinburgh,
Cavendish Laboratory, University of
Cambridge, UK
Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do
Espaço and Departamento de Física,
Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade
de Lisboa, Portugal
Department of Physics, ETH Zurich,
GEPI, Observatoire de Paris, PSL
University, CNRS, France
INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di
Arcetri, Florence, Italy
Department of Astronomy, University
of Geneva, Versoix, Switzerland
Pontificia Universidad Católica de
Chile, Santiago, Chile
Institute for Astronomy, University
of Edinburgh, Royal Observatory,
Edinburgh, UK
INAF, IASF-MI, Milano, Italy
Faculty of Engineering and Physical
Sciences, University of Southampton,
INAF – Astrophysics and Space
Science Observatory Bologna, Italy
INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico
di Roma, Italy
Department of Physics, University of
Oxford, UK
Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do
Espaço, Universidade do Porto, CAUP,
Porto, Portugal
Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, CNES, LAM,
Marseille, France
School of Physics Astronomy
and Mathematics, University of
Hertfordshire, UK
EPFL, Observatoire de Sauverny,
Versoix, Switzerland
Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics,
University of Oslo, Norway
University of Bologna, Department of
Physics and Astronomy (DIFA), Italy
Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik
Potsdam (AIP), Germany
STFC, Daresbury Laboratory, Sci-Tech
Daresbury, UK
Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique
et Planétologie, Toulouse, France
UCL Department of Space and Climate
Physics, London, UK
CEA, IRFU, DAp, AIM, Université
Paris-Saclay, Université Paris Diderot,
INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di
Trieste, Italy
Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale,
Orsay, Université Paris Sud, France
School of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Cardiff, UK
Dept of Physics & Astronomy, University College London, UK
Astrophysics Research Group, Surrey
University, UK
Université Côte d’Azur, Observatoire de
la Côte d’Azur, CNRS, Laboratoire
Lagrange, France
Observatoire Astronomique, Université
de Strasbourg, France
INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di
Padova, Italy
INAF – Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali, Rome, Italy
Department of Physics, Durham
University, UK
Liverpool John Moores University, UK
School of Physical Sciences, The Open
University, Milton Keynes, UK
BlueShadows Ltda., Santiago, Chile
School of Physics and Astronomy,
University of St Andrews, UK
Appleton Laboratory, STFC, Harwell
Campus, UK
Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University, Beijing,
School of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Birmingham, UK
Armagh Observatory & Planetarium,
Armagh, Northern Ireland
Department of Physics, University of
Lancaster, UK
Department of Physics, University of
Bath, UK
MOONS is the new Multi-Object Optical
and Near-infrared Spectrograph currently under construction for the Very
Large Telescope (VLT) at ESO. This
remarkable instrument combines, for
the first time, the collecting power
of an 8-m telescope, 1000 fibres with
individual robotic positioners, and
both low- and high-resolution simultaneous spectral coverage across the
0.64–1.8 μm wavelength range. This
facility will provide the astronomical
community with a powerful, worldleading instrument able to serve a wide
range of Galactic, extragalactic and
cosmological studies. Construction is
The Messenger 180 – Quarter 2 | 2020
Cirasuolo M. et al., MOONS: The New Multi-Object Spectrograph for the VLT
now proceeding full steam ahead and
this overview article presents some
of the science goals and the technical
description of the MOONS instrument.
More detailed information on the
MOONS surveys is provided in the
other dedicated articles in this Messenger issue.
Physics and
chemistry of
BH and AGN
Answering these important questions
requires an accurate reconstruction of
the assembly history of stars and galaxies over virtually all of cosmic time in
order to decode the building blocks of
the Universe. The Milky Way offers a
unique opportunity to reconstruct the
assembly history of a prototypical spiral
galaxy by looking at the individual ages,
chemical abundances, and orbital
motions of its stellar populations. Looking
far beyond our Galaxy, it is also essential
to trace the evolution of galaxy properties
(star formation, chemical enrichment,
mass assembly, etc.) over the whole cosmic epoch if we are to investigate the
effects of age and environment. Ideally,
these studies should be pushed to the
highest redshifts — when the Universe
was just a few hundred million years old
— and young galaxies are key to understanding the physics of the early Universe
and cosmic re-ionisation. Addressing
these fundamental science goals requires
accurate determinations of stellar and
galactic physical properties, as well as
The Messenger 180 – Quarter 2 | 2020
Multi Object Optical and
Over the last two decades several observational milestones have dramatically
changed our knowledge of the Universe.
Measurements of the Cosmic Microwave
Background, high-redshift supernovae
and large-scale structure have revealed
that 96% of the density of the Universe
consists of currently unexplained Dark
Energy and Dark Matter, and less than
4% is in the form of baryons. Yet most of
the information we have comes from
luminous, baryonic matter. Understanding the nature of the dark components
which dominate the global expansion
and large-scale structure of the Universe
along with the physical processes that
affect baryons and shape the formation
and evolution of stars and galaxies is
amongst the most fundamental unsolved
problems in science.
and large scale
Near-infrared Spectrograph
Epoch of
Figure 1. The key science drivers that have shaped
the requirements of the MOONS instrument:
– The ability to obtain radial velocities and detailed
stellar abundances for millions of stars, especially
in the obscured regions of the Galaxy, to reconstruct the chemo-dynamical properties of our
Milky Way.
– The capability to observe key spectral diagnostics
for millions of distant galaxies up to the epoch
of re-ionisation at z > 7, to determine the physical
processes that shape their evolution and the
impact of central supermassive black holes and
the environments in which galaxies live, disentangling nature versus nurture effects.
precise measurements of the spatial
and chemical distribution of stars in the
Milky Way and the 3D distribution of galaxies at different epochs.
on the Nasmyth platform for the large
cryostat (which is already more than 4 m
high — see Figure 2). Finally, the broad
wavelength coverage of MOONS, from
0.645 µm to 1.8 µm, extending into
the near-infrared, is critical for observing
heavily dust-obscured regions of our
Milky Way as well as for opening a window onto the high-redshift Universe.
To meet the aspirations of both the
Galactic and extragalactic scientific communities, MOONS offers both lowand high-resolution spectroscopy. In
the low-resolution mode (R ~ 4000–
7000), the entire 0.645–1.8 µm range is
observed simultaneously across the RI,
YJ and H atmospheric windows. In the
high-resolution mode the YJ channel
remains unchanged at R ~ 4000, while
the two high-resolution dispersers are
inserted in the RI and H bands: one with
R > 9000 around the Ca triplet region
In order to address this fundamental science, the MOONS instrument has been
developed focusing on three essential
parameters: sensitivity, multiplexing
and wavelength coverage (the full list of
key instrument parameters is given in
Table 1) 1, 2. In respect of sensitivity, the
VLT is currently one of the largest infrared
and visible telescopes in the world in
terms of collecting area, and every element of the MOONS instrument itself has
been optimised for high transmission.
The multiplex of 1000 is a factor of 20
larger than current spectrographs operating in the near-infrared; this is limited
by the budget available, the capability to
manufacture very large optics, and space
to measure stellar radial velocities, and
another with R ~ 19 000 in the H band
for detailed measurements of chemical
Table 1. MOONS key instrument parameters.
Field of view
VLT, 8 m
25 arcminutes in diameter
On-sky aperture of each fibre
Field coverage
# of fibres within a 2-arcminute diameter
Minimum fibre separation
1.2 arcseconds
> 3 fibres can reach any point in the focal plane
10 arcseconds
Spectral channels
Resolution modes
Low-res simultaneous spectral coverage
Low-res spectral resolution
High-res simultaneous spectral coverage
High-res spectral resolution
RI, YJ and H bands observed simultaneously
Low and high resolution
0.64 – 1.8 µm
RRI = 4100, RYJ = 4300, RH = 6600
l RI = 0.76 – 0.89 µm, lYJ = 0.93 – 1.35 µm, l H = 1.52 – 1.64 µm
RRI = 9200, RYJ = 4300, RH = 19700
Sensitivity (point sources) in 1 hr integration
Continuum high res
Continuum low res
> 30% in low resolution, > 25% in high resolution
See Figure 3 for details
S/N > 60 at HAB ~ 17 and RIAB ~ 17.5
S/N > 5 at mag(AB) ~ 23 rebinning to R = 1000
after sky subtraction
S/N > 5 for a line flux of > 2 × 10 –17 erg s –1cm –2,
FWHM = 200 km s –1
Emission lines
Calibration methods
Observing overheads
Acquisition star limiting mag
Daytime flat fields, attached flats as part of observations,
ThAr lamps for wavelengths
Fibre positioning time < 2 mins
Attached flats + 2 mins
V ~ 21 mag (in 30 sec exposure)
Focal plate 880 mm in diameter
4 of the 1001 FPUs
1 acquisition camera
Cryostat vessel
4.5 m × 2.5 m × 2.7 m
Rotating front-end structure
One of the six large and fast
f/0.95 Schmidt cameras
One of the 10 large VPH dispersers
Figure 2. The central figure shows the computeraided design (CAD) model of the MOONS instrument; the rotating front end and the spectrograph
are highlighted. The other images show the real
hardware being integrated. From top right and clockwise: the focal plate with four mounted fibre positioning units (FPUs) and one acquisition camera; the
One of the 64 slitlets,
each containing 16 fibres
structure of the rotating front end that will host
the plate with the FPUs, the calibration unit and
the metrology system; one of the slitlets with
16 mounted fibres; one of the 10 high efficiency VPH
dispersers; one of the six Schmidt cameras; and the
cryostat vessel.
The science drivers and the legacy
The wealth of science that a highly multiplexed, near-infrared spectrograph like
MOONS can generate is undeniably
vast and it has been a common aspiration within the ESO community for a
long time. MOONS will fill a crucial gap in
discovery space which could never be
addressed by only optical spectroscopy
or low-multiplex near-infrared spectroscopy.
Within the 300 nights of Guaranteed Time
Observations (GTO) obtained in return
for building the instrument, the MOONS
Consortium has developed a coherent
set of surveys covering a large fraction of
the history of the Universe, from cosmic
dawn (13 billion years ago) to the present
epoch, across many astrophysical
fields (see Figure 1). About 100 GTO
nights are devoted to Galactic surveys
(see Gonzalez et al., p. 18). The aim is
to investigate the nature of the heavily
obscured regions of the Galactic bulge
(unachievable with optical spectrographs), as well as providing new insights
into the chemo-dynamical structure of
the thin and thick Galactic discs, and for
targeted studies of satellites and streams
in the halo.
The other ~ 200 GTO nights will focus on
galaxy evolution across cosmic time
(see Maiolino et al., p. 24). The goal is to
provide a complete picture of the integrated properties of the stellar populations and the ionised interstellar medium
(ISM) of galaxies up to high redshift in a
SDSS-like survey, including a large number of Lya emitting galaxies up to z ~ 10,
and use this to investigate in a systematic
way the role that environment and black
hole feedback have on the formation and
evolution of galaxies with redshift.
The combination of MOONS GTO surveys
and open-time surveys will provide an
invaluable legacy. Even under the conservative assumption that MOONS is used
only for 100 nights a year (i.e., sharing the
The Messenger 180 – Quarter 2 | 2020
Cirasuolo M. et al., MOONS: The New Multi-Object Spectrograph for the VLT
telescope equally with the other 2 instruments mounted on the UT), it will offer
the scientific community ~ 1 000 000
fibre-hours every year. This figure will be
even more if in the future one of the UTs
is operated in survey mode. On a timescale of 10 years, which is the very minimum lifetime of the instrument, Legacy
Surveys with MOONS will provide radial
velocities and detailed chemical abundances for tens of millions of stars in our
Galaxy and beyond, as well as spectra
for millions of galaxies at 0 < z < 10, providing key spectral diagnostics and environmental information. This will produce
a huge and unique dataset of high-quality
spectra and the essential deep spectroscopic follow-up of current and future
optical and near-infrared imaging surveys
or facilities (for example, Gaia, VISTA,
UKIDSS, VST, Pan-STARRS, Dark Energy
Survey, LSST, Euclid), as well as of
objects observed at other wavelengths
using, for example, ALMA, Herschel,
eRosita, LOFAR, WISE, ASKAP, MeerKAT, etc. Last but not least, MOONS will
offer a unique mine from which targets
will be selected for detailed follow-up
with ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope
for years to come.
fibre positioning units (FPUs), allowing us
to configure an entire observation in less
than two minutes. Each fibre is connected to its own pick-off unit, which has
a footprint of 25 mm fixed on the focal
plane and is equipped with two rotating
arms 3. The combination of the two rotations (like the combined motion of elbow
and shoulder) allows the fibre to patrol an
area with a diameter of 50 mm (~ 1.5 arcminutes on the sky), with an accuracy of
better than 20 µm (i.e., less than a third
of the diameter of a human hair), which
corresponds to 0.05 arcseconds on the
sky. The FPUs will be able to achieve this
positioning accuracy using state-of-the
art stepper motors, but in order to monitor this and make any calibration adjustments there is also an external metrology
system capable of precisely measuring
the position of each fibre. On the focal
plane, embedded within the FPUs, there
are 20 acquisition and secondary guiding
cameras used to acquire the science
field and do a fine alignment of the instrument on the sky. The rotating front end
also hosts a novel concept of calibration
unit, which uses a projector (like those in
cinemas) to illuminate a screen coated
in a Lambertian diffuser to guarantee
high quality wavelength calibration and
flat fielding for all fibres. Indeed, to ensure
excellent sky subtraction it is critical that
the relative transmission of all the fibres is
known very accurately, to better than 1%,
and this highly homogeneous illumination
is achieved via the calibration unit.
bench, which makes it possible to switch
between the high- and low-resolution
modes in the RI band (and similarly for
the H band) using a single common linear
mechanism that passes straight through
the optical bench. In each channel, the
light dispersed by the VPHs is refocused
by using the fastest large cameras ever
built for astronomy (to our knowledge).
Indeed, these Schmidt-like cameras have
a very fast f-number of f/0.95. Each
camera is also very compact and made
of just two lenses (glued one inside the
other) and one mirror to bring the image
into focus on a detector (see Figure 2),
and is therefore easy to align. Finally, the
light — which has travelled for billions of
years in some cases — will be recorded
on state-of-the-art detectors. The two
infra-red channels (YJ and H ) will exploit
the new Hawaii 4RGs 15 µm-pixel detectors and the optical channel (RI ) will use
fully depleted Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory (LBNL) red-sensitive CCDs.
Once the light from stars and galaxies
is collected at the front end it is then fed
through the fibres to two identical triplearm spectrographs enclosed in a single
cryostat vessel that keeps the optical
elements inside at a temperature of
– 130 degrees C in order to reduce the
background in the near-infrared.
Observation preparation
The MOONS instrument
MOONS is a fibre-fed spectrograph
designed to use the full 25-arcminutediameter field of view (FoV) of one of the
Unit Telescopes (UT) of the VLT. The
instrument consists of the three major
sub-systems shown in Figure 2: the part
that is mechanically attached to the
telescope and couples the light into the
optical fibres (called the rotating front
end); the two triple-arm spectrographs —
in which the light from the fibres is dispersed and recorded; and the instrument
The first element in the optical path of
the instrument is the field corrector
made of two large lenses of almost 1 m in
diameter (and ~ 110 mm thick), which
provides a fully corrected field of 25 arcminutes in diameter; this is the largest
field possible at the VLT.
The fibres for science observations are
deployed on the focal plane created by
the field corrector using 1001 miniature
The Messenger 180 – Quarter 2 | 2020
In each of the two spectrographs the
light from 512 fibres — arranged in
32 slitletsb, each containing 16 fibres (see
Figure 2) — is split by dichroic filters into
three wavelength ranges or channels (RI,
YJ and H ). Each of the two MOONS
spectrographs has five highly efficient
volume phase holographic (VPH) dispersers, three for the low-resolution mode
and two for the high-resolution mode.
The two triple-arm spectrographs are
mounted back-to-back on the optical
Since the very beginning of the project,
the focus (and the challenge to the engineering team) has been to maximise the
quality and the throughput of the instrument or, in other words, the mantra has
been “transmit as many photons as physically possible!”. For this reason, all the
components described above have been
optimised in terms of design, material,
coating etc. to reach the high sensitivity
shown in Figure 3.
For complex instruments and particularly
for multi-object spectrometers, the
usual ESO p2 software used to prepare
the observations is complemented by the
addition of instrument-specific detailed
configuration software. The observation
preparation software called MOONLIGHT
will perform automatic allocation of
fibres to science targets, including optimisation of fibre allocations and accounting for mechanical constraints of the
positioners. In order to have high allocation efficiency of the fibres on targets,
some overlap between neighbouring
patrol fields is needed, with one fibre
being able to patrol up to the centre of
the neighbouring cell. However, this
feature can increase the chances of collisions during positioning. To avoid such
Emission lines Low-Res
1 hr on source, S/N = 5, line width = 200 km s –1
20 000
15 000
10 000
5 000
Observed wavelength (microns)
Limiting flux emission line (erg/s/cm 2)
Spectral resolution
10 –15
10 –16
10 –17
Limiting magnitude for continuum (AB)
Limiting magnitude for continuum (AB)
Observed wavelength (microns)
collisions, we have developed an algorithm for the path analysis, which calculates in advance the best trajectory and
motion of each motor.
Observing strategies and sky
Accurate subtraction of the sky background is critical when observing faint
sources, particularly in the near-infrared,
where strong OH sky lines dominate the
background. To achieve this goal, we
have implemented multiple methods. First
of all, the spectral resolving power of
R > 4000 for the medium-resolution
mode (R > 6500 in the H band) ensures
Observed wavelength (microns)
Continuum High-Res
1 hr on source, S/N = 60 per resolution element
Continuum Low-Res
1 hr on source, S/N = 5 per resolution element
that at least 60–70% of the observed
regions in the Y, J or H bands are completely free from OH airglow. Sky subtraction with fibres is challenging since their
efficiency might change (even slightly)
when they move. For this reason, particular attention has been devoted during
the manufacturing of the fibres and
their routing within the instrument to minimise the variation of focal ratio degradation (FRD), which has been measured
to be << 1%. In order to remove any
residuals, it is also possible to obtain a
fast attached flat after the fibres have
been reconfigured and are in their science position. To further optimise the sky
subtraction, the fibre positioners have
been designed to have overlapping patrol
Observed wavelength (microns)
Figure 3. Top left: Spectral resolution R = l/Δl as a
function of wavelength for the low-resolution and
high-resolution modes. In all the panels showing
sensitivity, the thick solid lines show the typical value
outside strong OH sky lines. At the resolution of
MOONS more than 60–70% of the observed regions
are completely free from OH sky lines. Top right: limiting flux for emission lines in low-resolution mode in
the three simultaneous channels, for 1 hour
on-source integration with S/N = 5 at the line peak.
Bottom left: limiting magnitude in continuum for
low-resolution mode in the three simultaneous channels, for 1 hour on-source integration with S/N = 5
per resolution element (~ 3 pixels) and dashed lines
when rebinned to a resolution R = 1000 after sky
subtraction. Bottom right: limiting magnitude in continuum for high-resolution mode in the three simultaneous channels, for 1 hour on source integration
with S/N = 60 per resolution element (~ 3 pixels).
The Messenger 180 – Quarter 2 | 2020
Cirasuolo M. et al., MOONS: The New Multi-Object Spectrograph for the VLT
23 1$
D F ! !
Figure 4. The three possible MOONS observing
strategies envisaged for sky subtraction.
fields and are capable of being placed at
a distance of 10 arcseconds from each
other, so as to sample the sky very close
to the science target.
These considerations are driving the
three possible observing strategies envisaged for MOONS (see list below and
Figure 4). During commissioning these
strategies will be tested and the performance of sky subtraction evaluated in
order to provide guidelines to users.
1. Stare: The vast majority of fibres will be
on the targets, with dedicated sky
fibres distributed across the focal
plane. The number of sky fibres can be
determined by the user.
2. Stare+nod: The majority of, if not all,
fibres will be on the targets and the
telescope is then nodded to a nearby
sky position. This has the advantage
that the sky flux will pass through the
same fibre as the target, thus removing
many instrumental effects. The quality
of sky subtraction will depend on the
frequency of sky nods.
3. XSwitch: This provides a pseudo-slit
observation with the most accurate
sky subtraction. Every science fibre will
have an adjacent sky fibre at the same
fixed distance (10 < d < 30 arcseconds) and same direction. The telescope is then nodded by the same distance and direction, so that object
The Messenger 180 – Quarter 2 | 2020
and sky fibres are reversed. This
observing pattern strategy allows both
temporal and spatial sky variation to
be removed, as well as accounting for
instrumental effects (see Rodrigues et
al., 2012 for more details and on-sky
testing of this strategy).
commissioning at the VLT at the beginning of 2022 (see Figure 5).
Rodrigues, M. et al. 2012, Proceedings of the SPIE,
8450E, 3HR
The Consortium
The official MOONS website:
The MOONS website at ESO:
See the fibre positioning units in action at
Reflecting the wide range of science
goals, the MOONS Consortium builds on
the scientific and technical expertise
of a range of institutes in Chile, France,
Germany, Italy, Norway, Portugal,
Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and
ESO. It includes ~ 100 engineers and
150 scientists across ~ 50 institutes.
Table 2 shows the main roles of each of
the institutes involved in the construction
of the instrument.
The MOONS project passed the Final
Design Review (FDR) in 2017 and is now
fully in the assembly integration and
verification (AIV) phase. The vast majority
of the components have been manufactured and are now being integrated in
Edinburgh. The Provisional Acceptance in
Europe (PAE) is foreseen for the end of
2021, followed by the installation and
For information contact Michele Cirasuolo at
[email protected].
A short anecdote: A very small fraction of the light
coming from the fibres does not reach the detector
immediately but bounces back and forth between
the optical surfaces and when it reaches the detector it creates a “ghost” image! That image is adding
noise and therefore degrading the science performance. When we discovered this problem, we had
to think how to remove this effect. In order to do
this each slitlet was equipped with a special component, tilted with respect to the optical axis, to
deviate the “ghost” away from the detector. During
a telecon someone said: “it works like an exorcist;
the ghost has been evicted”. Since then this special component is called “the Exorcist”!
Table 2. Role of the consortium construction partners.
Work package
STFC UK Astronomy Technology Centre Edinburgh
Project office, fibre positioning units, calibration
unit, cryostat, detector adjustment module, AIV,
control software
Cambridge University
Camera opto-mechanics, assembly and testing
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH)
Fibre positioning unit
INAF – Firenze
Optical design, exchange VPH mechanisms
INAF – Roma
Acquisition cameras end-to-end modelling
INAF – Milano
Observation preparation software and path analysis
GEPI – Paris
Fibre assembly, slit and shutters, data reduction
University of Geneva
Instrument control electronics
Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço
Field corrector, rotating front end structure, cable wrap
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Metrology system, instrument control software
Detector arrays and CCDs
Figure 5. Artist’s impression of MOONS on the
Nasmyth platform at the VLT.
The Messenger 180 – Quarter 2 | 2020