European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 13 (2001) 123–133 / locate / ejps
Modeling and comparison of dissolution profiles
Paulo Costa*, Jose´ Manuel Sousa Lobo
, Faculdade de Farmacia
da Universidade do Porto Rua Anıbal
Cunha, 164, 4050 -047 Porto, Portugal
Serviço de Tecnologia Farmaceutica
Received 7 July 2000; received in revised form 2 October 2000; accepted 18 December 2000
Over recent years, drug release / dissolution from solid pharmaceutical dosage forms has been the subject of intense and profitable
scientific developments. Whenever a new solid dosage form is developed or produced, it is necessary to ensure that drug dissolution
occurs in an appropriate manner. The pharmaceutical industry and the registration authorities do focus, nowadays, on drug dissolution
studies. The quantitative analysis of the values obtained in dissolution / release tests is easier when mathematical formulas that express the
dissolution results as a function of some of the dosage forms characteristics are used. In some cases, these mathematic models are derived
from the theoretical analysis of the occurring process. In most of the cases the theoretical concept does not exist and some empirical
equations have proved to be more appropriate. Drug dissolution from solid dosage forms has been described by kinetic models in which
the dissolved amount of drug (Q) is a function of the test time, t or Q 5 f(t). Some analytical definitions of the Q(t) function are
commonly used, such as zero order, first order, Hixson–Crowell, Weibull, Higuchi, Baker–Lonsdale, Korsmeyer–Peppas and Hopfenberg
models. Other release parameters, such as dissolution time (t x % ), assay time (t x min ), dissolution efficacy (ED), difference factor ( f1 ),
similarity factor ( f2 ) and Rescigno index ( j 1 and j 2 ) can be used to characterize drug dissolution / release profiles. 2001 Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Drug dissolution; Drug release; Drug release models; Release parameters
1. Introduction
In vitro dissolution has been recognized as an important
element in drug development. Under certain conditions it
can be used as a surrogate for the assessment of Bioequivalence. Several theories / kinetics models describe
drug dissolution from immediate and modified release
dosage forms. There are several models to represent the
drug dissolution profiles where ft is a function of t (time)
related to the amount of drug dissolved from the pharmaceutical dosage system. The quantitative interpretation of
the values obtained in the dissolution assay is facilitated by
the usage of a generic equation that mathematically
translates the dissolution curve in function of some parameters related with the pharmaceutical dosage forms. In
some cases, that equation can be deduced by a theoretical
analysis of the process, as for example in zero order
kinetics. In most cases, with tablets, capsules, coated forms
or prolonged release forms that theoretical fundament does
not exist and some times a more adequate empirical
*Corresponding author. Tel.: 1351-222-002-564; fax: 1351-222-003977.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (P. Costa).
equations is used. The kind of drug, its polymorphic form,
cristallinity, particle size, solubility and amount in the
pharmaceutical dosage form can influence the release
kinetic (Salomon and Doelker, 1980; El-Arini and Leuenberger, 1995). A water-soluble drug incorporated in a
matrix is mainly released by diffusion, while for a low
water-soluble drug the self-erosion of the matrix will be
the principal release mechanism. To accomplish these
studies the cumulative profiles of the dissolved drug are
more commonly used in opposition to their differential
profiles. To compare dissolution profiles between two drug
products model dependent (curve fitting), statistic analysis
and model independent methods can be used.
2. Mathematical models
2.1. Zero order kinetics
Drug dissolution from pharmaceutical dosage forms that
do not disaggregate and release the drug slowly (assuming
that area does not change and no equilibrium conditions
are obtained) can be represented by the following equation:
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PII: S0928-0987( 01 )00095-1
P. Costa, J.M. Sousa Lobo / European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 13 (2001) 123 – 133
W0 2 Wt 5 Kt
where W0 is the initial amount of drug in the pharmaceutical dosage form, Wt is the amount of drug in the
pharmaceutical dosage form at time t and K is a proportionality constant. Dividing this equation by W0 and
ft 5 K0 t
where ft 5 1 2 (Wt /W0 ) and ft represents the fraction of
drug dissolved in time t and K0 the apparent dissolution
rate constant or zero order release constant. In this way, a
graphic of the drug-dissolved fraction versus time will be
linear if the previously established conditions were fulfilled.
This relation can be used to describe the drug dissolution of several types of modified release pharmaceutical
dosage forms, as in the case of some transdermal systems,
as well as matrix tablets with low soluble drugs (Varelas et
al., 1995), coated forms, osmotic systems, etc. The pharmaceutical dosage forms following this profile release the
same amount of drug by unit of time and it is the ideal
method of drug release in order to achieve a pharmacological prolonged action. The following relation can, in a
simple way, express this model:
Q 1 5 Q 0 1 K0 t
where k 1 is a new proportionality constant. Using the Fick
first law, it is possible to establish the following relation
for the constant k 1 :
k1 5 ]
where D is the solute diffusion coefficient in the dissolution media, V is the liquid dissolution volume and h is the
width of the diffusion layer. Hixson and Crowell adapted
the Noyes–Whitney equation in the following manner:
] 5 KS(Cs 2 C)
where W is the amount of solute in solution at time t,
dW/ dt is the passage rate of the solute into solution in time
t and K is a constant. This last equation is obtained from
the Noyes–Whitney equation by multiplying both terms of
equation by V and making K equal to k 1V. Comparing these
terms, the following relation is obtained:
In this manner, Hixson and Crowell Equation [Eq. (7)]
can be rewritten as:
] 5 ]sVCs 2 Wd 5 ksVCs 2 Wd
where Q t is the amount of drug dissolved in time t, Q 0 is
the initial amount of drug in the solution (most times,
Q 0 5 0) and K0 is the zero order release constant.
where k 5 k 1 S. If one pharmaceutical dosage form with
constant area is studied in ideal conditions (sink conditions), it is possible to use this last equation that, after
integration, will become:
2.2. First order kinetics
W 5VCss1 2 e 2ktd
The application of this model to drug dissolution studies
was first proposed by Gibaldi and Feldman (1967) and
later by Wagner (1969). This model has been also used to
describe absorption and / or elimination of some drugs
(Gibaldi and Perrier, 1982), although it is difficult to
conceptualise this mechanism in a theoretical basis.
Kitazawa et al. (1975, 1977) proposed a slightly different
model, but achieved practically the same conclusions.
The dissolution phenomena of a solid particle in a liquid
media implies a surface action, as can be seen by the
Noyes–Whitney Equation:
] 5 K(Cs 2 C)
where C is the concentration of the solute in time t, Cs is
the solubility in the equilibrium at experience temperature
and K is a first order proportionality constant. This
equation was altered by Brunner et al. (1900), to incorporate the value of the solid area accessible to dissolution, S,
] 5 K1 S(Cs 2 C)
This equation can be transformed, applying decimal
logarithms in both terms, into:
log sVCs 2 Wd 5 log VCs 2 ]]
The following relation can also express this model:
Qt 5 Q0 e
2K 1 t
or ln ] 5 K1 t
or ln qt 5 ln Q 0 K1 t
or in decimal logarithms:
K1 t
log Q t 5 log Q 0 1 ]]
where Q t is the amount of drug released in time t, Q 0 is the
initial amount of drug in the solution and K1 is the first
order release constant. In this way a graphic of the decimal
logarithm of the released amount of drug versus time will
be linear. The pharmaceutical dosage forms following this
dissolution profile, such as those containing water-soluble
drugs in porous matrices (Mulye and Turco, 1995), release
the drug in a way that is proportional to the amount of
drug remaining in its interior, in such way, that the amount
of drug released by unit of time diminish.
P. Costa, J.M. Sousa Lobo / European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 13 (2001) 123 – 133
2.3. Weibull model
A general empirical equation described by Weibull
(1951) was adapted to the dissolution / release process
(Langenbucher, 1972). This equation can be successfully
applied to almost all kinds of dissolution curves and is
commonly used in these studies (Goldsmith et al., 1978;
Romero et al., 1991; Vudathala and Rogers, 1992). When
applied to drug dissolution or release from pharmaceutical
dosage forms, the Weibull equation expresses the accumulated fraction of the drug, m, in solution at time, t, by:
2 (t 2 T i )
m 5 1 2 exp ]]]
In this equation, the scale parameter, a, defines the time
scale of the process. The location parameter, T i , represents
the lag time before the onset of the dissolution or release
process and in most cases will be zero. The shape
parameter, b, characterizes the curve as either exponential
(b 5 1) (Case 1), sigmoid, S-shaped, with upward curvature followed by a turning point (b . 1) (Case 2), or
parabolic, with a higher initial slope and after that consistent with the exponential (b , 1) (Case 3). This equation
may be rearranged into:
log[2ln(1 2 m)] 5 b log (t 2 T i ) 2 log a
From this equation a linear relation can be obtained for a
log–log plot of 2ln (12m) versus time, t. The shape
parameter (b) is obtained from the slope of the line and the
scale parameter, a, is estimated from the ordinate value
(1 /a) at time t 5 1. The parameter, a, can be replaced by
the more informative dissolution time, T d , that is defined
by a 5 (T d ) and is read from the graph as the time value
corresponding to the ordinate 2 ln (1 2 m) 5 1. Since
2 ln (1 2 m) 5 1 is equivalent to m50.632, T d represents
the time interval necessary to dissolve or release 63.2% of
the drug present in the pharmaceutical dosage form. To
pharmaceuticals systems following this model, the
logarithm of the dissolved amount of drug versus the
logarithm of time plot will be linear.
Because this is an empiric model, not deducted from any
kinetic fundament, it presents some deficiencies and has
been the subject of some criticism (Pedersen and Myrick,
1978; Christensen et al., 1980), such as:
models to study the release of water soluble and low
soluble drugs incorporated in semi-solid and / or solid
matrixes. Mathematical expressions were obtained for drug
particles dispersed in a uniform matrix behaving as the
diffusion media. To study the dissolution from a planar
system having a homogeneous matrix, the relation obtained was the following:
ft 5 Q 5œD(2C 2 Cs )Cs t
where Q is the amount of drug released in time t per unit
area, C is the drug initial concentration, CS is the drug
solubility in the matrix media and D is the diffusivity of
the drug molecules (diffusion constant) in the matrix
This relation was first proposed by Higuchi to describe
the dissolution of drugs in suspension from ointments
bases, but is clearly in accordance with other types of
dissolution from other pharmaceutical dosage forms. To
these dosage forms a concentration profile, which may
exist after application of the pharmaceutical system, can be
represented (Fig. 1). The solid line represents the variation
of drug concentration in the pharmaceutical system, after
time, t, in the matrix layer normal to the release surface,
being all the drug rapidly diffused (perfect sink conditions). The total drug concentration would be expected to
show a sharp discontinuity at distance h and no drug
dissolution could occur until the concentration drops below
the matrix drug solubility (Cs ). To distances higher than h,
the concentration gradient will be constant, provided C 4
Cs . The linearity of the gradient over this distance follows
Fick’s first law. At a time t the amount of drug release by
the system corresponds to the shaded area in Fig. 1. It is
then evident that dQ, the amount of drug released, is
related to dh, the movement of the release front:
dQ 5 Cdh 2 1 / 2(Cs dh)
But, in accordance to the Fick first law (dQ / dt 5 DCs /h)
the following expression is obtained:
• There is not any kinetic fundament and could only
describe, but does not adequately characterize, the
dissolution kinetic properties of the drug,
• there is not any single parameter related with the
intrinsic dissolution rate of the drug and
• it is of limited use for establishing in vivo / in vitro
2.4. Higuchi model
Higuchi (1961, 1963) developed several theoretical
Fig. 1. Drug theoretical concentration profile of a matrix system in direct
contact with a perfect sink release media.
P. Costa, J.M. Sousa Lobo / European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 13 (2001) 123 – 133
ft 5 Q 5 2C0 ´ ]
(C dh 2 1 / 2(Cs dh)) DCs
5 ]]
Cobby et al. (1974a,b) proposed the following generic,
polynomial equation to the matrix tablets case:
h(C dh 2 1 / 2(Cs dh))
5 dt
ft 5 Q 5 G1 Kr t 1 / 2 2 G2 (Kr t 1 / 2 )2 1 G3 (Kr t 1 / 2 )3
h(2C 2 Cs ) dh
5 dt
Integrating this equation it becomes:
t 5 ]](2C 2 Cs ) 1 k9
where k9 is an integration constant and k9 will be zero if
time was measured from zero and then:
t 5 ]](2C 2 Cs ) or h 5 2 ]]]
2C 2 CS
Q (amount of drug released at time t) is then:
Q 5 hC 2 1 / 2(hCs )
or Q 5 h(C 2 Cs )
Replacing in this equation h by the expression obtained:
Q 5 2 ]]](C 2 Cs )
2C 2 Cs
This relation is valid during all the time, except when
the total depletion of the drug in the therapeutic system is
achieved. Higuchi developed also other models, such as
drug release from spherical homogeneous matrix systems
and planar or spherical systems having a granular
(heterogeneous) matrix. To study the dissolution from a
planar heterogeneous matrix system, where the drug
concentration in the matrix is lower than its solubility and
the release occurs through pores in the matrix, the obtained
relation was the following:
ft 5 Q 5 ](2C 2 ´Cs )Cs t
where Q is the amount of drug released in time t by
surface unity, C is the initial concentration of the drug, ´ is
the matrix porosity, t is the tortuosity factor of the
capillary system, Cs is the drug solubility in the matrix /
excipient media and D the diffusion constant of the drug
molecules in that liquid. These models assume that these
systems are neither surface coated nor that their matrices
undergo a significant alteration in the presence of water.
Higuchi (1962) proposed the following equation, for the
case in which the drug is dissolved from a saturated
solution (where C0 is the solution concentration) dispersed
in a porous matrix:
where Q is the released amount of drug in time t, Kr is a
dissolution constant and G1 , G2 and G3 are shape factors.
These matrices usually have continuous channels, due to
its porosity, being in this way above the first percolation
threshold (in order to increase its mechanical stability) and
bellow the second percolation threshold (in order to release
all the drug amount), allowing us to apply the percolation
theory (Leuenberger et al., 1989; Hastedt and Wright,
1990; Bonny and Leuenberger, 1991; Staufer and Aharony,
ft 5 Q 5œDB Cs t[2f d 2 (f 1 ´)Cs ]
where f is the volume accessible to the dissolution media
throughout the network channels, DB is the diffusion
coefficient through this channels and d is the drug density.
In a general way it is possible to resume the Higuchi
model to the following expression (generally known as the
simplified Higuchi model):
ft 5 KH t 1 / 2
and finally
Q 5œtDCs (2C 2 Cs )
where KH is the Higuchi dissolution constant treated
sometimes in a different manner by different authors and
theories. Higuchi describes drug release as a diffusion
process based in the Fick’s law, square root time dependent. This relation can be used to describe the drug
dissolution from several types of modified release pharmaceutical dosage forms, as in the case of some transdermal
systems (Costa et al., 1996) and matrix tablets with water
soluble drugs (Desai et al., 1966a,b; Schwartz et al.,
2.5. Hixson–Crowell model
Hixson and Crowell (1931) recognizing that the particle
regular area is proportional to the cubic root of its volume,
derived an equation that can be described in the following
W 10 / 3 2 W t1 / 3 5 Ks t
where W0 is the initial amount of drug in the pharmaceutical dosage form, Wt is the remaining amount of drug
in the pharmaceutical dosage form at time t and Ks is a
constant incorporating the surface–volume relation. This
expression applies to pharmaceutical dosage form such as
tablets, where the dissolution occurs in planes that are
parallel to the drug surface if the tablet dimensions
diminish proportionally, in such a manner that the initial
P. Costa, J.M. Sousa Lobo / European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 13 (2001) 123 – 133
geometrical form keeps constant all the time. Eq. (23) can
be rewritten:
W0 2Wt
K9N 1 / 3 DCs t
5 ]]]]
to a number N of particles, where K9 is a constant related
to the surface, the shape and the density of the particle, D
is the diffusion coefficient, Cs is the solubility in the
equilibrium at experience temperature and d is the thickness of the diffusion layer. The shape factors for cubic or
spherical particles should be kept constant if the particles
dissolve in an equal manner by all sides. This possibly will
not occur to particles with different shapes and consequently this equation can no longer be applied. Dividing
Eq. (23) by W 10 / 3 and simplifying:
(1 2 ft )1 / 3 5 1 2 Kb t
where ft 5 1 2 (Wt /W0 ) and ft represents the drug dissolved
fraction at time t and Kb is a release constant. Then, a
graphic of the cubic root of the unreleased fraction of drug
versus time will be linear if the equilibrium conditions are
not reached and if the geometrical shape of the pharmaceutical dosage form diminishes proportionally over time.
When this model is used, it is assumed that the release rate
is limited by the drug particles dissolution rate and not by
the diffusion that might occur through the polymeric
matrix. This model has been used to describe the release
profile keeping in mind the diminishing surface of the drug
particles during the dissolution (Niebergall et al., 1963;
Prista et al., 1995).
2.6. Korsmeyer–Peppas model
Korsmeyer et al. (1983) developed a simple, semiempirical model, relating exponentially the drug release to
the elapsed time (t):
ft 5 at n
where a is a constant incorporating structural and geometric characteristics of the drug dosage form, n is the release
exponent, indicative of the drug release mechanism, and
the function of t is Mt /M` (fractional release of drug).
The drug diffusion from a controlled release polymeric
system with the form of a plane sheet, of thickness d can
be represented by:
≠ 2c
] 5 D ]2
2 d/2 , x , d/2
x 5 6d / 2
where c 0 is the initial drug concentration in the device and
c 1 is the concentration of drug at the polymer–water
interface. The solution equation under these conditions was
proposed initially by Crank (1975):
S D Fp
]t 5 2 ]2
O (21) i erfc]]
2 Dt
n 51
A sufficiently accurate expression can be obtained for
small values of t since the second term of Eq. (28)
disappears and then it becomes:
]t 5 2 ]2
5 at 1 / 2
Then, if the diffusion is the main drug release mechanism, a graphic representing the drug amount released, in
the referred conditions, versus the square root of time
should originate a straight line. Under some experimental
situations the release mechanism deviates from the Fick
equation, following an anomalous behaviour (non-Fickian).
In these cases a more generic equation can be used:
]t 5 at n
Peppas (1985) used this n value in order to characterise
different release mechanisms, concluding for values for a
slab, of n50.5 for Fick diffusion and higher values of n,
between 0.5 and 1.0, or n51.0, for mass transfer following
a non-Fickian model (Table 1). In the case of a cylinder,
n50.45 instead of 0.5, and 0.89 instead of 1.0. Eq. (29)
can only be used in systems with a drug diffusion
coefficient fairly concentration independent. To the determination of the exponent n the portion of the release
curve where Mt /M` ,0.6 should only be used. To use this
equation it is also necessary that release occurs in a
one-dimensional way and that the system width–thickness
or length–thickness relation be at least 10. This model is
generally used to analyse the release of pharmaceutical
polymeric dosage forms, when the release mechanism is
not well known or when more than one type of release
phenomena could be involved.
A modified form of this equation (Harland et al., 1988;
Ford et al., 1991; Kim and Fassihi, 1997; El-Arini and
Leuenberger, 1998; Pillay and Fassihi, 1999) was de-
where D is the drug diffusion coefficient (concentration
independent). If drug release occurs under perfect sink
conditions, the following initial and boundary conditions
can be assumed:
c 5 c0
c 5 c1
Table 1
Interpretation of diffusional release mechanisms from polymeric films
Release exponent
Drug transport
Rate as a function
of time
Higher than 1.0
Fickian diffusion
Anomalous transport
Case-II transport
Super Case-II transport
t 20.5
t n 21
Zero order release
t n 21
P. Costa, J.M. Sousa Lobo / European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 13 (2001) 123 – 133
veloped to accommodate the lag time (l) in the beginning
of the drug release from the pharmaceutical dosage form:
M(t2l )
]] 5 a(t 2 l)n
When there is the possibility of a burst effect, b, this
equation becomes (Kim and Fassihi, 1997):
]t 5 at n 1 b
In the absence of lag time or burst effect, l and b values
would be zero and only at n is used. This mathematical
model, also known as the Power Law, has been used, very
frequently, to describe the drug release from several
different pharmaceutical modified release dosage forms
(Lin and Yang, 1989; Sangalli et al., 1994; Kim and
Fassihi, 1997).
This model was developed by Baker and Lonsdale
(1974) from the Higuchi model and describes the drug
controlled release from a spherical matrix, being represented by the following expression:
3Dm Cms
2 ] 5 ]]]
r 20 C0
where Mt is the drug released amount at time t and M` is
the amount of drug released at an infinite time, Dm is the
diffusion coefficient, Cms is the drug solubility in the
matrix, r 0 is the radius of the spherical matrix and C0 is the
initial concentration of drug in the matrix.
If the matrix is not homogeneous and presents fractures
or capillaries that may contribute to the drug release, the
following equation (Seki et al., 1980) is used:
] 12 12]
3Df Cfs ´
2 ] 5 ]]]
r 02 C0t
where Df is the diffusion coefficient, Cfs is the drug
solubility in the liquid surrounding the matrix, t is the
tortuosity factor of the capillary system and ´ is the
porosity of the matrix. The matrix porosity can be described by (Desai et al., 1966a,b,c):
´ 5 ´0 1 KC0
where ´0 is the initial porosity and K is the drug specific
volume. If ´0 is small, Eq. (35) can be rearranged as:
] 12 12]
3Df KCfs
2 ] 5 ]]]
r 02t
2 ] 5 kt
where the release constant, k, corresponds to the slope.
This equation has been used to the linearization of release
data from several formulations of microcapsules or microspheres (Seki et al., 1980; Jun and Lai, 1983; Chang et al.,
1986; Shukla and Price, 1989, 1991; Bhanja and Pal,
2.8. Hopfenberg model
The release of drugs from surface-eroding devices with
several geometries was analysed by Hopfenberg who
developed a general mathematical equation describing drug
release from slabs, spheres and infinite cylinders displaying heterogeneous erosion (Hopfenberg, 1976; Katzhendler
et al., 1997):
2.7. Baker–Lonsdale model
] 1 2 1 2 ]t
ft 5 ] 1 2 1 2 ]
or, its logarithmic version:
M(t 2l )
log ]] 5 log a 1 n log (t 2 1)
In this way a graphic relating the left side of the
equation and time will be linear if the established conditions were fulfilled and the Baker–Lonsdale model could
be defined as:
]t 5 1 2 1 2 ]]
C0 a 0
where Mt is the amount of drug dissolved in time t, M` is
the total amount of drug dissolved when the pharmaceutical dosage form is exhausted, Mt /M` is the fraction of
drug dissolved, k 0 is the erosion rate constant, C0 is the
initial concentration of drug in the matrix and a 0 is the
initial radius for a sphere or cylinder or the half-thickness
for a slab. The value of n is 1, 2 and 3 for a slab, cylinder
and sphere, respectively. A modified form of this model
was developed (El-Arini and Leuenberger, 1998) to accommodate the lag time (l) in the beginning of the drug
release from the pharmaceutical dosage form:
]t 5 1 2 [1 2 k 1 t(t 2 l)] n
where k 1 is equal to k 0 /C0 a 0 . This model assumes that the
rate-limiting step of drug release is the erosion of the
matrix itself and that time dependent diffusional resistances internal or external to the eroding matrix do not
influence it.
2.9. Other release parameteres
Other parameters used to characterise drug release
profile are t x% , sampling time and dissolution efficiency.
The t x % parameter corresponds to the time necessary to the
release of a determined percentage of drug (e.g., t 20% , t 50% ,
t 80% ) and sampling time corresponds to the amount of drug
dissolved in that time (e.g., t 20 min , t 50 min , t 90 min ). Pharmacopoeias very frequently use this parameter as an
acceptance limit of the dissolution test (e.g., t 45 min $80%).
P. Costa, J.M. Sousa Lobo / European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 13 (2001) 123 – 133
Fig. 2. Dissolution of a drug from a pharmaceutical dosage form.
The dissolution efficiency (DE) of a pharmaceutical
dosage form (Khan and Rhodes, 1972; Khan, 1975) is
defined as the area under the dissolution curve up to a
certain time, t, expressed as a percentage of the area of the
rectangle described by 100% dissolution in the same time.
It is represented in Fig. 2, and can be calculated by the
following equation:
Ey 3 dt
D.E. 5 ]]] 3 100%
y 100 3 t
Model-independent methods can be further differentiated as ratio tests and pair-wise procedures. The ratio
tests are relations between parameters obtained from the
release assay of the reference formulation and the release
assay of the test product at the same time and can go from
a simple ratio of percent dissolved drug (t x % ) to a ratio of
area under the release curve (AUC) or even to a ratio of
mean dissolution time (MDT). The mean dissolution time
can be calculated by the following expression:
O tˆ DM
MDT 5 ]]]
where y is the drug percent dissolved at time t.
j 51
3. Release profiles comparision
The parameters described above contribute with a little
information to clarifying the release mechanism and should
be used associated with each other or with some of the
models previously referred.
Some methods to compare drug release profiles were
recently proposed (CMC, 1995; Shah and Polli, 1996; Ju
and Liaw, 1997; Polli et al., 1997; Fassihi and Pillay,
1998). Those methods were classified into several
categories, such as:
• Statistical methods (Tsong and Hammerstrom, 1996)
based in the analysis of variance or in t-student tests
• Single time point dissolution
• Multiple time point dissolution
• Model-independent methods
• Model-dependent methods, using some of the previously described models, or lesser used models such as the
quadratic, logistic or Gompertz model.
The methods based in the analysis of variance can also
be distinguished in one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The
statistical methods assess the difference between the means
of two drug release data sets in single time point dissolution (ANOVA or t-student test) or in multiple time point
dissolution (MANOVA).
where j is the sample number, n is the number of
dissolution sample times, tˆj is the time at midpoint
between t j and t j 21 (easily calculated with the expression
(t j 1 t j21 ) / 2) and DMi is the additional amount of drug
dissolved between t i and t i 21 .
The pair-wise procedures includes the difference factor
and the similarity factor (Moore and Flanner, 1996) and
the Rescigno index (Rescigno, 1992).
The difference factor ( f1 ) measures the percent error
between two curves over all time points:
OuR 2 T u
f 5 ]]] 3 100
j 51
j 51
where n is the sampling number, R j and T j are the percent
dissolved of the reference and test products at each time
point j. The percent error is zero when the test and drug
reference profiles are identical and increase proportionally
with the dissimilarity between the two dissolution profiles.
The similarity factor ( f2 ) is a logarithmic transformation
of the sum-squared error of differences between the test T j
and reference products R j over all time points:
f2 5 50 3 log
O w uR 2 T u G
1 1 (1 /n)
j 51
3 100
where w j is an optional weight factor. The similarity factor
P. Costa, J.M. Sousa Lobo / European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 13 (2001) 123 – 133
fits the result between 0 and 100. It is 100 when the test
and reference profiles are identical and tends to 0 as the
dissimilarity increases. This method is more adequate to
dissolution profile comparisons when more than three or
four dissolution time points are available. Eq. (43) can
only be applied if the average difference between R and T
is less than 100. If this difference is higher than 100
normalisation of the data is required (Moore and Flanner,
This similarity factor has been adopted by the Center for
Drug Evaluation and Research (FDA) and by Human
Medicines Evaluation Unit of The European Agency for
the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA), as a
criterion for the assessment of the similarity between two
in vitro dissolution profiles and is included in the ‘‘Guidance on Immediate Release Solid Oral Dosage Forms;
Scale-up and Postapproval Changes: Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls; In Vitro Dissolution Testing; In Vivo
Bioequivalence Documentation’’ (CMC, 1995), commonly
called SUPAC IR, and in the ‘‘Note For Guidance on
Quality of Modified Release Products: A. Oral Dosage
Forms; B. Transdermal Dosage Forms; Section I (Quality)’’ (EMEA, 1999). The similarity factor ( f2 ) as defined
by FDA and EMEA is a logarithmic reciprocal square root
transformation of one plus the mean squared (the average
sum of squares) differences of drug percent dissolved
between the test and the reference products:
f2 5 50 3 log
OuR 2 T u G
1 1 (1 /n)
j 51
3 100
concluding similarity between dissolution profiles. In
addition, the range of f2 is from 2` to 100 and it is not
symmetric about zero. All this shows that f2 is a convenience criterion and not a criterion based on scientific
These parameters, especially f1 , are used to compare
two dissolution profiles, being necessary to consider one of
them as the reference product. The drive to mutual
recognition in Europe has led to certain specific problems
such as the definition of reference products and will
require the harmonization of criteria among the different
countries. To calculate the difference factor, the same pair
of pharmaceutical formulations presents different f1 values
depending on the formulation chosen as the reference. A
modification of the formula (Costa, 1999) used to calculate
the difference factor ( f 91 ) could avoid this problem:
OuR 2 T u
f 9 5 ]]]]] 3 100
OsR 1 T dY2
j 51
using as divisor not the sum of the reference formula
values, but the sum of the average values of the two
formulations for each dissolution sampling point.
Rescigno proposed a bioequivalence index to measure
the dissimilarity between a reference and a test product
based on plasma concentration as a function of time. This
Rescigno index ( j i ) can also be used based on drug
dissolution concentrations:
E d (t) 2 d (t) dt
E d (t) 1 d (t) dt
This equation differs from the one proposed by Moore
and Flanner in the weight factor and in the fact that it uses
percent dissolution values. In order to consider the similar
dissolution profiles, the f1 values should be close to 0 and
values f2 should be close to 100. In general, f1 values
lower than 15 (0–15) and f2 values higher than 50 (50–
100) show the similarity of the dissolution profiles. FDA
and EMEA suggest that two dissolution profiles are
declared similar if f2 is between 50 and 100. In addition, it
requests the sponsor uses the similarity factor to compare
the dissolution treatment effect in the presence of at least
12 individual dosage units.
Some relevant statistical issues of the similarity factor
have been presented (Liu and Chow, 1996; Liu et al.,
1997). Those issues include the invariant property of f2
with respect to the location change and the consequence of
failure to take into account the shape of the curve and the
unequal spacing between sampling time points. The similarity factor is a sample statistic that cannot be used to
formulate a statistical hypothesis for the assessment of
dissolution similarity. It is, therefore, impossible to evaluate false positive and false negative rates of decisions for
approval of drug products based on f2 . Simulation results
also indicate that the similarity factor is too liberal in
j 51
ji 5
where d R (t) is the reference product dissolved amount,
d T (t) is the test product dissolved amount at each sample
time point and i is any positive integer number. This,
adimensional, index always presents values between 0 and
1 inclusive, and measures the differences between two
dissolution profiles. This index is 0 when the two release
profiles are identical and 1 when the drug from either the
test or the reference formulation is not released at all. By
increasing the value of i, more weight will be given to the
magnitude of the change in concentration, than to the
duration of that change. Two Rescigno indexes are generally calculated j 1 , replacing in the formula i by 1, or j 2 ,
where i52. A method to calculate the Rescigno index
consists in substituting the previous definition with an
equivalent definition valid for discrete variations of the
d R (t) and d T (t) values at each time point j:
O w ud (t ) 2 d (t )u
O w ud (t ) 2 d (t )u
ji 5
j 51
j 51
P. Costa, J.M. Sousa Lobo / European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 13 (2001) 123 – 133
where n is the number of time points tested and w j is an
appropriate coefficient, optional, representing the weight to
give to each sampling time point (as with the similarity
The comparison of two drug dissolution profiles (Ju and
Liaw, 1997) can also be made with the Gill split–plot
approach (Gill, 1988) and Chow’s time series approach
(Chow and Ki, 1997).
Although the model-independent methods are easy to
apply, they lack scientific justification (Liu and Chow,
1996; Ju and Liaw, 1997; Liu et al., 1997, Polli et al.,
1997). For controlled release dosage forms, the spacing
between sampling times becomes much more important
than for immediate release and should be taken into
account for the assessment of dissolution similarity. In
vitro dissolution is an invaluable development instrument
for understanding drug release mechanisms. The other
major application of dissolution testing is in Quality
Control and, besides the above limitations, these modelindependent methods can be used as a very important tool
in this area.
As it has been previously referred to, the quantitative
interpretation of the values obtained in dissolution assays
is easier using mathematical equations which describe the
release profile in function of some parameters related with
the pharmaceutical dosage forms. Some of the most
relevant and more commonly used mathematical models
describing the dissolution curves are shown in Table 2.
The drug transport inside pharmaceutical systems and its
release sometimes involves multiple steps provoked by
different physical or chemical phenomena, making it
difficult, or even impossible, to get a mathematical model
describing it in the correct way. These models better
describe the drug release from pharmaceutical systems
when it results from a simple phenomenon or when that
phenomenon, by the fact of being the rate-limiting step,
conditions all the other processes.
The release models with major appliance and best
Table 2
Mathematical models used to describe drug dissolution curves
Zero order
First order
Second order
describing drug release phenomena are, in general, the
Higuchi model, zero order model, Weibull model and
Korsmeyer–Peppas model. The Higuchi and zero order
models represent two limit cases in the transport and drug
release phenomena, and the Korsmeyer–Peppas model can
be a decision parameter between these two models. While
the Higuchi model has a large application in polymeric
matrix systems, the zero order model becomes ideal to
describe coated dosage forms or membrane controlled
dosage forms.
But what are the criteria to choose the ‘‘best model’’ to
study drug dissolution / release phenomena? One common
method uses the coefficient of determination, R 2 , to assess
the ‘‘fit’’ of a model equation. However, usually, this value
tends to get greater with the addition of more model
parameters, irrespective of the significance of the variable
added to the model. For the same number of parameters,
however, the coefficient of determination can be used to
determine the best of this subset of model equations. When
comparing models with different numbers of parameters,
the adjusted coefficient of determination (R 2adjusted ) is more
sn 2 1d
R 2 adjusted 5 1 2 ]]s1 2 R 2d
sn 2 pd
4. Conclusions
Q t 5 Q 0 1 K0 t
ln Q t 5 ln Q 0 1 K1 t
Q t /Q ` (Q ` 2 Q t )K2 t
Q 10 / 3 2 Q 1t / 3 5 Ks t
log[2ln(1 2 (Q t /Q ` ))] 5 b 3 log t 2 log a
Q t 5 KHŒt
(3 / 2)[1 2 (21(Q t /Q ` ))2 / 3 ] 2 (Q t /Q ` ) 5 Kt
Q t /Q ` 5 Kk t n
Q t 5 100(K1 t 2 1 K2 t)
Q t 5 A / [1 1 e 2K(t 2y) ]
Q t 5 A e 2e 2K(t 2y)
Q t /Q ` 5 1 2 [1 2 k 0 t /C0 a 0 ] n
where n is the number of dissolution data points (M /t) and
p is the number of parameters in the model. Whereas the
R 2 always increases or at least stays constant when adding
new model parameters, R 2adjusted can actually decrease, thus
giving an indication if the new parameter really improves
the model or might lead to over fitting. In other words, the
‘‘best’’ model would be the one with the highest adjusted
coefficient of determination.
Besides the coefficient of determination (R 2 ) or the
adjusted coefficient of determination (R 2adjusted ), the correlation coefficient (R), the sum of squares of residues (SSR),
the mean square error (MSE), the Akaike Information
Criterion (AIC) and the F-ratio probability are also used to
test the applicability of the release models.
The Akaike Information Criterion is a measure of
goodness of fit based on maximum likelihood. When
comparing several models for a given set of data, the
model associated with the smallest value of AIC is
regarded as giving the best fit out of that set of models.
The Akaike Criteria is only appropriate when comparing
models using the same weighting scheme.
AIC 5 n 3 ln (WSSR) 1 2 3 p
where n is the number of dissolution data points (M /t), p
is the number of the parameters of the model, WSSR is the
weighed sum of square of residues, calculated by this
O fw s y 2 yˆ d g
i 51
where w i is an optional weighing factor and y i denotes the
P. Costa, J.M. Sousa Lobo / European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 13 (2001) 123 – 133
predicted value of y i . The AIC criterion has become a
standard tool in model fitting, and its computation is
available in many statistical programs.
Because analysing dissolution results with linear regression is a very common practice, it should be asked first
whether it might make more sense to fit data with nonlinear regression. If the non-linear data have been transformed to create a linear relationship, it will probably be
better to use non-linear regression on the untransformed
dissolution data. Before non-linear regression was readily
available, the best way to analyse non-linear data was to
transform it to create a linear graph, and then analyse this
transformed data with linear regression. The problem with
this method is that the transformation might distort the
experimental error. Some computer programs were recently developed allowing the analysis of dissolution–release
profiles, in a quick and relatively easy way, and to choose
the model that best reproduces this process (Costa, 1999;
Lu et al., 1996a,b).
To characterize drug release profile it is also possible to
use other parameters, such as t x % , sampling time (a very
used parameter by the generality of the Pharmacopoeias)
and dissolution efficiency. As it has been said, the information obtained from these parameters to the knowledge of the release mechanism is a very limited one, and
these parameters should be used associated between themselves or associated to some of the referred models.
The pair-wise procedures, like difference factor ( f1 ),
similarity factor ( f2 ) and Rescigno index ( j i ), also suffer
from the same problem referred to above. Besides, these
parameters are used to compare the release profiles of two
different formulations, being necessary to consider one of
them as the reference formulation. These pair-wise procedures reflect only the major or minor similarities between these two profiles, and can be considered as a good
tool to judge its dissolution equivalence.
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