From Ayatollah Khomeini to Ayatollah Khamenei, this book illuminates the governmental structure of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the various governmental directorates, how officials are placed into power and removed, and the matrix of Islamic Theocratic Totalitarian state of Tehran. "Theocratic Totalitarianism is a view of the world that one’s faith must reign supreme and can be affirmed and held passionately only if all others are negated. It advocates the use of force, violence, or terrorism, because these actions are just a tool – when they believe they are righteous, sacred and all others are wrong. For all of their actions are the divine will of God. Khomeini shaped his rise to power while in exile from Iran. He carefully created a facade of his true intentions, rarely putting them on public display. The Islamic Republic of Iran is a revolutionary theocratic totalitarian state formed in 1979 following the overthrow of the last Shah (monarch), Muhammad Reza Pahlavi. Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was the leader of the revolution and then of the Islamic Republic until his death in 1989. It was Ayatollah Khomeini who created the Islamic theology of suicide bombing which has engulfed the world. Iran at one time was one of America’s strongest allies in the Middle East. Tehran was held in high esteem, and maintained friendly relations throughout the region, including Israel. Under the Shah, Iran was the first Muslim Nation to recognize the State of Israel. The Rise of the Islamic Republic of Iran is an account of how one man—Ayatollah Khomeini—changed the face of the Nation of Iran. This is an exploration of the ascent of Khomeini, who refashioned the state of Iran with his radical religious ideology, into a leader of international terrorism.

THE RISE OF THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN, AYATOLLAH KHOMEINI'S IRANIAN REVOLUTION BY STEPHEN E HUGHES SENIOR ANALYST, ASSOCIATION OF OUTSKIRTS PRESS JULY 2015 GEO-STRATEGIC ANALYSIS Paperback Format: 6 x 9 economy color paperback, 116 pages Publisher: Outskirts Press (Jul 15, 2015) ISBN10: 1478757957 Purchase : The Islamic Republic of Iran is a revolutionary theocratic totalitarian state formed in 1979 following the overthrow of the last Shah (monarch), Muhammad Reza Pahlavi. Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was the leader of the revolution and then of the Islamic Republic until his death in 1989. It was Ayatollah Khomeini who created the Islamic theology of suicide bombing which has engulfed the world. Iran at one time was one of America’s strongest allies in the Middle East. Tehran was held in high esteem, and maintained friendly relations throughout the region, including Israel. Under the Shah, Iran was the first Muslim Nation to recognize the State of Israel. The Rise of the Islamic Republic of Iran is an account of how one man—Ayatollah Khomeini—changed the face of the Nation of Iran. This is an exploration of the ascent of Khomeini, who refashioned the state of Iran with his radical religious ideology, into a leader of international terrorism. From Ayatollah Khomeini to Ayatollah Khamenei, this book illuminates the governmental structure of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the various governmental directorates, how officials are placed into power and removed, and the matrix of Islamic Theocratic Totalitarian state of Tehran. "Theo rati Totalitaria is is a ie of the orld that o e’s faith must reign supreme and can be affirmed and held passionately only if all others are negated. It advocates the use of force, violence, or terrorism, because these actions are just a tool – when they believe they are righteous, sacred and all others are wrong. For all of their actions are the divine will of God. Khomeini shaped his rise to power while in exile from Iran. He carefully created a facade of his true intentions, rarely putting the o pu li displa . While i e ile he de ou ed the for er Ira ia shah’s ruler, denouncing the lack of human freedoms, freedom of the press. He spoke of true liberties lacking in Iran, and innocent deaths of Iranians by the Shah by hand. Khomeini felt the need for more freedoms in Iran and the need for an open government for the people. "Our future society will be a free society, and all the elements of oppression, cruelty, and force will be destroyed." -Ayatollah Khomeini (in an interview with the German magazine Der Spiegel, Paris, November 7, 1978) "Personal desire, age, and my health do not allow me to personally have a role in running the country after the fall of the current system." -Ayatollah Khomeini (in an interview with the Associated Press, Paris, November 7, 1978) "I have repeatedly said that neither my desire nor my age nor my position allows me to govern." Ayatollah Khomeini (in an interview with the United Press, Paris, November 8, 1978) "Our future society will be a free society, and all the elements of oppression, cruelty, and force will be destroyed." -Ayatollah Khomeini (in an interview with the German magazine Der Spiegel, Paris, November 7, 1978) According to Mike Evans Book, a former Naval intelligence officer and CIA agent, President Carter gave Khomeini financial backing when he was in France [it's in and the CIA agent decided to remain anonymous]. In fact, the CIA agent was involved in giving him the checks Carter administration officials also expressed support to Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. William Sullivan, Carter’s ambassador to Iran, said, “Khomeini is a Gandhi-like figure. ” Carter adviser James Bill said that Khomeini is not a mad mujahidin, but a man of “impeccable integrity and honesty.” “Khomeini will eventually be hailed as a saint,” said Andrew Young, Carter’s ambassador to the UN. During that time, the Carter administration was duped by Khomeini when this Ayatollah spoke of human rights and freedom. Khomeini was claiming that he has no plans to head the post-Shah Iranian government. Khomeini had promised to adhere to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to make Iran into a representative democracy. After he seized power however, he formed an Islamic Republic making himself Head of State for life. Upon returning Ayatollah Khomeini almost immediately set up a revolutionary court set to work in the school building in Tehran where he had set up his headquarters in 1979. Revolutionary courts were established in provincial centers shortly thereafter. The Tehran court passed death sentences. By 1982, Amnesty International had recorded well over 4,400 executions since the time of the Revolution. This count is the official count; it is well believed the number of executions was much higher. One his most grandiose act, which shocked many Iranians, which Khomeini did when he came to power, was to re a e hi self I a Kho ei i. A title reserved for the first leader of the Shiites’, I a Ali. Gra ted that title I a Ali, y the Prophet Moha ed, a d reserved for Ali’s 11 des e da ts. No e of Ira ’s the gra d ayatollahs endorsed him. We see today that Je s, ay Allah i g the do ! – ha e a ipulated the editio s of the Qu ’a published in their occupied zones. We have to protest, to make everyone understand that these Jews are bent upon the destruction of Islam and the establishment of a universal Jewish government. And since they are a cunning and active people, I fear – may Allah protect us from it! – that sooner or later they may succeed in attaining this goal, that through the weakness of some among us we may one day find ourselves under Jewish rule – Allah p ese e us f o it! Ayatollah Khomeini Islam as a Revolutionary Religion: Jihad means the conquest of all non-Muslim territories. Such a war may well be declared after the formation of an Islamic government worthy of that name, at the direction of the Imam or under his orders. It will then be the duty of every able-bodied adult male to volunteer for this a of o uest, the fi al ai of hi h is to put Qu ’a i law in power from one end of the earth to the other. The Little Green Book Selected Fatawah and Sayings of The Ayatollah Mosavi Khomeini, translated into English by Harold Salemson with a special introduction by Clive Irving Bantam Books, 1985