Volume 6(3): 281–288
Copyright © 2006 SAGE
DOI: 10.1177/1470593106066781
Service-dominant logic: reactions, reflections
and refinements
Robert F. Lusch
University of Arizona, United States of America
Stephen L. Vargo
University of Hawaii, United States of America
Abstract. As one of its own foundational premises implies, the value of servicedominant (S-D) logic is necessarily in its open, collaborative effort. Thus, the authors
invite and welcome both elaborative and critical viewpoints. Five recurring, contentious issues among collaborating scholars, as they attempt to understand the full
nature and scope of S-D logic, are identified. These issues are clarified and refined, as
is appropriate to this co-creation of a service-centric philosophy by the worldwide
marketing community. Key Words marketing theory relationship marketing
resource integration resource theory service-dominant logic S-D logic
service marketing
• •
Responses and reactions to what has become known as the service-dominant
(S-D) logic of marketing since ‘Evolving to a new dominant logic for marketing’
(Vargo and Lusch, 2004a) was first published in the Journal of Marketing (see
also Vargo and Lusch, 2004b; Vargo and Morgan, 2005) have provided both
impetus and ideas for enhancements as we continually strive to co-create a more
marketing-grounded understanding of value and exchange. We have been stimulated by the commentaries of the seven thought-leaders invited by the Journal of
Marketing editor to our initial article (Bolton, 2004) and the publication of over 30
original and thought-provoking essays that reinforce, refine, extend, and occasionally challenge the foundational premises of S-D logic in The Service-Dominant
Logic of Marketing: Dialog, Debate and Directions (Lusch and Vargo, 2006a).
Additionally, over the last 24 months, we have had the opportunity to present S-D
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logic to faculty and graduate students at approximately one dozen universities
around the world, to special sessions at a half dozen international academic conferences and to executives in China, Mexico, New Zealand, and the United States.
However, The Otago Forum, envisioned and led by David Ballantyne and
focused on S-D logic, has been one of our most important sources of refinement.
In large part this was due to David and his team (Robert Aitken, Phil Osborne and
John Williams) focusing the entire forum around dialogue or an open sharing of
ideas, concerns, suggestions, and criticism that we believe stimulated an open attitude toward co-creating the service-dominant logic of marketing. Over several
days in Dunedin, New Zealand, the participation of several dozen notable marketing scholars created an indelible impression on both of us. We came away more
committed, more excited, and more creative regarding our S-D logic efforts.
Beyond offering an unanticipated level of interest and support, the responses
that we have received have allowed us to identify aspects of S-D Logic that need
both clarification and refinement. Predictably, these opportunities for amplification and illumination provide occasions for deepening our collective understanding and application of S-D logic. In the following sections we highlight five of the
interrelated and recurring themes that need further exploration:
why a ‘service-dominant’ logic?
the resource-integration role of the firm and customers;
the nested roles of the co-creation of value and co-production;
the central role of interactivity in value creation and exchange; and
the continuing need for refinement of an S-D logic friendly lexicon.
Why ‘service-dominant’ logic?
On repeated occasions, we have received questions about whether ‘service’ is the
best characterization of the ‘new dominant logic’. Many of these inquiries
appeared to be motivated by a belief that we are arguing something like: ‘services
has won the goods versus services debate’. Nothing could be further from the
truth. As we have pointed out, (Vargo and Lusch, 2004b), one of the fallacies of
this debate is that it is couched in a logic that treats ‘services’ as a special kind of
(intangible) product – that is, what goods are not – which is inconsistent with S-D
logic. In fact, ironically, we argue that in S-D logic, ‘services’ is a goods-dominant
(G-D) logic term.
Importantly, we use the singular ‘service’ in S-D logic, indicating a process of
doing something for someone, rather than the plural ‘services’, implying units of
output as would be consistent with G-D logic. The goods versus services debate
was about the supposed differences between goods and services; S-D logic considers the relationship between service and a good – that is, a good is an appliance
used in service provision. In S-D logic service is the common denominator of
exchange and thus is hypernymic to goods. There is no good-versus-service
winner or loser in S-D logic.
Service-dominant logic
Robert F. Lusch and Stephen L. Vargo
The ‘service’ in S-D logic, partly and appropriately, recognizes the role of service marketing scholars in laying the foundation for a new dominant logic as they
began to overcome the constraints of G-D logic (see Dixon, 1990). The work of
these scholars has resulted in a number of modifications in the way value creation
and exchange are conceptualized (e.g. in terms of perceived service quality and
relationships) that have now become superordinate to their G-D conceptualizations (e.g. manufactured quality and transaction) for all of marketing. This
central, service-marketing role in the evolution of a new logic of marketing further
supports the choice of the term ‘service’.
Some have argued that we based S-D logic on a novel definition of service, one
that is inconsistent with traditional definitions and/or suggested that the term
services has so much ‘baggage’ that it is a poor tag for a new logic. We are somewhat surprised by the proposition that our definition of service – the application of
specialized competences (knowledge and skills), through deeds, processes, and performances for the benefit of another entity or the entity itself – is either faulty or
novel. Unless critics are referring to circular or residual definitions (e.g. services
are what goods are not), it is difficult to see how our definition is inconsistent with
previously accepted ones. For example, Grönroos (2000: 48) defines services as
‘processes consisting of a series of activities where a number of different types of
resources are used in direct interaction with a customer, so that a solution is found
to a customer’s problem’. We agree that service (or especially services) has some
G-D logic associated baggage. Regardless, using one’s resources for the benefit of
another entity is precisely service, and thus no other word fits as well.
Additionally, the idea of service being the foundational concept of exchange and
marketing has some strong and arguably very important normative implications.
It intimates a very different kind of purpose and process for marketing activity and
for the firm as a whole: to provide service to stakeholders, including customers,
stockholders, and employees. It points almost directly to normative notions of
investment in people (operant resources), long-term relationships, quality service
flows, and only somewhat less directly toward notions of symmetric relations,
transparency, ethical approaches to exchange, and sustainability. Arguably, these
directions have advantages for both the enterprise and society that cannot be
found in G-D logic.
The firm and consumer as resource integrators
After the initial publication of S-D logic (Vargo and Lusch, 2004a, 2004b), we
began to recognize more fully not only the resource-application but also the
resource-integration function of firms and households. In Vargo and Lusch (2006:
53) we added a ninth foundational premise (FP9): ‘Organizations exist to integrate
and transform micro-specialized competences into complex services that are
demanded in the marketplace’. However, before the ink was dry on FP9, we
realized that the resource-integration role of the firm is equally applicable to individuals and households (Arnould et al., 2006); or, more generally, all economic
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entities are resource integrators. It is the unique application of these uniquely
integrated resources that motivates and constitutes exchange, both economic and
otherwise. We have discovered that this idea of thinking about service provision in
terms of resource integration has found almost instant resonance among those
with whom we have shared it. Like most aspects of S-D logic, this resourceintegration concept needs refinement and elaboration. Fortunately, like for other
aspects of S-D logic, rich sources of prior thought exist. For example, Normann’s
(2001) idea of ‘density’ aligns very well with S-D logic’s concept of value creation
through resource integration and both mesh well with Grönroos’ (2006) and
Gummesson’s (2006) ideas of interactivity and networks (see below).
Co-creation of value as distinguished from co-production
Also shortly after ‘Evolving’ (Vargo and Lusch, 2004a) was published, and simultaneous with our own realization, several marketing scholars pointed out that the
term ‘co-production’, which was the focus of FP6, was a very G-D logic term.
Since co-production implies making something, a unit of output, they were, of
course, correct. Almost immediately we (Vargo and Lusch, 2006: 44) changed FP6
to ‘The customer is always a co-creator of value’.
Nonetheless, we believe that it is important to recognize that there are two components of value co-creation. The most encompassing of these is the co-creation of
value. This concept represents a rather drastic departure from G-D logic, which
views value as something that is added to products in the production process and
at point of exchange is captured in value-in-exchange (i.e. price). S-D logic, however, argues that value can only be created with and determined by the user in the
‘consumption’ process and through use or what is referred to as value-in-use.
Thus, it occurs at the intersection of the offerer and the customer over time: either
in direct interaction or mediated by a good, as indicated in FP3 (goods are distribution mechanisms for service provision).
The second component of co-creation is what might more correctly be called
co-production. It involves the participation in the creation of the core offering
itself. It can occur through shared inventiveness, co-design, or shared production
of related goods, and can occur with customers and any other partners in the value
Because both ‘co-creation of value’ and ‘co-production’ make the consumer
endogenous, they are both different from the production concepts associated with
G-D logic. Clearly, they are also nested concepts with the former superordinate to
the latter in the same way, and with similar implications, as the relationship
between service and goods in S-D logic.
Service-dominant logic
Robert F. Lusch and Stephen L. Vargo
Central role of networks and interaction in value creation and
Several marketing scholars (e.g. Achrol and Kotler, 2006; Grönroos, 2006;
Gummesson, 2006) have pointed out that interaction and/or networks play a
more central role in value creation and exchange than is immediately apparent in
S-D logic. They are correct.
It is not so much that S-D logic ignores interaction and networks as it is that it
deals with them somewhat implicitly. For example, S-D logic views marketing as
social and economic processes (Lusch and Vargo, 2006b), in which the concept of
interaction is central. It embraces the idea that value creation is a process of
integrating and transforming resources (FP9), which requires interaction and
implies networks. Similarly, the central S-D logic notion of co-creation of value is
an interactive concept. Nonetheless, much could be gained in the elaboration and
extension of S-D logic from a more explicit connection to the interactivity and
networking literature.
Fortunately, that literature provides direct links to S-D logic. For example,
Håkansson (Håkansson and Prenkert, 2004: 91–2), an early pioneer in network
theory, notes:
. . . all exchange activities are conducted in order to realize services . . . [I]t is through exchange
that the potential services of resources are released and value arises. In other words, the outcome of the business exchange activity is the services rendered and the goal of business activity
is to actualize the potential services buried in the innermost recesses of the included resources
. . . The objective is to create value through the release of the services habituated within
These services, and the associated value, are created through an ‘actor’ combining
resources accessed in an exchange with other resources, both internal and available through other exchanges. This network notion is closely aligned with the
resource-integration concept of S-D logic, and the density concept of Normann
One of the distinguishing features of S-D logic, in contrast to G-D logic, is the
former’s treatment of all customers, employees, and organizations as operant
resources, which are endogenous to both the exchange and value-creation
processes. Since ‘service-for-service’ implies all parties are both value-creators and
value beneficiaries, the implication is that the offerer/customer and supply/
demand distinction vanishes. This same notion can be found in much of the
network literature in marketing. It also forms the basis for the study of networks
through inframarginal analysis in economics (e.g. Yang, 2003), which builds on
Smith’s original network effect from the division of labor, similar to S-D logic and
its market with, value-co-creation, and resource-integration orientations.
Furthermore, it builds upon the dialogical prescription offered by Ballantyne and
Varey (2006) which calls for communication between all network participants to
co-create value through trust, learning and adaptation. Clearly, the potential
cross-fertilization among these literatures deserves more exploration.
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Table 1
Conceptual transitions
logic concepts
Profit maximization
Equilibrium systems
Supply chain
To market
Product orientation
Transitional concepts
Service-dominant logic concepts
Financial engineering
Value delivery
Dynamic systems
Integrated marketing
Market to
Market orientation
Co-creation of value
Financial feedback/learning
Value proposition
Complex adaptive systems
Value-creation network/constellation
Market with
Service orientation
Toward an S-D friendly lexicon
Nowhere is the paradigmatic potency of G-D logic more evident than when one
tries to speak precisely about S-D logic using a lexicon developed in association
with G-D logic. Words (and distinctions) like producer and consumer, goods and
services, demand and supply, etc. carry very specific connotations and an implied
logic that are often incompatible with emerging conceptualizations. Repeatedly,
we have either noticed (or have had it pointed out to us) that: (1) the connotations
of the words we are using are oblique, if not orthogonal, to the ideas we are
espousing; and/or (2) what we are trying to say is misunderstood (see Vargo and
Lusch, 2006: 43–56).
At The Otago Forum we presented a table showing how the lexicon of marketing is transitioning (see Table 1). The first column is the G-D logic, output-based
lexicon that originated largely with economics in the 1800s and was predominant
in marketing at least until approximately 1980. Around 1980, a decoupling of
thinking began that was manifest in a transitioning lexicon of service marketing,
relationship marketing, resource-based views of exchange and competition, etc.
but one that was still heavily G-D logic driven (see Vargo and Lusch, 2004b). As
marketing increasingly breaks free from the confines of G-D logic, we are witnessing (and hopefully contributing to) a more S-D logic friendly lexicon. Yet, the
binds of G-D logic are strong and we find ourselves struggling with acceptable
words. For example, The Otago Forum participants agreed that neither ‘consumer’ nor ‘customer’ adequately captured the S-D logic service beneficiary and
while ‘solution’ is more S-D logic friendly than ‘attribute’, it still connotes a unit
Service-dominant logic
Robert F. Lusch and Stephen L. Vargo
of output. Clearly, development of a compatible and fully reflective lexicon will be
a major challenge in the advancement of S-D logic.
Concluding comment
As we stated at The Otago Forum, we do not consider S-D logic either ours or
complete. Our purpose remains the identification of and participation in what we
see as an evolving new dominant logic of marketing, one that will emerge with or
without our involvement. We believe that both the need for and the foundation of
this logic can be found in commonalities among the apparently divergent schools
of thought that constitute the marketing literature. Support for this logic can also
be found in scholarly work from other disciplines. We are certain that it is best
approached collaboratively and welcome both elaborative and critical viewpoints.
Achrol, Ravi S. and Kotler, Philip (2006) ‘The Service-Dominant Logic for Marketing: A
Critique’, in R.F. Lusch and S.L. Vargo (eds) The Service-Dominant Logic of Marketing:
Dialog, Debate, and Directions, pp. 320–33. Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe.
Arnould, Eric J., Price, Linda L. and Malshe, Avinash (2006) ‘Toward A Cultural
Resource-Based Theory Of The Customer’, in R.F. Lusch and S.L. Vargo (eds) The
Service-Dominant Logic of Marketing: Dialog, Debate, and Directions, pp. 91–104.
Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe.
Ballantyne, David and Varey, Richard J. (2006) ‘Introducing a Dialogical Orientation to
the Service-Dominant Logic of Marketing’, in R.F. Lusch and S.L. Vargo (eds) The
Service-Dominant Logic of Marketing: Dialog, Debate, and Directions, pp. 224–35.
Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe.
Bolton, Ruth (2004) ‘Invited Commentaries on “Evolving to a New Dominant Logic for
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Dixon, Donald F. (1990) ‘Marketing as Production: The Development of a Concept’,
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Grönroos, Christian (2000) Service Management and Marketing. Chichester: Wiley.
Grönroos, Christian (2006) ‘What Can a Service Logic Offer Marketing Theory?’, in R.F.
Lusch and S.L. Vargo (eds) The Service-Dominant Logic of Marketing: Dialog, Debate,
and Directions, pp. 354–64. Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe.
Gummesson, Evert (2006) ‘Many-to-Many Marketing as Grand Theory: A Nordic
School Contribution’, in R.F. Lusch and S.L. Vargo (eds) The Service–Dominant Logic
of Marketing: Dialog, Debate, and Directions, pp. 339–53. Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe.
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marketing theory 6(3)
Normann, Richard (2001) Rethinking Business. Chichester: Wiley.
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Vargo, Stephen L. and Lusch, Robert F. (2006) ‘Service-Dominant Logic: What It Is,
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ME Sharpe.
Vargo, Stephen L. and Morgan, Fred W. (2005) ‘An Historical Reexamination of the
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25(1): 42–53.
Yang, Xiaokai (2003) ‘A Review of the Literature of Inframarginal Analysis of Networks
and Division of Labor’, in Y. Ng, H. Shi and G. Sun (eds) The Economics of
E–Commerce and Networking Decisions, pp. 69–100. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Robert Lusch served as Editor of the Journal of Marketing and as Chairperson of the
AMA. He is the recipient of the Academy of Marketing Science Distinguished Marketing
Educator Award; the Marketing Management Association Career Award for Innovative
Contributions; the Louis Stern Award for contributions to the marketing channels
literature; the Lybrand Bronze Medal for contributions to the accounting literature; and
twice recipient of the AMA Harold Maynard Award for contributions to marketing
theory. He served as Dean of Business at the University of Oklahoma and Texas
Christian University. Address: Eller College of Management, 1130 E. Helen Street,
Tucson, AZ 85721, USA. [email:
[email protected]]
Stephen L. Vargo is Associate Professor of Marketing at the College of Business
Administration, University of Hawaii. His research is in the areas of marketing theory
and history and consumers’ evaluative reference scales and he has published in the
Journal of Marketing, Journal of Service Research, Marketing Management Journal and
other leading marketing journals. He also sits on the editorial review board of the
Journal of Marketing, Journal of Service Research, and Journal of Service Industry
Management. Professor Vargo is the recipient of the Harold H. Maynard Award for his
contribution to marketing theory. Address: 2404 Maile Way, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA.
[email protected]]