Papers by Silvestro Fassari
Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology, Dec 31, 2021
Explicitly solvable model for two-dimensional Helmholtz resonator with two close point-like windo... more Explicitly solvable model for two-dimensional Helmholtz resonator with two close point-like windows is constructed. The model is based on the theory of self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators. Limiting procedure is studied for the case where the distance between the windows tends to zero. A regularization is suggested. Побудовано явно розв'язувану модель для двовимiрного резонатора Гельмгольца з двома близькими точковими вiкнами. Модель базується на теорiї самоспряжених розширень симетричних операторiв. Вивчено процедуру граничного переходу для випадку, коли вiдстань мiж вiкнами прямує до нуля, та запропоновано регуляризацiю.

arXiv (Cornell University), Jul 7, 2023
The objective of the present paper is the study of a one-dimensional Hamiltonian inside which the... more The objective of the present paper is the study of a one-dimensional Hamiltonian inside which the potential is given by the sum of two nonlocal attractive δ ′ interactions of equal strength and symmetrically located with respect to the origin. We use the procedure known as renormalisation of the coupling constant in order to rigorously achieve a self-adjoint determination for this Hamiltonian. This model depends on two parameters, the interaction strength and the distance between the centre of each interaction and the origin. Once we have the self-adjoint determination, we obtain its discrete spectrum showing that it consists of two negative eigenvalues representing the energy levels. We analyse the dependence of these energy levels on the above-mentioned parameters. We investigate the possible resonances of the model. Furthermore, we analyse in detail the limit of our model as the distance between the supports of the two δ ′ interactions vanishes.
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, Jun 11, 2021
In this paper, a model of 3D Helmholtz resonator with two close point-like windows is considered.... more In this paper, a model of 3D Helmholtz resonator with two close point-like windows is considered. The Dirichlet condition is assumed at the boundary. The model is based on the theory of self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators in Pontryagin space. The model is explicitly solvable and allows one to obtain the equation for resonances (quasi-eigenvalues) in an explicit form. A proper choice of the model parameter leads to the coincidence of the model solution with the main term of the asymptotics (in the window width) of the realistic solution, corresponding to small windows. A regularization is suggested to obtain a realistic limiting result for two merging windows.

arXiv (Cornell University), Jun 15, 2017
We decorate the one-dimensional conic oscillator 1 2 − d 2 dx 2 + |x| with a point impurity of ei... more We decorate the one-dimensional conic oscillator 1 2 − d 2 dx 2 + |x| with a point impurity of either δ-type, or local δ-type or even nonlocal δ-type. All the three cases are exactly solvable models, which are explicitly solved and analysed, as a first step towards higher dimensional models of physical relevance. We analyse the behaviour of the change in the energy levels when an interaction of the type −λ δ(x) or −λ δ(x − x 0) is switched on. In the first case, even energy levels (pertaining to antisymmetric bound states) remain invariant with λ although odd energy levels (pertaining to symmetric bound states) decrease as λ increases. In the second, all energy levels decrease when the form factor λ increases. A similar study has been performed for the so called nonlocal δ interaction, requiring a coupling constant renormalization, which implies the replacement of the form factor λ by a renormalized form factor β. In terms of β, even energy levels are unchanged. However, we show the existence of level crossings: after a fixed value of β the energy of each odd level, with the natural exception of the first one, becomes lower than the constant energy of the previous even level. Finally, we consider an interaction of the type −aδ(x) + bδ (x), and analyse in detail the discrete spectrum of the resulting self-adjoint Hamiltonian.
Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry, 2019
In this paper we adapt the mathematical machinery presented in [1] to get, by means of the Laplac... more In this paper we adapt the mathematical machinery presented in [1] to get, by means of the Laplace-Beltrami operator, the discrete spectrum of the Hamiltonian of the Schrödinger operator perturbed by an actractive 3D delta interaction in a Friedmann flat universe. In particular, as a consequence of the treatment in [1] suitable for a Minkowski spacetime, the discrete spectrum of the ground state and the first exited state in the above mentioned cosmic framework can be regained. Thus, the coupling constant λ must be choosen as a function of the cosmic comooving time t as λ/a 2 (t), with λ be the one of the static Hamiltonian studied in [1]. In this way we can introduce a time
![Research paper thumbnail of The behaviour of the three-dimensional Hamiltonian -Δ+λ[δ(x+x0)+δ(x-x0)] as the distance between the two centres vanishes](
Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, 2017
In this note, we continue our analysis of the behaviour of self-adjoint Hamiltonians with symmetr... more In this note, we continue our analysis of the behaviour of self-adjoint Hamiltonians with symmetric double wells given by twin point interactions perturbing various types of “free Hamiltonians” as the distance between the two centers shrinks to zero. In particular, by making the coupling constant to be renormalised and also dependent on the separation distance between the two impurities, we prove that it is possible to rigorously define the unique self-adjoint Hamiltonian that, differently from the one studied in detail by Albeverio and collaborators, behaves smoothly as the separation distance between the impurities shrinks to zero. In fact, we rigorously prove that the Hamiltonian introduced in this note converges in the norm resolvent sense to that of the negative three-dimensional Laplacian perturbed by a single attractive point interaction situated at the origin having double strength, thus making this three-dimensional model more similar to its one-dimensional analogue (not requiring the renormalisation procedure) as well as to the three-dimensional model involving impurities given by potentials whose range may even be physically very short but non-zero.
In this note, we first evaluate and subsequently achieve a rather accurate approximation of a sca... more In this note, we first evaluate and subsequently achieve a rather accurate approximation of a scalar product, the calculation of which is essential in order to determine the ground state energy in a two-dimensional quantum model. This scalar product involves an integral operator defined in terms of the eigenfunctions of the harmonic oscillator, expressed in terms of the well-known Hermite polynomials, so that some rather sophisticated mathematical tools are required.
In this note we provide a new representation of Catalan’s constant in terms of a series involving... more In this note we provide a new representation of Catalan’s constant in terms of a series involving the values at the origin of the even eigenfunctions of the quantum harmonic oscillator.
In this article we provide an expansion (up to the fourth order of the coupling constant) of the ... more In this article we provide an expansion (up to the fourth order of the coupling constant) of the energy of the ground state of the Hamiltonian of a quantum mechanical particle moving inside an infinitesimally thin layer constrained by a parabolic well in the x-direction and, moreover, in the presence of an impurity endowed with spherical symmetry, namely an attractive isotropic Gaussian potential. By investigating the associated Birman-Schwinger operator and exploiting the fact that such an integral operator is Hilbert-Schmidt, we use the modified Fredholm determinant in order to compute the energy of the ground state created by the impurity.
Reports on Mathematical Physics, 2021
In this note we provide a representation of Catalan's constant in terms of a series involving the... more In this note we provide a representation of Catalan's constant in terms of a series involving the values at the origin of the even eigenfunctions of the quantum harmonic oscillator.
Physica Scripta, 2020
During the Ptolemaic and Roman eras, many fires occurred in Egypt, either unintentionally or by p... more During the Ptolemaic and Roman eras, many fires occurred in Egypt, either unintentionally or by prior arrangement by the actor. Most of these fires had devastating effects and resulted in many losses of public and private property. This paper discusses these fires in the light of papyri to find out their causes, where they occurred, when they were most frequent, and how society and administration dealt with them. It also studies the legal procedures related to fires, from providing notification to punishing those who caused them.
Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, 2019
By taking advantage of Wang's results on the scalar product of four eigenfunctions of the 1D harm... more By taking advantage of Wang's results on the scalar product of four eigenfunctions of the 1D harmonic oscillator, we explicitly calculate the trace of the Birman-Schwinger operator of the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator perturbed by a Gaussian potential, showing that it can be written as a ratio of Gamma functions.

Acta Polytechnica, 2017
We propose a new approach to the problem of finding the eigenvalues (energy levels) in the discre... more We propose a new approach to the problem of finding the eigenvalues (energy levels) in the discrete spectrum of the one-dimensional Hamiltonian H = −∂ 2 x − λe −x 2 /2 , by using essentially the well-known Birman-Schwinger technique. However, in place of the Birman-Schwinger integral operator we consider an isospectral operator in momentum space, taking advantage of the unique feature of this Gaussian potential, that is to say its invariance under Fourier transform. Given that such integral operators are trace class, it is possible to determine the energy levels in the discrete spectrum of the Hamiltonian as functions of λ with great accuracy by solving a finite number of transcendental equations. We also address the important issue of the coupling constant thresholds of the Hamiltonian, that is to say the critical values of λ for which we have the emergence of an additional bound state out of the absolutely continuous spectrum.

International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 2018
In this paper, we exploit the technique used in [Albeverio and Nizhnik, On the number of negative... more In this paper, we exploit the technique used in [Albeverio and Nizhnik, On the number of negative eigenvalues of one-dimensional Schrödinger operator with point interactions, Lett. Math. Phys. 65 (2003) 27; Albeverio, Gesztesy, Hoegh-Krohn and Holden, Solvable Models in Quantum Mechanics (second edition with an appendix by P. Exner, AMS Chelsea Series 2004); Albeverio and Kurasov, Singular Perturbations of Differential Operators: Solvable Type Operators (Cambridge University Press, 2000); Fassari and Rinaldi, On the spectrum of the Schrödinger–Hamiltonian with a particular configuration of three one-dimensional point interactions, Rep. Math. Phys. 3 (2009) 367; Fassari and Rinaldi, On the spectrum of the Schrödinger–Hamiltonian of the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator perturbed by two identical attractive point interactions, Rep. Math. Phys. 3 (2012) 353; Albeverio, Fassari and Rinaldi, The Hamiltonian of the harmonic oscillator with an attractive-interaction centered at the origi...
Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, 2016
Spectral properties of a symmetric three-dimensional quantum dot. . .
Advances in Mathematical Physics, 2016
The ground state energyE0(λ)ofHλ=-d2/dx2-λe-x2is computed for small values ofλby means of an appr... more The ground state energyE0(λ)ofHλ=-d2/dx2-λe-x2is computed for small values ofλby means of an approximation of an integral operator in momentum space. Such an approximation leads to a transcendental equation for whichϵ0(λ)=|E0(λ)|1/2is the root.
Reports on Mathematical Physics, 2015
ABSTRACT We discuss the probabilistic representation of the solutions of the heat equation pertur... more ABSTRACT We discuss the probabilistic representation of the solutions of the heat equation perturbed by a repulsive point interaction in terms of a perturbation of Brownian motion, via a Feynman-Kac formula involving a local time functional. An application to option pricing is given, interpolating between the extreme cases of classical Black-Scholes options and knock-outs having the barrier situated exactly at the exercise price.

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2015
ABSTRACT We rigorously define the self-adjoint one-dimensional Salpeter Hamiltonian perturbed by ... more ABSTRACT We rigorously define the self-adjoint one-dimensional Salpeter Hamiltonian perturbed by an attractive interaction, of strength centred at the origin, by explicitly providing its resolvent. Our approach is based on a “coupling constant renormalisation”, a technique used first heuristically in quantum field theory and implemented in the rigorous mathematical construction of the self-adjoint operator representing the negative Laplacian perturbed by the interaction in two and three dimensions. We show that the spectrum of the self-adjoint operator consists of the absolutely continuous spectrum of the free Salpeter Hamiltonian and an eigenvalue given by a smooth function of the parameter The method is extended to the model with two twin attractive deltas symmetrically situated with respect to the origin in order to show that the discrete spectrum of the related self-adjoint Hamiltonian consists of two eigenvalues, namely the ground state energy and that of the excited antisymmetric state. We investigate in detail the dependence of these two eigenvalues on the two parameters of the model, that is to say both the aforementioned strength and the separation distance. With regard to the latter, a remarkable phenomenon is observed: differently from the well-behaved Schrödinger case, the 1D-Salpeter Hamiltonian with two identical Dirac distributions symmetrically situated with respect to the origin does not converge, as the separation distance shrinks to zero, to the one with a single interaction centred at the origin having twice the strength. However, the expected behaviour in the limit (in the norm resolvent sense) can be achieved by making the coupling of the twin deltas suitably dependent on the separation distance itself.

Reports on Mathematical Physics, 2009
In this note we investigate in detail the spectrum of the Schrodinger Hamiltonian with a configur... more In this note we investigate in detail the spectrum of the Schrodinger Hamiltonian with a configuration of three equally spaced one-dimensional point interactions (Dirac distributions), with the external ones having the same negative coupling constant. It will be seen that despite its simplicity, such a toy model exhibits a fairly rich variety of spectral combinations when the two coupling constants and the separation distance are manipulated. By analysing the equation determining the square root of the absolute value of the ground state energy and those determining the same quantity for the two possible excited states, we explicitly calculate the eigenvalues for all possible values of the separation distance and the two coupling constants. As a result of our analysis, we provide the conditions in terms of the three parameters in order to have the emergence of such excited states. Furthermore, we use our findings in order to get the confirmation of the fact that the Hamiltonian with such a configuration of three simple point interactions whose coupling constants undergo a special scaling in terms of the vanishing separation distance, converges in the norm resolvent sense to the Hamiltonian with an attractive δ′-interaction centred at the origin, as was shown by Exner and collaborators making the result previously obtained by Cheon et al. mathematically rigorous.
Papers by Silvestro Fassari