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P✉❜❧✐s❤❡❞ ❱❡rs✐♦♥
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❝ ✷✵✵✺ ❆♥t✐q✉✐t② P✉❜❧✐❝❛t✐♦♥s
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• ❛ ❢✉❧❧ ❜✐❜❧✐♦❣r❛♣❤✐❝ r❡❢❡r❡♥❝❡ ✐s ♠❛❞❡ t♦ t❤❡ ♦r✐❣✐♥❛❧ s♦✉r❝❡
• ❛ ❧✐♥❦ ✐s ♠❛❞❡ t♦ t❤❡ ♠❡t❛❞❛t❛ r❡❝♦r❞ ✐♥ ❉❘❖
• t❤❡ ❢✉❧❧✲t❡①t ✐s ♥♦t ❝❤❛♥❣❡❞ ✐♥ ❛♥② ✇❛②
❚❤❡ ❢✉❧❧✲t❡①t ♠✉st ♥♦t ❜❡ s♦❧❞ ✐♥ ❛♥② ❢♦r♠❛t ♦r ♠❡❞✐✉♠ ✇✐t❤♦✉t t❤❡ ❢♦r♠❛❧ ♣❡r♠✐ss✐♦♥ ♦❢ t❤❡ ❝♦♣②r✐❣❤t ❤♦❧❞❡rs✳
P❧❡❛s❡ ❝♦♥s✉❧t t❤❡ ❢✉❧❧ ❉❘❖ ♣♦❧✐❝② ❢♦r ❢✉rt❤❡r ❞❡t❛✐❧s✳
❉✉r❤❛♠ ❯♥✐✈❡rs✐t② ▲✐❜r❛r②✱ ❙t♦❝❦t♦♥ ❘♦❛❞✱ ❉✉r❤❛♠ ❉❍✶ ✸▲❨✱ ❯♥✐t❡❞ ❑✐♥❣❞♦♠
❚❡❧ ✿ ✰✹✹ ✭✵✮✶✾✶ ✸✸✹ ✸✵✹✷ ⑤ ❋❛① ✿ ✰✹✹ ✭✵✮✶✾✶ ✸✸✹ ✷✾✼✶
Mike Parker Pearson1 , Andrew Chamberlain1 , Oliver Craig2 ,
Peter Marshall3 , Jacqui Mulville4 , Helen Smith5 , Carolyn Chenery6 ,
Matthew Collins7 , Gordon Cook8 , Geoffrey Craig9 , Jane Evans6 ,
Jen Hiller10 , Janet Montgomery11 , Jean-Luc Schwenninger12 ,
Gillian Taylor13 & Timothy Wess10
Ancient Egyptians are thought to have been the only people in the Old World who were practising
mummification in the Bronze Age (c. 2200-700 BC). But now a remarkable series of finds from
a remote Scottish island indicates that Ancient Britons were performing similar, if less elaborate,
practices of bodily preservation. Evidence of mummification is usually limited to a narrow range of
arid or frozen environments which are conducive to soft tissue preservation. Mike Parker Pearson
and his team show that a combination of microstructural, contextual and AMS 14 C analysis of
bone allows the identification of mummification in more temperate and wetter climates where
soft tissues and fabrics do not normally survive. Skeletons from Cladh Hallan on South Uist,
Western Isles, Scotland were buried several hundred years after death, and the skeletons provide
evidence of post mortem manipulation of body parts. Perhaps these practices were widespread in
mainland Britain during the Bronze Age.
Keywords: Bronze Age, Britain, burial practice, mummification
Introduction – the site of Cladh Hallan
The Western Isles of Scotland – also known as the Outer Hebrides – contain some of
the best preserved prehistoric settlements in the British Isles, dating from the Neolithic to
Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S1 4ET, UK (Email: M.ParkerPearson@sheffield.ac.uk)
Centro di antropologia molecolare per lo studio del DNA antico, Dipartimento di Biologia, Università di Roma
“Tor Vergata”, Via della Ricerca Scientifica 1, 00133 Roma, Italy
ARCUS, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S1 4ET, UK
School of History and Archaeology, University of Cardiff, PO Box 909, Cardiff, UK
School of Conservation Sciences, University of Bournemouth, Bournemouth, UK
NERC Isotope Geosciences Laboratory, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG, UK
Departments of Biology and Archaeology, University of York, King’s Manor, York, YO1 7EP, UK
Scottish Universities Research and Reactor Centre, Rankine Avenue, East Kilbride G75 0QF, UK
Department of Oral Pathology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, S10 2TN, UK
Structural Biophysics Group, School of Optometry and Vision Science, University of Cardiff, PO Box 909,
Cardiff, UK
Department of Archaeological Sciences, University of Bradford, Bradford BD7 1DP, UK
Research Laboratory for Archaeology & the History of Art, 6 Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3QJ, UK
Department of Geosciences & Civil Engineering, University of Newcastle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
Received: 24 August 2004; Accepted: 30 January 2005; Revised: 28 February 2005
antiquity 79 (2005): 529–546
Evidence for mummification in Bronze
Age Britain
Mummification in Bronze Age Britain
Figure 1. The distribution of Late Bronze Age sites in the southern islands of the Outer Hebrides.
the Iron Age (Armit 1996; Parker Pearson et al. 2004). Perhaps the best known of these
prehistoric remains are the brochs, stone-walled Iron Age roundhouses, some of which stood
over 10m high (Parker Pearson et al. 1996). Until recently, little was known of the period
before the brochs but archaeological excavations at Cladh Hallan on the island of South
Uist (Figure 1) have uncovered an unusually well preserved group of Late Bronze Age to
Iron Age roundhouses (c . 1100-200 BC). The prehistoric settlement’s main feature is a row
of four or more roundhouses (Figures 2 and 3), all built as a single structure with party
walls (Pitts 2002: 455; Barber 2003: 174-5; Bewley 2003: 90-3; Parker Pearson et al. 2004:
The houses were constructed as sunken-floored buildings, dug into the calcareous sand
(known as machair sand) up to 1m below ground level. The northernmost three of these
houses were fully excavated; the fourth and possibly further houses to their south remain
M. Parker Pearson et al.
Figure 2. Cladh Hallan during excavation in 2000, seen from the north.
preserved within the southern half of the settlement mound. Within the north house (House
1370) were found the burials of two adults and a child, in the central house (House 401)
a child and two dogs, and in the southern house (House 801) the burial of one child (Figure 4). Four of these burials, the two adults in the north house (a female, 2613 and a male,
2638) and the children in the central (2727) and southern houses (2792), were placed in
the ground before the first floors of peaty sand were laid down. It is these burials, construed
as pre-construction offerings, which also gave evidence for the prior mummification and
curation of the bodies.
Mummification in Bronze Age Britain
Figure 3. Plan of the row of three roundhouses at Cladh Hallan, with the positions of the four foundation burials. The
outlying house to the north-east was built in the later first millennium BC.
The floors of the middle and north roundhouses were unusual in that they consisted of
sequences of multiple floor layers interspersed with make-up fills. Whereas the southern
roundhouse had filled up with windblown sand on top of its initial floor, the middle round
house had eight successive floors with a total depth of 1.3m. This continuous occupation
and renovation spanned a period of almost a thousand years from c . 1100 BC to c . 200 BC,
making it an unusually long-lived building. In the north house, the formation and use of two
successive floors were followed by a brief period of abandonment (marked by windblown
sand) and then the laying of a third floor (accompanied by a re-foundation burial of an
infant). The infant was buried at the founding of the north house’s third phase of occupation
whilst the two dogs, one of them decapitated, were buried beneath the middle house’s fourth
floor (Figure 4).
M. Parker Pearson et al.
Figure 4. The locations of human and dog burials within the three roundhouses.
The stratigraphic contexts of the burials
The skeletons of the four foundation burials lay within pits whose stratigraphic relationships
to the roundhouses in which they are situated are strongly suggestive – but not unequivocally
proven to be – of burial at the moment of house construction. The possibility that the
bodies were buried as part of a cemetery, long before the roundhouses were erected, has
to be considered but is highly unlikely for several reasons. Three of the four burials were
located in a specific area of the roundhouses – the north-east quadrants. This association
of death with the north-east was not only predicted before excavation began (Figure 5; see
Parker Pearson & Sharples 1999: fig. 1. 10c) but was also replicated by the subsequent
(Late Bronze Age) burials of the infant and two dogs in the same quadrant within the floor
sequences of the middle and north houses. Similarly, a human burial, cut into four and
buried with animal bones in four small pits, was found beneath the north-east quadrant of
an Early Iron Age roundhouse at Hornish Point at the north end of South Uist (Barber et al.
1989; Barber 2002).
The positions of all four foundation burials were marked by informal arrangements of
large stones within the lowest house floors of the three roundhouses (Figure 4; nos 2613,
2638, 2727, 2792). In the case of the adult female (2613; Figure 6), the stones were arranged
in a protective arc around the back of the burial and were largely covered by the floor layer
on top. In the case of the adult male burial (2638), stones from this surface arrangement had
Mummification in Bronze Age Britain
slumped into the top of the grave fill
(Figure 7 shows the burial after removal
of stones). This is consistent with settling
shortly after burial and provides good
evidence that the grave was dug from the
floor of the house (had it been dug much
earlier than the house’s construction then
post-burial settling would have occurred
long before the stones were placed on top
and they would not have slumped into
the grave). The burial pits of the adult
skeletons showed no signs of their having
been truncated by the digging down of the
sunken house floors.
The stratigraphic sequence thus shows
that the circular, flat-bottomed, sunkenfloored roundhouses were constructed as a
single unit, the burials being inserted from
the level of the floor, after the primary wall
core of sand had been constructed out of
the sandy soil dug out to create this sunken
area, and prior to the laying of a thin floor
layer of peaty sand.
Figure 5. The predictive model of roundhouse use, drawn
in 1996 ( from Parker Pearson & Sharples 1999: fig. 1.6).
Evidence for mummification
The two skeletons under the primary floor
of the north house (2613 and 2638;
Figure 4) were buried in very tightly flexed
postures as if they had been bound or wrapped, reminiscent of ‘mummy bundles’ from
South America and other parts of the world. Their knees were close to their chests and their
femurs and lower leg bones were aligned in almost parallel positions. Someone had also
handled the remains long after death, making certain alterations to the bodies. The woman’s
skeleton (2613; Figure 6) had a full set of teeth except for her two upper lateral incisors
which had been removed from her jaw and placed in her hands. The left tooth was placed in
her left hand by her head and the right tooth was in her right hand below her knee. Absence
of trauma on the two teeth or their sockets suggests that they were removed at some time
after death. The male skeleton (2638; Figure 7) was actually composed of bones from three
different individuals – the post-cranial skeleton belonged to one man, the head and cervical
vertebrae to another and the mandible came from a third. There is no evidence that later
material was inserted into an earlier grave; on excavation all skeletal elements appeared in
fact to be articulated (see Figure 7). The good definition of layers and boundaries within the
machair sand makes it likely that any disturbance or recutting of the pit in antiquity would
have been noted during excavation.
M. Parker Pearson et al.
Figure 6. The adult female skeleton.
These skeletal incompatibilities were revealed by the presence of osteoarthritis on the
cervical vertebrae but not on the rest of the spine and by incompatible dentitions – the
mandible sported a full set of teeth whereas those of the upper jaw were entirely missing.
Whilst the upper front teeth had fallen out post mortem, the upper molars and premolars
had been lost through decay or trauma many years before death. Although the mandible
was a reasonably good fit for the skull, the lack of calculus deposits on the occlusal surfaces
of its teeth further indicates that it had originally belonged to a second individual with a
full set of teeth in his upper jaw. The skull was evidently well worn by the time of burial,
presumably from abrasion in an above-ground context: erosion of the surface of the maxilla
had exposed the vertical facets of the incisor sockets.
The 3 year-old child’s skeleton beneath the south house (2792) also appeared to have
been buried some time after death; it was entirely disarticulated except for the pelvis and
vertebrae. The only one of these four burials with no evidence of post mortem modification
was the loosely crouched skeleton of a 10-14 year-old child (probably a girl) under the
middle house (2727).
Here were intriguing indications that three of the four bodies might have been preserved
for some time after their deaths. But how could we develop a method for finding out
whether the dry bones had been held together by soft tissue long after death? There were
three available approaches:
r To establish whether the date of death was significantly before the date of deposition of
the bodies;
Mummification in Bronze Age Britain
Figure 7. The composite adult male skeleton.
r To determine from the degree of microbial attack on the bones whether soft tissue decay
had been arrested after death; and
r To find out if there was any trace of pre-depositional modification of the bones which
may indicate the methods of soft tissue preservation that had been employed.
Dating of the skeletons and their contexts of deposition
Comparison of the dates of the adults’ and 3 year-old’s deaths with their dates of burial
provides an indication of the length of the post mortem period during which the three sets
of remains were curated. We had expected this period to be too short to be measurable
by AMS 14 C or OSL methods but the results were surprisingly informative. The moment
of foundation for the house complex (all three house foundations are stratigraphically one
event) was dated by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) applied to the base of the
sand core of the shared walls (Table 1). These fall within the period 1250-630 BC. Two
radiocarbon dates were obtained from carbonised barley grains within the north house’s
floor directly on top of (and therefore later than) the burials. They date to 1260-970 cal BC
(2915 +
− 40 b.p.; GU-10648).
− 40 b.p.; GU-10647) and 1390-1110 cal BC (3000 +
Radiocarbon dates were obtained from the undisturbed child’s skeleton (GU-9840) and
from an adult human scapula fragment (GU-9844) buried within a long stone cist which was
partially sealed under the wall core. This latter feature is a probable foundation structure of a
type well known from Iron Age Atlantic Scotland and frequently containing human remains
(Curle 1944, 1948: 21; Ballin Smith 1994; Parker Pearson & Sharples 1999: 137, 288).
These dates are within the same range as the OSL dates, suggesting that these individuals
were only recently deceased when buried. If this is the case, then the OSL and AMS
determinations indicate a likely date of burial for all individuals (at 95 per cent probability)
between 1260 cal BC and 840 cal BC. It is possible to combine the OSL and radiocarbon
measurements with their stratigraphic relationships to provide estimates of the dates of the
foundation burials and roundhouse construction, using a form of Markov Chain Monte
Carlo sampling with OxCal v3.5 (Gilks et al. 1996; Gelfand & Smith 1990; Bronk Ramsey
1995, 1998, 2000; Steier & Rom 2000). The model (Figure 8) shows good agreement
between the radiocarbon and OSL measurements, and provides an estimate for the start
of roundhouse construction of 1330-1100 cal BC (at 68 per cent probability). The end of
burial activity (marked by construction of the floor) is estimated at 1100-930 cal BC (at
68 per cent probability). The length of time between the construction of the roundhouses
and the laying of the floors that overlie the burials is estimated at 0-60 years (at 68 per cent
In contrast to the dates for initial construction of the roundhouses, the dates for the
adult male burial beneath the north house are appreciably earlier. Given the anomalous
nature of these burials, the man’s skull and tibia and the woman’s femur were sampled twice.
The pairs of samples give combined dates of 1500-1260 cal BC for the man’s skull, 15001210 cal BC for the mandible (single date only), 1620-1410 cal BC for his tibia, and
1370-1050 cal BC for the woman’s femur. The femur from the largely disarticulated skeleton
of the 3-year-old child buried beneath the south house dates to 1440-1130 cal BC, giving a
period of death similar to that of the woman buried beneath the north house. However, its
enriched δ 13 C value (Table 1) indicates a slightly enhanced marine component to the diet.
Whilst this could conceivably cause the child’s date of death to appear earlier than it should
be, it is probably not enough to make a difference and this child probably died some years,
decades or even a century before burial. The 10-14 year-old child buried beneath the middle
roundhouse appears, on the basis of her radiocarbon date (2845 +
− 50 b.p., 1190-840 cal
BC; GU-9840) and absence of post mortem interference, to have died just before her
Determinations of the δ 13 C and C/N ratios indicate that the dates on human bone
collagens are otherwise reliable (Table 1). Whilst the human diets were primarily terrestrial
(see below), the stable nitrogen (especially those >+10‰) and carbon isotope ratios
(especially those >−20‰) indicate that a small marine component cannot be ruled out
M. Parker Pearson et al.
Table 1. Dating of Cladh Hallan burials and their contexts
Dated Event
Calibrated age
δ 13 C (‰)
δ 15 N (‰)
AA-49343 (GU-9840)
AA-52514 (GU-10490)
2845 +
− 50 BP
2940 +
− 40 BP
1190 BC to 840 BC
1290 BC to 1000BC
AA-48602 (GU-9844)
2865 +
− 55 BP
1260 BC to 890 BC
AA-53173 (GU-10647)
3010 +
− 210
2990 +
− 210
2940 +
− 310
2915 +
− 40 BP
1220 BC to 800 BC
1200 BC to 780 BC
1250 BC to 630 BC
1260 BC to 970 BC
AA-53174 (GU-10648)
3000 +
− 40 BP
1390 BC to 1110 BC
AA-48606 (GU-9854)
AA-52379 (GU-10491)
AA-48598 (GU-9838)
AA-48597 (GU-9837)
AA-52378 (GU-10488)
AA-48599 (GU-9839)
AA-52513 (GU-10489)
3105 +
− 50 BP
3135 +
− 55 BP
3105 +
− 50 BP
3305 +
− 55 BP
3155 +
− 60 BP
3025 +
− 55 BP
2950 +
− 35 BP
1500 BC to 1210 BC
1520 BC to 1260 BC
1500 BC to 1210 BC
1740 BC to 1440 BC
1600 BC to 1260 BC
1420 BC to 1110 BC
1300 BC to 1020 BC
AA-48600 (GU-9841)
3070 +
− 50 BP
1440 BC to 1130 BC
Calibrated using OxCal version 3.8.
N/A = not analysed.
Radiocarbon samples were prepared at the SUERC radiocarbon dating laboratory (GU-code) and measured at the University of Arizona AMS facility (AA-code). OSL samples were
dated at the Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art, University of Oxford.
Mummification in Bronze Age Britain
10-14 year-old Femur
10-14 year-old Femur
(repeat of AA-49343)
Adult scapula fragment
(in foundation cist)
House foundation (OSL) middle house
House foundation (OSL) south house
House foundation (OSL) north house
Initial occupation (carbonised barley
grain) North house
Initial occupation (carbonised barley
grain) North house
Adult male skull
Adult male skull (repeat of AA-48606)
Adult male mandible
Adult male tibia
Adult male tibia (repeat of AA-48597)
Adult female femur
Adult female femur
(repeat of AA-48599)
3 year-old femur
Sample code
AMS 14 C age
(years BP)
or OSL age
M. Parker Pearson et al.
Figure 8. Probability distributions of radiocarbon and OSL dates from Cladh Hallan (calibrated using the atmospheric curve
of Stuiver et al. (1998)). Each distribution represents the relative probability that an event occurs at a particular time. For
each radiocarbon date, two distributions have been plotted: one in outline which is the result of simple radiocarbon calibration
(Stuiver & Reimer 1993), and a solid one based on the chronological model used. The other distributions correspond to
aspects of the model. For example the distribution ‘Boundary start’ is the posterior density estimate for the date when house
construction started on the site. The large square brackets down the left-hand side and the OxCal keywords define the overall
model exactly.
entirely. However, this is unlikely to have affected the dates to any degree (cf. Barrett et al.
2000). There is some overlap at 95 per cent probability between the dates of the woman’s
death and her subsequent burial. There is no overlap between the death of the cranial and
post-cranial components of the male and his subsequent burial, although the mandible’s date
indicates a short overlap of 50 years at 95 per cent. It is highly probable that the post-cranial
male, if not all three men represented in the skeleton, died centuries before burial, most
likely before 1350 BC and probably as early as 1500 BC.
Diet and residence
Strontium, lead and oxygen isotope compositions are all consistent with the woman, the man
represented by the mandible, and the 10-14 year-old child having been raised in the Western
Isles of Scotland (Table 2). The 87 Sr/86 Sr isotope composition of the skeletons’ tooth enamel
is dominated by a seawater signature and plots within the main field previously obtained
for individuals from Lewis (Montgomery et al. 2003). The two populations are linked by
high Sr concentrations in their tooth enamel which, within UK studies, is a feature so far
recorded only in the Western Isles (Montgomery et al. 2003).
Sr/86 Sr normalised to an NBS 987 value of 0.710240. 2-sigma errors on 87 Sr/86 Sr ratio are estimated at +
− 0.004%.
Average bone phosphate oxygen.
Average drinking water oxygen (conversion from δ 18 Op to δ 18 Odw using Levinson et al.’s (1987) calibration). In-house reference material enamel – M × 2 = 16.2 +
− 0.28‰ for full
procedure during sample analysis.
Adult male
10-14 year-old
a 87
−5.4 +
− 0.6
−3.7 +
− 0.5
−6.6 +
− 0.5
−5.8 +
− 1.2
−4.9 +
− 0.7
16.9 +
− 0.3
17.7 +
− 0.2
16.4 +
− 0.2
16.7 +
− 0.6
17.2 +
− 0.3
Adult female
Oxygen isotope compositions calculated for
drinking water (Levinson et al. 1987) for
the three individuals’ second molars are
between −5.4 +
− 0.6 and −6.6 +
− 0.5 with
a mean of −5.92 +
for the
two canines (from the woman and the 1014 year-old) are slightly higher at −3.72
and −4.89 with a mean of −4.31 +
− 0.8.
The somewhat elevated ratios for these
earlier formed teeth are consistent with
a trophic level shift which occurs during
breastfeeding. The drinking water averages
for both molars and canines (−5.28) are
consistent with modern-day drinking water
from the Western Isles (Darling et al. 2003).
Finally, Pb isotopes from the tooth
enamel are relatively unradiogenic and are
consistent with a contribution from ancient
crust such as the Lewisian gneiss which is
the bedrock of the Outer Hebridean islands.
The very low Pb concentrations (<1ppm)
are typical of individuals who predate the
use of metal artefacts (Montgomery et al.
2005). In summary, all the above evidence
points to these three individuals having been
native Outer Hebrideans.
Diagenetic analysis of the bones
Evidence for arrested bacterial activity
The discrepancy in dates of the two adult
skeletons in comparison to their date
of deposition and the evidence of post
mortem manipulation raise the possibility
of bodily preservation above ground for a
long period before interment. The tightly
crouched ‘mummy bundle’ posture of
the two skeletons also provides further
circumstantial evidence for deliberate
mummification. What was now needed was
a suite of methods to analyse the skeletal
evidence in order to establish whether or not
soft tissue preservation occurred and how
that tissue might have been preserved.
Pb/204 Pb
Pb/204 Pb
Pb/204 Pb
Pb ppm
δ 18 Ocdw
δ 18 Obp
Sr/86 Sra
Sr ppm
Age/ sex
Sample No.
Table 2. Strontium and lead isotope ratios and concentrations, and oxygen isotope ratios and drinking water values for three of the Cladh Hallan
skeletons. Details of analytical techniques for Sr and Pb are given in Montgomery et al. (2003). Oxygen isotope methods after O’Neil et al. (1994)
Mummification in Bronze Age Britain
M. Parker Pearson et al.
Figure 9. A section through the Cladh Hallan male femur, showing the commencement of microbial alteration, approximately
0.5mm below the periosteal surface. The microbial attack is indicated by dark staining and loss of birefringence under polarised
light (right). Usually the decay process is more extensive in a fully putrefied corpse.
To keep a post-cranial skeleton fully articulated for a century or more in a temperate
climate requires some preservation of soft tissue (Chamberlain & Parker Pearson 2001).
A wrapped body will merely collapse and disarticulate once the muscle attachments and
ligaments have rotted. The soft tissues – at least the ligaments and perhaps the skin – could
have been preserved in a number of ways, for example by wind-drying, heat-drying, tanning
or pickling. For these methods to be most effective, the body must be eviscerated; this entails
removal of the internal organs which contain most of the bacteria that initiate decay. We
decided to test for this by examining the bone of the male post-cranial skeleton to investigate
the process of decay.
Turner-Walker et al. (2002) have observed that microbial porosity is typical of intact
buried corpses and is much less common in butchered animal remains. From this observation
they develop an argument, based upon earlier work by Bell et al. (1996), that this microbial
attack is caused by collagenolytic gut bacteria entering the bone post mortem via the blood
supply. An unusual pattern of microbial alteration in the adult male femur was observed by
light microscopy, with dense (budded) microbial attack at the junction between the lamellar
and Haversian bone on the periosteal surface and a more diffuse region internal to the
endosteal surface (Figure 9). The pattern is both intense and restricted, indicating that there
was some initial decay which was then interrupted.
Further evidence for restricted microbial attack was obtained using mercury intrusion
porosimetry (HgIP) analysis (Turner-Walker et al. 2002). This revealed that the adult male
tibia’s microbial porosity was unusual. In comparison with the control sample, an articulated
dog skeleton buried at the same depth and of approximately the same period, the volume
of porosity was less than half. The range in pore sizes for the human tibia was also much
less. This supports the interpretation that microbial decomposition was less extreme in the
human and was arrested soon after death. Whereas the dog appears to have rotted in its
grave as an unprocessed carcass, the trajectory of decay in the man’s post-cranial skeleton
was curtailed at some point soon after death.
Mummification in Bronze Age Britain
Evidence for the method of soft-tissue preservation
Following evisceration, the soft tissues must have been treated to facilitate their long-term
preservation. Our initial expectation was that this would have been achieved by slowly
smoking the corpse over a fire, similar to examples recorded in ethnohistorical reports for
the Heiltsuk (Bella Bella) of British Columbia (Harkin 1990). However, when the alterations
in the bone mineral were examined using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR
spectroscopy), it was noticed that the outer section (3mm from the periosteal surface) of the
adult male tibia was considerably more altered than the inner section. Mineral alteration
of the bone’s surface is unusual for bones deposited within the calcareous shell sand of the
machair and this alteration is most likely to have occurred prior to deposition in the alkaline
machair sand. Whether or not the body was smoked, it was certainly subjected to treatment
which caused demineralisation in the bone’s surface layers.
The anomalies detected by FTIR spectroscopy were refined by small-angle X-ray scattering
(SAXS) (Hiller et al. in prep.). Like FTIR spectroscopy, this technique reveals the degree
of mineral alteration. However, unlike FTIR, SAXS provides information on the actual
dimensions of bone mineral crystallites. In fresh, unaltered human bone, these crystallites
are normally 3 to 4nm thick in the smallest dimension, and cannot grow larger than 5nm
in non-pathological bone owing to spatial limitation in the bone structure. In the adult
human male tibia, the bone crystallites were almost all larger than 5nm, with the thinnest
crystallites in the very centre of the bone and the thickest (up to 7nm) at the outer surfaces.
These thickness values are not normally observed in non-pathological bone. Nor is the
pattern consistent with that of normal post mortem microbial alteration. The results of
SAXS were particularly revealing, suggesting that the most extreme mineral alteration lay
at or close to the outer edges, but also that the microscopically unaltered bone had suffered
slight demineralisation. The U-shaped pattern of alteration is reminiscent of a diffusioncontrolled process (cf. Hedges & Millard 1995). The shape of crystallites, normally very
uniform within an unaltered bone section, showed some evidence of more heterogeneous
distribution, particularly in the bacterially damaged areas.
A likely explanation for the pattern of re-crystallisation of the adult male post-cranial
skeleton is that it was exposed to an acidic environment for a short amount of time. This
must have happened at some point before burial since the remains were found below house
floors (and therefore protected from acidic rainwater) within grave fills that are alkaline
(with a pH value of 7.2; calcareous machair sand and topsoil are normally within the pH
ranges of 7.5-8.0 and 6.5-7.5 respectively (Hudson 1991)). One possibility is the corpse
had been preserved in an acid peat bog; prehistoric bog bodies are relatively common in
Britain, Ireland and Europe (Turner & Scaife 1995; van der Sanden 1996). People are likely
to have been aware of peat’s preservative properties, and timbers and other organic remains
from earlier periods would have been found whilst digging peats for fuel, as they still are
today. Peat was being extracted for fuel from deep cuttings at precisely this time in the
Middle Bronze Age on these Hebridean islands (Branigan et al. 2002), and experiments on
the preservation of piglets (as substitutes for human corpses!) in acid bogs have produced
adequate mummification after half a year or so of submersion (Gill-Robinson 1999 pers.
M. Parker Pearson et al.
The research into the Cladh Hallan skeletons has pointed the way to developing a ‘mummy
identification kit’ – a methodology for investigating whether and how other human bodies,
surviving only as skeletons, were artificially preserved. From the Western Isles, the Hornish
Point boy (Barber et al. 1989) and a tightly flexed burial inserted into an Early Bronze
Age midden at Barvas on the Isle of Lewis (T. Cowie pers. comm.) may be other local
examples. Bronze Age burials from mainland Britain include a number whose tightly flexed
postures suggested to the excavators that these were ‘trussed’ bodies or were ‘reminiscent
of “mummy bundles”’. Published examples include Down Farm (Green 2003: 112-13),
Tallington (Simpson 1976: 223) and Dorchester (Smith et al. 1997: 78). Inhumation – in
contrast to cremation – seems to have been a minority rite in the Hebridean and British
Middle Bronze Age and so very few people were given ordinary burial, let alone preservation
after death (Burgess 1980: 313-22, Parker Pearson 1993: 101-3). Skeletons with ‘mummy
bundle’ postures or other forms of unusual post mortem manipulation form only about
one per cent of Britain’s Neolithic and Bronze Age articulated skeletons, and so bodily
preservation may only ever have been a minority rite (McIntyre 2004).
The implications of the Cladh Hallan burials
The significance of identifying bodily preservation in the British Bronze Age has nothing
to do with Egypt or South America, but points to a locally developed innovation which
made best use of available local resources. Mummification might well have secured these
select dead people a place in the afterworld but, perhaps more importantly, their preserved
bodies would have been available to watch over the living. They were the past personified,
the ancestors in embodied form, the guardians of ancient traditions.
From the beginning of the British Bronze Age, individual ancestors seem to have become
more important than the collective ancestries of the Neolithic and this new evidence for
bodily preservation in the Middle Bronze Age fits in well with these developing notions of
individuality after death. This was also a transformative period in Britain’s prehistoric past,
between 1600 and 1000 BC, when landscapes dominated by the places of the dead – barrows
and cairns – were replaced by ‘landscapes of the living’ filled with houses, settlements and
field systems. This change is particularly evident at Cladh Hallan around 1100 BC when
these mummified, ancestral dead were deliberately buried within the solid and imposing
roundhouses which marked a significant change from the small and ephemeral houses of
the Earlier Bronze Age (Parker Pearson et al. 2004: 48, 61-4). The care with which the two
adult skeletons were interred under the north house is suggestive of a formal and respectful
removal from the world of the living. If the power of the ancestors was now being replaced
by ideological and cosmological concerns which were manifested in domestic architecture
(Fitzpatrick 1994, 1997; Hingley 1995; Hill 1996; Parker Pearson 1996, 1999; Oswald
1997) – the domestication of ritual life (Bradley 1998: 147-64; Brück 1999) – then this
moment of burial of preserved bodies as foundation deposits beneath at least one of the
houses may represent a fundamental religious transformation in island life when the old
Was soft tissue preservation widespread in the British Middle
Bronze Age?
Mummification in Bronze Age Britain
beliefs gave way to the new, not through their total rejection but by their incorporation into
the very foundations of the new.
Mummies continue to fascinate. We may be looking at the tip of the iceberg, failing to
realise that artificial mummification was far more widespread in prehistoric societies than
hitherto realised. The implications of the Cladh Hallan discovery are not simply that British
Bronze Age funerary practices were more drawn out and sophisticated than previously
thought. It also makes us realise that these prehistoric people had well-developed concepts
of long-term ancestry and ‘history’, embodied literally in the people of an ancient past. Until
we develop methods and means of dating the moment of burial as potentially different from
the moment of death and of identifying the arrest of tissue decay and how it was done, we
will continue to underestimate these important aspects of Bronze Age life and death.
We wish to thank Historic Scotland for funding the Cladh Hallan project and October Films and the BBC for
part-funding this aspect of the project, principally the mercury porosimetry, stable isotope analysis and FTIR
analysis. Permission for excavation was given by South Uist Estates and Uist Builders Construction whilst the
South Uist Historical Society was supportive of the project. We also thank the many volunteers and students of
Sheffield University, Bournemouth University, Cardiff University, Southampton University and King Alfred’s
College, Winchester, who have worked on the project, particularly the team of 2001 who excavated the skeletons.
Without their hard work we would never have reached the lowest layers of the site! Figures 1 and 4 were drawn
by Irene de Luis. Figure 3 was drawn by Ian Dennis, Figure 5 was drawn by Adrian Chadwick, and Figure 1 was
redrawn by the McDonald Institute. JH and TW are grateful for the support of J. Weir in data collection on the
NanoSTAR apparatus, and acknowledge the support of SHEFC and Biodermis Ltd, under the Joint Research
Equipment Initiative, for the purchase of the NanoSTAR.
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