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Precambrian geotectonic units of the Río de La Plata craton
Leda Sánchez Bettucci a; Elena Peel ab; Pedro Oyhantçabal a
Instituto de Ciencias Geológicas, Facultad de Ciencias, Iguá, Montevideo, Uruguay b Instituto de
Geociências da Universidade de São Paulo, Cidade Universitaria, São Paulo-SP, Brazil
Online publication date: 16 November 2009
To cite this Article Sánchez Bettucci, Leda, Peel, Elena and Oyhantçabal, Pedro(2009) 'Precambrian geotectonic units of the
Río de La Plata craton', International Geology Review, 52: 1, 32 — 50
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/00206810903211104
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International Geology Review
Vol. 52, No. 1, January 2010, 32–50
Precambrian geotectonic units of the Río de La Plata craton
0020-6814 Geology Review,
Review Vol. 1, No. 1, Oct 2009: pp. 0–0
Leda Sánchez Bettuccia*, Elena Peela,b and Pedro Oyhantçabala
Bettucci et
Instituto de Ciencias Geológicas, Facultad de Ciencias, Iguá, Montevideo, Uruguay;
Instituto de Geociências da Universidade de São Paulo, Cidade Universitaria,
São Paulo-SP, Brazil
Downloaded By: [Instituto de Geociencias - USP] At: 19:43 20 November 2009
(Accepted 13 June 2009)
The main Precambrian tectonic units of Uruguay include the Piedra Alta tectonostratigraphic terrane (PATT) and Nico Pérez tectonostratigraphic terrane (NPTT), separated
by the Sarandí del Yí high-strain zone. Both terranes are well exposed in the Río de La
Plata craton (RPC). Although these tectonic units are geographically small, they record
a wide span of geologic time. Therefore improved geological knowledge of this area
provides a fuller understanding of the evolution of the core of South America. The
PATT is constituted by low- to medium-grade metamorphic belts (ca. 2.1 Ga); its
petrotectonic associations such as metavolcanic units, conglomerates, banded iron formations, and turbiditic deposits suggest a back-arc or a trench-basin setting. Also in the
PATT, a late to post-orogenic, arc-related layered mafic complex (2.3–1.9 Ga), followed by A-type granites (2.08 Ga), and finally a taphrogenic mafic dike swarm (1.78
Ga) occur. The less thoroughly studied NPTT consists of Palaeoproterozoic high-grade
metamorphic sequences (ca. 2.2 Ga), mylonites and postorogenic and rapakivi granites
(1.75 Ga). The Brasiliano-Pan African orogeny affected this terrane. Neoproterozoic
cover occurs in both tectonostratigraphic terranes, but is more developed in the NPTT.
Over the past 15 years, new isotopic studies have improved our recognition of different
tectonic events and associated processes, such as reactivation of shear zones and fluids
circulation. Transamazonian and Statherian tectonic events were recognized in the
RPC. Based on magmatism, deformation, basin development and metamorphism, we
propose a scheme for the Precambrian tectonic evolution of Uruguay, which is summarized in the first Palaeoproterozoic tectonic map of the Río de La Plata craton.
Keywords: Palaeoproterozoic; Río de La Plata craton; tectonic map; metamorphic
belts; granitic intrusions; Uruguay
The geology of Uruguay has been described in several articles, mostly published in
Uruguayan and Brazilian journals and/or congresses. During the last decade, several articles published in international journals have reported the geologic complexity but also
noted scarcity of geochemical and geochronological data.
The South American platform, which is characterized by two lithospheric components:
cratonic areas and orogenic belts partially covered by sedimentary basins (Almeida et al.
1981, 2000), is represented by five Palaeoproterozoic cratons: Río de La Plata, Amazonian,
São Francisco, São Luiz and Luis Alves. These cratons were involved in different
*Corresponding author. Email:
[email protected]
ISSN 0020-6814 print/ISSN 1938-2839 online
© 2010 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/00206810903211104
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International Geology Review
amalgamation and break-up events during consecutive orogenic cycles (Cordani et al.
2000). During Palaeoproterozoic time these cratons were assembled as the Atlantica supercontinent (sensu Rogers 1996; Rogers and Santosh 2002, 2003; Meert 2002, Hou et al.
2008, among others); in Mesoproterozoic time, they belonged to the supercontinent
Rodinia or Palaeopangea (see Piper 1982, 2000); in the Neoproterozoic, they were part of
western Gondwana; finally, during the Carboniferous, they were part of Pangaea. Rogers
and Santosh (2002, 2004) suggest that Atlantica formed at 2.1–2.0 Ga attending a period of
rapid crustal growth and mantle reorganization (Condie 2000, 2002). In Uruguay, mafic
dike swarm and anorogenic rapakivi granites formed at ca. 1.8 Ga may represent the breakup or widespread extension of this supercontinent or the Staterian taphrogenic episode
(Brito Neves et al. 1995). Also the location of the Río de La Plata craton (RPC) in the palaeogeographic reconstruction of Rodinia proposed by Zhao et al. (2002), together with the
synchronic distribution of rapakivi granites (Figure 1) with ages around 1.7 Ga showed by
Vigneresse (2005), seems to be consistent with the available data. Rodinia probably formed
at ca. 1.1 Ga and was dismembered into three blocks between 0.8 and 0.6 Ma (Rogers and
Santosh 2004). Paleomagnetic data and paleogeographic models propose the break-up of
Rodinia at ca. 750 Ma (Powell et al. 1993; Dalziel 1997; Thover et al. 2006; among others).
The orogenic episodes and crustal growth events developed between 2.5 and 2.0 Ga,
particularly during the Transamazonian Cycle form a large belt from Venezuela to Amapá
in northern Brazil and discontinuous belts in the São Francisco and Río de La Plata
cratons. Those events and their consequential belts have been characterized in Guyana,
French Guiana, Venezuela, Suriname, Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay.
The orogenic cycles registered in Uruguay are the Transamazonic cycle in the SW and
the Brasiliano-Pan African cycle in the SE Phanaerozoic sedimentary basins include the
Figure 1. Main tectonic units of Uruguay – Piedra Alta and Nico Pérez tectonostratigraphic
terranes, Dom Feliciano belt (including basement inliers).
L. Sánchez Bettucci et al.
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Figure 2.
Tectonic map of Uruguay.
Paraná foreland basin, related to the Gondwana supercontinent, exposed in the NE and
extensional magmatism related to rifting and the break-up of Gondwana in the NW region.
The Uruguayan Precambrian basement is divided into two major tectonic units (Figure 2),
the Piedra Alta tectonostratigraphic terrane (PATT) and the Nico Pérez tectonostratigraphic terrane (NPTT). These terranes are separated by the Sarandí del Yí Shear Zone.
The PATT crops out to the west of the shear zone and it includes low to medium metamorphic orogenic belts (ca. 2.1 Ga), layered mafic complex, late to post-orogenic magmatism
(1.9–2.3 Ga), A-type-rapakivi granites (2.078 Ga) and finally extensional magmatism (1.7
Ga) represented by a mafic dike swarm. These units were assigned to Transamazonic orogenic cycle (Choubert 1964; Choubert and Faure-Muret 1969; Almeida et al. 1973). In
Uruguay, the Transamazonic orogenic cycle was historically used as a chronostratigraphic
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International Geology Review
term without tectonic connotation. The NPTT is constituted by medium- to high-grade
metamorphic orogenic belts (Pavas, Valentines and Rivera blocks) and anorogenic granite
(rapakivi) with an age of 1.78 Ga. The NPTT was affected by Neoproterozoic events of
the Brasiliano-Pan African orogenic cycle.
The aim of this work is to present the tectonic evolution of the Palaeoproterozoic units
of the Río de La Plata Craton summarized in a tectonic map.
The RPC (sensu Almeida et al. 1973) occupies approximately the third part of the southwestern region of Uruguay (Figure 2). The first descriptions of western part of the RPC
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L. Sánchez Bettucci et al.
were presented by d’Orbigny (1844) and Darwin (1846) and in more detail by Walther
(1911, 1919, 1920, 1924 and 1927). The first regional approach was made by Mc Millan
(1933) who established the first great division separating, on the one hand, the Archaic
Complex (PATT and NPTT) and, on the other hand, the Minas Series (Dom Feliciano
Belt). The first geologic map (1:500.000) was elaborated by Caorsi and Goñi (1958). They
suggested that the basement of Uruguay was part of Guyana–Brasilia– Patagonia shield,
with similar ages of South African, Laurentian–Siberian and Scandinavian shields. Later,
Ferrando and Fernández (1971) made the first chronostratigraphic interpretation based on
isotopic data presented by Bossi (1966), Hart (1966), and Umpierre and Halpern (1971).
Two major units were recognized by Ferrando and Fernández (1971), one of them correlated to Baikalian cycle (850–650 Ma) and the other one correlated to the older LimpopoKibali (Africa) event (ca. 2000 Ma). From the first isotopic data made by Hart (1966) systematic studies began, and areas affected by different orogenic cycles were recognized.
The first geo-structural map of Uruguay (Preciozzi et al. 1979) established a new stratigraphic column where the basement units were defined following chrono-lithostratigraphic criteria. This map resulted in a better comprehension of the principal mechanism
involving tectonic processes.
Río de La Plata craton
Lithologies belonging to the RPC crop out in the southwest of Uruguay and in the neighbourhood of Tandil mountain ranges in Argentina (Almeida et al. 1973). According to
Fragoso Cesar and Soliani (1984), it extends towards the north of Uruguay cropping out in
Rivera and Aceguá (Uruguay–Brazil border). This craton is also exposed in Brazil, in the
eastern part of Rio Grande do Sul State (Taquarembo and Encruzilhada blocks); and in the
eastern part of Santa Catarina State (Luiz Alves block sensu Fragoso Cesar and Soliani
1984). Rb-Sr isochron data in Aceguá and Rivera regions show ages of 2.272 ± 33 Ma
(gneisses and granitoids). These rocks are intruded by Brasiliano granites with Rb/Sr ages
around 690 and 580 Ma (Soliani 1986).
Juvenile Palaeoproterozoic Piedra Alta tectonostratigraphic terrane
The PATT is composed almost entirely (Hasui et al. 1975) of plutonic, granite-gneissic
terranes and of low to medium volcano-sedimentary metamorphic belts with E-W
structural trend. These volcano-sedimentary orogenic belts were originally named, from
north to south, as Arroyo Grande (Ferrando and Fernández 1971), Paso Severino, and
Montevideo Formations (Bossi et al. 1965). These sequences were metamorphosed under
low- to medium-grade conditions and folded forming synclinoria with vertical foliations,
symptomatic of important horizontal shortening. These sequences represent a Palaeoproterozoic thrust belt. The sedimentary sequence may represent turbiditic deposits with volcanic intercalations. In addition, features similar to greenstone belts were indicated in
Paso Severino and Arroyo Grande Formations (Fragoso Cesar 1984; Fragoso Cesar et al.
1987; Bossi et al. 1996).
Bossi et al. (1993) defined the Piedra Alta terrane as a part of the RPC located to the
west of Sarandí del Yí shear zone (Figure 3). Peel and Preciozzi (2006) suggested that the
PATT represents a juvenile Palaeoproterozoic unit stable from 1.7 Ga without record of
the Neoproterozoic orogenies. It is considered as the best exposed Palaeoproterozoic area
of the RPC. This terrane is represented by low- and medium-grade metamorphic belts
(Arroyo Grande, San José – including the Paso Severino Formation – and Montevideo),
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International Geology Review
Figure 3. Palaeogeographic reconstruction modified from Zhao et al. (2002). Ages of Korosten,
Pitinga, Tapajos, Shachang rapakivi granites taken from Vigneresse (2005). AUS, Australia; B, Baltica and eastern Europe; C, Congo; SF, San Francisco; EA, East Antartica; G, Greenland; IND,
India; K, Kalahari; M, Madagascar; NA, North America; RP, Río de La Plata craton; S, Siberia; NC,
North China.
separated by important granitic-gneissic areas (Bossi et al. 1993; Oyhantçabal et al. 2007).
These metamorphic belts were formerly considered greenstone belts and correlated with
granitic-greenstone belts of Rio Grande do Sul by Fragoso Cesar (1984); Soliani (1986)
and Bossi et al. (1996).
Anatectic granitoids and migmatites are developed within the basement of the
supracrustal belts. These rocks show two phases of ductile deformation and a brittle one
recognized by Bossi et al. (1998). The first ductile deformational phase generated tight
folds and metamorphism in the volcano-sedimentary sequences. The second one consists of a thrusting phase associated to peraluminous muscovitic granites and it is related
to the development of open folds in mylonites (Garat 1990). The anatectic processes
occurred contemporaneously with an important bimodal magmatism. The anatectic
granitoids are related with basic magmas (dioritic). Also a typical example of heterogeneous migmatites with phlebitic to stromatic structures occurs ranging laterally to granites and gneissic rocks (e.g. ‘AFE’ quarry in Suárez town; Coronel and Oyhantçabal
1988). The structure of the migmatites varies considerably at the scale of the outcrops.
These morphological types of migmatites may be the result of the structure and composition of the parent rocks, segregation and/or migration of partial melts and deformation
during and after the process of the migmatite formation (Ashworth and McLellan 1985).
Mixing and mingling phenomena are frequently observed (outcrops of Piedra Alta and
Cerro Colorado Colorado localities). An age of 2100 ± 3.3 Ma was obtained for the
Piedra Alta outcrop (Preciozzi et al. 2005). Amphibolites and migmatites surround
these granitic bodies. The Piedra Alta outcrop, near Florida city, consists of a graniticgranodioritic intrusion, cut by micro-granodioritic dikes. The existence of continuous
interpenetration and diverse flow structures allow inference that the leucocratic and
melanocratic components are involved as two magmas without significant thermal contrast between them.
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Low- and medium-grade orogenic belts (Palaeoproterozoic volcano-sedimentary
belts, ca. 2.1 Ga)
Three metamorphic belts were originally defined by Bossi et al. (1993): Arroyo Grande,
San José, and Montevideo, with regional trend near N80° E (Figure 3). The metamorphic
grade varies from green-schist to amphibolite facies. Oyhantçabal et al. (2003) postulated
the continuity between San José and Montevideo belts and consider both as one tectonic
unit: the San José belt. These authors established that the outcrop areas of Precambrian
rocks were interrupted by the development of a Mesozoic rift (named Santa Lucía Basin).
The Arroyo Grande belt (sensu Bossi et al. 1993) is delimited by faults, being in tectonic contact with a granitic-gneissic area. Its general trend is E–W and it comprises
igneous, sedimentary, and volcanic rocks. The sedimentary sequence is represented by
quartzite, metaconglomerate, metapelite, chlorite-schist, and amphibolites. The volcanism
is bimodal (basalt – rhyolite). The igneous rocks are represented by peridotites, piroxenites, gabbros, and horblendite (Preciozzi 1989; Bossi et al. 1998). This belt is cut by a late
to postorogenic intrusion (Marincho Complex, Paso del Puerto Granite).
The San José belt is constituted by the Paso Severino, San José, and Montevideo Formations (Oyhantçabal et al. 2003). Paso Severino Formation is represented by volcanic
rocks (rhyolite and basalt), metapelite, some carbonatic rocks (dolomitic marble), and some
level of banded iron formations (BIFs) (Algoma type). The BIF deposits have lateral
extents (∼1 km), with thicknesses in the range of 1–3 m. This formation hosts several mineralizations: Cu associated with phyllites and interstratified rhyolites, Au in quartz veins,
talc related to metabasic rocks, manganese, and iron formation. The San José belt was
affected by green-schist and amphibolite metamorphic conditions. U-Pb (SHRIMP, zircon)
isotopic analysis made in acidic metavolcanic rocks of Paso Severino Formation yielded an
age of 2146 ± 7 Ma (Santos et al. 2003). Preciozzi (1993) recognized two deformation
phases, the first one syn-metamorphic generating folds with vertical axes, and the second
one characterized by fold superposition with horizontal axes. The latter phase affected latetectonic granites and it could be related to gabbro-granitic magmatism at 2.0 Ga (Mahoma –
Guaycurú Complex). The San Juan Unit belonging to the San José belt is constituted by
volcanic rocks (acidic metatuff), which yielded a U-Pb conventional age of 1.753 ± 5.7 Ga
(Preciozzi et al. 2005). Xenocrystals in these rocks yielded ages of 2358 Ma. The San José
Formation is represented by metavolcanic rocks (basic to acidic) and a metasedimentary
succession. Based on geochemical data of San José Formation, Mutti et al. (1995) and
Bossi et al. (1996) suggested that volcanic rocks (rhyolites, rhyodacites, andesites and
basalts) varied from tholeiitic to calk-alkaline magmas. These authors suggested an evolution from an extensional (mantelic plume) to subductional (compressional) regimen related
to an immature volcanic arc. The Montevideo Formation (sensu Oyhantçabal et al. 2003) is
constituted by amphibolites, micaschists, and gneisses. This formation reaches the amphibolite facies and is consistent with island arc/back-arc basins (sensu Veizer 1983). The Montevideo Formation presents an approximately E–W trend and it is situated along the
southern margin of the PATT (Figure 3). Walther (1948) has provided the most important
and exhaustive petrography of the Montevideo basement. The distinctive lithologies are
oligoclase and biotite gneisses, amphibolite, and micaschist (Bossi et al. 1975; Preciozzi
et al. 1985, 1991; Coronel and Oyhantçabal 1988) cut by aplites and pegmatites. The available isotopic data for this formation are scarce; however, an age (U-Pb, SHRIMP) on a
gneiss yields 2165 ± 38 Ma (Santos et al. 2003) and U-Pb (zircon, conventional) yields an
age of 2158 +24/–23 Ma upper intercept interpreted as magmatic crystallization (Preciozzi
et al. 2005).
International Geology Review
The San José belt is cut by late to post-orogenic magmatism (Albornoz Complex) with
ages between 2.3 and 1.9 Ga by ultramafic layered rocks (The Cerros Negros Complex)
and by a dike swarm (1.7 Ga). The late to post-orogenic rocks are represented by granites,
granodiorites, migmatites, aplites, and pegmatites. The aplites and pegmatites also cut
amphibolites and gneisses of the granitic-gneissic area (Bossi and Navarro 1991). The
relationship between sediments, volcanic rocks, and granites may represent intra-arc or a
back-arc tectonic setting; both possibilities are plausible and both suppose subductionrelated processes.
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Late to post-orogenic magmatism (Albornoz Complex): calcalkaline, peraluminous,
and alkaline granites and gabbros (2.3–1.9 Ga)
This unit comprises acidic and basic batholith intrusions emplaced into supracrustal
rocks of Arroyo Grande and San José belts (Figure 3). These complexes are known as
Isla Mala, Cufré, Marincho, and Mahoma Plutons (Figure 4a). These granites are unfoliated or have only a brittle and non-persistent foliation. Traditionally, they are considered as ‘post-tectonic’ or ‘postkinematic’ granites. The first isotopic ages obtained in
some plutons of the postorogenic magmatism varied from 2.5 to 1.8 Ga (Hart 1966;
Umpierre and Halpern 1971; Preciozzi and Bourne 1992, 1993; Cingolani et al. 1997).
More recent studies help us to locate this magmatism between 2053 and 2086 Ma
(Hartmann et al. 2000; Peel and Preciozzi 2006). The ages published by theses authors
correspond to numerous bodies of granites, aplites, pegmatites, as well as xenoliths of
mica-schist inside granodiorites. U-Pb (conventional) isotopic ages of 2053 ± 14 Ma
and 2086 ± 11 Ma were obtained for Cufré and Isla Mala granitic Complex, respectively (Peel and Preciozzi 2006). U-Pb (zircon, SHRIMP) ages in the last complex
show values between 2065 ± 9 Ma and 2074 ± 6 Ma (Hartmann et al. 2000). Granitic
intrusions in this continental crust are important indicators of tectonic regimes (ancient
arc) in the past, as well as potential sources of information on the composition and history of deep crustal protoliths.
Mafic to ultramafic layered complexes
The Cerros Negros complex, intruding the San José belt, is represented by pyroxenite,
gabbro, leuco-gabbro and anorthosite. It displays a conspicuous banding and is affected by
deformation and low-grade metamorphism. Also, it is cut in the southern part by the Cufré
shear zone, and to the north and west is intruded by granitic intrusions (Oyhantçabal et al.
The Mahoma Gabbro commonly contains cummulate layers consistent with fractional
crystallization in a magma chamber. Petrographically, this unit presents magmatic fluidal
and cummular textures, and is composed of plagioclase (An55–68), pyroxene, olivine, subordinate amphibole, apatite, and biotite as accessory minerals. Oyhantçabal et al. (1990)
indicated the presence of clinopyroxene (En50–70) and inverted pigeonite as cummular
minerals. Oyhantçabal et al. (1990) and Villar and Segal (1990) suggested that the
Mahoma cummulate presents low differentiation and was emplaced at upper crustal levels
during Transamazonic cycle. Oyhantçabal et al. (1990) obtained in the gabbro a K-Ar (Pl)
age of 2033 ± 44 Ma.
Related to the Rospide Gabbro, an important level of Ti-magnetite deposit occurs.
Cingolani et al. (1997) obtained a Rb-Sr (WR) age of 2016 ± 108 (R0 = 0.7002) for the
Carreta Quemada Gabbro.
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The geological setting of Mahoma and Rospide gabbros and their ages (2033 Ma) is
reliable with an emplacement in a postorogenic extensional tectonic setting or crustal rifting (sensu Naldrett 2004).
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A-type Soca granite
The Soca granite was first identified by Jones (1956) and named Tío Diego granodiorite and
renamed by Bossi et al. (1965) as Soca granite. It is located 65 km to the east of Montevideo
city outcropping in the eastern portion of Piedra Alta Terrane (Figure 4a and b). This pluton
is emplaced into graphite mica-schist, quartzites, gneisses, amphibolites, and deformed granitoids belonging to the Montevideo Formation of the San José belt (Oyhantçabal et al. 1998).
The geometry of this pluton is approximately elliptical; the eastern border is cut by Sarandí
del Yí shear zone. This granite was defined as subalkaline, metaluminous or slightly peraluminous A-type rapakivi granite based on chemical and petrographic analysis made by
Oyhantçabal et al. (1998). These authors suggest that this granite presents similar features of
typical Scandinavian and central Amazonian rapakivi granites (sensu Rämö and Haapala
1995; Haapala and Rämö 1999; Dall’Agnol et al. 1999, 2005). The Soca granite was
emplaced after the Transamazonic orogenic cycle and before the dextral shearing of Sarandí
de Yí shear zone. Chemically this rapakivi granite (sensu Oyhantçabal et al. 1998) presents
an important enrichment in L-REE and high field strength elements. This body has a U-Pb
(zircon, conventional) isotopic age of 2078 ± 8 Ma (Peel and Preciozzi 2006) and a U–Pb
(SHRIMP) age of 2056 ± 6 Ma (Santos et al. 2003). Although this age is similar to the late
and post-orogenic magmatism mentioned above, the available data are inconsistent with the
time span necessary for the formation of rapakivi magma in the lower crust and its emplacement in the upper crust. In other parts of the world where rapakivi granites occur, they are
associated with extensive sub-parallel tholeiitic dike swarms (Haapala and Rämö 1992).
Thus, one possibility is that the ages obtained for Soca granite could represent zircon heritage. Another possibility is that the continental crust was very thick and probably involved
reworking of an older crust; however, it is not supported by evidences of juvenile crust of
PATT. Moreover, some rapakivi granitoids occur emplaced in post-collisional/post-orogenic extensional tectonic environment (Zhang et al. 2007). The Soca granite is also 200–
400 Ma older than the oldest rapakivi granite of Amazonia, Laurentia and Fennoscandia.
The question is whether this A-type granite represents a post-tectonic alkaline intrusion
regarding the short time span after orogenic event, or it is a rapakivi granite. Consequently,
the Soca Granite seems not to be correlated with other anorogenic events around the world.
Extensional magmatism (1.7 Ga late Palaeoproterozoic–early Statherian): mafic
dike swarm
The Florida mafic dike swarm, nearly 100 km wide, crops out along more than 300 km
(Figure 3), cutting the RPC. Generally, these dikes outcrop vertically. However, some of
them dip 70 S (Bossi and Campal 1991; Teixeira et al. 1999). They have thicknesses
between 2 and 50 metres and lengths of 1 to 2 kilometres. Bossi and Campal (1992) suggested that the dike swarm is deflected by Sarandí del Yí shear zone, revealed by the curvature in its eastern part making up a ‘drag fold’ (Figure 3). In fact, no dikes occur to the east of
the Sarandí del Yí shear zone. Petrologically and geochemically, the dikes are divided into
two groups, one of high TiO2 andesites and the other of low TiO2 andesite-basalts (Bossi and
Campal 1991; Bossi et al. 1993; Halls et al. 2001). The mafic dikes have an Ar-Ar isotopic
age of 1725 ± 10 Ma (Teixeira et al. 1999). Halls et al. (2001) established that the minimum
International Geology Review
Río d
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100 km
(B) N
Figure 4. (A) Geographic distribution of main Palaeoproterozoic granitic plutons. (B) Geological
sketch of Soca rapakivi granite. MSZ, Mosquitos shear zone; CSZ, Cufré shear zone; PLSZ, Paso
Lugo shear zone.
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age of the PATT is constrained by this dike swarm, based on U/Pb (baddeleyite) age of 1790
± 5 Ma. The generation of the dike swarm is associated with an extensional aborted event
occurred around ca. 1790 Ma based on Halls et al. (2001) data. Palaeomagnetic studies
performed by Pacca (1999) and Pacca and D´Agrella (1999) on the mafic dikes yielded a
palaeomagnetic pole in 337.0°E; 74.4°N. These authors also suggested a primary thermoremanent magnetization. Whereas, Halls et al. (2001) provided a palaeomagnetic pole suggesting that the remanence did not yield a demonstrable primary origin. The emplacement
ca. 1.7 Ga of the east-northeast regional trend mafic dike swarm implies pervasive extension
during this period in this part of the RPC. The assembly of this region – after 1.7 Ga –
(PATT and NPTT – see below) probably involved transcurrent movements juxtaposing different Palaeoproterozoic histories side by side of the Sarandí del Yí shear zone.
The Nico Pérez tectonostratigraphic terrane
The NPTT is located between the Sarandí del Yí and the Fraile Muerto-María Albina
shear zone (Figure 2). Formerly, it was separated by Preciozzi et al. (1979) as Valentines
block. Later, Bossi and Campal (1992) redefined it as Terreno Nico Pérez. We adopt here
the term NPTT but with the original limits established by Preciozzi et al. (1979). This terrane is constituted by Palaeoproterozoic high-grade metamorphic sequences, granites,
mylonites, and postectonic Brasiliano magmatism. In spite of the scarcity of data and following the original scheme of Preciozzi et al. (1979), we describe three Palaeoproterozoic
units affected by medium and high metamorphic grade: Pavas, Valentines, and Rivera
blocks (Figure 5). These blocks were reworked by the Brasiliano orogenic cycle. In addition, within this terrane an A-type rapakivi granite was reported.
Medium- and high-grade orogenic blocks
These orogenic blocks are Palaeoproterozoic and/or Mesoproterozoic, reworked by the
Brasiliano event (Pavas; Valentines and Rivera Blocks, see Figure 5).
Late to postorogenic granites
Undivided granitoids
Low-grade metamorphic rocks
Undivided metamorphic rocks
Pyroxenites, deformed granites,
granulitic gneisses,lherzolites
Rivera block
ra s
20 Km
Figure 5. Geological sketch of the Nico Pérez tectonostratigraphic terrane showing its main units.
1: Valentines block, 2: Pavas block and 3: Rivera block. In the upper right border of the figure a
detailed geology of Rivera block is presented (After Ellis 1998). CTSZ, Cueva del Tigre shear zone;
FM-MASZ, Fraile Muerto-María albina shear zone; RSZ, Rivera shear zone.
International Geology Review
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Pavas block
The Pavas block forms an elongated unit with NNE trend limited by de Fraile MuertoMaría Albina shear zone to the east and south and the Cueva del Tigre shear zone to the
west and north (see Figure 5). It is represented by amphibolic gneisses, amphibolites,
quartzites with fucsite, and meta-ultramafics – tremolite and actinolite schists – (Preciozzi
et al. 1979; Oyhantçabal and Vaz 1990). U-Pb (SHRIMP) in zircons of tonalitic orthogneisses analysed by Hartmann et al. (2001) yielded ages of 3.41 Ga (core) and from 3.1 to
2.7 Ga (rim). We can interpret these ages as Palaeoproterozoic inheritance of older crust.
Mesoproterozoic ages of 1252 Ma (K-Ar and Rb-Sr, Campal et al. 1995) were obtained in
mylonites of Cueva del Tigre shear zone (Figure 5) developed between this block and Valentines block. These authors interpret these data as Grenvillian ages. Due to the lack of
detailed studies, this cooling age could not be reliably interpreted (Preciozzi et al. (1979)
~ La China Complex (sensu Hartmann et al. 2001).
Valentines block
The Valentines block (or Valentines granulitic belt sensu Fragoso Cesar 1984) is located
between Sarandí del Yí shear zone and Cueva del Tigre shear zone, next to the Pavas block
(see Figure 5). It is represented by granulitic gneisses, metapiroxenites and magnetiteaugite quartzites. Santos et al. (2003) suggested, based on U-Pb (SHRIMP) isotopic data,
an age of 2058 ± 3 Ma for the metamorphism and an age of 2163 ± 8 for the protholith of
the Valentines block granulites. This block was affected by Neoproterozoic granitic intrusions (0.9–0.5 Ga, Preciozzi et al. 2001) and by the Tupambaé shear zone (see Figure 2)
(Preciozzi et al. 1979).
Rivera block
This block, located in the NE part of Uruguay (Figure 5), is isolated from the previous blocks
by a Palaeozoic sedimentary sequence. Piroxenites, deformed granites, sillimanite gneisses,
granulitic gneisses, lherzolites, quartzites, meta-anorthosites, forsterite marbles, meta-basites,
and coarse charnokitic ortho-gneisses with intercalated ironstones constitute the basement.
The regional trends are EW to NW and NE associated to ductile shear zones (Figure 5), which
can be traced for about 110 km. The supracrustal rocks are a low-grade metasedimentary
sequence intruded by granites with ages around 600 Ma (Cordani and Soliani 1990). The
granulitic gneisses present a Rb-Sr (WR) age of 2250 ± 60 Ma, which was interpreted as the
main metamorphic event (Cordani and Soliani 1990). More recently, Santos et al. (2003)
obtained ages (U-Pb) on meta-trondhjemite of 2140 ± 6 Ma (crystallization age) and 2077 ± 6
Ma for the metamorphic event. Important ore deposits (gold) occur related to the regional
trends. The main alteration assemblage related with gold mineralization comprises chlorite +
epidote + carbonate + sericite + silica + pyrite (Preciozzi et al. 1979).
Anorogenic rapakivi granites (1.7 Ga)
Even though regional geological literature mentioned some plutons as rapakivi granites,
there is a lack of petrologic, geochemical and geological descriptions to support a serious
tectonic evolution. A-type rapakivi granite was described by Soliani (1986) nearby Minas
de Corrales locality – Rivera block. This author reported an age of 1.75 Ga (Rb-Sr) for the
body. Another granite is located in Valentines block, known as Illescas Batholith (Campal
L. Sánchez Bettucci et al.
and Schipilov 1995). The ages determined there are Rb/Sr (WR) 1760 ± 32 Ma (Bossi and
Campal 1992) and Pb-Pb 1784 ± 5 Ma (Campal and Schipilov 1995). This granite presents
ductile deformation in the borders and is cut by Sarandí del Yí shear zone.
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Neoproterozoic cover
The Neoproterozoic cover in the PATT is represented by Piedras de Afilar Formation
(Coronel et al. 1982) and is located in its western portion (see Figure 2). It is constituted
by silicoclastic and carbonatic rocks developed in unconformity with Palaeoproterozoic
basement (A-type Soca Granite).
In NPTT (Valentines block) the Neoproterozoic cover is represented by the Cerro San
Francisco Formation (Montaña and Sprechmann 1993) constituted by meta-sandstones
and meta-subarkoses and by Cerros Victoria Formation represented by oolitic and stromatolitic limestone with low metamorphic grade. In the Rivera block outcrops, low-grade
metamorphic rocks are defined by Preciozzi et al. (1985) as Minas de Corrales Formation,
which is correlated with the low-grade orogenic belts of the PATT. On the other hand, this
formation was considered as Neoproterozoic cover by Gaucher (2000).
Major shear zones
The most important high-strain zone affecting the Palaeoproterozoic units reviewed above
is the Sarandí del Yí shear zone (SYSZ). It cuts the Río de la Plata craton separating the
PATT from NPTT. The SYSZ is up to 13 kilometres wide and more than 250 kilometres
long in the N–S direction (Gomez Rifas 1989). The Sarandí del Yí shear zone was formerly
recognized and described by Preciozzi et al. (1979). This shear has N10° structural trend,
and it is developed between the Sarandí of Yí town (Durazno department) and the Sierra de
Las Animas Complex (see Figure 3). Oyhantçabal et al. (1993) suggested that this shear
was reactivated with a sinistral sense during the Brasiliano orogenic event. Towards the
northwest this tectonic lineament determines blocks with different thickness of Arapey Formation (Paraná flood basalts) and the basement horsts of the Litoral Oeste Basin.
Diverse minor shear zones have been recognized in the RPC. The available information on kinematics, conditions and timing of deformation is still scarce. A summary of the
main data is presented in Table 1.
Table 1.
Summary of the main shear zones recognized in the Río de La Plata craton.
Mosquitos (MSZ)
Cufré (CSZ)
Paso de Lugo
Sarandí del Yí
Tupambaé (TSZ)
Cueva del Tigre
Fraile Muerto-Maria
Albina (SSSZ)
Reactivated in
Meso (?) –
Dextral (sinestral
Border PATT –
Dextral (sinestral
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International Geology Review
Other important shears affecting the PATT are Mosquitos, Paso Lugo, and Cufré
shear zones (Figure 3). In the NPTT, the most important are Rivera, Fraile MuertoMaría Albina, and Cueva del Tigre shear zones (Figure 5). These shear zones are well
recognized in the field but no structural, geochemical, and isotopic data were
In the northern part of the PATT, Preciozzi (1993) described the Paso Lugo Shear
Zone as a mylonitic granite shear zone with an age (Rb/Sr) of 2544 ± 38 Ma; R0 = 0.7073.
The initial ratio is relatively high, suggesting contamination by older crustal material
incorporated in the magma. Bossi et al. (1993) proposed that the Arroyo Grande belt was
deformed in Archaean times. However, Preciozzi (1993) reported another Archaean age
for an alkali granite (Rb-Sr (WR): 2501 ± 112 Ma; R0 = 0.7003), where the low initial
ratio suggests that the primary magma was derived by partial melting of previously
depleted mantle. In the central portion of the PATT the Cufré shear zone and its conjugates affect the San José belt. Preciozzi (1993) suggested for the major shear zone an age
of ca. 2263 Ma (Soliani 1986). Recently reported U-Pb (conventional and SHRIMP) isotopic data (Santos et al. 2003; Peel and Preciozzi 2006) do not confirm events older than
2.2 Ga in the PATT.
The Mosquitos shear zone, developed in the southern portion of San José belt (Montevideo Formation), was defined as sinistral shear with N60° regional trend by Oyhantçabal
et al. (2006). This shear zone is related to the emplacement and deformation of granitic
bodies. These authors present K-Ar (Ms) isotopic data with ages between 1900 and 2050
Ma. This shear zone acted as a weak zone where in Mesozoic times, the Santa Lucía Rift
was developed (see Figure 2).
Final remarks
The Palaeoproterozoic fold-thrust belts of the PATT are represented by supracrustal rocks
constituted by turbiditic deposits, volcanic rocks (rhyolite and basalt), and syntectonic granites with ages ca. 2.2–2.0 Ga. These units were affected by magmatism, metamorphism, and
deformation related to the Transamazonic orogenic event (ca. 2.1–1.9 Ga), which corresponds to a fast period of crustal growth and mantelic reorganization (Condie 2000, 2002).
Preciozzi et al. (1999), based on Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd (WR), suggested that the metamorphic
event occurred ca. 2.0 Ga. Based on the presence of petrotectonic associations, like large
volumes of metavolcanic units, conglomerates, BIFs, and turbiditic deposits, a back-arc or
trench basin setting is proposed for the supracrustal sequences. The important volumes of
granitic intrusions are interpreted as arc-related plutons. Available data allow us to define
two generations of granites, the first event at ca. 2053–2086 Ma and the second one related
to mafic intrusions at ca. 2016–2033 Ma, both intruding the volcano-sedimentary belts.
The 2.0 Ga A-type granite, located in the PATT (Soca granite), cannot be correlated
with any similar rapakivi magma generation event analysed by Ernst et al. (2008). Thus, it
is not possible to link with another craton. Probably, the Rodinia break-up was initialized
prior in some areas and the event of amalgamation–disaggregation was longer. At 1750 Ma
Archaean cores were accreted to Palaeoproterozoic units (Proto-Kalahari craton in the
sense of Jacobs et al. 2008), but perhaps in other areas, extensional phenomena would have
occurred. The late Palaeoproterozoic (ca. 1.8 Ga) is marked by intracontinental rifting that
implies the Statherian cratonic stabilization. In Uruguay, the record of extensional tectonic
events shows Statherian ages (1.8–1.6 Ga), while in the Tandilia system (RPC – Argentina),
the tholeiitic dike swarm yields ages of 1588 ± 11 (Iacumin et al. 2001; Teixeira et al.
2002). The basic dike swarm in the PATT forms parallel to subparallel patterns over
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L. Sánchez Bettucci et al.
hundreds of kilometres, intruding granitic gneisses, granodiorites, and supracrustal rocks.
This dike swarm reflects an important crustal extension and may point to a mantelic
paleo-plume (Ernst and Buchan 1997, 2001). It is generally accepted that mantelic magmas
suffer some degree of crustal contamination during the ascent and/or residence in magmatic
chambers (Mohr 1987). The rigorous geologic information and the available isotopic data
do not support the hypothesis of Bossi et al. (2005) suggesting another terrane named
Tandilia for the outcrops of the PATT located at the south of Santa Lucía rift (Figure 2).
The NPTT affected by Palaeoproterozoic high-grade orogenic metamorphic events
may rework Archaean crust. The Valentines block is in tectonic contact with Pavas block
through the Cueva del Tigre thrust belt (shear zone). This thrust was reactivated during the
Brasiliano orogenic event. In contrast, the Rivera block shows other trends and possibly it
was rotated during the orogenic event. During the Brasiliano orogenic cycle the NPTT
was partly reworked and intruded by Neoproterozoic plutons. In addition, a Neoproterozoic cover occurs in the Río de La Plata Craton, being more developed in the NPTT. It is
important to remark that the RPC lacks Mesoproterozoic rocks.
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