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2014, The Happy Hypocrite: Heat Island - Edited by Isla Leaver-Yapp
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Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2023
This paper presents and discusses a manuscript by one of the core founders of phenomenological psychopathology, Erwin W. Straus, concerning psychotic disorders of space and time (see attached Supplementary material). Written in June 1946, the manuscript is published for the first time as supplementary material to this paper. It is a clinical case-study of a patient with psychotic depression from Henry Phipps Clinic. It contains themes known from both Straus' earlier and later work on lived time and mental illness, in particular a critique of physicalism in psychology, a vindication of primary sensing, a description of the spatiotemporal unity of lived experience, and the notion of temporal becoming. However, it is the only work by Straus that explores in such detail a patient's case and shows how the lived experience is spatiotemporally structured and intrinsically related to affectivity, embodiment, and action. The manuscript is yet another piece of evidence of Straus' significance in developing the field of phenomenological psychiatry in both Germany and the United States.
L’histoire débute à la fin du XIXe siècle. Persuadés d’avoir retrouvé en Afrique la nature disparue en Europe, les colons créent les premiers parcs naturels du continent, du Congo jusqu’en Afrique du Sud. Puis, au lendemain des années 1960, les anciens administrateurs coloniaux se reconvertissent en experts internationaux. Il faudrait sauver l’Éden ! Mais cette Afrique n’existe pas. Il n’y a pas de vastes territoires vierges de présence humaine, et arpentés seulement par ces hordes d’animaux sauvages qui font le bonheur des safaris touristiques. Il y a des peuples, qui circulent depuis des millénaires, ont fait souche, sont devenus éleveurs ici ou cultivateurs là. Pourtant, ces hommes, ces femmes et enfants seront – et sont encore – expulsés par milliers des parcs naturels africains, où ils subissent aujourd’hui la violence quotidienne des éco-gardes soutenus par l’Unesco, le WWF et tant d’autres ONG. Convoquant archives inédites et récits de vie, ce livre met au jour les contradictions des pays développés qui détruisent chez eux la nature qu’ils croient protéger là-bas, prolongeant, avec une stupéfiante bonne conscience, le schème d’un nouveau genre de colonialisme : le colonialisme vert.
A philosophical exploration is presented that considers entities such as atoms, electrons, protons, reasoned (in existing physics theories) by induction, to be other than universal building blocks, but artifacts of a sociological struggle that in elemental description is identical with that of all processes of matter and energy. In a universal context both men and materials, when stressed, struggle to accomplish/maintain the free state. The space occupied by cognition, inferred to be the result of the inequality of spaces, is an integral component of both processes and process interpretation; arbitration space, ubiquitous throughout nature, occurred to a vast number of vastnesses, a manifestation of the existence of time dependent mass/number/amount, is argued to be located to the same judging criteria with which principles are determined for sociological purposes: the processes of mind are determined (excuse the pun) to occur as a free state that is reflectively equal to what is construed by the intellect as universe. Scientifically determined states are not free states.
Amparo contra el impuesto especial sobre producción y servicios en el consumo de gasolinas y dieseL
L a encuesta transversal es un diseño de investigación epidemiológica de uso frecuente. Se trata de estudios observacionales, también llamados encuestas de prevalencia. 1-4 El diseño de una encuesta transversal debe considerar aspectos relacionados con la población que se estudiará, los sujetos de quienes se obtendrá información y la información que se busca captar.
Conferenza’ De Roma a Olisipo: perspetivas sobre a edição de epigrafia no século XXI e sobre os estudios de Arqueologia entre Itália e Lusitania, Universidade de Lisboa 1-3 Junho 2023
In un pregevolissimo lavoro di Amílcar Guerra vengono ripercorse con dovizia di particolari le iniziative in campo archeologico, e in particolare gli scavi ad Ariccia, del nobile lusitano Don Alexandre de Souza e Holstein. Nel dettaglio vengono analizzate le circostanze del ritrovamento della testa bronzea, già attribuita alla statua di culto di Diana Nemorense.
El artículo presenta algunos aspectos centrales del debate contemporáneo en torno a la noción de internalización de L. S. Vygotski, intentando una lectura coherente con las premisas teóricas y epistemológicas de la tradición histórico-cultural. Se argumenta que en el corazón de la crítica a la noción de internalización –basada en señalar su dualismo- subyacen supuestos igualmente dualistas, que determinan interpretaciones alejadas de la noción de internalización genuinamente vygotskiana, arraigada ésta en la filosofía de tradición dialéctica. Se defiende que es necesario reconocer esta dimensión filosófico-epistemológica para llegar a una noción de internalización que permita tanto superar el dualismo, como constituirse en herramienta útil para el tratamiento de diversos problemas en psicología.
Al-Kindi Center for Research and Development , 2024
This study examines the relationship between immigration and the rise of far-right parties in Europe from 2014 to 2024, focusing on the implications for societal security. It explores how far-right parties have capitalized on immigration, framing it as a critical threat to national identity and social stability. Applying the Copenhagen School's securitization theory, the research analyzes how these parties have redefined immigration as a national security issue, thereby legitimizing more stringent immigration policies and exclusionary practices. The findings indicate that far-right parties have effectively utilized public anxieties and uncertainties surrounding immigration to influence the political discourse across Europe. This shift has significant socio-political consequences, posing challenges to the European Union's foundational principles of integration, democracy, and human rights. The study highlights concerns over democratic backsliding, the erosion of social policies, and threats to freedom of movement and human rights. Additionally, it examines the potential impacts on the EU's cohesion policy, foreign policy, enlargement process, and environmental sustainability. The research underscores a major transformation in Europe's political landscape with far-reaching implications for the stability of the European Union and its member states.
Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia e Educação (RESAFE), 1969
Este artigo tem como objeto uma reflexão sobre o ensino de filosofia. Seu significado, seus pressupostos, e sua prática efetiva. No intuito de realizar uma reflexão filosófica que trate satisfatoriamente do problema colocado, fizemos uma pesquisa qualitativa com diversos agentes das esferas filosóficas (estudantes, professores, pós-graduandos, etc.). A análise do corpus forneceu um suporte às teorias levantadas sobre os aspectos implícitos no tocante ao ensino de filosofia.
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Ecancermedicalscience, 2023
El mal y la libertad, Buenos Aires, Sabiduría Cristiana, 2009
International Journal of Industrial Electronics, Control and Optimization (IECO), 2023
Oeconomia, 2023
Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença
E-Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2016
PsycEXTRA Dataset
Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2011
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015
Chemischer Informationsdienst, 1975
Russian Linguistics, 2022