Original Article
Urmila Thiyam1, Sunita Haobam2, Y. Mohen Singh3, Durlav Chandra Sharma4
Professor, Department of Pathology, Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences.
Professor, Department of Pathology, Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences.
3Professor, Department of Pathology, Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences.
4Professor, Department of Pathology, Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences.
ABSTRACT: Haemoglobinopathies are a major health problem worldwide. Because of the high prevalence of these disorders in
India and especially in North–East, we undertook this limited student based study as RIMS comprised students from the seven
North-East states of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura.
AIMS: To study the prevalence of haemoglobin variants among the North-East students of RIMS and to find out any abnormal
haemoglobin pattern pertaining to a particular community.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: The present study was carried out in the Department of Pathology, RIMS. From Sept. 2002 to Dec.
2004, our study included 100 student volunteers taking a minimum of ten from each of the seven states. History of presenting
complaints, personal, family and past illness were taken. Physical examination was done with special emphasis on appearance,
presence of pallor, jaundice and hepatosplenomegaly etc. Blood samples were collected in 2 EDTA vials, one was used for CBC and
another for preparation of hemolysate. CBC was done for all cases by electronic cell counter supported by manual hemocytometry,
peripheral blood examination and reticulocyte count. All the cases were routinely screened for haemoglobin type using standard
alkaline cellulose acetate electrophoresis with Tris-Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid (EDTA) borate buffer. Fetal Hb. estimation,
sickling test, serum bilirubin estimation were also done in relevant cases.
RESULTS: Out of the 100 student volunteers studied, 98 cases showed HbA pattern in 46 males and 52 females while HbE was
seen in 2 cases, 1 male and a female. The prevalence of HbE was 2% in our study, which belonged to the ethnic group of Garo of
Meghalaya. Both case had mild anemia with microcytosis and normal reticulocyte count. Peripheral smear showed
anisopoikilocytosis and target cells. RBC count, MCH values were within normal range.
CONCLUSION: Our study showed that HbA was the predominant haemoglobin type amongst the North-East students of RIMS. HbE
was also prevalent amongst these students and common among the mongoloid group of Garo with an incidence of 2%. As this
study is limited student volunteer based, it cannot represent any community/population. It emphasises the need for further
studies with a larger sample involving many communities of different ethnic groups to support the above findings before drawing a
KEYWORDS: Haemoglobinopathies, Electrophoresis, Haemoglobin Electrophoretic Pattern.
HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Urmila Thiyam, Sunita Haobam, Y. Mohen Singh, Durlav Chandra Sharma. “A Study of Haemoglobin
Patterns Among the Students of RIMS.” Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2015; Vol. 4, Issue 94, November 23;
Page: 15979-15981, DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2015/2329.
INTRODUCTION: Haemoglobinopathies are the commonest
genetic defect worldwide with an estimated 269 million
carriers.1 It is anticipated that the global economic burden of
haemoglobinopathies on public health will increase over the
coming decades.2 Studies on haemoglobinopathies have been
carried out in different parts of the world as well as in India.
Considering the high prevalence of abnormal haemoglobins
and thalassemia in North-East India, it is desirable to evaluate
the haemoglobin patterns amongst the students of Regional
Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Imphal, Manipur, as
RIMS comprises students from seven North Eastern states of
Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland,
Tripura and Sikkim.
Although, many diagnostic methods are available for
identification of haemoglobinopathies,
Financial or Other, Competing Interest: None.
Submission 03-11-2015, Peer Review 04-11-2015,
Acceptance 13-11-2015, Published 23-11-2015.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Urmila Thiyam,
Singjamei Mayengbam Leikai,
[email protected]
electrophoresis of haemolysates remains the technique of
choice and is most commonly employed. In this study, the
results of electrophoresis of haemolysates are analysed and
the prevalence of different haemoglobin patterns amongst
the North-East students of RIMS are observed.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was carried out in
the Department of Pathology, RIMS, Imphal, Manipur from
September 2002 to December 2004. A total number of 100
students were studied, randomly taking a minimum of ten
students each from each of the seven North-East states:
Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland,
Sikkim and Tripura. Student volunteers belonging to different
ethnic groups were investigated according to a predesigned
proforma. The number of state wise volunteers were as
follows. Arunachal Pradesh- 11, Manipur- 32, Meghalaya- 10,
Mizoram- 11, Nagaland- 12, Tripura- 14, Sikkim- 10. A
detailed history of each volunteer was taken regarding any
presenting complaints, personal history, past history and
family history. A detailed physical examination was done
with special emphasis on the appearance, presence of pallor,
jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, etc.
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences/ eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 4/ Issue 94/ Nov. 23, 2015
Page 15979
Original Article
PROCEDURE: A 4ml of venous blood was collected from the
antecubital vein in 2 vials. One vial was used for complete
hemogram and another for hemolysate preparation.
Complete hemogram was done for all cases by electronic cell
counter (MSQ haematology cell counter, Cergy Pontois,
France), supported by manual hemocytometry and
peripheral blood examination (Leishmain stain) RBC
microcytosis, anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, sickle cells, target
cells, polychromasia, basophilic stippling and other inclusion
bodies were also assessed.
All the volunteers were routinely screened for the
haemoglobin types using cellulose acetate electrophoresis at
alkaline pH (pH 8.4-8.6). A small quantity of haemolysate was
placed on a cellulose acetate membrane and carefully
introduced into the electrophoretic tank containing TrisEDTA-borate buffer. Electrophoretic separation was allowed
to operate for 45 to 60 minutes at an electromotive force of
160 volts (150-200 volts). The strips were then stained with
Ponceau S and read immediately. Haemolysates from blood
samples of known haemoglobin (AA, EE) were run as control.
Fetal haemoglobin estimation and serum bilirubin estimation
were also done in relevant cases. Hb F estimation was done
by alkali denaturation test (Modified Betke Method).
Identification of normal and abnormal haemoglobins
were generally made from their relative mobility and position
of the bands compared to known samples. Corroboration
with other haematological findings such as Hb F estimation,
inclusion body test for HbH were helpful. A consideration of
the geographical area and other ethnic background of the
subject should always be made for judicious interpretation of
an abnormal haemoglobin.
RESULTS AND OBSERVATION: The study included 53
females and 47 males. The age range was 18 to 44 years, the
largest number of study group belonged to 21 to 30 years of
age group comprising 55% (Table 1). Out of the 100 cases
screened for Hb type, 98 cases showed HbA pattern including
46 males and 52 females. Two cases showed showed Hb E
pattern including 1 male and 1 female. (Table 2) Fig. 1 shows
the mobility pattern of Hb A and Hb E on cellulose acetate
electrophoresis. Both the cases of HbE were from the state of
Meghalaya Garos. (One of which was asymptomatic and the
other presented with jaundice and splenomegaly).
Both had mild anaemia with microcytosis with a mean
Hb concentration of 11.5gm/dl, the reticulocyte counts were
within normal range. Peripheral blood smears showed
aniopoikilocytosis and target cells. RBC count and MCHC
values were within normal range.
Age (Years) Male Female Total Percentage
Table 1: Distribution of Cases According to Age and Sex
Hb Pattern
Male Female Total Percentage
Table 2: Distribution of Cases showing the
Hb Pattern on Cellulose Acetate Electrophoresis
Fig. 1: Shows the Mobility Pattern of HBE and HBA on Cellulose Acetate Electrophoresis
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences/ eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 4/ Issue 94/ Nov. 23, 2015
Page 15980
Biochemical Analysis: Increased bilirubin was observed in
the second male case with a total bilirubin of 3.6mg%. Direct
bilirubin was 0.5mg%. Indirect bilirubin was 3.1mg%. The
serum bilirubin in the first female case was normal.
1st case showed 1% Hb F, while the 2nd case showed 2% Hb F.
DISCUSSION: The occurrence of haemoglobinopathies is
worldwide, but there is considerable difference in the
recorded prevalences in different geographic areas and
different ethnic groups. The cummulative gene frequency of
haemoglobinopathies in India is 4.2%.3 Lehmann H et al.4
demonstratied that the gene disorder was very common in
North East region of India where the population comprise
many races and tribes.
In the present study, we analysed 100 student
volunteers belonging to different ethnic groups of the seven
different states of North East India. We observed that Hb A
was the predominant haemoglobin type. Hb E was detected in
two Garo students out of a total of 10 students from the state
of Meghalaya. Other Hb types were not detected. Das et al.5
observed that in seven different areas of Assam, the highest
prevalence of HbE gene disorder was among the Tibeto–
Burman speakers groups of Kacharis, Garos, Rabhas, Lalungs,
Rajbanshis. They gave a prevalence range of HbAE, 37% to
52% and Hb EE, 15to 31%.
In our observations, we noted that the overall incidence
of HbE in the North–Eastern region was 2%. This was in
sharp contrast to the observations made by Balgir RS.6 He
reported an average frequency of 10.9% of HbE gene
disorder in North Eastern region of India.
The difference might be because in his studies he
included the population of Assam, which showed a high
incidence of 29.7% and West Bengal where a 7% frequency
was reported. These 2 groups were not included in our study.
In the present study, Hb E was not detected among the
volunteers from the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur,
Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura. The findings were in
sharp contrast to the observations made by Balgir RS.6 He
reported an incidence of 8.3% in Arunachal Pradesh, 6.7% in
Manipur, 3.5% in Nagaland and 0.7% in Sikkim. The
difference might be due to smaller number of cases studied
within a very short time.
In our study, we observed that one case was
asymptomatic and enjoyed apparent good health.
Original Article
The 2nd case presented with jaundice and mild
splenomegaly. Both had mild anemia with a mean
haemoglobin concentration of 11.5gm/dl and microcytosis.
The reticulocyte count was normal. These finding were in
accordance to the observations made by Piplani S.7 He
included 3 cases of HbE – thalassemia and 6 cases of HbE
disease in his study; 2 cases were asymptomatic. Jaundice
and splenomegaly were common. Mild anemia with
microcytosis were present in all the cases with a mean Hb
concentration of 11.3gm/dl, reticulocyte count and platelet
count were normal which was concordant with our study.
CONCLUSION: Hb A was the predominant haemoglobin
amongst the students of RIMS. Hb E was also found amongst
mongoloid students of Garo with a 2% incidence rate. There
was no significant age and sex differences in its distribution.
Hb E disease is usually asymptomatic, but it may also present
with jaundice and splenomegaly. Mild anemia with
microcytosis and normal reticulocyte count was seen in this
gene disorder. Peripheral smear showed mild anisocytosis,
poikilocytosis and target cells. Other haemoglobin types were
not common. Further studies with a larger sample involving
many communities of different ethnic groups is necessary to
support the above findings before drawing a conclusion.
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Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences/ eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 4/ Issue 94/ Nov. 23, 2015
Page 15981