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Kanun (Banda Aceh), 2022
The goal of this research is to describe mediation as an alternative technique of conflict settlement under customary law in both criminal and civil matters. Dispute resolution processes based on customary law play an important role in decreasing litigation. Mediation is a cornerstone of traditional law-based dispute settlement. This study uses descriptive and qualitative research to better understand the phenomenon of mediation as an alternative form of conflict settlement under customary law. The data was gathered through a literature review and document analysis. The technique of data analysis employed in this study was a qualitative descriptive technique based on Miles and Huberman's interactive model. The findings show that mediation is the basis for conventional law-based dispute resolution. In resolving land disputes, indigenous peoples rarely bring them to district courts or religious courts; instead, deciding disputes is carried out by traditional leaders such as peace judges, who act as mediators. In fact, in several countries, such as Nigeria, traditional leaders also act to decide divorce issues. In ancient cultures, mediators sought to ensure that, as a consequence of the agreement, "peace and harmony prevailed in society." Therefore, individuals who stick to conventions sometimes use mediation in customary law as an alternative to dispute resolution. This shows that mediation in customary law can be used as an alternative solution to resolving disputes.
A critical analysis of some important issues raised by Goshen-Gottstein's book. The author argues that the most fruitful avenue for a Jewish approach to Hinduism is by using the concept of shituf. This means that for Jews, all use of statues, images, and speaking about "gods" is forbidden. However, for non-Jews, this would remain a permitted form of worship as long as the various gods are seen as manifestations of the one true God.
Power flow analysis is the backbone of power system analysis and design. They are necessary for planning, operation, economic scheduling and exchange of power between utilities. Power flow analysis is required for many other analyses such as transient stability, optimal power flow and contingency studies. The principal information of power flow analysis is to find the magnitude and phase angle of voltage at each bus and the real and reactive power flowing in each transmission lines. Power flow analysis is an importance tool involving numerical analysis applied to a power system. In this analysis, iterative techniques are used due to there no known analytical method to solve the problem. This resulted nonlinear set of equations or called power flow equations are generated. This paper presents anew and efficient method for solving the load flow problem of a distribution system. It is mainly based on network topology, basic circuit laws and power summation technique. The main contribution of this paper is: (i) proposing a new and efficient load flow method for radial and weakly meshed distribution systems,(ii) evaluating the impact of load models, different X/R ratios, load growth and tolerance levels,(iii) analysis of impact of number of loops on weakly meshed distribution systems, (iv) comparison of radial and weakly meshed distribution system. The results are obtained for voltage profile, total power losses time of computation, and number of iterations. Computer program coded to implement this power flow solution scheme in MATLAB and successfully applied to several practical distribution networks with radial and weakly meshed structure. Effectiveness of the proposed load flow method has been presented on IEEE 33bus radial and meshed distribution networks.
Despite the paradigm shift globally regarding the adoption of inclusive education, teachers still have varying preconceived misconceptions about its successful implementation and practices in the general education classroom. This qualitative study focused on teachers' perception of adapting inclusive education policies and procedures in The Bahamas and its implication for adult education. The participants of the study were teachers (n-18) in the K-12 educational system in The Bahamas. The findings from this study revealed that there was a vast misconception of the definition of inclusive education. Secondly, five overarching factors that influenced teachers' perception of inclusive education were (a) lack of training, (b) insufficient resources and (c) administrative support, (d) teachers' attitudes and (e) inadequate /misconception of information regarding inclusive education. The study further provides an overview for implications for education and training of general education teachers charged with the responsibility of accommodating children with disabilities in regular/inclusive classrooms. Inclusive education is on the global agenda to attract the involvement and collaboration of all stakeholders. The support for this action is being guided through the principles of The Salamanca Statement (1994). Legislation by national, regional, and international agencies is aggressively enacting policies and laws to support and promote the education of all children in the general education setting. Teachers are perceived to be an integral component in the implementation of inclusive education (Haskell, 2000). Research communicates that teachers' perception are the key to the success of inclusive programs, as they are critical to the process of including students with disabilities into regular classes. It is important to examine the attitudes of educators toward the inclusion of students with disabilities into regular settings as their perceptions may influence their behavior toward and acceptance of such students (Hammond & Ingalls, 2003). The success of inclusive programs may be at risk if regular classroom teachers hold negative perceptions toward the inclusion of students with disabilities (Van Reusen et al., 2001). Negative perceptions of inclusive education may become obstacles, as general education teachers attempt to include students with disabilities (Cawley, Hayden, Cade, & Baker-Kroczynski, 2002). The most salient trend in education involving individuals with disabilities is that of inclusion. Teachers are regarded as a key component in the educational system. However, instruction in the general education classroom is influenced by the individuals being taught. The need to sensitize educators to this perplexing issue is paramount to the success of all students. If teachers were more receptive toward inclusion, student achievement, socialization, skill acquisition, and access to education would increase for students with disabilities. Findings from Andrews and Frankel (2010) recognized that inadequate training and skills required to teach students with special needs are important in the implementation of inclusive education programs. On this premise, the study was conducted to examine teachers' perception of inclusive education and its implication for adult education. For the purpose of this study, adult education encompasses continuing education with a focal point on professional competence and best practices. It is envisage that the findings from this study will have significant impact on adult education as it relates to inclusive
XI Coloquio Internacional del CEFYP. La muerte y el más allá entre fenicios y púnicos, 2022
Las gemas o cristales son considerados agentes terapéuticos por su capacidad de transmitir, transformar y renovar la energía de su entorno, son fuentes inagotables de color y contienen en su composición química oligoelementos importantes para la salud; el tratamiento con gemas se puede realizar de diferentes maneras: en aplicación directa sobre las zonas doloridas, sobre los chakras para equilibrar su energía o como compañeros para la meditación; como tratamiento indirecto tendremos los elixires de gemas y los preparados homeopáticos. La gemoterapia es una disciplina de la medicina alternativa que se puede aplicar tanto en problemas físicos o psicológicos teniendo excelentes resultados en ambos.
Risk management report 5 168 Executive summary 172 European Central Bank comprehensive assessment 175 Corporate principles of risk management 177 Corporate governance of the risk function 181 Management model and control of risks 192 Risk environment 194 Credit risk 223 Trading market risks and structural risks 245 Liquidity risk and funding 259 Operational risk 268 Compliance, conduct and reputational risk 274 Model risk 275 Capital management 281 Appendix: EDTF transparency MAX (25.5) MIN (8.2)
Milli Folklor, 2024
Education journal, 2020
Liquid Crystals, 2013
Southern Medical Journal, 2008
Biblioteka L, FFpress, 2023
Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress, 2014
International Higher Education, 2015