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According to Islamic economists, inflation has a very bad effect on the economy because it disruptions to the function of money, weakness the spirit of saving, the production of goods becomes lower, and people's purchasing power weakness. This discussion of inflation also attracted the attention of M. Umer Chapra as a Muslim economist. This study aims to analyze M. Umer Chapra's opinion on inflation. The type of this research with a qualitative approach in the form of historical research, which examines history of the life of a character which includes ideas, thoughts, and things that influence the formation of his thoughts. Data collection methods in this study using library data (library research) with the object of research is M. Umer Chapra about his thoughts relating to inflation, traced through his works, Chapra thought is a blend of traditional science, religion and modern economics. The results of this study concluded that his thinking was dominated by macro economic...
AT-TAWASSUTH: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, 2019
According to Islamic economists, inflation has very bad effect on the economy because it disruptions of money function, weakens of saving’s spirit, decreases the production of goods, and weakens of purchasing power. Inflation also attracted the attention of M. Umer Chapra as a Muslim economist. This study to analyze M. Umer Chapra's opinion on inflation. This research with qualitative approach of historical research, which examines history of the character which includes ideas, thoughts, and things that influence the formation of his thoughts. Data collection methods is using library research with the object about Chapra’s thoughts relating to inflation, traced through his works. Chapra thought is a blend of traditional science, religion and modern economics. The results concluded that his thinking was dominated by macroeconomics because he was involved in the world economy, monetary policy, Islamic financial institutions which were more emphasized by the central bank, policies ...
The role of Islamic banking is very important ricently. generally Islamic banking function similar with conventional banking as intermediary financial sector and real sector.The banking sector plays a role in the stability and the growth rate of money supply in the economy.Banking capabilities in managing public funds and creating a healthy business cycle will encourage the stability of the financial system.Islamic banking businesses experienced growth be viewed from the number of banks and Islamic banks are continueing increase. However, the growth rate of assets, acceleration of the increase in the share of banking more sloping back even declined. Hence the ability of banks to manage public funds and creating a healthy business cycle will encourage the stability of the financial system.Peran perbankan syariah sangat penting bagi perekonomian saat ini. Secara umum fungsi perbankan syariah sama dengan perbankan konvensional yaitu sebagai sektor keuangan perantara dan sektor riil. Se...
ABSTRAK Kesimpulan besar dari tulisan ini adalah dengan pendekatan sosioekonomi-fenomenalogi, Metodologi penelitian dengan metode analisis yang gunakan memiliki sinergistas dengan riset question yang akan menjadi fokus perhatian dalam suatu penelitian guna mendukung model pendekatan yang akan dilakukan. Analisis moneter dilakukan dengan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan sosioekonomi dan fenomenalogi. Metode analisis yang lebih empiris seperti model layanan indeks moneter (MSIs), menggunakan metode non-parametrik Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), dan Moneter Kondisi Index (MCI) dan Indeks Kondisi Keuangan (FCI). Reviewer sependapat Peter Connoly (2011) Robert C. Bogdan Dan Bilken Sari Knopp (1998), Smelser J. Neil and Richard Swedberg (2005), Douglas David (2004) dan Abuddin Nata (2002) disimpulkan bahwa Pendekatan fenomenologi bertujuan mengukuhkan pengetahuan berbagai ekspresi fenomena. Fenomenologi makna dari suatu peristiwa dan interaksi yang dikontruksi oleh subyek yang diteliti. Model-model yang digunakan sosiolog dalam memahami ataupun menjelaskan fenomena yang terjadi dalam masyarakat, Seperti fenomena yang menjadi fokus dalam penelitian ini dan metodologi grounded theory sangat tepat untuk melakukan penelitian dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Tanpa ilmu sosial peristiwa-peristiwa tersebut sulit dijelaskan dan sulit pula dipahami maksudnya sosiologi sebagai salah satu alat dalam memahami ajaran agama. Reviewer tidak sependapat dengan pendekatan yang dilakukan oleh penulis dengan pendekatan sosioekonomi-historis berdasarkan topik umum penelitian dari penulis yang mengutip pendapat dari Taufik Abdullah (1987), Louis Gottschalk (1983) dan Dudung (1999) disimpulkan bahwa segala peristiwa dapat dilacak dengan melihat kapan peristiwa itu terjadi, Penyusunan kesaksian yang dapat dipercaya itu menjadi suatu kisah atau penyajian yang berarti lebih mengutamakan orientasi pemahaman atau penafsiran terhadap fakta sejarah. Sumber-sumber yang diperoleh perlu dipertimbangkan apakah termasuk sumber primer atau sumber skunder. Sumberdata yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini bersumber dari data sekunder yang diperoleh dari buku, majalah, internet dan dokumentasi lain yang berkenaan dengan kajian permasalahan dan tulisan ini. Penulisan ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan library riset. Kata Kunci: Sistem, Moneter, Perbankan.
Gulali Books, 2021
Allah swt. tetap menjaga cahaya keislaman, hingga saat ini ilmu pengetahuan tetap terjaga. Bahkan ilmu itu terwariskan kepada penerus umat Islam. Dimana muncul tokoh-tokoh hebat yang meneruskan obor semangat juang keilmuan Islam. Seperti tokoh yang akan di bahas dalam buku ini, mereka adalah cahaya baru dari dunia Islam yang memberikan kontribusi besar bagi umat, khususnya dalam ilmu ekonomi. Maka dari itu mengenal mereka adalah hal terbaik bagi umat Islam untuk mengetahui khazanah ilmu ekonomi yang sesuai dengan nilai Islam yang sempurna.
La_Riba, 2009
We study ínancial system stability by concern on liquidity and eìectiveness money multipler between dual banking system, both are; Shari'a Banking and Conventional Banking. Research begun with historical-idealty approach and compare it to reality especially when system attacked by crisis. Dze Comparation Between dual banking system, show that when crisis period Shari'a banking more Insusceptible than another one that because money multipler in shari'a banking is more deducated to riil sector and also he have low integrity with global economic, however the integrity has the positif side for develop economic quantity. By Monetary policy, A central bank can share this system stability adding quantity oì Shari'a ínancial instrumen and gold in foreign exchange policy to cover system sustebcibility. Looked into inìectiveneess banking rekapitalitation, there is 2 option to protect conventional banking stability: oïce channeling or convertion to shari'a banking. And the segmentation liquidity in money market between bank can be decreas by clearing system based on shari'a principle.
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Stosunki Międzynarodowe – International Relations 2024, 4:3, 2024
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