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This presentation for my students of Fundamentals of Economics at University of Economics and Human Sciences (UEHS) at Warsaw, Poland.
Chap 1 Marketing is the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return Deal with customers, satisfying customers' needs Attract new customers by promising superior value Keep and grow current customers by delivering satisfaction
Jahrbuch StadtRegion, 2019
Housing is one of the most regulated policy areas in Germany and a highly controversial political field in Berlin. Against a backdrop of significant growth-whether population figures, tourism, or rising rents-we scrutinize recent efforts of municipal authorities in Berlin to tackle the 'new housing question'. On a theoretical level we argue that the housing market is made, and the interesting questions centre on this process of making as the object of study. Performativity theory (Butler 1997) provides a way of seeing the housing market, a language to describe the interaction between planning rules and their lived expression as practised and produced via the roles of different actors. Our case study is the development and implementation of a regulatory planning instrument 'Koop-erative Baulandentwicklung' introduced in Berlin in 2014. Commonly known as 'developer contributions' the instrument requires developers to pay for the physical and social infrastructure needed for a new development, in addition prescribing 30 % social housing. Drawing on expert interviews with actors involved in implementing the planning tool in Berlin, we use performativity theory to discuss the "role-playing" of politicians, lawyers, planners and administration employees, who produce the instrument through everyday performances. While developer contributions only work within a cycle of economic growth and cannot provide a cardinal solution to the Housing Question, dynamic and subtle role-playing has meant that the Berlin housing market is a more regulated space since 2014. Our paper is not only a local story, but also one of wider political relevance-indicating what it takes to tighten the regulatory screws.
Bridget Nicholls, 2019
This study explores the relationship between animal cruelty investigation work and the legal terrain. Specifically, I analyze how Ontario’s animal cruelty investigation officers understand and navigate the legal requirements of their work. A convenience sample of eight animal cruelty investigation officers participated in this study. The data was viewed through an interspecies solidarity and gendered labour process lens. The results show that there are significant structural and interpersonal constraints, particularly mixed levels of support from the Crown Attorneys and veterinarians. At the same time, the officers exercise their agency to try and improve the efficacy of animal cruelty enforcement and prosecution. Overall, the structural constraints and the exercise of agency are both central to the officers’ daily labour. This study grounds the findings in solutions and proposes ways to strengthen anti-cruelty work.
"The Hermeneutical Aspects of Intentionality"
A hermeneutic understanding of the conflict of interpretations offers profound help in solving conflict situations by inquiring into the nature of the conflict and assisting the involved parties in understanding their often incompatible perspectives. The idea of hermeneutic hospitality is key here: the call to an unconditional welcoming of the strange and unexpected (hostis). Facing the European crisis of migrants/refugees, we would like to elaborate on a vision for environmental
Tras aquel día, la Topografía inTelecTualsufrió un cambio brusco.siaprincipiosdel sigloseadorabaabergson (los rizos de su peloeranverdaderas reliquias),alfinal de la cenTuria eseespacio fue ocupado por el cerebrodeeinsTein conservado en formol
Relational Being: Beyond Self and Community, by Kenneth J. Gergen, is a major work of scholarship in social psychology. It has a lot to offer the field of social action through music (SATM), despite saying nothing about it directly. In this essay, I'm going to put the two together.
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2021
Voices of Democracy. Democracia de voces, 2024
Journal of Food Engineering, 2004
Lung Cancer, 2012
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2011
Thermochimica Acta, 1996
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2018