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2024, El arte de traducir a Plutarco en España. El caso de Moralia
2 pages
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Este coloquio es el primer encuentro científico previsto en el programa "Translatio-La traducción de los clásicos y las letras españolas en la Edad Moderna". Translatio se propone construir una historia de la traducción como parte esencial de la historia de la literatura en la España moderna, enfocando el caso de los "clásicos", es decir de los textos griegos, latinos, italianos, franceses (y ocasionalmente en otras lenguas) tenidos por importantes e imitables cuyas versiones castellanas se incorporaron al patrimonio literario español.
Traduire à la Renaissance. Expérimentation stylistique et rénovation des lettres espagnoles (1534-1589), 2022
(Campus de Guajara, 4-9 Jul 2022)
Diablotexto Digital, 2021
Las décadas centrales del siglo XVI tuvieron en el proceso histórico de la literatura en lengua española un papel fundacional. Entre 1543 y 1559, se sitúan, por ejemplo, la primera impresión de las Obras de Boscán y algunas de Garcilaso de la Vega, el Cancionero de romances del impresor flamenco Martín Nucio, la Vida del Lazarillo de Tormes, la Diana de Jorge de Montemayor. Con estas publicaciones inician su curso nada menos que la poesía italianizante y el omnipresente romance, la picaresca y la novela pastoril. Las cuatro obras tienen en común, en su concepción como textos y su producción como libros, una fecundación del fondo castellano por un aporte extranjero: catalán e italiano, flamenco, portugués, latino o griego. Son frutos de una cultura plurilingüe alentada por la movilidad de la corte y la inestabilidad política y religiosa. Por ello, no sorprende que coincidan con un florecimiento de la traducción que puede medirse no solo en el número de traducciones (del griego, del l...
Revista de Literatura Medieval, 24, 2012
The term “bioinspiration” defines a creative approach based on the observation of biological principles and transfer to design. Biomimicry is the recent approach, which describes a large field of scientific and technical activities dealing with an interdisciplinary cooperation between biology and other fields with the goal of solving practical problems addressing innovation or sustainable development. Architecture has been influenced by many aspects of natural and social sciences, among these, biology is currently blending into design activities. Bioinspiration has evolved and shifted architectural practices towards numerous innovative approaches through different bioarchitectural movements from the past until the present. However, there is a blur of biomimicry within bioinspiration in architecture between the direct copy of mere natural forms and the true understanding of biological principles, which is the pivot of sustainable development. The main challenge remains in the gap bet...
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2024
The employment of the maritime medium by Southern Levantine societies is examined here through its engagement with coastline facilitation and the building of artificial harbors where natural bays are insufficient or non-existent. The development and availability of technologies and methods are surveyed and analyzed vis-à-vis local choices made to adopt or to reject mediating tools such as jetties, quays, and seawalls. The article discusses technological and conceptual innovations against the background of long-term practices, essentially in favor of natural features. Despite the early adoption of emerging technologies by such exemplars as Iron Age Atlit, Hellenistic Akko-Ptolemaïs, or Roman Caesarea, the rest of the Southern Levant did not join in, and Caesarea, Akko-Ptolemaïs, and Atlit fell short of maintaining their facilities in the long term. The solution for ships was found instead in natural anchorages and, much more dominantly, in the beaching of smaller vessels and offshore anchoring of larger ones. Keywords: Southern Levant; ancient harbors; technology; function; functionality.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2011
O presente artigo constitui uma abordagem descritiva, numa perspectiva longitudinal (cronológica), sobre a Psicologia da Educação. É desenvolvido em três etapas: o crescimento, a exploração e o estabelecimento, ao longo das quais se procura ressaltar períodos/acontecimentos historicamente críticos para o desenvolvimento e afirmação desta ciência; procura-se igualmente assinalar progressos recentes e perspectivas futuras por aprofundamento epistemológico, nomeadamente ao nível do papel a desempenhar na promoção do bem-estar humano.
Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia, 2017
Scientific Reports
Wojna 1920 i początek XX wieku , 2024
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2024
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Smart Cities, 2020
International journal of molecular sciences, 2013
Sensory Warfare in the Global Cold War. Partition, Propaganda, Covert Operations , 2024
Hemodialysis International, 2003
Revista de Administração de Empresas, 1984
IEEE Photonics Journal, 2019
Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia, 2015
Revista Dialectus, 2023
Journal of Archaeological Science, 2024
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 2018
Physical review fluids, 2018
The Open Atmospheric Science Journal, 2010