The Journal of Nutrition
Supplement: b-Carotene As an Important Vitamin A Source for Humans
b-Carotene Is an Important Vitamin A Source
for Humans1–3
Tilman Grune,4 Georg Lietz,6 Andreu Palou,7 A. Catharine Ross,8 Wilhelm Stahl,9 Guangweng Tang,10
David Thurnham,11 Shi-an Yin,5 and Hans K. Biesalski4*
Institute of Biological Chemistry and Nutrition, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart 70593, Germany; 5National Institute for Nutrition
and Food Safety, Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Bejing, 100050 China; 6School of Agriculture, Food and Rural
Development, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, UK; 7Universidad de las Islas Baleares and CIBER de
Fisiopatologı́a de la Obesidad y Nutrición, Palma de Mallorca 07112, Spain; 8Department of Nutritional Sciences, Pennsylvania State
University, University Park, PA 16802; 9Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf 40001,
Germany; 10USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University,
Boston, MA 02111; and 11Northern Ireland Centre for Food and Health, University of Ulster, Coleraine BT51 4LA, Co. Londonderry, UK
Experts in the field of carotenoids met at the Hohenheim consensus conference in July 2009 to elucidate the current status of
b-carotene research and to summarize the current knowledge with respect to the chemical properties, physiological function,
and intake of b-carotene. The experts discussed 17 questions and reached an agreement formulated in a consensus answer in
each case. These consensus answers are based on published valid data, which were carefully reviewed by the individual
experts and are justified here by background statements. Ascertaining the impact of b-carotene on the total dietary intake of
vitamin A is complicated, because the efficiency of conversion of b-carotene to retinol is not a single ratio and different
conversion factors have been used in various surveys and following governmental recommendations within different countries.
However, a role of b-carotene in fulfilling the recommended intake for vitamin A is apparent from a variety of studies. Thus,
besides elucidating the various functions, distribution, and uptake of b-carotene, the consensus conference placed special
emphasis on the provitamin A function of b-carotene and the role of b-carotene in the realization of the required/recommended
total vitamin A intake in both developed and developing countries. There was consensus that b-carotene is a safe source of
vitamin A and that the provitamin A function of b-carotene contributes to vitamin A intake. J. Nutr. 140: 2268S–2285S, 2010.
Based on the Chemical Data, What Is
the Major Function of b-Carotene in
the Human Diet?
Based on chemical data, the major function of b-carotene is as
an optimal, naturally occurring, provitamin A. b-Carotene is
structurally and functionally different from other carotenoids.
Published in a supplement to The Journal of Nutrition. Presented at the
Hohenheim Consensus Conference “Beta-Carotene as an Important Vitamin A
Source for Humans,” held in Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany, July 11, 2009. The
conference was organized by the Institute of Biological Chemistry and Nutrition,
University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, and was cosponsored by DSM Nutritional
Products Ltd., Basel, Switzerland. The supplement contents are solely the
responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of
DSM Nutritional Products Ltd. The supplement coordinators for this supplement
are Hans Konrad Biesalski and Jana Tinz, Institute of Biological Chemistry and
Nutrition, University of Hohenheim. Supplement Coordinator disclosures: Hans
Biesalski and Jana Tinz declare no conflicts of interest. Supplement Guest Editor
disclosure: Jesse Gregory declares no conflict of interest. Publication costs for this
supplement were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This
publication must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with
18 USC section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. The opinions expressed in this
publication are those of the authors and are not attributable to the sponsors or the
publisher, editor, or editorial board of The Journal of Nutrition.
There is no difference between naturally occurring or chemically
synthesized b-carotene.
Furthermore, b-carotene can also act as a lipid radical scavenger
and as a singlet oxygen quencher, as demonstrated in vitro.
Is There Scientific Evidence That Isolated
b-Carotene Is Deleterious While Natural
Food-Derived b-Carotene Is Not?
No, when comparing food-derived all-trans-b-carotene with
synthetic all-trans-b-carotene, there is no evidence that the latter
is deleterious.
Structure of b-carotene. b-Carotene (b,b-carotene) is the most
prominent member of the group of carotenoids, natural color2
The meeting was supported by DSM, Switzerland. DSM employees had no
access to the questions and were not involved in either the consensus meeting
or the formulation of the final text.
Author disclosures: T. Grune, G. Lietz, A. Palou, A. C. Ross, W. Stahl, G. Tang,
D. Thurnham, S-a. Yin, and H. K. Biesalski, no conflicts of interest.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
[email protected].
ã 2010 American Society for Nutrition.
First published online October 27, 2010; doi:10.3945/jn.109.119024.
ants that occur in the human diet (1). As a tetraterpenoid it
consists of 40 carbon atoms in a core structure of conjugated
double bonds substituted with 2 b-ionone rings. Due to its
extended system of 9 fully conjugated double bonds, b-carotene
shows a major absorption peak in the visible spectrum with a
maximum at ~450 nm, responsible for the orange to red color
of the compound (2). In biological systems, the predominant
isomer is all-trans b-carotene (E-isomer). However, cis-isomers
have been found in living organisms and food samples (3,4);
among them are 9-cis-, 13-cis-, and 15-cis-b-carotene (Z-isomers),
in addition to several di- and poly-cis analogs.
b-Carotene structure and vitamin A activity. All-transb-carotene is the most suitable and important precursor for
vitamin A (5). This is primarily due to its symmetrical structure,
because all-trans-b-carotene is the only carotenoid capable of
yielding 2 molecules of all-trans-retinal upon oxidative cleavage of
the central 15,15´ carbon-carbon bond, which is catalyzed by the
b-carotene monooxygenase. There is evidence from in vitro studies that other geometrical isomers are less efficiently cleaved (6).
All-trans retinoic acid is synthesized enzymatically from alltrans retinal and binds as a ligand to the retinoic acid receptor
family involved in the regulation of transcription (7). 9-cisretinoic acid binds to both retinoic acid receptor and retinoic
acid-X receptors, although it has not yet been proven that it
is the natural ligand of the retinoic acid-X receptors (8,9).
Inadequate levels of this regulatory molecule are likely to disturb
important cellular signaling pathways. Therefore, retinoic acid
homeostasis requires tight regulation via control of retinoic acid
synthesis and catabolism. Thus, the fate of the 9-cis-b-carotene
geometrical isomers is of considerable interest, because studies
with rats and other species have provided evidence that 9-cisb-carotene is an isomeric precursor of 9-cis retinal or 9-cis
retinoic acid. However, the cleavage rates are distinctly lower
than with the all-trans form (6,10,11). Furthermore, 9-cisb-carotene is not found in human plasma even when the isomer
is consumed in considerable amounts (12). It might be speculated that the organism takes advantage of the structure of
all-trans-b-carotene and already controls the formation of ultimately active compounds at the precursor level. In the case of
retinoids, the symmetric all-trans-b-carotene is apparently an
optimal structure. Formation of all-trans- or 9-cis- retinoic acid
can be triggered at the level of cleavage, oxidation, and isomerization, providing optimal tools for fine tuning.
Antioxidant activity. For structural reasons and based on
experimental data, b-carotene has been designated an antioxidant (1,5,13,14). However, this has been challenged and even
prooxidant properties have been assigned to the compound, at
least in vitro (14–19). There are numerous in vitro data both
demonstrating and disputing antioxidant properties of the compound (19). Based on the analyses of biomarkers for oxidative
damage (e.g. malondialdehyde, isoprostanes, 8-oxo-guanosine),
antioxidant properties of b-carotene have also been studied in
humans, although with conflicting results (20–22).
Singlet oxygen quenching. Due to the core system of conjugated carbon-carbon bonds, b-carotene is an efficient singlet
oxygen quencher and prevents the formation of singlet oxygen by
quenching excited triplet sensitizers (23).
Most carotenoids with 9 or more conjugated double bonds,
including lutein and zeaxanthin, are comparably efficient quenchers
of singlet oxygen, with reaction rate constants in homogenous
systems of 5–10 3 109 mol21 sec21. Such rate constants are close to
diffusion control and thus cannot be improved further (24). In the
light-harvesting system of plants, carotenoids prevent photooxidative damage by inhibiting singlet oxygen generation (23). A key
question addresses the point of whether such antioxidant processes
attributable to b-carotene are important in humans. Studies with
patients suffering from erythropoietic protoporphyria support the
idea that b-carotene quenches excited molecules (25,26). Due to a
genetic defect, nonphysiologically high levels of the photosensitizer
protoporphyrin IX circulate in the organism, generating singlet
oxygen in light-exposed tissues. Symptoms are ameliorated by supplementation with high doses of b-carotene (27). It is not known if
this mechanism of singlet oxygen generation is relevant in healthy
Direct photosensitizing occurs only in the eye or the skin and
requires the presence of sensitizing molecules. It has been proposed that such reaction sequences play a major role in the
pathogenesis of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.
The major carotenoids of the macula lutea are lutein, zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin; b-carotene is not present in this
tissue (28). The concentration of b-carotene in the lens is low
compared with other carotenoids (i.e. lutein and zeaxanthin) or
antioxidants such as hydrophilic ascorbate and glutathione,
indicating that b-carotene is of limited importance as a direct
photoprotective carotenoid in the eye (29).
b-Carotene is a major carotenoid in skin and is enriched in
this tissue upon supplementation (30). Human intervention
studies show moderate UV protective effects of b-carotene in
the skin (31,32). In most of these studies, an elevated intake
of b-carotene partially ameliorated sunburn or UV-induced
erythema (erythema solare), the primary reaction of the skin
following UV exposure. Whether this was dependent upon primary protection against photooxidation (singlet oxygen quenching), antioxidant activity against secondary reactive oxygen
species, or interference with inflammatory signaling pathways is
not known.
The efficacy of b-carotene in systemic photo-protection
depends on both the duration of treatment and the dose given.
In studies documenting protection against UV-induced erythema,
supplementation with carotenoids lasted for at least 7 wk, with
doses . 12 mg/d of carotenoids (33–36). In studies reporting no
protective effects, the treatment period was only 3–4 wk (37).
Several light-independent mechanisms for the generation of
singlet oxygen in biological systems have been proposed (38).
Excited singlet oxygen can be formed when hypochlorite reacts
with hydrogen peroxide. Both substances are products of preceding enzymatic processes (myeloperoxidase, catalase) related to
oxidative burst (39). Singlet oxygen may also be generated upon
spontaneous dismutation of superoxide. Furthermore, peroxyradicals, e.g. formed following lipid peroxidation, may decompose
releasing singlet oxygen according to the Russell mechanism (40).
It is not yet known if significant amounts of singlet oxygen are
produced via such reaction sequences in non-light–exposed tissues.
Radical scavenging. Under conditions of oxidative stress,
radicals and nonradical reactive species are generated (41). Lipid
peroxidation is a continuous chain reaction in membranes,
affecting PUFA, which finally destroys lipophilic compartments
if not inhibited by a radical scavenger. In addition to vitamin E,
b-carotene has been postulated to be an important chainbreaking antioxidant, scavenging lipid oxide and lipid peroxide
radicals (5).
The basic chemistry of a b-carotene-radical interaction is still
not well understood (1). Radical scavenging processes involve
the donation of a hydrogen atom or an electron, which leads to
b-Carotene is an important vitamin A source
the formation of a carotenoid radical (Car×) or a carotenoid radical
cation (Car+×). Upon electron acceptance, the carotenoid radical
anion is formed (Car2×). All these species are thought to be stabilized via electron delocalization over the entire system of double
bonds (5,42–44). However, b-carotene rapidly decomposes when
exposed to radicals in further reaction sequences. Thus, the compound is consumed and cannot be regenerated. Reactions with
radical intermediates of lipid peroxidation are likely to lead to the
formation of carotenoid radical adducts according to:
Car þ LOO×/LOO-Car×
In a second scavenging process, a further lipid radical may be
added to form a neutral molecule:
LOO-Car: þ LOO / LOO:-Car-OOL
Again, the radical is scavenged, but b-carotene is chemically
modified and cannot be regenerated (45).
The prooxidant properties of b-carotene especially have been
investigated in the context of lipid peroxidation (15–18,42).
Several in vitro studies showed that, under conditions of high
oxygen tension, prooxidant activities can be measured. Increased markers of lipid peroxidation (e.g. malondialdehyde)
were measured following exposure of b-carotene to oxidizing
conditions in high levels of oxygen. Reactions of the first carotenoid radical adduct with molecular oxygen are thought to be
responsible for prooxidant properties under these conditions. A
carotenoid peroxylradical is generated according to:
In particular, b-carotene has been prescribed and used against
photosensitivity in erythropoietic protoporphyria, but its beneficial potential in normal skin remains uncertain (27,46). After
~10–12 wk of dietary intervention, a decrease in the sensitivity
toward UV-induced erythema was observed in volunteers and a
number of experimental studies have indicated protective effects
of b-carotene against acute and chronic manifestations of skin
photodamage, but there is a lack of controlled clinical studies
demonstrating its beneficial effects (15,47,48).
A role for vitamin A in regulating adipose tissue size and
function has been proposed following studies in rodents in
which thermogenic capacity was increased by b-carotene and
retinoic acid (49–52). However, conflicting results recently have
been obtained in ferrets in which mechanisms apparently
distinctive to vitamin A may operate, possibly related to the
fact that this animal model has a limited intestinal cleavage of
b-carotene compared with rodents (53). On the other hand,
b-carotene-monooxygenase-1 (BCMO1)12 activity has been
found in many mammalian tissues, including adipose tissue.
BCMO12/2 knockout mice develop various signs of adiposity,
i.e. high levels of triglycerides and fatty acids, an increased
adipose tissue mass, and liver steatosis. This phenotype was
shown to be independent of the vitamin A content in the diet,
suggesting a specific role of BCMO1 and potentially extending
the function of carotenoids as regulators of lipid metabolism
(54). However, the potential role of b-carotene in controlling
thermogenesis and/or adipose tissue depot size and function has
not been explored in controlled human studies.
LOO-Car: þ O2 /LOO-Car-OO:
Possible prooxidant reactions involve the abstraction of a
hydrogen atom from an unsaturated fatty acid, resulting in
propagation of lipid peroxidation. Carotenoid epoxides and
cyclic peroxides may be produced, the latter decomposing upon
cleavage of the carotenoid molecule. Oxidative cleavage products, such as apo-carotenals, retain the structure of biologically
active signaling molecules (e.g. retinoic acid) and may interfere
with or trigger signaling pathways.
Conclusion. Due to its unique structure and cleavage efficacy,
b-carotene is the most efficient provitamin A carotenoid. As an
antioxidant, the compound quenches singlet molecular oxygen
and scavenges reactive oxygen species, especially peroxyl radicals. Singlet oxygen quenching is likely to be restricted to the skin
as the only light-exposed tissue that contains higher levels of
b-carotene; other carotenoids demonstrate similar activity. Upon
radical scavenging, b-carotene decomposes and cannot be regenerated. Thus, it is suggested that the major function of b-carotene
in human nutrition is that of a provitamin A.
Are There Specific Non-Vitamin A–Related
Effects in Humans?
Based on in vitro data, there is evidence that b-carotene has effects
that go beyond the established provitamin A function. However,
such effects have not yet been unequivocally proven in humans.
The physiological relevance of effects such as protection against
photosensitivity and UV-induced erythema has not yet been
clearly proven in humans.
Are There Special Effects of b-Carotene
Compared with Other Carotenoids?
Compared with other carotenoids, the primary role of b-carotene
is its provitamin A activity.
Provitamin A activity is the main function of b-carotene known
in humans. The uniqueness of b-carotene is that, compared with
other carotenoids, it has a b-ionone structure as the terminal
ring system on each end of the polyene chain, and its central
oxidative cleavage in the intestine allows for its conversion to
2 molecules of vitamin A in a physiologically regulated manner.
The oxidative cleavage of b-carotene, the major carotenoid of
human diets, is achieved by BCMO1, which cleaves b-carotene
into 2 molecules of all-trans-retinal (retinal-aldehyde). This is
the first step in the pathway for the biosynthesis of vitamin A
(all-trans-retinol and retinyl esters) (55,56).
Approximately 50 of the naturally occurring carotenoids
(containing at least 1 unsubstituted b-ionone ring and a polyene
chain) can potentially yield vitamin A and are thus referred to as
provitamin A carotenoids (57). However, the different carotenoids, although similar in structure, could well have quite
different activities at the cellular level and the specific products
Abbreviations used: AN, anorexia nervosa; AR, average requirement; BCMO1,
b-carotene-monooxygenase-1 or b-carotene-15,15’-monooxygenase; DACH,
reference intake values of Germany-Austria-Switzerland; IOM, Institute of
Medicine; LRNI, lower reference nutrient intake; NDNS, National Diet and
Nutrition Survey (UK); NVS, German National Nutrition Survey; P95, 95th
percentile; RAE, retinol activity equivalent; RBP, retinol binding protein; RDA,
recommended daily allowance; RDI, recommended dietary intake; RE, retinol
equivalent; RNI, recommended nutrient intake; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism; SPE, sucrose polyester; UL, upper level.
of their metabolism vary depending on the particular carotenoid. It should be mentioned that of the 50 carotenoids present
in the human diet, only 5 or 6 are detectable in human plasma
(a- and b-carotene, b-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin). Only a- and b-carotene and b-cryptoxanthin have provitamin A activity. Therefore, the importance of the others for
human nutrition is rather limited. Numerous studies have shown
that a substantial amount of the absorbed carotenoids are not
cleaved by the intestinal BCMO1 enzyme. A proportion of the
carotenoids (up to 60% of dietary intake) that escape BCMO1
enzyme activity are incorporated in chylomicrons together with
lipids and circulate in association with VLDL, LDL, and HDL
and hence can be taken up by the respective receptors for these
lipoproteins (58). Interestingly, the recent demonstration that the
responsible b-carotene–cleaving enzyme BCMO1 is also present
in tissues other than intestine opens new questions concerning the
tissue-specific function of this enzyme and the physiological potential of vitamin A production in tissues other than intestine,
including the retinal pigment epithelial cells or other specific targets for b-carotene [reviewed in (59)].
Vitamin A is important for many functions in the human
body; in particular, it is essential for normal growth and
development, immune function, and vision. Preformed vitamin
A is present only in animal products (e.g. liver, eggs, and milk
products); thus, in countries where the intake of animal products
is low, vitamin A requirements are mostly met by carotenoids
(i.e. by 80% or more in Asia and Africa). During pregnancy and
lactation, vitamin A has a particularly important role in the
healthy development of the child, and an increase in vitamin
A intake has been recommended. However, it is currently
recommended that women who are planning to become pregnant or who are pregnant should not consume cooked animal
liver or other organ meats that are rich sources of vitamin A.
Because current dietary intake may exceed the tolerable upper
intake levels (UL), careful consideration should be given to the
appropriateness of enrichment of human foods with preformed
vitamin A (60). The UL for preformed vitamin A (retinol and
retinyl esters) has been set at 3000 mg retinol equivalents (RE)/d.
However, in addressing the possible risk of bone fracture in
postmenopausal women, who are at greater risk of osteoporosis
and fracture, restricting intake to 1500 mg RE/d of preformed
vitamin A has been recommended (60,61). The toxicity of
pharmacological doses of vitamin A does not occur with the
intake of high doses of b-carotene; the cleavage of b-carotene is
regulated through feedback mechanisms; therefore, only the
required amount is metabolized to retinol (60). All in all, it can be
recommended that a proportion of vitamin A dietary requirements should be consumed in the form of b-carotene. Determining the optimal proportions of provitamin A and preformed
vitamin A is currently not possible, but any proposal has to take
into account the narrow margin between the population reference intake of vitamin A and adverse effects associated with
preformed vitamin A. In addition, possible adverse effects of
b-carotene have to be taken into account (60,61).
The recent demonstration that BCMO1 is also present in
tissues other than the intestine led to numerous investigations of
the molecular structure and function of this enzyme in several
species, including humans (59). For example, retinal pigment
epithelial cells were shown to contain BCMO1 and to be able to
cleave b-carotene into retinal in vitro, indicating a new pathway
for vitamin A production in a tissue other than the intestine and
possibly explaining the milder vitamin A deficiency symptoms of
2 human siblings lacking the retinol-binding protein for the
transport of hepatic vitamin A to target tissues [reviewed in (59)].
Intake of total RE and b-carotene depending on
the diet1
Total RE
Total RE
The conversion ratio mentioned here is referring to a mg:mg conversion, not to a
mol:mol. Conversion factors for dietary b-carotene to vitamin A have changed over
time and have not always been the same in different studies and surveys.
What Is the Maximum b-Carotene Uptake
Achieved via Diet (Fruit and Vegetables)?
Dietary b-carotene intake varies widely and is not normally
distributed in the population. The majority of people consume
1–2 mg/d (reported for the USA and the UK), although, in rare
cases, an intake of 10 mg/d has been reported.
b-Carotene intake helps to balance inadequate retinol supply in
significant parts of the world. The highest intake of provitamin
A is achieved in vegans and vegetarians (62). Based on calculated
RE and using a conversion factor of 6:1, the equivalent intake of
b-carotene would be as shown in Table 1. These data show that
high provitamin A intake is possible under certain conditions,
but the data also show that the intake of preformed vitamin A is
sometimes critically low and does not reach the recommended
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) dietary reference intake
report states that a strict vegetarian can obtain his or her recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin A from b-carotene
in foods by carefully selecting his or her diet (61).
Mean daily intake of total vitamin A and carotenoids in
Germany was determined in the NVS (1985–1988) on food and
nutrient intake (63). Based on these data, 15% of 10- to 25-y
olds do not meet the recommendations for total vitamin A
intake. However, according to this survey, recommended vitamin A intake levels will be met by ,25% of the population
(depending on age group) by preformed vitamin A only, thus
demonstrating the importance of provitamin A in ensuring
adequate vitamin A intake levels. Daily vitamin A intake is
particularly insufficient in children and adolescents when the
recommended intake of b-carotene is not being met. The
German National Nutrition Survey (Nationale Verzehrsstudie;
NVS) II showed different results from the first. Based on the
calculation of RE, the NVS showed that ~33% of vitamin A
comes from preformed retinol (meat, meat products, dairy products, fat); 48% from b-carotene sources, such as vegetables,
vegetable soups, and nonalcoholic beverages; and 19% from
mixed carotenoids. These sources contribute to a total of 1.7 mg/d
Recommendations for populations may be greater than, and are typically set
to exceed, an individual’s actual physiological requirements. A margin of safety is
added to the estimated physiological requirement to ensure that the recommended amount will provide an adequate intake of the nutrient for essentially the
entire population. In discussing the requirement for b-carotene, we have focused
on meeting the recommendations or reference values that have been stated in
different terms as NRI, RDA, dietary reference intakes, AR, etc., in different
countries and at different times.
b-Carotene is an important vitamin A source
RE (median). If 48% of RE comes from b-carotene, the mean
intake of 4.5 mg/d of b-carotene can be calculated based on the
conversion factor for RE to b-carotene (6:1) as used in the NVS
II. This, however, is in strong contrast to other studies from
Germany and Europe showing a mean intake of 1.5–1.8 mg/d
b-carotene (64). If the data are taken as realistic, ~15% of the
female survey participants and 10.3% of male participants do
not meet the recommendations for total vitamin A intake.
Compared with other countries, b-carotene intake in Germany
is not higher than, e.g., in Austria (0.8–2.1 mg/d of b-carotene
from vegetables and 0.3 mg/d from fruits), Ireland (0.5 mg/d), or
Spain (0.3 mg/d) (62).
Food intake in Spain was investigated using a 24-h recall
questionnaire employing photographic food models to estimate
portion sizes. The survey included 4728 males and 5480 females
aged 25–60 y, and the prevalence of inadequate vitamin A intake
[less than two-thirds the recommended dietary intake (RDI) of
vitamin A based on RE] was 60.5% in men and 48.5% in
women (65). The major reason for these findings seems to be the
unexpectedly low intake of preformed vitamin A (mean levels of
293 mg/d in men and 276 mg/d in women). Mean b-carotene
intake was 1.7 mg/d in men and 2 mg/d in women.
A nutrition survey in the UK comprising a 7-d weighed intake
dietary record of 1724 respondents showed a vitamin A intake
below the lower reference nutrient intake (LRNI) in 16% of men
and 30% of women aged 19–34 y (66). The LRNI is the amount
of a nutrient that is sufficient for only a small proportion of the
population (2.5%). The vast majority of the population, therefore, has much greater requirements. It is particularly significant
to note that, based on the results of the above-mentioned survey,
30% of women of child-bearing age do not achieve an adequate
vitamin A intake; such a low intake may adversely affect fetal
development in pregnancy.
In addition to recommended and actual daily intake of
vitamin A, the potential risks of excessive intake (hypervitaminosis A) must be addressed. The question arises as to whether
Western populations with a wide variety of sources of vitamin A,
or developing countries with a higher intake of fortified food, are
at greater risk. Based on national surveys (e.g. the NVS), it
appears that these concerns may be justified. However, vitamin
A intake is calculated from RE from all sources of vitamin A and
provitamin A based on a conversion rate of 6:1, resulting in an
apparently high overall intake. If, however, intake is calculated
purely on the basis of preformed vitamin A, derived from liver,
liver products, or eggs, e.g., it becomes clear that the intake is
rather low. Recently, vitamin A intake from food, fortified food,
and supplements was estimated in 9 European countries (67).
Total intakes of retinol in adults vary considerably between
countries, mainly due to different intakes from base diet and
supplements. However, 95th percentile (P95) intake does not
exceed the UL. For 4- to 10-y-old children (but not in 11- to 17y-old children), P95 of total intake approaches or exceeds the UL
in Poland due to high intakes from the base diet. The limited
available data on intake from fortified foods indicate that intake
of retinol from voluntarily fortified foods is low and has little
effect on the P95 intake of total diet. It should be noted that
foods that are (semi) mandatorily fortified with retinol, e.g.,
margarine and fat spreads, were included in the base diet data.
A study performed in children in Zambia, where sugar was
fortified, demonstrated that vitamin A status improved, but
intake levels did not exceed the UL (68). In Western populations,
food fortification with preformed vitamin A is marginal and may
not contribute to levels exceeding the UL. Provitamin A intake is
,3 mg/d in most European countries and consequently does not
significantly contribute to intake levels approaching the UL for
retinol, even if based on a cleavage ratio of 6:1.
Is There a Proportion of Dietary
Provitamin A To Be Recommended That
Will Ensure a Sufficient Vitamin A Supply?
The number of people at risk for poor vitamin A status depends
on the intake of total vitamin A, which is defined as preformed
vitamin plus provitamin A.
Based on numerous studies, it is evident that parts of the
world’s population do not meet the recommendation for vitamin
A intake with dietary sources of preformed vitamin A. To fill the
gap between the low intake from sources containing preformed
vitamin A, adequate amounts of provitamin A must additionally
be supplied. In Germany, 2–4 mg/d of b-carotene is recommended. However, if the intake of preformed vitamin A is low, at
least 6 mg/d of b-carotene should be consumed (69).
Provitamin A is a major source of vitamin A. Based on the intake
data as discussed above, it is suggested that, if the intake of
provitamin A falls below 2 mg/d (equivalent to 0.3 mg RE), the
gap between the inadequate vitamin A intake and the RDI of
1 mg/d cannot be bridged. This is of special importance for
pregnant women for 2 reasons: daily intake should be higher
(1.1 mg/d) due to a higher demand and the majority of women of
child-bearing age avoid eating liver as the major source for
preformed vitamin A.
Provitamin A found in the typical vegetarian diet plays an
important role in meeting vitamin A requirements, especially in
a vegan diet that excludes the consumption of meat, particularly
the visceral portions (organ meats), milk, and eggs. According to
the First NVS and the reference intake values of Germany,
Austria, and Switzerland (DACH), men obtain 25% and women
30% of their vitamin A intake from the provitamin b-carotene
According to the DACH reference values, the recommended
daily intake of vitamin A is 0.6–1.1 mg for children, between
0.8 mg and 1 mg (for pregnant women) for adults, and 1.5 mg
for breastfeeding women (70). In the US, the IOM recommends
0.3–0.4 mg/d for children aged 1–8 y and 0.6–0.9 mg/d for boys
and 0.6–0.7 mg/d for girls aged 9–18 y. The recommended daily
vitamin A intake for adult men is 0.9 mg and for women is
0.7 mg, and the RDA for pregnant women is 0.77 mg and for
lactating women is 1.3 mg (61). According to Müller (71), the
b-carotene intake of almost one-half of the German population
is ,1 mg/d whereas 64.1% have intakes less than the recommended value of 2 mg/d. The b-carotene intake of 75% of the
population is ,3 mg/d, even when nutritional supplements and
fortified foods are included. Policies to increase the bioavailability of b-carotene could include food fortification, which is of
utmost importance, because b-carotene is a major source of
vitamin A. However, b-carotene alone might not be enough to
meet the increased need for vitamin A during pregnancy and
lactation. Because vitamin A is also important for fetal lung
development and maturation, sufficient intake should be ensured during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy (72).
The best source of preformed vitamin A is liver. However, depending on animal feeding practices, liver may contain excessively high concentrations of retinyl esters. This has led the
German Federal Institute for Consumer Protection and Veteri-
nary Medicine to advise pregnant women to avoid consuming
liver, but this frequently results in an insufficient supply of
vitamin A in pregnant and breastfeeding women and they are
therefore reliant on b-carotene as a source of vitamin A (73).
However, the same institute recently claimed that the higher
requirement for vitamin A during pregnancy can be achieved
only via consumption of liver (74). The low intakes of vitamin A
and b-carotene are also of concern in young women, especially
those with multiple births, of low socioeconomic status, and
breastfeeding women. In a recent study, it was documented that
a low vitamin A intake from preformed vitamin A resulted in
low plasma retinol, low cord blood retinol levels in newborns,
and low colostrum and breast milk retinol levels in 28% of the
participants (10 of 36) (75). Based on preformed vitamin A
sources, 75% of participants did not reach the recommended
intake level for pregnant women (1.1 mg/d) and 90% did not
reach the recommended level for breastfeeding women (1.5 mg/d).
Considering carotenoid intake in terms of RE, using the accepted conversion factor of 12, 67.8% of women still do not
reach the vitamin A requirement during the breastfeeding period
As mentioned above, there are 2 main causes for this finding.
Young women, particularly those considering pregnancy, have
been repeatedly advised to avoid consumption of liver due to the
excessively high vitamin A content (73). However, following
consumption of 100 g of liver, only ~40% of its vitamin A
content is absorbed. Furthermore, the vitamin A in liver is
absorbed more slowly than from capsules, with very little
formation of retinoic acid, a formation that is tightly controlled
(76). Thus, the likelihood that critically high vitamin A levels are
reached after dietary intake of liver is minimal. The potential
teratogenic metabolite of vitamin A, retinoic acid, does not exist
in food and under normal circumstances will not be formed
beyond the physiological limit, because the metabolism of
vitamin A to retinoic acid is strictly controlled in several ways.
Even in cases of a regular high intake (e.g. liver consumption
more often than once per week), the plasma level of retinol
and, consequently, its delivery to target cells will not increase.
This is due to the controlled hepatic synthesis of retinol
binding protein (RBP). If the supply of preformed vitamin A
is low, RBP accumulates as a result of either a continued
synthesis or nondelivery to the bloodstream. This enables all
vitamin A to be immediately delivered to the target cells.
If, however, intake is high, RBP synthesis remains constant,
ensuring a constant release of vitamin A from liver stores.
This homoeostatic control can be easily determined using the
relative dose-response test. In cases of a postprandial increase
in circulating retinyl esters, delivery to target cells may occur
before the chylomicrons are taken up by the liver and stored
there (77).
However, retinyl esters entering the cells are either stored
there or metabolized to retinol, a step that is strictly controlled
by the intracellular level of retinol and cytoplasmic RBP (78).
Therefore, the warning against the consumption of normal
portions of liver (e.g. 100 g once/wk) is scientifically questionable and might cause the already low level of liver consumption
to decrease further, especially among young women. The
amount of liver consumed in Germany is ~500 g/capita/y and
for young women, liver consumption has halted almost completely (79). Nevertheless, to exclude individual uncertainties
with respect to vitamin A and pregnancy, liver should be avoided
in the first trimester of pregnancy and in cases without contraception. In the second and third trimesters, there is no risk if
liver is consumed on a regular basis.
How Much Do Fortified Food and
Food Supplements Contribute To the
Daily Supply?
According to NVS II, foods fortified with b-carotene often are
important contributors (up to 30%) to the daily supply of
vitamin A. The extent (roughly estimated as 3–12%) differs in
various countries and depends on different food sources (fortified nonalcoholic beverages, cheese, butter, etc.)
b-Carotene is used as a food colorant and for food fortification. It
can be roughly calculated that up to 5 mg of b-carotene is present
in 1 kg of either colored or fortified food. Based on data from the
Dortmund Nutritional and Anthropometric Longitudinally Designed Study and the Austrian nutrition survey, it can be calculated
that the daily intake of b-carotene from fortified food is between
0.5 and 1 mg, or 0.08 and 0.16 mg RE, respectively (80,81).
Considering the higher bioavailability of b-carotene from
dietary supplements compared with fruit and vegetables and the
purposeful addition of supplemental amounts of b-carotene to
juices and other foods, specifically those containing adequate
fats and oils, fortified foods have a potentially important role in
supplying vitamin A to the population. Studies conducted in
Germany show that b-carotene makes up 25–30% of vitamin A
intake (82). This implies that ~10% of the total vitamin A supply
comes from nonalcoholic beverages and other fortified food
(cheese, butter, etc.). This is particularly important for young
women who avoid meat and offal. Although the b-carotene in
fruit juices is an important source of vitamin A for young
women, the amounts present in food do not pose any health risk,
such as that associated with excessive intake, because the
absolute amount in drinks is small. This amount contributes only
marginally to ensure sufficient vitamin A intake. The Dortmund
Nutritional and Anthropometric Longitudinally Designed Study
examined children aged 2–15 y (80). Boys aged between 13 and
15 y had the highest average intake of 0.88 mg/d vitamin A.
Increased vitamin A intake was obtained through fortified food.
During the 1996–2000 period of the study, intake of vitamin A
from fortified food increased significantly, whereas vitamin A
intake from the basic diet remained nearly unchanged.
Based on different studies estimating mean b-carotene intake, a
range between 1.09 and 1.45 mg/d is evident (63,71,83). If fortified
foods contribute ~30% to the total vitamin A intake, they can fill
the gap between the intake of preformed vitamin A and 100%
of the RDA calculated as RE. Studies investigating the use of fortified beverages calculated the maximum amount of b-carotene
consumed by heavy users (top 5% drinking ~30 L in 4 mo or
0.245 mL/d) and reported average daily b-carotene intakes of
between 0.575 mg (France) and 0.72 mg (UK). In terms of RE, these
intake levels contribute to 96 and 120 mg/d of retinol, respectively
(even if using a conversion factor of 6:1 instead of 12:1). Indeed,
this constitutes 10% of the total vitamin A intake and is
comparable to the results of the National Nutrition Survey II (82).
The percentage of the population with mean daily intakes below
the average requirement (AR) is an estimate of the percentage
of the population with inadequate intake (61). Supplements of
either b-carotene or vitamin A considerably contribute to the
total vitamin A supply. Kiely et al. (84) evaluated the impact of
supplement use on the adequacy of micronutrient intakes and on
the risk of exceeding the upper levels (UL) in an Irish population
(662 males and 717 females aged 18–64 y) based on a 7-d food
diary. Within the supplement users, 4% of male participants
b-Carotene is an important vitamin A source
aged 51–64 y were near the UL (3000 mg RE/d). However, use of
supplements by males reduced the percentage of participants
with intakes below the AR (500 mg/d) from 20 to 5%; in female
users, the percentage of participants with intakes below the AR
(400 mg/d) was reduced from 18 to 14%. Within the group of
participants who never used supplements, 23 and 21% had daily
intakes below the AR (males and females, respectively). In these
cases, fortified food might play an important role in ensuring
sufficient supply. In a second study, the authors documented the
nutritional profile of the participants (85). The main contributors of total vitamin A to the diet of the total participant
population were vegetables and vegetable dishes (30.7%), milk
and yoghurt (14.2%), and meat and meat products (11.5%). A
total of 4.5% of males and 3.8% of females were below the
lowest threshold intake (300 and 250 mg/d, in males and
females, respectively). The lowest threshold intake is the intake
level below which nearly all individuals will be unable to
maintain metabolic integrity (86).
Based on Nutrition Surveys, Is It
Possible To Ensure 100% of the RDA for
the Whole Population?
Although fruits and vegetables contribute to the daily vitamin A
supply, the recommended b-carotene intake of 2–4 mg/d is not
achieved in the general population. Even based on a conversion
ratio of 6:1, it is not possible to ensure that the whole population
consumes the recommended intake levels of vitamin A (including intake of preformed vitamin A).
Interestingly, the minimum requirement levels of vitamin A,
established by various regulatory authorities, are somewhat
different. This must be taken into account, because nutritional
surveys use the level established in the country in which they
were performed. Consequently, even if 100% of the required or
recommended levels are achieved in a given population, different
populations might have different intakes. Because the nutritional
habits of various populations are quite different, it is to be
expected that the total intake of vitamin A might be met mostly
by the intake of preformed vitamin A, or, in other words, by a
high intake of animal products. On the other hand, populations
or subgroups not having such a high intake of animal products
might fill the gap between their actual requirement for vitamin
A and their intake of preformed vitamin A by consuming
b-carotene. Consequently, the required b-carotene intake strongly
depends on the amount of vitamin A consumed in other food
sources (Fig. 1). Strict vegans not consuming any animal products
therefore need to meet their vitamin A requirement exclusively
from provitamin A carotenoids. In persons for whom a high
percentage of their vitamin A intake is realized from b-carotene
consumption, the question of the conversion factor (b-carotene to
retinol) is of huge importance. This is exemplarily demonstrated
by the calculations shown in Table 2.
Nutrition surveys as performed in the US, Germany, Austria,
UK, Ireland, Spain, and other countries demonstrate that the
average intake of total vitamin A falls within the range of the
recommended intake levels. The NVS II shows that the median
of total vitamin A intake is between 140 and 170% of the
DACH reference value and the Austrian nutrition report states a
median intake level above 100% for all adult population groups
(81,87). The same is true for Ireland, demonstrated in The
North/South Ireland Food Consumption Survey, and the UK,
reported in the British National Diet and Nutrition Survey
(NDNS), the latter with the exception of 19- to 24-y-old males
and 19- to 34-y-old females (66,85). Interestingly, the eVe study
in Spain showed a median RE intake considerably below the
Spanish RDA in 25- to 60-y-old adults (65). Because most of the
data in these nutrition surveys are reported as median intake
levels, it should be taken into consideration that the total RE
intake varies considerably. Although in Germany very high total
vitamin A intakes are reported, some 10–15% of the population
(14- 80-y olds) have an intake below the recommended DACH
value (87). The same was also reported in Ireland (85). In
the US, a median daily intake of 744–811 mg retinol activity
equivalents (RAE) was reported for adult males and 530–716 mg
RAE for females (61). However, it is worth noting that the
dietary reference intakes for the U.S. population are based on a
conversion factor of 12, whereas in Germany and Austria, a
conversion factor of 6 is used (61,81,87). Other sources report
an adequate intake of total vitamin A in the US as measured by
RE (88,89). Thus, the intake of vitamin A in some countries,
such as Germany and Austria, might be overestimated due to the
use of a low conversion factor, and a significantly higher
percentage of the population might not meet their biological
requirements for vitamin A (Table 2). In the Austrian nutrition
report, it is evident that the median vitamin A intake for the
entire female adult population (19–64 y) and for young adult
males (18–25 y) will be below the DACH value if a conversion
factor of 12 is applied (81). Interestingly, a study of 154 inhabitants of Vienna revealed that vegetarians and vegans take in
very high b-carotene levels, enabling them to meet the recommendations for vitamin A intake (81).
Studies in Germany and Austria also investigated the vitamin
A and provitamin A intake in children or adolescents (81,87). In
FIGURE 1 Contribution of preformed vitamin A and b-carotene to
the total vitamin A intake. (A) Relation between the required vitamin A
intake (Ref = reference value for the given population) and the intake
of preformed vitamin A products from food. If this intake is not
sufficient, the difference (gap) between the reference intake and the
real intake of preformed vitamin A has to be filled by b-carotene. Some
theoretical intake situations are shown in (B). Intakes of preformed
vitamin A and b-carotene after conversion to RE. Under intake
situations 1 and 2 (group I), the reference value is reached largely
independently of the conversion factor for b-carotene. Under intake
situations 3 and 4 (group II), the reference value is reached if the
conversion factor used is adequate. Group III (intake situations 5, 6,
and 7) do not reach the reference value. Please note that reference
values and conversion factors currently used are different in different
Total daily preformed vitamin A and b-carotene intakes depending on the conversion factor1
Total vitamin A intake
Conversion factors
Preformed vitamin A
intake, mg/d
b-Carotene intake,
DACH reference,2
Data given in RE using the indicated conversion factors.
As reference values, the DACH levels were used (73).
Average of a 25- to 51-y-old Austrian male.
Average of a 25- to 51-y-old Austrian female.
Average of an Austrian vegetarian female.
Average of a 13- to 15-y-old Austrian female.
Germany, the situation for adolescents is the same as for adults,
where the mean intake is approximately at the level of the
recommended intake, revealing that a considerable percentage
of this population group is not meeting the recommended intake
levels (87). Interestingly, the percentage of the population not
reaching the DACH reference level is highest in 14- to 18-y olds
(87). This is true also for Austria, where the median intake of
the 7- to 15-y-old population (boys and girls) does not meet
the reference intake, even using a conversion factor of 6 for
b-carotene (81). The same report did not find a difference between ethnic backgrounds (Austrian vs. non-Austrian parents)
of the children, but there was a clear difference in the total
vitamin A intake regarding educational background (i.e. depending on school type) in adolescent boys and girls (81).
In general, the elderly population successfully meets the
recommended total vitamin A intake levels in Germany and
Austria (87). Because the intake of preformed vitamin A tends to
be high, the conversion factor of b-carotene appears not to be so
important for this group (81). Furthermore, Austrian inhabitants of retirement or nursing homes seem to be well nourished
with respect to total vitamin A intake (81).
Conclusion. The intake of total vitamin A differs in various
parts of the population and, because the intake of preformed
vitamin A is not sufficient in large parts of the population,
b-carotene has an important function in providing an adequate
supply of total vitamin A. However, this goal is not achieved for
large parts of the population and several at-risk groups can be
identified, including young and adolescent girls, population
groups with low educational background and/or low income,
and those with particular nutritional preferences (e.g. vegetarians or vegans) in some parts of the adult population.
What Are the Sources of Vitamin A Supply
in Asia and How Much Does b-Carotene
Contribute To This?
The intake of preformed vitamin A in large parts of the Asian
population is very low. b-Carotene is only partially able to
ensure an optimal total vitamin A intake and is mostly derived
from leafy vegetables and fruits.
Sources of vitamin A supply in Asia. There is not much
scientific information about the sources of vitamin A intake at a
country level in Asia and in most studies mentioned below, a
conversion ratio of 6:1 was used to convert b-carotene intakes to
RE (90–94). Based on the data collected in the National
Nutrition and Health Survey of the Chinese People in 2002,
the average RE intake was 469.2 mg RE/d per reference men and
469.9 and 453.7 mg RE/d in child-bearing women aged 15–45 y
in urban and rural areas, respectively (90). However, the average
RE intake has not markedly improved during the past 20 y in
China (92). In urban Bangladesh, the food consumption data
from a total of 384 girls aged from 10–16 y showed that vitamin
A intake was less than the RDA (62%). Leafy vegetables and
fruits were the main sources of provitamin A (carotenes) (95).
Based on data from a total of 1001 households (771 in rural
areas and 230 in urban areas) in the Red River Delta population
of northern Vietnam, retinol intakes (mean 6 SD) were 101 6
275 and 201 6 470 mg/capitad21 in rural and urban areas,
respectively (96). Plants were the main source of vitamin A
for the local population. From 1996 to 1998, the proportion
of pregnant women below the Indonesian RDI for vitamin A (700
mg RE/d) ranged from 83% in the first trimester to 76% in the
3rd, with plant sources contributing to the supply of 64–79% of
pregnant women in all 3 trimesters (97). In South India, the daily
median intake of total vitamin A, b-carotene, and retinol in
children aged 1–3 y (5683 children) was 121, 100, and 21 mg RE,
respectively. Taking into account the potential contribution of
breast milk, non-breast–fed children met only 60% of the Indian
RDA for vitamin A intake (250 mg RE/d), whereas breast-fed
children met 90% of the RDA during the second year of life.
Dietary vitamin A intakes were mainly from plant sources (98).
In a recent study, we showed that spirulina b-carotene could
be efficiently converted to retinol in Chinese adults and the
conversion factor of spirulina b-carotene to retinol was 4.5 6
1.6 (range 2.3–6.9) by weight, which indicated that spirulina
could be a good source of vitamin A in developing countries (93).
How much does b-carotene contribute to vitamin A supply
in Asia? Carotenoids from plants are the main source of vitamin
A intake in Asian countries. Based on data from the Chinese
National Nutrition and Health Survey in 2002, average carotene
intake per man from vegetables and tubers accounted for 61.7
and 4.7% of RE, respectively, in rural areas and 53.0% and
2.0% of RE, respectively, in urban areas; carotene intakes of
child-bearing women in urban and rural areas contributed
68.8 and 73.4% of RE, respectively (91,92). A study on the
maintenance of the body stores of carotenoids in children aged
3–7 y in a kindergarten in Shandong Province of China showed
that the total carotenoid intake from green-yellow vegetables
b-Carotene is an important vitamin A source
was 8289 mg/d, of which 4670 mg/d was b-carotene, 4200 mg/d
was lutein (lacking vitamin A function), and 810 mg/d was other
provitamin A carotenoids. The total carotenoid intake from
light-colored vegetables was 1340 mg/d, of which 700 mg/d was
b-carotene, 600 mg/d was lutein, and 40 mg/d was other
provitamin A carotenoids (94). In South India, the median
intake of b-carotene in 5683 children aged 1–3 y was 100 mg RE/d
(98). However, it should be emphasized that the carotene content
in the plant foods in the Chinese Food Composition Table was
determined using paper chromatographic methods (90–94).
Are There Any Differences in b-Carotene
Bioavailability and Is It Less Effective from
Fortified Foods?
The bioavailability of b-carotene from natural sources depends
on the food matrix and individual response.
The absorption of b-carotene has been reported to range
between 10 and 90% (99–104). For pure b-carotene in oil,
absorption is generally higher than for b-carotene in plant foods.
An early study (in 1966) on b-carotene in oil reported absorption of 8.7% b-carotene (61-y-old man fed 47 mg of [3H]b-carotene) and 16.76% b-carotene (58-y-old woman fed 46 mg
of [3H]-b-carotene) by measuring the radioisotope-labeled
b-carotene that was absorbed and recovered in the thoracic
lymph duct (99). In another study using 14C-labeled b-carotene,
it was reported that 55% of the b-carotene dose (0.27 mg) was
absorbed, as measured by accelerator MS (100). A mean of 23%
(642%) of 15 mg b-carotene (in the form of 10% water-soluble
beadlets) was detected in triglyceride-rich lipoproteins in
10 adult males (101). A mathematical model study on data collected from a 53-y-old male participant who ingested 40 mg
b-carotene in oil suggested that 22% of the b-carotene dose was
absorbed (102). A further report on the absorption of 10 mg of
all-trans- (84%) and 9-cis- (16%) b-carotene dispersed in oil by
5 ileostomy volunteers showed that 90% (range 74–97%) of the
total b-carotene was absorbed (103). A recent study in a healthy
30-y-old man who consumed 0.54 mg of [14C]-b-carotene
mixed in a shake showed that 65% of the administered [14C]b-carotene was absorbed as measured by accelerator MS
analysis (104). It was also reported that 20–90% of absorbed
b-carotene was converted to vitamin A (99,101,102,105).
By using 1 d as a cutoff time for the intestinal conversion of
b-carotene to retinal, Tang et al. (106) calculated the postintestinal absorption conversion of b-carotene, and it accounted
for 19.7, 22.7, 26.3, 27.8, 28.6, 29.5, and 30.1% of the total
converted retinol at 6, 13, 20, 27, 34, 41, and 53 d after the
administration of b-carotene, respectively.
The relative absorption efficiency of supplemental and dietary
b-carotene has been reported to range from 5% (spinach) to 26%
(raw carrots) and has been reviewed and presented in Table 4–2
of the IOM publication in 2001 (61).
What Factors or Circumstances May
Influence Bioavailability?
The following food-related factors largely influence the bioavailability of b-carotene: food matrix, food processing, dosage,
fat in the meal [including avocado fat and fat replacers such as
sucrose polyesters (SPE)], other carotenoids in the meal, and
dietary fiber.
Additional consumer-related factors include polymorphisms
related to metabolism, vitamin A status, and gut integrity.
It has been observed, and generally accepted, that a number of
factors affect the utilization of b-carotene in humans. These factors have been extensively discussed; see representative reviews
by Furr and Clark (107), Castenmiller and West (58), van het
Hof et al. (108), and Yeum and Russell (109). Dr. Clive West (58)
coined the mnemonic SLAMENGHI to summarize the factors
involved: species of carotenoid, molecular linkage, amount of
carotenoid consumed in a meal, matrix in which the carotenoid
is incorporated, effectors of absorption and bioconversion,
nutrient status of the host, genetic factors, host-related factors,
and mathematical interactions.
Recent publications have provided more information on the
factors that affect the bioavailability of b-carotene and its
conversion to vitamin A in humans. These factors are: food
matrix; food processing (physical size, cooking, etc.); dosage; fat
in the meal (including avocado or fat replacers such as SPE);
other carotenoids in the meal; and dietary fiber.
Reports suggest that the conversion of b-carotene (in oil) to
vitamin A varies from 2 to 1 to 16 to 1, by weight, in humans.
Two studies that were conducted in 1949 and 1974 and used a
depletion/repletion approach in adults reported conversion factors of 2 to 1 and 3.8 to 1 by weight, respectively (110,111). In
2001 a study conducted in children with normal or marginal
vitamin A status, in which stable isotope-labeled b-carotene
and vitamin A were given for 10 wk, a conversion factor of
b-carotene to vitamin A of 2 to 1 by weight was determined
(112). Two studies that used the stable isotope reference method
in adults in the US (22 participants) and China (15 participants)
with normal vitamin A status showed that for a 6-mg dose of
b-carotene in oil, the conversion factor of b-carotene to vitamin
A was 9 to 1 by weight (106,113). In another study in an adult
participant using a dose of 16 mg of [2H6]-b-carotene in oil and
a dose of 10 mg of [2H6]-vitamin A, the conversion factor was
15.9 to 1 by weight (100).
The conversion of vegetable and fruit b-carotene to vitamin
A is affected by the food matrix and can vary .5-fold. A
conversion factor of 12:1 by weight for fruit b-carotene and 26:1
by weight for vegetable b-carotene was established (114). This
was confirmed by another study, which observed an apparent
conversion factor of green/yellow vegetable b-carotene to be
27:1 by weight (94). Finally, adults who consumed 750 RE daily
as either sweet potato b-carotene or Indian spinach b-carotene
had a conversion factor for sweet potato b-carotene to retinol of
13:1 by weight and for Indian spinach b-carotene of 10:1 (115).
Plant foods provide b-carotene, but the matrix of plant foods
is one of the major factors affecting the efficiency of dietary
b-carotene. By using hydroponically grown and intrinsically
labeled spinach and carrots (cooked and pureed) and a reference
dose of labeled vitamin A, it was found that spinach b-carotene
conversion to retinol was 21 to 1 by weight (n = 14) and that
carrot b-carotene conversion to retinol was 15 to 1 by weight
(n = 7) in healthy adults (116). Recently, hydroponically grown
and intrinsically labeled spirulina was given to Chinese men (n =
10), which determined the conversion efficiency of spirulina
b-carotene to vitamin A as 4.5 to 1 by weight (93). Following a
similar approach, hydroponically grown and intrinsically labeled Golden Rice was fed to a group of 5 healthy adult volunteers in the US. The Golden Rice b-carotene conversion to
retinol was 3.8 to 1 by weight (117). It is obvious that due to the
relatively greater complexity of the vegetable matrix compared
with algae and rice matrices, b-carotene in vegetables is less
bioavailable than was previously expected (6:1 by weight).
Processing, such as mechanical homogenization or heat
treatment, has the potential to enhance the bioavailability of
carotenoids from vegetables (from 18% to a 6-fold increase)
(108). The dosage level of dietary b-carotene was reported to
affect the bioconversion efficiency to vitamin A (118).
Inclusion of fat in a meal will help the absorption of fatsoluble b-carotene. It has also been demonstrated recently that
fat in a meal can be from another meal component, e.g. a meal
including an avocado fruit that is rich in fat. The addition of
avocado to salsa enhanced b-carotene absorption (P , 0.003)
compared with the intake of avocado-free salsa. Adding avocado
fruit significantly enhanced carotenoid absorption from salad and
salsa, which was attributed primarily to the lipids present in
avocado. Thus, the type of lipid source does not affect the dietary
fat effect on carotenoid absorption (119). As a dietary fat replacer,
SPE are on the market in the United States as a component of
certain snack foods. Consumption of SPE spread (10 g SPE/d) significantly decreased plasma carotenoid concentrations by 11–29%
and SPE chips (7 g SPE/d) decreased b-carotene by 21% (120).
The simultaneous intake of lutein with b-carotene interfered
with b-carotene absorption compared with intake of b-carotene
alone. However, simultaneous intake of lutein did not affect the
ratio of b-carotene and retinyl esters, suggesting a lack of effect
on b-carotene cleavage or conversion to vitamin A (121).
The effect of dietary fiber on b-carotene absorption was
studied in 6 young women aged 26–29 y. This study found that
absorption of b-carotene that was homogenously distributed in
cream was reduced significantly in the presence of water-soluble
fiber pectin, guar, and alginate in a range of 33–43% but was not
affected by cellulose or wheat bran (122).
IS b-Carotene Conversion a Stable Ratio or
Are There Tissue-Specific Differences?
In any given population, the conversion rate appears to differ
substantially among individuals, resulting in a population mean
with a high variance.
Following early intestinal conversion, there is a continuous
postabsorptive conversion over time.
There may be tissue-specific differences in the propensity
for uptake, storage, and cleavage, but they have not yet been
systematically defined.
To address the question “Is b-carotene conversion a stable ratio,
or are there tissue-specific differences?”, 3 aspects need to be
considered. First, is the ratio (conversion factor or conversion
efficiency) consistent within individuals and therefore a predictable ratio for populations? Second, within individuals, is the
ratio of conversion stable over time, or does it change as a result
of continued metabolism? Third, is there evidence of tissuespecific differences in conversion? Data to address these questions come primarily from studies that have used stable isotopic
forms of b-carotene coupled with computer modeling to
determine the plasma response to b-carotene and the conversion
efficiency of b-carotene to vitamin A (retinol). With respect to
inter-individual variation, a number of studies have shown that
b-carotene conversion efficiency during absorption varies widely
from person to person, even within studies that were conducted
in relatively homogeneous groups (e.g. men and women of
similar age, similar dietary patterns, and studied following the
same protocols). In a study of 12 postmenopausal women and
10 age-matched men, Tang et al. (106) determined that intestinal
conversion efficiency, assessed over the first few days after
b-carotene administration, averaged 9.1 mg of b-carotene
converted to 1 mg of retinol. The range was very wide, from
2.4–20.2 mg, and the CV was nearly 65%. A similarly wide
variation in conversion efficiency has been observed in other
isotope dilution studies (123,124). This suggests that, for many
individuals, the intake of provitamin A that is needed to meet the
RDA for vitamin A is higher than would be calculated based on a
traditional conversion factor of 6 mg of b-carotene to 1 mg of
retinol. Studies such as this one and those reviewed above led the
IOM, in 2001, to increase the conversion factor for b-carotene
in foods so that 12 mg of b-carotene in foods is now considered
equivalent to 1 mg of preformed vitamin A (retinol) (61).
Whether the conversion factor is stable over time or changes
in the course of metabolism has been addressed in only a few
studies. To assess conversion after the intestinal phase, a longterm follow-up is required. Novotny et al. (102) used compartmental modeling to evaluate the kinetics of conversion of a
dose of deuterated b-carotene to deuterated retinol in a single,
healthy, male participant. Results of compartmental modeling
indicated that 22% of the b-carotene dose was absorbed, 17.8%
as intact b-carotene and 4.2% as retinoid. The model also
suggested that both liver and enterocytes are important in
converting b-carotene to retinoid, with 43% being converted in
liver and 57% in enterocytes. The model attributed both slow
and fast kinetic compartments to the liver. It should be noted
that liver was not sampled directly and thus the location of
the metabolism of b-carotene could only be inferred. The
mean residence time (from intake to irreversible disposal) for
b-carotene was 51 d. In the study of 12 postmenopausal women
and 10 age-matched men described above, participants were
followed for 53 d after administration of 6 mg of deuterated
b-carotene, and the percentage of total retinol derived from the
postintestinal conversion of b-carotene was determined after
6, 14, 21, and 53 d. The percentage converted increased over
time, averaging 7.8, 13.6, 16.4, and 19% on d 6, 14, 21, and 53,
respectively, after dose administration, suggesting a slow but
continual conversion long after intestinal uptake is complete.
Postintestinal b-carotene conversion also exhibited a high
person-to-person variation. The mechanism of postintestinal
conversion of b-carotene to retinol is not well understood.
However, indirect evidence based on the distribution of BCMO1
in human tissues would support the idea that b-carotene metabolism takes place in a wide variety of organs, including cells
of the stomach, small intestine, colon, liver, pancreas, prostate,
uterus, mammary gland, adrenal gland, kidney, skin, and
skeletal muscle (125). Additional research on human tissue
specimens or in appropriate animal models will be necessary to
determine just how b-carotene conversion occurs in nonintestinal tissues and whether diet or other factors influence
this process.
Does Vitamin A Status or Other Metabolic
Issues Influence b-Carotene Conversion?
Conversion efficiency depends at least in part on the individual’s
vitamin A status, BMI, and comorbidities. Genetic factors are
becoming known that influence bioavailability of b-carotene.
b-Carotene is an important vitamin A source
Several studies have suggested that certain factors influence the
efficiency of b-carotene absorption and/or conversion to retinol.
The conversion efficiency depends at least in part on the individual’s vitamin A status. This has been demonstrated biochemically, first in studies of rat and chicks in which feeding
all-trans-retinoic acid resulted in feedback regulation of BCMO1
activity, and subsequently in studies of the cloned and expressed
15,15’-monooxgenase gene (126,127). Human studies also support a relationship between vitamin A status, or intake, and
efficiency of utilization, although no mechanism has yet been
identified. An inverse relationship was observed between the
bioconversion of plant carotenoids to vitamin A and vitamin A
status in Filipino children (128). Thus, low vitamin A status appears
to increase the utilization of b-carotene. In contrast, Lemke et al.
(129) reported a modest reduction in the cleavage of b-carotene
following supplementation with vitamin A (10,000 IU/d vitamin A
for 3 wk). However, this study was very small (n = 2 men). Taken
together, these reports provide an initial level of support for the idea
that the efficiency of absorption and/or cleavage of b-carotene is
somewhat influenced by vitamin A nutritional status and may be
directly responsive to the level of retinoic acid (130,131). Additional studies are needed to determine what types of feedback
mechanisms exist and how a person’s vitamin A status may affect
the provitamin A function of b-carotene.
For other metabolic conditions that may affect b-carotene
utilization, data are also limited. However, several factors are
potentially important. Adiposity may be a factor. The b-carotene
conversion factor was significantly correlated with BMI in
postmenopausal women and a similar but nonsignificant relationship was observed in men of a similar age (106). The relationship
appears plausible, because adipose tissue is a site of b-carotene
accumulation and BCMO1 expression (see above), but further
research is needed. Interestingly, BMI was inversely associated with
the plasma response to dietary carotenoids in a study of Filipino
school-children with low vitamin A status (132). These studies may
not be discrepant, because the differences could possibly reflect a
partitioning of b-carotene between plasma and adipose tissue, with
more b-carotene remaining in plasma when BMI is low and more
being stored in adipose tissue, perhaps leading to slow conversion
to vitamin A when BMI is high. However, additional studies are
needed to confirm and extend these findings.
Metabolic conditions could be determinants of b-carotene
uptake or conversion, as suggested by differences in serum carotene concentrations in different metabolic states. Several reports
have indicated a negative relationship between b-carotene status
and type 2 diabetes. Plasma b-carotene was low, even after correction for confounders, in patients with impaired glucose
metabolism or type 2 diabetes (133–135). Patients with certain
eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa (AN) have been reported to have an elevated plasma carotene concentration, independent of dietary intake (136). In a case control study, Boland
et al. (137) reported a high prevalence (62%) of hypercarotenemia (.3.72 mmol/L) in the AN population, with a mean serum
b-carotene concentration higher in AN patients than in controls
without AN (4.4 6 2.05 vs. 3.0 6 1.45 mmol/L, mean 6 SD) (P ,
0.0001). Among AN patients, in a subgroup comparison of
anorectics (dieters) to bulemics, the level was higher in those who
restricted intake than in those who were bulemic (P , 0.005).
Additional studies of b-carotene conversion per se are needed to
better understand the provitamin A function of b-carotene in
different metabolic states.
Genetic background is likely a factor in the provitamin A
function of b-carotene. As discussed above, single nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNP) in the BCMO1 gene may be associated
with differences in conversion efficiency and thus may affect
the production of vitamin A from b-carotene (Fig. 2). A rare
mutation was reported in a case study in which a patient exhibiting hypercarotenemia had a point mutation (T170M) in the
BCMO1 gene (138). In vitro, the expressed BCMO1 protein
containing this mutation exhibited only ~10% of normal biochemical activity compared with wild-type BCMO1. Recently, 2
polymorphisms, R267S and A379V, were reported in the human
BCMO1 gene, which decreased the intestinal conversion of a high
dose of b-carotene and were associated with higher fasting
b-carotene concentrations (139). As reviewed by Tourniaire et al.
(140), besides mutations in the BCMO1 gene, differences in other
genes that are involved in lipid and lipoprotein metabolism might
also have an indirect effect on the metabolism of b-carotene.
Polymorphisms in hepatic lipase, lipoprotein lipase, and scavenger receptor-B1 may also contribute to variation in the efficiency
of b-carotene conversion to vitamin A, and some have been reported to be associated with high- or low- plasma b-carotene
concentrations. However, research in this area has just begun and
large-scale population genetic studies are needed to define the
prevalence of BCMO1 genotypes as well as other polymorphisms
in other genes that may affect carotenoid metabolism.
Is There a Specific Tissue Distribution of
Yes, there is a special distribution of b-carotene in adipose tissue,
skin, intestine, adrenal gland, liver, corpus luteum, and the
macula. However, the regulation, if any, of b-carotene uptake,
retention, and turnover in these tissues is largely unknown.
Despite the certainty that the distribution of b-carotene among
tissues is not uniform, very few systematic data have been collected on b-carotene concentrations in human tissues. Even less
is known regarding how tissue carotenoid concentrations differ
with dietary intake or other factors. Most studies have determined
b-carotene concentrations only in plasma, plasma lipoprotein
fractions, and a few tissues such as adipose, fatty tissue from
breast, or buccal mucosal cells, due to their accessibility, or in
tissues collected at autopsy. As reviewed by Bendich and Olson
(141), numerous human tissues contain some b-carotene: adipose,
skin, intestine, liver, corpus luteum, and eye. Of total body
b-carotene, 80–85% was present in adipose, 8–12% in liver, and
2–3% in muscle; however, based on concentration, the order was
corpus luteum, 60 mg/g; adrenal gland, 20 mg/g; adipose tissue and
liver, 10 mg/g; and other tissues, 0.5–3 mg/g.
The plasma concentration of b-carotene reflects in part recent
intake. Micozzi et al. (142) tested the plasma response to
supplementation with 12 or 30 mg/d of purified b-carotene in
capsule form as well as after consumption of carrots or tomatoes
containing equivalent amounts of b-carotene for 6 wk, followed
by a 4-wk washout period of self-selected diet without supplementation. The 12- and 30-mg/d supplements increased plasma
b-carotene within the first week, which continued to increase up
to 6 wk and then gradually declined nearly to baseline during the
4-wk washout period. b-Carotene in supplement form was more
effective than an equal amount of b-carotene in foods for
increasing plasma b-carotene concentration. In another study,
plasma b-carotene increased by ~50–100% 1–2 wk after
participants began consuming a high-carotene diet without
additional supplementation (143). Within the plasma compart-
FIGURE 2 Reduced conversion efficiency of b-carotene to vitamin A via BCMO1 depending on genetic variations. (1) see reference (138). (2)
see reference (139).
ment, ~75% of the hydrocarbon carotenoids (b-carotene and
lycopene) were present in LDL and the remaining 25% in HDL
in both normal and hypercarotenemic participants (144–146).
Within tissues, b-carotene and lycopene were the predominant
carotenoids in human adipose, averaging 20.2 and 18.5% of
total carotenoids, respectively, with a large inter-individual
variation (147). In a study of fatty breast tissue from 8 adult
women, b-carotene was found in all samples, but the plasma:
tissue concentration ratio varied 10-fold (148). In a study of
plasma and buccal mucosal cells from young women supplemented with 25 mg/d of b-carotene for 1 wk, plasma b-carotene
rose significantly after 1 wk and the buccal mucosal cell
b-carotene concentration was significantly higher after 2 wk
(149). Overall, the available information supports the conclusion that some tissues accumulate higher concentrations of
b-carotene than others. Yet knowledge about b-carotene concentrations in human tissues is still incomplete and much remains to be learned about the regulation, if any, of b-carotene
uptake, retention, and turnover in specific human tissues.
Is the Current Recommendation of
2–4 mg/d Scientifically Sound?
Based on recent data including food composition and data from
national surveys, the intake of preformed vitamin A is inadequate in a substantial part of the general population. For many
people, the gap between the RDA/recommended nutrient intake
(RNI) (or other reference intake) and the quantity of vitamin A
consumed as preformed vitamin A cannot be closed by consumption of 2–4 mg/d of b-carotene from a regular diet.
The average intake of preformed retinol in the UK is low: 673 mg
(median 363 mg) in men and 472 mg (median 277 mg) in women
(150). This intake includes the consumption of dietary supplements mostly comprised of multivitamins and cod and halibut
liver oil, which were taken by 34% of women and 18% of men
(150). The percentage of men and women with intakes of
preformed retinol below the RNI or the LRNI are 81 and 43%,
respectively (Fig. 3), indicating that for a majority of the
population, vitamin A requirements are not met by dietary
intake of preformed retinol. More importantly, median daily
intake of preformed retinol was significantly lower in men and
women aged 19–24 y (280 and 201 mg, respectively) than in
those aged 50–64 y (444 and 331 mg, respectively) (150). The
results indicate that there is a tendency for intakes to increase
with age, which manifests itself in higher percentages of young
men and women below the recommended intakes for vitamin A
(Fig. 3). It also highlights the fact that the younger age group
relies on 50% of their vitamin A needs to be met through provitamin A sources. This raises the question whether the current
recommendation of 2–4 mg/d of b-carotene could close the gap
between the low intake of preformed vitamin A and the recommended intake of total RAE. Using a conversion factor of 12:1,
4 mg of b-carotene would produce 333 mg of retinol. Taking
the RNI of 0.6 mg/d RE for women in the UK and the RDA of
0.7 mg/d RAE for women in the US, this would mean that a daily
intake of at least 270 or 370 mg preformed vitamin A has to be
consumed to reach recommended intake levels for the UK or the
US, respectively. The median intake of preformed retinol in
the UK and the US is 277 and 378 mg, respectively (150,151).
Individuals consuming preformed vitamin A at the median
intake levels and the highest recommended dose of b-carotene
could therefore achieve the recommended intake of total RE.
However, 50% of the female population would not achieve
adequate vitamin A intake even with a consumption of 4 mg/d of
b-carotene if their preformed vitamin A intake remains below
the current median. Furthermore, total daily provitamin A intake in the UK (i.e. the sum of b-carotene and one-half the
amount of a-carotene and b-cryptoxanthin) was 2.1 mg for men
and 1.9 mg for women of all ages, with the youngest group of
men and women having significantly lower mean daily intakes of
total provitamin A (1.5 mg/d for both men and women) than all
other age groups (Fig. 3) (150). Currently, b-carotene intake in
Germany is below 1 mg/d for almost one-half of the population
and 64.1% have intakes ,2 mg/d (see above).
Taken together, these data indicate that current preformed
vitamin A intake levels are low even when supplements are
consumed and only those individuals consuming at least the
median intake of preformed vitamin A would reach the
recommended intake levels of RE if they would additionally
consume the maximum recommended dose of b-carotene given
the current conversion factors. In summary, a substantial part of
b-Carotene is an important vitamin A source
FIGURE 3 Preformed retinol and provitamin A intakes in different female age groups within the UK [based on data from (150)]. Proportions of
women of different ages in the UK with retinol (A,B) and provitamin A (C,D) intakes from food sources and supplements (A,C) or from food
sources alone (B,D) below the RNI or LRNI. The RNI for retinol is 600 mg/d and for LRNI it is 250 mg/d. Provitamin A intake is the sum of
b-carotene and one-half the amount of a-carotene and b-cryoptoxanthin consumed. Data are from (150).
the population will not be able to close the gap between the RNI
and the actual daily intake of preformed vitamin A by consuming
the recommended dietary levels of 2–4 mg of b-carotene, if
current intake levels of preformed vitamin A do not change.
What Is the Basic Need for b-Carotene to
Ensure a Sufficient Intake to Meet the
Vitamin A Requirement?
The basic need for b-carotene in its provitamin A function is
defined by the existing gap between preformed vitamin A intake
and recommendations for total vitamin A intake.
In cases of a poor vitamin A status due to low intake of
preformed vitamin A, an intake of b-carotene in the range of 2–4
mg/d still might not sufficiently correct the individual vitamin A
status. Indeed, an appropriate intake of b-carotene from food
and/or supplements will safely compensate the gap of vitamin A.
The NDNS data clearly indicate that men aged 19–24 y and
women aged 19–34 y were the only age groups in which mean
intake of vitamin A from food sources was below the RNI (150).
Although a large portion of the UK population seems to
consume enough vitamin A, the NDNS data are based on the
underlying assumption that 6 mg of b-carotene is equivalent to
1 mg retinol and that provitamin A conversion to vitamin A has
no inter-individual variation. These assumptions were recently
rectified, because the bioefficacy of provitamin A sources is
lower than the assumed conversion efficiency of 6:1 and has
recently been altered to 12:1 for b-carotene and 24:1 for both
a-carotene and b-cryptoxanthin (152). More importantly, the
vitamin A activity of provitamin A sources such as b-carotene,
even when measured under controlled conditions, is highly
variable and surprisingly low (113,123,124,153,154). Approximately 27–45% of volunteers in double-tracer studies have
been classified as poor converters (113,123,124). These individuals have a capacity to form only 9% vitamin A from b-carotene
compared with those who are classified as normal converters
(113). Genetic variability in b-carotene metabolism may provide
an explanation for the molecular basis of the poor converter
phenotype within the population, because 2 nonsynonymous
SNP (R267S and A379V) in the human BCMO1 gene with
variant allele frequencies of 42 and 24%, respectively, have
recently been identified (139). Responsiveness to a pharmacological dose of b-carotene in a human intervention study
revealed that these SNP were associated with significant alterations in b-carotene metabolism in female volunteers with
reduced b-carotene conversion efficiency of 32 and 69% for the
A379V and R267S/A379V variant carriers, respectively (139).
Even if the current recommendation of 4 mg/d of b-carotene
would be adhered to, female volunteers with either the A379V and
R267S/A379V variant would obtain only 72–51% of the recommended intake, respectively, given the conversion efficiency of 12:1
for b-carotene and assuming an intake of 201 mg preformed retinol.
If we assume no inter-individual differences in the ability to
convert b-carotene to retinol and no changes in current preformed
retinol intakes, the amount of b-carotene needed to cover between
95 and 97.5% of the US or UK population with recommended
RE would be 7 mg/d, based on a conversion efficiency of 12:1
(152). If, however, we correct the conversion efficiency factor for
reduced conversion efficiencies of 69% for the R267S/A379V
variant carriers, the recommended intake of b-carotene would
need to be 22 mg/d to cover between 95 and 97.5% of the US or
UK population with recommended RE. Due to the possible health
risks associated with high intakes of b-carotene in smokers, it
might be advisable to screen these individuals and provide
personalized nutritional advice in these circumstances (155). On
the other hand, if preformed retinol intakes could be increased to
a level of 430 mg/d at the 5th percentile, a daily intake of 7 mg of
b-carotene would be enough for those individuals who have the
double SNP to enable a coverage of 95–97.5% of the US or UK
population with recommended RE intake.
Supplements and fortified foods contribute substantially to
achieving the RNI and RDA for total vitamin A intake, because,
e.g., 25.9% of U.S. adults take vitamin and mineral supplements, and fortified foods themselves contributed 26% of the
RDA for vitamin A (156).
In summary, the current recommended amounts of consumed
b-carotene should be increased to 7 mg/d to ensure that at least
95% of the population consumes the recommended intake of
total vitamin A. Individuals with reduced conversion efficiencies
due to a genetic variability in b-carotene metabolism might need
to increase their daily b-carotene or preformed vitamin A intake.
However, much more research is needed to define new recommended intake levels if the large inter-individual variation in
b-carotene conversion efficiency is taken into account.
supplement coordinator. We also thank Dr. Claudia Wicke and
Tabea Frey for their organizational and technical assistance before
as well as during the conference. H.K.B. and T.G. designed the
questions for the consensus talk and had primary responsibility for
their final content; the questions were circulated to all members
prior to the meeting; W.S. was responsible for writing the text
related to consensus answers 1 and 2; A.P. was responsible for
writing the text related to consensus answers 3 and 4; H.K.B. was
responsible for writing the text related to consensus answers 5, 6,
and 7; S.Y. was responsible for writing the text related to consensus answer 9; G.T. was responsible for writing the text related
to consensus answers 10 and 11; C.R. was responsible for writing
the text related to consensus answers 12, 13, and 14; G.L. was
responsible for writing the text related to consensus answers 15,
16, and 17; H.K.B., T.G., and D.T. had primary responsibility
for the final content. All authors read and approved the final
manuscript and all authors contributed equally to the paper.
Literature Cited
Is There a Special Need in Specific
Groups (Pregnant Women, Elderly,
Disease Related)?
There are indeed various groups at risk for an inadequate vitamin
A supply, especially young individuals as well as pregnant and
lactating women.
Young individuals are at increased risk of developing at least a
mild form of vitamin A deficiency due to their very low intakes of
total vitamin A (see above) (150). More importantly, physiological
needs for vitamin A increase during pregnancy and lactation to
770 and 1300 mg/d, respectively (61). In Germany, Strobel et al.
(157) stressed the fact that risk groups for low vitamin A supply
exist in the Western world and that pregnant and breastfeeding
women are especially advised to achieve adequate intake. The
Feskanich (158) study further indicated that one-half of American
women in NHANES III consumed multivitamins, which were the
primary contributor to total retinol intake. Finally, individuals
who are classified as poor converters will have higher needs for
provitamin A sources to cover their recommended total vitamin A
intakes (113,123,124). More research is needed, however, to
correctly define adequate recommendations for these risk groups.
In conclusion, the provitamin A function of b-carotene is well
established. Nutritional surveys from various countries consistently report b-carotene intake to be essential to meet vitamin A
We thank Jana Tinz for the organization of the consensus
conference as well as assistance in publishing the manuscript as
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